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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (June 15, 1956)
Statesman, Salem, Ore., Fri., June 15, '56 (Sec. III)-25 JI-(Sec. Ill) Statesman, Salem, Ore., Fri.. June 15, 56 D TV (s5) Cookies Are YearAroUnd Specialties Cookiti know bo season, they tetm to be moat Deeded t each aeason m it eotnei around. Sum mertime Is o exception, (or they'rt standard fare ior outdoor meiU and wonderful when the family took wanU to bake just once a week. Hera to a froup of assorted rocipaa for cookiea . food for tummertima eating. fECAN BUTTE COOKIES 1 cup butter Vt cup powdered sugar ; H teaapoon nit 1 eupa lifted flour eup paeans, chopped fine l teiioooa Tinllla Cream butter and wgar. Add ramiinlnf inrediU. Roll into mull balls. Flatten on buttered bakinf iheet. Baka in moderate oven S90T. until lightly brown td, about HO minutei.- Roll in additional powdered augar while atill warm. Makes 24-3 doten cookiea. 8NACITME FAVORITE COOBJE3 1 cop butter 1 tup brown sugar 1 eup white augar t eggs, beaten 1 teaipooa ranilla 1 eup chopped peanuts ltt cups eruahed wheat flake cereal 3 cups sifted flour -1 teaspoon baking powder 1 teaipooa soda V teaspoon aalt 14 cups quick cooking oats Cream butter and sugars to gether well Add beaten eggs and nix well Blend in vanilla. dmi, MMinta (in. Truth wheat cereal. Sift flour with baking rder, soda and salt. Then mix peanuts, wheat cereal and eats. Add to creamed mixture, blending welL Drop from tea spoon onto lightly buttered bak ing sheet Bake In moderate oven, 150T. for 12 to 19 minutes, . ... L J I I, : nnui ugnuy nrownca. mm ' dosen cookies. ICE CREAM WAFERS to cup butter , to cup sugar to teaspoon salt to teaspoon flavoring . 1 agg . to cup aifted flour Cream butter, sugar, salt and flavoring. Add agg and mix welL .. Stir in flour. Drop by bait tea- spoons in mounds on lightly but- - tared cookia sheet. Baka in mod- nata oven, 390'F, 12-15 minutei : at until browned on edges. Makei , 4 doxei criip thin wafers. , ANISE COOKIES ' S cups sitad flour - -1 teaspoon baking powder Dash of salt ltt cups butter oup sugar z egg yom 1 teaspoon vanilla S teaspoons whole snise icedi Poppy or sesame seeds Sift flour, bakirtg powder and aalt together. Then work or cream the butter until creamy. Add sugar gradually, working the mixture well after each ad dition. Stir in the unbeaten, egg yolks and vanilla until yon have a smooth batter. Add flour mix ture and anise seeds gradually. Blend until well mixed. Pull oft little pieces of dough and roll in to balls tha size of dessert cherry. Place three little balls together on an ungreased baking iheet , (cookies will look like 3 leafed clover), press poppy or sesame seeas over topi. Bake in a hot s oven, 1ST, 14 minutea or until edges turn golden. Let cookies , cool a bit before removing from eooklei iheet. Makei 6 dozen . eooklei. HAST 4 H6 BAYS! wLJ 1 v-HhTff I r 1 1 J SJ Morrell'i Famous Luncheon Meat I jjjjj or Kmgan Lunch Meat-Your Choice fcji IFaiifif Corn - f i - - i ? - .r "i ' " I , X Indeed, youll love this big Stock-Up Event! Every time, you turn around, hi the store, you see jpiother Stock-Up valiie... another wonderful buy for youi cupboard. And your savings can be really impressive. Why not, right now, take a pencil and check your favorites on this page? Then come in and shop to your heart's content, to your budget's satisfaction. Came in often during our store-wide SUck-Up Event Pack away a whole cupboardful of good eating! Summer Goutiness In Every Bite! Roxbury Candy Filled Root Beer Balls Molasses Pepermint Che Filled Butterscotch Balls Pkg. Assorted Chews 17 New! Blue! SihPurb, AU-Purpose Detergent Guaranteed to work won ders with even the finest GlQItt laundry 12-o:. $flfJ0 tmdim Del Monte Cream Style Pooch or Playfair Cans Krispy Sodas Busy Baker Sodas QAI7P o mm mm I U Wonderful In Salads s 43' Quart Take Tamale Pie To Picnic Grounds .You ean take this tamale pla right to the picnic grounda, or backyard eating area and it's bound to be a popular dish. Tamale Pie 1 cup cornmeal 3 cups boiling water ltt teaapooni aalt 1 green neoner. rhonnmt 3 tablespoona cooking fat or nil 14 pound chopped raw meat, or IVi cupi chopped cooked meat lto eupa drained canned or cooked tomato j Chill powder and talt to taste Stir cornmeal alowly In rapid ly boiling salted water. Bring to boll over direct heat Cover, and . eook 43 minutea over boiling water, stirring occasionally. Cook onion and green pepper In fat or oil until tender; remove. Add meat to fat If raw meat is vied, cook until done. Add remaining Ingredienti and neat thoroughly. Pour a layer of the cooked Mrnmeal Into m,u4 dish, add meat mixture and coveaJ wiin tne rest of the cornmeal. Bake at 40 deg. (hot oven) 30 minuiea. TOO HOT YMake sure that your roll of fee-through plaitle wrapping lin't kept in a counter-cupboard aear your range, neat makes the vrannln irihcra mnr thin 'ul; keep the roll la i cool place if you want to be able to I... -. . : :i . (car oii poruoni cnu;, OtICK SOUP Crated raw carrot almmered arlth thin white aauce that has ptni flavored with onloa juica Here they are! Sweetest value in town? OOO' Carefully selected In the growing fields by Safeway's own buyers . . . selected for perfect flavor with you in mind. So njoy some today. Pick some up as you shop and savt at Safeway this weekend. .... .. JIT Fine Ouilirf Slklnej Tomilaei Ripe Tomatoes Lettuce Watermelons Oro Blanco Melons ; 10 oi. Tub lad lipa If Dm leci, 1 7 Vic WHOLE jp While Cantaloupe New Tula Trail fe. HI Peaches ReeSd Strawberries lZ Grapefruit AwrLr Oranges Valenrlaa ,, 25c 2 5!. 69c K,59c 5,b;g79c Sweet Corn Cucumbers 5 49c 19c lb. Field-grawn New White Roue Shatters New Potatoes 10 1 89c Lemons Calif. Sunkiat lb. 19c BANANAS Fancy Quality (fl luscious Ripe Bananas lb. APRICOTS From California, A Real Taste Delight lb. 2 Summer Goodness on its Way from Safeuuy! FRUIT JUIC Town House fancy quality GRAPEFRUIT JUICE Hl-C ORANGE DRINK Always Refreshing Sunny Dawn Fancy TOMATO JUICE Real Gold Concentrated FRUIT JUICE Lemonade Base-Grape Base Orange Base Blended Base Tropical Punch $ In 46-oz. oo Dozen cam $1.98 Apple Juice nfor$i 9s0 b.i.. i Hi-C Grape 12 for $3.39 3 cans 85c Hi-C Punch 123 39 3 4dr 85c n I a Blend o' Gold 46-01. AP Blend Jce. 12 $3.39 0 n, o3c Tomato Jce. ! $3.39 3 4c6.nV 85c CHECK TllS LIST FOR EVERYDAY LOW PRICES Mr While Satin K..r 25 ib. ack $2.57 flinn Peaches Mnnir No. Vi ran s Baked BeanS BAM Brand 2Soi. ran Jit Corned Beet Lihby brand 12-oa. can ' Potted Meat I.ibby brand No. h ran '" Vienna Sausage Lihby brand 4 oi. can 1 ' ZipPf DillS Reg. or Kosher Half Gal. 59C Hamburger Relish Nal,rybrand12.,jar 27c Nu Made Mayonnaise Quart jar v BeSt FOOdS Mavonnaise 4"art J" 73C p. 25c iks. 29c 3 lb. 12-oi. jar Gelatin Dessert j,n Jell-well alin Dessert Baby Food Berber, Sir. Wheaties All Bran KeUow cereal Bran Flakes Kellone cereal Sunrise Macaroni or SpaRhetti .0,,u. 69c Table Salt snowhu 2601. pkn. 13c Royal Satin Shortening 3 lb. can 87c Kitchen (rail orGo",MHa,F,1Z, .ttck$1.05 Cherub Milk KnfmM 3 IS 39c (hoc. Dairy Drink l ac Mil Mb. pkg. 45c (ane Sugar ( and! Cane 10 lb. aack $1.02 Peanut Butler RralRoast 3,b.i2,j.r$1.79 3 4 4 can, 37C 12-ni. pk. 24C 10 oi. pkR. 19c 23c 4 oi. tie 6 bar, 25C 6Pkg,25c Lge. loaf 28c pkg. 27c Mb. pkg. 29C 33c Mb. pkg. Snarlc 89C v , 6 12-01. cans 29c 89c $1.10 Candy Bars 5c variety Kool Aid Delirious flavors Fresh Bread Mrs. Wrifiht'a Hamburger Buns Kprful,y Fig Bars Melrose Hi-Ho Crackers Crispy, tasty Tea Timers Round crackers DCll DCCI 12 oi. cans Blitz Beer l.urky l.ager Variety of Flavors rot Cragmont Beverages Deposit ' bot C Potato Chips iSeifU s1oI.Pkg. 39c Cottage Cheese Blossom Time Pint Lucerne 3.8 Milk B,,m,, Q,,a,,f,ai,o 43c Chocolate Milk ,.Ceme Qurt 2IV2C Ice Cream Sno star Quart 45c Ice Cream sn0Wsiar Haitgaiion 85c Lustre (reme Shampoo 10-oa. jar $1.59 Cigarettes Popular brands Ctn. reg. size $1.73 Zee Tissues For Bathroom 4 r, 33c Friskies Dog Food can 15c Friskies Meal Dog Food 10 lb. site $1.35 Priest in this advertisement are effective through Sunday, June 17, at Safeway in Salem. We reserve the right to limit quantities. No sales to dealers. Ivory Hem Safesay sells is guaranteed unconditionally. 'I 3 1 SPECIAL SAVINGS WHEN YOU BUY THE DOZEN OR THE CASE NOW AT SAFEWAY! White. s Sim Highway Brand Highway Broken Segments Highway Yellow Cling Slices or Halves Chunk Style Tuna Fish Each No. 303 cans IL MS Gardenside Cut - No. 303 0) cans No. 2 cans . No. vi cans No. 303 cans S00 SHOO $oo $00 $00 Chunk Tuna Style Fish 4 Gardenside Brand Center Cut (q) Gardenside Brand A Grand Value Gardenside Cream Style S Van Camp's in Tomato Sauce No. 303 cans No. Vi cans No. 300 cans No. 303 cans Sjjoo $oo S00 $00 Dozen $49 $98 $239 $ 1 49 $49 Sbmbarries - I00 $298 JS'6 Orange Rolls 'Z r t m y 11 . . J www I I FAMOUS HEINZ OF COURSE! 'fP II Red Magic al four I (J I finjertipj-iy., P $fl(tl All Heinz Ketchup How M-z- fcSwi Case $25 $395 $595 $111190 u u 95 Terrific Values from Our Big 10 Table! Highway New Potatoes Marion Diced Carrots Smith Spaghetti Smith Butter Beans Garnet Diced Beets Taste Tells Lima Beans MORE MONEY SAVING SAFEWAY VALVES 300 can 303 can 300 can 300 ' can 303 can 300 can Taste Tells Kidney Beans can Taste Tells Blackeye Peas Taste Tells Pork & Beans can Taste Tells Pinto Beans can Taste Tells Chili Beans 'Z 0 .! ml ele n 300 imnn m Deans can f Your Choice L Doz. Cans 19 24 )35 Cans h Shortening ISlargarine famales lutter leans Royal Satin Ever Popular Coldbrook Limit 2 Derby Brand Beef Tamales Seaside Brand 3 - 87' 5'rl 4 u $i 00 00 With Cheese Sauce for a Good Starter With .month ehptae uurt aa a started, you tan build man kinda of dishes diahea that fiva you plenty of leeway to adjust your cheese supplies. For you cai easily vary the cheese to mats a sauca mild, rich, or in-between. Cheese Sauce 4 tablespoons fat ' 4 tablespoons flour 2 cups milk h teaspoon aalt li pound cheese, ahaved thin (2 cups) Melt the fat, blend in the flour. Add cold milk and salt Heat and stir until thickened. Add tha, cheese. Stir until it melts. Serve over bread or toast slices, boiled rice, hominy grits, macaroni, or spaghetti, boiled potatoes, cabbage, asparagus, on ions, cauliflower or broccoli. Scalloped Vegetable Pour cheese aauce over fresh rooked or left-over vegetables snan beans, carrots, tumios. Deal. corn. Put in a shallow bakinf dish, cover with oread crumoa, bake until crumbs are brown and the vegetables heated through. Welsh Babbit For an easily mad rabbit that will not curdle make a cheese sauce aa above and beat lightly till the cheese melts. Add onion and any other seasoning you wish. Beat 1 or 2 eggs well. Pour a little of the sauce into tha i ut. then pour all back into the sauce. Cook 2 or 3 miautes long er, then serve on toast or crackers. Tamale Rabbit 2 tablespoons fat Vx amall onion, chopped y green pepper, chopped, If desired Vi cup finely cut celery if de sired 2 tablespoons flour 1 pint tomatoes Vt pound cheese ahaved thin . (2 cups) 1 teaspoon salt v 2 aggs well beaten Melt fat in a heavy skillet. Stir in onion, celery, and pepper. Cook a few minutes, stirring frequent ly. Add the flour, tomatoes. cheese, and . salt. Stir and cook over low heat until the mixture thickens and the cheese melta. Pour some of this mixture Into well-beaten eggs. Pour all back Into the skillet and cook until thickened and creamy. Serve on toast or crackers. Into a baking dlsH put cooked macaroni, spaghetti, coarse hom iny, noodles ... or rice. Pour a cheese sauce over it If you wish, add bread crumba to brown over the top. Bake in a moderate oven for about 30 minutes. Virv bv adding scasoninss such is neoner. oaorika. chODDed pi- miento, red or green pepper. Make It a more suostanuai dish bv adding sliahtlv beaten nu to the cheese aauce before ouring It over' the macaroni or other cereal. Vanilla Westag Brand 8-OZ. Finest Imitation Bottle 23J Perfect for Your Sunday Dinner . . . MORRELVS or CUDA11Y BRAND READY-TO-FAT PICNICS. SHORT SHANK ThNDERlZED, 4 to 6 POI NDS One of the most economical as well as one of the most popular - of Safeway's meat values. Versatile, too! First, serve it oven-baked, just like next, serve it sliced or on sandwiches finally, cook the shank-end with beans! Short shanked, 4 to 6 Ib. average. OVEN-READY mm SOMERSET or DEL MONTE 0LISH m BHF POT BOAST "USDA Choice" Grade nnnn- Blade Cut n r- iQ. v-SxA in . ff fp C !S5ff - Beef ;rr Sk .J J -I "N soneieu Ileal .. Boi mo Rf it, ...........S.'.-f.w.W Various Foods in Casserole Dish Assnrted leftover veeetablea CO together to make this delightful casserole. If you don't have them on hand, use a package of frozen mixed vegetables. Casserole m Left-overe 2 tablespoons butter 1 tablespoon flour lt teaspoon salt m teaspoon pepper 1 cup milk 2 cups cooked vegetables Vi cup soft bread crumbs Grated cheese -Asparagus tips Make a white sauce of tha but ter, flour, salt, pepper and milk. Put the vegetables and bread crumbs in a greased baking dish and add the white sauce. Arrange asparagus tips on top and sprinkle with grated cheese or paprika. Cover and place in cabinet of re frigerator until mealtime. Then bake in a moderate oven '350 F.) about 20 to 3ft minutes or until thor nuRhly heated through. This is a very Rood way to use up left-over vegetables, as any vesrtable or combination of vegetables may be used Broad-Breasted Quick-Frozen 12 to 16 lbs. Lb. 45' 12-01. Rings $00 Wieners ETE ir1.00 Sliced Bologna Del Monte Franks 49c Sandwich Spread Lunch MeatsVZ"., 29c Roast Beef imerset or D.M. Mb. pkg. Somerset 8-oi pkg. Somerset Sliced 8 oi. pkg. 49c Corned Beef Loaf 5 801 pkg. 29c Sliced Halibut , ir r t ii. IL..a By 4jC rresn naimuT lb. eh the Piece 45c ib 59c Refrigerator Pie Family's Food This chocolate rotrigeratnr pie is one ot tnose inai you miKni verve your luncheon guests but the familv seldom has a chance to enjoy Make one for them ncca- smnallv ton RKFKIGKRATOR I'HOt'OtATE PIK 1 cup milk '2 cup sugar 3 egg yolks 'i teaspoon -salt 2 squares chocolate '.. tal)leponn gelatine soaked la i, cup cold water .1 egg flutes cup sugar 1 cup cream l'j cups v:inula wafer crumbs or cake crumbs Make custard of milk, sugar, chocolate and egg yolks Add soak ed gelatine and dissolve. Cool. Fold in beaten egg whites, add the '4 cup sugar Line a buttered pie tin with crushed vanilla waters. add filling Cover with waxed pa per and place in. refrigerator 4 to 5 hours. Serve with whipped cream 53c PAPKR THIN t'se your swiehlade vegeta ble peeler with Ms rajorlike sharpness In pare off paper-thin rounds from a cucumber. and celery salt