O Statesman's HOME I anorama Women . . . Music . . . Fashions . . . Features i 1 Married at a nuptial mass at St. Friday morning was Mrs. Gregory Joseph Ginther, the former j Jo Ann Theresa Robinson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry A. Robinson. The bridegroom is 'he son of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Ginther. (Steinmonts Studio) Around "Town . . . By JERYME VISITORS OF NOTE. . . . Cap- Henry A. Simmons, Mrs Harris tain and Mrs. Jerold Mulkey and ) Lietz, Mrs. C Lester Newman, children. Roger, Marilyn and j Mrs. Leslie Burdette, Mrs. Wil Frank, have arrived in the capital I liam Schlitt and Mrs. A. L. from St. Louis, Mo for a visit ' Adolphson .. . with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Being welcomed . . ". bark to Marion Mulkev . . . Captain Mul- Salem are Dr. and Mrs. Henry key has just completed a four year Hadley Dixan III and children, assignment as Instructor with theiHW and Sara, who have been Air Force ROTC at Washington University in St. Louis ... on June 24 the Mulkevs will leave for his new assignment in Houston, Texas, where the air force captain will take a special course in elec- iromrs ... . .. A reunion ... for Mr. and Mrs. Max Flohrrr with one ot (heir long- timr Iowa friends. Mrs. George A. Kauffman. who Is currently visit- Ing in (he states from the Hawaiian ,(.avjng ,hjs wwk(,n(1 for para. Islands . .. Mrs. Kaullman who.S(H,( Arkansas to m,. ,npir has been in Salem the past week. nnl)p Mr Buton wm bp jn is now leaching in the Kamehame- business there with his son, Cal ha Girls' School in Honolulu . . . vln Bmton, where thev own and She will spend some lime in Ta- operate a B. F. Coodrich Store coma, Seallle and Spokane before going on to Iowa, where she will visit with relatives and friends in Denmark and Ft. Madison. . . . Spending . . . several days in Salem this week were Mr. and Mrs. Charles McGce of Wavcrly Iowa, who have been gue-ts of his brother and sister-in-law, tr ;ind Mrs. Horace McGee ... The Mc r.ees came wes for the weddina of their dauKhtcr, Miss Barbara Mc Gce. and Vern SlenUerg in Eugene on June lfl . . . They lett Friday to return to Iowa . . . In Salem . . . for the summer are Mr. and Mrs. Carlton (. Moran and daughter. Shannon, of Vernonia. who will he at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mer rill I). Ohllng . . . Mr. Moron will attend the summer session at Wil lamette I niversity. . . . Returning ... to Oregon tonight will he Mrs. han ('rum of Dalla. who has been in Norfolk. Va. visit ing her brother and sister-in-law. Commander and Mis John I.ind beck ... She made the trip by plane and was in Virsinia for urv eral weeks . . . Dunns her aosenc" her parents. Mr. and Mrs. A. I., present for the fir time in 1.1 I.indbeck, stayed in Dallas with her years. Present were Mr. and Mrs. children. ... -lack Roland of Redwood City. A surprise housewarming . . .Calif . Mr. and Mrs. Richard Vin feinl Mr. and Mrs. Sam Soerrstra rent. Laura I.ee. Mary Kay and I Thursday nieht. when a srnup nf (heir former Rose Street neighbor, ; arranged a no-host dinner parly at I heir new residence n Crestview Drive . . . Twenty-four attended the alfair and a gift was presented the rouplr for their new home. . . . Entertaining . . . members of her bridge club at her heach home at Roads End on Thurs day and Friday was Mrs. William H. Paulus . . . Additional guests were Mrs. L. V. Benson, Mrs. Edwin Vieskn and Mrs. B. E. Owens . . . Members attending were Mrs. Ellis VonEschen, Mrs. People Do Read Spot Ads (You Are) Vincent dePaul Catholic Church ENGLISH making their home in Eugene the past year ... Dr. Dixon will ' resiaency ai me Oregon State Hospital and the '""? moved ta Salem on Fri- ,h'r rt .fPyl" home on the hospital grounds ... Mrs. Dixon Is the daughter rf (h o1, , Huntingtons . ...!.. ... l.:.. j to Mr and Mrs Jasper Button anrt ri.iuohlpr J.mipe whn are Mr. Button has been in Para- gould for several months and came West to accompany his family bv car to Arkansas . . . The Ruttons have made their home in Salem for 19 years . . . VVoekend iottinas ... Dr. and M"- Tnm Dunham and sons, 3 CJ 1 V;" ' ' , ?; if . I i Tom and Rner. and Bill Cran-v, dall are spendin" the weekend J1 ,,nr,r ,umm" m,mr "l l.JKC . . . Leaving Sunday for a sev- era! weeks' slav in Long Beach C-lif. will he Mrs Jar Wittliff of Astoria formerly of Silem . . . She w'll visit with her daughter. Miss Beverly Beakev, and the two will drive north toeelher . . . Mis Beakev. who has been tearh-: in in I.on Beach, will snend , the summer In Astoria and in Salem with her hrn'hcr-ln-law , and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Roger , S( hnell ., . . A Family Reunion ORCHARD HEIGHTS Mr. and Mrs Carl Staats were hosts for a familv reunion al their home Mon- day nicht with all their children I Rickie. Mrs. Doris Willis and 1 Joyce. Mr. and Mrs. Bin Staats. j ail ot Salem, and Mrs Helen j Richards and Terri nf Hillsboro. : A. PLANT Greenhouse & Florist 1298 S. 13th Phone 3-4670 Clearance Sale SATURDAY AND SUNDAY ONLY FUCHSIA I TUB. BEGONIA BASKETS $2.75 BEDDING PLANTS 35,Doi. GERANIUMS 25 ! TRAILING FUCHSIAS I BEGONIAS a 35c SUMMER DAHLIAS ....-lSt Es. SMARTY CARTS . $6.95 W loon Sprtadtr tVifh Purchast 0 Organic Morcrop ALL GARDEN SUPPLIES Open Sundays 1 Evenings Miss Green's Engagement to James Tooze is Announced Takinf the romantic spotlight this morninf b Miss Mary Carolyn Green, whose engagement to James Bagley Tome is being announced by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Orland W. Green. Mr. Tooze is the son of Justice and Mrs. Walter L. Tooze. No date has been set for the wedding. The betrothal was revealed Friday night at an informal at borne for which the bride-elect's parents were hosts at their Auburn Road residence. Thirty-five guests were bidden to the announcement party. During the evening Mr. Green proposed a toast to his daughter and her fiance to announce their engagement. Souvenir engagement rings, to which were attached a scroll bearing the names of the couple, and hidden in ring boxes were passed to the guests. Assisting at the coffee table were Mrs. Ben Radcliff, Mrs. Thomas Girod. Mrs. George Stanley and Miss Phyllis Newland. Miss Green is a graduate of North Salem High School and at tended Willamette University. Mr. Tooze Is a graduate of Willamette University and a member of Beta Theta Pi fraternity. He will enter his senior year at the Willamette Law School in the fall and his legal fraternity is Phi Delta Phi. St. Vincent's Setting for Nuptials Exchanrini their vows at St. Vincent dePaul Catholic Church Friday morning were Miss Jo Ann and Mrs. Robert C. Irwin, USAF, Theresa Robinson and Gregory of Salem, Ore., was united in Joseph Ginther. The bride is the marriage here Sunday, June 3, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry to Linwood F. Bell Jr., boat A Robinson and Mr. Ginther is swain's mate, third class, USN, the son of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. son of Mrs. Daisy Griffin of Eu Ginther. faula, Ala. Navy Chaplain C. W. The 10 o'clock nuptial mass was , Ackley performed the ceremony performed by the Rev. John J.!?1 cl?s Church, Anglo-Amer-Reedv. Wayne Meusey was the ,lrJ) ln NP'"- . vocalist and also played the organ ! h bnde wore a gown design ic ed by herself of traditional white ' . ... .. . ! satin. The lining and train was For her wedding the bnde se- of tjn whj(e sik nd lected a floor length ggstn 0 hrnctAt thf hfmine WM mV ChantiUy type lace and nylon Jlet , d jnd outjned by tjny wfd with a layer of net and lace over ppm W(re ,he -,MV I)d a bouffant, ruffled net skirt. Her , neck,ine she wore shoes fingertip veil cascaded from a of Zf,yplitn brocade. Her veil white satin and lace pillbox She WM o , tue 1)d WJ hf,d carried a single white orchid. in paf by , coronft frow) of The bridal party included Mrs. seed pearls snd rhinestones. The Raymond Johnson, the matron o( bride carried a nosegay of white honor, Mrs. Lyle Braff and Miss gladioluses, orange blossoms and Carol Carolhers, the bridesmaids, an orchid. The honor attendant wore a baby gw , blue brocaded taffeta gown and , the others were gowned in mist! The bride's sister, Miss Mar pink dresses. They carried bas- garet Suzanne Irwin, served as kets of Esther Reed daisies, del- maid of honor. The two brides- phinium and ivy. Deborah Ginther, niece of the groom, was the flow er girl. Brother Is Best Man Richard J. Ginther stood with lard C. Young, USAF, of San An his brother as best man and ush- i tonia, Tex. They wore floorleneth ers were William Godlove and 1 Lyle Herman Braff. For her daughter's wedding Mrs. Robinson wore a silver - blue pie satin and they carried nose sheath gown with white stole and j gays of white gladioluses, and accessories. Mrs. uinmer seieci-.orcnia ed a navy blue sheath gown with duster. The wedding reception was held at the Knights of Columbus Hall, j Mrs. josepn uainz anu nu.v Smith poured and Mrs. Frank Fred J. Atrip, storekeeper sec Lais cut the cake. Assisting were nd -class, USN, of Huntington, Mrs Orson Cooley Jr., Miss Beth fW.Va., served as best man. Ush Braff and Miss Eileen Renter were Charles Harkawich, yeo For her, wedding trip the new man first class, USN, Ozette, Mrs. Ginther wore an aqua sheath W ash., and James E. Johnson, dress with white accessories. The h"P' serviceman first class, couple will make their home in Salem. District Meeting 1 lflffrrtn JBriBriWIl JEFFERSON - The Jefferson , weds will reside in Naples where high school gymnasium was scene the bride will continue her dance of the Rebekah District conven- studio. tion Monday afternoon, when Mrs. j Lt. Col. Irwin is assigned to Ethel N. Gibbs of Ocean Lake, I the Audit and Analysis Branch, president ol the Rebekah Assembly ; Comptroller Division at Head of Oregon, paid her official visit quarters. Allied Forces Southern 10 lhf lodRf- t c, . ; Tumor. Lyons, Mill City. Scio and Jellerson. Other lodces represent- rd were Alpine, Coburg, Albany, Salem. Silvcrton, Portland, Ocean Lake and Wallowa. Turner was selected as the site of the 50th anniversary meeting in lS7. Officers elected were Marj- nfin VTitnkoll Turner ehftiriTiAn I Velma I.indbeck. Stayton, vice- chairman- and Wanda Versteeg. Turner secretarv-treasurer The new officers were sealed by the Turner Iniloe . iVIprrv MillclpfS Frletl The annual family night supper (r members of the Merry Min- Blors cluh was held at the May- ffr Hall. Pictures were shown of trip! taken hv several families t Alaska and Mexico. Present for the supper parly were Mr. and ir!; ,y ('ovil Case. Mr. and Mrs. fari Snyder. Mr. and Mrs Robert Wagers! Mr. and Mrs. Henry Spnck, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard alm. Mr. and- Mrs. R. Gordon Scott Mrs Gav Fabrv, Mrs. An- na .less, Mrs. J. I. Wagers, and guests, Miss Marie Scott. Mrs. Charles Scott and Mrs. Lillian i Hedgren from Centralia, Wash. Mr. Utlry to Sing William Utley of New York City, who is spending six weeks in the capital al the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs A. K. I'tley, will be the guest soloist at the Leslie ...... . ,... c,.j, ,, "" " ' "' " ' " services. Miss Irwin Married in Naples NAPLES, Italy-Miss Patricia Diane Irwin daughter of Lt. Col maids were Miss Judy Bensel daughter Maj. and Mrs. Frank F. Bensel, USAF, of Spokane.Wash., and Miss Imogene Young, daugh ter of Brig. Gen. and Mrs. Mil- orchid taffeta gowns piped with ; purple satin scallops and purple sashes. Their half hats were pur- at-ipninium. The bride's mother wore orchid lace with white accessories and a corsage of white gladioluses. uridgegroom's Attendants mnceton, w.va. On leaving the church the cou ple passed under crossed swords held by members of the U. S. Marine Corps. A reception was held at the Royal Hotel, Naples. After a honeymoon trip through Italy and Germany the newlv- Europe, Naples. He was assistant the Oregon Secretary of State, before being recalled to active duty in August, 1952. llmnAr Ilimnvo PEO Meetings WOODBURN A smorgasbord "inner climaxing the Spring s study of Scandinavian countries was a Jh Thursday evening iiirrimis m maiJiri .'. i i.u omrei- hood at the country home of Mrs. Carl Magnuson. Mrs. George Jones chose ex- eernls from The Reeord offieifll PPn main , , th ' Mrs; D jd 0ave(t hfr Aeksatf i rfport o( the stalp conV(.nljon, whicn she aonded 8t Lfwjs and clark Coegr. Portland I A family picnic will be held July 26 and Mrs. Magnuson is head of the planning committee. Wilson-Larson Nuptials Held A wedding of interest to friends in Salem, is that of Mrs. Lena Larson and I arl Wilson wnicn iook piace in Longview June 13. The ceremony was read at the home of Mrs. James Hal verson. daughter of the bride. Another daughter, Mrs. Oscar Pallander, was hostess at a re ception for the couple on Friday night in her home in Hillsboro. EVERYTHING MUST GO! Everything must be told by Sot., June 23rd. Toke advantage of our loss, your gain, 0 AND MORE OFF On Everything in the Store THE GIFT 234 N. High St. Salem Girl l - Mr. and Mrs. Linwood F. Bell Jr. (Patricia Diane Irwin) leave Christ's Church, Anglo-American, in Naples under swords held by the U.S. Marines following their marriage on June 3. The bride is the daughter of Lt. Col. and Mrs. Robert t: Irwin, USAF, of Salem, presently sta tioned in Naples. The groom is a boatswain's mate third class, serving with the U.S. Navy. Top Billing 1 Bananas Deserve More Frequent Use fcY MAXIN'E Bl'REN Statesman Woman's Editor We eat bananas raw as a between-meal snack, we put them into jelled and unjelled salads and use them in desserts and if we get really rash we may broil one. This procedure of course is that taken by most cooks, there are a few exceptions, who use the fruit in cakes and breads and cook them frequently. But it takes the foreign cook to use bananas in many ways and to make them a real part of the every-day food supply. Of course the banana-growing countries would naturally use them oftener in cooking than we, and they have certain varieties that are particularly good cooked This recipe from Haiti has a rather surprising name, but it s actually a sensible enough concoction, all ingredients are easily available. THE ZOMBIE'S SECRET 3 avocados 1 tablespoon powdered cinnamon 1 large banana 2 tablespoons sugar 1 small package cream cheese l pint heavy cream 1 tablespoon grated coconut 2 teaspoons strong coffee Cut peeled avocados into 1-inch chunks and combine with the banana cut in thin rounds. Mix in the cheese which has also been cut in small cubes. Sprinkle with coconut and cinnamon mixed with sugar. Chill. Whip cream stir in coffee and pour this over the fruit. While this is another dessert, it's a rooked one using bananas It comes from Martinique, a tropical island where bananas also are grown. BANANAS CREOLE 2 eggs Rind of 1 lemon 4 bananas 'i orange 1 cup white bread crumbs 4 teaspoons butter j cup powdered sugar 1 cup milk 1 large lemon Beat eggs, add cut up bananas, bread and sugar. Add orange and lemon juice and the grated rind of the half lemon. Combine melted butter and milk and add. Mix thoroughly with a spoon, mashing the bananas as you do so. Butler inside of covered mold, sprinkle with powdered sugar and add the pudding mixture. Set mold into water enough to come up half way, but be sure it isn't 0 high it will bubble into pudding. Bake covered at 300 degrees for l'a hours, being sure to add wafer if needed. When done, remove from oven, run a knife around the edge of pudding to separate it from the mold. When ready In serve, turn over on a plate and serve hot with a hot thin sauce of either apricot or strawberry jam, with which a little hot water has been added to thin it. Jaycee-ettes Hold Installation W0ODBl'R - Mrs. Charles ' Campbcll was installed president of , occo and set up diplomatic rela Woodburn Jaycee-eltes at a meet-! ,'ons; intf fit Iho Hnv Millpr hnmp Thiirs-' day- evening. Mrs. Don Davis was elected vice president to fill a vac ancy caused by the withdrawal of Mrs. Gary Butcher, who will make her home in Portland. Seated also were Mrs. Loren Flomer, secretary -treasurer; and Mrs. Neil Rose, newest member of the club's board of directors. Mrs. j Miller, retiring vice president, was : ff: I installing oiuiri . Picnic plans were laid for July with Mrs Lucas Spnnker chair man of the committee. Senator Hotel Bldg. 10 Weds Navy Man in Italy f - 1 I ...Ji W .w I and not good at all if eaten raw:- I 1 " r 1-1 v 11 l- -r d Cf.ft- k'lTV n BONN IB - The West German cabinet, in agreement with the French government, has unani mously decided to recognize the independence of Tunisia and Mor- LBttRftiTJrfr j mi SATURDAY-JUNE 16 Helena Rnlinislciii's Fan's Beauty Couisr, conducted ly Helena Hnlientein lieantv 1 experts, featuring figure cuntml, skin care, & make-tip AUDITORIUM SECOND FIOOR 10;00A. M. AND 2 .30 P.M. ; ZZZZ2 1 Gold Star Mothers Honored by DAV Auxiliary at Tea The American Gold Star Moth ers were honored at a tea In the Colonial room of the Marion Ho tel given by the Disabled Amer ican veterans auxiliary who are honoring their 35th annual conven tion in Salem. Mrs. Roy Reynolds as in charge of the program, which consisted of piano solos by Miss Ann Kauffman and a duet by Miss Kathleen --and Miss Gloria Schmidt. They also gave a piano and violin solo. Mrs. Addie Cur tis gave readings of original poems. Mrs, A r c h I e Brewster, state commander, and Mrs. Alt'tha LH lie, past national committeewom an. pouredr"1 The table covered with a blue satin cloth was centered with a bouquet of yellow chrysanthem ums and blue delphinium, flanked by silver candelabra and yellow candles. Assisting about the rooms were Mrs. Mary Fintnn, Mrs. Margaret Nicholson and Mrs. Mar Del.app of Klamath Falls, Mrs. Oorothene Simons of Medford, Mrs. Olga Van Laningham of Oregon City. 1 Mrs. Goldie Kyle, Mrs. Percy j Gorton and Mrs. Charles Teter-1 son. Salem. Mrs. I.eon Hansen : was general chairman of the af-1 fair. Modern Etiquette By ROBERTA I.EE Q Just what is proper wh meeting on the street, for the In. yhen nan or the woman to speak first ? A Formerly, it was always "the lady" who spoke first But today, if they are good friends, there is nothing at all wrong with the man's speaking first. Q. Is it obligatory to reply to letters of condolence.' A Yes; send a brief note of thanks to everyone who has sent flowers or personal letters. Q. What message is written on the card enclosed with a wedding present n A. While no message is required, vou mav write whatever you wish to say in the nature of good H wishes. l"" " T TAR T OAT AraarWnif taaWSeww To develop messega far SotuMoy, reowonteeonispondinQtOiMWtaW of your Zodioc birm siga I KMha 1IM ' 1XS W J J SuctMt 13 Dai 3 AchM 4IWI 34NoeH IWI s a u aioi as y 4 0 M inlwl CayWMp 7 Your 37 r4 t lN avout 10 f d aO anwm TO II Aapnodi at A4 71 A4 IJ Donxt n m 13 Cr)a 411m 71 111 ! U Ym ta 74 Nm " 15 Your J T 7J 0 I Eitctncal Amimw 7 ArW 17 M 47 CmM 17 11 TNM . 7 AIM 0t 94l Jl Poy SI Umi II 27 aw 51 So II t 13 W.rh S3 M ' ON" 14 Fimms 54 W 14 In He 5si s MM 5Ax 0Z n h, 5 Ana mat it o JO Tol4s 0 t" ' (g)Corl (g)AW f)Nttwl (6 MAY B JUNIB MAYS rVWjn Ys'a 7tm4 Miss Gail Watson is Bride of , James Delameter on Friday Portland will be the new home of Mr. and Mrs. James Monro Delameter Jr. (Gail Dona Watson i, who were married Friday night at the First Evangelical United Brethren Church. Tb. bride it the . daughter of Mr. and Mn. Donald William Wataon tnd Mr. Delameter I is the son of Mr. and Mrs, James Monro Delameter t Beavertoa, The I o'clock rites wert performed by to Rer. A. G. Jamison Singing rr.',re the bridal party r entered wer David Louthan, Mrs. Len Friesen and Howard Olsen. William Fawk was the. organist. Miss Kay Smith and Miss Sigrid Ann Converse iflf green chiffon dresses lighted the. candles. A handsome antique' laliiR pur silk satin gown was selected by the bride for her wedding. The gown was enhanced with Italian culwork lac and the short sleeved bodice was of satin. Th skirt, which terminated in a chapel train, was fashioned with an apron effect in front of lace.. Her anti que bridal illusion veil was caught to a tiara of satin adorned with lace and seed pearls. She carried a white Bible with a cascade of green orchids and stephanotis. Walk Before the Bride Five attendants preceded the bride to the altar wearing balle rina chiffon gowns. Miss Heather Converse Watson was her sister's honor maid and her gown was of ice green. The bridemaids. Misses Phyllis McKinney, Rosemary Gil bert, Judy Sommerville of Eugcn and Joan Delameter of Beaverton, wore a yellow gowns. They car ried old fashioned nosegays of yellow and white daisies. Susan hay Porter was the ring bearer and Karen Jacobsen and Janice Delmeter of Beaverton. were the flower girls. Lynn Livengood of Beaverton was best man and ushers wer Les Birdsall of Sweet Home, Gen Savage of Forest Grove, William Henderson of Portland and Charles Elliott of Beaverton. Greet Gaesis at Receptlaa Mrs. Watson selected a Wedge wood blue silk dress and hat cor sage of yellow roses for her daughter's wedding. Mrs. Dels-1 no question when you Let Dad write his owr. ticket for hi Father'i Day Gift and you're certain to plesse him. Give him our Gift Certificate ." in any amount you eeiire. He'll have a field day selecting . just what he wants-in jusMhe right size, color and stylo -from our excellent lelection of smart clothing, furnishings and accessories. imp Salem's Own Ston 'AllM (Sc jr G AZElC I POLLAN- OCT x hov. a BISMMPAfi l-lMrV M-THI-H mm Rainbow Girls to Grand Assembly Chtrry Assembly, JUinbotr Girls m t -Thursday vening. Wayn Henry, member of th grand executive board, and Mia Karen Covert, junior past advis or, were honored. Plans wert mad and discussed (or attend ing the Grand Assembly at A ,. toria, June 17, 18, and 19. Plana wer alto mad for a weekend at th beach on June M. ... A going away party feted Mia Barbara French and Mia Bev erly Walker. ' - - n meter chose a dutsy row lac gown and her flowers wer whit roses. T- Tha nnrlvwMti vtmImI ' tHl guests at reception In-the church laamaaaai Nov.a JAM parlors. Pouring wer Mr. C. E. Converse and Mn. Albert Porter, j the brida't aunts. , Mrs. Howard Olsen cut th cake. Assisting , were Mesdamei Lorena Anderson Fred Remington. , Harvey Jacob sen, Edwin Harstad, Misses Judy Bone. Altc Stewart and Jun 1 Wiggins For her wedding trip the new Mrs. Delimeter donned a whit linen Jacket enaetnbled with black 1 hat trimmed in lac. ' ' DJAFEtlES Casta Mad InOvlbe VttaM ') Wtamw Mi Cwbim r ftt Cwvots CWBIM SMI ELMER rm IrtiautM THI " BUND MAN Bar at ftlfM Mis Cratar at nst ( about it givo Dad falhtr't Day Juni 17fc K0 Sinct 1890 V " 1 ... .v V