12-(Sec II) Statesman, Salem, Ore, Sua, June 17, 56 Two Stories Give 1 ' " 1 . j . j j J v v -or rUX TW0-8T0IT HOtSE A smart MWcraM vmWa t ttWal kartW Btyltag ta iM . aiding. t. u 2. J1 UDStOOM IttJTIH kokoo 5l V,i ""' "rw !!-Hid,OT; L, - ir. ICOWOW rf ttfflft TlCOWOtj c-i -t --fx". ? " I MiUiiiiilr I n-ro .-.m- ARTISTS CONCEPTION W Ww Um lattrUr tf tk ttrtag ma eaa I vertN tot. Entrance leyer It separated Ireas larfi frwart wtWw area ky aa Maw piaitlag kei and Ire 111. Raised fireplace ti shee . at Um right t Time-Tested Style Offers New Ideas Br DAVID C. BAREUTHER HOW A TWO-STORY house can give you more room for your money that you can et in either a one-story or split-level home ii thowa in Design HW4 lor The House otTba Week Many tigns aow point to a strong comeback for two story houaei. Leu foundatioa work and half as much roof area makes the two- story house much cheaper to build than either a ranch style or trl level type with an equal amount of living space. The bouse shown here covers a ground area of only l.OM square leec, witnout garage ana porcn which always figure separately at tower building costs. U the second story, comprising-1,033 square feet of floor space, were placed on the ground to make this a one-story bouse with the same rooms, the house would cover an area of more than 1,100 square feet, This smart up to date plan provides four large bedrooms, two bathrooms and an extra powder room-lavatory, a good sixea sepa rate dinette in addition to a full sized dining room, a television room removed from the living room, a combinatioa kitchen and laundry and an impressive en trance foyer with a turning stair case. - Being less than SO feet wide, this house requires no costly acreage for its site. It can be built with a one-car or two-car garage on a normal modern suburban lot of 75 feet or less depending on local toning regulations. THE TREND, toward two-story houses has been especially notice- able in many recent designs of THE HOUSE of the WEEK A Quality Plai Selected i APrW. Lif1 mi ESTIMATES ELMER THE - . -. Vonatian Blinds 3870CnttrSt. tw "flj House of the Week- split-levels, some of which have become virtually two-story homes with one story wings. This has come about because so many women prefer bedrooms elevated above the first floor for both in terior and exterior privacy. This preference prevails particularly in built-up communities where homes are relatively close together. One disadvantage that has come up in many split levels is the lack of toilet facilities on each of the three levels, necessitating trips up or down stairs from the main u ing rooms. The two-story layout of Design HW-t provides a maximum of bathroom facilities with only two plumbing stacks one for the main bathroom which is directly above the first floor lavatory, and one for the master bedroom's private bath over the kitchen. A landing divides the main stair way in two sections in just about the same division found in split- level plans. The landing is four risers up from the foyer and seven risers below the second floor. j A SECURED sun deck, hidden behind the half gable of the gar age roof, is an attractive feature of this house. Concealed from street view, this upstairs porch is a place for informal relaxation in sun or shade. It is entered from a door between the ward robe closets off the master bed room. Every bedroom has cross ven tilation by virtue of windows on two sides. The main bathroom is large with double vanity counter lava- 'tones and a square bathtub re Stnd this coupon for your STUDY PLAN YOU CAN GET a study plan for The House of The Week by filling in the coupon and sending it with 35 cents to this newspaper. This study plan shows each floor together with each of the four elevations, front, rear and sides of the house. It is scaled st tt-inch per foot. It includes a guide on "How to Get Your House Built" You can take this study plan to your bank or other mortgage lender and to your builder and get rough estimates on cost With this information you will know whether you want to proceed with construction by order ing working blueprints direct from the architect and asking for bids. R VENETIAN BLIND! MstiessNy advertised. fceortV toled estlirf. Itself with prirser, akr-litUctotril ia fade retsctiea. mMtaHry dsseisf ease fth UYOtors sstshrtie plisttc-ceot SHNHNHM Slttl. fsclmd kiid, stll-idjistiag tiltir. Tsets disspptsr late ktttM ktr. Flattie tad sset prttstt sills. hi lints frisk krsad sr solid oelere. hrfett It ted lestalUtioa. Vatot-etcttd prion. Ceow ia m sad mm to trie ettitutn. Morrtifod by the LEVOIOK MiMlllON COM y SeiSAl IQUMIHI BLIND MAN Shades Drapti Phont 3-7328 Most for Money SCCONO FLOOR 40 S OtNIMt ROOM LJOTCMCN r e ty e f I4J P cessed In an alcove. The private bath for the master bedroom has a corner shower stall. Most of the closets are planned for slid ing doors. A closet for the television room gives this plan additional flexibili ty. With this room adjacent to the first floor lavatory, it can be used as a fifth bedroom, a guest room with a studio bed, a maid's room or as a second living room. FAMILY ROOM facilities are provided by the large dinette ad joining the kitchen. A folding table would leave this room free for a children's play area with super vision from the kitchen. This is a feature that women vote for in surveys. Another detail that is popular with most housewives is the laun dry in the kitchen By locating laundry facilities on the main floor, convenient to the back door, use of a backyard drying area is handy. The basement stairs are cen i D I Ilivw room TOYia ym tv room tto ff I -o f-cr The Oregon Statesman Salem, Oregon Building Editor: Enclosed is 35 cents. Tlrase send me copy of the study plan for The House of the Week, Design HW-6. NAME STREET CITY DELEGATION-SET IP UNITED NATIONS UT-llungary ' is setting up a permanent delega- 1 tion to U. N. headquarters to be , headed by Peter Kos of the Buda- pest foreign ministry. Hungary is one of 16 countries admitted to membership last December. The name Tennessee is derived from the Cherokee Indian village of Tanasi. A. 0. Smith PERMAGLAS The Finest in Gas Heating by Day Heating Co. "First la das Heating It Salea Slice Free Surveys and Estimates 22S Division St. Ph. J-4IM ian Ja OIRCTTC ro e-.s aR6C Ho--i! I t trally placed so that guests can be taken to a basement game room without passing through the kitchen. An outside basement en trance for garden storage can easily be provided under the kit chen window. This house also could be built without a basement by creating a crawl space for a compact hor izontal heating unit adjacent to the fireplace chimney. In this event the space occupied by the cellar stairs could be used for another closet and the garage could be enlarged for additiona Istorage space. Exterior styling is a happy com bination of smart contemporary lines with traditional farm-house proportions. Samuel Paul, the ar chitect, suggests a random stone masonry veneer for the first story, surmounted by clapboard or shingle. The roof is pitched for use of asphalt shingles, except the flat roof deck, which would be built- up roofing. This is a real familv house, do signed to meet preferences shown through generations of home build ing. (Please Print) STATE Seoul to Vic fop Antarctica Trip VANCOL'VKIt. Wash. - Ken Frewing, II. Vancouver, is one of seven Boy Scouts in the country lo be selected to try for a trip !o Antarctica. The, youth, son of Dr. and Mrs Leslie II Frewing, received word from the Portland area Scout council, of which he is a member. He will compete in New York City this month. The winner will go to Antarctica under suspires of the National Academy of Sci ences. PRINTING ADVERTISING SPECIALTIES PROMOTIONAL AIDS I GIFTS PREMIUMS Lowest National Wholesale Prices M y ao wsM 10 4yi ft Ifca 4m Rrf of tmy of Iftm Mam We can save you as high as 50 Bedsaul Bros. 1731 Center Ph. 2-9172 mm' -- , r, ! .Hoine State Fair Gardens Show To Be Larger "Westward Ho!" is to be the theme of the Gardens and FWrsl Show at the Oregon State Fair this faO. fair officials reported this past week. Fair dates are Septem ber 1 through g. Enlarged and with an expand inf Dremium list, the show is ex pected to score again as one of the most popular exhibits on the grounds. "We hope to create greater in terest this year in chrysanthemums and geraniums," reports Mrs. Jack Bartlett of Brooks, superintendent of the show. These flowers ate holding in creased interest for both commer cial and hobby gardeners. Peo ple want them in their gardens, she adds. Biggest change in the Garden and Flower Show thu year will be that the gardens division will be non-competitive. "This we feel will permit en trants complete freedom of choice in making up their exhibits. In the past, judging was frequently done on technicalities. This year gardeners will feel no- rejtrictions in their creatne efforts and in their choice of materials." according to Mrs. Bartlett Plans for 15 Gardens About 25 major gardens, valued st $40,000. will be exhibited. The show is reported to be the only completely outdoor show and one of the largest in the western V S It is the largest of any in the Pa cific Northwest. The attraction will be staged agsin this year in the oak grove near the main foot gate on the west side of the fairgrounds View ing hours are from I a m. to 9 30 p.m. aauy. To be repeated again this year is -the Professional Arrangements and Composition division. The flower- art a,ngenienttf eatcd -by about II professions! florists, are of the typo generally seen in flor- ISl OllVy KIUWRP. JliC nunc, A ail replaced periodically - throughout the Fair for freshness. More Premium's Offered A greatly expanded premium list for amateur and hobby growers and arrangers in isions is expectrd to increase entrants in this section A larger number of begonia ex hibitors, with less stock require ments for each, is expected. All space for the Garden Mart, where firms display and sell gar den equipment, has been sold, even though the section was enlarged this year, Mrs. Bartlett says. A cactus garden has been added to the landscape this year. The lawn of thm evhihil ait fn th oak grove, has been reseeded and the unique "motorized water fa with its rock plantings also is being rebuilt. Mrs. Curtis Wright of Wmdburn is assistant director of the show. Snapdragons Provide Much Garden Color Of all the flowers that provide a mass of florets along a spike or stem delphinium, stock, larkspur, foxglove, lupine, snapdragon and others the snapdragon is far and away the most popular. This is partly due to the fact that it is not fussy about the kind of soil in your garden, and partly because it is thoroughly dependable both as a garden subject and for cut flowers. Year by year the snapdragon family has been improved for gar den use, and the general result has been to make the florets bigger and more closely placed on the stem, as in the new Tetra Snaps, and to provide spikes that carry more florets open at one time on more vieorous. branching plants, as in the still newer Msrdi Gras Snap dragon. If you want thick, clubby spikes on midseason to late plants in a color range running predominante ly in the lighter shades, then try mixing Tetra Snapdragons. If you want long, graceful spikes on vigorous, very early plants and the widest color range possible, then plant the new F-2 hybrid Mardi Gras. Mardi Gras is the product of a new kind of plant breeding in which unrelated inbred lines are crossed not only to pro vide hybrid vigor, as in hybrid corn, but also with an eye to the cflect in the second generation iF-Ji where the interaction of the inbreds creates an astonishing burst of colors. Imagine having white, light chartreuse, lemon yellow, canary - yellow, golden yellow, gold, orange, copper, scar iet - orange, light pink, rose-pink, cream, scarlet, deep velvety red and many bi-tones and distinct bi colors all in one mixture! SUMSUUa H AC7WM 1 PrtvtRti (lgflnf I Bctrial-enrvme id ion dtffilt, liqiiidizr, trwage, Vwp link working loiy, Saff, lew (it! No mi ing. jii't pmir in tnilrl ind flu-h. Nnn-poisfwmiis, hnrmlfti to plumbing. Avenge Ht only 3Hc mo. Itivllt tSutranttttJ or Mvitty lock I Try Septonic 30 days at our risM nAO Su t Husiwut, Grwtrr, W Dr. Fn4 s4 $mi Stm Pta.fcfi, m, Comisv It aimd Acic Design Vtsndriiul arw uMMcapnig pot ibilitirt pra H yM dnisa JW frore la lawtaath patlrra ilonf toe propertjr liar. Raash Irxtart-! Dmiflai fir ar writer red cedar twardi five aa latrr- estiag aekTMBd far separate flewrr beds la the aas:leaf the sawlMth. Cedar ar fir posts rai be set la rsarrrte ta give longer service. A !i4 raa mt either wood will protect the louvers. Answers To Garden Questions Question Is there any annual I can plant in a spot that gets shade for only a couple of hours a day? It isn't so dark a spot but it just doesn't get a lot of sun . . in fact very little sun. Would like some color, or I'd plant ferns. That's what everyone says to do. .JK. Answer Lobelia, nicotians, will do well. If you hae the problem t each year, you might plant such perennials as astilhe or bleeding heart. Tuberous begonias might give you the color you would need Question Have a shade tree that seemed to suffer from the win ter. Don't know for sure what it is but think it is a catalpa. Wanl to save it as it has always been here Is there anything 1 can feed it? M. 0. Answer Might revitalize it through ammonium phosphate, or ammonium sulhpatc or nitrate Sometimes it helps to bore small holejs some 18 inches deep, around the tree almost at the outer tip of the branches and fill these with one of the fertilizers. Water thor oughly after applying. Cut out all dead parts back to live areas andi paint over cuts with some tree sea Question The new leaves of tomatoes seem blichted and curl up Color is poor They are Mar - globe, and are growing, but seem poor in comparison to Bonnie Best growing alongside. Will they infect the Bonnie Best ? Have dusted with rotenone for flea beetle. Seem to be hrri 1 1 ml 111 !i entirely free of any bug, but (eaves Pheasant. Casa Morena. Prairie seem to roll up with no intent of Sunset, Bryce Canyon, Rajah unrolling. C.L.T. j Brooke.- San Antone. Auburn. Some .- snrf l.ko western;"' hardy pinks are successful vollnu, Klioht Thrre nro nn rfr.l ...... ..... ting rid of weed hosts helps a little lW and bloom blend well. The as does varying the time of plant-' "Innd W. too. are excellent ing to- avoid severe insect attack 't of the taller growing when tomatoes are small. Trans-; lrl'rs- , . mission seems to be by leafhopper ,,er ha' ,hf lination Spraying or dusting early with' -if '0LI 8,v' i compan.ons. DDT will give some protection hJ s,irr. to fkmploy 5' Tgh, against leafhoppers I would des-.1 P0'1 h? Prov,dln troy the affected plants and dust the others at once. FREE ESTIMATES Ob Floor Coverings NORRIS-WAIKER PAfNT COMPANY 1710 Front Phone 4 2279 aDfXTMHi AU AUMMNUM Cm i '). i'o,. ( oad poiatiaal lICMTWtlCHT. fvy M fcoof . . . ao Stliaa Ptowirtd. IASHT INSTAUIO 0.tly ...0rt. trtm Ini.dt (only 7 K'twi) NO UOOf ru,rd FUU UNO Tel far Ma, protection. AUTOMATIC TIMSION lagavi . lo lock Mdl itom HaHtra wiiwjo from. Conaat bo apaaad Iraa avHtda. NO SAG ... NO iieeiii - IOUS U COMPACTIT lofli re cow partly for cOflvtniant Itorag. SWINGS SREE oofily for 4ndQw walking. Phone 4-1856 Wrifa or Fnont tor FREE HOME DEMONSTRATION Capital Shade & Drapery Shop 1695 Fairgrounds Rri. ' ' mi Garde: Right Kind of Companions o Help to Improve Iris Beds By ULUE l MADSEN Garden Editor, The Statesman Some folk are good company all by themselves. So are irises. Both the people and the flower frequent ly improve with companions, how everthe right kind of compan ions. Iris enthusiasts frequently are heard remarking that "you can build a rainbow in your garden by using the tall bearded iris alone." You can. but there are those of us who feel that the pot of gold is added only when the iris rainbow is combined with other flowers. A sextette of mid spring blooming perennials, which, with a little thought, can be made to harmo nize together beautifully, include iris, lupine, daylilies, painted dai sies, columbines and Oriental pop pies. Plaiting Tbae Here Mid-June may aeem a bit late to discuss planting time for spring bloom. But iris planting time is Just about upon us, and to plan a border that is just right takes a little thinking. If you have a border that does not suit you now, make a plan and as the season advances, re arrange it according to the plan Or i( you do not have a border but have a spot that would be good for one. start it off. Almost from now on out you can plant your irises. You should be sowing your perennial seed in seed oeds or in a spot in the vegetable garden where you can care for them until they are large enough to trans plant. As each reaches that sue., put them into the border. By next spring you will have a lovely spot. One of the first things in planting a variety of perennials or irises alone, for that matter i to take into consideration, is the various heights of the different materials. You wouldn't want to overshadow a beautiful, expensive rhyiome of r)echleairis by a ta-grnwinf lupine, no matter how beautiful the latter might be. Heights are usu ally given in catalogs. Give as, much attention to this detail as to color. rolnr imDirtant The second important step in arranging garden companions 'and juvt a important as the first' is this color. A salmon colored Orien tal poppy just isn't good along side of a 1'int Bouquet iris Both would be dead so far as garden harmony is concerned. No salmon colorings should be combined with the pink or lilac-pink irises. But you'll find the blue-toned iris varieties such as Sable. Am ingo. Blue Ensign. Blue Glow or even Elmohr. better than you think with the orange and scarlet Oriental poppies. Pink lupines are fine with Helen McGregor. Blue Valley, Great I Lakes or Shining Waters, as well i as w ith any of the other light or medium blues like Blue Frills. The bright yellow daylilies are excellent company for the bronze, brown and blue irises if you can get them to bloom at the samel time. Here Helen McGregor, again, j as well as Chivalry. Blue Shimmer, i ' Sylvia Murray or Pierre Menard. 1 can't be surpassed in combination with the clear yellow daylilies. I , Pinks Good with Irises I And almost as good are such bronzes and browns as Argus 1 ! growing in front of the irises in the perennial border, as both foli- Like Extra Little Services? It's always those extra little courtesies in life that make a difference. And you'll find that "different" atmosphere here at CAPITOL KLOOH COVERINGS. We have a complete line of Armstrong plastic, asphalt, rubber and inl tiles and we'll be glad to show you how to lay them yourself. Just an "extra little service" to help you redecorate economicslly. EXPERT DO IT YOI RSELF ADVICE CAPITOL FLOOR COVERINGS 217 $. High Ph. 4-5751 0 0 0 space so that the irises won't rub shoulders too closely. They must have plenty of light and must not be cut off from sun. Air must cir culate freely around them to keep them welt Boaeneal Safe Most irises will succeed well in any type of soil from almost pure sand to rather stiff clay. When one may choose, however, a g o od medium heavy, fairly well enrich ed soi) is to be preferred. Go easy on fertilizers, especially animal fertilizer. This sometimes promotes 0Ar0 1 ffrJwy' aT VP BALLET Gl'ILD I RED TORONTO uB - The National Ballet Guild of Canada went in the red $8.1,000 last year, it an nounced, and needs more than $100,000 above box office receipts this year to maintain its present standards. Guild president Tony Griffin asked for government ac tion on a proposed council for sup port of the arts. I twit. TOW PRICELESS COMFORT Anyont Can Afford NATURAL GAS IS CLEAN SAFE THRIFTY Per Free btimates Call M535 Salem Heating & Sheet Metal Co. No mixing or measuring the er automatically dispenses thi particles on Dandelions, Buckh' other lawn weeds . . . destroys harm to law n grasses. VC asonw i fOsWLii mm t TTOZJ7a Tfwf c&C :3a in six minutes. Spreoder weeding is foster, safer! Eliminates drift hazard . . . .Spreader disperses fceed killing granules at correct scientific rates. Set the magic number on box, walk over the lawn. JM.M5 to w ssrooNi 411 S Miaa H O 4-Sa7l t I DOItnil I SONS ISO N laaiaitar ft MS4 NOWtIS ItOI III! t ilia l B J-J"4 SALEM MMDW.lt 110 N Cn Mtlal O 1-49M n . TMI THUS 1X0 lltl 1 Cm txlal ty M00 vim mt 1 tire JI0S t Cam ikIoI n t 7041 WtlltCt MSIOWtSI 704 N Capital S )-a!77 WI!T UilM MtlSWiSI 1111 Idf.watx O J lt 8m ScottsVCand & Touch combo Enough Jo kill 201)0 u teds Kill weeds as you w alk. Toixil is veteran 4-XO in special dispenser. ScottsVCand en Mb ables user to dispense granules in right amounts to destroy weeds. Touch here or there . . . sway I'JiliHiari By Lillie L. Madsen lush growth and eventually ret Bonemeal, well worked in, is safe and good. Don't plant in deeply shaded situations, and avoid places where roots or large trees or big shrubs rob the soil of plant food and mois ture. Be sure drainage is good. Plant at least two feet apart After the first year, sparse appear ances will have vanished. Plant in groups of three of a kind about a foot apart, the groups at three foot intervals, for immediate ef fect. ELECTRIC HEATERS Wall Portable Baseboard THE TILLER SHOP M E Rotary Tiller Power Mowers Carden Supplies Shrrwin Williams Faints 1198 S. Com'i; Ph. 2-1009 RENT A TOOL Do It You'talf II I 0par OPEN SUNDAYS Stlem'i Olant Tool Rental HOWSER BROS. 1110 Saatii Utk St. v.. Open Friday Evening Scotts Spread- yfMfM ieth.i scom AMm nrn. Plantain. 4T t .hen, without I Mm 1000 sqtt area Uliyjti WEED t FEED One trip, double benefits. I'ntque compound com bining 2.i D and grassfood that kills weeds as it feeds grass to greater health and beauty. I xcellent for re storing run-down law-ns. Vrrd&rreJ Sfl xSfl au- 11.(101) iq -5.7J 4-XD Weed Control Scotts dean granular form of 2,4-D. Particles quickly adhere eed grow th, deMroy them w ithout harm to gra Reasonable .;( 14 rs -.'.7S 11,000 sq ft-4M loJtptnJrnet k 1 TNOMst 1 ce JOl Main 9 II Snylon STfTTON HDWI I FUlN O J174 IT oeJiurn SHUN) NSWI O J 13 Taut MartaalLWaMi Stan go weeds. .aaJMI m $W 0 4 TtUmiVTf O, Sunk 77, Wttkii