14-Sec II) Statesman, Salem, Ore, Sun, June 17, "56 GOP Leaders Named to All But 3 of County's Precincts Only thr Republican precincts atnonf the 137 Marioa County pre cincts were left vacant at the May 11 primary election, aecorcanf to lift of precinct committeemen and women released Friday by County Clerk Henry Mattsoa. X the 124 precinct filled, how ever. U (till lacked the lull quota a( twe man and a woman pre cinct committee members. All ton. Salem: JOS. John H. Carkia and Margaret M. Water. Salem; XX. Oscar I. Paulson. Salem; SOS, Lucy G. Campbell Salem Previa W. R. Vernon Cooley and Nancy Lou Dewey. Salem; 107. Oliver J. Myers and EHie M Blower. Salem; X. Cornelius W Lofgren and Daphne C. Baum. Sa lem; 45. Cenle rrances rucirts, Salem: S. Richard F. Chambers remaininc openings will be filled i and Marianne B. Richardson. Sa- by appointmenU through the -Iteteaj: 47. Chas. R. Shaw and Map if publican Central Committee. Matt-, Cole Bcab. Salem; 48. Howard J. aan said. I Smalley and Florence A. Young, The official list wa made com-' Salem; 51. Patricia A. Friess. Sa plete Friday whea Mattson drewllem: 52, John E. Horner. Salem 11 names from a hat to break as Route 5, and Clarice 0. Patterman. many primary voting ties. He did. Salem;' 54. rn t. smiin. saiem: Oregon Man Airlifted in Italian Plane ROME - The Italian Air Force flew 3-year-oM Baker, Ore. engineer to a hospital here after be had collapsed at Pescara. Italy, where he was consultant engineer for an Italian) firm oa a big dam project. Thomas Bormaa el Baker was reported improving Friday at Rome's Salvatore Mundi Hospital, where he received twe bleed transfusions Thursday and an other Friday. Local doctors diag nosed his ailment as a ruptured ulcer. Borman fell into a coma after his collapse and organ se vere internal bleeding. He collapsed Tuesday and was flown here after Dr. John D toe ume thing Thursday before! 55. Don F. Doerfler and Ullie M. ppnningtoa of Rome went to his releasing the Democratic precinct i Magee, aKm: w, jonn a. wim- Kst x taleas Wlaaert 1 Salem winners chosen by lot, their precincts, and - losing op ponent were: Precinct I. Earl F. Sating, winner, and Robert M. Gordon, loser;- 23, Dorothy M. Yeater, winner, and Carrie A. Hunt; 27, George T. Kiehm. win ner, and Harry V. Collins; 31. Clayton W. Jones, winner, and Leonard A. Rowan. George Feller. Elmore E. Hill and Clifford 0. Daue; 43, Andrew A. Larsen, winner, and George M. Sneeatt; 71, Ernest W. Reames, winner and Otto A. Y linker Jr. and Arcme Oanett Other winners chosen by lot were: Precinct H Harriet M. Eh lea, winner ever Lillie B. Schnei der and Clara Hilda Ehlen, Aurora: K. Opal Berkey, Brooks, and Blance Morrison and Ruby Mur phy; 128, Mae Aspinwall, Brooks, and Muriel G. Pitts. Jeanette A Hocking, Esther W y m e r e and Madge Bailey Jones; I3Z, Ullie L Larson. Silverton. andaeJinley.TST: Paul; 88, Henry Zorn and Ta ler and Gcrta Coomler, Salem. Precinct 58, Walter H. Mosher and Hulda F. Burke.- Salem; 60. Charles E. Siegmund and Louise N. Knight, Salem: 81. Dwight Lear and Margaret Lear. Salem: 83. 0. E. Palmateer, Salem: . Edward L. Clark Jr. and Mabel Grass Mc Call. Salem: 89. Roy S. Scofield and Esther F. Van Laanen. Salem: 70. Lawrence A. Weisner and Lu- ella K. Jones, Salem; 72. George V. Malstrom and Valeria Grace Webber, Salem; 75. Arthur L Lewis and Marian J. Lewis. Salem; 78, Lauchlen R. Hodges and Marie Eve Stephenson, Salem: 77, Stan ley F. Watson and Cecile D. Wat son. Salem; 78, Lucy B. Minturn. Salem. Precinct 79. Arthur G. Triplett. Salem: 80. Robert Massey and assistance in a small plane which was lost for a time in a mountain storm. Borman retired two years ago after 33 years with a Boise, Idaho, construction firm. Later he agreed to work for an Italian company building the Pescara Dam. Dorothv R. Wright, and Martha Riches; 134, Gertrude E. Brandt, Silverton, and Martha M. Starrett. Total ef Bf The 11 winners listed above made a total of 229 Republican precinct committeemen or women elected out of a possible maximum of 254, , which would be a man and woman for each of the 127 precincts. Of those elected, 114 were committee men. Other Republican commiteemen and wemea are: Precinct 1, George F. Todd and Phyllis H. Quick, Salem; 2, Conrad P. Paul on and Nettle M. Spaulding, Sa lem; 2, Erma Mac Donald, Salem; 4, Theodore H. Roguskl, Salem; S, J. Fred Remington and Estelle S. Gatke. Salem: T. Paul Van de Velde and Henrietta R. Van de Velde. Salem; 8, Chester G. Zum , wait and Hallie M. Gale, Salem; I, Carl G. Collins and Helen B. McLeod. Salem; 10. John Crockatt - and Alma B. Schroeder, Salem; Patrick L. Rodeo, Salem; 12, Sid ney Schleslnger and Hallie M. Nel son. Balem; 13, Gerhard H. Pagen ktecher, and Martorie T. Sherman. Salem; 14, Everett F. Andresen and Althea M. PresnalL Salem: 18. Mildred B. Morris, Salem; 17, uauoe ti. Murphy and Vera L. Bisnop, saiem: 18. Robert W. Gormsea and Thelma W. Astrup, Salem; 19, Edna M. Leary, Salem; SO, Roy S. Ferris and Dorothy J. Vender hof, Salem; 21, Edward C. Kniger and Mailene C. Elgin, Sa lem; 22, Arthur 8. Benson and Veva B. Poorman, Salem; 24, Joseph M. Deveri, Salem; 25, Victor H. Colluu and Delia B. Campbell, Salem. Predact 36, Roy B. Ankeny and Hester E. Fleener, Salem; 28. Wilbert J. Collette and Bette S. Elver, Salem; 29, Lois W. Dyer, Salem; 30, Anita-Mae H. Cole. Salem; II, Olga H. Geer, Salem; 32, Charles W. Hagan and Pearl W. Talmage, Salem; 33, Lewis E. Judaea and Julia M. Judson, Sa lem; 34. Robert H. Hamilton and Marjorie Z. Hamilton. Salem: 35. George 0. Raugust and Minnie M. Jenk. Salem. Predact 36. Alberto B. Shanrhei. Salem; 17, William G. Kroner and Ine Geer, Salem; 38, D. Richard McMullea and Elaine Anderson, Balem; 39. Chri J. Kowlti Sr. and Edna M. Stacey, Salem; 40, Grace S. Barber, 8alem; 41. Robert W. Wilson Jr. and Marian Lowry Fis cher, Salem; 42, Ray Howard and Bertha Pritchard, Salem; 201, Lemuel C. Taylor and Charlotte J. Taylor, Salem; 202, John H. Bur- TV Camera Turns 'Cop' NEWARK. N J. UP The TV tube is now a cop. Four television cameras have been set up at the L. Bamberger t Co. department store to keep an eye on undesirable shoppers. A Sophia H. Garner. Salem: 82. Bntt ! 'J1 officer monitors Aspinwafl. Brooks, and Pearl;"" " " n inc nti is io uiMniraxr anu detect shoplifters and pickpockets who steal millions annually in met ropolitan area stores. The stare said TV is not replac ing detectives and watchmen they 11 continue on the job. Gould. Gervais: 84, Brentford J J. Miller and Helen L. DuRette Gervais; 88, Raphael L. Cooke Woodburn. and Elitabeth Faber rolta P. Smith, Aurora; 90. Law rence D. Johnson ana uine ti. Johnson. Aurora: 92. Ralph F. Yer- gen, Aurora, and May Catts, Wood burn; 94. Benjamin F. Giesy, Au rora: 96. Elton J. McLaughlin and Harel Friend. Hubbard; 100. Rob ert B. Miller and Altha B. Miller, Woodburn ; 102. George T. Rush and Mame F. Cutsforth, Gervais: 104, Ward Manning and Vera P. Harper, Gervais. Predact 106. Peter J. owes. Salem, and Laura C. Enckson, Woodburn; 108, Emil W. Lawson and Anita J.. Lawson, Woodburn; 110. Philip F. Branson ana iaa m. Scheidegger, Woodburn; 112, Har old A. Uvesay and caitn . mc Cord, Woodburn; 114, Cedric Scharff, Salem, and Donna B. Bu chanan, Woodburn; 116. Gilbert Ramage, Woodburn Route 2, anci Cecvl Lucht. Mt. Angel; 118, Leonard N. Fisher and Margaret Sannes, Mt. Angel; 120, Arthur A. Schwab and Agnes Hemshorn, Mt Angel; 124, Conrad L. bunderson and Edith G. Redding, suverion; 126. Carl Asplnwall, Brooks; 128, Oscar Noren and Eileen E. John son. Salem. Predact 130, Earl DeSart and Lena DeSart. Silverton; 132 Robert Riches. Silverton; 134. Frank Hnbbs. Silverton; 136, Nets Lanssev and Lois Vaughn, Silver- ton; 138, Elbert V. Swayze and Lulu M. Dedrick, Silverton; iw, James E. Ekman and Ruth M. Chalfin, Silverton; 142, William S. Duncan and Ruth G. Kephart, Silverton; 148, John T. Plas and Josephine M. Bielenberg, Scotts Mills; 148, James Bonner and Min nie Davis Hartley, Silverton; 150, Robert Humphreys. Sublimity Rt. 1, and Leona King Kreni, Silver- ton; 152, Wilbur W. Miller and Genevieve Lucile Mader both of Salem Rt. 5. Predact 154, William Bliven and Nan Lou Thompson, Salem Rt. 3; 156, Floyd Bate and Lesta C. Bates. Salem Rt. 4: 158, James W. Anderson and Esther H. Hartley, Jefferson Rt. 1; 160, R. Irvine Wright and Gladys A. Shields. Jef ferson; 181, Chas. V. Johnson and Lucille M. Hams. Jefferson; 162, William F. Watson and Harriet De Langh, Turner Rt. 1; 164. Carl Booth and Mary A. Ball, Turner; 166, Henry Ahrens and Margaret A. Miller, Turner; 168. Victor E. Gibson and Isabel Rnsehraugh. Salem; 170, Clarence Coffin and Mary Gilbert, Aumsville; 172. El bert L. Porter and Mary Dough erty, Aumsville Rt. 1; 174, Howard Gilbert, Turner Rt. 1, and Lenore ALBANY BID LOW PORTLAND t Army Engi neers said Friday a revetment re pair project along the left bank of the Santiam River at Tnmasek brought a low bid of $11,900 from Mack Slate Jr., Albany. The gov ernment estimate was $13,340. McGuffln. Aumsville Rt. 1. ! Precinct 176, H. J. Rowe and Ruth Wood. Stayton; 178. Harold Wodtly and Eva S. Humphreys,! St ay ton; 180. William A. Lulay, Stayton, and Angelina Hassler. ' Sublimity; 1H2. Luther Stout. Stay- ton, and Ellen Thielsen DeWitt, Lyons; 184, David M. Reid and Mabel A.-Nelson. Mill City, 186, Floyd Volkcl and Elsie E. Volkel, i Gates; and 188, Earl Parker and , Mabel Parker, Detroit. j DRAPERIES WSJ? valaactt eratrraa BaSi Came Boaraj (lip Cavan SEE CI MFD THE a a ELTICK BLIND MAN rras Batlaaait la ar Nlfkl Ft ttin (TaraMt M7 Caatar St BEFORE . . You buy a Spinet Organ . . . Have You Heard And played.-.jy - P. S. Youll be happier i with a Baldwin! Rentals and lesson ZOBELS fjU 519 Court St. , 9aC,l ' X,. .-- : :-XmK II if ? .t III A ti t ViBll T. Golden Serving Salem and Vicinity as Funeral Directors for 25 Years Convenient I c a 1 1 o n-S. Commercial Street on a bu line direct route to cem eteries no cross traffic to hinder servi ces Salem' most modem funeral home with lasting capacity for 300. Service within your means, alway. Virgil T. Golden Co. am tf "F" Grace S. Golden MS S. Commercial St. FUNERAL SERVlCl Phone 4-3257 ,1 liberty street - court street Shop Monday 9:30 A. M. to 9 P. M. For Your Storeicide Values For BOYS Double Knee JEANS ? r Re9. Jpr. J 1.98 Sanforized 10-oz. denims in ntvy or charcoal; reinforced seams; fused double knees. Sizes 4 to 12. SPORT SHIRTS Reg. 1 69 $ 1 Short-sleeve shirts in washfast col ors and oatterns! Excellent for sum mer vacation wear. Sizes 6-16. 3.98 to 4.95 washable SLACKS 2 3 Rayon-linen combination in red, pink or yellow Broken sizes 6-18 . . . 1.98 Beaded BELTS Leather with hand-beaded In- $ dian designs. 22-32. I Reg. 59c Stretch Sox Assorted pastel colors one lite fits all. Nylon 3 pr. I mm Values to 1.95 MEN'S SPORT SHIRTS A huge special purchase! Short sleeve styles; multi color patterns and sofid colors-Washable cotton All sizes. Men's Main Floor SPECIAL PURCHASE! FAMOUS MAKER'S FIRST QUALITY r , v at Savings as much as Btrhipp',n,wu Jf piilc , scu re- 'L br,ss,d Mtt'I' i.st- iiWh riio A01?' Emetic ; o.SS' n no . .a ...ilman 1b.e rv" 55. , i... us ... isa(e P'- IU9" "Pull-Apart" Beads Regular $1 assorted J lengths in pastel colors the season's fad!... for Aeresseries Maia Fleer $1 Ladies' Hankies Beautiful solid color pastels in embossed fabric reg. 59c ea. ... aa for Accessories Maia Floor 3 '1 S5.95-S7.9S Bouffant Slips , the prettiest selection of C whites and pastel shades fancy trims all sizes. . Lingerie Maia Floor 3" Men's Terry T-Shirts Reg. 1.95 heavyweight soft combed terry crew neck asstd. colors Men's Main Floor 99-' Men's Argyle Sox Multicolor blocked ar gylles in soft absorbent cotton rcg 79c. pr All sizes. Men's Main Floor 2 $1 Indian Head Fabric Reg. 79c yd. if perf. a selection of 8 colors microscopic irregularities Fabrics Menanine 50', Values lo $2.95 Fabrics A huge selection of ny- AQw rayons, cotton spec. pur. Fabrics Menanine yd. Polalo Bake Rack Reg. 69c holds 8 potatoes steel plated takes small oven space Housewares Court Street 29' Hoi Pan Mitt Heavily quilted, asst. multicolor patterns reg. 59c Housewares Court Street 25' Reg. 1.49, 58x81, extra wide white only a chrome panel at a savings! Curtains Court Street Reg. values to 98c yd multicolor cotton prints 36" width Curtains Court Street (ar Suit Bag Holds 4 men's sjiits all plastic zipper closing . . . . Notions Mezzanine $5.95-58.95 Ladies' Slips 100 nylon with a luscious GO nylon lace trim white all sizes af Lingtrie Main Floor Ladies' Seamless Nylons Reg. 1.30 value all new G 4 summer shades; sheer, Sheer ft ft ' no seamsall sizes. , . w w Lingerie Main Floor Ladies' Jersey Dresses One group of stripes, pah- tOft ley and dots all rayon jersey All sizes J Budget Dresses Second Fleer Extra Wide Chrome Panels 99' Curtain or Drapery Yardage 3 J - v '' B"'"'" '"" " - -ft irmMliiii -- - - MORE! 3-PC. CONTOUR STYLE-REG. 5.95 BATHROOM SETS Color matched set to add a bright, fresh look to your bath room. Both rugs heve non-skid backing to prevent dangerous slips. Aqua, pink, gold, white, grey, brown, green, dusty rgse. INCLUDES: Ud Cover, a "24x36" rug, one contour rug. 2 ' MORE! SCULPTURED LOOP FRIEZE SCATTER RUGS Another shipment of famous Hadley rugs! Washable with non skid backing; suitade for every room Dusty rose, gold, pink, aqua, white, grey, wine, brown, spray green. 21x36 Reg. 3.98 Domestic, Downstairs WEGIVEANDREDEEM Roberts' Greatest June Blanket Sale Reg. 18.95 "Faribo" Blanket u (2 for 29.50) Luscious colors Extra heaw weiaht , - j si -72"x90' -5-year guarantee Extra ' wide binding-bold in all depart- r ments. GREEN STAMPS I A . -at''! If I H v If U " ,f " A 1 1 1 " " ? tl .A II denim i 3 u wrap skirt wrap it, tie it, ready for work or play in a jiffy Neatest contribution to your summer wardrobel Sanforized in faden charcoal, brown with white stitching. S, M, L sizes. Sportswear-Second Floor klaeaatkvaMlv