Garden Gabbing Br GARDEN GADDER SAYS PARK FOREMAN Howard P. Thompson, park fore man lor Salem pai k. gave quite a discourse on rose pruning in the week's Garden News, a bulletin put out by the Salem Men's Garden Club. The how of pruninf depends upon three things, mvs Howard: 1. What kind of a rose tea, flonhunda or climber? 2. Why are you growing it: for mass flower effect in garden or park, or lor a lew show or cut flowers? 3. Climactic and other environment conditions such as frost, full sun. or part shade? After a frost, says Howard, we must be sure to prune bark to good sound wood. Partly damaged wood will start growth. The new growth mav do well until the hot weather arrives, then the partly damage tissue will (ail to carry water enough to support the leaf growl h. I If you are trying to bring some roses back like many of us are this spring then keep soil moisture ample and fertility good but do not allow more leaf growth than plant tissue can carry ample water to support. If leaves wilt on hot days thin to reduce leal area. Remove weak wood now. '"Another common statement is to make the cut at a 45-iegree angle This we do not do on all varieties. Why? Because on those varieties that are inclined to spread too much and hang too low, we have found that if the cut is made straight across about one fourth inch above the node, the new shoot will grow more up right." he concluded. 'v' You just might go out and take a look at the rose bushes in Bush s Pasture Park this afternoon. G IVE WAY TO PROGRESS It so happened that we were going down Market Street the other day admiring all the pret ty trees. The aeit day we started out that way, the street was blocked the trees were being removed. Things move fast ... It seems such a shame when it takes so long to grow tree, but it also seems that folk want streets widened and you just cannot widen a street around a lot of trees maybe one like the Redwood on Summer Street bat not all over town. The idea is, when folk vote on street widening or other im provements think it over well . . . yon might just be voting yourselves out of a lot of trees that later on you'll want to be saving . . . DAYS TOO SHORT? Well, backyard entertainment needn't end when the sun goes down light up the outdoors for nighttime fun. We visited a bit recently with Myrtle Carter, home furnishings specialist at Oregon State College. She said lighting allows for more after-dark picnics and pleasure, as well as increasing the en joyment of backyard greenery. She suggested placing spotlights at intervals around a back lawn, or alongside steps, to illuminate bushes, flower beds, flower ing trees or other beauty spots. Avoid white washing the garden with lights, however. It's the shadows and silhouette effects that make the outdoors pretty at night. She made another suggestion: Confine the lights to your own premises. L'se white lights on, blooming trees and flowers; colored lights on trellises and walls, and pools of water. Fixtures can be every thing from commercially made "lily pads" to homemade devices such as old watering cans, kerosene-type lan terns or animal patterns cut from empty tin cans. One lat suggestion: For safety's sake install underground wir ing equipment. Plastic trench wire which resists moisture and rust can be buried in the ground. LET IS SPRAY And that should be oft repeated this season of the year so don't forget to spray gladiolus when tit inches high. DDT will help control those thrips that later on turn the foliage brown. IY STAN HAYES rrs called 'gAm.ESA A zM KIY AKNOLDI ' OF SUMATRA 1 ' MXSISC 1 1 M V)i -SKrCET IN DAMSTER VtlSJ' ftlfl AND WEIGHS SLSS frr jj ..THATDVEf 2. MILLION SHMY guns user mr 'EfflCAS OAK- actie ri turn. AND HEALTH? 5 Wii 3 LAtEUEO AV BKAIUM An some eo vAitimea ANVUtL AND PERENNIAL HERBS IN LAFAYETTE PARKjtOS NGfLE3.. 'mari-'m .tAeJ&SrSrZ Florida Bus Boycott May End System TALLAHASSEE. Fin OP -Florida's capital city was faced Friday with the threat of losing its only public transport system Julv 1 due to a .Negro boycott of city buses. The Cities Transit Co . an nounced it intends to go out of business on that date unless a solution is found to financial prob lems crested by the boycott. The announcement came in I full page advertisement in the Tallahassee Democrat. Tallahassee's Negro community, representing about one third of the city's 40.ono population, has been refusing since May at to ride city buses in protest against seg regated seating required by city and state laws. The city commission responded to the bus company's announce ment by appealing to residents lo increase their patronage of the bus system. And the Democrat reported a group of white citizens was form ing a committee to help promote 9i M Ts 7-11-13 pjso-y- 6 MAT V MAY r AINU C pxAvsvrj AMI 13 JU.V23 mx a AU6 Ml vbt a ted Ii fx at IWk 32 Wen tl ii t) 4 htlnlo 04 om 35 Certe a Toe 3 tapenence to Tedoy 37 Camel) 7 StoK-NJ 31 CsuU (4 HI 3 Dor i Ai SO Ww 70 m si Uno.eattea' 71 You ' 42 Vou 77 Cr-csi T CXAT L POLLAN- H Ym fWy AcSee G-k. H ' Arcwrsfief lo the Stew. To develop messoge tor Sundoy, food words ccjcnnportdexj to fxavtbofs or your Zodioc bwth sgrv 1 Manx ) tCVM 4 Mot ) (WMW e US I U I M S--ng. 10 -obothr II Sett 11 l U To 14 I 15 vM U KxoV 17 TilHi II I TaaT l Vm 77 W.S 23 ft 24 St :s am 26 Th 27 HonvWMOuk 57 Alan 7 rwv't s am 2 MWI S4 It 30 St tO rntntj' 0 set n OCT B 1- no-nATi OCT M 7.n 51-11 43 d 44 Ht i W. 4 Cwn 47 Cau4 4 Ota Hoeetn 50 51 "top 52 You 53 out 54 May 55 0 5 I 73 And 74 75 Vtut 7 77 M 71 7 AM SO K 11 VauntW 12 Out 13 ImImI 54 IJu, 15 row 7 AMt(tl 55 New 0 T w ir NVuml bOM6-01 1AM JS Vi JAM 21 fcrst-jMt k-T7 43-51-4 ?rnu HAS . JfV tvefkaokanceahp ttv- fYES ' .r VMM Of TVS FOLItOK WILL AIThAL TV THE BUt Garden Calendar . . . June 17 Final day of Corvallis Meier & Frank' Auditorium, Fri Rose Show. Roosevelt School, day, 1 to 9 p. m . Saturday 10 Corvallis. a. m. to 5:30 p. m. Admisison Jun !!.?! North Central Dis-' free. KVAL TV, VHF 13 trict American Rose Society Shpw, St. Paul, Minn. June 22 Staylon Garden Club. June 22-23 Salem Rose Show, Three Years Of Mistaken Identity End OKLAHOMA CITY UP-In the ON THE ALERT There is still time to set out gladiolus for i ,pasl. ,nre ? can. BlmPs?n -iatfTSToem tRis'summef. ' As a precaution against thrfps, soak the ftttT tlr T"? " aotfa m. corms in a solution of Lyso (one and one-half tablespoons per-lnc-v mougm ne naa a criminal gallon of water) for three hours. Or shake corms in a bag that record. has some 5 per cent DDT dust in it. This week three years of mis- taken identity was clewed up. GF.RRY IS HOST That's for the Salem Rose Society show It was learned his employi this coming week-end. Don't forget to attend it at Meier It Frank's in checking records found in 1 auditorium. (eorge Candeaux. society president, says it s going a Carl Simpson had been sent to to he a better-than-fair show this year. Roses have made an ex-! Dr,,on rellent comeback after a toughish winter and that, sav the Rose v c;., ,,i, uio ,io. i Society members, is just one more thing in the rose's favor-thev I ,SimPson ,0 hl prT1, fc 2 ran make a comeback We've heard by the rose vine that some of Pollcr h'Te "J1" ,Pla"1?d ne ha.d Salem s rose growers have nut in some of the brand new varieties never vioiaieo any laws ann mat niooms trom tnese will prohabiy be exhibited here . . . Also we hear that some visitors are going to bring in a rose or two for competition's sake but there's going to be plenty of room for all who want to exhibit. Peace and Charlotte Armstrong each will have a section all to themselves. June 22-24 International Ge ranium Society Show and annual convention, Santa Barbara, Calif. June 23 to June 27 Best time to see while flowers at Oregon's Saddle Mountain State Park, 75 miles northwest of Portland via Highway 26. Wilderness covers 4 square miles. Four miles high to top. Six campsites close to en trance of park. Common camp ground facilities. 75 cents per night per car. June 23-24 Seattle Rose Show, Queen Ann Field House. Jane 29-Jnly 1 Long Beach, Calif., midsummer shade olant show, Municipal Auditorium. June 30-July 1 46th annual Tacoma Rose Show. Julv r.ronle Pace f.lnft. loius resuvai ana snow. Aug. 11-12 International Clad ilus Show. International Harvest er Building, just north of Milwau kie. Aug. 1112 Begonia and Fuch sia Show, Salem Begonia Society. PLANE SERVICE OPENS ROME UP - A new Belgrade- stoP bus travel and to solicit direct , Rome plane service opened this funds if necessary to subsidize weekend. Yugoslovenski Aero bus operations so the transit firm Transport will make two round can weather the crisis. An estimated "0 per cent of the bus company's business prior to the boycott came from Negro rid ers. The ritv this week pranleH the firm ntknrilo ;i. i tutMt: KVAL-TV, ChMntl II firm authority to increase its (Suni,,T); ,:J chr;ti.n Mtnct; fares, but the company said this 4j-PuPPt Bibif stnrv; i Oral would Still he insufficient. Rolrt: 1H - Lifhted Window; tu- K. k, w i i II : Championship Bow Una: It: ik n urrn uu.m Frontier! of r.ltlv il l Youth Negroes have Wants to Know; i:M-Zoo Parade; i:3S Famous Playhouse; JtOB Sun day Matsnee Theater presents John 1 trips weekly with an Intermediate stop at Dubrovnik. USD AY per cent effective been walking and using carponls TV.. w ...! i rr u.. nay wiaunee i neater i iiic uvijrwn via.-, iminra .111 uy , lJi..4rH U..h.r An..l in -R arrest Of two coeds from Florida it Drummond s Secret rolice" re A. k M. university for Negroes P'ete w-ith lost treasure and horror after they refused to move to the rear of a crowded bus. The charg es were later dropped. chambers; 3:3 'Sunday Spectacular Boh Hope, with Jane Russell. Betty Grable. Dorothy Lamour and Marilyn Maxwell in a (to-minute show; S:S Meet the Press; 5:30 Hov Rogers; :S Topper; 1:30-1 Spy: VW HranH OI Onrv- lat f'llv ntc- C1TY FOl'ND tive: liJS Waterfront; : Lorttta RAGUSA, Sicilv If Archeol-! v""n sj10 w,,,,h.orit Young m , l i i , , iUi inejuairmem surprise ne- OglStS have found traces of the re; il:Telephont Tune; 1;S- ora urees city 01 Lasmene. Dur-1 Sunday showtime. led for more than 2.000 years. It was 'mentioned in annals of the ancient Greek colonization of Sic ily, then apparently abandoned. Diggers uncovered columns ofa temple to Apolo, tombs and traces of roads. When Pets, Children Roam It's Time to Fence Yard In This Is the time of year when pets and children start to roam. It's the time of year when most housewives wish again they had a fence around their own little world Believing the story of the 49-i Aug. 15-18 Clackamas County voar-nlH father of four daughters. , "owe r Show, tanDy. officers went to"work They found the almost unbeliev able coincidence that two other Carl Simpsons, neither with a middle name, had records in 19S3. One was for forgery and the other for car theft. Detectives found that the three Carl Simpsons had almost identi cal descriptions relative lo agt, height, weight, color of eyes and Aug. 15 Annual Salem Gar den Club tour. Ang. 23-24 Gladiolus Show, Meier cV Frank Auditorium, Salem. Aug. 2-26 Annual Polk Coun tv Flower show. Rickreall. Aug. 25-28 North Santlam Gladiolus Show. Mill city. Sept. 1-8 Oregon State Flower and Garden snow, state r air grounds. For further information write Mrs. Hazel Bartiett, Broons lem's Hnmi Show nut nl th State Fairgrounds a few weeks ago, will ! coior 0f hair recall. Take the basketweave de- Fingerprints were used to sepa sign, or the shadow offset fence, I rate the three Simpsons. or the medium or hieh estate-; -ir. m u.iinn t,n from punvr crnvtrR STARTS to keep their own pets and children type enclosures as examples of horrible nightmare and realizing! TOKYO I , Japan and Leban home and to shut out non-mem-'beauty and utility. - jH was jus, a dream Simpson on inaugurated direct telephone oers uir ihiii... I Any nancy-man can build these lSaid Thursday. 'service this wee Fortunately, fences these days, fences with a spare week-end oni are beautiful as well as utilitarian, his hands. The materials are easilvj A . : ii. .. u ..Honliir! Ca. Akln;nA i I l ' afl IS niiiny nil wn .'o , umiunru ! dliy ll'ldll luiuufr yard and there's one at Salem J which rather specializes in fence ! material. Posts of durable western fed cedar, fir, or redwood can be bought all cut to size without waste, and the boards arc in handy lengths and widths. Lower priced lumber such as utility or eco nomy grades can be used to build these fences. You can leave them ! SPOKWE The Pacific " "diuri a waim, natural color, i Northwest Gram Dealers Assn. r ou can "se one of the new Fridav iirccd its officials to work ;"u""s auu lulor nu P'erva for a '25 per cent reduction in rail" quall,lfs freight r;ttcs.Jo put the regional I The basket weave fence is sim grain industry on a competitive P'y bui11- place heavier posts at level with other parts of the coun-' 'nt or tpn ,oot intervals, then lrv. .using a one-by-three inch upright Grain Dealers Urge Cut in Freight Rates QUISENBERRY'S PRESCRIPTION PHARMACY AT ISO SOUTH LIBERTY IS OPEN SUNDAYS 12 Noon to 2 P. M.-6 P. M. to 9 P. M. Weekdayi-9 A. M. to 11 P. M. (Other Hours, Call 3-9123 or 4-3336) KOAC 530 k.c KOAC (Suaday) lt:S a.m. The News and Weather; M:tO Relifiout Music- ii:ij-4-h ciufi Sunday Srv lie; Sun Oil. OiS VACATION Special en MOTOROLA CAR RADIOS Only $99.95 Trsnsi tor Powered MITCHELL RADIO and TELEVISION SALES AND SERVICE 1880 Stot. St. Ph. 3-7S77 W Give 2C Greea Stamp Another resolution asked that board as a divider or spacer, start SUIU1IUII 1.5 ' uoavino Inns Knar1, urhih f,l Ih. the takeover date for jvheat and ; , barley under Commodity Credit . jng m spacrrs an ,0 Corp. loans be advanced to Feb. df v(,,op thp basketweave paUern M to facilitate movement of grain Boards can be 5jx ejght or ,pn in advance of harvest. inches wide. Leonard Herres of Pomeroy I 0f(s,t (cnccs are a modification Wash . was elected president of : o( ,he cstat( (encf Posts are spt the association at the conclusion and ,op and bottom rails appiiP(j of a convention here. i then fence boards are nailed with Wendell Balsiger of Moro, Ore , j alternate boards on opposite sides was named vice president. Rich- of the rails. This creates a breeze arri Stevens of Spokane was re- fence but shuts out the view of elected treasurer and M e r r i 11 . outsiders. You can build little re- Satlier reelected executive secre-, cess nitches in your, estate fences larv of the group. i with shelves to hold choice potted Sather recently succeeded pcte Planls Stallcop of Spokane who resigned to become secretary ot two ele vator associations at Minneapolis. Dr. Marcus Bach, professor of relicion at the University of Iowa, gave an inspirational talk at the closing session. Other convention speakers in cluded Hay B Bow-den. executive vice president of the National Grain and Feed Dealers Assn : Lloyd N. Case, director of the grain branch of the Commodity Stabilization Service, and Farl Corey, director of the Portland of fice of the Commodity Credit Corp. Most of the retail dealers who carry fence materials also carry illustrations from which you can plan your fence. CMO INDEX COMMERCIAI QUICK-UP! May we show a card index that will do a faster, easier, surer job for vonJ A Card Index designed to fit your office neexls perfectly! That can lie expanded il necessary anv time, with no limit! A Card Index that will serve tliioiigh years ahead as effi ciently as today! , HOOK STORE 141 North Commercial Soviet Chiefs Summer Home Has 150 Rooms BROCKVILLE. Ont. lV-Canadian Foreign Secretary Lester B. Pear son eavc a Liberal Party rally here Friday night a glimpse of how the ; other half lives in tussia. "I have a little three-room 'sum mer! cottage in the Gatineau hills (of Quebec'," he said "When I go thrre I like to cook my own meals. When I w-as invited to Mr Krush chev's summer home in the Cri mea last fall, it turned out to be t palace with rfl rooms "But then, he's a Communist Trtv leader I'm not even a Leston W. Howell Donald Waggontr Charlts Edwards MIVrM. . , -zzr--' - .J LmaMHMaaMiiKfti'nHiAtek - ii '" "i t'Wi f iiiirnmirJfrViiitiSBV's if'- "nVi"' lainani nl "The some loving care afterwards -as you gave before" Most convenient off-street parking for funerals, throe titrinces ... 65 car capacity. HOWELL-EDWARDS FUNERAL HOME S45 N. Capitol Street ACROSS FROM SEARS Phone 34672 .ssssssssssiaaai SfeTA 20 YARDS Of Famous Kcnfiort ' I Jil' 9 f ZIG-ZAG f A I Sewing Machines 1 PW , I II as Low as... I t B If IS995 I S fUll ROTARY! I I ) ROUND BOBBIN! f HOME DEMONSTRATION f V DAY OR EVENING II (WithiD Mile Radius j ot Silrm) If HG r Only 5.00 Down Statesman, Salem, Ore., Sun., June 17, S6 (Sec. II)-13 SUNDAY'S BROADCASTS (Mtnft m: n Klliin mSlhW. k fM4 rUtt) W mhh M Ham m st kv u TV ttatt a. kt In Mtamm tht anfiiau tn rhat4 vttkOTrt axtncBa Skat laQni irrl ka f.asnaiiu tar Ik miniy kma. SUNDAY'S TELEVISION HIGHLIGHTS f KOIN-TV SI D AY'S H1GHUCRTS (CkasaH Ot t 1:M .M.-Facc H Nation-Sea. John L. McdellaB fDJlA. will answer question on lobbyinf. United States Fveitn trsdo polic and the Murray M. Chotiner case. t:M Armchair Theatre "Almost A Bride"; David Nhrta, Shirley Temple. l:M .. Jack Bemy, with Binj Cr)sby and Cftvgt Bum revtv an oldtime vaudevillt routine. I N .. G. E. Theatre-Patty McCormack stars la "Alien Anrel. . . . story about a youncster with five pounds to buy aa ancel aa4 put It ever a friends crave. I KL0 It-TV BVNDArS HIGHLIGHTS Chaise! If): 1:N Imperial Theatre "Norma" starrini Lori Rand and Gino Matter. The stirrim story ot a famous sopraoo, woe help her husband to fame only to have him reject her love. j l: p.m. Famous Film FestivaWThe Lavender Hill Mob" star, rinf Alec Guinness and Stanley Holloway. A comedy revojvinf around a mild, meek bank clerk who conceives a foolproof plan for stealing three-m,illion dollars in gold bars. , -; t:M p. m -Coronet Theatre "Ramrod" starring Joel McCrea'i Veronica Lake, Donald Crisp and Don De Fore. The story of Utah in frontier days and of young woman rancher who decides to more in on free grazing land. KPTV SUNDAY'S HIGHLIGHTS (Channel Dl S:3t p.m. Color Spread "The Bob Hope Show", with guest start Dorothy Lamour, Betty Grable, Marilyn Maxwell, Steve Allen, George Sanders and Jane Russell. I:M p.m. Goodyear Playhouse A Greek father finds that he must accpet the newer civilization or lose his children completely aa they become Americanised, In "Sound the Pipes ot Pan". SUNDAY'S TELEVISION KPTV, VHF Hi KOIN-TV. VHF I; KLOR. VHF It out MM M:1J M:SI IflKPTVi IV KOIN II 12 jl Ptrtoa 9'B Do iYour Tnubta f vPTTIrslth Today KOIN'ratth Today PTalth Today Ifalth Today rrhliliLlte Btn HickoK rniubutt mm Httkok IPTVIrsith Front. rlth rront Youth Youth " KOINI Lamp to Ftet ILamp to rtt (Adventur AdvtBtun , aXUKl (TtttPatttm CoHef Pfas Collar rrmt EPTVItoo Panda Zoo Pirsd MtdlOn Madldn KOINlFaco Nation rac KaUoa ISuaday Ntws ISunday Kowe KLORlLlthtad Wind. Lighted Wind. Public InrH Publlt Intorwt KPTVlDr. 8 pock Dr. Bpsch Churrh, In HomiChurrt! tn Homf . KOIiVILou Rahfr " ILon Rtner rTh Way Th Way atLORl Chrtatophtrs Chrtatophtn TranaUlow Tramlllon iPTV TBA TEA Color Sprtad Color Ipraad ' KOINjArmchatr Tht. lArmchalr Tha. lArmchalr Th. Armchlr iaa KLORllmptrlal Thtat tlmpertal Thxt. UmptrUl Thaat Itmpfrlal Thaam. KPTVI Color Bprttd Color Sprad Color Spread Color Spread -KOINI Armchair Tha. lArmchalr Ths. Talcph'M TllM TIph'ltTtine. KLOatj Imperial Thcat Imptrlal Thaat Plmwr Thaat. PImw Ttvtat KPTVlMectthcPrtas Meat th Praw IPcapcctr KOINI You Arc Thar You Art There La KLORI Pioneer Thcat. Pioneer Thtat. OralRoheHs IPtrapacttvo' ItaaaM lOrtl Roberts e irrviTopper I KOINI j.rk n. ITopper IRoy Rotors Roy Rofert KOINI Jack Benny Jack Benny Whit's My Uns IWhtVs My Uae KLORIU Aaked lor It IV) Aaked far It Ifamous films Ifamom rm 7EFTVIsur Time BUr Time Bur Time Star Time . . KOINltd BuUlvaa ltd Sullivan td Buulyta E4 BuUlvan KLORIfamoua rilme jfamoua Films Tamoua Tilme Ifammia TUme KPTVtoeedyeer Ooedyeee Ooedyear Ooedyee 9 KOINtG E Thettor K I Theater IAH H)teh.k VAM Rchcoc4 KLORlTed Mack's Hr. Td Mech-s Hr. fTed Mich's Hr. Td Mack'a Hr. B KPTVt LeretU Youna ILoretU Younf Monte Crlito Dlonte Crista ' 9 KOIN!l4.C00 Ch'll'ne l4.0OO Chll'nra Citr DeUctiv pity Oetectlvw KLORI Coronet Theat Coronet Thaat Coronet Thaat, Coronet Thest 10 HOUR FREE! Phone 3-9191 KENMORE 11 MACHINE Regular 114.95 Save now! Get this NEW Kenmore sewing machine ... it tewj smooth at silk ... has adjustable upper and lower tension . . . automatic bobbin winder. Sews with a double lock stitch. Console cabinet has a rich walnut finish Simple classic lines match any room decor. Try it in your home C"H or wit fnr free trial. KPTVi Bowlin( BowUn I Draw Paaraon IBunday Btar 'y KOINI i( Run Thaat Hat Run Theat Hat Run Thest !tt Run Theat KLOR I Coronet Theet Coronet Theat Iturope Cr'aads turope Cr'aedo ; f EPTVSunlt, gur (Sunday Star 1 KLORIchrlttophers IChrlstophers ISunday Blar (Sunday Star T' 1 Europe Crutedeiairope CruiW . ', SUNDAY'S RADIO BSLM IMt ROCO 1SS ROAR 1430 ROM STB ROW (SS RBX tlSB FM: Miiaeydei r RO RBX SJ4; ROW let 1 00:M M:1I M:M M:tt ROW Chereh Rym R01N-4:M ChuRh the Alt 8 9 HsTm Melody Joura'ylMelody Jouni yiMuale Church Bells HOIN Inv to Learn llnv. to Learn iSall Lake Tab, Salt Lake Tak KOW Radio Pulpit Radio Pulpit Si.n.Muale Sun. Muale BBX Same Com. American U n iLUhtotUfo (UlhtaiLUe KSLM ConaV Baptist Salem Aeod. Bach to Cod Beck to Os ROCO Naver Know rt-HCiub wairie una nixplorer I Sun. Muale Bible 8tudy Bible Cleea BOAR Wefflt ciud KOIN News-Music KOW Bun. Muale BEX Bible Study Natarene Ber. Mua lor iuav Waiile Cluo Wairie Clua (For. Af Rept. ft Francis I Voire Proph'cy Voice Prouh'ey U o O rorumiU ot O Forum- at aa niku rian Bible Claaa voice of Prooni voice of KOCO Mua tor sua. aiua ror bub. uii . BOAR Roberts Ortaa Roberta Orsan Waffle Club Waffle Dub BOIN Jewish Faith (Weather Adv In Science INewt KGW Scendlnav Hr. Bcandlnav Hr. Scandlnav Hr. scandlnae Itr. KBX juakar Hour Ouakr Hour Choaen People Home Dom'sl't m .. mt ' r u a. T-'.t a."va Inei.N news .nriu n w ' vi m BOCO Creinytartan Prahvtaran Manh Mel. Snnp 'o Reav BGAR Htl Ravue Hit Seve Hit Revtie Hit Review .. . aa a. a ilf...l. V 1 IIAiaU-'ta.l I U. ala Pail sum music ran. iu,t www. i r-v. II KGW Music tor Sua Muiir tor Sua Muiir for Bun. Mueic far Branch Branch Concert Mln'tr First olethaitistiFlrat Mathodlit Flrat Baptllt First aenUst First Baptlet Calvary Bapt Calvsrv Banv Calvarv Bant, Music Feat isun. Airerni isun. Anem I KSLM Join Navy KOCO First Baptist 1 KGAR Calvary Bapt niN Minic Fast KGW tternal Llht IF.Iernal Light ICathnlle Hr. KIX lewa-Branch nrancn uranco ICatbolM Hr. Branca 2 KSLM News Well at Worh IMennonites Menoonltee KOCO World News Sun. Matinee Sun. Matinee Bun. Matinee KGAR Newa Run Serenade Sua 8erenele Beren Newe KOIN Percy Falih Hr. IPerry Faith Hr. iPercy Faith Hr. IPerey Faith Hr. KGW Nfwi-Monllor Monitor Monitor Monitor KBX Revival Hr. (Revival Hr. (Revival Hr. (Revival Hr. 2 KSLM Well at Work ISun. Serenade 'Sun. Serenade Sun. Serenade KOCO Sun Matinee Sun Matinee Sun Matinee Bun. Matinee KG AK Serenade Sun Serenade Sun Serenade Beren Newa KOIN Washlnrton Washinton IBrdwy. Parade IBrdwy. Parade KGW Monitor Monitor Monitor Monitor KBX Prophecy (Prophecy IHIgh Moment (Hifh Moment (Biaaball Baseball IBaaebatl Sun. Matinee sun. iwannee Bun. Mannee KSt.M Beeeball atnrs Hun Uatln KOAB Sun Serenade Sun Serenade Sun. Serenade Sun Serenade KOIN Liatenlni !Llstnln rt.isteninf ILiaUnlnf KGW Monitor (Monitor IMeet the PretslMeet the PreeT KBX Hr ot Decision IHr of Decision (Hrald of Truth iHerald of Truth KSLM Baseball iBaaehall KOCO Teenata Tunes Teenaie Tunes KGAR Sun Serenade Sun Serenade KOIN Edgar Reren lEdfar Bergen KGW Monitor IMonltor REX HI-FI Time Hi-Fi Time KSLM KOCO KGAR KOIN KGW KEX KSLM KOCO HOAB KOIN KGW KFX IRasehall Haseball Teenage Tunes Teenage Tunes Sun Serenade un Serened iF.dgar Bergen IFdgar Bergen IMonltor IMonltor Hh-FI Time HI-FI Tim Baeil Teenage Tunes Publ Service Music Hall Monitor Bnh Scott Show IBi-e'-sn Teenage Tunes Ben Mome IMusIc Hall Monitor iBoh Srott Show Rtnehtll IBaaebell Teenage Tunea Teenage Tunes Sundown Sere Sundown Sere. 1CBS News CBS News Shirley Thomas Bhlrley Thomas flob Scott Show IBnb Scott Show BasehslI Teenage Tunes Sundown Sere Our Miss Brk's Newi-Mnnlor Boh Scott Show 'Bmeball Teenage Tunea Sundown Sere. Our Miss Brk s Monitor iBoh Srott Show I utheran Hour Teenage Tunes Sundown Sere. Two for Money Monlto i Bob Scott Show : utheran Hour Teenage Tunea Sundown Sere. Two for Money IMonltor 'Bob Scott Show KSLM Wilt Wlnrhell Front Page 6ro Teenage Tunes Teenage Tunes RGAE Sundown Sere. Sign Off. MHN o Han O ilara KGSt Monitor Monitor , KfX rirrw Peron Jimrn- Fldler Rnh Cnnsidlne Teenage Tunea Gunsmoke Amer. Forum Cuest Star News iTeenage Tunes ICunsmoke lAmer. Forum IHere's to Vets 7 SI.M Memory Room MM o Teenage Tunes KOIN Master s Mel dy KGW Monitor KEX Mon Headlines 8 Memory Room Pearson Music Teenage Tunes Teenage Tunea Teenage Tunea Master's Mel dy Juke Box Jury' Juke Box Jury Moniwr rriuvai inw rnuvn Fsith Our Time Growing Pslnsl Growing Paine iMmlc Muile IMusie i Juke Box Jury1 St Louis I St Louis W'l'K Felt Mill real tip rest KSLM Music KOIN Juke Box Jury KGW Mutr Fetl KEX Town Meeting Town Meeting Town Meeting Town Meeting n y out money faoi' JLHIj 550 W. 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