S "V -S ? 32r(Sec. m) Statesman, Salem, Ore., Fit, June 600 Employment iU VrVfc Ytnf4, CHILD CARE. MY HOME 11 Jeffersosi Mi. -4W4 BABY SITTING, bit horn, X. tat (joroers. rn. j-w. HOUSEWORK br hr. F alltinf. m. -. WIDOW vWm JnB. Job. 10 no. a Jess, ro. a-nua mma. , r. CHILD on ta my bom djr sr nlfht 1 Gregory Lane,. WOMAN wants I da. week. Cap al. affirwnt steady, food al figures, film, records. Good ' Phone vote. Ka typinf. Box 1H gutwmaiwournai- WILL bl" it. I year olds It up Ph. 4-1341. WAITRESS, rood or cocktail experienced, refer., ah Oft bra. Ph. 4-alW after 4. CHILD eara, my soma by - ptrianrad mother. MM N. Win. Jar. Ph. 4-H7. CHILD Cara my home II da. 15e hr. 4-corners. ph. 1-9ST2, WASHING It Ironinf dona In my noma, ana sseracs. flMEOCiRAPHING typing Mni Poe. ii H Wtb Pbjy3 WILL' eara for children, my home. Ph. 4-0782. (EWINO Dressmaking In my home. aB types. Pit 1-W9X WANTED Iron lnf In my boma. Ifll N. tth. Mill LOVING supervised child cara. my home So. Pit excellentThild 'care My boma. W. Salem Ph 4-1531 115 Situottom Wntel BANDY man, any minor repairs Your home, Yard work. Rea sonable. Ph. J-4JJ1. EXTERIOR decorating. Charles McLean, 411 X. Madron. Ph. a-3ua. FaInTING. papering, rrjji esU mates. Don Lucero. mil CARPENTER work, any Mod reaa 4240 Hacleay Rd. 4-1981 . LAND CLEARING D-l Hr. L C Mitchell Ph 1-5337 COWING it raking. D. Mar shall. 1-1343. b ss s thoveL crane, ho, drf . Una. Vton mobile crane. D4. D7 cats, carry all clear lnf blade Rental contract ar unit price. SALEM SAND k GRAVEL I4BV N front St Ph. 1-141 PAINTING. Dirt ebeao prices 8 years In Sslem. Ph. $-7552. SCHARTP BROTBTRS Installation Repair Sewers. Septic Tanks, Drsln Fields, Power Ditching, Backfill. Pb. 1-J56I or $-$071. SMALL carpenter lobs, work, reasonable. Ph. food 4-14J4. L1GH1 erawleradoxer. levelinf rad;nf. S-TOtt l Kurtn, i)8 Education SPECIAL summer courses. Band instruments at piano. Vaca- . tlon rata, Jessop Studios, 14 "I- St., Tel. -Kl7. DRIVING lesions, $3 90 each. Ph. 4HMM. URGENTLY NEEDED MM. 11.31 ta train as Tele. graph Operators tor Railroads this ares. Averata pay 1.190. jobs watting. G. I. spproved. Write Box 111, statesman. Journal. 700 Rentals 701 Sltep. Rooms, tonrj SLEEP INO rm. It. a day A l a wk. Near Capitol 411 N '"" Bummer. 1 " . JtEAJ. attract, if, rms. Close in, prt. ant 1-744)1. 4-7M7. NTCELY turn, laria front rm. suentieman. Wf win ler. CLEAN, quiet near State bids . shop Dist., Kit. prtvei, i-imh TlEAN. Cooti. rms. T. V.. close in in winter i-iizs PLEAS, rm., ad), bath for gen- tleman. 1091 Norway, j-smi WANTED Man to room and board. Ml N. Capitol. HOME away from home. Park lunches. Men. 1091 M 5th. TV. Nicely turn., clean sleeolnf rm. 28 ma J-7620 board avail. 705 Apartmenri For Rent I3W STATE, turn, pleasant 2 . rm. It btth. Corner apt. To see Ph. 2-4370. VERY ri-a 1 rm. furn. apt. ' Lady. 201 Minion. Ph, 3-7870 TURN. AnS-13J & 145. UtlT Itles Ind Employed lady only. Ph. 4-1&I7. CLEAN, quiet 1 rm. apt. down town, lady prcf. Mi Ferry. I RM. (urn. Apt. close In, child welcome, fn. 4-jwii. AMBASSADORisrS Nicely Furn. Apis. ' " gtimmer 1-I2QI FURN. mod. S rm. Apt . lo&S Madison. $45. Ph. 4-4i54. I RM. heated apt. w. pvt. ent. Furn. or unfurn. 1411 Court CLEAN turn. ieTlrm.aptt. 131 Ferry CLOSE In, nice mod furn. apt Ph. 1-1480, escept Sat I RM. apt.. JPIK. 15th . OiVni" ekeU It 15th. Ph. 4-3279 FitM. Apt., utll furn., close in. 130. MO Union St. MODERN 1 bdrm.. Court Apt . . Unfura. except Elec. ranfe It refrif. W. Salem. Ph. 4-887$. Eva. 1-1743. . Icenle view 1 bdrm unfurn court Apt., ranfe, refrif. 2-2DOI. COURT Apts. I Court It Cottafei offer downtown oulet ants, from 142.50 to 5.Ph. 3-7440. THE LEE APTS Salem's most distinguished ad dress. Bachelor unit now j vallah ltnlum Slit Ml mo Inspection invited. 885 N. Winter. QUIET 1 or 1 bdrm. turn, rot isges, sll util. fum., Isrgr lawn, reason. 2597 Portland Rd. FOR RENT Meat l-bdrm. apt. Walkinf dn tance to shopolnf ind state buildings, tut) per mo. AL ISAAK CO., Realtors. 322 N. Church SL Ph. 4-3311 or J-71U0. CLEAN, 1 rm. furn. Store rm. Adults, JPh. 3-4818. IfflS N 4th rURIt. apt, I rms. A bath. Modern, clean It close In. Ph. 4-0042 after p.m. TURN, apts., near downtown. Just reflnisbed. From $30 mo 40 W. Com ! s TURN , 1 basm t. hsekeepinf rm I srmll slei;inf rm., reas. ersl H. Cottage. I rm. apt., utnTtle (urn. 139 mo.l-0M. 790 N. Com'l. ADULTS: Smsll furn. ants. So. very desirable Ph fURN. ' I bdrm, pliri2"ei "$35 Ph. 4-4009. JTJRN. court cottafe, ill elec., $44) plus utll., laundry furn. 1455 Trade. Ph. 4-747J. ONE J rm., pvt bath. One i rm. - Both very clean It attractive. 170 Union. NICE clean 1 rm. apt'a Close . In. wall lurn. 2S mo. Ph. 1-7MI. - ATTnAC.. tront. furn. couple. Near Cap. ShopCtr. 3-5323. fUHN. api., " women only. 111$ Oak 81., Ph. 1-M3. fM. furn. apt. utll. furn. ctose to Ph. 4-1(41. 141 Marion. 1 00 Rentals 705 AportmwiH For Rtnf J room. priTata bath. Ref, ranra. sarafe. fa ma. upea iihi Sute St. rURN. 1 rm. basmt. apt., nice lor worklnf couple. S3I W. Summer. NEWLY dec. I rm. fround fir. turn. apt. S bias, w It a a s Ph. 1-7S30. VERY NICK rm. furn. apt in W. Salem. Ph. 1-IM7, RM. turn., pvt bath. UUL pd. fsr. avail. 1U1 Slate. CENT kc. 1 sm turn. It I lrf. unfurn. near new state bMfs. at Umv.l-IU7. I-Mll SMALL furn. apt. Cmee to Cap. Shop. Cntr. Lady prel. 1-4301 LARGE Ut-flr. clesn furn. apt.. fireplace), auto, heat; near Capitol. Adults. 1-4301: 1-5272. AVAILABLE July l- rooms. fround floor, smsll yard. De ilrshle, 1 blocks from P.O. 14333. MODERN 1 rm. apt In court. Furn or unfurn. So. IMn Mines. Ph. 1-7330. 1ST LISTING. VERY nice newlv decorated. turn., rm apt. Highland Dist l. inct utilities. Fh. 151 COURT APTS.-HSS private It modern down town apts. Prom $50 to $65. Ph. 1-7440. In auire I! Court NICE t bdrm. apt. furn. or un furn. 1177 courtst 1 RM. APT. k BATH 450 S. Capital Hollywood Apts. rum., unfurn.. 4-4713 or 4-77f. CAPITOL PLAZA 1 BDRM. UNFURN. Ill) Chemeksta St Ph. S-M30 706 Pupleiet SIM 2 bedrm., 3 blocks from tipllol HiafS. AUtn oil nrai. Wired for elec, rsnfe. Ph 4-lKiJ; ""BDRM. furn. duplex. 1489 Court. 175 mo. Ph. 3-5S34. LOWER furn. 1 bdrm, extra bed. T.v. Ant., oarsre. oase ment 7J. 1284 Court. Ph. 3-7124. i ROOM unfurn. flat 1 block CO I no ex rerry BRAND new 4 room apt. 4 blki from Ctty Center. Ph. 4-4909. FURN. 1 bdrm. upper duplex Ph. 1-4775. ATTRACTIVE 3 bdrm . stove. refrif. t fsr 77 S. Comj. 1 BDRM. duplex furn. prtv. sar- sie, Collefa Dr. W. Salem. Ph. 4-4930. 4 ROOM lower duplex apt. furn. Close in. Prefer adult also sleeping rooms. Ph. 2-1771 CLEAN nicely furn. 1 bdrm. du plex. TV antennspn. s-iuiu. SUBURBAN 1 bdrm. duplex, the nicest you II una lor s.is x. Ph, I-S644. 707 tlouiet For Rent RM. HOUSE 2 bdrm. lsree villi suburban, south, all elec unfurn. Ph. 2-2123. 4 BDRM. house, Fsirmount Hill. Ph. '2-6855. FAIPMOUNT Dlft. 3 rooms. 137 30. Phl-91. - 1 Bdrm.. house, near Stt Of fice Couple only 153 mo. rn. 1-31 11 after I. NICE clean 1 bdrm.. so. city It sen. bus at door. Ph. 4-4358. wTlALIiVPcteanTbdrm.. ranfe, refrif., aU elec. 1061 7th, 3-7212 1 UNFURN. Houses: I with bdrms., 135. 1 with I bdrms. 130. Roberta diit. Mrs. Harvey, Rt. X BOX 117 A. SMALL l-bdrm. house with farafe Inquire 1310 N. I8th. BDRM. GarTexc. for child.' 45. Inquire 201(HifhwayAve. BDRMS.. Eastmoreland. refer encea, S90. Adults. Ph. 3-7081. FOR lease, nice 2 bdrm. modern house, no children. Ph. 4-5182. CLEAN 1 bdrm. house, partially furn.. basmt oil heat, fire place, garage, couple. So. 60 2-984J IDEAL unfurn. house for older couple. Nice shadv yard. Elec tric heat, 40. Call 2-3913 eve nings. 2 BDRM . Ife carpeted liv. rm , 1. . V . .. m m . ... I,,, rsnfe ref'is stt. err Cm. ter Street Realty. 1748 Cen- ter. 4-S631. rie 2-7812 NICE 1 bdrm. house, stove A refrif. furn. Inquire I32G Trade. 1-BDRM house wgarage. stove A refrif 1238 Allen Court Ph 4-5059. 1-BDRM. rotlage, stove, refrif , fuepl.. farage. ."iO 3-8471 3 BDRM. home. 170 Kenwood Ave. Inquire 5150 Will Ave. or Ph. 2-2019. j t BDRM for rent, Irrfnrms'toi I 1-1.180 day Jure 15. or 230 E ' - Washington Sat. A Sun. NEW 1 bdrm house, lots of closet spare, stove, refrif . far . some utilities. Inquire 1W5 N CLOSE IN. 2 bdrm. house, some , furn., 30 mo 3-51:il. I 1 hdrm hdwd fir oita.h ni 1 $50. 1)247 Beacon Ph. 4-I38II SMALL J hdrm. house. $40. Free water WJMarkct St. SMALL fum. fuest cottage, for reliable couple Utilities furn Low rent In exchange of baby sitting'. References required, 1115 Wallace Rd. FOR RENT 2 brirni. house .i5 tov lurn. 22fi5 MIsion. Call Sat. or Sun TRAILFR nnnce ln per mo. N pct. Fh. 2-U35, 1740 Ox ford LARGF, modern 1 hdrm . walk ing distance. 500 So, I iherty. 707-a Furnilhed Hotltet 1 2 RM. furn. cabin. $25 3-4fi7.1. 1'hone FURN 4 ml. 2 bdrm, hse. full bsm t. So. Hh 2-1146 COZY two bdrm. cottate. Furn ished 2 blocks from State Hnuse 4B0 N. Winter St. NELSON'S RENTALS NICFLY furn, 1 hrdm. It den, $95. NELSON & NELSON. TILTRS ISfMt S. Com'l Ph. 2-.VW1 FURN. COTTAGE," 1 person- $30 1267 N. Com'l FURN. 1 bdrm. court fireplaie adults. $A0. 3 blk. to M A F 3-S8fl 709 Wanted to Rent WANT to lease farm, any sire. J to 5 yrs. Require food house Ph. 4-5MH, 710 Wonted to Rent Htet BEDROOM. Salem or sur roundinf area to $100 00. 2-9185 Evenlnfs. 0. C. York. NEED 3 bdrm. house, no small children. MM7. IxreHent rare. Ph. 714 Buiineit Rentoli POtN 'own office spate store rms It warehouse 3-4114 $TvMr A RtNT"hnii m "F I.vf . quarters available. 3:79 S. Com'lPh. 2-2527. SMAI.I. froeery store,, nice netghborh ood, low rental I J-B88Z. 15, 50 700 Rentals 714 Isttintti Rentals Mi OrncE ar bsHlneaa bids. fround floor, parkinf. food district, reasonable rent Call 4-4121. HIGH Tone Cleaners Bids , has steam pipinf, oil tana, sos sq. ft.. 139, 7M Edrewaler. Aba bullder-draufhtsman. etc, of fice stockroom, bulltrns. 111 137 r.dfewater, Stuller Resltor, 761 Edfewster. Ph. S-1U7. BUSINESS space If xU1 In Wallace Rd Shoppinf Center, HO, Ph. J-7432 It 1-3077. 718 Convalescent Hornet ELDEREST Nursinf Home Prt. vste rooms availabla. MM N. Church. i-Mll COTTAGE CONVALtSL'E.NT HOME. 232 N CotUfa J-7020 780 Motrin) I SroraajT MAYFLOWER Movine and Storage FUEL OILS CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER Larmer Transfer & Slorase Compieta movlnf service. Also stents for BEKIMS wstioo Wide Movers Ph 13131 LOW COST storsee H U Stiff rurmture Co l-lias. 800 Real Estate 801 Buiineii Opportun. FOR sale or rent, service ts- tion. food Joe Would lake some trade. 1031 Elm St A A W ROOT BEER is svsilsble st 12th sr.d State St.. Salem For free brochure fivmf com plete details shout this intrr- !in itiri nrnfitahl budgets snd franchises svsilsble in the In. write A A W ROOT BKFR CO P O DRAWER 1M9 F Santa Monica. California WILL sacrifice due to iltnfsjr: small business m downtown Salem. Ph. stter 11 a m. 2-9120 SERVICE Station It property for sale. exr. location rw mod ern up-to-date bids A- equip ment. 4 pumo station doinf food flllonafe Privately owned. Esaus Motor Service. Dallas. MODERN 7 unit Salem Motel and home, sell or consider trade lor small apt house close in. owner 2-7KW FINE business site. 1E. No 7.000 sq. bldf . 1 acre, hiway frontafe. Now leased 2' a yrs. st 122.100 mil Reliable tenant Worth over J20.0OO. will sacri fice at 15.5ri CO rasn Sre ow:ier Grn Woodry. 1605 N Summer, Salem. No Ph. info please Cluett & Kenyon Realtors 1980 Fairfrounds Rd. PH. 2-3551 BUSINESS POTENTIAL LARGE Int. hrr-and-a-skip from Meier i FranK Fine .1 bedrootn home ideal for tc:v oraiv ofltce. ALSO a scn.ir.re l-hrrlroom rental. Price 22.50 terins. Xve. Ph Thelma 4-8989 or Fred 4-;r,2 MOTEL 22 units, food return take Salem Property in trade TAVERN land It all. Hit Spot I1I.0OO00 . Terms. GROCERY clesn stock, new fixtures, reasonable. SEH ST A. Good location, 13,- TUCKER REAL ESTATE Lebanon. Orefon FOR LEASE near completion , - new drive-tn restaurant with heavy traffic count Some equipment furn. Box 53. Statesman-Journal. 802 Buiineii Property "MODERN, equipped five year old restaurant. F'lus nice hnrr.r for rent nrar Eugene Write Route 2. Box 1161, Junction City, Orefon. FOR SALE, lease, or rent: build ing with Int. Suitable for shoo store or warehouse fifioo sq. ft 240 ft. frontafe. See at 7"i N. Lancaster, call ow ner 4-66:2 803 Suburban ORCHARD HTS. ROAD' 97 a-'ics' 4 miles f-nm I'md-e1 Paved' W.'te. mam at Prope' 1' hne' Salem s h.-st viev homesites' Price $!3 0(i0 Will divide ' STl't LFR Realtor "fil KHjewater Ph 2-5.'.57" "r 4-5TH2 KEEP a "' It chickens A raise vuir Ir. ipe on this micatiire (arm 2'.. hdrms. ml to cite I limi's n-ar on factory Late mdl. tar or pickup or $aC0 dn. Ph 4-3553. RQA Hound For Sale j . . 'GOOU l.lCf . JtxSO. .,;t sl.ev 851 S. Com I fh 3-fiSM BY OWNER ea-h ri.nm S near Schl r: 3 hed pa cd St cit w ate- If -son wad a jpmd buj Ph. 4-8S10 for Api'l. retire at the beach:: 3 HOMES. 1-2 bedronnr 2-1 herl- rootr. ( imihoij f-rnt-al'v U c;tlrd in RnckaWriv. a e 1 nr tr.flf for SIphi pffprrr', j Tn'., pure fdSW REALTORS 477 r.mit S' I": J.IHS 2-4r.f. KNOI KW(Hll) I J I SI UK I lime bv l'l.'il) Pearl st 4 bdm.s 2 baths. Ph 4.2TH.I. make nlfer 2 HDRM noose, alt gal e. i.t.l III, Completclv Im O-.nl c-lid bXt I 1 ynll Ave MR OWNER l.len vVo-urv nip psy top price for vo-ir furn A apolianres Th 3-511(1 THE LAST OF THE S 100', G. I. Loans 3 HR . hi lift le bt tli. living fin din i nf( room, finjjle garage HE!) rlosing cost. $"! a n.o, ; tncludinfi; taxes and msurancr l fJo out Liberty Rd to Retf.il ! Gardens, sign on left Call to-! cly. j Glenn Hamilton, Bldr 2460 Stale St I I z. . . . OWNER Transferred. Will sell , spacious 2 bdrm. home. l'3i baths extra Ige. utility for i FHA appraisal. 1420 N. 24th I AT 4 4"OFtXKRS. M.SIKI ' 2 bedrm home, ll've new Vt - ' n-at and clean. I. Rm fl nm nice kitchen, nook fireplace j alt. garage, large Int. Trade ; for home In Portland JOHN .1. DANN. REALTOR ins Pratt 40JN.HifhPh. 4-34H2,ev. 1-7401 800 Real Estate 106 HoHies For UU . Xett Little Home Hot- a rsstle but very clean apnd ottrsctlve. Good Itvinf room, larfe cheerful kitchen with bif estlnf space, utility, S bedrooms, oil eirculstor or alec. heat, huse faraie. paved street Will trade. 17.501. Eve.: Ted Morrison 2-5041. Ted Morrison, Realtor 2M N HIGH PHONE 4 7977 COLBATH'S BUYS ITS NO FAIRY TALE They Believed In the Security OF HOME OWNERSHIP AND If It Is a low priced home vou want in a His'l priced Netf hborhood. see this one lo cated on the N W corner of Lincoln A Svifiiiaw Sirtr'J Redecorated interior, partial bajcnrnt. economical heal. .11 ft. Iivinf room. 4 Bedrooms. THEY are movinf and anxious to sell this lovely home and vou . may be the fimt to see ttm new Imtinf located at nitl Reedy- "lnse to Hover nrhool, extra lot in bark f.icini paved street, family room and space to spare. LIVED At a tenant until now Rr vr5 thf pror-rtur ind he roTi? a landlord. S? thi ,1 bedroom hone, barn, hn houfje jtr4 acres of grass $70 down make you a deal balance just $50 per month. HAPPILY You'll confer with us refard inf this superbly kept 2 bed- r o n m h c m e Outstandmf charm Wooded tall trees..! "vear creek with cute hand hridee Outside Bar-Re-Que. Harare Ot'lFT A PFACFFt'L VNDERPRICE LESS THAN I5KX10. EVER Want to buv a clean 2 bed room home vii'h -large hase mcnt with another bedroom -partv room Here's one worth seeing- nice shade trees, ga rage Fine address m West Salem. Priced at $8750. AFTER You and vour wife see this lovely 3 bedroom home locat ed on Rose Street in Walnut Park. vou'tl want to move na".t in-and can. Kmfsized closets deep basement. o:IJ heat. TV room, fireplace, bath ' A half! car farafe and all the trimmings. REALTORS 517 Court St Ol.il 44494 Ei cnin? phones Well. . 217;ir Anderson-477H F.ifn- 4119.1, Cnib.i'h 2SII) SF.LL eon, vr- ..Id, .1-3595 v 2 bdrm. lull bsm't. 1'ouse. 3 400. fh Cluett & Kenyon Realtors 1980 Fmrfrnunds Rd. PH. 2-3551 'LET THE REST OF THE WORLD GO RY" ' ' ' ' . v? "n with a wonderful f.irden all ready for vou. Bright, cheer f'.u 2-hedroom Home rnrd w nod floors: utility: dhle gar age I.e' s hurrv to see for I; 230 -Terms. Eve Th Fred 4-7128 or The ma 4-8'.89 ATTHACTIVF snug 2 bdrm bonie partially finished up stairs, evtra celv yard, gar den in. fruit berries, etc Bus bv floor 3 hlks to MiKlnlev. fi Mks tn So High. Medium priced Ph 3-4507 3 IUjPM . older home, fine resi dential area. $0,250 2-3325 WILL trade eou.tv in 2 bdrm I home fur trailer houe 5240 i Sun-vside Rd 2-013.1 VEST SALEM " ' 3 hr!--- . 2 -tnrv w ha-ement. heat 'f .3'fe fit - snn m Frank! n Fin: SAI.F 4 bdrm house ,n K:n2n(d Heights, finished da' llte hasm't , 2 fireplaces pood view also 3 bdrm house : K: fwnnd Hc-hlv. '!: fmt.'ved das heht hsm't 2 fire P'a ,v go..d y lew. Ph 3-8181, 5-1S13 3-184! SEE DEL JOHNSON AND SAVE 2 nru ?, bedninti V ', InteM- t2'i ilovn. $6-(KJ nee ii.nnth G I.J 1 2 hpH-oorn hn-i,e n rr.il bur jiip, f SB rvo per month (, 1. j Open Til 4 :00 p.m. D-".e nn Liberty Rd . turn r-fbt v e fir-t road past Browning BR. home, rlmihlc hath, Inuhlc garatlf. lantilv room. ; I,im1 IuI with piivcd ss i i in h- Opr ol the lu st bin s in Pmii lor SLI.IKHI Glenn Hamilton, Bldr. ; , 2lfiil Sta'e l Off 4-7KI4 Kves. :i-ea.2 2-;M,S J.l.'.a I)N . 3 r old. 2 hdrm . . arptl drapes, full hasn. t , F A Kuril , $M50 4-I4RS P.Y OWNFR 2 hdrm" modern, win built home, $7 50(1 Lo is', i st 1455 7th Ph 4-2413 , fr ' 2 PIIRM house, lot 60118 55 F nrv.rw Ave S" $4 50,1. $200 i ,lnV t $411 piT O.O I NFW 3 hdrm. . lose to'Wasn . S pool Uric k frpl Inside Ptil . 33l Kathleen St. Ph. 2-3085 Will finanie I $ 75,1. flR make offer 3 r , old home. 2 lee. herirms . .ex-I Ira sleeping space tn hea'ed , attic Close to bus. store, i school bus at door 3!0 Stark j Ph. 4-0345 I I I BDRM house with small acre aer at H70 Hatcliff Dr Make offer at Pioneer Trust Co . Sa lem mod. house So of Candalsria Full price $12,500. Call 4-4251 after 7pm BV BITLDER NEW spacious 3 bdrm Engle wood liisl . Top Quality 2-707 1 BY HLTl.DER NEW 3 hdrm oome nn s Salem schools A petk 2-7071 HOUSE for sale - bv owner Price $5,000. 399 N. 14th. 800 Real Estate 806 Houiei For Sole IT A FARM THAT WILL MAKE MONEY-r7S acre in th Wal do Hills with 40 acTM of top quality bent graaa. ElecUtc pump, tpring. plac all fervced and crocs - fentred. Good 1 bdrm. huse. A low down pay ment will buy thu. Let Fred Doe rf ler iaow you this fine place. HOME WITH AN INCOME-Ex-ceptionally well kept large home In a busine tone. Hat an apartment upataira rented for 140 00 a month. S-bdrm. living quarter with large liv ing room, dining room, kitch en and nook Full bamnt $13,000. Call Mr. VandcrvorU BrMNESS FtJX; OS 3 ACRES OF GROUND Clone In loca tion S minutei from- Salem city center. 90" frontage on busy highwav. Building 31' x 42'. Suitable lor cabinet shop, repair shop or trailer court. Owner would take good car as part pavment. Price 18.500. Call Mr. Hicks. BOY TODD REAL ESTATE 2318 State St Ph 2-A.VU Eve calls: Vahdenrort "4-7W2: Doerfler ?-.1784. Hicks 4-4930; Todd 2-17.11 Just Off State St. ONE Bdrm. cottaae furnibed Good sired Iivinf rm wttn ' frpl Lot 50X1M. 15.250. fl.000 Dn. Newer. Ranch - Type TWO bdrms. Fireplace, larfe lot w ith unfinished cottage in rear N. rd St. IS4J0 Close In Threcplox THREE 3 rm furnished apts Basement A furnace Income :S0 mo. 114 VXi. i ono dn. Art Madsen Realty 1.121 State 3-5.iRO 3-M05 FOR SALE "in Aumsville 2 bdrm. home, 7 yrs old. fully carpeted, nice yd. It flowers. Ph. 3411 Aumsville. FOR S AI E rr trade "new 3 bdrm k , ... c.i. M.r home or make offer on straifht out sale 2-9014. 2-0654 eves 2 BDRM suburban, nortneast. j near fradf school, will so G I. , Ow ner will sacrifice lor rash. ' Ph. 2-1484 j I ' S BEDROOM HOME -On So Hifh Urge dininf room, dhl plumblnf. double farafe. full, baso?nent Close to south Hi! A- hush park. Sewing room farden spot, shade trees. Owner nerds smMlot 7 br-iv Onlv 111.500 with 2 5(10 dn Wti! tae car as pirt dn. pav men' Call Bill Fidler. Ee 4-7448 tdv vrrr s prnoonn i.,. sq fr of living area Large ; dining room, kitchen with ' nook, hardwood firs, fireplace. Lots of closet A- storase area I Nice lot, close to school A bus Onlv 6 yrs old. See Ron I Kraus eve. .i-56fi8. i 2 BEDROOM. SHAKE EXTE RIOR 3 brms down, : unfin ished up. room for comforta ble living in tin's home Closp to schoo'v 1't.litv room, elect g;,iss heat A oil furnace, fire place A nice lot A priced to sell, owner transferred. Call Gene Pedwell. 35 ACRES Willametri nail, ill In improved pasture, on highwv Just 4 miles from Salem, for the low price of 1,150 per acre Call Herb Barnes. REAL ESTATE 316 Church St. N. Ph. 4-6871 Garden Lovers Nice 2 hdrm home. 63'xl.n' lot. j k'chen with formica counter : tops, lirge living rm . tiled hatn lo's of flower & shrubs j a!-o trees, larpe garden pot ' alreadv planted, upstflirs un finished For more details call Price $8,750. 3 BDRMS . l'i baths," bin h kitchen with dishwasher dis posal fierpl. in large living rm. f.rg utility. 2 yrs rid Owner transferred. $15,200 Ph. 4-7TM Bt'Y my equity in Manbrir ("iarder.s hrnne 3 bdrms. nr 2 bdrms and den T A. heat, frpl and patio. $1,150 dn $11 -R.'.n fi:t.S Manhrin Or F'h 4-245.1 THREE 3 bdrm houses in W : Salem, with f:repla'es. Ph f-l'lT 3-Blf,!. South Will Trade New X. Invf !y H-bdrm. homes, priced Irom $13,750 tn $14 '') Near srnooi shopping rrn ter Living A dining roo:v, 2 f iff place.-. Fine k'ttt hen A: family rof n 2 sets p(',n-h-ing ' Auto oil heat Dble pla-'ered garage, W,! trade for small irnmpt or late model cars. Ph 4-8272. BY OWNFR V2 - year - old 3 bdrm. house, firenlace. att ga-r-.gr, fenced vard Englewood Dist, $12,000. 4-7304. $ti."r0 WILL buv equitv in nice 2 bdrrr. house. Call 4-5507 ;tftei 5 nr m"P at 2260 Claude St CLEAN B yr old 2 bdrm subur ban home hdwd. fir venitian blinds, nice shrub $7,2.')0 3fl35 Monroe Ph. 4-5544 j BY OWNFR. Immediate posses- j mon. ear old. three bedrooms, j two (.ill baths, dirtng room. full finished 'basement party j room. Isiirdrv. sewing room f lose to bus erade and t-io-h school. $17 500. 150 Wild Wind Drive OCTDOOR EIREPLAf E In:de titili v. separate dmine f'dO'i',. 2 lull 'ii k itn sr. ids uf b.nl'-in- On! i I 'IIHI 'I It 128 cd v ii'i rFllMit apple. . i net w.tlnut trcr; AT- : T'.('if ii ;i!diinr lirepl.tce ; T.tVf i.n!v $(i." Foil nncf ! -fum A-k !,.r (.RAN I HO A -DKK Otlice i-X.M, H'm.e KCONOMV SPKCIAia "4ir $7,!j0 you (tet 2 laie bed- , rooin-s den-sewinK room, srp a reite llxll'i dininf roftm. in mdf utilitv, shop space A: 10 x 21 Rarage 50x12ft I'd '.ith evcellpnt trees Located 3 1 hifx-fH tn schtKil. bus hv floor ' fin paved itreet with mde-vk-.ilks Insulated $7 I'jII IRA M A N S F I F I, I), Office 4-;i:irH. Hfxr.e Cl'lil ttR.W P.k'M TV SPACIOUS. 4 irs old 70 x 125 Iit id' ai fur nutdour picnu s parlie. etc l.ush green lawn frnnl Ac rear ,Tremendnu W-'nu' fhade trees And WHAT A HOME! 1 large brd tofifti, (iverste bath, tnside vitihty. 2 ear garage, separate dining mon-. Beautiful Cream shike exterior with bnrk trim Immaculate Call 1K)N HKI.I,lNf;FR, Office 4-3:194 Home 4-0492. I Fairground Rd "rII SU-'iirn above If r 10', DOWN MOVES YOtl IN TODAY OR BPII.n TO SUIT ED FISCHER. PH. 4-533 800 Real Estate 806 Houses For Solo SOUND VALUE If you. want somcthtnf close in and your price rente la about 113.000.. you had better sea this Sna 1 bedroom! or deni own and 1 up livinf 100m with fireplace, larte .I separata dlrunf-room and t ' family st nook as.' iBrLal chen very food r ' f rssasw I carpetinf In ltvir carpetinf In LCK OHMART dininf rooms ment with oil heat and double farase also S sets plumblnf Owner leavinf Salem, so is ready to deal Call Adrlenne Ser combe. ONLY 7 BLOCKS FROM DOWN TOWN SALEM!!! In top residential area is this lovely 2 bedroom home- Hijh quality well to wall csrpetinf. sttractive hvmf-room. dininf room. kitchen snd nook, larse party rnon in basement finished In knotty pine and complete with fireplace True value at 113.100. Call Don Doufhton NOW . . . HOW ABOIT 7 ACRES Plus a larfe family home in fond repair, barn, machine shed and poultry houses-food fences fruit A berries as pump Owner wsnts home In East Salem 12 bedrooms or more on 1 floori This little farm Is well locsted. close in East-priced at 120,000 phone Louis Lorem today. DUPLEX - $9.-3 It's true, we have a duplex at this low. low price. Hove and refns in each unit -wonderful selum located South - OH YrlS" just .VX down. S.S000 a month on balsnec - l:e in one snd let the other one pay off the mortf age Call Ralph Maddy, he II show jou through envtime. IF VOI R HOME IS FOR SALE OR TRADE CALL I S T 477 Court St E.Adnenre Scrcon'.he Louis l.orcn; M.W0 SPACIOr-l Ige. bdrmft. ? full ' baths dblf iar . ::' liv rm. i with fireplace, kitchen noon. lull narirrn i , v i t int. nun fireplace. Choice location. $16, 900 CALL J. E LAW FINE LOCATION RI.KS ENfll.l EWOOD SCHOOL -NO ijTatertal u-ed throughout 2 bdrms., liv rm. and separate din. rm . full dry basmt. Cor ner lot. $,3.0f) CALL MRS. RICHARDSOH COLONIAL STYLE 4 large bedroom!", central hallway with open stairwav. 1-arge modern kitchen. Wall to wall carpeiin?. full basmt , dn. g-ir-tie Price $15 :ut CALL H K. LAY MO N GRABENH0RST BROS., REALTORS 180 S. Liberty 1 n- - 1 Fvenmfs H Sundays call Salesmen ssall Socolofsltv 3-1835 H K l.avmon 2-519 1 Mis Richardvon 4-'.MW Rnn Hudkins .1-871! J. E Law 3-5:13. Ralph Bruce 2-'Ml - - - - - " 1 YOV MI ST SEE THIS fine home S bedrooms Dining room Nook FA oil heat. Fireplace. Cirage fti: itv Nice W Cood district $14 950 Terrps 3 BEDROOMS LARGE living room Kitchen with e.iting area t'tilitv fla nge Lot Htixl-'.' $7,500 Terms Ph. 4--i7(i 4-3381. ONLY S.'i.jiHl FOR this 2-bedroom home On MlxhW lot ,n Ue-t Silem Cood root Car. 184 Nice gaidill space Tern,s or trade. U27 Eerrv (Open Satunlav) Office rt' Marun l.e imann at-nnw. Viasic 4-1K70: Jim Ramsey 4 - STATE 167 S. High Street FHA - GI OR 20 YEAR. 5"; LOANS FOR BT'Y TNG 2-BDRM. modern ho i in verv he-t of cord.ti.-r. Kaoiicr "'. uater heal. Id'ge. hea..t:f:it ncdscaped '01 l lo.e n Smit i $125im Irrms or - iff! roo siuf r '-ade iu f 1' ll : w H S'eve'ev. sIc-i.in r'.ej phrme 4-3'lf). tin. "ml 7', Acres v:(h good 3 BR hon e Uirated in F: ui' lind Dist Has bun chicken h,..,. (lood well On p.ived rn.id Ter-rvs ( '.Ti! Slan'cv P.ionn Kvrs phone 2-S3K1. $.VK1 DOW N-T' ; Ham h s'vlc 3-F.R ' "" e. r Dist Has large Im'' In.ide utili'v rn D race 1". nit and ga'drn :V'-.' S "c.ii' s- : ' I' E.cs pn.ire 2-S.-R1 NFW double f.i-ig" foi liv mg Sen':'' I if vcl-rh 'nr lange e'e 2 Lots Trade-in pfj'i pr d Ot'R SFRVK'F IS TO HFI.P Vol I.i 1 A '. I ' Ms' HOMK. C.OOl) IL-'llM.S NK.M1K1J In w Its av 1.1 v 7 RF.NT PROBLEMS ' M o spent foi a none is -...nr. saved Here s a rest clean 2 bdrm. home, wired Im v. a .sic A dier. Ige. lot ilo-e ir Sniitn nnlv $75(1 (IU ii"'.' ' $4lel 00 full price. Call l.'lna Morgan eve. 46038 THIS IS IT. 7 sear old 2 bd:'" home on lot 77x1113 in-' " ' side cits, in vers nice sn.ane Price SflO00. Call Mr, Keeni eve. 211076. NEWLY DFCORATFI). We tl-.r. MORTGAGE LOANS. CONSTIUTTloV FINANCING C. V. KENT & CO. REALTORS Family Room f Brand new, hull' bv I TO HROW.N Only J 14 500. with double garage. 15x20 living loom, birch kitchen. 3 bed rooms. 1', baths, paved streel A good looking home with gabled roof Eve Cordova Stephenson. 4-611'' Ted Morrison, Realtor 2.'s1 N HICII J'llONK 4 TH' UOUf Vl'fTII 'l Ml M South Salem Hifh $I2 5I Small down pas meet 2 homes on one lot. Front house ah! 4 vrs old has 2 bedroom- Pear house abt. 7 vrs, old lies 1 bedroom and finished attw , bedroom. Auto washer and' drver fo with property CLYDE PRA1.1.. 154 b High St. 4-3651. Eves 4-11184 or 3- 7250 "5.fKlO3 BEDROOMS $500,1 bins this lucely located 3 hdrm plastered home. 111 good cond . on large lot v .' Itees. nice lawn, line dl-t !4th St near State l'o.o Cash o l'i fTss Call ri.r fl 1' 's F.I) t I'K'NPKAI. RK.V TOR 4 l N 'tiro !" 2-'W e-- 4- "M7 1 YR old E Fnei'Mf.nd: 3 bttrm 2 bulbs, birch kitchen, enrpet lnf 1 525 liv area Owner transferred. Fh. 4-3441. 800 Real Estate 806 Hornet For Solo quality ltvinf snd full base- RUDY C A LAB A Phone HM5-24I1R -:4M' 4ln2 - D"n Pought.in 41414 Ralph Madriv 2.1481 FOR RFNT-1 bdrm hn msred -PW HO per. mo. PRICE RF.DrCED-Out of sate ownrr want i-nmerti.tte sue 9 unit apt fMM) income. Veiy clo;e in fL'l.OOt. C Al ia RON Hl'DKINS CLEAN 2 PDRNT HOME fl j r old Wired lor w.isner and drver o rr:;ed R.ir.iee $i .VK). CALL WALT SOCOLOKSKY J RBRM . Double pl imhine f.i!i:ll loom. 3 fwepl.K'c-. tull d.iv!iKh ba- i . lew nopcr U - Candala'u Heis''t- Ai mos! tin;" Ted buv now a'iti chin-e your own colors. l'i ,ce $;' ' CALL RALPH BRUCE SERVICE STATION NO lease imnlwd Y.v.i can b :' the buildmg. c rne- lo a"d all equip", ent ! 950 fCTir.s Good spot for a rrfchan.c. 4 CIIEAI'IKS No 1 $17511. Ter r No. 2 l 1IW Ti . No 3 8'- '.ml Te-rn-Nu 4 $ : 5oi' S-'"4) d i'.' n NEAT AND ("I.KW AND on'! sl-:tl '! Nc,-... 1 $8.vio. : 5 ir :i : i".r. -iv BW7 Phf,nf 3"11St CONVENTION AT. MORTGAGE OR CONSTRICTION pav t t ail pan WF ' a K'.e- -e -'.e BR an he 5ih a 111 t 2-5.Vil. 0 Af'RF. i ih is tr.e b..v 4 : -f-.t '- iiMiii fucp.aie. b.ir.t LiK ! ,-. stMilh- Nf.r f ir. ;i..:!,i:;un Or 1 .;,,,! t,.,- , c.ll .' ,-viim evr. 2504H I THIS HAS KVKRYTM1NG 1 .1 n.li i i oii-c dhle Mm I 1 i-: . i" . f'fC d v. ! 2 i-c'S Jl'-ii't.iilME. k.i cth'i igi' Re"'' ' '''l"' '4 4Vi nil & $1,500 OH -in- v. II rand. Call Mr. Kig 1 r p -IM'il imhim: 4 r ate pi'iuii to .iiiiiimnit' Hint ... Mr. .1. A. 'Al' ShuKc'h vil with our In in MR SMOLSr I'll i as I vnl in Sa le i hit the pa-l 32 vca's 2(1 of ,v h i : : c na- spent in the feed set d business. WE JOIN Mr, ShnL ctn Ir, Inv.t nds to C'.mo M' MR SHOI K.l Ii c office. l es:d- a' i encc tun. i - ' Joe Hutchison REALTOR 12 11 Krluc water " CLOSE IN 4 Mrm hse 1 ' , h.iths. liv, nnd din nn . wall ti h) cjr pt'tnig, full bxiit . dpprcx 1 lino sq ft Kxc rond. I frougbinit son Call 2.2Rti I I. Knapp. Hmker j BY nun----builder New 3 bdr . I It . DR r-wi-1 ku ii.x.k ' li'.i . fmi-pd a -- brat, if "' ( (I !t? : -i: li't $'N imi I.,.w dn p.ii, i Si e . ''.Il k.-; - S- . -,l! If. 4 l-Vny. uvv. ' ,( m , trees, la-ir 1" -prn kbn: s vtrtn niilsl.inihnp la-ri'-'.'Pr 1'ih 'ii nrll ncbt for quick vale Write Box 122, Statesman-Journal. 800 Real Eatatft 806 Houses For Sole REDUCED PRICE Owner has reduced prica to ll.snt for this nearly new suburban home on Munkers Street. 3 bedrooms, Iivinf room with fireplace, kitchen, dmette. farced air oil furnace, larre laundry room. Larfe lot with plenK of farden space. 12.300 down will handle. Close to school and bus. LINCOLN PARK See Lincoln Park before you buv anything Paved atreets, curb., sidewalks, central wa ter district, complete drainage avstprii. 3 bedroom houses family rooms, open beam and conventional interiors. 2 car garage, close to school and bus Price range from $12 800 to f H M0 with HO - financing available. Call us for appoint ment. Abrams & Skinner 411 MASONIC BUILDING REAL ESTATE - INSURANCE MORTGAGE LOANS office .i-wn EVES : 2-4709 or .l-TM C. D. McCARGAR, RLTR. H A INDUSTRIAL rOCATIONlHLGH NET INCOME In A ..nisv l!le; I sed to be n d , ,.i . . sawmill stte bordered on one Fm 'up" m"kr '"".'I0 side, bv K R l.o;s of Hwv tiMTitauc Mill i- r e e k runs throuch back of prooer'v; al-o cite u.ltei I'nce S14.IHI0. Call Tullius. eve 4-5(188 PRU F RFIHTED FOR QVICK SAI P 2 bdni home w ith East f -Hi' and partial view ioca'ed im! K.ngwood Hts : spacious IK W't'i frcplare. Ige. kitch en, a't garaee and bree7cwav Ac tce;n! buv now onlv $lli (Kin with terms. Call Moid R.ce. ev e. 3-HsSSI. WORTH THE MONEY 7 vr old 3 hdMn home that anyone can enn w,th a great deal of pride fenced yard with fnnt . garden sp.ice. close-in loci, f.ni $I0!S1 with e.l-v 'hml Call Fae Seal. rve. 4-538-1: SfRl'RBAN- FAST Enjov life on t i. io eiv acre m il l a nice m hdrni hrm e Dlile ca'.iee: toi'ti we!!, b.np fmi'v ori--a-d. pa . ed load Onlv $7 H.al ii' M ir'.ha Thie.-cn. e e, 3-54 "17. :i3 High St. Phone 4-4441 ISM'S BEST BUyS INVESTORS. NOTE' -T rri hut, Fcr!!fti Prr'Ti- .';or ni. '. .Sivt For ni :.'r ar'ioM Jri-0 i.l V.d.l J-r,t,. LAe. AI Isaak & ' Co., Realtors 22 N r-'i-r'- REAL ESTATE M W PIST I s r ....-. d ke new t - in- pK t :: 1 ft V R..'l b: 1 F P . r i:-i d hi art .. N.. Oak flr . 2 large HI! th w.irdrohe closets, hand kreh en Pliiinh for washer drv- lr,r. wen laivi, caiien A heim'lful l.van A at S!l '.'in 01! I i .c.cdidte li- s.un. M ACRE FARM .1 v ill 1 'Art . var n O' - ' ' ilS Of p . $.1" Hill ' ( !. IN! S DIST. ST '. I). SMITH I IE A I. TO It .r.i:"s a em e I'll .'l-TIHiT 3:1 'I A VF ' " ssV" " OWNER SAYS SEI.I.' 4" '' 1 1 .v n i j'Kinc 5 1 t H'li ! , - 1, - t ' 'Of d-. . -i nt l)e Huy. 4-r.on!,' Ke ( l.K.MU.AKK n ,r n.Ck of 2 bl.'Od .,(is ; hedr:i ho-i.r t"rtr class I,o-,itrd id Sub h h.m .vr.i ( 1. nn! and e:m, n. rr( ',- than 10 per : i Vim ( .ii. Wa!t Ue oai. F.-.e 4-f::22 1C 'A' , Tops sr, It i'uy. i- 2 RFDRnoMS in span Pea fo , k iifc'-f (,'al! I-. 4- Ill ACRE FARM onles so'ith mi A nn- 'lie htghvs av v'ear -I'Miiiul neck anil vvnod a'ea ( ilr, i 4 Ivcdra' h ' ( inlv $iii vni t ,i:; jj, k it..,w I- 4-7'in;. KEIEH DISTRICT HC:h Oil " . A 'I fi "illO ,1 i ,nl 4 -I,' H I I !( I ) K .1 I-, lr Via.' 401.'' No It: td. ai'l Smith Vilbur A" - nr . ! " X I R !: ic rmpi, ((.it. 1 ''fii. d .ning 1 ifiii,, M' .'u t kfuen witi, biii!t-n 1 m r.iner. di-h Hi'irr. h' ir".-'M ", double Ra'acf Vrrv a"-,uie 517.50(1 Vc. M.u - inr ir 1- -inning, 4-fi0!,fi Ted Morrison, Realtor HI N. MICH I'll ONE 4-7977 HV HVILDEK 3 bdrms.. fireplace, tinge kit . eating area, only 2 hlks from school A plav ground K'74 Shamrock St. Turn right St So ol Mornine-lde School Sill f.'ill. Ph. 4-C533. 4 HDItM . large lot, 3 Inlrm ! e-ti:i lot available Ph 3-R47I! , l:;s Suhiirliao living o-i lare, !nt South 4-b'1rni. late mult lonnc, niters enn, f ni I ,! hie liv tnc. shopping f. buses svithin 1 bin. k Transfer forces sale at $1,500. Consider terms. Ph 2-5763. 800 Real Estate 804 Houses Foe Sole n Buys E2 N. CHURCH ST. WE SPECIALIZE IN TRADES " PHONE 4-3311 OR 3-7820 TOP QUALITY 1 hdrm home, l-arfe liv. rm. Sep. din. rm. Brk. nk. Love ly fireplace. Tiled hath Wall-to-wall carpetinf. Hdwd firs. AT carafe Reauttfully land scaped 2 patios In top shape and offered at 115.9511 Call N C -Dan" laaak. Eve. Ph. 4-WU. LOTS 'A BRICK In this lovelv 3 bdrm. family home F A oil heat. Hdwd llrs Tiled bath Dole, farase Near school and transp. On larfe lot 1 480 sq ft. of luxur ious tnlnc area offered st only I1.1.S50 Call Walt Jones Eve. Ph. 4-7&3S. NEARLY 2 ACRES Close In . F Beautiful yard All kinds of fruit and shrubs Kirge farden 6 room modern home. 2 c.ir farafe plus work shon 2t40 new chicken house Real value at '.?.0OU Call Mr Crawford. Eve. Ph. 4-5020. Ttp loc.it ion on high tr.iff if st r'Ct In a boonun? Tow n close tn new rlrim nndrr ctin stnirtion l.otv p.ir'rimp room. No crpriit buinr. 2 hdtm. ownrr's quarters. Land, hide . mid equip. Included Priced at (100 plus inven tnr Ter'Tis arranjed Cil! Mr. Woodcock. tt. Ph. 2-THMS. LIC ENSED ALSO IX WASHINGTON- AND IDAHO AL ISAAK & CO.. REALTORS Fienings 4..W30, 4-78.1?. 2-8048 4-9553 If No Answer. Dial 4-2:148 Owner leaving and sacrificing equ;t in loveable. ) year eld 2 bedroom home The chance of a hfe'ime to fet' a home yo.i will :.ne on sour terns Never again will vou fet SO mii.h i,,r so l:tt Kediccd to $8, MO for Immediate salt i.es. ca:l Carl Hansen, 4-04t5. . BELOW EH A A.TRAISAL A t.rue value m a charm inf 3 bedroom Englewood home Tn. macu late in'erior witn excellent arransement Hom.v n' osp'e : e with patio and this home. Eves. June OUTSTANDING INCOME PROPERTY 4 ren'als phis nearlv new , bedroo.n hooie Rentals are 1 and hciti ov plus all f,;rn 'u'e blon e is approNimatelv 3 ei-s .. i a'' le-s f a" 8 years ld BOOKS SHOW yr KISS KK.VTALS H)H IUtR 7 YKARS This is the kind of proper' ).l dreir ol h,,t seldom find Shows crv gno5 re'.nn A" fo- lit; Oho tnown by appointment oniv Fves call Vern S ilii:its. 4-760. Salem Properties REALTORS N High St. HIMMEL & FERRIS, REALTORS '4 A SPBVRP.AM H. a.iCf ,1 selt.nf among tree, snd shruht " 4-ho:-!. "ome ,i,. fl,,r l),,e p'umbmg fireplace, ' " "i"1'1 .i'iI.'v. IimuI with sawdust furnace Dhlt. gauge. I o.vs.ble Hade loi J or. 4 bedrm h.ime in town J.TIIR MOSTX-ST FOR THE LRASTFST-J n,c bedrens. l.v rm. ti With fltt-nl.p l0e tilerl li1,i,.n . , .. . . . . .. , ' - $!i'-50 Par'"V r"'" '"'"V1"' LOTS OF ROOM -fine f'od rolon.al 1 tile. v... ... a. down, tleauliful ard for outude living, nice cosv hml This horn sFiould be seed. CLOSE IN LOCATION At' recti! e English Stvle home, lfe. liv dm rms fireplace hdw floors, full basement. Double fsrsff 1 Lp s oilui 1 .Oil. .,.). nisi Will Ull CI.OSK TO McKIVI.FV Sf HOOl . Farrilv room, J bedrooms. FHA bolt Na' ira! wood kttt hen . ba'h A a half Pavemeht It sewer j -new ar,d nice owner n.nving to Portland. $14 500. IP.'F MOTH One of Salen s best Motels top lo. a'ion. excellent ' 1 "it t ..n inside 00' It units pois ovsners 2 bedrm. home. Ah i.hciv f:irn:-i'.-d Hooru f,.- umts if desired Owner rei rn t offeied at greatly red iced pin e. Please call for ap- '1(1 SKI. I. VOl'H HOMF ,1 S in Ic-m. n II Pe. k 2-'i4l Rov f'eir I H 1 I HI R I V n Cliurdi St Kl) K Kill "l "KO I l. a , In ir.g 1 ri a - ir.g ( in. firep '" , Nice k.h ' ea u 1 1 1 i hfl 1)1)1 g.nagf. FA Price illl ."0II. ; hdrm small V ir. unly $4 ,"S"' La RniAVMNC AVF.M'K F';a 1(? M-m, l,r'' ii.r r fieri 'Alt', fueplare K.'chen v e i h,i :, tf.i ,t,Te p!i: -ar port. o..t or S'atc. Pcdv.ced $'.7.'nn MOPKHN 3 BDRM HOMF ir.s, ' ivf- ,,".n''w'f1 .ir iet i1 m him .Mii co n i d f r 1 1 HO-1. I'r (RIVKH FHO.NTAOF-Beautiful home. 2.1UU sq ft. i firrpiaL,- din pl.nr hmg T) I-1 gaiage lg patio. 1 Rlv.; view from bdi m, living I m , family rm M see In apprei lale Fvernngs' Baumgaitner 4-47M Ch-.itham 4-11805 BEFORE YOU BUY - Bl'SINFSS OPPORTUNITY'S r,-ocerv Stoie, doing gmiri busine-- excellent location. Iiatlcr f'-uit has space for II trailers with room for expansion. A'n S Couits. plus ery nice 3 bedroom hnic FOR SALE OR TRADE- Service nmn'tiv FOR , g'n SM E OR ind lloor - 1 I a. ics in Ha 2 rentals, good lo m a. Knll pine $',2 ' ,1- n hn'i.e lg livicg N $ if li'.iiH ins. a t i i f i e $13.5(10 00. K.ill pi Nr v t hed-oom home, tg living room, dininf room. nook, kilch van i,.ts of built -ik. s!ne fireplace, w w carpet I, and I) hardwood floor throughout. Douhle gaiage. nice lawn and shrubs. (10 sq. ft Full price $15 ."iiill 00 2 bidm south, lg nook, fneplace and full hase ment, aavsdust furnace, close to school and bus. Price $(i .2a(! 0(1. 7.KFB'8 REAL ESTATE 2315 Fairgrounds Rd Salem. Oie Ph 3-31131 Ph eves John er-li 2-6i2. Ecrd 7.eeh 4-W3! IMMEDIATE I'OSSESSION Owner on! of town. Neat, 2 bedroom, living room, ea'ing spare. F A furnace. Altai h,d Bat.ige appraised. Total pi ice Jfltl.MI. 3-ll.l.lfl. B'i ACHES-KOtTII Has old 5 bedroom. 2 "l"iv house, liveable but needs repair, luige living mom. dining room and kitchen Bath down and up Has good deep well and Salem llelghls water flood small ham Some timber and fruit Asking H0.IKI0 Might lease with option to buy to right part Ask foi Hicks Eve.- Ph 3-6405 BRAND NEW - WILIi TRADE M;ce view out private living room to rear of home Raised hearth fir, nl.ue Throe hedrontim Double, plastered garage 1 ' . baths. Hcli' kitchen Lots ol b.iiHir.s F A 'iiin.ue Paved s'-cet and cnrlis Near Moitungside School FHA coii'trui'tril Kis ter o' ol vnfi' small home con.uirred In trade Call Johnson. Eve. ph 3-.IH5II liKIMANN KKAL KSTATK 201 South High 61. 'h. i-Xt 800 Real Estate 804 Houses For Sole WHATABUY Excellent quality horn at anty 14 100 Ijte liv. rm Sep dm, nn. plus brk rk. Hdwd. flea, Insul. Wtrppd Att. f a raft. Near achool. Only blk. f trmsn Call Mr. Sword. Za. Ph. i-W4J. NEW & LOVELY Beautiful 3 bdrm. home Spae mm riom. 1 lovely fireplacet. Family room with old brirlf fireplace. In new tubdivHnnn. I.oi$ of s'orare space. Full price 116.900. Call Mr. Rich mond. LIBERTY DISTRICT L.irj7e 4 bdrm. home on t arret. -WO holly tree Near tile of new Jr. Hifh. Small brn. Se thu at :,9$0. Call Mr. Craw, ford. Eve. Ph. 4.-5010. BUDGET BUY Vou'll he amared at this. Burnt, with 2 food sized rooms Lie, rm Brk nlc F A oil heat Bus at door Value plus at $.300 Call Mr. Sword. Eva. Ph. 2-8048. APARTMENTS l ants In num bldf. and I la rear bldf. Shows food inroma. 4 hlks. to school. Near transs. Wi'hm walkinf distance if downtown Salem Offered at 139.750 Terms. Call Mr. Wood cock Eve. Ph. 2-7108. E ba - hecue It 950. You must sea Mason, 2-9!l. Phone 4-0331, 2-i5SJ ..nn, sMir, uieu nam. nsms ou 'r heat. A steal for IS OCR ON' I Y Bl'SINFSS 3-5413 Andv llaivnrsen S-7!l 1 2-SolO J,.e Himmel 2-M 72 PHONK 4-4471 S'vle spl t tcel. a'tractive home, ate and pn'are windows, 'h nonK. lg," u'llity A semi f.irnaie. 1'j plunfb If lot, Oil rve S' 'mrent district. O'vner I' injt rm. 1R:i2 with nook. T'tilr.v rm. p if:o co', ered, Owner cd F.isf l inn sq ' rieetrir hra'. i e $1' mhi ft fir space. ki'chen with fir spare. I radiant heat, and kitchen. Mrs Wno'ten 2-R06. Healv 3-149$ Sclireder 3-, 825 GiVE ZEEBS A TRY Station, pupips lOOOfl gallons per 1 Ro.iltnrs 1 Th. .rs:.i I.FASE Rusiness Building. M00 Squsre feet. Nor'h. close fo school snd room. dm:ng room, nook, kitchen f irepietce, w w carpet I,, and D. 'S Large I" $11110 riovs Englewod Out FHA. Call Lucas Eve Ph.