" i " ". ' , Salem, Ore., Frl, June 15, '56 20Sec. II) Statesman, THE BEST PLACE TO SHOP . . . AFTER ALL MILLER S DCPaIrTMENT S TORR PHOTO SPECIAL! ONE LARGE 8x10 PORTRAIT... ' OPEN FRIDAYS AND MONDAYS 9:30 TO 9:00 -OTHER WEEK DAYS 9:30 TO 5:30 54th ANNIVERSARY SAL f .t k j YOl'R CHAICE ACCOUNT HAND COLORED IN OILS AND IEAUTIFULLY FRAMED FOR ONLY... This beautiful 8x10 por trait in hand colored oili by Mjslcrciat poi trait ai tiU at Jcslen Miller'i ii yours at only $9.95. And. we'll frame it in a metal new style fnime as an ex tra bonus! No appoint ment necessary . . . come ai you arc. PHONE 3:9405 JESTENMILLER'S Studio in Miller'i &Sr. 79c 11 Rhineston PcholC, 0t Q 7 1 Bother - iorlheobove I 11 $J00 Shoulder and Strap StyU Brassieres " :. $99 v Valuei to $5,931 TbeM are the better qualities and finer ma terials. A wide assortment of styles but not all sizes in each style. 2al floor. S4th ANNIVERSARY SALE1 'Women's Stretch Style Cotton Gloves 79 c For your all summer's wear . . . while stretch style (fiU all sizes) cotton gloves in famous brand quality. Main floor. S98 s295 S4th ANNIVERSARY SALE! Men's Long Sleeved Sport Shirti Reg. $3.50 Special purchase! Completely sshable cotton in novelty ' prints. AH sizes from small to extra large . S4th ANNIVERSARY SALEI Men's Cotton Broadcloth Pajamas Both (oat and middy styles in an assortment of printed pat terns. All sizes A, B, C. D. - 54th ANNIVERSARY SALEI I Men's Knitted Cotton Shorts in White Only Irregulars of fa mom name. Always sold at $1 00. All sici , from 30 to 38 waist measure. ! 54th ANNIVERSARY SALEI Men's White Cotton T-Shirts i In Small, Medium, Large Irregulars of famous brand. Njlon crew neck .style 54th ANNIVERSARY SALEI Boys' Knitted Cotton T-Shirts Irregulars of famous brand of popular T-slin is (or boys. AH sizes . . . Mala floor. Shorts in same quality 49c. 69' 79 J4th ANNIVERSARY SALEI Women's Silk Scarf Squares In Pastel Prints 2 for Bay them bow and save! You 11 need a smart scarf for your vacation and bead wear. Halt fleer. $00 Colored Indian Head 54" wide Indian Head cottons in a wide range of colors for your summer outing wear. Buy now and save! Reg. $1.49 Yd. EXTRA SPECIAL 1000 Bags of Fresh Roasted CASHEW NUTS Fresh-roasted delicious cash ew nuts packed in cellophane one-pound bags on sale Fri day and Saturday at only 89c. A regular $1 25 value! 89 1000 Pairs Sheer Cameo Nylon Hose I lll If Cameos are your favorite nylon stockings, save $2.05 on three pairs nowl Fine-line seams, slender ankle and leg fit. Summer shades. First quality. . 14th ANNIVERSARY SALE! : Catawba Cotton Prints Everglaze Finish Discontinued patterns of regular 79c quality. These are the popular processed cottons so much in use now for all wqsb. able apparel. . Mrk ANNIVERSARY JAlft Women's Regular $2.95 Cotton Blouses Fine quality fine count cotton prints. Tailored shirt styles and dressy numbers. Some plains In the group. These are all aew this weekend. All size. Mala floor Blouse Bar. Mill ANNIVERSARY SAW SALEIW- f BRIDAL P VEILS $695to$1795 Chi pel and fingertip length bridal veils to close-out in this 54th Anniversary Sale at a way low price! Also var ious sires in head pieces. SALE! HATS 3.00 to 5.00 This week-end's hat sale will be fine summer straws and fabrics in white and colors. Shop these for big values. i, i 54th ANNIVERSARY SALE! 3-Piece Crystal Salad Bowls Regularly $4.23. Silver or gold handled servers. Gift Shop. Mala floor. $225 54th ANNIVERSARY SALEI Baby Crib Sheets White Only 84' SPECIAL! Genuine English BONE CHINA CUPS, SAUCERS ,1.88 . . . not ordinary or "so-called'' bone china, but genuine English bone china of the better quality. Many lovely patterns. Choose for gifts nowl Gift Shop, main floor. SPECIALI BOYS' T-SHIRTS 59c Irregulars of famous brand. Nylon neckbands. Short sleeves. White only. Sizes 8 to 18 years. Main floor. BOYS' SHORTS 49c Boys' knitted cotton shorts In white with elastic waistbands. All sizes. Main floor. $00 54th ANNIVERSARY SALE) Plastic Coat and Suit Hangers Coat, suit snd skirt hangers of durable plastic. Notion Dept. 54th ANNIVERSARY SALE! Laces and Embroideries Of Nylon or Cotton yd. Edging, insertions, braids, etc. Regular to 39c yard! Notloa department if 1 0' 54th ANNIVERSARY SALEI Women's Wool Skirts Pastel Shades $999 Special purchase sale! 166 count percale crib sheets in con tour style. Downstairs Baby Drpt. 54th ANNIVERSARY SALEI Girls' and Sub-teen Cotton Panties Regular' 79c. Jlue, maize, white, navy and pink. Broken sizes. Downstairs. 54th ANNIVERSARY SALEI Girls' Nylon Tricot Slips with Embr. Hem Reg. $1.98! Pretty nylon slips of nylon tricot with em broidery trimmed hem. White only. Sizes 4, 10, 12, 14 years. Downstairs. $ Regular $14 95! Smart skirt fashions of fine wool. Plains . . . some check patterns. Browns, blues, etc. 2nd floor Fashions. 54th ANNIVERSARY SALEI Women's Better Quality Sweaters $(5)99 54th ANNIVERSARY SALEI Boys' Knit Summer Pajamas Regularly $2.49! Short sleeves, knit neckbands. Blue, maize and mint green. Sizes 2, 3, 8 years. 1 SPECIALI WOMEN'S ALL-WOOL SKIRTS $8.99 Reg. $12.95 All-wool flannels and tweed skirts in the popular skirt fashions of the season. Pink . . . green . . . red . . . gold . . . blue, etc. Sizes 10 to 18. 2nd floor Fashions 29 SALE! FAMOUS MAKE ELECTRIC CLOCKS Values to $12.95 $4.99 Both all snd table style electric clocks by very famous makers. Decorator colors . . . novelties . . . alarms, etc. Tax included. Dowa stalrs housewares. Reg. to $12.95. Long, short and three-quarters length sleeves. Cardigans and slipons. Sizes 36, 38, 40. 2nd floor Fashions. 54th ANNIVERSARY SALEI Boys' Gabardine Wash Trousers $ 1 38 W9 Regularly $1.98! Bib or bibless with suspenders. Navy or red. Sizes 2, 3, 4, 5 years. Downstairs. SKETCHED AT RIGHT THIS FAMOUS Hi Coquette" Style Longline Foundation - Reg. to $10.00 e a QF New 'A large group of famous r " brand foundations including Jj . ' girdles and pantie girdles and also the famous "COQUETTE" style long line strapless to give you that trim, slim waistline look' Detachable garters. Padded or regular style cups. Made of embroidered cotton. Fxpertly fitted b qualified cor setieres. 2nd floor Corbet Fusions. 54th ANNIVERSARY SALE OF . . FIRST QUALITY 100 VIRGIN WOOL 54th ANNIVERSARY SALE OF . . . WOMEN'S NATIONALLY KNOWN NYLON SLIPS $E95 Reg. $8.95 to $10.95 Your famous brand favorite slip Is here at a low price! Regularly $8.95 and $10.95' Your choice for only $5.95! Prettily trimmed with lace or embroidery applique. Some with shadow flounces. Some slight irregulars. Not all sizes in each style. Sizes 32 to 40. 2nd Floor Fashions. SPECIALI BUNKER M! home-rnakert shop 54th ANNIVERSARY SALEI ACRILAN-FILLED COMFORTERS Here are those lovely acrilon-filled comforters with covering of rayon crepe patterned with tiny pink rosebuds on light ground. A light fluffy comforter suitable for top cover and warmth. Reg. $12.93. Downstairs. SPECIAL PURCHASE OF BATES BEDSPREADS Our annual sale of Bates' homespun quality bed spreads in both double and single bed styles. Col orfully attractive for spare rooms . . . boys' room . . . beach cottages, etc. Many patterns and color combinations. Reg. $8 95. Downstairs. SPECIAL PURCHASE SALE PRINTED LUNCH CLOTHS 52x52 $95 A big summer special on your lunch cloths for pic nicking . . rbeach parties . . . lawn entertaining, etc. Very colorful in many patterns. Fast to wash ing. A terrific value! Reg. $2.95. Downstairs. SPECIAL PURCHASE SALE $fl59 Womens ylon Panties CASSEROLE WITH COVER 0)t Si'Iert a whole wardrobe of fine quality panties now while this sale offers the opportunity to save! Good quality white nylon brief style in sizes 5, 6, 7. Our regular stock CAMEO casseroles with cover. Made by Glasbake. 1-Quart Size Casserole with Cover ----- $1.69 14 -Quart Size Casserole with Cover $1-89 2 Quart Size Casserole with Cover $1.98 Square Cake Dish $1-49 Utility Dish S1.4 (All individually boxed) Downstairs Fluff-Loomed, Moth Proofed Wide Satin Bindings Full Double Bed Sixe Decorator Colors 50 c Will Hold! Now is the time to select your fine woolen blankets for that new home or for your fall and winter's use while low prices prevail on truly "good quality" virgin, wool. These blankets by FARIBO are unequalled in value Their special "fluff loomed" weave wilt not mat as many other blankeu of ordinary wool. Their pre-shrunk sizing, their mothproofnig sll add up to great value! Be sure to see our 54th Anniversary Sale of blankets this week. Select from the beautiful decorator shades such aa Carnation pink, Citron yellow, Fiesta red, Sky blue. Mint green, etc. Ip luxury sizes Blanket displays on every floor during the sale. Guaranteed Mothproof for 5 Years! DOWNSTAIRS BEDDING DEPT.