Bridegroom Swept Out Into Fatal Fall as Airliner Door Rips Off; Probe Launched ASHEVILLE. N. C. ( Three ' iately. C. A. Murray, a Civil Aero-1 tragedy. Coroner Ollie Harris. of 'Education' for Natural Gasl"ejlam,Avia'7 Bill Cost 'Near $2 Million'it0 investigations were under way Thursday in the death of a bride groom of one day who plunged vMn feet from the open door of a Piedmont Airliner Wednesday night. The badly mangled body of Oren Ase Pruitt. 38. of Charlotte, N.C.. was found by police in the grave yard of a church six miles north of Shelby, N.c. The impact tore part ot nis clothing and his shoes from his body. The couple, married Tuesday in York, S C., were on their honey moon to Asheville to meet Mrs. Pruit's parents. Mrs. Pruit, under djpsior't care at her parents' home, said her husband got up to go to the men's room. She added: 'I heard ... it was a little while after that ... a big whosh. The wind was screaming in. Somebody said the door had blown off. Afraid U Look 'I thought Oren was In the men's room still. Nobody got up, I was afraid to look back there. 'And then a stewardess rame to my seat and sat down beside me. I knew then. Nobody ever told me anything. I don't know what happened. 1 just know he was gone." Capt. B. B. Slaughter of Winston Salem, the pilot, said the flight' was about 20 minutes out of Char lote en route to Asheville when the mishap occured at S:0t p.m. Slaughter, flying since 1939, said be had never heard of a plane door of this type coming open accident ally. Inquiring Team Piedmont Airlines sent an In quiry team to the scene immed- nautics Administration Inspector, Shelby impanelled a Jury to inves- came to Asheville to check into the tigate the mishap. Dogs Actions Save Family From Blaze .sT jW' sWBBMssWtasli- V ' '' . ' ? " ma By J. W. DAVIS I McCollum is also president of WASHINGTON l - The head the Continental Oil Co. He testi of an oil and gae Industry eom- tied hit firm contributed $57,00e . G. McGee, a Piedmont official ,-.-j i ... n ,:, i ,,i ... .ii WOO nisnca tO ASDeVtlte, SaW ;Tu.-j- ,u., ;, .1 K. Ml I rniita unit rharcuul il nil son. Tmf HIM V sa ! w llliovv, mmmrm public education and infor-ieral business expense. Sen. Anderson iu NM com- ASHEVILLE. N.C.. Orel Asa Pruitt, M, of Charlotte, N.C., a bride groom of tie day, fen C.OOt feet from an airltarr to hli death Wed nesday, landing ia a Shelby. N.C., cemetery. Officials are Inveatt (atlas; how the plane's aW cave open. (AP Wlrephoto) Oregon Salesman Found Guilty of FI I A - Charges TI I.SA. Okla. I Their dog's scratching at a door aroused the Howard Peterson Jr. family Thursday to find their home afire. And, in the canfusion, Peterson had to knock his 14-year-old son , unconscious to save him from the . . i m burning dwelling. M B'LLIN,S' 1 The boy. Howard Peterson HI, LM .uU.0 suffered head and hand burns Zl,! n SS 2 ,..k- u. i.,i.;.ii.. i. . . i statements in applications for when he tried hysterically to put F(dm, Housing Administration out names in a grand piano and , convicted on four save hu concert sheet music. His Lounts Thursday by , rederiI sister. Jan, 15, received similar rourt jllrv Another count was r.ns' . , i dismissed by the government. Mrs. Peterson and a four-year-' jllrtKe cnarlrs N. Prav, Creat old son got to safety through a pan,,, pice Martin on probation ln(l"tt for five years. He said Martin Tctrrson said he had to knock could return to Oregon, but must his son out when the boy became j report regularly to a probation frantic at seeing the piano burn . officer. and tried to save his music even! The charges against Martin though his clothing was afire. grew out of his work as a sales- -'ivrv-rrrrr -rr wr nninra iw im inr rfuwMf mukmm mm u mi m man of roofing and siding jobs while employed by a Billings firm. Ycu Are Invited to Visit Our 'CHARM HOUSE' A Cape Cod cottage furnished wi'h the warmth and friendli ness of early American maple at its best. Where you may shop at your leisure with tree decorating help, if desired. Our "( harm House" has just been completely redecorated. GOOD HOUSEKEEPING INC 4167 Court n. 3 9611 Open Mob. Fri. Til S Vllie, Saw ; Thirci il humI tl K ill ) milta nnH pharniul il nit am son. There ia not a way in the worlds . Tifhi-. i..iLL .J i'r,. hL.ine.. the door could have been forced . rnation campaign opea oy pressure ano ine ooor is u was lobbying, Leonard mented. with reference to the fed not something you can just bump w McCollum of Houston. Tex.. 1 era! tax of 51 Dot cent on corDora- agaisst and open. jtow weciai Senate lobby in- tioa income, this meant in effect The Airline said the door it fas- vestigation committee. He said that the federal treasury "paid tened bv three bayonet-type latches i none oi the money was aiven to ' 52 nor cent of the cost of this and that aa attendant checks them j lawmakers ia the form of cam-campaign." through- small glass windows be- paiga contributions or otherwise, I Anderson said the internal reve- lore flight take-offs. He also said , and roost of it went for advertise- nue code says a company, in fig MIAMI BEACH, Fla. l-A 300- bird aviary twned by financier Sam Kay migrated under court order to a suburban Miami site. Judge Albert Saperstein heeded neighbors' pleaa that too many as sorted bird calls came night and day from a giant cage oa Kay s grounds housing oatrichea. swans, peacocks, pheasant, parrota, emus. ducks, pigeons and geese Statesman, Salem, Ore., Fri., June IS, '58 (Sec. II)-17 300 Attending Veterans Meeting :'c BAKER The second an nual convention of Oregon veter ans of the first Work) War was In progress here Thursday, with 300 attending. The state commander, John Dillage of Eugene, presided. Del egates from 33 units attended. Friday, the organisation t h e Veterans of World War l-wil nam district officers. State offW cm will be elected Saturday, tha convention's-final day. The veter ans will consider resolutions FrV day. - I Tbt women's auxiliary also ia meeting. a red light comes on in the pilot's cabin if the latches are not fast ened. McGee said none of the 24 pas sengers saw the mishap "except one man, who said he saw Pruitts ZTZL Z" Ju ,Tf. heek, gain, out the door. Fire Lights Up Town Like Yule HAWESVIIXE. Ky. I This little town lit up like Christmas when Charles Butler's house caught fire just after dark. Half the resi dents turned out excitedly aa& during the uproar, someone turned oa the Christmas lights that had been hanging over the streets since December. ments and printing luring its income tax, may not McCollum said that one hoped- deduct from gross income any for result of the program was ' amounts spent on such activities legislation freeing natural gas pro- as lobbying on legislation or "ex ducers of federal controls, but its ploitation of propaganda" In other purpose was "far broader than! than trade advertising of its pro- ce of legislation. ducts. explained the basic objective McCollum said tax lawyers had was to acquaint the public with advised that contributions to the problems of the oil and gas in- industry committee could be dustry- charged to business expense. IMPORTED GIFTS Largtst StUction in City 20 OFF Gifts from India, Egypt, Hongkong, Africa, Siem, Pakistan, Ecuador, Portugal, Wast Germany, Korea, Mask, Israel, Japan, Holland, Sweden and Iran. BUY NOW K YOUR GIFTS AND PtlZES PENSON'S, 1340 PARK AVE. SURGICAL SUPPORTS Of All Kinds, Traaoea, Abdominal Supports. Elattia HMiory Mpert Fitters TrieaU FiUiif laoau Ask few Doctor" Ccpitsl Drug Stsrt 4IS State Street Coraer at liberty Grtra ttaapa . b Qui assail) 1 fS f ? 1 a r V !) 17 j 4 i f I III y r j; Ilk I i l k h r V l -1 f M I . I m i WPWfW!ew Real "Cool'' BARGAINS in the patio at Jf- ' ' "hSj 4jt .tmm:ltitm Open Friday And Monday Night 'Til 9 ALL SALES FINAL! conoN ft Mh 111 H 7 'Ml ll Bf W Hin im I fc POPUN I ....T7yT"t rTT?:i ? L : .-'t ,JuW. lv$M WuSS rJSSkl mmw jts" nrd -IfVA'; I--M''iL-::.-iliffl I I I I an .. . - . Toddler g Fancv r cature! Girls Fashion Britches Fasliion Britches f 1.00 I I rW!w.wwwyet)Mi PEDAL PUSHERS! Reg 5.95 JACKETS 99" With FREE Rope Belt Reg. to 4.95 POPULAR Reg. to 195 COTTON BLOUSES $99 CORDUROY POPOVERS $99 CRAZY PANTS $295 Reg. .5.95 COTTON Reg. 5.95 COTTON ANO LINEN SKIRTS BLOUSES S.9S O QUILTED COTTON AND CORDUROY SKIRTS ?7" Reg. 10.t5 BARGAIN TABLE I'' Novelty i 9 westers i Cardlgsa a S westers Reg. to 7.95 $399 Biiy's (lotton Sport Shirts 1 00 ,f Gaily printed cotton with the new finish that need little or no iroiiing. Machine washable, too. MAIN FLOOR Women's Snap-It Beads . . .Now for A tax Made of light beads that pop apart easily, reassemble into short, long, bracelet Icngthsl Shlmmery white, pink. MAIN FLOOR L 77c Gabardine merry-mtxers bar Ucked at all points of strain. Sanforized! Vat-dyed! SECOND FLOOR Sizes 3 to 6x Penney's small fry fashion britches are just like Mom'il Cottons, twills, chambrsy den ims ... all sanforized ... ail colorful as summer. SECOND FLOOR s7IiiaT P1notw1 Q Draw Drapes , 4.88 v. Quality Uilorei throughout k hoary lustrous rsyoo-eoUons, rich acetates. Btiert noraia, Kt nlea, leafs, nodanu, plains. DOWNSTAIRS STORK Downstair Store (Clearance ! -! I 150 60 41 100 60 100 120 100 Pair Wemea's Better Flats sad Heels . . . Save New Pair Children's Oxfords and Flats . . . Broken Slies ... . .. . Pair Mra's Canvas Deck Shoes . . . Brokea Sites , Only Women's Street Dresses . . . Clearance Priced Only Women's Darron Sheer Print Dresses Now Only Sofa Pillow Coven . . . Large Site . . . Assorted Colors .. Only Better Printed Cafe Curtains Save Now Only Cottoa Braided Rugs . . . Multi-colored . . . Now 2.88 2.88 2.77 2.99 5.00 25c 2.22 1.00 34 8 47 Mezzanine Clearance 2 I ! Only-7JiMMnch Blend BlaakeU . . . Now Repriced Only 72xS4-inck 100 Wool Blankets . . . Now Repriced Only Assorted Group of Quilts, Spreads, Now Drastically Reduced! ............ il Only Foam Latei lubber Pillows . a Zipper Cover ; - CAAA 0n'v 12x12 Inch Colored JVVU Wash Cloths, nlaia and sirloe .... a r a Only 22x44 Inch Heavy Weight 4 $1 tJW Bath Towels - tt I jaa Yards Pongee Prints and 77 Famous Name Ginghams 6.C0 7X3 5.00 .... 30)0 8, Alain Floor (Jearanee ! !.! 74 Only Boys' long Sleeve Gabardine Sport Shirts, now $1.00 29 Only Boys' Novelty Jackets, now re-priced j $3 n(l $4 114 Only Boys' Army Twill Pants, save now at $2 )0O Pair Boys' Denim Play Shorts, your choice now at 2 'or $1 73 Only Men's Novelty Polo Shirts, boat neck or iiaucho $1,50 87 Only Man's Bettor Quality Sport Shirts, short sleeve $2.00 30 Pair Man's Rayon Blend Slacks, broken sires - S3. 00 15 Pair Men's Better All Wool Slacks, broken sizes - $3.00 Pair Men's Cover Work Pants, hurry, save., $2.00 97 Only Women's Better Belts, now reduced 50 43 Only Women's Better Handbags, now only $1.77 43 Only Women's Embosses Cotton Slips, broken sizes $1.44 51 Only Women's Chillis Baby Doll Pajamas, now...! $2.00 134 Pair Woman's Assorted Fancy Panties, now. 2 for $1 116 Only Boxed Day-of-the-Week Pantle Sets . $2.50 Second Floor Clearance I I I 43 Only Wamen's Batter Cotton Skirts, 10 to 18 103 Only Woman's Purt Silk Blouses, now only 94 Only Woman's Short Slacks, prints, stripes, plains. ...... 200 Only Woman's Polo Shirts, sleeveless, boat necks....... 318 Only Woman's Stardust Bras, regular or padded 62 Only Women's Bettor Drosses, now reduced 70 Only Women's 100 Wool and 100 Nylon Short Coats 189 Only Women's Summer Millinery, reduced 96 Only Women's Better Cotton Robes, 4 stylos.- 6? Only Olrls' Sleeveless Blouses, assorted colors, 3 to 14.. 184 Pair Girls' Shorts, prints or plains, 3 to 6x 142 Only Better Cotton Crib Blankets, reduced to 67 Only Toddlers' Caps and Bonnets, twill or nylon .. . 782 Pair Olrls' Short Slacks, prints or plains, 7 to 14 $3.66 - $1.50 -$2.83 .$1.00 $1.00 $4,853 $i.M - $1.44 --$4.77 $1.00 - $1.00 $3.33 $1.50 - $1.50 It OiMY FVMOl'S NAME STROLLERS AND WALKERS 1400 Collapsible frames, canopy nd shopping bags . . . Wonderful buy. SECOND FLOOR f) ONLY.Jp. YEAR SIZE HARDWOOD CRIRS . On roller . . Drop Mrle . . . Ad justable spnnKs . . . Buy now ... SECOND FLOOR . NOW 21o 950 Yards Darron Lcno Dot and Rayon Suiting . . . Wonderful summer pieee goods now drastically reduced . . . (iood color choice too . . . Buy now and sae! Make that extrSj dresi oi . suit at big, big sav ing' . . . " MEZZANINE 1 44 Yd, is PIECE GOODS REMNANTS Drastically Reduced . . . large selection! Now only . . 25c to $1 piece MEZZANINE Better Piece Goods Reduced 30c vi. Wondrrful group of cotton ginijhimi. regulsted cottons and poplin prints . . . Vahh!e fabrics . . 35 3fl inches wide . . MEZZANINE Women's Better Shoes! Heels, Wedges, Flats . . 300 pair now drastically 'redu ced during remodeling . . . Many summer styles snd colors for vour selection. Most all lit ei too . . . Hurry! Save Now! I DOWNSTAIRS STORE 3 88 Reg. to 14.95 Swim Suits