Statesman, Salem, Ore., Fit, June 13, 56 (Su I)-3 -BtOATIKXIAN- H 1m DrAdi, CJ H AtwWi.f to Nx Stan. To dtvtlop messogt for Fridoy, fMd wordl cormponding to nurtirl OPEN FRIDAY ' 9:30 A.M. to 9 P.M. AMI JC OCT "5) t-U-tf-M kli-rMICl C your Looxx birth Hv 1 Cw't 2 Vy ) Wit 4 Mot 5 Tour St 7 f ,rm I VOM )0 Wot II AuWKiOUt 12 bx U foi li M 15 Vw 1 6 A'tc rwsjwti 17 Ptobofcly 18 Mo, 19 ClO 22 A 23 An 24 Homw 2i Shorp 26 El'n9 27 lc""c 2 frc'fd 29 Day 31 S I Vkw 3 5 An. 7 Yuf 6S Nohyt 9 Ntn4 70 T 71 GH 72 01- 73 O 74 Tato 75 CrocT-Kt 76 Trnwon 77 Hmt 7! Youf 79 At SO A4 ( Vow 2 Ptnoml l.l W.lhn M Mi oct a nov a JJ A JS Don! 3 CoM 37. On " 38 Mann 39 Axtv 40 Nr 41 Prmxt 42 W.lh 4.' e. 44 l 45 Al , 46 Al 47 Intfrffuff 48 Flctttm 49 Con 50 c 51 Ano 52 0 53 SuJ 54 Mxiy am mat am MAV 1 UM MAY K NOV 23 etc a ft. 7 4547 82 8 kl-7 1 CANca and you'll find your gift for him at AJNt otc IAN JU.V IT r70-77 8l 8d LS.5779J0VSJ ' "4R; AU6 54 4 SUT J2 55 Dft'iiont 5 Asproro 56 Pfocovtonj S6 Pfooflt 5" yvi 7 Todo 5P Te SA M,shrti 59 Vou 9 Todoy 60 Art 90 EnKwwW HI MAI l 'Cafeteria' Ships Forecast With $50 Fares to Europe NKW V0RK -The possibility'' or, the avrrace wage earner being alilo to take $50 trips to Europe on huge cafeteria style ships was envisioned Thursday by a Ne w York hotel man. H B Cantor, president of the Dixie Uriel, said he has plans to build two 90.000-ton ships, each capable of tarrying 6.000 passen gers. They would cost 100 million dollars rach. Cantor told newsmen financing has been made possible through recent amendments to the Mari time Financing Act. He said there was "something cockeyed" about the present for mula of steamship fares. He be lieves this is due to luxuries that travelers don't want. Kach of his proposed ships would have a cafeteria with 1.500 seat?, as well as automatic food dispen ors. The $30 fare would cover berth and transportation only. Cantor estimated meals would cost about $4 a day extra. He expressed con fidence the ships could operate profitably in this fashion. "There will be two swimming pools, a skating rink, two thea ters, a concert hall and facilities for religious services but no pheasant or caviar," said Cantor. Father's Day Idea! FATHER'S DAY, JUNE 17 BAT1TI1IA ' "S iwiHiiNu Awrn,4. v t.MHiA is a aw i mi i nil Aiurr.. .x r mmm 95 Batteriei Included Hart'i a portable that really plays whtr nS going is rough. Th extra tube brings in jtationi ordinary portables can't get. The all-steel caie protects it from the most rugged hard knocks. All part are protected for life from heat or moisture damage. It's a portable that will last longer, give better reception, and go more places than any portable you can buy. In handsome Char coal or Sun Tan, No Money Down PAY ONLY 1.25 WK. WE GIVE SJC GREEN STAMPS RIME! Commercial at Center For Coast Weather Dial 2-4191 Another 24 Hour Master Service I I 111 North Libert? First Quality! 100 Guaranteed DRESS SHIRTS cfl K Famous shirt maker's first qualify shirts in lus' 1 trouj Sanforized broadcloth. Fancy patterns and 1 whites; styled in regular point collars; barrel cuffs. Sizes 14-17; 32-35 sleeve lengths. MEN'S-MAIN FLOOR K T'i c-rf 1 i Ji Specially Purchased For Father's Day soli I 77 T y-rrr-T- it O'; A V N47- - i v 6 pr. 1.14 64 ' y 6pr.3.24 I Sav. 60c ! X 6pr.3.74 lrs. Sav. 70c SUMMER WEIGHT WINGS SHORT SLEEVE SPORT SHIRTS Specially purchased from on of Amerk.'i btt-known tporti shirt mekeri . . . with value-ful ftaturet comparable to shirts of $4.95 quality! StyleJ and tailored wtih ill. th unmistakable mark of quality that makei "Wingi" to fern out; mitered pockets; matching designs; collar with stays; generous end comfortable tizesl Buy whole season'! aupply while they're available at this low price. Men's furnishlngt, main floor Ireexy laristet Imported Indian Madras No-Iron Cottons Fine Ginghams Sites S, M, L, XL WIndowsane and Overplalds Woven Chekt Novelty Prints t All guaranteed unconditionally washable Reg. 55 pr. Men's Sox Rayon and cotton with nylon reinforced perfect quality Assorted check patterns. Sizes H-UVj-12. Reg. $1 Men's Sox Shortie socks with elastic tops for neat, wrinkle-free fill Argyles( framed argyles, sport designs, panels and over plaids! Pastel and lark color in sizes 1 OVa to 12. Reg. 125-1S0 Men's Sox Stretch sox . . . guaranteed one full year or we replace theml Comfortably soft, absorbent and cool for wearl Choose from motifs, cables, pane's, argyles, overplaidsl Wanted colors. One size stretches to fit every man. Reg.l95 Men's Sox Made of 2-ply combed cotton and knit on imported machines. Luxurious fine knit socks of com bed cotton! Choose from framed argyles, panels and motif designs combination you can wish for. Sizes 10 to 13 in this special group. You'll want 12 pair of these sox! Men's Main floor pr. 6pr.4.24 Save 80c in every color If iW m l'. -SUM r j h i: d $ A PERFECT FIT1 PERMANENT COLLAR ARROW SHIRTS TheWorltfsFinest Tailored Shirts Most popular shirt In th. worldl And deservedly so: for th. fam ous Mitoga body-cut fit; fino count whito broadcloth; burtons sown on to stay the Arrow weyl Neck sites 14-11; sleeve lengths 32-36; but not in every stylo. DART, DREW, ARDEN 095 and PAR (French Cuff) W Last Minute Gift Ideas! Reg. 50c Linen Handkerchiefs Full size, pure Irish linen, hard finished AQ edges. All white. A Reg. 35c Cotton Handkerchiefs White and colors. Packaged 6 to pack. Corded edges. Asst. colors. WE GIVE AND REDEEMlGREEN STAMPS TIE BARS CUFF LINKS Matched Sets Individual Pieces New and good-looking designs by Swank make excellent accessory gifts for any boy! Buy separately, buy a matched set. Tie Bars 1 -1.50 to 2.50 Cuff links, from .2.50 up Sets, from . 2.50 up riu tx Lariat Sport Tie Asst. colors with initials. Gold or silver ... by Swank. Reg. to $2 - Men's Ties Silks, rayons and novelties. Assorted patterns. Full lining. 3.50 to 7.50 Men's Belts Fancy leathers. Assorted colors. Asst. style buckles. Solid brass. MEN'S-MAIN FLOOR 6 oM M.50 49