4-H GROl'P PRESIDENT Carol Hudson, Salem, wu nam ed one of 42 group presidents heading the nearly 1,900 Oregon 4-H Club members attending a 10 day summer Khool at Oregon State College. The 10-day school includes course work in 12 differ ent home economics arid agricul tural subjects. Bargain. I yr. old peacocks, $15 a pr. Th. 3-9075. (adv) Court Apts. (Court k Cottage) of fer down town quiet apt., from (42.50 to $5 Ph. 1-7440. i adv I OVERSEAS EMPLOYMENT Miss Kathryn G. MacRae, over seas placement officer for the U. S Air Force, will interview ap plicants for stenographic and au diting positions for work on over- seas Air Force bases Wednesday and Thursday at the Oregon state employment service office, 710 Ferry St. Baked Foods Sale. This weekend. Sponsored by Women of the Moose Lodge. Salem at Nameless Mkt . 1940 Mission. i adv) Custom made steel awnings as low as $12.60, Judson's, Ph. 3-4141. i adv) CARSON COMMISSIONED Wallace P. Carson Jr., son of Wallace P. Carson, 370 Leslie St., has been commissioned second lieutenant in the Air Force Re serve on completion of the four year ROTC at Stanford I'niver sity. He will begin pilot training on entering active service. Mrs. Norman (Eileen) Clark now assoc. with Loveall-Miller Beauty Salon. Ph. 3-7870. Adv. Automatic water heaters at lower cost. Judson's, 279 N. Com'!, (adv) Unsightly facial hair removed safely, permanently. Price's Beauty Salon. Ph. 3-5859. (Adv.) Public Records CIRCUIT COURT Stat Unemployment Compen sation Commission vs. Elmer Lincoln Bingaman, doing business as Skyline Cafe: Plaintiff's com plaint alleges failure by defend ant to make certain contributions as required by the unemploy ment compensation law. and seeks judgment totaling $53. Helen Crooks vs. Ralph H. Wa ters and George Harris Waters: Civil suit based on traffic acci dent: plaintiff alleges negligence on part of defendants and seekj judgment totaling 122.232. PROBATE COURT . . Estate of Nellie Crocker Cor nell, deceased: Final account ap proved and distribution of estate authorized. Estate nf Gertie A. Strubl. de ceased: Final account approved and distribution of estate author ized. Estate of James C. Jones, de ceased: Final account approved and distribution of estate author ized. Estate of Willard A. Matthes, deceased: Will admitted to pro bate, and executrix and apprais ers of estate appointed. Estate of James M Nichols, deceased: Final account approv ed Estate of Philip A Johnson, deceased: Will admitted to pro hate and administrator appoint ed. DISTRICT COURT Joseph Samuel Working, 1805 I.ee St., hearing on charge of larceny continued to Monday at 9 30 a m. to give defendant time to consult an attorney; bail con tinued at $100. I,oy Herman Hearell, Brooks, pleaded innocent when arraigned on rharge of larceny; jury trial set for Tuesday; bail continued at $500. MARRIAGE APPLICATIONS David Daniel Dougherty, 19, millworker, Pendleton, and Lau ra Jane Markwick, 17, Silverton. Kenneth Joseph Welch, 24, stu dent, and Audrey Dalene fllo dowski, 27, IBM operator, both Helena, Mont Alfred Edward Smith, 31, in surance salesman, St. Paul, and Frances Gertrude Shisler. 32. reg istered nurse. 1055 N. 14th St , Salem. Elbert Gerald Durfee, 23. serv ice station attendant. Dallas, and Helen Ann Booth, 22, teacher, 547 Knapp St., Salem. Roy Junior Clemens, 18, Wood burn, and Sonia Annette Avin. 18. bookkeeper, Woodburn. Waldean Sam Anderson. 18, plywood worker. Bellingham, Wash , and LaVonne Darlene Snyder, 18, librarian, Portland Mickey James Zumwalt. 22. logger, 3740 Brooks Ave. and Ruth Helen Johnson, 23, tvpist, 915 S. 12th SI MUNICIPAL COURT Clayborne W. Dyer. 270 N. 13th St., charged with failure to re main it the scene of an accident, trial scheduled for July 12, bail set at $25. gnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnig (s IX Q Receiving Station Located at 346 Murlark Ave., Vi Block N.E. of p D Blue Lake Packers in Sawmill Bldg. in We$t Salem Q D D D ' for Mori Information Calf Adolph Hildebrand g D ef Saltm Phono 4-9707 or HtAylair 3-3027, Dallas, Ortgon Q SaDDaaODDDDDDQDDDDDDDaDDDaDDaDDDDOrP. FALL INJURES BOY Lowell Jensen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur V. Jensen. S35S Wi- ! nola St., received a cut lip and a , ' ftAntiiikM At hi f Afjkm4 wtiM hm V. VI 1 1 I VI I VII til IVI M WH-.W ! fell on rock pile while playing near his home about 2:30 p.m. Friday, city first aidmen reported. AT YOUR SERVICE! Classified! ads are at your service 24 hours ' a day when you want to buy, sell, i find, rent Call 44(11 for a Want Ad writer. This week while they last I Fuchsia Geraniums 20c each, S for $1.00. Morris Florist, 135; j East Ewald Ave. Adv. WE MAKE OUR OWN LUNCH MEATS. SAUSAGES AND WIE-1 NERS. FRANKS, 3 lbs. for 85c; S lb. Box of WIENERS for $1.73. ! I MIDGET MARKET, 331 STATE ST. PHONE 3-4988. Adv. , I FINGER LACERATED Peter A. Beaumont, 2340 N. j Commercial St., received a finger i laceration while working on his house Friday afternoon, Salem first aidmen said. Beaumont ap parently caught the finger on a ladder, they said. Our summer clearance of excep tionally good 15" k 16" automobile tires. Acme Auto Wreckers, 3555 Portland Rd. 'adv) During the summer vacation Fred Mlnifre of Linfield College will bej selling Johns-Manville Roofing it) Siding for Mathis Bros. (adv) : CUT FINGER TREATED 1 Salem first aidmen treated W. D. Clark, 2209 Lee St.. for a cut j finger about 4 p.m. Friday, they , said. Clark received the injury j while working with a butcher knife in a West Salem restaurant, j first aidmen reported. Special gift ware sale. Up to H ' off on crystal stem ware, imported china, hand made ceramics. Jary i Florist,' Capitol Shopping Ctr. adv) ' i Dental plates repaired while you wait at Painless Parker Den-1 tist, 125 N. Liberty, Salem, (adv ) TWO PERMITS ISSUED Building permits were issued Friday to David Helton, to build a one-story house at 1150 Lark spur Lane. $10,000, and Arthur Tucker, to alter a one-story house at 2835 Brooks St , $200. OUR PORK IS FRESH KILLED PORK CHOPS . 69c lb. PORK ROASTS 33c lb. MIDGET MKT - 351 STATE ST. rilONE 3 4988 Adv. BEV'S rummage, every day, 473 N. Cottage. Ph. 4-7300. Fresh frozen fryers k hen turkeys Mc lb. i for Father's Day dinner . ,1975 Silverton Rd. , Phone , 4-5742-, Dicks Market. (adv)' BERRYPIOKER FAINTS Salem first aidmen said Friday that Colleen Kelo. 13. of 3650 Lib-, erty Rd . was taken to her home after she fainted about 4:30 p.m. ! while returning on a school bus j from a day of strawberry picking. CAR PROWL REPORTED I Judith Beyers, 1270 N. 21st St.. j told city police Friday that a ' cushion valued at $2 95. half a ' tank of gas and a pair of earrings were taken from her car some-; time Thursday night, i 50-lh FREEZER SPECIAL $26 95 15 lbs. Beef Roast. 5 Ihs. Round Sleak, 8 lbs. Ground Beef, 5 lbs. Pork Chops, 5 lbs. Pork Roast. 5 lbs. Cube Steaks. 6 lbs. Swiss ! Steak, 3 lbs. Sliced Bacon. 1 lb. Wieners Free. Cut and Wrapped for any size family offer expires July 15th. May substitute beef for equal value for pork. MIDGET MKT , 351 STATE ST. Phone 34988. Adv. Oregon Pulp k Paper Co., bond holders for information concern ing the retirement of 5 income bonds, call or see Zilka. Smither k Co., Inc., 203 Oregon Bldg. Ph. 3-4106. (adv.) City Playground Special Days List Announced A schedule of "special days" during the summer months at Sa lem city and school playgrounds was announced this week by Ver non Gilmore, director of recreation. The dates and names of the special days are: Pet Day, June 22; Doll Day, July 6; Learn To Swim Campaign. July 9-20: Dress Up Day. July 13: Parade Day.; July 27; Hobby Horse Day, August , 10; and Closing 1'icnic, August 24 Tarty Write-in Shift Lepal. Thornton Says A registered Republican, who didn't file as a candidate for any office, can become a Democratic write-in candidate for county com missioner, Atty. Gen. Robert V. Thornton ruled Friday. The opinion was for the Hood River County district attorney. Hudson House Wants Your Cherries -CASH PAID ON DELIVERY - Cahill Case Ruling Given to Polk Clerk The State Supreme Court man date in the case of Otto Cahill, Delake, under one year peniten tiary sentence for conversion of public funds to his own use, was delivered to the Polk County Clerk Friday. Cahill was convicted in the Polk County Circuit Court od a change of venue from Lincoln County. The State charged that Cahill converted to his own use ap proximately $7300 belonging to the Taft-Nelscott-Delake Water District 61 which be was secre tary. The money was entrusted to him to purchase pipe. - The Supreme Court affirmed the Polk County conviction and adhered to its previous opinion following a rehearing of the case. Decision in the rehearing was released by the Supreme Court earlier this week. Cahill was expected to arrive at the penitentiary within a few days, officials said. Long Illness Takes Life of Salem Native Mrs. Eva Savage McGilchrist. 695 N. Summer St.. a lifelong resi dent of Salem, died at her home Friday. She was 71. Mrs. McGilchrist, a graduate of what is now known as Oregon Col lege of Education in Monmouth, taught grade school in Salem for several years prior to her marriage in 1913 to William McGilchrist Jr. in 1912. Her husband died in 1947. She was born here Jan. 2, 1885. She was a member of the First Presbyterian Church and the Ore gon Historical Society. Survivors include a daughter: Mrs. Peter Buck, Portland; a brother. Alvin Savage, Salem; a sister, Mrs. Walter Reynolds, Port land: and a grandson, William Peter Buck, Portland. Services will be held at First Presbyterian Church Monday at 1:30 pm. under the direction of the Clough-Barrick Funeral Home. The Rev. Paul Newton Poling will officiate Concluding services at Mt. Crest Abbey will be private. Cupul Busy During Monlh This year's June bloom of mar riage license applicants is holding true to form with courthouse clerks finishing their busiest week of 1956 working past the'S o'clock closing hour Friday. All told, 34 marriage license ap plications were issued this week, with the mid-month figure totaling 61. This is already more than the two previous months combined. A glance over the various occu pations listed by applicants shows students well in the lead, with teachers holding a sure second position. The greatest number ot licenses issued this year was 13, last Mon day. ROOK-Tn Mr. and Mrs. Roger N. Rook, 4090 State St., a son, Thursday, June 14, at Salem Gen eral Hospital. urniiF.q To Mr and Mrs. William Hughes, 2765 Pioneer Dr.. a daughter. Friday, June 15, at Salem General Hospital. BI'RF.N To Mr. and Mrs. Charles Buren, 3345 Abrams St., a daughter, Friday, June 15, at Salem Memorial Hospital. FISHER To Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fisher. 460 S 20th St.. a son, Friday. June 15, at Salem Memorial Hospital. KUPER To Mr. and Mrs. Don ald Kuper, 4075 Glenwood Dr., a son, Friday, June 15, at Salem Memorial Hospital. j LUNCH IN COMFORT ! AIR-CONDITIONED Cherry Room ' Saturday's Complete ! SPECIAL LUNCH jDeviled Eggs with Nippy j Cheese Sauce, Toast Points, ! Lime 'Jello Salad, Hot Q'e i Rolls, Drink and Dessert Come As You Are Park Free With Purchase j a D a a a Births Beaver Boys Staters Visit Salem . Jf " .iu t m w.- - ' fi i m m , -aw a w v - i t ' -iwTf d mrfTy , n Some 40t boys from Beaver Boys State visited Salem Friday for the Inaugural f their bay governor, a visit wllh Girls Staters at Willamette Uaiverslly nd just general touring tabove). Show a saapping pic tures at the Capital are (left la right) Nannaa W ilklaMa, The Dalles; Willie Sugahlro. Ontario, (fore ground); Thomas King, Jacksonville; Robert Glover, Medford, and Gary Blanc-hard, Mosfrr. (States man Photo) . . Girls, Boys State Here for Joint Governors Reception By RUSSELL BIERAUGEL Staff Writer, The Statesman Sally Joseph of Salem Is one of 12 girls nominated Friday for two delegates to attend Girls Na tion this summer in Washington, D C. Selection will be made after short speeches by each of the nominees at 7:30 p,m, today in the Fine Arts Building as the 15th annual Girls State draws to a close at Willamette University. Meanwhile, 240 delegates to Girls State met with 425 dele gates to Beaver Boys State at a "Governor's Reception" Friday afternoon in Willamette Univer sity gymnasium. Boys State Governor John r't.M r u,. !n.i,i ed in the CSpitor Building after a paraae r riaay morning in me Salem downtown business dis trict. The boys came to Salem from their meeting in Corvallis for the inauguration and recep tion. Swori) In Gould was sworn In by Chief Justice Harold Warner, and Gov. Elmo Smith spoke to the assem bled delegates. Eleven girls nominated Friday with Miss Joseph are Dee Miller, Beaverton: Maureen Parmenter MrMinnville; Lucy Hart, Eugene; fnliA UnnM f nl Par,- Ann Wilson, Corvallis: Kathy'lngle, Achlsnn1. . n4 P,4 Tlnn.l! Tliii .-iiia(i, aim i n, ui'tiiicil, mil Group to Halt Nursery School Salem Association for Retarded ley and Kent Dammer, both of Children Nursery School will be ; Salem, representatives, discontinued because of insuffi- j Speakers today at closing ses cient enrollment, it was decided ! jon, f Girls State will be dr at i ne regular association meet ing in Mayflower Hall. The association also will dis continue meetings for the sum mer, except for a picnic in August. PEMTOEMTOBY SALE! I PRICES GOOD ONLY WHILE QUANTITIES LAST! HURRYIII I CLOSE OUTI AL FAMOUS BRANDSI 10 COLORS INLAID DddDgidgI H2iraDeaaDiffl HfiiroDeaainrD ReLurainiOQBftc ft$00 . K'$fl50$,.Y, Sq. Yd. Sq. Yd. Sq. Yd. U and Up VINYL PLASTIC REG. 49c PLASTIC 7DILL1 mo 9 colon to cheot from 10 colors to chooso from 21c Per f RC SpecialEc R u vy Tiie p" Sq. FREE Estimates Gladly Given i 'la . - r j .. T . Freeman, Diane Chaney, Lorraine i iron ana Nina MCAipine, an oi. Portland. The contest will be I 7:30 p m. in the Fine Arts Build-1 ins. Appointments made Friday by "Governor" Linda Thompson of Astoria were Diane Chaney, Port land, police superintendent; Jan Tweedie, Eugene, librarian; De anne Dayton, Grants Pass, direc tor of veterana affairs; Marie Longfellow, Cottage Grove, In surance commissioner; C 1 y d a Murray, Winston, superintendent of banks;.. Virginia Bailer, Mil waukie, .civil defense director; and Jnvr ljwrMU Prlnvilti - t - 1 finance director. Gov. Thompson wa inaiiffilratpH ThnrcHav ' jtt Victors ueciion oi aiaie legislators brought victory for 10 Salem girls. Elected senator were Ger aldine Willard. Marllt DeGroote and Miss Joseph. Elected to the House of Representatives were Jackie LaDue, Donna Hammon, Carol Stolk-, Patti Claggett, Mari lyn Zeller, Susan Todd and Mar- cia Humphrey. The "LegialatJ ture will meet 9 a.m. today In the Capitol Building. Janette Wolf of Mt. Angel and Wilms Hansen and Gail Larsen. both of Silverton, also are among i tWm TO H.n,.l.i;. ... .M,A,J Mary Ellen McCleary. Dallas, ig nf tha tit ..n.,nH ,,c ui iiic uv Bnia.uis. Five Salem area boys were elected to Boys State Legislature Thursday in Corvallis. They are Steve Berglund and Larry Patton, both of Salem, and Ralph Jones, Stayton, senators; and Ted Fox- cuit Judge Carl A. Dahl of Mult nomah County and State Atty. Gen. Robert Y. Thornton. The boys returned to Corvallis for the final sessions of their week long conference. OUSCUDS-rJAILCELTS Parking , PaUX Company- $ . - ar l i rx T'VV V'i'''1 County Bank Group Names - nvr t a Aa I AQfiAfC J. 1 C T JUCaUCl O Bill Greif of U.S. "National BJhk. North Salem branch, was installed president of Marion County chapter of American Institute of Banking at meeting in Marion Hotel's Coral Room. Other new officers are Mrs. Blanch Hull, First National Bank, first vice president; Wes Wilson. Western Security Bank, second vice president; Mrs. J. C. Darby, U.S. National Bank, Ladd k Bush Salem branch, secretary; and Frank Wal- i c,. , vi , : 1 n-v. ."' Ultrr. New board members are Ed Whitt, University branch, and Phil Chambers, Ladd k Bush Salem j branch, both of U. S. National Bank: Pete Ruef, Keith Henderson' and Kenneth Swan, all of First National Bank: and William Schwarx Jr., Commercial Bank of Salem. Women's committee members are Rae need and .Mr,. Keith Henderson, both of First National Bank and Mr. L. Webb and Miss Arelene Ferris, both of U.S. Na tional Bank. Ladd Bush Salem branch. Officers were installed by Vern Bell nf U S. National Bank. Ladd k ! Bush Salem branch retiring presi- UlTll,. William Brooks Service Monday Funeral services for William Addison Brooks, Philomath, will be held in the Clough-Barrick chapel Monday at 10:30 a.m.. the Rev. W. Harold Lyman officiat ing Interment will be at Rest Lawn Memory Gardens. Brooks died at Salem hospital Thursday. Lots of FREE Statesman, Salem, Ore., Sat, June 16, 06 (Sec. I)- Bogus Check Season at Hand, Police Chief Warns Merchants The annual summer-time in crease of fictitious check passing is at hand, Clyde A. Warren, Salem police chief, warned Sa lem merchants Friday. Speaking at the Salem Credit Association noon luncheon meet ing at the Golden Pheasant res taurant Chief Warren said that only the merchants themselves could halt the increasing menace of bad check writing. "Police officers can only work on check cases about which they have been informed." he said. "The major trouble is that checks are too easy to cash." Many Cleared Warren pointed out that of the 633 bad-check cases reported to hia office in 1955, a total of 473 were "cleared up" with the arrest of 49 persons. In the previous year, of 506 cases re ported, 310 were resolved with the apprehension of 47 persons. Warren said that Salem has one of the best arrest records, concerning fictitious checks, of any town in the state. Delving into other statistics Warren said that about $1,700,000 worth of bad checks are cashed each day in this nation. Fifty four per cent of the writers are first-timers and one-fifth of the check passers are women. Smaller Checks Bad checks are usually under $100 and are most cashed at super markets, department stores, liquor stores, taverns and grocery stores, Warren said, "Sending check writers to pris on doesn't seem to be the an swer," said Warren. "Because when they serve their time about half of them return to passing bad checks." To treat dad royally give him one of oar They're tit Father's Day, June 17th ISM Liquid Spray -Fertilize with Fertilizer applied at the rate of $1.00 per acre, up to 100 lbs. per acre. Dusting $1.25 per acre for anything over 40 acres. Ship is cap able of carrying 1,000 lbs. Liquid Spray DDT - 50 2 lbs. artual, per acre in 3 gals, of water. Package deal at $1.70 per acre. Ships Ace Flying Service, Inc. 2300 S. 25th "Only the rigilance and organ-, iied efforts of merchants can ' cope with this problem.' One town which has coped with the problem, drastically, is Bend. Warren told how Bend merch ant, in cooperation with local police, began the city-wide prac tice of demanding fingerprinting of all check passers, who are un known to store clerks. 'Smooth Operator' Detective Wayne Parker told the Credit Association members how a "smooth operator" recent ly filched several hundred dol lars from three Salem stores in less than an hour. The man went to the cYedit cashiers of several large stores saying he wanted to pay "$50 on my account, here." In fach store he cashed a $150 check to make the payments on the fictitious account. Although a sharpyed cashier finally spotted his phony Anglers Face Fishing Count STAYTON - Two young men of Sublimity will face aalmon gaff ing charges in Stayton justice court today, following their arrest by game enforcement officers of the State Police Wednesday. i Cited to appear before Justice of the Peace Walter Bell are Duane LeRoy Heuberger, 12, and Verel Ralph Harold, 27. They were ar rested while fishing near the fish (ladder at the dam here. Arresting officer said they were using a gaff j to hook salmon which had jumped I onto the apron of the dam. magnificent for a klntf! ME Flown by Experienced Pilots CALL Ph. 3-6176 identification (an altered driver! permit) and notified police, tht man 1 still at Urge. TODAY'S LUCKY Master NUMBERS 554,662 481,434 429,765 331,601 If voa hava a Master Mom; Bill with aay W abova aerial numbers It, r win fall nated award If yaw collect h befar I P. M. toalnht at Center and Commercial. F.ffecUva saw VOIR cnaam of winning Master Moaejr art INCREASED! 8tarUaf mw aa4 for the kalaac ! Jane, the tare dally awarda, K lot claimed an- ono nay ... will be carried over separately they win aot (pyramid) Ta Illustrate: if ill three awards art aot claimed oa a fltea dar . . . the folnwiaf day's awards - will consist of two awvda ( Ui , . . two of IU . . . aad two tf 111. la other words, Instead at thm win ners ... wt'4 have ait win ners. That, each aaclanwed award fram one day beeames at added opportanity for ya Is ia prise tht faUawlai day! Free Master Money BUI glvea at all -locations. '., Wlnnors Must Claltw ( Awaral At Contar'And -Commercial ly t P. M. . $25 MILDRED BTNON 111 E. BrawBtag $15 LTLE CLARK $10 - B. M ANDERSON Rte. !, Boi 141 WtothrChckr Thrmomttn With Cot Purcham MASTED free Master Mcne BUI Glvea At AU Stations and Dust or 2-1119 Day or Night Motley