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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (June 16, 1956)
850 Automotive 850 Automotive 850 Automotive 850 Automotive 850 Automotir M ' I 852 Ud Cars For SoU 8S2 Uttd Cart For SoU 852 Used Con For Sole 852 Used Cart For Sale 852 Used Core For Sob 850 Automotive 850 Automotive 8S1 New Cor S1 New Can 851 New Con 851 New Cart 8S1 New Con I4-(Scc II) Statesman, Salem, Ore., Sat., June 16, '56 850 Automotive 850 'Automotive 850 Automotive Fit! TPn n JVff u ji 0 1 iS I i i'A hi Jr I I ! -LjL f J. i Hi I STAYTON, OREGON IS Cher. Bel Air ....$1993 Tudor, like new. W Ford Vlctorii Tmi99J Loaded with equipment. U Ford CustomliM ..$1695 Radio, heater, overdrive. W Cher. Sedan $1493 Radio Heater. Power- Elide, power steering end rakaa, 83 Plym. Belvedere $1795 lUdlo It Heater, Powerflltr trans., 1 owner car. tu-tone with white wall tlrei. S3 Willys 2 Dr. Ace $895 Radio It Heater, overdrive. II 01UUC. t - fOV j Commander, I Dr., 1 owner. in top con a U Chryiler Windsor : Club Coupe $695 1 owner, perfect cond. M Center & High 2 asm km Spills - 1955 Buick Super Riviera Coupe Beautiful Stafford blue and polar white finish with matching ny lon and leather Interior. Powered with the famous JIB H P fireball V-l engine Equip' with radio, heater powei Mrrr lnf, dynaflow E-Z-Eye glass, windshield wuhrn, hack-up litea, and numerous other accessories. Naturally It i bonded with i 100 warranty on parts and lahor no matter how many arnica you arive. uniy 660 No. Liberty TWO tt CHXV BEL AIR SDNS On with power glide, ene with overdrive IS Mere. Hardtop Cpe. ... IMPS '$J Pontiac Sedan $ 793 'St Cadillac 83 Sdn $1393 SI Ford $ Clb. Cp. $ SOS $l Ford I l-Dr. 1 345 SI Stud. V-S Sdn. $ 493 SI Kaiser Sedan L $ 403 50 Ford Clb. Cpe $ 495 '41 Olds. Conv. Cpe. I 21)3 '4$ DeSoto Coupe t 223 '47 Pontiac Sedan I S3 '47 Pontiac Sedanett $ 3 '41 Mre. Sedan $ $5 TEN MORE TO CHOOSE FROM Open TiD 1:00 P.M. 2695 US$ Broadwar Ph. $-$04$ , , ,Se Clean ,Cut CUnt A . ' w Sarin Sines" 1 b LnJ er? 13 Ef Dancing In The Modern Show Room, Starting at 8 PI Everyone Welcome - Come Early LOCATED ON THE SALEM STAYTON HIGHWAY, 120 WEST HOLLISTER ADJACENT ID OUR PRESENT USED CAR LOT TBI IE 53 Packard Super $2395 t owner, In new car con dition. 55 Chev. Sta. Wagon $2195 4 Dr., radio & heater, pow ergllde. 53 Ford Ranch W'gon $1995 It's spotless. 53 Buick Hardtop $1595 Power steering, power win dows, power seat, prem. tires, radio it heater, dyna flow, like new. '55 Plym. Tudor $1495 It's like new, terrific value 52 Packard CI. Sedan $895 A top car. fully equipped 52 Buick Super H'dt'p $995 Fully equipped and clean as a dii. 51 Willys 6 Cyl Station Wagon $595 Radio tt Heater, overdrive. Lots Union & Hiph Ph. 2-4113 rcn p i id w ur 40 Dodge Cpe $ XI Dn I 89 40 Chev. Sdn S S3 Dn $ 79 m ri... r'lk r1-.. . r., nn 47 Kaiwr Sdn $ 45 Dn! I 99 '47 Hudson Sdn. $ 45 Dn. I 99 30 Kaiser Sdn $ 45 Dn 99 47 Pont. Sdnt $ 43 Dn $ 99 hv n 49 Rn M 48 Buick Conv. ... $ 59 Dn $159 '48 Chev. Aero - $ M Dn. 8199 41 Buick Sdn t ... $ an Dn. $199; 41 Chev. Pick . $ as Dn. $199 41 Chev. Cony. $ S9 Dn. $199 '47 Chev, Clb. Cpe. $ 9 Dn. $239 40 Ford Clb. Cpe $129 Dn. $:i49 SI Chev. Clb. Cpe. $199 Dn $399 S3 Ford Clb. Cpe $191 Dn, $t99 No Down Payment On Approved Credit AYNBEE MOTORS 340 Union Ph 1-0703 NltePlvS-3S5J. 4-73S7 3$ FORD Coupe. 'MMeir. enT. Edelbrock equipped. Zephyr gears. Auburn clutch, headers, etc. Ph. $04$. 443 E. Ida St . Slayton. 2 SAT. JUNE 16th See Itiis A 852 Used Con For Sole 520 HOOD Effl '52 PONTIAC Sta. Wgn. $1095 Radio, heater, hydra., sharp '51 FRAZER 4 Dr. $395 Heater, overdrive, clean '49 BUICK 4 Dr $215 Radio, heater, dynaflow '49 PONTIAC 2 Dr $245 Radio, heater, overdrive -48 Bl'ICK SPECIAL $245 Radio, heater, clean '48 FORD Cl.R CPE. $175 Radio, heater I 48 FRAZER 4 Dr $125 j Radio, healer I 47 CHEV 2 Dr $175 rYldio A- heater 47 Bl'ICK SPECIAL SDN. $95 41 CHEV. CU?. CPE. $75 '40 DODCiE 2 Dr. . $95 Original paint '31 FORD cpr MAKE OFFER .J)PEN TILL 9:00 Pl Open Sunday 1949 CHKV. x7 ton - AHUfcut, tUx-, 4h-, excellent tniirtftion No Down Payment On Approved Credit Bargain Center of Salrm Sihcrton Rfl At Lanca.ter Dr Til 4-HI4 'S3 CHEV BEI. AIR $1125 i 2 dr , clean, low mileage i , '53 CHEV. 4 DR $865 ; Perfect condition i ico rnon vi'todh aa " f""" "v''"n,rt - Hardtop 54 CHEV. PICKUP $1095 You should see this one. '56 MORRIS STTION $1555 Wagun. new. $45 '47 FRAZER Good transportation. British Car Sales 2085 N. CAPITOL PH. 2-6602 FOR SALE-1940 Olds. Coup. Radio, beater. hydramatic. Good work car. Ph. $-7103. If Iraiii ft flfl 111 Pi ii 852 Used Con For Sole THE WARM WEATHER 52 FORD fi CYL 2 TON 2 spd rear axlr. 9x20 tin fin i Hy 2.ri on f nn'. long wheel has, heater '49 CHKVROLET DLX. CAB Heater, Inn whee) hasf. 25 rutjhrr, 2 spd rrar axle, he aw dutv I'j ton 50 FORD V 8 1", tun he aw dutv long wheel hae. 2 spd rer axie, d!x hra'er 8 x 2 t rr Ilia Mi YES. FOLKS US 1M ftflll Sta liter MOTORS 55 FORD CROWN VICTORIA All equipment, two-tone white and purple White v alU S229S 55 DODGE ROYAL LANCER Completely equipped two-tone, black and maroon, white walls 12293 Ad space too expensive To describe -54 FORD FOUR DR -54 DODGE FOUR DR ''53 DODGE CLUB COUPE 51 PLYMOUTH SEDAN Union & High '48 OLDS. "OS'' Sdn R V H, fog lights, while side walls, turn signals. $195 Make offer. Ph, $-371 after 3 530 So 24th. 3 CHEV club cpe . excellent cond. 4$t Rot. I-$74. PH. 2-344 852 Used Con For Sale MEANS THE ii 51 CHEVROLET Heavv dutv P, ton. " spd rear axle, long wheel hae 8 x 25 rubber 53 CHEVROLET Radio, heater, long wheel base, heavy duty I1 ,-2 ton. 2 spd, rear axle.'8 x 25 tires 51 FORD 6 Long wheel base, hea v duty I1, too. 2 spd. rear avl. R x 25 tires UNION k HIGH the following. 52 PLYMOUTH SUBURB'S '53 PLYMOUTH CL. CPE. 54 PLYMOUTH SEDAN 51 NASH SEDAN Ph. 2-4660 193.1 OLDS Super "88", very ' clean, white aide walls. 2 tone, tmtedjlasa. $1,295 Ph. 4-5023 BARGAIN 58 Ford V-8 "F-lno. Save $430 2 00(1 miles, lnq 31$ Union. Ph. 1-441. I POST AUTO SALES UK St. 12t. UUn BUICKS ,15 noarimaster Sedan Radio, heater, dyna. ateer mK. pnwer brakei. 4 way seat, electrtr windows. Keau tiful hhie At white finish. cosi y-i, wi a year afn, i i 3.1 Roadmaster Hardtop Radio, heater, dynaflow, power brakes. t e e t I n ft, power , eiec- eat v win-, dow. green Ar white $2795 '55 Super Hardtop Radio, heater, dynaflow. power steering A brakes, jblue A white , ' 2Pj .55 Century Hardtop Radio. heater. , dvnaflow, power steering, yellow rV green 25M 33 Sprcial Hardtop Rd)n. beater, dvnaflow. red tV white $2495 55 Special 4 Door Radio, heater. , dvhaflow. bjack A white ... , '53 Ruick Roadmaster Sedan Radio, heater, dynaflow. pnwer 1 1 e e r I n g. power brak akes, 24.000 miles tun) Thee cars are all one owners and are under 20,000 miles. Post Auto Sales OPEN EVES. TILL 8 P.M. 1105 So. 12th ACROSS THE STREET A SCOTT AND S War lar II! ft Hiipisr life 1956 DeSoto Firedome Station Wagon Beautiful sane green with white color sweep Full time power steering, power brakes, white side wall tires, this car has 4ut 6,000 miles. See this station wagon that "car life'' rates as the bast buy outside the lowest priced group. We'll assure a proper trade difference for you. 1954 Pontiac Star Chief Catalina Coupe All leather Interior, power steering, power brakes, radio, heater, sold new fur 14,100 and it's in new-like condi tion now for '51 Pontiac 4 Dr. Sedan '51 DeSoto 4 Dr. Sdn. . '50 DeSoto Clb, Cpe. $595 1 $599 $495 ; DESOTO 28 Years SM N. Lihrrly APPEARANCE IS NOT MB mi It pays to buy where integrity assures Your Lasting Satisfaction 55 BUICK SPECIAL RIVIERA ....$259.-) Crisp black and white A white tires, rich, blark and red ,.H nrH,-enn interior IlVnHfloW. radio, hea'er We sold neX and regularly serviced, only 11.40C miles with rer-'Mfi ord of service aiaiiahle 54 MERCURY MONTEREY $1 n-.errirne. rado, heater, w.jth red and black interior good carp. 56 CHEVROLET BEL AIR V- 55 Bl'ICK CENTURY RIVIERA SEDAN $2895 55 BUICK RIVIERA COUPE $295 11 BUICK SU-PER SEDAN $1495 53 FORD V-8 TWO DOOR $ !I5 52 OLDS 88 SEDAN 51 BUICK SUPER CONVERTIBLE 50 CHEVROLET-BEL AIR 51 IMIDCE SEDAN 49 BUICK SUPER SEDAN 50 PACKARD SEDAN ' 40 BUICK SUPER SEDAN OREGON'S OLDEST .DEALER COMMERCIAL AT CHEMEKETA SAVE 1ST YEAR DEPRECIATION 1956 FORD CUSTOMLINE CLUB COUPE Reaiitlful red and white tu-tone with matching Interior Equipped with V-8 Thundcrhird engine, dual exhaust. Fordomatic. ra- dio. heater ws washers, side mirrors, etc Onlv 3,000 miles with 100', warrant v on parts ter how far you dne 660 N. Liberty $2495 I I MERCURYS '53 Montclair Sedan Rodin, heater, merr-o-matic. pnwer 1 1 e e r I n g. power brake 4-wa1 pet, aafe ty belts. blue V white beauty . $J5!3 M Mcrcurv Hardtop nadio. heater., overdrive, a real beauty ? - It APS 53 Montorrv Sedan Rdjn. he like new ite- overdrive . I1.W5 "52 Mercury Custom Sedan Radt.i. heater, overdrive OTHERS '55 Chev 210 V 8 Sedan, radio, heater, pow ergtide. .1 new white watt General tires U05 '55 Ford Oistnniliae Sedan R.idio. heater At fordomatic. same as new $1995 '54 Pontiac Sedan Radio, heater. cvl. IBOOfl miles, a steal at . 12fiS '54 Olds. 88 Sedan Hydramatic tlfWS '53 Hudson Hornet Radio, heater, hydra. $1093 'S3 Kaiser Manhattan Sedan Radio, heater, hydra. t)95 '51 Stude. Lamk-ruiser Sedan Radio, heater, automatic one owner, and ex ceptionally nice . .. . $4Q5 '52 Olds Super 88 Holiday Radio, heater, hydra. J1393 Ph. 4-6231 FROM ED'S MARKET V STORE SI 805 '48 Pontiac Clb. Sdn. ... $175 '49 Kaiser Sdn. .. $165 '47 Plymouth Clb, Cpe. $275 PLYMOUTH Ph. 4-34W - J-77H3 E DEPENDABLE power s'cenns Red and white One owner, low mileage. Snows $2195 $10115 $ 895 $ 5'l.' $595 $ 295 $ 295 $ 75 rvn o PHONE 4 5711 A, labor for one ear. no mat- fj Viyc Ph. 2-4113 til IT IS FROM Capitol Chevrolet Cadillac 1955 Chevrolet 210 V Radio, heater, tinted glass, 1955 Chevrolet Bel Air Radio, heater, tinted glass, powerglide, 4 new white side I wall tires Radio, heater, tinted Has., dvnaflow trans i-MS 1954 Pontiac 8 Star Chief Custom Sdn. Radio, heater, tinted glaa. 4-way seat, hydramatic, I5951951 Mercury 4 Door 1953 Chevrolet Bel Air Sedan Radio, heater, tinted glass, only 37,000 rrvlles $1199 1952 Buick Special Hardtop Coupe Radio, heater, dyhaflow. very clean flODS 1952 Chevrolet Deluxe 4 Dr. Sedan Radio, heater, white side wall tires, powergtldt $95 MANY MORE LATE MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM SECOND CAR SPECIALS 19,50 DODGE CORONET SEDAN Radio, hea'er. gVromatic $49 1949 PLYMOl'TH DELUXE CLl'B COl'PE Heater At def., seat covers, undercoated $.193 1948 CHEVROLET STYLEMASTER SEDAN Heater, def ; oil filter - $?45 1947 OLDSMOBILE CYL. CLl'B SEDAN Radio, neater, hydra., very clean $243 1948 CHEVROLET FLEETLINE SEDAN Radio, heater - $lti 1946 DESOTO CUSTOM SEDAN Runs real good $130 BEST DEAL - ?v. a 17, n fcft Mix USED CAR DEPT. Union & Com. Til Ii? ft NATIONAL MB 1SEI m lOOr Warranty on Parts and I tiuw many unit's uu une ui I '55 Buick Super Riviera Cpe $2695 Radio, heater, dynaflow, power steering, etc. '56 Ford Customline Clb. Sdn $2495 lUdio. heater, fordomatic, etc. '55 Olds "88" Club Sdn $2295 Radio, heater, hydramatic, etc. '55 Chevrolet V-8 2 Dr $1795 Radio, heater, white walls, etc. '54 Chevrolet Bel-Air $1395 Jet black beauty, fully equipped '54 Chevrolet "210" Clb. Sdn $1395 Radio, heater, powergllde.. "53 Chevrolet Bel-Air $1195 Radio, heater, premium white walls. ec. BARGAINS UNDER A $1000.00 '52 Pontiac Catalina Cpe $995 '53 Pontiac Chieftain Dlx. Sdn $795 '52 Stude V-8 Starlite Cpe $645 '50 Pontiac Chieftain Dlx. Cpe $595 '51 Hudson Club Sdn $495 '51 Nash Sedan $495 f)ld "CQ" Spflan "lil.-s ucuail Pontiac Ser,an 49 Kaiser iierian 47 Fraiser Sdn OPEN FRIDAY YOU CAN'T BEAT 660 No. Liberty 53 Chev. Station Wgn 55 Chev. v'-8 Sport Cpe Black, red trim 5.1 Chev Sdn Kxtra nice .VI Chev Sdn P. G. 55 Ford Fairlane S1995 2Iq 'H'15 SI 195 $111113 Club; this is a terrific buy 54 Chev Dlx Dr $K5 Vtthev Rel-Air 2 Dr S1093 Black, w w tires, p g 56 Chev V-8 Bel-Air S29S Les than 1 000 miles, equip- ped 54 Ford Wagon V-I $1895 R , H . O. D Like new S3 Riilrlr Snenal T.-Dr S795 ' This is extra nice. i ja ror(j Ranch Wgn S269S OveYdnve im actual miles- 5,1 cbrv Dlx. 4-Dr S1095 Vcrv pohular model. 18 Willys Sta. Wgn Overdrive Gorid RAH $295 SEE IS BFFORF BUYING. COMPLETE SATISFACTION, LOW RATE BANK TERMS j ' Across from M. Eves. 4-3490 1395 Plvmouth adn Good 1 Bieber. 4-34S. '41 4 dr cond. 41 IF1K AN - 8, 4 Dr. Sdn. power brake, powerglide $1MS V-8, 4 Dr. Sdn. $2H4J BEST DEALER Ph. 3-3178 labor for one year no matter wiit-ic yuu cue. $295 ! " '-"l: pi4o EVES. TILL 9 P.M. .$65 D Ph.2-4113 in Vi7 50 Chev Sdn 4 Dr. Powergllde, very clean $593 50 Chev. 4-Dr. Dandy S59S -III Nash 4 Dr 193 31 Ruick Hardtoo ... $895 Radio, healer At dvna. sharp '50 Old "3S" 4 Dr S95 B . H. A- Hvdra 50 Chev 2 Dr Dlx. $595 H . H Sharp '49 Pontiac 8 Sdn. Good - $.195 '50 Chev. Dlx 4-Dr . $595 51 Chev. Dlx. 4-Dr ...... $95 50 Plvmouth Clb Cpe. $595 31 Ford Clb. Cpe $S Radio, heater, overdrive. V-8 49 Ford V-8 Sdn $395 M f hev I- ton DlckuD SoBS Dlx. cah. '49 Plvmouth Clh. Cpe. $193 '49 Chev Clh Cpe. ..$.193 '31 Pontiac Chieftain $93 .14 Ford PIckUD $175 12' AM Metal Camping Trailer equipped $595 LIBERAL DISCOUNT K. N. Furniture Co. Edge - water E Eves 2-4588 1 FOR SALE 42 DeSoto. $30. Ph. 1 2-547$, 11 m .SAFETY TESTED USED CARS 195S Ford Crown Victoria Radio, heater, fordomatic, pow. er steering, only .2,100 miles, black whito 2!Kf 1955 Olds. 88 Holiday Coupe Chariot red, standard transmis sion, a sharp unit 239 19.54 Ford Victoria Blue A grev. radio, heater, ov. erdrive. white wall tires, only JS.ono miles 1159) 1954 Olds. 88 Four Door Sdn. Runs like new, a sharp buv at $1119$ 1952 Ford Victoria Black iV white, radio, beater, j fordomatic. complete)? rernn ditioned $1041 1952 Olds. Surjer 88 1 door, radio,, heater, hvdra, I power steering, O. K f 114ft 19Sl Chevrolet Deluxe I door led an, local owner, ve clean 94 Sedan, rad4o. heater, overdrive, very clean ..$J NONE BETTER . . . . . .....ANYWHERE! LIBERAL TRADE ALLOW ANCES Nothing down on approves! credit. COME 4 8EI wm 461 No. High Ph. 2-7973 Open eves, till I 51 Chev. Clb. Cpe. $89$ 51 Merc. Clb. Cpe. $89$ 50 Oldsmobile J-Dr. $39$ 50 ford l-Door " $49$. 5t hurt hathbief $4sj SO Ford Conv. . $44$ '50 Stude. Clb. Cpe. $1'i 'SO Plvmouth Clb. Cpe. .- ,..$.19$ 49 Ford Sedan fcs$ 49 Ford Sedan . $19$ PLENTY Or CHEAP1ES Open 'Til $ 00 Bl'Z'S USED CARS "The Working Man's Friend" 1245 Broadway Ph 2-737$ NO DOWN PAYMENT On Approved Credit ion Oregon'g Oldest Dcajtr BEST BUY Used Can Commercial h Chamaktta Ph. 4-$7U 1950 STUDEBAKER Champlosw .V See at day or night. Ph. 2-3889. 3880 S. Summer, AUTO C $850 R PORTLAND D. E SPECIAL USED CAR VALUES '51 V-8 STUDEBAKER Landcruiser 4-dr. Auto. Trans , Radio & Heater J33150 AUTO ACRES 2850 PORTLAND RD FOR THE PREMIUM CAR BUYER 54 CADILLAC $" Sdn. One owner, like new. fullf equipped, power and all, full price. $1,295. 54 Bt'ICK SUPFR RIVIERA Hardtop, radio, teater. tu tone blue, dvnaflow, whit wall tires, $2,195 51 FORD V-S 2 DR Maroon finish, white walla, clean. $1,293. 54 PLYMOUTH STAT WGN. Radio, heater, overdrive, 1 good wagon for the outdoor! man. $1,495 S3 CADILLAC "S2" SDN. Radio, heater, hvdra , power steering, immaculate cnndU Hon. $2,393 34 CHEV. BEL-AIR 2 DR Radio, heater, automatic drive, white walls, tu-ton finish, $1,395. 5S FORD CLB CPE. Cadillac engine, radio, heat er and hydra. 52 CHXy. DLX. SDN. 51 HUDSON HORNET $0 rORD V-S SDN. '52 FORD V-S SDN. S3 CHEV. BEL-AIR '31 MERCURY SDN. Nothing down on approved credit RON'S AUTO SALES OPEN EVES. 'TIL 1:00 P M. Ph 2-6808 404 No, Church 19SrMERCURYMonterey. it at H . Merc-O-Matic. beautiful I dr M85. See at 424$ Sunnj-view. Sli'S IS toi Silas PREMIUM CARS -V