o5-(Sec IV) Statesman, Salem, Ore, FrL, June 15, 56 By DO HAIGEI Talked with Leonard Ahaeiiaucher th other day and learned a bit about hie recent trip to Acapulco, Mexico. Seema Leonard and Pwijht Manning, both of whom work for E. H. BurreH Automotive f'a Bran aa illniiiit naiii trio tA that alexins and landed an 4- . -i. Callmlted reports good aews (or the water fowl crop as rood as that el IMS, which was rated outstaad Ing. There is a substantial Increase la breeding stock In Manitoba and Saskatchewan. Alberta is about ea a par with last rear. Docks Ualimited projects and Irrigation waters are offsetting aay draught daager. Nemhert of Cauda Geese eoatlaaea to spread and lacrease ea D.U. projects la southern ' Alberta aad Saskatchewan. Leeks like aaotber good banting seasoa la the of flag. Fishing on the west t'opee of the Cascades took a bit of an up swing the past week with reports getting better throughout the week. Along sbout last Tuesday Detroit reservoir started to show signs of coming to Hfe again. Some fine catches were brought in by bait fishermen and also by fly fishermen. Early morning and . Isle evening hat been the best (or the fly tossers. Fish have run tip to 30 inches. Salmon are being taken in goodly numbers from the North Santiam river near Stayton and also below the Gates bridge in that popular run of water. The river Is still carrying a lot of water but it somewhat lower than it has been. It takes a lot of fishing know-bow to bring a big chinook to beach on light tackle. The imiB ara thcro and ao la Iota of For these who have beats oa Mariea lake the fishing has been good ea that BteunUla fishing spot. (The rainbows are 'mining to good site with auay of them going well over the lS-laca mark. Bait flshiag with single eggs close to the bottom . teens to be dredging oat the whoppers. The Bellering Now Comet Too Late I It seems to this department that lot of vain bellowing is being sounded la connection with the construction of Ptlton Dam on the Deschutes river. With all of the hollering echoing around the countryside from political hallways to the Deschutes canyon walls, the construction of the dam it still going on. If the conservation minded groups and individuals who would now halt the construction of the dam had given their much-needed support few legislative teutons tgo, there would be no need for all of the confusion which now exists. ; Sportsmen and conservationists alike would gain much, ia most cases, by Joining in session with the groups building dams to ar rive at soma medium whereby our fisheries would suffer the least. When it it obvious that a dam will be erected (in spite of protest), then it should be to the advantage of all concerned to get the best possible recognition of the fisheries Involved. Power companies, we are sure, are also Interested In giving tit the best possible means of saving all the fisheries possible which may be threatened by the building of a dam. They will give us nothing at long as we hold our present attitude. " . . r It It much like the attitude of the character who hat Just been tossed Into the bastille; "Hey!. You can't put me in here!" First Christian Drop Initial v Hie rirst Christian Church "club lb first game of the seasoa last tight when the Meier Frank outfit tVglstered a 71 triumph In their t&the defeat the Churchmen nad Jin winning the game the M-rt took ever tne league area wiui perfect record. "The National Guard and Xay Woolens were slated to play last mzht also, but not enough Wool ens players showed up and the team was forced to forfeit the "am. The Guards instead played 4 hastily formed substitute team, and lost a 7-1 nod at Wimpy Car ver and Steve Brody twirled them Into defeat ' ' " . . Carver, Bartraff Pitch ,' Carver had teamed with Carl Bartruft to hurl the Meier a Franks to their win. They limited the Churchmen to three hits. , First Christian got off to a M lead In the second, but the M-F'i scored lix timet in the third, the backbone of which was a three run triple by Gene Oliver, at the expense of losing dinger Eldon Farlow, - - In tonight's games the Cascade Meat! play - the Western Paper , Converting learn in a seven o'clock Capital League mix, and then the Handle Oils and L 4 R'l play an other City League game at eight. Both of the latter teams are tied for the league lead, with 2-1 rec ords, i. : ... "... 1st Christian ....020 010 0-3 S 4 ' Meier-Frank ... 804 010 x-7 5 S Farlow and Young; Bartruff, Carver (6) and Kassen. Public Links Open to Start NEW. YORK If) - With defend ing champion Sam Kocaia of De troit the only exempted player, others in the field of 1.117 will tee off at 17 qualifying sites next week hoping to win one of the 149 open placet In the National Public Links Championship. The tests will be held on va rious dates from June 17 through June ZS, and the championship field of ISO wQl compete at stroke and match play for the title at San Francisco July 1-14. year me cnampionsnip was entirely at match play, but this m . . year there wiU be Jfrhole medal pity July I and 10 to determine the 64 qualihert for the match play and team championship. Pilots Set " Thas who vtU do the drtvlaf la Satarday abjhi't Jalopy dettractiea derby at Belly ted Bowl were aa aeeBeed Taanday by Roa AO, Tal ley Sports aretaeter la ckarfe of ante racial here. -r- . ' AH pilota are members ef the Capital Aato Kartif Asaociatlaa, which presented the flrtt aad only smash bee held at the elf tatter tills tetaoa. -Rat Keppltf er, Dan Richard. Dale CeJUe, ray Ladd, Paal Rick ard. "Daffy'' Wettmaa, Ray Hle bert, Ted Howe, Ciena Sbedeck, Ire Braaa, Wet Smith, Ray Vlb- I resort (or aelluti more sparkier tparkplup (or some thin,) than anroaa else la me country. . . . Our old duck hunting companion, Ahsea Bvacbcr managed to get out on the Mexican waters after aailfish while he was there and had the bitiest fishim thrill of his life. He booked Moot. 10-inch aailfish which tipped the Kales at neat 92 lbs. Onie hat the tword at a souvenir and he will probably ate it to pick up scraps of paper from his front yard. You dont suppose we envy him his trip down there where the sua shines? To jatap (real Mexico to Canada la eae maM la MM a tarltf fkurla tun. Softballers Tilt of Season of trie Caoital ftoftball Lea rue lost feature game at Phillips Field. Prior won three in a row. DIGESTS FLOAT OR SINK GRASSHOPPERS MALL RUBBER-' BAND Oft THREAD BtNO A CftAtSMOfPCtt TO THt HOOK aO IT WON'T WA? OFF IN CASTING, m YOU WAHT TO SINK IT UKI A WET FiViOP. MR SPlN TACKLE CASTING, CLAMP t OR g SPLIT SHOT 16 ABOVE BAIT. Us SPLIT SHOT, ALSO, TO INK MOPPtff DEEP OR PAN FISH, ETC., WHEN STILL-FISHING ROM A BOAT OR DOCK. HERE, VOU MEREL' HOOK HOPW I THE TOP O ITS BACK. THERE'S WOT MUCH CHANCE OF LOSNfl him because casting s hard ly necessary. Crickets and roaches can be USED THIS WAV, ALSO. a. Prineville Hi Seeks Ashihtant Grid Bohr PRINEVILLE (At - Crook Coun ty High School officials Thursday iniervuweo candidates tor the assistant football coaching job left vacant by the departure of Keith Tucker. Tucker, former University of Oregon player, has been drafted. One of the candidates for his job is lick Yence, another ex-Oregon athlete. AWARDED FOR ROBINSON NEW YORK, June 14 (P) Jackie Rohinson. Brooklyn rind- ' V ger tnird baseman, will become I the. first athlete to win the an-! :nual Springarn medal of the Na - I tional Association for the Ad- vancement of Colored Tcoplc, it wts announced todav. for Saturday bert, Morry Gilchrist, Vert Will, Rlek Simons, Mikt Ramp, Larry Will, Wayae Moore, Hariaa Jack sea, "Weedy" Wodieweda. Back Rossew, LaVerne Davis, Ray Kea aedy, Meafe Cast, SUa Diets. Harold Aadersoa and Ralph As bary ark ameag those listed by Ail. Over M klaakers were put threach their paces aa the last card, bat seaat few were left la raaalat eeaditloa followlag the aaeet, Deceaj a( wrecks darisg the halr-ralsiaf bee teak their tell. It b eipected that well ever two r H Better Stream Conditions The Or reel Game Ceeasaie sleet's weekly report ea aagliag readitlsaa fee the stata has cheering word far the aagler to day. The reiilnlsa predicts that stream cetMlltieae "skewld be better by the weekend la the aerthwest aad ceatral sector, aad that treat fishermen ebeald eajey from fair to geed taeceea. The report fee the aerthwest aad ceatral sectors: ' NOITWEST Water ceadittoa la Berth roast shoald be back to aermal by the Ansels Again Bust Beavers Grand Slam Homer Help Serir Sweep The Los Angeles Angels swept baseball series with the Portland Beavers Thursday, banging the Bevoa by a 12-9 score at Los An geles. A grand slam home run by George Freese end another two-run homer by Gene Mauch helped the league leaders to their easy win. Tom batten . nit a rand-slammer for Portland in the eighth. The loss was Portland's eighth straight, and this string follows one that saw the Portlanders win eicht in a row. Mauch's homer came in the first inning and Freese 's in the third. Royee Lint was the victim. Bob Thorpe was the winning hurler even though he went out after Saffell's blast in he eighth. In other PCL games Thursday the San Francisco Seal scored four times in the first inning and made them stand up (or a 4-1 win over the Seattle Rainier, at Seattle, Hollywood's Stars won their 11th straight game by downing the San Diego Padres 11- and the Vancouver Mounties ripped the Sacramento Solons 14 1 on Charely Beamon't five-hit pitching and hitting. The former Western International Leaguer drove in four runs and fanned eight. Kal Segnst homered twice and Bruce Edwards once for the Mounties. Pete Meijas of Holly wood hit a homer, double . and tingle in that game, which taw the Hollies sweep the series. Portlaae ( (12) Lot Anirlei AB H O A AB If O A Saffall.m 4 110 Coats.l 3 110 Mraz.l-1 111 I WlM.i s X 1 Bkwski,r 4 1 2 t Mauch.1 4 1 3 Mlklsn.l I S 1 Bilko.l lis Younf.l lilt FrecM. 111 Baxs.l-s 4 114 Speak c 4 11 Caldrn.c 1111 Bnlser.r IIS Bsinsaij 1 4 Hanna.c 4 13 b-MtrrtA lit Thorpe n 430 Unt p 1111 Andrsn.p 410 Fiedler.p 0 l I a-Warle 110 Walbcl.p 0 S 0 --Llttrrll Otto Martln.p I I I t ToUII 41 11 14 14 ToUl 39 IS 27 11 a-8tnsl4 tor riedltr In 7thr. b-Foulad out far Bulnikl in Sth. t-Walked for Walbti in Ith. Portland 000 000 140 i Los Anttlcs 206 000 50 11 K Younf, Vreese. RBI Borkowskl. Saffall 4, Maueh 1. Tmm 4. Spcakc 1, Hannah 1, Wise. JB Cilderone Bolnr. Frernc. Hannah. HR Mauch Praeat. Saffrll. SB Harquez. Bor kowskl. S Coat,. DP Mauch. Bllko and Wlw. Left Portland 12. Lot Ansalra 7. BB Lint 2, Fiedler 1. Thorp 1, Anderson 1. SO Lint I. Martin 1. Thoroo 1. Anderson 1. HO Unt 7 In 4; Fiadlar 1 in 1; Walbel T In 1: MsrUa 1 tn 1; Thorp 13 in Anderson t In l'j. R-ER Lint 7-7; Walbel S-5: Thorpe t-l WP-Fiedler. Thorpe. Balk Thorp. W Thorp IJ-1). L Unt 11-7). u rora. Aerr and CarlurrL T 1:11. A-1.1SS. YohFHSU O Vancouvrr Jjw MO MO-14 14 0 Sarramnto . 100 ono000- 1 5 Si Besmon and Romano; Boyer, rria- dy (7) and Brifht. Hollywood 2U 4(ii 2(io-ll l(i o San Ditto 20 000 (MO 10 4 Sawyer, o uonnrii ii ana hhi: Erautt, Hnkln (21. Rosi 141. Cetlcl (S) and Astroth. San Francisco . 400 000 000 4 S 2 Seattle . 000 001 0001 7 0 R. G Smith. Garb isi and Sul livan; Judscm, Janwn 111, Lombard! IS). Kennedy (9i and Aylward. Or- teif (Ot. Meadows Results ' ,nd Thursday, June 14. cloudy loppy: Fin Irat race. 350 varda. quarter . harm, purse t4noG r"f Hurricane (Hldaleoi 700. 7n, jno; rahuicm Jo IKnowlesi 530. 3.10; Lamberts: Teddy McCue (Woodji 2.20. Qumiei- "second' 'raVVs. r.rd.. ,,..rterintl. "but Pittsburgh this hnraeii, purne S40o Rehoh iBoasnyear is like we were early last 4 70. 2 90. 2 90; Nnlation iZufeltl 4 10. 1 ,pa,nn 3 70; Leo Blv iDixoni 4 20 Qulniel- la ill .io. time is 9. "They re getting good pitching .dThr ideE- Z KrV.r, Jrpm ( Bob) Friend and .Ron). (Shermani 4 50. 1.50, 3 20; Wee Beau Kline, good relief pitching from (Cilffnrdi 1R 70. SO: Cascade Moon (Hlrtalcol 4.10. Qulnlrlla I55RO. timo IDS Fourth race. S'i furlongs. !1 up. purl SfiOO Sir Jav (Breckonsl 7 00. 4.10. 110: Cant Check iSimnnm 17 20. S40: Well Bred (Gitfnrdi 4 10 wum- telrUu?. nl u Filth race. 1 mi e. 3 ud. nurse tfino Pnnv Butter (Breckonsl. 0 20. 30, 3 10; Georgia Glnnv iStmonisl 3 00. i j ..., ,u. ,,r. ISO! My Man John (Gilford, 3 30 an(1 nurc '"f run behlnd Quinlelia no so. time 1-43 3. Or if he doesn't, Thomas does. Sixth race, s furlonas. 3 up, purse "Last vear we had (Bob) SSOO-Oratal (Choinack.l 3 70. 3 10. i r , V,, SS0; Midland Emoir (Knowi s.3o, Speake and (Ted) Tappe coming 4 10; On Speck iHopkiiui 340. Quin-iUp and giving up hits when they "seventh8"' race's' ! turlon... 3 up.!nted. so we stayed close .11 purs KO0 Jean Su iCiffordi. J60.;through June. f ' 3 10, 2fl); Snow Fllfht iMrDowelli.! "You don't knnW about SDirit ' 340. 220; Rnck'n Pride (Dixon. 2 30. . .... T" "n 1 " ,3 ,, Z" " Quinlelia 14 70. time 1:062. : lth these young kids, like Pllts- E1GHTH race: One mile j.-vrar- burgh, wait and see what they do oia ana up. purse wiu, Lora Atmey inrerknnsi 7 no, 340, its Marara ISImonm $2.70. 2.70. Rnnmik Van- olm, ehuk ipwiiip) S) 2ii Tl.mr. ' ; . Qinnrlla S'MKI 1 olo;1..,ia,.upcuFrs, U int isimimim tso'w. a miles. 3-year- Above Freer- Oil 3 411 Vicky r" ",i"'lr,')Jn jDinni.-i2.so. S'l no. !S() Arer'iul guinella. S2I INI. Time i Crash Bee doxea'and oossiblv mare than 38 assorted relics will be the fir- j las; line again Saturday. Time trials start at 7:45 p.m. Trophy dash, heat ramps aad malaers follow. A dematitloa ft aale will buttoa things op. It aay cars are still running by that time. The "anything goes but head-en collisions" Jalopy drslructioa rales III be la effect for the Satarday card, right from the trials aa dewa t the climactic demolilioa spree. week eaeL Treat fUhiag la pre v tag. Splay ray flshiag has beea peer. Serf flshiag geed when the ereia's aet too rough. Calaeoh aagliag ia Tillamook bay has beea poor to (air. High tide aad a slight rise of the Traak have caused a aurked apstreaaa ran. Jetty sad bay aagliag ia spotty with eecasieaal good catches. Crabbiag la improving at Garl haiai ) Netarta. Traat aafliaf i baldl aad Netarta. Treat aagliag j 1 A M t .1 l! ' i tu so gmaa ia suraan hlu - cola aad wester Laae coaaties. Tidewater aagliag kas beea slew ! Longtime Roommates Part . p r I E f IT ST. LOUIS, Me. SUa Masial. left, before the Utter left to tal the New York Giants Tbarsday. after a major player deal la which nrhoeadiealst was lavelved. Mesial aad the second batemaa were roommates e the Cardinals dab for 14 years. (AP Wlrephoto). Mantle Blasts 22nd Homer As Yanks Extend Loop Lead (Caatinued (rem preceding page) pdoublo and single. ithe base empty in the seventh to 'iend Yankee scoring. His double j had provided the winning margin; as New York scored three un-i earned runs in the third after ; Minnie Minoso dropped Gil Me Dougald's two-out fly in loft field. Bob Grim, gaining a 4-0 record, tept the Sox in check with a four- hitter including Dave Philley s second home run and struck out nine while walking only one. Phil ley was tossed out of the game by plate umpire Charley Berry for arguing a strike call in the sixth. Jensen- drove in four runs for Boston with a three-run homer and one of his two singles. Gern ert, playing because Ted Williams had a cold, rapped three runs home with three singles in the Red Sox' 17-hit barrage that hand ed Bob Lemon his fourth defeat ! in 10 decision. Starter Ike Delock won his sec- ond out nceded Leo Kiely's relief , . . , '" in anu.iS including Lemon s homer and Al Rosen's three runs batted in on a Bucs' Chances Liked by Hack CHICAGO (L'Pl Pittsburgh's Pirates could hold up all season in the National League's first di- vision, Manager Stan Hack of the Chicago Cubs believes, but he aalrt Vii c nurr, hall rlith alft rnillrl . make that lotty status. , . . . ... na " ralc lluu this early in the season," he said fPlrnvt Face, and eood hittinu from (Dale) Long and (Frank), Thomas. And their spirit is good. "Then, they'de getting a lot of picV dttie hits, but they get a couple of guys on base and, bang. that Lonff hits one out of the Dirk when they start losing. Kids keep their spirit up pretty well and maybe they will. If they do. they could stay up there all season.' SUNDAY IS FATHER'S DAY Choose a Gift He Will Enjoy from a golf tea to a shotgun -o Wa have it everything We Give tne) Redeem -Penny Savers I with few tea-ru treat eaagM. Balttea aagliag at Yaeaiaa bay baa beea limited bees aae af roagh teas. Shad re aula ararro la the wmaaactto aad (toady rivers. Treat flshiag bat beea fair aa the Clack mas. Taalatia river aad its tribataries have for treat aagler. Treat flshiag good to the Me- Keaii aaa WiUaetta riwra. Saaaller atro.aa. la th aantkr SataJler streaaat ia the soatbera a a. la a t inui vaiiey art m-oawiag (air catches. N era at salnsoa are belag taught la the McKeaaie. says goodbye to Red Srkeeadieast uthpaw warren spahn. who had lost 'v straight, seven-hit lne tiants . in. tne only .ationai League game scheduled for f 5-2 Milwaukee victory. The Braves, scoreless for four frames against Ruben Gomez, tied it on Del Crandall's two-run homer in the fifth and added two more In- the sixth with Spatin scor ing the deciding run on Billy Bru ton t double,.. Willie Mays had t home run, two singles and a w alk for the Giants. Sunrise-S unset t- SunrlH 4:24 a m. 4:24 a.m. 4:24 a.m. 4 25 a.m. 4 25 a m. 4:23 a.m. 4:23 a m 4:23 a m June 13 June IS June 17 Junr 18 June 10 June 20 June 21 June 22 You liaverit tasted life until Rainier I Rainier Beer ! SICKS' SCAmt B'fWING 1 MALTING CO SEAtUt. WASH USA. SICKS SPOKANE BREWERY I SPOKANE. WASH. V S.A ! 1 Bring Brighter Outlook for Dereaa la slew bat la expected to improve. Lookout Petal aad Dexter reservoirs are prederiag good catches of small treat Clear lake shoald be good for the week tad. CEXTIAL Klagsley reservoir fair for treat asiag splaaer aad worms, Ire hat aeae off of Wahtaai lake. ' I ratchet of eastern brook re - die to laCTBa ; uk( Warrea sad Balay lakes are ' iw. mj ---- w. aaam. ! Heed river clear aad droppiag. Cornell Crew Picked To Repeat as Champs .By Ml'RRAT R06C. SYRACUSE. N. Y, A poll of varsity coaches Thursday showed an almost solid vote for Cornell's defendinf champions to repeat in tne Intercollegiate Row ing Assn. regatta on Ouondaga Lake Saturday. Ky tbright, coach . of three Olympic champions at California, split his' ballot between the Big Red and Washington's formidable Huskies, the enly unbeaten boat load in the 12-crew three-mile race. The others, including Cor nell's Stork Sanford, plumped for the sweet-swinging eight from Cayuga Lake. ' It was evident both Al I'lbrick- son, dour, veteran mentor of the Huskies, and big. bald amiable, be the stickout. Coach Sanford I increase fees on municipal golf Dutch Schoch of Princeton, were has seven of his eight champions, j courses. happy to have Cornell an over-: plus coxswain Carl Schwan of The new schedule calls for a whelming choice. Both believe Milwaukee, back in the shell. With ' io-cent increase to the regular 65 they have a good "chance for an several different men in the No. j and 75-cent greens fees. The sea upset and feel their bladesmcn 3 seat. Cornell, handicapped by ticket rate went up $5 to $25 for will be a bit more inspired as miserable early weather upstate, limited play and $7 to $42 for un- lflng shots. I NEOPMNE WHITE WALLS ARE IEST:' ALLSTATE W H I 1 1 WALES taatara N whitawtiit far I.Xing bxuty a a 4 '. Mao art a llv . . raiiit icvff. laa. fafiK aad 4- 10 DOWN Soars Easy Terms, Usaal Lew Carry Chorqe F5 ,o vv $3$p i r Y 3 i 1 n4 mm4 klfhwai Jt9 sarbs Sharp objaeri Irolitn boaai Sharp roeh Irokaa Glan Sharp wir Spikti B-oktn !an lull and bumpi Railroad l ai Tin cant Malal rhiacli hararat. lad ryli Fallan branchai Raittd brick Manhol covari 'Washboard' roadi eaaiaal flUS FREE installation al flUS FREE tira rotation PIUS "licy Guar.nt ot PLUS Policy auarant ot Haara1 a aay ALLSTATE tires. W avary 5,000 miltt with aaainit dtfaeH In ail- "Satisfactien 6garan. JeerS Store ' yay tima, trogb't purchtia ( 2 er mr tarial and warkmn- taad er Your Mint M fka aattaa . , . and ny. tir.i. . ikip. lack." 'BH'eataaaaTaTaTaTaTaTaTa 'SaSmuincmmfaU' f S50 N. geed catches reported by bank , Twin lake eeatiaae to predece (Ukenaea. tiagle egg beet. The good catches. raiabew. The Deechatea ia clear aad droppiag. I Little Drsthatet river it drop fair aagliag ia Maapia area. Good piag, aad aagliag eeadltieas lack reported by trailers at Frog ! shoald be geed for the cemlag aad Clear lake. Kead still doted weekead. East lake is geed most to Lest lake. Fishing at Blae lake ly aa bait. Trailing it slew. Psal bas beea good oa flatfish salt-! laa Uke fa) aba good for bait aera aad egg, fish are net rit lag to flies yet. Aagliag for kk 1 treat It imoreviBf at OdeU lake. 1 Dta tag, n- fUblM k .it. " " "T 1- - it fair aagliag with best, catches'.. i .va Uka ia slaw, tsada'are clearlac aad aariiaf I ea I aaade treUiag. North aad South Washington, with sophomore Lou GeQerman stroking, and Princeton, which turned, in a Tiot time trial last Saturday, were picked for second and third. Wis consin was mentioned as a "dark- horse" possibility on the strength of several ood workouts and Pennsylvania was rated a chance if it "catches fire ?k"J ' ' day. The Quakers finished second last year. The rest of the field includes Navy, Columbia, Boston Univer sity, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, California, Stanford and Syracuse. On the record and the basis of its material. Cornell figured to lost only to Yale. Duy 1st Tiro at Regular No Trade off 30.75 Get 2nd "-aBtaTaaa" aaar" aWteJtLWitWpT j&tr&QF ALLSTATE Premiums are Backed by Triple 24-Month fiahersaea. Craae Prialre i voir has predaced auay limit ' catches of treat oa both troll aad 1 bait fishing. Big Lava lake pre- daclag feed eatche e troll with ' ! iBiaara aasl warsaa. Bait fithiaf .-imm,r ! are epea to Big aad Little Caltaa Pairirjgs Tabbed For Gals' Play First round play in the Salem Women's Golf Association's f-hole tournament is set for next Wed nesday, and pairings for the round were announced last night. Mrs. Frank Burlingham was medalist during the qualifying round this week. In next week's play Mrs. Bur lingham plays Mrs. Glen Hamil ton, Mrs. Fred Levene vs. Mrs. Owen Miller, Mrs. Sid Scheckman ... m rt if t. Scales vs. Mrs. Harry Wcseley. Mrs. George Roth vs. Mrs, D. R. Ross, Mrs. Arnold Krueger vs. Mrs. James Otok. Mrs. Hugh Adams vs. Mrs. Frank Nettleion, Mrs. Ken Power bye. GOLF FEES VPPED PORTLAND The Portland City Council Thursday voted to limited play. 24-f.ionth Guaranteed DTE - in Price Tire (or 7 Bondexi rayon cord and X-41 rubber troJ Ncoprcn whitewaNs resist scuffs, dirt ALLSTATE auaremtea honored nationwide Don't bet your lift on dangerous, worn-out tires . . . drive in to Start now and save during this special tire oHer. ALLSTATE Premium tires are premium quality, built to take rod strain and punishment in stride, perfect for city or highway driving. Gleaming whitewalli add beauty to any car, old or new. PREMIUM WHITEWALL TIRES I III lira . In lira Sl i CSm N !- eric ( Dm . 3l,tT I frltt flal T. I 1 cl ir ' ' 1 ,,r" 7.10x15 i 33.95 I 10.57 I 4.45 7.015 I 37.25 I 11.67 4.99 8.00x15 I 40.50 I 13.77 I 5.43 PREMIUM BLACKWALL TIRES c; I Na Tia-ta l Saa Mm aM i tar 9nW M Hn 1. f,4 oi S l tiral twa Pynit. 6.70x15 i 25.75 I 7.97 I 3.37 7.10x15 I 28.50 I 9.67 I 3.82 7.60x15 I 31.20 I 10.57 I 4.18 Anglers lakes. Fisbiag kas beea good at Ochece reservoir treUiag with lares, with raistbow raaaiag from II to 14 iarhet la length. The DesciBtet river above Bead is low tad dear, aad aagliag eoadW tiaa are exeeileaL The Drscbatea river below Bead shoald be ia good eeaditiea for both Tly aad aait nsaiag ia weei eae. The , Metollas river it la excellent eoa- diUoa. aad fly flshiag has beea I good. The .mailer stream, i. the aBBer Crooked river watershed I pected to laaprovc. Armory Lists Double Mainer A double main event will be the feature on the Armory mat next Tuesday night, according to aa announcement by matchmaker El ton Owen. The muscles maestro has the participants for one of the mainers lined up, but is still work ing on the other. llerbie Freeman and Henry (Golden Boy) Lent, who had the power-packed draw on this week't card will be back for one of the top classes. Both are extremely strong and went to a no-fall draw this week. After the way in which Doug Donovan beat Pepper Gomez ia this week's mainer, using the ropes to help gain the final fall and starting a melee among the fans by doing so, Owen doesnt know whether to rematch the pair or not. "I'll have the full card ready by the weekend." he told Thursday. PREMIUM WALLS Guarantee Capitol 3-9191