$-Sec. I) Statesman, Salem, Ore, Frt, June 15, 56 DAV Officials, McKay Chat in Salem ' v ... 4, Truck -.Crushes. Scio Tot; Services Today Court Approves Paving Study At Scott Mills A eott estimate for the pi vim of tome three block in Scotu iKST!-"Jul ,t - r tw. broths c.i- tourt member County En. I. SClC-Gr,vid, funerd "d ro neer John Anderson wilt make ior Norene Trolling- Sh H"" the estimate. tXBontM-oid Ba&y bo was The actios) eam In response , crushed to death Wednesday be to a request from Mayor Art;"'"' "heels of oil truck. Boyta of ScotU Mill, who stated W1" P Friday at in a letter that be and several."" iiwiery aere. city councilmen were interested The youngster, daughter of Mr. Mr. and Mrs. James Trollinger and Mr. and Mrs. W. Z. Sims, all of Scio. Funeral arrange menst are in rare of the Huston Funeral Home of Lebanon. in getting the black top surfac ing work done. Daariaa McKay, (laird frees left) fanner secretary at Ike lateriar and mw a Reswbllcaa candidate far the , lii. SeaaieTeaaU Tharsday with telle aemben at the Disabled Americas Vleraas at the graeaa can- , reauaa la sales, la law (reap are una arn m m. r - - trtuU SaadeB. Partlaad; McKay; George Siataaa. aealar vice ewamaader. Medfard; Ed Haaver. Rw eerg. and Pair Qearte, aUU eepartaseat treasurer, farUaad. (SUiewaaa Phu Qianges in Veterans Pensions Considered By State DAY Convention Delegates Here Fairgrounds Designated as Reception Site Designation of the atate fair grounds as the Marion County civil defense reception area, was announced this week by county civil defense director Wallace S. Wharton. Purpose of a reception area is to provide facilities for registra tion and temporary care of evac uees arriving in the county. Wharton also appointed Led G. Spitibart, Oregon State Fair man ager, director oi me area. Inder Oregon civil delensi" and Mrs. Howard ' Trollinger, Route 2, Scio, was apparently killed instantly when an oil truck of the Grange Oil Company, Tangent, drove across her after filling the Trollinger tank, the Linn County coroner's office said. : Driver of the truck. Virgil Sawin, had just been paid by Mr. Trollinger, the office said. He was unaware that the child had wandered under the truck Bodv the gold star pin and the cap of the infant was discovered after ! P,ch 'w signing up the most Ira Ilerriford Wins Award luifiui Ktw. ttrvict MT. ANGEL Commander Ira Herriford of the Mt. Angel post of American Legion has received Appendicitis Hits Former Salem Officer David Houser, former Salem detective, was hospitalized in Bloomingtoa, 111., by aa append icitis attack this week, his family reported. Houser, who recently resigned his detective position to take a job with a national insurance company, was attending an in surance investigator's course. The family said a telephone call Thursday indicated that Houser will be hospitalized for 10 to 14 days. He entered the hos pital Tuesday, they said. Houser hopes to return to Sa lem next weekend, hie wife re ported. His first assignment is with the Eugene office of the insurance firm. Salem C of C to Recognize Tourists, Royalty Monday Salem Chamber of Commerce members will give their attention Monday to tourists and princesses in a luncheon program emphasix- jing the tourist and recreation sea son. Plans call for bringing into the : chamber program four or five tour ists who are visiting Salem that depart tied of rture. Sawin was later ! members during thepast year. his notified of the death by the cor oner's office. He was not held. Survivors include, in addition Resident of Silverton Dies Statvinun Nrwi ttrvtct Consideration of resolutions op posing euti and change! in the , veterans' pension and compensa tion program will be one of the top orders of buiiness at today's session of tha Disabled American Veterans' convention here. Approximately 200 delegate will meet it 1:30 a.m. in the Marion Hotel to discus the reso lutions, most of which item from recommendations made by the "Bradley commission," Arch L Brewster, stats commander, said. The commission, beaded by re tired Army General Omar Brad ley, wm assigned by President Dwight D. Elsenhower to itudy the veterans' pension and com pensation program. The com mission issued its report several week ago . following a year's tudy. ;'-,'" : . Douglas McKay of Salem, ex- Oregon . governor and former secretary of tht Interior, told the atate-wtde roup Thursday at the Marion Hotel that America "hat good program" for Hi war vet . trant. v:-,-h HVj ; ?7'f' '. frond al Work " McKay, who ii a Republican candidate for he U.S. Senate, aid he was proud of the work being dona for disabled veterans a state tnd national level , : He also noted progress done In Oregon for rehabilitation of vet erans Injured in industry. Silver star pins, also for mem bership, went to Gene Hof fer. Gene Goldsby. Peter Gores, Ray Gores; Bay Rusrhrr, Fred Lucht and Jos L. Faulhaber. Installation , of new officers is planned for June 2. the past com manders conducting the cere mony. Past District Commander Fred" Lucht of Mt. , Angel will of ficate. Delegates to the state conven tion at Albany. July 2 28. -will be Fred Lucht, Cliff Norton, Maurice Hammer and Joe Michfls: alter nates, Ernie Crowder, Ira Her ritord. dene Hoffer and Francis MCivay, wno is a uieioni mem- vw"m i y,c ' .-h refueling l uapici ; i ..... - Th. lr. a rector will be re- Opposition to the commission ! her of the Salem DAV c indicated the socaUed Bradley mg scneduie oe revised oy ; spoMiDe for integrating the var report had "little chance" of "broadly representative group of ry Wharton said. passage through Congress in its, experts inciuaing pnysicians.j present form. economists, sociologists, psyebol-1 He referred to the President s ogisis ana lawyers, ano oeuei commission on veterans pensions, : that the schedule should be left in the hands of those persons who work with it. - Disapproval of abolishing the f system of statutory awards in; rating disabilities. jjtss Hazel D. Price, 1210 N. Resolution Favored IjoWJS,"i!id. ,her hm' SILVERTON Mrs. Helen S. ans the Marion County unit is Halvorson 93, a resident of Sil- assigned responsibility for pro- verton for the past 63 years, died viding approximately 180 shelter at the home of her daughter, rjonncllv. centers across the county lor Mrs. tmi; Loe, Thursday. some 41.000 evacuees from the ; Mrs. Halvorson was born Sept ' Portland critical target area; in 4, 1863, in'Blair. Wis. Her hus-: I nlw rvrnt nl a hostile air attack. ! hanH wl Evacuees would be routed toji Evens Valley until his death : L'lltler Falling TlTP pressway. Survivors include three sons. Other reception area services clarence, Silverton. Omar and would include emergency medi- Ai..in h,.th r.iHU-n iHahn- cal aid, feeding, minor car re-ltwo ri'allBht.r Mrs ine'.nH ai. Albany to Open Swimming Pools, 4 Parks Today Sutnaua Nw tttyit ALBANY Albany summer rec reation season will open Friday when the four public parks and public swimming pool start opera tions, according to Bob Robertson, city recreation director. The parks will have supervised recreation (or children. The" pool will be open from 1 to 7 p.m. until warmer weaihcr -permits longer hours, Robertson said. Griefs of State Institutions Open Confab Superintendents of Oregon's 11 state institutions opened a two day conference here Thursday. They spent Thursday talking about medical matters, and will take up budget problems Satur day. The Planning Committee of the proposed $14 million State Men tal Hospital at VYilsonville will' hold its first meeting Friday af ternoon. Members of the committee are the architects, Stanton, Boles, IMaguire and Church, of Portland: 'Dr. Dean Brooks, superintendent 'of the Oregon State Hospital: Dr. Donald Waif, superintendent of the Eastern Oregon State Hospi tal: and Dr. John Waterman, state mental health director. day. These will be "spotted" and introduced by One Vandeoeynde, Capitol guide. The princesses with aa honor place and introduction en the pro gram will be the girls state em ployes recently chosen as court for the new Salem July 4 celebration, Willamette River Days Festival. The entire program has been arranged for the chamber by Junior Eckley. chairman of its Tourist-Convention-Recrcation Di vision. It will be given at tha chamber lunchon Monday noon at the Marion Hotel. Brief talks on the tourist theme will be given by Leslie Davis, vice chairman of the division: Carl Jor dan, state director of travel in formation: W. C. Williams, assis tant state highway engineer: and Maurice Conn, who will welcome the tourists on behalf of the chamber. Dies which has recommended curtail ment of veterans' pensions. Taking note of the war wounds incurred by members of his aud ience, McKay urged the DAV to do ill it could for the cause of world peace. Governor Speaks Gov. Elmo Smith briefly greet ed the veterans. He was intro dvced by Paul Tbaralson of Sa lem, convention chairman, who presided. Brewster said Thursday that the DAV is critical of a number of the suggestions contained in the commission report. Resolu tions which will bo considered today, Brewster said, include: Opposition to the Bradley com mission's recommendation of dis continuing compensation paid to veterans with 10 and 20 per cent disability. Questioning of the commission recommendation that presump tive provisions of service connec tion for chronic diseases, trop ical diseases, psychoses, tuber culosis and multiple sclerosis be withdrawn. Hazel Price, 69, Succumbs ma Halvorson, Portland; eight grandchildren, seventeen great grandchildren and five great-great-grandchildren. Services are in care of the Ek man funeral home. i MYRTLE POINT - A falling tree killed Jesse Monroe Wilson, 49, a Remote, Ore., loRser. in the Slide Creek area near Remote Wednesday afternoon. Deputy Coroner Harold Rushing said Wilson was working alone falling trees. He apparently slipped over a bank into the path of a falling tree, Rushing said. Bruh College Gub To Meet Saturday Statriman Nrwt Srrvtr BRUSH COLLEGE Brush Col lege Home Economics Club will meet Saturday for a combination no-host dinner and men's work dav at the Brush College grange hail. . Men will continue work on the kitchen and restroom to be added to the east end of the Grange building, according to Phillip Pe terson, grange master. SCHAEFER'S Antacid Powder Far the palliative relief of the discomforts of Hype raridity (sour stomach). Belching, Heartburn or Flatulence to ex tent due ta Gastric Acidity. Srhaefer's Antacid Powder is prepared ander the Srhaefer Standard of Purity of materi als and mfg. skill, as eviden ced by more than fifty years af successful service to the public. 60 SCHAZFER'S DRUG STORE Open Dailv, 7:3 A., ta S P. M. Sundays, 9 a. m. ta t p. m. 13S N. Commercial Opposition to gearing compen-j Miss Price had been a resident sation to the prevailing average of Salem for the past 50 years, earnings "by some representative ' She was born Nov. 25, 1886, in group of workers" 'as impractical I Wisconsin, and came to Salem and capable of reducing compen- '-in 1906. She was employed by sation in some cases. j the Cherry City Baking company Two speakers are scheduled to 1 for many years, retiring about address the convention todav. 1946 They are George Day, U.S. Em ployment Service, Salem, and George Reed, of the U.S. Civil Service in Seattle, Wash lit From member of fhe Re the Salem Garden A banquet will be held at 6 30 p.m. in the Marion Hotel. - The convention will end Satur day afternoon. She was a bekahs and Club. Survivors include a Everett Price, Salem; and i nephew Funeral arrangements care of the Virgil T. funeral home. are In Golden flLLAMmi f JUXtTJ UADWG APrllANCS I I0HE FUMEHBS 1 I SALEM - OREGON CITY J Remember Father's Day-June 17th A SURE-TO-PLE ASE . . . ... v. long Remembered by Father's Day Sunday, June 1 7th 4 ...-.a-Jiri n'fi TAKE LIFE LEISURELY Smartest slip-ons of mam all! Light, flexible, so wonderfully comfortable for all his leisure activities. Smart for informal entertaining, too . , , and sturdy enough for street wear. Father's Day, June 17th GLUD Esquire Chair . T -4.V: ff - ii' 1 T Reg. $69.95 $73 395 1 Give Him a The Reclining Choir He's Jnthn' Always Wanted- rUinCf 5 For the first time at a SPECIAL SALE PRICE Jnunvittk you can own the remarkable Strato- FQVOriiB lounger, upholstered in Boltaflex (that beautiful leatherlike plastic) and tweed. Stratolounger, with its pat ented Lorenz mechanism, ad justs to your favorite posi tion instantly without knobs, levers or gadgets. M01BJ(MMBC&fJEn , Ml QcmJi) PORCH PATIO, ' SLIP-ONS feu rrtfemi QtuRtf tad Crtjlmuukif $iE00 TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE lf ultr rk Li Trd-in 29.50 15.00 YOU PAY ONLY Including Carrying Case 50 237" And Your Old Shaver NO MONEY DOWN 7.95 Starts on Father's Day 50 WEEK Coma in and lee for yourself why a Remington does i faster, smoother, better job than any other shaver. Then take it home and prove the performance during a 14-day trial. ra. il ii YOUR CHOICI Of Rei, Tetf ami IrfjwN, CkrcMl tifsj Grty, r Saf tewi CNerfrweee. Nu-Rome Chair i 2t 'i ah, 1 Reg. $79.95 Ct I vV " Sole j: Crlp. Prl" jSSkjgtirf' r ; l No Down Payment On Approved Credit Other Strataloungers 9995 From ' 159 95 New Era Chair : 1- CHOOSE FROM 4 HUGE FLOORS OF FURNITURE These Are Only A Few Of Our Many Chairs In Modern, Contempor ary Modern, Provincial and Early American Styles. AT AMAZINGLY LOW PRICES! Rei. $79.95 e STORE HOURS: 1:30-5:30 Doily . 1: 309 p.m. Hon. and hi Free Parking Free Delivery NO DOWN PAYMENT (ON APPROVED CREDIT) PmMTTI TALUTC LUDfflG APftlANCI 1 HOME fUlinsnB I SALEM - OREGOrt CITY J ' Salem's "Own Store Coil Sprinf Cushion Since 1890 rRH 305 N. Liberty St. - Salem .MS. ' V -.' 260 State Street Ph. 39148