Senators to Start Series With Edo. & Co, Tonight Specials Set 4 m II wa back Is 1951 whri Edo Vannl. the loquacious baseball maaa grr wa presented with "Edo Jr.", a live (oat, during a Waters field ceremony. Edo will be in (or additional "gifts" here again this weck'-nd when he visits wi'h his Wenatchee Chiefs to play the Snlrm Smalnrs. The I nil Is lo take plare both Saturday night during (lie annnal "t'anilol Khnppin? Center Night" fesllvities, and on Sua ri.iv aflerioon riiinn? the I:."0 o'clock douhlrhrader. The Chiefs and Senators open Iheir series Innight, at eight o'clock. NCAA Track Carnival Gets Under Way Today For Ball Park Over Weekend By AL LIGHTNEI Statesman Sport EdiUr Fully rested and rarin' to go again, the town Senators open an eight-game home stand at Waters ' Field tonight, taking on Edo Van jni't Wenatchee Warriors at eight i o'clock. It will mark the launch- ing of quite a weekend at the ball yard. lTnle Hugh Luby's outfit will go into the four-game Wenatchee series with a victory skein of two 'game., after having upended the I Tri-City Braves twice last Sun day at Kennewick prior to taking i things easy with a bye. . Luby has Andy (The Bear) , George ready for tonight's mound ; chores, and since the burly right i bander has had plenty of rest he should be in top form. Ad Sata lich is set for Saturday's clash, and if he's up to his last per formance he ll blank the Chtefies on three hits in that one. That's what he did at Tri-City last Sun day night, winning 2-0. I Satalich has been getting bet ter and better lately. He dropped I 2-1 decision here to Yakima, through no fault of his own, in : his next to last outing, and then before that blanked Eugene 8-0. Vanni's mound choice for to night has not been announced. It won't be John (The Chaw) Marshall, for he has been cut loose by the Chiefs. Chic's Strengthened tip The Chiefs have strengthened since their last visit here, when the Salems bashed 'em three i times, all bv one run, at the start of the season. Vanni has added veteran Bob Duretto, a dangerous hitter, and outfielders Phil Mar vier and Frank Mataya, both cap able performers. STnt"r- Oris will see the rlub'i (Cont. on page 37, col. 1) Bighorns Like Hart Mountain 'Beefs', Rosburg Feature Open Play Cards, Giants in Big He's Out in Front in National Open "f '2 1 s$- i tv - 7 I J HA, .. ROCHESTER, N.Y. - Bob Rosbnrg o( Pale Alio, Cal.. gleefully pnU to Ms score with his potter after posting a t to lead the first round of the 195 IS Opel here Tharsday. The West Coaster, who ise aa orthodox baseball grip, held a two-stroke lead aver kit aearest rival, British Open Champ Peter Thomson. (AP Wirephoto). ' ilfontle Hits, Yanks Win Bosox Defeat e(S)rcfiontatesiaii arM Statesman, Salem, Ore., Fri., June 15, '56 (Sec. IV)-35 Gophers Top Arizona for Title Indians 10-9 By ED WILKS Associated Press Sports Writer Mickey Mantle got back to busi ness with his 22nd home run as the American League leading New York Yankees defeated the Chi cago White Sox 5-1, but Boston's Jackie Jensen and Dick Gernert were the big men with the bat Thursday, driving in aeven runs in a 10-9 decision over Cleveland. Those were 'the only two games scheduled in the AL and upped the Star Redbird, Dark in Deal Four-for-Four Trade Engineered by Qubs ST. LOIIS UP - Red Schoen-! No"T"w'" "Acl', dienst. Mr. Redhird himself, wj-nt Ytkim, Ji w,n.t TsivSi to the New York Giants Thursday ( rufcn is ns sim u jm in a 4-for-t trade which brought Tri-aty isij .wssp'kno lis a veteran Alvin Dark to the St j Thur,n(Uy mvx$: M Trl-Cliy 1 Louis Cardinals. 1 Spokan 4. At Yiktma-Ltwutnn on4 The 33-yearold Schoend,enst . tZ'jTrZZZ-. veteran of 12 seasons with the mtrhe at sim. Spoitano at Xu Cardinals, took the news of the i". Yakimo at Uwuton. trade in the same stoic manner r0jT liagi i he plays second base. w l p-t w L Prt. "That s the way tne Dau l a ' K. ..iH . battle Fast Move by Lane General Manager Frank Lane, moving quickly before the dead line on trading at midnight Fri day, dealt off Schoendienst, out fielder Jackie Brandt, catcher Bill Sarni and pitcher Dick Littlefield for shortstop Dark, first baseman Whitey Lockman. ' catcher Ray Katt and pitcher Don uddle. "Red was the toughest to give up. Lane said. He s tne type oi ballplayer who could go out and make five errors in a row and the fans wouldn't be mad at him. But then again Dark is good, too." Infield Shift Slated Lane said he will use Dark, who Is also 33. at shortstop, switching rookie Don Blasingame to second, his natural position. 'We felt that without defense on our infield we couldn't call our selves a contender." Lane said. (Cent. page 37, col. S) Swap Leader Cards 68 in Opener Kent Myers Has 82; Chief Show Leniency By WILL GtUMSLEY ROCHESTER, N. Y. - Tw internationally famous golfer England's Henry Cotton and Maa ten champion Jack Burke taped disqual.fccaUon Thursday aa a succession of rhubarba marred the first round of the Na tional Opea golf tournament. Bob Rosburg, a bespectacled. 2-year-o)d former Stanford atk 44 U 7 8. r. 33 14 .471 u. Irnm Palo Alto. Calif alu Sacram S4 30 .511 Portlnd 31 35 .47 ! UIIO We Jeau wlul a IWO-UBOeT Yankees Move Players Also NEW YORK I - The New York Yankees Thursday night traded two players to Kansas City, placed on their roster two others and also arranged for the Oregon's desert hishorn moun- Prs crushed Arizona . I . , ,L- miilll ia d;- i 1 IU. tn-t imiac nr lire- viiij iwu iranSier OI IWO IIHM1 K1K .l"""1 niK mi HIT UUt III i CI.JIJ ,k- 1 J ,,nA thm I n:.l A u. Ik.;. sheep nu.l hnve found the njRht ,2 to , ,0 ttin ,he VCiU Lnicago ano ueveiana. i ne ina.-: League . rimrock countrv at Hart Mountain JL;. 1m .1 l!.. ! ans are five peroentafie points be- in the complicated series of .'. a " vuuvti Ttviiiu nun.i vnaiii- Bh.HhKI.KY, tain '.r I rack and lu ifl inns, a ratnrr cunnus ana mUrh to their liking. At home on nionshio as completely ueunaiea a iivii'k.iimui us i,m vv muiiu in .-jiii iuumu mcir native range, me nera nas in themselves in a dither Thursday. They couldn't aRree on an one creased at a phenomenal pace in Holywd 31 X . SOD Vancvr It J0 Thursday reaultat At La Aiul 12. Portland 3. At 8ottl 1. Son Franrlaro 4. At San Diro I. Holly wood It. At Sacramento 1, Vancou ver 14. AMCRICAN LIAGl'l W L Prt. W L Prt. N. York 34 m aw Dftrolt MM .500 Chicafo 25 21 543 Baltimer 33 28 .403 Clevelnd 2S 24 5M Kn City 21 31 .41 uoiton Zl sn Watnftn 23 34 .404 Thursday mults' At New York I. ChK-afo 1: at Boston 10, Clovolind t (Only fames arhedultd.) m NATIONAL LIAGII W L Prt. W L Prt Plttsbfh M3A .5S3 Ml'.wauk 24 20 343 Clnrlnn M 21 S7I Chk-ago V .4M Rroklyn 37 21 MJ N. York l JS St. Louis 29 23 AM Phllad! IS 31 J7 Thursday mults: At MllwoukM . New York 1 (Only famt achodulod.) The present Pimlico race track in Baltimore, Md., opened in 1870. Willie May of the Giant drew 7) walks in 1955. Thirteen were in tentional. lar M, two strokes better thai Australia's Peter Thomson, but these development were ever ' shadowed by a aeries of rules meetings. At times the Oak Hill Country Club course resembled a heated session , of the United Nations. Eerd Involved Am) PGA champion Doug Ford alsa got into dire straits with the rules committee when he dropped a bail and then abandoned it on one hole, but be got out with only twa stroke penalty. A He had come la with a W lor second place, the only other mat to crack Oak Hill's tough par 78, but the USGA brasa pushed hia score up to . 7L , . Burke faced disqualification tor tigning an improper scorecard (Cent ea f 17, ctL event or single individual to spotlight in the annual national col-, the two years they've ranged the legiate track and field champion-: shins. There are too many stand-1 out athletes in too many, glove-1 tight events. I The big show, No. 35 in the; history of the NCAA, gets under way Friday in the University of California's Edward Stadium There is only one final booked for the first of the two-day program, the 10.000-meter run. The remain Spokane Spills Tri-Gtv4-3 Hart Mountain slopes. Frank Grogan, district game bi ologist at Lakeview, said that seven new lambs have arrived this spring, and from the appearance of other ewes an increase of 13 or 14 is expected. The original herd of 20 bighorns transplanted from British Colum bia in November of 1954 by the Oregon Game Commission now numbers 32 animals, according to Grogan, an increase of 12 animals. Six lambs were born in the spring ria;s A tfntprn 1flile ore enn. The Gophers' victory gave the Joe Brown, 30-year-old New Or Big Ten its second championship . leans lightweight boxer, is an ex m the 10 years the NCAA has j cen,,nt dancer. He prefers the staged the series. Michigan cap- I mambo. The Reading, Pa., Indians of the hind the White Sox. Boston is in deals, first baseman Ed Robinson fourth, six games back Mantle, who hadn't homered since June 5, unloaded a 420-foot blast off Jim Wilson, now 1-3, with (Conl en page SS, col. 4) and outfielder Lou Skit as went to Kansas City; outfielder Norm Siebern was purchased from Den ver, Yankee farm club in the (CenL ea page 17, eeL 1) The Spokane Indians won a 4-3 Northwest League baseball game der of the schedule is devoted lo ovr,r, tnf JnV. ,Brve last qualifying trials for the finals on niht .nncwick, the only c.....i... r. : Same played in the circuit. The omuiuuj aiininxni. I 1'iippnp - VV( anH Un,J.i inirT i . I k. . Stadium Closed Thursday ton-Yakima games were rained they were brought into the state. All was relatively quiet on he out. and seven new actions so far athletic front Thursday, vwth the j Cari Rounds scattered 10 hits this year. One old ewe which died stadium closed to the contestants. to beat the Braves. His only , last year has been the only mor Some worked out lightly on the trouble came in the sixth whenjtality to date, open, grassy areas around the Dwayne Helbig hit a three run Visitors are welcome at the Hart campus. 1 homer. This tied the score at 3-3. Mountain area to view the graceful Thursday niqht the coaches of hut the Indians eot one off relief nmrock dwellers which are en the 87 competing schools met to hurler Vcrn Kindfather in the coserj in an area encompassing draw lane assignments and match : seventh on two singles and a approximately 1.000 acres. Don't wits on their final choices of en- walk, filling the sacks, and Jim be too optimi,tic 0r disappointed tries. ?uarTr'S SfralCh lnf'e'd hU 0 however, for the enclosure covers As for the hifihlight events, in- third base. I some of the roughest terrain on dividual and team rivalries, the me spoKane win punea tneh- Hart Mountain escarpment with many places for the desert bigWns to hide. Trained biologists who are familiar with the bighorns' 100-4 3 , home have on occasion spent hours Tr:-niv . ooo 003 000 3 io 1 withjn tne enclosure searching King of California, with Trinidad's 21. Kmd,father n, and Mar-! wilnout cven et,ln8 1,mPse of Mike AEostini of Fresno State not tin. ithem to be forgotten. Bailey vs. Delany The 1.500-meter 1 list includes: I lnnP un in,n ,le 'or slx,n The 100-meter dash, featuring Pat,' ' n tne standings with idle tHrpp rpHhnt tnnhnmnrps narp'alem. Sime of Duke. Bobnv Morrow of Spokane 210 Abilene Christian and Leamon not tin. 1 Nasi infi nv Nashua became the world's lead- The antique cup which each year : : : 1 ...u u ' - . n t u , u u ,1 ,,rr . n (, 1 i Iliuilty winillll; nui c wnrii nr guu w mc uvun in uic iiuisc 11. j f j x--. 4 t i : t im i-u ill inir vaiuucii iiauuti.aL' vn wiuiiiiii. unoBair at iv s v,wv the defending NCAA champion Mfly g Qaks jn Engan( n lm of Villanova and Bobby Seaman of I'CLA. The winners of the first six places qualify for the final Olvm- nir trvnnU in Ijis Anpeles .June 29-30. when the Vnited States D team for the Olympic games will Q be selected. The duel for the team virtorv , appears to be between Kansas, with a strong threat in field event led by shot putter Rill Nieder: Southern California, the defending 1 champion and winner of 19 tram titles, and UCLA, the Pacific Coast Conference champion DDODDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD n D Major League Leaders Gun Fans, Attention!! SPECIAL SHOWING FRIDAY and SATURDAY JUNE 15 and 16 ONLY AMERICAN I.EAGl'C G AR R H Prt. Mantle, N Y. 54 2(H SS 8(1 .nn2;H Maxviell. Di'trolt 42 132 30 49 371 ' fm Kuenn. Detroit 4ti 1118 M 6 .302 : Fierra. N Y. 45 111 32 lil x BJB Vrrnon, Enston 42 118 25 52 .856 Skuwrun. S. Y. 43 1MI 21 4 .32 H Vrt. Cleveland 53 1M 32' 63 32S Cernert, Biistn'n' 43 132 24 43 .320 Q Goodman, Bojton 41 11 3ll 51 .317 1 Ilunnwli. Wash. 51 li. 22 62 .315 D Home runs Mantle. New York 22; j H Berra. New York 18; Wertz. Cleveland 14: Sievers. Washington 14; Bauer, Q New York 13. j Runs batted In Mantle. New Y'ork j D 55; Simpson, Kansas C'ltv 45; Wertl. mm Cleveland 44: Berra. New York 43; i U lmon, Washington 42. mm NATIONAL LCAffl'E Q G AB R H Pet 1 f Long, Pittsburgh 50 185 37, W .373 M Clemente, Pittsbg 41 120 22 46 .357 i W Boyer, St. Louis 52 207 41 71 .343 i Moon. SL Louis 52 1M 37 S3 33 I Q Druton, Milwke 3D 141 22 45 .310 Snider, Brooklyn 46 171 38 54 .316 Ashburn. Phtla. SO 210 31 66 .314 Srhndienst, N. Y. 40 1S3 22 48 .314 Muslal, St. Louis 52 191 30 58 .304 Home runs Long. Pittshurah 17: Bnyer. St. Louis 15: Snider. Brooklyn It; Banks, Chirafo 14; Post, Cincin nati 14. Runs hatted In Boyer. St Louis 41; long. Pittsburgh 46: Miislnl. St. Louis 42; Banks. Chicago 38; Jablonski, tin-', ducat! 31. I W will have in the store for your inspection the NEW SMITH I WESSON .44 Magnum Revolver, and the new S&W .357 Combat Magnum - ALSO - The New Bausch & Lomb 2'4 to 8 power variable rifle scope and the 6 to 24 power target scope. BE SURE TO SEE THEM!! D O n a B o D D -i n Only at ... j I o am n I Open Every Evening 'til 9 p.m. D MllllSIFISillS Capitol S Sapping C mm KIllM SATURDAY, JUNE 16lh, SKS Yes, get your FREE TICKETS at any of the Capitol Shopping Center Stores . . Be sure tout your name and address on your ticket for FREE PRIZES to be awarded between each inning. Don't Forget! Free Baseball! FREE PRIZES! SATURDAY NIGHT! Pacific Auto Has I 1. at r I ( PST T) HJgLZ t)j Sunday Deluxe HUB CAPS " '12.95 MleaaiM IMlNttal TOPCARRO - ' ' - aW at Hi a of oil mm umi oara, aM OM mrnif fauf aaaoi Qfisa. somiiIi ejMaaBel to Mill flslflVM ttrll flHVlf V ke) 1 kf lor OMtloo eat. AHioatUolf ItlaliM M o a CtAMMM WOtfcOtlOt Nory'i jlaaralat Womo piototti Saawty ynk pimtf af proatloil ooloa Clooiai aotlly oo Va-Oiaol akoo M lacMO. Z: S3 aatt ay IfioltM M 0 (. aaaaaal.f C4 nmi immnlvmXty MaaVV- fUtoaV IrttM o,, sayaff " will itiSpot lafWr - V fl A mml'mfiymmmm, l.ij mofjalii TtAv-tucnie KkK CWHNT COKTHTU 9.95 AUTO ROM B.autlfullY tvlfd inn wool Mum UU iIimN liaKl.t to tri rohoa. Stto "ii kuw OA. 4.93 ft-" j Mvrni STEEMN9 WHEEL C0YEX tmrtUkte( 69c wn ' -uJ MAftttmc nr HOte nowolf to s4oao, rl J wteeacwHioM CamiarlMlt moWo jffi tmt oi. At IrattM Satan laiti in ntllul aaltami to a oimanriar mm. Intoriar. Ou 3B '" and p 1 A L AjtretuTK TRUNK IWHT WITH MatCMtT IWTfCH tlmaly lift AW kwk 114 94 tKo ontlfo Ovnk Sana wltt kalalul llaM. lair I )Q lnif.ll I. AT aniotVMATie PXOPANI GAS CAMP STOVE f oralinM ovlok koot ony rkor f fa I Solo on convaalant reiTAsu KI-COU UOIISIUTOI (oMtjofaKaartnl lot atla. hNlnM 7.95 .4 AVTO ALTIMETER (now M Hkj4ll A uliaalt, art.ifl ion Initfwmanl for jmn oar. An otoot IW o I'r. 8.95 SAVE AT PACIFK AUT9 VI Honekalr i WASH MUSH A aroctltol Itom fatovory a or awl i i m i .P- Lmimr.lMo tor oainln, wl oaoarM. ON. mart oo. l-i Lldilwaiakt aantl 'It. oo oil tianfart1ilioor OwttaataMfikiaa. 2.93 rH:- Aim- vttxam rrr r