2)a to feian JCin Statesman's HOME lanorama Women . Music . . Fashions . Features a r (Sec D-ltatetmen, Satan, Oft., Sunday, Jum 17, 195 ar: ' I .T - X, sl Double attention . . . will be focuied on Lloyd Reilty today, as his twin ions, Patrick and Michael, oln In wishing him a happy Father's Day. One of their hobbies is fishing together. The boys will be sophomores at South Salem high next year. It's Father's Day ... the nation over and once again he Is the center of interest as his family honors him on this special day. The Rev. John L. Cauble boasts three sons in his family. Left to right are Clifford, a Parrish Junior high student, Pete, who attends Willamette University, and Walter, who enters North Salem High in the fall. With Walter is the family pet, Duffy. (All Photos by Kennell-Ellis Studio) lp-: & vs. ' w IMP if , ..uiui'm" (trw- 4 i . JT 1 I 1 mi hi i "i-ather's Day rr will be a special occasion this year at the Bertram I. Tretstad home as son, Robert, leaves fW Norway to spend the summer on Tuesday. Dr. Trelstad and his three sons, left to right, Donald, John and Rob ert, enjoy games of badminton, shuffle board and tether ball on their new court built directly behind their horn. John graduated in June from South Salem High, Robert will be a senior there next year, and Donald is a fourth grader at Candalaria. ' It's a day fof dad . . . say David and Doug Hamilton, above, who are pictured with their father, Clarence J. Ham ilton. Doug will be a so phomore at South Salem High in the fall and bro ther, David, is a Leslie Junior High student. A happy . . . Father's Day trio is the Bry dons and pictured at the right are Ian, P. H. Bry don and Duncan. All three get in the act when Ian works on his car, which at the moment is his chief hobby. He will be a senior at North Sa lem High in the fell and brother, Duncan, who is already interested in cars, attends Hoover School. .. J. HTiT ii'H mln Afim in 'I ! ' top, t, ' . j '!.: .1, '. ii. A4btrfr?r-t f-. ttttlwdet Stephen Tabacchi and son,. Steve, who lake time out .from 'heir gardening fhores to talk over the latest is&e of a mechanics magazine. Steve will enroll for hit juri'or year al South Salem High in September.