KKSec II) Statesman, Jalopy Destruction Derby As E Jolly vood Bowl Feature Tonight il! destraetlM derbies. Tier vUi daitag the Capital Ate tUeiaf Tht roaring wrecks g at it to- night it Hollywood Jowl here, fea turing the weekly auto racing pro- tk. v.n, ftwti ril.!."r I. .k. ,-m,i.. --in. TIZ """J. ki.i .iSlE "J iTatiTri! traction derby will get under way at 7; pji.r' with regular time MUOH MCIIUO.-.- MIC jmsvyt ww- trials. --" The Capital Auto Racing Associ ation, guilty of banging things up in many $ hilarious smssbereo the current , and past ' seasons, will again provide- the one of tonight. Giant Star Puzzled . , . . , live I; Baseball Fails ' . s.-: . " i "i ,)('; -vt; - r - - ' " ' ' "MILWAtKEK (UP)-The baseball being used In the majors this season may be li hopped up as the here ol the "Han With the Golden Arm." but yoo cut prove It by Willie Mays of the New York Giants. Miy, who pounded out SI homers last season to lend both leagues, has only; five this, jear.. Wiflii if "" ; confesses that the " paradox has til If him nonplussed. He can't fifurs,, aut how ha could hit so many with supposedly 'honest" base ball in 195i and so few this sea son wheaJbe ball, by all indica tions, f mighty live one. 1 couldn't say if toe ball b mora lively, w not," Mays said, I havrtl hit that man" l"ni ones. I'm r f' ' 'os Angeles, and M-year-old Wes Ihat questisn. ,You better rflnd , sy Elhs, Texan who gave up somebr-dy mWhi- ii" vertical studies to pursue the golf era. The ball hasn't font any-. where for me." Trt- JVM CsnldiW Singles - May't ' difficulties srs not con fined to boms runs this season. . H could Us some singles, too. As of June 11. ths New York out fielder wu bluing wly .147 and bt finished last seasoa with JltmarlUj. i 1 Willln professes to bt, uncon cerned about hut current short' comings nt tht plat. "It wouldn't takt tot many hits or homers to get back In tht race," Mays said. "Last year I had hot streaks. One of these would b all J need to "I don't snow what ! caused the slump. If I did t probably wouldn't b 'i one. It seems that when I do get bold of one there's always room jtr somebody io. get under It." '" : Mtrt;..!v Towering Blaal.. ., , Mays hit or igalnst tht Mll wauke Braves In the bnener of I series which no one got under. It wss typical Mayi'.horae run: Ugh irttf long. Tht towering blast carried about 42'feet intd tht left center JJeM bleachers. It wss bis first heme run since May 15. - In batting practice during the day, Mays hit three In the same gsntral area. But during the game, bis 402 -loot drivi to center snd S20-foot shot to left, both gains thti fence, wars uugbt, Klgney Backs WnUt ' Rooktr-Giant manager BUI Rigney has gont along with Mays ' during, tht slump,' reasoning that tht hiU will. Starl fallhig In for tht slugger before long. Besides, the manager really . hasn't had - anyooi bHting veil iougn to till In for Ways. Tht CisnU in the latest aver ages wers last in team batting, with not regular over .300. Riders Okelv i''.'fi' t ; . State Rodeos viiMAti rtrv Un m ' Slilm sprint Championship at the - Oregon rodeos In the three-week period starting Sunday have been! approved by ttw Rodeo cowboys Assn. for inclusion! in n a 1 1 n n a i competition. ' The. rodeos, dates and purses: The Douglas County Rodeo at Rosebwg, Juin mi. HON. , Phil Sheridan' Rodeo,' -Sheridan, June'JM. ILIOO. . Molalla Buckeroo, Molalla, July U I7.M0. St, Paul Rodeo, St. Paul. July 1-4, It, 400. Klamath Basin Roandup, Klam ath Falls. July J 4. ta.250. Riding Club , Rodeo, Cottage Grove, July 7-1. 11,500. . Sheridan Gets SoftbaUWin SHERIDAN - Special The Sheridan Dnrlgold softbsul ttam nipped Central Jaycees, 4-1, In WVL'gams hers rriday night. Frank Johnson of Sheridan col lected three bits In four sttempti snd winning hurler Chuck Hop kins threw four-hit ball. Res Da vis of Central whopped triple in his team's losing cause. Losing burlef was Jim Rswlins, who fsva up II hits. ' Central WWW Sheridan v.... J01 W i-4 11 1 Rawlins' and Davis; Hopkins nd filter. - ' Salem, Ore., Sat., June 16, '53 k .. la eeamnilihed M mu inta. aaa wn aunuoi Association's naasberM. ' ine regular normally W&Jtf! m nni Jl.... ii.Iiji ,oimi - the assorted klunkers. , They came forth with over SO of the ramblin' wrecks during the bst derby held here, and left moat of them in badly bruised and bat tered shape after countless crack ups and wrecks. Over two dozen more of the I hnitlnfl YWs ' M, UVIUUVAA Aew ad in Open (Ctatiaaed from preceding pafe Jerry Barber. 145-pounder from trail. Nt , Pacific Northwest golfers qualified for the St-holt final. Thomson grabbed three birdies on the first six holes but cooled considerably to make the turn in 14, on under par for tht 1,802 ysrd. -par SS-U-70 Oak Hill count. After three-putting tht 11th. Thomson sank 30-footer to get tht stroke back on tht 13th, then played tven par on the lasT five holes a stretch which hss broken tht backs of the games best shot makers all week. Gotf Lessons Draw Over 60 Over 60 Junior boys and girls fumed out Friday for the annual golf lessons and clinic at the Salem Club, provided by Pro Bunny Mason. Tht majority of the turnout was included in the boys' group, I to 12 years in age. Thirty-eight of these lads were counted. The lessons will continue each Friday morning for a number of weeks, after which a tournament is to be held to climax the. pro gram. In contrast by error, with pre- clinic publicity, a small registra tion fee w.is eharged the juniors Friday and will be used for the purchase of trophies and prizes for the upcoming tournament Cornell Liked In Rowing Go (Contlnned Jrom preceding page) in action, Cornell lost but one race to Vain in the Carnegie Cup this jtw i-The Big Red avenged that defeat week later by nip ping the strong Ells in the East- Potomac at Washington, The thr.pP varsity crews will j rrmn-iun iiinKiun m wm spot and Cornell in the 11th post lion. There is supposed to be no advantage to any of the lanes. The 13 0 victory scored over Van derbilt this year was Mississippi's first shutout against the Commo dores In s football series that dates back through 33 games since 1894. National keapue ClnclnnaU New York Z m o?lJ J? i: Kltppstetn and Bailey: AnlnnelU; McCajl ill and Sarnl W-McCall. S. Louis . . 000 000 100 1 7 J Pittsburgh 030 002 13 12 13 0 Muell. McDanlel 131. Jackson 6, Kinder (It and Smith: Kiln and relies. L Muell. First fame (10 Innineit- Chicago : too 020 one ! S 10 1 PhllailelphU , OOp 000 301 2-6 16 KaieeiY Lews) ill and t.andrlth; Roeoetn, Owens (Si, ft. Miller iSI, J. Meyer 1 101 and Lopata. W-J. Meyer. L Lown. i; Second fame: ' Chicago 020 60S 000- 12 I Philadelphia 0.T0 016 100 111 Hackee, Valentlnettl ill, Davla 111 nd ChlU-, McCulloufh 121: Simmons. B. Miller ().Nerry (61. Flowers 17), Hoeovln III and Lopata W Vales, tlneltl. L S. Miller. Milwaukee ens eno lorv-4 4 I Brooklyn 610 BOO 121-9 10 6 BurdeUe, lolly (II, Sleeter ill ana Crandall; Maglie. Lablne (II. Rao- buck ill, and campanena. waiter uim.nu i russuiujii -uo-(l. W-Aoetmck. L Stealer. loua Boy, l raco. . -1: above, is a set trick during jalopy ' ' ' ""v "T" " , ' tonights go. . .kaUhi mnr'Ali Yiav fWtn linMl II ft trophy oasn, neai races ana mini following the time Uials. , ,, .... , ..,., Then if any are still in running condition, they'll put the finish to the card with a demolition bee. For other than the taboo on head-' on collisions, all racing rules are Slated 1 uritT7fW 1 in' f kie'4i iMMi' suspended for tonight's card. Theioff in the eighth after Gene "anything goes" flag will be up all during the program MFADOWS ENTRIES Portland Meadowi, Saturday, pott Urn 1 p.m.; Tint race. arlr. honei. purta MOO, all tin, srada C. SS0 ydi. 1. Hobart koko. a uuncan no I. Lon, R. lonnattl 1 ljd Homcr'a Cat. itt i piny Irene, P. Hlrialso 111 S. Biu Kuic E. tiiihird . '??t . Rtdwod Pansy Jo, H. Earl - 111 7. Funy Cat. H. Heir S. Chubby'a Buck, T. Smothari S. Nelhf Domo. O. Dixon 10. Central ntnk, . Boaf iii Second race, claim, puru IKM. 3 year oldi and up, (S800), fix fur- Jonfi. l.Praldld. P. Hldalfo US 120 5. Patrick O Day, W. Phllllpa . J. Fooltih Law. J Breckoni 4. On Your Mark. L. Knowlrs t. SUpatitch. E. Glfford 6. Gunfp. A. Dixon . 7. Mist Hollitter. C Gitwon . 5. Malc Wick. E. MIMer . Venui d- Rosa, F. Smothcn 10. Double Futaer, J. Chojanckl lift 120 J20 ! 120 JjJ Third rcc. cW-n purw $W)0, . J ... iCftftI nn (nil. I. Ply. .Willi J.MIII. t. VlliKMU i IT I Bis Gamble. G. Slmonis lid J Colonel H. A., 3. Breckona. . lis Dint. D. Hemnaw in . Two Colon, S. McDowell . .... lit 7. Little Cad, C. Glbaon lot 8. Golden Warrior. H lanonnaU lit t. Hindu Icllpae, P. Hidalgo . .. 11 10. Karron W., L. Xnowlei 114 Fourth race, claim. puree SM0, 3 year olds and up, (MOO), 5i furlong. 1. Sidney Llaht. ley LMM, o. M McDowell ...115 1 No War. F. Smothers US 1. Suoer late. D. Hennhaw 115 4. Dare Queatlnn, A. Sherman 5. GoldJtone, W. Phllllpa S. Dui Dux, P. Hidalgo 7. Haliadat. L. Knowlea S. Roae Bow, C. Dixon S. Count Receta, E. Glfford ..... 10. Little Uumpa. 1. Breckona . IS! I ITU im im m 120 Fifth race, claim, purse S700. 3 year ! o'ds efd up. i SHOO i. I1, mile, 1. Slot Machine. J. Prouty 122 2. Thrifty. S. McDowell 117 3. Audacloua Bnv. C Gibson . 109 4. His Last, D. Henshaw 117 8. McSwoop, W Phllllpa lit 5. Contender, G. Dixon no 7. Markmar. P. Hidnlao 109 t. Deep Canyon. A. Sherman 122 I Sixth race, Inv. hdep., purse 1700. 3 year old, ore mile. l. Brave Lmer, L. Knowies . I. Booter Gem. J. Breckons .. 3. Shareholder, S McDowell 4. Victory Trull. D. Henshaw 9. Pharena's Angel, G. Dixon 5. Nevada Gal, C. Gihsnn 7. Prtnce Bar, E Glfford S. NT) is Krats. A. Sherman 112 114 . 112 114 112 Seventh race, claim, purse IMO, year olds and up, i $800 1 , one m 1. Peaceful Puss. 5 McDowell 2. Rune. L. Knowies 3. Wise Words. C Gibson 4. Dr. Clinton, A. Sherman .... t. Fair Kathleen, D. Henshaw f. Booter Prince, J Breckons 7. Christie L.. G. Slmonls its lis US ..121 111 . 116 11 121 I Valln, J Thonnrkt . Lott Heather W Phillips 10. Count Glno, G Dixon 121 I" 121 Eighth race, allow., purse WOO, 3 year olda and up, one mile. 1 King uarmen. r cnojnacRi i8 ; 2. Runt Atom, D. Henshaw 117 111 122 114 3. Maraca, G. Slmonis 4. Sandle Lee, S. McDowell S Blue Mink. J. Breckona Love Her. E Gifford 114 7. Jett Ea. L. Knowies l' i ., . . J Ninth race. Eugene hdrp . nurse itf.n, UIU. HIIU Uft, ftlA IUI longs. 1. Jeromey, J Breckons 114 I KAA ..... .M. . . ... ... ft... ( :. Ereddie The rox, 1. Knowies 1I3. 4 Dftiin Kunnlv' riffnrri ltii pm.n ill H tWlr 'M PW I Pmlu 1'n 6. Dancer Looie T Smothers lea 7. Mv Bov Bohbv. S McDowell 120 Lemon, Washinglon 42. Tf SL... 1U:I'0NAL LEGl'E ' 10. General K., G. Dixon 115, . 'm.K."..-h" t tJ? f. tL I Tenth r,r. claim m,r mm , ' year olda and un. '18001. one mile I 1. All Brick. A. Sherman Ill l I. Reprieve S McDowell 3 Postmark, L. Knowies 4. Accurate Guess, J Bna( 9 Sianlrh Maid. T Smothers 6. Al's Buv. C. Gibson 7. Itcanrun. L Dales S Hallxn. A Duncan a. Speed Ballet. D Henshaw 10. Good Opinion, J Prouty ... 1j9 110 119 114 114 114 Hfl 10!) 1111 Mt. Angel Victor CASCADE HIGH SCHOOL (Special) Mt. Angel clipped Willamette Builders, 2-1, in a WVL softball game here Friday night Winning pitcher was Carl Bevera. who threw i nn-hitter The one run for Willamette came on an error in tne nun inning. Willamette 000 01-1 0 . Mt. Angel 002 002 1 Potter and Kruse; Beyers and Turin. Meadows Selectiont: I. Blue Mualc. Hobart Koko. Lady Homer's Cat. I Magic Wick. Patrick O Day. Blip itltch I. Karron W. Colonel H A Afro, aal. 4 Rare Question: Dut Dui, Gold stone I. Slot Machine. Thrifty. Contender. t. Shareholder, Bootera Gem, Phar ene's Aneel. 1. I-ott Heather, Wise Words, Peace ful Pass f. Sandle Lee, Maraca, Run Atom. I Wacky De. r reddle The rox. Sheba T in AH Brick. Hallio, Reprieve. .BEST BIT-wacHy De, nn raco George Stars In4to3Win Shopping Center Bee At Ball Park Tonight (Continued from preceding page) badly In trying to cut down the Salem left fielder. Keepf Taps Dandy Harv.Koepf as next up bunted alio, and so well that the squib bler got between Humphrey and Duretto for another scratch hit, filling the bases. This brought up George, and since . he had just conversed with Generalissimo Luby for instructions, the Chiefs figured he'd try to squeeze in the winner. He didn't, much to Hum phreys' disgust, and the big right hander's glove was thrown high into the damp night air when the drive toomed over Segovia. Wenatchee got ahead by two when Segovia doubled in the fifth and scored on a pair of bunts, the latter by Don Lundberg that squeezed t h e center fielder across, and when Humphreys nimseii flouniea Jn ine sixin ana scored on Dick Watson's single M' w iiisvavjav. I Salem tied it in the sixth when, , Kraue -walked. Chuck Es- on a slow nouncer to-intra Base and the dependable Bob Easter- i brook rioDed a long double into deep ' left-center. scoring both runners. wild Pitch Helps Humohrevs heloed kill himself Laurron. the new Solon third baseman singled and got to third on a sacrifice and a ground-out. The big hurler had a 2-0 count on Easterbrook. and then cut loose with a t-emendou wild pitch high over Bob's head. This allowed Laurson to scoot in with the tieing run. Easterbrook then fanned for the third out. Salem came close in the third when Essegian lined out to short with the bases full, and earlier in the second when Eseian tried i lo score from third on a short flv to rl'ht. nd ws thrown out fe plitehv Ph'l Marvier. A k.l.J nnuDi" n"v neinrr vnryt phi Hi of a tnht soueee in the ninth, I One marker damaged the radi JjJ j and in te tenth he had some ator. oitchin? to Ho when he wIked ! Moments later 68-year-old mas- te bases full after whiffie the first two swingers. He was uo to it, however, and eot Frank Mataya, the former Washington Stater on a third-out grounder to Kraue. Fain fell throueh most of the e.irlv part of the game, but twine's wet op with no intemin-! 'ons. 'n f--t 't w." fa-.t ei-h "or on nr ii ,nr,n'T. P - innm" aff?i-s gt) Ion!r thin tha. tni, gemesier . . . w.innl wae in too form as early" as tjie third irlnine when he gave plate ump Ted Lonat a good chewing for balls-strikes calls on Essegian. Handy Andy: Wenatrhre (1) (4) Salem BHOA B H O A Andntn.l 5 0 9 .1 Dunn m S 1 J A iiarviwr.r aval uurin..i aril ii;.... i , i' .... . . . . . Dnmint i r ir..nr a 9 9 a seovia.m ti2i F.sibrk'.i 5 1 12 1 1 M?tavs.l 3 0 0 0 S'Vula.l 5 2 0 n Hlvav?' 4 .1 3 4 Koeof.r 5 2 3 11 Hphrys.p 4110 G orge.p 4103 , ToUls 3 io.w 14 Totals 3 ii 33 13 No nuts when wlnnina run scored lTChn SSSrliSotJI??; in ah ho rer so bb ! Humphreys 1039 11 4 3 Gcoree II 3 10 3 3 3 3 Wild mtches- Humohrevs 121. Pnsstd ball: Koepf Left on bases W. 10. S 11 Errors: Essegian. Dur- 112 eltn (2' Mavler. Two-base hits: S?.e 117 ; quia. Si-fovla. Humphreys. Easter 120 1 brook Runs b.itted In: Lundberg, Watson, Essterbrook f2i. Humphrey!. ceoree. sacrifice: corge. Malay? Lundberg. Anderson. Humphreys If I Tdw;'-w.?h to Lundberg. Webster to Krause lo F.asterhrook. Time: 2.34 Umpires' Ted Lnpat and John Wada. Attend ance: 393. Major League Leaders I AMERICAN LEAGL'E G AB R H Pet Mantle. N Y S3 2011 M 81 .383 47 133 32 4 .3(13 47 190 3S S .35 43 191 29 94 398 46 174 32 1 .331 43 150 21 49 .327 43 1.12 24 43 .32 94 1H 32 S3 .321 41 m 30 SI .317 94 212 29 67 316 .viaxwen. Detroit Kuenn Detroil Vernon, Boston Berra. N Y Skowrnn. N. Y Gernert. Ronton Werti, Cleveland (Goodman. Boston i ui..k Home runs: Mantle. New York 23; Berra. New York IS: Wert. Cleve land 14: Sievers. Washington 14: -,...,1.. ,.an,i er. New York 13 Hjn halted Mantle .New York 97: Simpson, Kansas City 4S; Wertr, Cleveland 44: Berra. New York 43 Clemente. Pittsburgh 41 1S4 IS 48 iasn Bailey, t Inclnnatl 41 129 20 44 .382 ; S3 21 1 42 77 341 n m S s If, Dnyer, St. L Moon, St. L. a ' Bell. Cincinnati iSrhndnst. N Y Bruton. Milwaukee i Snider. Ilrooklyn ! Ashhum. Phila Home runs: 1-onf 4i 194 23 4 316 40 149 23 46 317 47 176 39 95 313 32 217 31 67 300 Pittsburgh 17 Buyer. St. Louis 19. Snider Brooklvn 14: Banks, Chicago 14. Post. Clnnn- nMI 14 Runs halted in Boyer. St Louis 49. Long. Pittsburgh 46. Musial. St Louis 42. Banks. Chicago 38: Kluzew. ski. Clnrlnnatl 35; Jablonski, Cln cinnatl 33 Ruth Jessen, Stewart Set for Links Playoff LAFAYETTE, Ind Canad-1 College product, 6 and 4. The long ian champion Marlene Stewart, 1 driving Seattle player closed out graduated from Rollins College , the match with a birdie and last week, and Ruth Jessen, Seat-; matched Miss Stewart's par card tie University freshman, soundly, defeated semifinals opponents in the women i national collegiate golf tournament Friday and head ed toward S( repeat of their sizzl ing contest in the North and South women's amateur. The S-font-l Miss Stewart's 5 ctmJe Yes their earlier play in the coed Miss Jessen, six inches taller , than Miss Stewart, dofeated Bar- barn Mclntirs, another Rollins I Thcyll Do It Every Time By Jimmy Hatlo YVUEH THE LOC4L J JiCi GOOD EOU. CLU3 W 6PTTI J VVRTTI SUMPM HIC8 1 WOT, THERE. ARE ' yTJigj1 CBCORD- .r-r7EM A BREAK" Always cex4iS J U Hfl- F I rsn k2I rV3rsS citizen wmo LAIIt r XL 3m r- w 1 I &JT WMEM THE gmm" tm tum too 1 so sweIl-heoeo l I CUU8 IS HdVlNG V MUCH PUBUCfT7Mvl 'THErRE BBSWNINo 1 A BIS VE4R 1 ,y ' V 'OBtyK ih t7 kC , . . . . :wTOr 25- I j Hi 0L mc Tfiftzmmmtr J,ff OliP MoTP RdCP Ab Jenkins at 73 Eyes Speed Attempt (Editor's Mte: Streaklag across t'tak's Boaaevllle Salt Oats, Ak Jenkins set aata racing records more than 29 years ago that still are nnsarpasied. Now 71, he hasa't raced far five years but here's a report his Immediate plans that Indicates things may be different sees.) By DWICHT L, JONES SALT LAKE CITY un - The orange racing car with the under slung snout snd the high tail fin was doine 200 miles an hour when 'it hit 1 spot of water and skidded - -r ..... into a row OI course marnera iter racer Ab Jenkins, standing up to steer his famous Mormon Met eor III because of fumes from the overheating engine, coasted to a Berg's, Vista Win B Games (Continued frori preeedlag page) nie Reynolds and then George Karkling were knocked from the mound by Four Corners' attack. The latter scored four runs in the first frame. Paytlter struck out 1?. Big Berg batter was Bill Gentskow, with a double in tht fifth that hrminht in two men. Ken Neu- berger of Berg's also got s dou- Die. Tjmns hurler Harry Scharf ffav, UD eight hits and fanned . . , v C. Leaguers return to action MnnH.v wrth Field's playing Jackson Jewelers at uarrici r -m , nna. ctpinkp'i afainst Nameless , Market at Leslie; anc I Berg's j meeting West tiaiem uuna i West Daiem. Action nutria i, 1 ...... . T k P-m. ' Berg's 000 050 4-9 8 4 4 Corners . 400 002 0-fl 4 3 Reynolds. Ksrkllng (1), Piyn-! ter (It and Klug; Scharf and , Hofstetter. 110 000-2 3 1 ,,. . nin nil R .. t Vi.ta ... 040 Oil 6 0 1 Gilbertson snd Burright; Se Rine and Kimble. Lions 300 00-3 5 2 Master . - 013 00-4 4 0 Vanderhoof and lanson, Gor don (4); Ritchie and Partie. Metric Mark Scoring Told BERKELEY, Calif. Many championship track and field meets are being held at metric distances because this Is sn Olym pic Games year. Here are the metric equivalents In relations to yards: 100 meters 109 yards, ane foot, one inch. 110 meters 1Z0. yards, 3I Inch 200 meters Z18 yards, z leei, J Inches 400 meters - 4S7 yards, one foot, 4 ihches, 800 meters 874 yards, t feet. 8 Inches. 1.500 meters 1,640 yards, one foot, S Inches (119 yards, one foot. 9 inches short of one mile). 5,000 meters approximately 2.1 miles. 10.000 meters spproximately (.2 miles. for 14 holes, Miss Jessen needed M holes of play to reach Saturday's lS-hole final match, compared with Miss Stewart's 57, and was I over par for the distance. The collegiate finalists met in an early round of the North and 1 c u ... -I r: ffr" m wo ,he mh wttn a li-looi mrdie pun ana went on to capture the tournament trophy, Miss Stewart is H and Miss Jessen 19. stop just three minutes short a new one-nour apcru niuiu. The Associated Press reported k. ..J .1 tk. .1 . . l.tlw 40 1 (IS 1 i i -J mr ciiu ui nir iuh ..uij w, "Disappointed, Jenkins crawled from the cockpit and reiterated that this was his last race: At 68, 1 ve outworn the car. But that was five years ago. Now 73 Years Old Today, at 73, broad shouldered Ab JeAkms is talking of one more race. Far from retired, he Is tra veling this summer on a safety driving exhibition tour for a major uriin cAinuiuuu iu . "ij-i Bi s j r.rards both Mcciure o! uregon was tne sev automohile manufacturers. And he 7f"'.'5al50 exCards' both enth to qualify for the finals with hopes to sandwich in a speed-en- . ..... ..... in loot inrhp. tiip loaHpr durance run in a stock car on the Rnnn.iill. .) rial, nf Western Bonneville salt flats of wtera, uian-proDamy in juiy. 'I made a proposition and got called on it," he chuckled. The racing proposition was typi cal of the man who holds more world auto speed records than any other human being. With his stack of records, trophies and fame, he could bask through the twilight of his life in the warmth of more thrillinrt numnrlM than mnct But the thought of retirement ap - ;j'llilllj HI in rillllJ Ilia I" o. tin ic nnu, hofirtintr loa-arH hie 3 millionth mile as what he calls "the world's,safest driver. "Oper - at, no u.iih iho mnitn that Vnur - 'w ..v..... p, - tesy is contagious,' 'he long ago chalked up more than 2'i million miles in more than 50 years of driving without an accident. Kansas Tops In Qualifying BERKELEY. Calif. - The University of Kansas led the quali- iying rnaay in me ixauonai 1.01 - lefiatp Athletic Assn. chamoion- ships as nine athletes reached Sat- uroays linais. ,''! . , ....... r., un was next wun eiKin n i- 'owed by the University of South- Ca"fo.rnla,fw'(n sevcen; a'o.a, "'' " State Abilene Christian and, fresno State each had four quali- i fiers and Texas three. Manhattan, Minnesota, Duke. San Jose stats Pittsburgh, West . n i r... Chester, Pa., State Teachers, Ore gon, Stanford and Indiana quali fied two each. Twenty-eight schools had one. Qualifying was held in 12 events with finals in those and five addi tional events scheduled Saturday. Hubbard Whips Dallas in Softball HUBBARD ( Special i-Hubbard Garage defeated Dallas, 4-0. in a WVL softball game here Friday night. Winning twirler Larry Berkey gave up but one hit and struck out 15. Keith Driver smacked a home run for the victors in the fifth inning with none aboard. Losing pitcher was Lchto, who I yielded nine smacks. i Dallas 0B0 000 0-0 1 0 ! Hubbard 110 Oil x-4 9 0 Lehtn and Bradley f Berkey and Palmer. American League New York 200 040 0006 S 1 Cleveland 000 000 011- 2 3 0 Kucks and Berra; Garcia, Moasl iSi. Daley iti and Naragon. W Kucks 1. Oarcia. Washington 000 010 100- 2 6 I Chicago 001 101 04 7 6 1 Wiesler. Pascual (7 and riti Ger ald; Pierce and Loltar. L Wiesler. Boston 0O2 000 0OO2 11 0 Detroit ... 000 0OS 03' 5 7 0 Porterfield and Daley; L a r y, Trucks (7, Hoeft III and House. W Hoeft Baltimore 000 000 001 1 3 1 Kansas City 000 000 000 0 7 2 Moore, Zuverlnk i7i, Terrareee iSi and Smith; Kretlow, Harrington ill and Thompson. W Ferrareae. L Harrington. Tide Table tides ron rn uksgon (Comolled by U. 8. Coast and Geodetic Survey. Portland. Oregon I Time Height Time Height High Waters Low Weten ft June n. IS I 41 a m. 106 a m. 11 36 p m. 1 20 a.m. 1 30 p.m. 3 21 a m. 2 26 pm. 4 14 am. 1 30 p m. 9 01 am. 4 11 p.m. 9 43 a m. 4 97 p m. g 22 a m. 5 43 p m. g 97 am. itt pjn. l o 0' -6 ' I ! -or, 2? -1 0 24 -1 2 23 -I 3 16 -I 3 II 7:11 pm. 8:10 a m. I 06 pm 31 am. 1.33 p.m. 10 41 a m. 9 36 p.m. 11:37 a m 1611) pm. 12 24 p m. 11 io j pm u p m- I a "J p m j , Brooks Move To 2nd Place (Continued from preceding page) er's bases-loaded single that won it in the ninth. The Braves, with manager of ! Charley Grimm's job in jeopardy. It, . . , . . , , . . . , dicw a ieaa io arop ineir inn decision in the last 16. Bill Bruton . tl... .... U ... ... I... U. mi a imrv-iuii iiuiiki iui iwc Braves. : j.( T( Brokf I Cincinnati broke a 1-all tie with . jh (h aoainst tartnr Johnny AntoneUi. but after Schoendienst tied if. reliefer Windy McCall held the Redlegs in check Johnny Klippstein walked Jim Mangan to force the big run home. Jackie Brandt and Pincn mrce run homer in the seventh and Jim ,...-... snln shnt in ,h, ninth . - " " , " "'oLa. i-j iiru me ururi iui mc runs, nuu after Monte Irvin homered for the Cubs in the 10th, a bases-loaded walk by reliefer Turk Lown and Ted Kazanski's squeeze bunt won it. The Cubs scored six in the sixth to snare the afterpiece. The Yanks got the job done : against Mute uarcia, who was I tatfPpH ffir All nin nf thpir hits 1 In six Innings. All the Tribe could (. - '. .mwiiu nv- ..tw.j n pichth inninff hnmpr Al Rncpn'c P . : two singles and an unearned run iin the ninth. Kucks now is 8-3. 1 with thra virtnrin. nioi- rim . l.fwl Chlsoi Get Three The White Sox got three runs off starter-loser Bob Wiesler with the help of eight walks and a hit! off reliefer Camilo Pascual on Sherm Lollar's homer and a three- run triple by Nellie Fox. Billy Pierce gave , eight hits for his ninth victory. Boone smacked his No 9 homer ,.ilh in Iho ,ivll, l n . . - - fti. u ' 1.1 . j r 10 with two aboard in the eighth. Bob Porterfield went all the wav , for hjj Rjx,h d(,fea, i -:.u.u is sixth defeat. Billy Hoeft Tl SmKinKle broke up the B,mr inr Raltimnr in the ninlh . -nd , nff rPipf. Bi Harrington. Lou Kretlow I gave the Birds only one hits in ; i 2-3 innings. The Capjto, Handjcap run an nually as Laurel's opening day feature, was first held in 1919 when Billy Kelly was the victor. OPEN MONDAY AND FRIDAY n & the Whippet i an calf two-eye with crepe lole. S19.95 WRIGHT MEN'S SHOES STREET FLOOR Mail and phone order, pint cost) to area outside mir truck delivery routrt. I SHOES 1 5 Marks Fall In NCAA Meet Dean Benson Cains Right to Run Today Coatlaaed from preceding page) events Friday and there will be finals in 17 Saturday. Bantum's shot putting proved the day's highlight. He got off one toss of 59 feet Sh inches and then followed it with another of 60 feet t inch. Only world record holder Parry O'Brien and Kansas' Bill Nieder have thrown farther. The Manhattan weightman, who torcrs several inches over six feet, surpassed O'Brien's 1953 NCAA mark of 5S-714. O'Brien. now in the Air Force, has thrown 61-1 this year. Hurdler Lee Calhoun of North Carolina College won his 110-yard heat in 13.9 seconds to better the 1 meet record of 14 seconds shared by Clyde Scott of Arkansas and Jack Davis of the University of Southern California who ran in 1948 and 1932. respectively. Muscular John Morefirld of Massachusetts Institute of Tech nology threw the hammer 193 (eet 2'i inches, about ,17 feet past the previous meet standard. Klrder Sccaad In the shot put, Nieder was sec ond among the qualifiers with a throw of 57-31,. Qualifying in the 100 and 200 meter dashes came much as ex pected with comparatively slow times in the century as the run ners faced winds of from S to I rnph. Duke's Dave Sime won his heat ' in 10 seconds in the 100. but was I I u.. n;i. Ol.;. .1 i." . cuk uy man m nana.i 1,1 1 the 200 as both qualified easily.; U I , P ... 01 .QAnllrfE flttt ". vw.. u., I And here is how Pacific North- westerners fared: ln tne 110 meter n'n hurdles. Dtan Benson of Willamette quali- flcd b coming in fourth in the 1 sond heat in 14 5 seconds Heat Wlnnpr wa Joe Savoldl ' Mlcnl- P" s,a,f l J,4 McCInre Qualifies ! ln the hoP- ,teP ,nd J""10- Don -. Jha' Chester Pa onrPe 01 nesi vnesier, i a., . State Teachers, at JO feet, 4 inches. In the 10,000 meter final Dennis Critchfield of Idaho State came in seventh at 34:06 5, The leader was Selwyn Jones of Michigan State at 31:15 3. John Fromm of Pacific Luther- . .. an was tne sixtn quaiitier in the iavelin He opkipH the snewr 215 fppi The leader al mi feet a j"chM was Phil Conlev of Cal In the 400 .meter hurdles. Don c.;-.. t- I . r.n.j . ....I;.. . -Tr" " '"r "",ev 'il""" i a 54 9 ,lmf i The 800 meter race saw Dave fail to l .ii:vuiiuuK.n ui n il5iiuib;iun qualify. Sam Wesley of Oregon State i ,ailfd lo.t,,Vali,.y 'n.,h 100 meter oasn wun nis lu y lime. " THE PREAKNESS Miami, ria. up ine victory oi Fabius in the Preakness is another j tribute to winter racing at Hia- 'leah. Whirlaway, Alsah, Pensive. 1-liaiHIII, UU1U, Faultless. Citation. Bold, Blue Man and Hasty Road all came out of Hialeah racing to win the Preak ness. HERE'S THE ANSWER 1 Fastest Way to Relieve Acid Indigestion 12:13 TO 9 P.M. - OTHER inMif - shipping regular f iil'i hi 1 .. ; -hj I I I I V SP0RI5AANS 'PERFECTION LOOP jjTRIM ' if TIGHTEN KNOT SLOWLY' A PCRf CCTION LOOP H ONI 00 THg STRONGEST AND EASIEST TO TIE KNOTS, VET MANY ANGLERS REGARD IT AS TOO DIFFICULT TO LEARN. PERFBCTIOH LOOP' MAKES LEADtR-CHANeUNO IASX A HOOK SNA6S BOTTOM, ITS KNOT USUALLY BREAKS INSTEAD C LOOP) THENEny SAVIN6 LEADSR. O'Brien Snaps Shot Record Continued from preceding page) Spurrier into the grass on tht last turn. Spurrier was placed second in the time of 1:48.6. Dick i vu.im ."- Foerestcr Navy was third gantee 'could not have qualified for the final Olympic trials as he has been ruled a pro by the AAU. Courtney's effort was his second best time for the 800. He ran 1:46 8 in Finland last summer. Martin Engel of the Army won the hammer throw with a meet and Coliseum record fling of 189 feet 54 inches. Competition in other events was to begin Friday evening. The ham mer throw was held early to al low plenty of room. Engel, former New York Uni versity star and I member of the 1952 U. S. Olympic team, eclipsed the meet record of 180 feet 7 inches set by Sam Felton of tht Navy in 1953. He also broke the Coliseum standard of 182 feet S inches he established when he won the final : filvmnip trinlc nf i "t . . " ' . Takln ,pcond ln Friday S event was Kntt Taylor of the Army, formerly of Rhode Island State ColleRe. with 177 feel ll'i inches. ,n " P' " ', t. .L.-.J .1 T" 1 1 ft.- son oi ine Army, an pviaie aii lete. with 172 feet 10'i inches The three men automatically qualify 'nr e final Olympic , . , , , . trials here June 29-30. I'd. Line Scores Sacraments 000 000 0201 II I Seattle 102 030 M'-t t 1 Watkina, B Jonea (5i and Bright; Singleton and Orteig Los Angeles 000 oon ono 0 4 t Hoiiwood ino one oo l I t Plerettl. Perkowskt it) and Han nah; Naranjo and Hall. People Do Read Spot Ads (You Are) DAYS 9:30 A.M. TO 5:30 P.M. a sofu light shoe . with solid comfort features that won't break down,. Here's real slipper eomfort In s shoe that's built for sction . . '. the Whippet! will not break down at the arch. It's blessed with Wright's Fsmous Four Features that help "men on the go, stsy on the go." Come in and try on a pair.