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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (June 16, 1956)
Tomorrow's Sunday AVtri o Special Church Activititt in Salem and the Valley Churches Continue Suihmer Emphasis On Youth Schools Churches in Salem and throughout the Willamette Valley are this week continuing their emphasis on youth training in many Vacation Bible Schools and related teaching program. A new development in this field has been a "Christian Night Club" program adopted by Salem's First Baptist Church for junior high and senior high youth. About 35 already have enrolled in the nightly program. r .Jd? K'bSf.lST .SS5S4 , Confirmation Service h4intr,0riThurM,ay 81 SL Paur' handcraft work. Working on the evening staff are: Mrs. Chester Hedberg, Miss Alice Humphreys, David Bosell, the Re-. Ben Owen, Norman Mam, uougias toe 'ana me ney The Day Vacation Bible School, unner ine aireciorsnip 01 Mrs. dariana iteaa, nas reported a total enrollment of 275 in ages from S through 11. The school will continue through the com ing week. Episcopalians Start Daily Vacation Bible School will start at 9:13 a.m. Monday at SI Paul's Episcopal Church and will continue two weeks. Hours are 9 15 to 11:30 a.m. Department chairmen for the teaching staff are Mrs. Charles Hefty, pre-school; Mrs. A. E. Rean, primary; Mrs. Lauren Gale, junior. Mrs. W. G. Burrows will be nurse. Court Street Date Set Court Street Christian Church has announced it will conduct a Daily Vacation Bible School July 23 through Aug. 3, with Opal Zell as general superintendent. Staff leaders will include Vio let Mmirt, . juniar -dapartment; Marjorie Goodman, primary; Edith Bates, beginners. School at St. Mark's St. Mark's Lutheran Bible School will open its doors Mon day morning at 9 o'clock. All sessions will be conducted in the church and Sunday school de partments, under the direction of Mrs. Arnold Olson. General theme of the entire two weeks of study is "God's Children Prsy." A staff of near ly 50 teachers and helpers has Salem Churches APOSTOLIC JMl'S NAMf 445 Center, 11 m S p m. ASSEMBLY Of GOD jf Central Cottaft andrHood 11 m and 7 30 p m. tvan(rllstle T'mplt Park and Market. 11 a m.. 7 45 p m. The Chapel Tairview Ave. and Bluff St. 11 a m.. 7 45 p m. BAPTIST Bethel Cottaft and D. 11 a m.. 7 . .10 p m. (slvsri Liberty and Miller. 11 am, 7.30 p m. Sunday School. S 45 am Capital Baptlt 3000 Laminr Sun day arhool S 45 am. Services 11 am., 7 45 p m rtrrt Liberty and Marlon 11 a m.. 7 yo p m. Immanuel Harel and Academy. 11 a m and 7 30 p m. Weit Salem Ith and Hoiemon, 11 em, 7 30 p m. CATHOLIC St. Joseph'! Wln'er and Chemek eta I 7. 8. 9 15. 10 30. 11 45 a m St. Vincent de Paul - Myrtle and Columbua. . 7, , MS. 10:30 and 11:45 a m. CHRISTIAN Court St. 17th and Court School. 9 43 am, 8 ISO and 11 f ellowship Hour. :I0 p m. Pint Cottaft and Marlon. Bihlf a in ; 10 (5 a m . 7:30 p m. CHRISTIAN AND MISSIONARY Alliance 5th and Garnet 11 am, 7 30 p m. CHl'RCH Or CHRIST Central Cottaaa and Chemeketa. 10 50 a m.. 7 30 p.m. WIST SAUM CHL'RCH OF CHRIST City Hall. 11 a m . 7 :30 p m. CHIRCH OF CHRIST. SCIENTIST Flrat Liberty and Chemeketa.. 11 a m., S p m. CHCRCH OF GOD First Lancaster and Glendale. 11 m. and 7.30 p m. CHCRCH OF GOD, The M0 S. J2nd. 11 am. 7 43 p m. CHCRCH OF COD OF PROPHECT 1580 g. 20th. 11am , 7 45 p m. CHCRCH OF JT3V9 CHRIST Of LATTER DAY SAINTS - 5th and Madison, t a m., 6 30 p m. CONGREGATIONAL Firsl Coitaer and Marion, TO a m. Rnlfht Memorial 19th and rerry. 11 a m. rPISCOPAl St. Paul's S Liberty and Mven. 7 30. S 30 11 a.m. MISSION OF ST. PALI 'S VTW Hall, 630 Hood St , 9 30 a m. rVANC.n.lCAL' AND REFORMED Bethany Capitol and Marion 11 a m. EVANGELICAL I'NITED BRETHREN Enlewood-nth and Nebraska 11 am . 7:30 pm First Summer and Marion. 10.50 a m., 7 :30 p m. FAITH TABERNACLE 1305 N. 5th 11 a m.. 7 45 p m. FOCRSQC ARE 490 N 19th 11 a m.. 7 45 pm, FREE METHODIST Winter and Market 11 p m. am.. 1.M Salem's Singing Church -A ft pipi'i-1 I, - St. Paul's Episcopal Church naJ scheduled its confirmation service for 8 p m. Thursday at (he church. The Right Rev. jame w. F. Carman, bishop co- adjutofi wjH confirm the class St. Elizabeth's Guild will serve breakfast the confirmation ciJ5S ol day morning, June e the class mem- brate their first 7:30 a m. been assembled. Children four years old and up will be enroll ed. No pre-registration will be held. The kindergarten will be under the direction of Mrs. E. W. Hill Strom and Mrs. A. L. Ferrin; pri mary department, by Mrs. V. J. Osko and Mis. Carl Larigeland; junior department, Mrs. W. L. Barnett. Baptist Program Set SALEM HEIGHTS The Salem Heights Baptist Church will com plete its Vacation Bible School Tuesday and will stage a youth program at 7:30 that evening in the Salem Heights Community Hall. Average daily attendance has been over 100, reports jMrs. Her ihe frickey, school director. A separate Vacation School for jun ior boys and girls will be held later this summer. School Place Changed MIDDLE GROVE While the new school construction is under way, the Middle Grove Daily Vacation Bible School is being held at Swegle School. Teachers report a Bible School enrollment of over 100. Sunday School and church ser vices also are being held now in Swegle School FRIENDS Highland Avenue Church and Highland 11 am 7 30 pm South Salem Commercial and Washington 11 am.. 7:30 p m. FCI.L GOSPEL PENTECOSTAL Calvary Chapel - 1143 N Liberty 11 am, 7 :45 p m. Full Gospel Mission - SOI N. Lib erty. 10 a m., 7 45 p m. Jesus Name Pentecostal 1175 Lewis. 11 am, 7:45 pm JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES 18!f0 Mission. S p m. Sunday. JEWISH Broadway and Madison. 7 30 pm (Friday). KINGWOOD BIBLE 1125 Elm S 45 a m , 10 45 a m . 7 45 p.m. H'THF.R AN Central Capitol and Gaines Sun day school. 9.45 a m., services 11 a m and 7 30 p m. Christ IS'n and State. S 30 and 11 a m. Sunday School it 9 45 a.m. Grata Lutheran Lantlng and Sun nvview. Sunday school 9 45 a.m. Srrvices Sam. St. John's 14th and Court at 10 .10 a m. SL Mark-,143 N Church. Sunday school 9 30 a m. Worship 11 a m. MENTAL SCIENCE 370 Kiniwood Avt. Classes I pm. Friday. METHODIST First Church and Slatt. t 30 and 11 a m. Jason Leo Winter and Jefferson. 9:45 and 11 a.m. Leslie Commercial and Meyers. 11 a.m.. 7 30 p m. Mornlnfslde Methodist Church Sunday School 9:45 a m. and services at 11 a m. each Sunday. nest Salem 3rd and Gerth. 11 am and 7.30 p.m. .NAZARENE First 13th and Center. 10 50 am, 7 30 p.m. OPEN BIBLI STANDARD 1231 N. Commercial. 11 am. 7:43 p m. PILGRIM HOLINESS 1285 Carlton. 11 a m.. 7 30 p m. PRESBYTERIAN First Winter and Chemeketa. 1:41 a.m.. 11 a m. REORGANIZED CHl'RCH OF JESTS CHRIST OF I ATTrR DAY SAINTS 17th and Chemeketa II a m., 8 p m. SALEM BIBLE CHCRCH 2's miles east on Center St . II a m. and 7:30 p.m. SALVATION ARMT 241 Slate. 11 a m.. 1 10 p m. - SEVENTH-DAY ADVENT1ST ' Summer and Hood 9 30 and 11 a m. SPIRITl'AI.IST 1320 Madison. -rirsl 7 30 p m. TRUTH CENTM 1149 Court St Sunday School 10 am. Worship 11 am. UNITARIAN FELLOWSHIP No summer service. INITEO BRETHREN first 1149 Mission St. Worship II a m. WESLEYAN METHODIST 15th and Mill SL 11 a m. and I p m First Church of the Nazarene Center at Thirteenth 9-45 Sunday School 10:50 Morning Worship "Growing in Grace 6:30 Youth Hour 7:30 Evangelistic Service "John's Message" Rev. E. D. Wolfe, Guest Speaker The Public Is Invited 24. arthe tim ber will cede communion as Father's Day Chief Topic At Silverton SILVERTON Father's Day will take the top spot in a num ber of Silverton church pro grams Sunday. At Immanuel Lutheran church. Sunday school classes will pause for the day, with a special Fath er's Day prbgram planned. There will be special music and other numbers. Fathers of the Sunday school children are especially in vited. Two brothers, both: seminary students, will speak at two Sil verton churches. At Immanuel Lutheran. Rav Lester will give the morning ser mon and at Trinity church, Rob ert Lester will conduct the serv ice. The.V are sons of Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Lester, Silverton, and are attending Luther Theological Seminary at St. Paul. Minn. Trinity church is awaiting its new pastor in July, and Imman uel Lutheran congregation has just received the resignation of its pastor, the Rev. Arnold W. Nelson, effective Sept. 1. The Rev. Mr. Nelson is now attend ing the national convention of the Evangelical Lutheran church in Minneapolis. Immanuel Luther League meets at 1 .p.m. Sunday. A con gregational meeting will be held at 8 p.m. Monday and Imman uel Men's Club meets Tuesday night at 8 in the Fireside Room. Women's Missionary Federation meets Thursday at 8 in the Fire side Room. A Father's Day program will be given in the First Christian Church School at 8 45 a.m. Two services will be held at Silverton Methodist Sunday, the first at 8 a.m. and the second at U a.m. A trio composed of Mrs. Craig Clark, Mrs. Harry Riches and Mrs Paul. Jltmrx will jmgat the first serivce and Mrs. Henry will sing a solo at the 11 o'clock session. The Rev. C. J. Cording, pastor, has announced his sermon topic for First Baptist Sunday as "A Father's Choice." Young People's meeting will be held at Cording home, 315 S. Second, Sunday night with the evening gospel service at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon C. McNeilly, 304 Mill St., at 7:30. Song service will begin at 9:13 a.m. Saturday at Seventh-Day Ad ventist school. E. R. Patterson will, speak at the n o'clock wor ship hour. Pathfinders meet Monday, at 7 p.m., at the church. Calvary Vacation Bible School program at Sunday School hour, Sunday at 10 a.m. Open to public. The Naomi Society meets with Mrs. Marie Christenson, Monday at 7:30, and Ladies' Aid at the church Wednesday at 2 p.m. Mrs. L. Standard, hostess. Special music for Trinitv Lu theran Church 11 o'clock service will he furnished by Mrs. Wil liam Iron, violinist, accompanied by Mrs. Harlan Moe. Trinity Sun day School staff meeting Thurs day night at 8 p.m. in the Fire side Room with Miss Nettie Hat tebcrg as hostess. Salem Girl to Be Summer Interne At Youth Center INDIANAPOLIS - Nancy Ann Fisher of Salem. Ore., will be one of two Disciples of Christ (Chris tian Chlirchpsl vnnnff nonnU whn will serve a summer internshio at the Avalon Community Cen ter in Los Angeles, it has been announced here. Miss Fisher, a member of the First Christian Church of Salem, will also participate in a summer work camp for young people to be held at All People's Christian Church and Community Center and the Avalon Community Cen ter in Los Angeles June 23-Aug. 20. Diseussion Led Bv Mike Shaw "A New Lease on Life" will be the sermon subject of the min ister, the Rev. Louis E. White, at the 11 o'clock service Sunday at the Knight Memorial Congre gational Church. The young people meeting at 6:30 p m. will continue a discus sion of the subject, "Our Protest ant Heritage". Discussion this week is in charge of Mike Shaw, and -worship leader for tins meet: ing will be Nancy Ferguson. All young people of junior high, sen ior high and college ages are cor dially invited to attend. 'The First Evangelical United Brethren Church Corner of Marion and Summer A. G. Jamieson, Minister Going East . i SILVERTON The Rev. A. W. Nelson, who has beea serving Immaaael LaHberaa Church for the past ' years, plans ta leave la early September for Mil waukee, Wis. He submHted his resigaatiea t the local ehareh before leaving this week for the a'Uenal coaveatioi at Mlnaj. 11a. The eongre.gatia will con sider his resignation at a special meeting Monday niaht. Summer Service Hour Set at 10 Members of the First Congre gational Church voted to hold their summer worship services at 10 a.m. throughout the summer, beginning Sunday. The church school will meet at this same hour through the remainder of June and July. This Sunday, Dr. Keiser will conduct observance of the Lord's Supper and preach on "We Have This Fellowship ". It will be his last service before going to the general council meeting in Oma ha. There will be a chuTcn-time nursery and a baby nursery at 10 a.m. throughout the summer. Suburban Al'MSVILLE , Bathal Baptist .-Sunday school 10 am. Services 11 am. 7:M p.m. Sun- WMleyan Sunday scnooi m a.m. Servicea il a.m., 7:30 p.m. Sunday. BROOKS Ataemnly of God Half blorlr. south or school sunnay school 9:45 am. Service! 11 am. 7:45 p.m. Sunday; 7:4 pm. Wednes day. CLEAR LAKE Evancelleal I'njtetl Brethren Wheatland Ferry rd. Sunday school 11 a.m. Service 10 am, Sunday. SOLA Community Sunday school 9:43 a m. Services 11 am Sunday. roi'R CORNERS Baptist State and lima. Sunday school 9 45 a m. Servicea 11 a.m., I p m. Sunday. S p m Thursday. FOl'R CORNERS Methodist Lima and Durbln St. Rev. Jo A Hardins, minister. Sunday school t:4 s m,- Worship .11 a rp an J p.m. IKl'lTLAND Svtnielical United Brethren Sun t jchopi, 10 a.m. Servicea, 11 a m.. 1;0 p.m. Sunday. 7.30 p.m., Wed nesday. GARDEN ROAD Christian Church Bible School i:4S am. Worahlp 11 am. 7:30 p m. Sunday Bible Study Wednesday. 7:30 p m. HAVESVII.I.E llalbrrt Memorial Baptist 4290 Portland rd Sundav school B 45 a m. Services II a m . 7 30 p.m., Sunday. 7:30 p.m., Thursday. HOPEWELL Evaniellcal United Brethren Sun day school, 10 a.m. Services 11 a m.. Ipm. Sunday. I pm. Wednesday. Church of Christ 10311 Dearborn. Sundav school, 10 a.m. Services. 11 am. '7 30 p.m. Sunday. 7.30 p4m. Wednesday. Community Ellrabeth and Church dale. Sunday school, 9:45 a m. Serv ices 11 am. 7 45 pm Sunday. 7 45 p m. Wednesday. Faith Lutheran 4505 N. Fiver rd. Sundav school, 9 45 am Services, :i a.m. Sunday. 7 pm. Tuesday Nararene 4855 Bailey. Sunday school. 945 am. Services. Ham. 7:45 p m. Sunday. 7 p m. Wednesday LABISH CENTER Community (Evangelical United Brethren I Sunday school. IS am. Services. 11 am. 7 45 p.m. Sunday. 8:30 p m. Wednesday. LABISH VILLAGE Bethel Assembly Sunday School, ,0 a m. services, il a m . 7 :45 p m. Community Sundav school. 10 a m. Services, 11 a.m.. S 30 p.m. Sunday. LIBERTY Liberty Church of Christ Skyline rd. Sundav school. 9 45 a m Services 11 am, 7 30 pm. Sunday. 7 30 pm Wednesday. M ACLE A V Community Schoolhouse Sunday achool. 10 a m. MARION Friends Sunday school, S 45 a m. Services 1 1a.m. and I p.m. Sunday. Calvary Lutheran Sundav school. 10 a m. Services. 11 a.m. Sunday. FIRST METHODIST CHURCH Down Tow n the Tall White Spire 9:30 and 11:00 a. m. "THE HIGH ROAD AHEAD" BrMdeasi KSLM . 11:30-12:00 Brooks H. Moore Minister Revealed Father" fKb',' J ''''-awaBBaaawadEtar v I Saatf i jV '! I LJOJ 10:50 A. M. Sunday School 9:45 A.M. VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL Monday Through Friday 9:00 A.M. THE KINGS ADVENTURE LAND Transportation provided if you will call 3-7413 SPECIAL SERVICE 7:30 P.M. Presenting "SCRAP AND STEEL" A Picture of the Restoration of a Man Who Found His Way Bark to God Presbyterians To Observe Youth Sunday A Children'a day and Youth Sun day emphasis at First Presbyterian Church during the 9:45 service Sun day morning will highlight the con tribution of the Sunday morning church school and Westminster Fellowship in a Christian education program. Kindergarten, primary, junior and junior high departments will give a brief picture of their lessons this year following the theme, "The Bible in Christian Faith and Life." David Tbelen will explain the junior high evening fellowship pro- igram to the congregation. Die Buchanan will use uw wesimvnsier Fellowship state of purpose to tell about the senior high program. The July-September curriculum magazines will be in the narthex for parents who want to use them this summer. Vacation Church School continues from to 11:30 June IMS. Omaha Party Visits Pratum Statesman News Service PRATUM Special guests will conduct both 11 a.m. and 7:43 p.m. public services Sunday at Emmanuel Mennonlte Church near Pratum. The Rev. Joseph W. Schmidt, Omaha, Nebr., president of Grace Bible Institute, will conduct the 11 a.m. service, assisted by the Grace Notes girls' trio and by Roscoe Schultz, a graduate of the institute. The Rev. Leon Detweiler, field representative of the institute, will speak at the evening service. The visiting group Will leave Sunday afternoon for Silver Creek Falls, where they will serve at the Mennoite Young People's Camp. Clmri'lios MIDDLE GROVE Community Schoolhouse Sunday achool, 10 a m., services. 11 am. NORTH HOWl,L43twrigMy sunoay scnooi io a m. services ll a.m., S p.m., Sunday. I p.m., Wednes day. OAK GROVE Chapel Sunday school. 45 a.m. Services 11 a.m., Sunday. PRATUM Immanuel Mennonlte Sunday school 9:M am. Servicea 11 a.m., 7:45 p.m., Sunday. Methodist Sunday school 10 a.m. Service 11 am., Sunday. PRINGLE Friends Baxter rd.. west of 9t. Sunday school- 1:45 a.m. Servicea 11 a.m., 7 30 p.m., Sunday. I pjn., Wednes day. ROBERTS Commenlty Schoolhouse Sunday school, 10 a.m. ROSEDALE Friends Sunday achool 10 a.m. Services 11 aim., t JO-. p.m.,- Sunday. SALEM HEIGHTS Baptist Liberty and Madrono. Sun day scnooi s:49 a.m. Services II am. i ju p.m., Sunday.. Good Shepherd Lutheran JS2S 8 Commercial. Sunday school Ai a.m. Services 11 a m , Sunday. South Salens Natarene ASS E. Ma drona ave. Sunday school 49 am. Services 11 a m.. 7:30 p m.. Sundav. Southslde Assembly of God Fair view Ave. and Cedarway. Sunday school 9:45 Service 11 a m . 7:45 o m. -Sunday. 7:45 p m., Wednesday. SI'MMIT METHODIST Sunday School in a m. weekly. 11 a m. serv ices second and fourth Sundays of each month. SWEGI.B Garden Road Christian 40S9 Mar ket. Sunday school 9:45 a m. Service 11 a.m., Sunday. TALBOT Community Sunday achool 9:45 a m Servicea il a m.. I p.m., Sunday.' I p m., Wed nesday. TURNER Assembly of God-Sunday school I 13 a.m. services II am.. 7:45 pm, Sunday. 7:45 p m., Wednesday and Friday. Christian Sunday school 9:45 a m. Services 11 am., 7:30 p m., Sunday. 7 p m.. Thursday. Methodist Sunday school 10 am Services 11 a.m Seventh-Day Adventlst Sunday school 9:30 a.m. Service 11 a.m. ZENA Two miles west of Lincoln, day achool, 10 a m. Sun- FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH CHEMEKETA and WINTER "The Promise . . . To Your Children" By Dr. Poling Two Services: 9:45 and 11 a.m. KOCO 10:00 a.m. North Sth nd Ginn Rv. R. K. Bastthflor, Pastor 9:43 m., Sunday School 1! a m., "Tk Beauty of Simplicity" 7 30 p.m., ClimaN Rally "BIG BUSINESS, LITTLE PROFIT" (Wt thank God for Hn gratioul vrsitattdnj Come, Meat a Friend at THE FRIENDLY CHURCH L. C. COATS Near This Young firebrand Army Chaplgin in the Korean War Baptist Preacher From Oklahoma Recently Filled With the Holy Ghost Meeting Nightly 8 P.M. Rev. Wyatt Preaches Sunday 11 A.M. Sunday School 9:45 A.M. A Welcome for You FAITH TABERNACLE 1305 North Sth at Gaines Providence Day' Sunday at Historic GiurctaNcar Scio SCIO Prwidenct Day will be observed Sunday, with Palmer Brown, librarian of Multnomah School of the Bible in Portland. speaking at both morning and aft ernoon sessions. He formerly worked In connection with BIOLA in California. Services will be at the little rur Eugene Host To National Church Meet EUGENE UP The Church of the Brethren, holding its national conference here Thursday elected Dr. A. C. Baugher, president of Elizabethtown College, Elizabeth town, Pa., as the moderator for the coming year. He will succeed Paul M. Robinson, president of Bethany Biblical Seminary, Chicago-Alternate moderator for the coming year will be Raymond R. Peters, executive secretary of the church federation of Greater Day ton, O. Conference secretary will be Dr. Chalmer E. Faw, professor of New Testament at Bethany Biblical Seminary, Chicago. The convention, ' which has drawn 2.500 delegates to Eugene, will end Sunday night: Lutherans Will Hear Talk by By Dr. Andic "Challenges and Responsibili- ties of Today's Youth" will be the topic of Dr. Vojtech Andic, head of the department of economics at Willamette University, in an address to the Willamette valley zone of the Lutheran Laymen's League at 3:30 p.m. Sunday, at the Izaak Walton Hall. Hosts will be the Salem LLL group of St. John's Lutheran church. f Supper will be covered dish, to be followed by square dancing called by Herbert Kreger of Jef ferson. A vesper service win De followed with community singing led by Mrs. William Fischer. Free 3Iethodisls Church to See Film oii Ecuador Mr. and Mrs. Kermit Beougher from the missionary radio station HCJB in Quito, Ecuador, will pre sent the latest film production of the station at the Salem Free Metliodist Church, Sunday at 7:30 p.m. x Beoneher has served as techni cian for the station for the past, four years and with' his family is scheduled to return In the near future. The film ahows the out reach of HCJB in Its world wide ministry. Masons Select State Officials PORTLAND - Ralph T. Moore of Grants Pass, a former state representative, Thursday was elected head of the Oregon: Mason's grand lodge. David W. Pearson, Portland, i was named junior warden. Other j officers: Clarence A. Kopp, La, Grande, deputy master; Walter! Lansing, Salem, senior warden; j Franklin C. Howell, Portland, , treasurer; and H. D. Proudfoot, j Portland, secretary. Walter C. Winslow, Salem, was elected chairman of the jurispru dence committee. Calvary Chapel Full Gospel 1143 N. Liberty 9:45-Sunday School 1 1:00 Morning Worship Sermon: A Father's Failure 7:00 Young People's Service 7:45-Sunday Night Evangelistic Services Phone 2-7076 Everyone Welcome G. G. Hilligoss, Pastor ST. PAUL'S EPISCOPAL S. Liberty k High at Myers - SUNDAY SERVICES -7:30 Holy Communion 9:30 Family Service 11:00 Matins and Sermon Mission, V. F. W. Hall 630 Hood Street Family. Service, 9:30 A. M. Rev. Geo. H. Swift, Rector al Providence church founded by Joab Powell eight miles southeast of Scio. On his one Sunday of the year ai Providence, Sunday school is held at 10 a.m. and the church service ta 11. At the close of the morning service a covered dish dinner will be held, with the Sun day School providing free coffee and punch. The afternoon service will open with congregational singing at 2 o'clock. Besides Reverend Brown s message ana music oy a quanei from the First Baptist Church in Albany there will be some time given for reminiscences of the more than 100 years that Provi dence haa served this community. United Lutheran Rally on Sunday At Camp Col ton Lutherans of United Lutheran Churches from Oregon and South ern Washington will converge on Camp Colton, the Lutheran Sum mer Bible Camp near Colton, Sunday afternoon for an all-Lutheran tally preceding the formal opening of the Bible camp for the summer season. A special program has been prepared by the young people who have attended Camp Colton in the past. Salem churches tak ing part in the camp rally in clude SL Mark's Lutheran. Faith Lutheran and Good Shepherd Lutheran. Families of the churches are invited to visit the camp and share in a picnic supper served by . the Lutheran Brotherhood. j Virgil Mason, Salem, is in charge of serving arrangements. Rev. Durden Quest Speaker Dr. Charles Durden,' fortner pas tor of the Calvary Baptist Church, will be the guest speaker there at 11 a m., speaking on "Wings Over Our. World." At 7: SO p.m. his mes sage will be "The Three-Fold Task of the Church." tfouth to Attend DistricflrleeHnff Representing the Luther League of Christ Lutheran Church at the annual district con vention at Whitworth College Spokane, June 13-17, will be Maria Hepner, Joel Mathlas, Sandra Jones, Sharon Sauer and Dick Hastay. They will be accompanied b" Mrs. Floyd Hastay, adviser. FIRST CHRISTIAN .CHURCH Mwioa and Cottage Twejdentical-Wershlp Services 8: JO and 10:l Father! Day Sermom - THI FATHER AND I 9:45 Church School 5:00 6:00 Youth Activities 7:30 Evening Worship Beginning a New Sermon Study "The Books of , the New Testament" Foursquare Church 490 N. 19th St 9:45 a. m Sunday School 6:45 p. m Youth Service 11:00 a. m Morning Worship 7:30 p. m Evangelistic Service Rev. Roy E. Worthington A FRIENDLY WELCOME AWAITS YOU YOUR HEAVIEST BURDEN Will Vanish When Yon Attend Church SUNDAY 9:45 A. M. Sunday School for every age 11:00 A. M. "The Rest of the Christian9 Rev. Ben Owen 7:30 P. M. "Youth in the Church" Message by Rev. Stan Irvine, Yeulh Dir. "Get the Prayer Meeting Habit!" Wednesday, 7:30 P. M. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Marion and Liberty Ba I Hi - fofffi in ffie lift fyorlaifing Is o lijlif Tfcof Never fails To symbolize beititifully the deep faith that alone has power to lighten the burden of sorrow is our dedicated purpose in every conduct. Obit rv ant of f very Wish, Httdtul of f very Need II CIDUGH ! Ml - -h ! 1205 S. Church at-f erry Statesman, Salem, Ore., Sat., June 16, S6 (Sec. I)-7 Ceremonies Sunday for New Church The Congregation of Trinity Methodist Church at Four Comers will participate in ground-breaking ceremonies Sunday immediately following the 1:30 worship service. Th lufn ! nrv KiiilHinif In h twin- ! structed thi, wiU tend , Hirectlv behind the nresent build- ing and is to be 90 by 40 feet. It will serve as additional educa- tinnnl cruuwi M will nrnvirU rnnma for scouts, a multi-purpose room, I u Centennial feature of the con church school office, and will in-1 cessions has been nvrved to Je.( crease the size of the present kit- nin Ldw nd reassembled for cnen i use in the young people s Evare n. r r n.- ., gclical church camp this summer. Dr. George G. Koseberry, super-1 " , ' m'' intendent of the Salem district of T1 Aid nd M14 2 the Methodist Church, will turn the j Pn!,0f J? wmmer picnic Juby , first shovel of dirt. Leonard Jud- 11 at Helmlck park. son, chairman of the building com-1 mittee, and I. H. White, past chair-! man, will assist in the sen-ice. The Rev. Joe Andrew Harding, i pastor, said construction would be-, gin Tuesday with E. C. Bailey, a member of the congregation, as1 foreman. Lyle Bartholomew, ar chitect, designed the building. i QUAKTET SCHEDULED The Peace in the Valley Quar tet of Hubbard will ling at Im manuel Baptist Church In Salem Sunday evening at 6:30 and 7:30, the Rev. Ralph H. S. Wolverton, pastor, has announced. SALEM TRUTH CENTER 114 COURT tttMry Phunln Classes Preyae Haahn CRsttce FV 144M . i-teio The Lutheran Churchti of Sakm WELCOME YOU 8T. MARK'S (U. U C) MS North Chrth Service 11:M a. sa. Sunday Schaol 1:31 a. as John L. Canble, Pastor ST. JOHN'S (UC-Me. Sya.) 14tb and Court Sts. Service 10:3 a. as. . Sunday School 9:11 a. sa. B. W. Great, Puter GRACE (E. L. C.) 3309 SnnnrvteW Avenae Service 9:09 a. m. Snnday School 11:1$ a. u. ' Lowell Bolt.' fitter GOOD SHEPHERD U. L. C.) 1729 South Commercial Service 11 a. at. Sunday School 9:45 a. am O. W. Ebrlght, 0. D., Pastor FAITH (U. L. C.) 4505 North River Read Services 9:39 a.m. and 11 a.m. Sunday School 9:43 a, as. -Warren W. Pecamaa, Pastor CHRIST (A L. C.) State at 18th Street Services 1:39 a. m. and 11 a. m. Sunday School, 9:43 a. M. T. M. Grbhard. Pastor CENTRAL (L. r. C. ' North Capitol al Gsinet , Services 11 a. as. and 7:39 p. m. Sundav School 9:43 a. . Harald GrlndaL, pastor funeral service wel id? WWW HOME I 1 24-Hr. Phone: 3-9139 LMr. Russell " Jlnds service SUtesaaaa News See vie . MONMOLT1I-AIW servlnti m Ladies' Aid president for It yean oi trie local. -Evangelical United Brethren church, Mn. G. L. Rus sell asked to be relieved Una year, and Mrs, A. F. Liermaa is tak ing her place. Other officers elected were Mrs, William Wilson, vice-president! Mrs. E. A. Stebbins, secretary 1 treasurer. , . ' ; Mrs. Marshall Kortlever. wife of th church minister, reported that : th miniatur ChUTCR WrWtTUCted "IIMIMUI THI IAMATM DAT- , SEVENTH DAY , ADVENTIST CHURCH NORTH IUMMM AT NOOP IT. Sabbath School 9:30 a.m.' Preaching 11:00 a.m. . v Youth Meeting 4:00 p.m. . MINUTlllD, H. A. NCKHAM ' A Meet Cardial Wakweat Awaits Tm . MY. v i I ; 'IO 3 CULPEPPER Salvation Healing . , ..-) , ...... i i'if n. Continuous 3rd . Oreat Week vn IO ? 1 i(,i t is ) ."C'l- 1.1 r. Follow the Crowd to th :." Tenth located at 1925 Lata Ave. eae block east of Portland read. Saltan, Ore ton. . ' . Tonight, 7:30 Double Portion" Can We Have It Today? Thousands have heard the Culpepper Revival Party in great revival c n paigns in (ante, auditori urns, and churches acres America. This it your t poriun'rty to experience one of this area' groat. oat spiritual moves. Sunday Afternoon 2:30 "Deliverance for You! !" SCORES All IEIN0 DELIVERED FROM SIN - HABITS SICKNESSES OPPRESSION THRU THIS MAN'S MINISTRY Services Nightly 7:30, Sunday 2:30 e Mfht service In tent Sunday, Sponsored by the Salem Penteceatal Minis ter's Fellowship. Rev. f. H. Schaberf, Chairman Signs - Wonders Miracles In Every Service Revival x 2 .-1 At vl.l r'ttt ii- I 1 f t1 .r--i- - 1;' 1 " ' r' ' '- n. 1.11 mm