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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (June 15, 1956)
I6-(Sec II) Statesman, Salem, Ore., Frl, June 15, '56 iMiricm Hirh Weds Kenneth Scott WILLAMINA Miss Miriam Carol Uun, and Kenneth Duane Scott, were united in marriage Sunday, June I in a 3 p. m. cere mony at the Emmanuel Lutheran church. The bride it the daugh- A pearl crown held her reil and the carried a white Bible topped with pink orehidi. ' Miu Patricia Johnston wai cous Miu Sharon Humheralarf nf Tit ter Of Mr. and Mrs. OttO HilH of , l.mnnr and Miat Karen Sannr Willamina, and thebridg(rroom!0f Portland were bridesmaid. 1 at a 7:30 o'clock ceremony at the tSSSaJSL' I A1i 6re wn ink "k bro. First Christian Church in Silver- icott ot Seneca. cade and carried nosegays of ( . M . The service waa read by Re?, pink and white Esther Reed toB- Tb brld tb uht' Howard Baumgart Miss Donna daisies and carnation. ! Mr. and Mrs. Ralph E. Mollet of Stoddard and Hits J a a a e 1 1 e Arnold Kan was hest man. and Sublimity and Mr. Curry is the Wooden lighted the candles. Miss ushers were Lee Him of Willa- . M . Bi.klrj t Betty Jean Scott, sister of the mina and Howard Poppleton of." 01 T i bridegroom sang, and Miu Unda CorvaUis. Curry of Taft, Calit The Rev. I. j Beck was pianist I The couple will live In Mc-i M. Nelson performed thf nup- The bride wore i white gown Minnville. The hridggrocm ,u tiala. Miaa Ellen, Shepherd waa with a lace bodice and a tulle emolcyed at U. S. Plywood in ' R i skirt trimmed with lace and nefWiilamlna. stn oe1Ut "d AIiM Bron. 1 son the organist . Lighting the ; ATmmmm"'" I candles were Miss Loree King and Miss Janice Scnulke. The bride wore a floor length gown of white satin and net and a fingertip veil. She carried a bouquet of white roses and sweet peas. Miss Betty SCuhr, the honor maid, wore a blue net gown over j satin. The bridesmaids. Misa Janet Kailis and Mjss Mary Jo. Slayton, wore pink ballerina i dresses. They carried bouquets ' of pink and white sweet peas. Jack Curry was the ring bearer. Attend the Groom Monte Mollet served as best man and groomsmen were Morris , Fisher and David Patten. Ushers were Wayne A. Rebo and Ralph Mollet Jr. Mrs. Mollet wore a blue satin gown with white accessories and the bridegroom's mother chose a white suit Their corsages were , pink and white roses and carna tions. The reception was held In the church parlor. Mrs. Nellie Mollet and Mrs. Charlie Wright poured. Mrs. Stanley Hitchcock cut the cake, assisted by Mrs. Maurice Heater.- Assisting were Mcsdames Vera Thomas, Evelyn Wright. Clifford Stuhr, Wayne Rebo, Ralph Mollet Jr., Miss. Patsy Rodgers, Miss Kolctte Thomas and Jimmy Heater. After a wedding trip along the Sally Mollet Is Bride of Mr. Curry , Miss Sally Ann Mollet and Richard Ned Curry exchanged their marriage vows on June I Wed at Church Rites " I Please PeJ SLACKS... 100 wool t7 QC C C QC PRICED...! 3. ,73 TOllV.TeV SPORT SHIRTS... Short and long CO O CO 0 laevo. at only-ePXiTeV nd 4W.7eJ Sporf Coats and Jackets ... o..$i395 $27.95 SUITS $25 00 $55.00 . All 10t Vlrgi) Weei-Nationally Advertised ' At Factory Discount Prices - C OPEN AU DAY fATUKDAY - T' - - . - KAY WOOLEN MILL STORE 260 South MM " Acre from WilUmttt Campus A .it 71 Laurel Social Club Feted Fathers Are Honored by Court Miss Walters Honor Guest At Shower Aft event of Wednesday eve- ninff vai m hi-ia-tAl Hfart.KhnwVfr ffiwamn In knnnr fit Mica Patricia Coffel read an article on the or- as well as clearly defining "Fa Walters, who U to be wed to Del- 'an oi uag oay ano joon yuiring i jners ana ineir responsioiuues, j uu sku uj bert Davia Sunday, June 24 at d Steven Coffel played piano with Elmer Boyer being chosen Lyle McCauley and Mr. and Mrs. the First Methodist Church. selections. I by the matron as Father of the ' Elmer Boycr, a travelogue film ! o( ore son was snown oy Mr ana ! Mrs. Turnbull. Mrs. Elmer Emmett, with Mrs. Arnold Coffel as co-hostess, en tertained the Laurel Social Hour Club Tuesday. Mrs. O. T. Laidlaw gave a talk about th boys' activ ities at the Blind School. Mrs. gave a The regular stated meeting of Cherry Court, Order of the Am aranth was held Wednesday eve ning in the Scottish Rite temple. To honor fathers and husbands, Mrs. Paul Shafer, -oyal matron. reading on "Husbands' July 25 was the date set for the Court's annual picnic which will be held in the garden of Mr. and Mrs. James Turnbull. The Grand Court picnic will be Aug ust 12 at Champoeg State Park. During the. social hour, which was headed by Miss Evelyn Stcrk Th Uiun Knnhia Pnii Vi.i A plant exchange was held dur-1 Vear ih. rnurt r - i ,1 . r.... Tk. .1..K f.,ll " .., ... . .. Jonei with a hand ! uiuua w iircscmru uy paugn entenainea ai me nome .. , . h is goon the past royal matrons and pa- i . n i tn'? monh,oWPorUa Citron in hoU of Mr,. Ray V ; Of f .cerS InHlallr.1 ration motifs. Appointed w Mr. and N'.n. Robert F. Briles (Dolores Elaine Van Arsdale) whose weddir.a was an event oi June 9 at the First Methodist Church. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Van Arsdale of Geneseo, Kansas and Mr Briles is the son of Mr. and Mi Dewey Briles of Aumsville. (McEwan Studio). Honoring the bride-to-be were . " "tl. Iher mother, MrCeorge A. Wai- jn 1 , ters, Mrs. Melbern Davis, moth- ' ;er of the bridegroom-elect, Mrs. I I . Pat Davis, Mrs. Gus Polalcs. Mrs. I A 1111 LPfinPrS juaesy inance, mrs. n. a. reca-j i enpaugh, Mrs. Robert A. Seam if sler. Mrs. Steven Benson. Mn. "Allen Endrus, Mrs. Dick Tandy, DiMrs. Ed Hemann, Mrs. Ted Rei mann, Mrs. Lavonne Hemann, iuh d ; Ak i i, i.. ii I mis. nituaiu vuir, mrs. rcircii! , . . . . . ICovalt, Mioses Teddv Ruth Gor-eB -UD, 035 Ju" au"cu don, Judy wood, Gloria Wood, oUhe appoinimeni oi two ure Marilyn Blakely, Billie Miller, ; gon women to off ices in the Gen Sharon Brown, Carolyn Parker.' ., . .. jSonia Nohlgren, Margaret Miller,;"" "u"" Norma Hamilton, Sharon Heider, ' Clubs. Celia Weaver, and the hostesses.' The two are Mrs Marion T. I ' Weatherford of Arlington and WILLAMINA Nancy Johnson, Mrs H. M. Zell of Wasco. Mm. JSSissrSi chf t j were initiated into the Theta Rho Conservation of Natural Re club at the . Monday evening sources department, and Mrs. ! meeting Plans were made to Zelr, appointment is chairman I have a float in the Phil Sheridan . D ... u I parade, and a committee was:Eur?P and BnUsl, Common ! appointed to work on the float, j wealth W"ob. International 1 Eight members and the advisor Affalrs department I will attend the State Aswrnhlv in Both women are past presi- McMinnville June 15 and 16. A dents of the Oregon Federation and school of instruction of Women's tiuos ana weii held for the advisors on known In cluo circles throughout Thursday. , the state. nrescnt were Mrs.. Hazel Karn ! Johnson, junior past royal ma- Mrs.. Clark McCall was hostess and Carol Ann Decker of Port-1 iron, and P. H. Michael, junior at her Market St. home for the past royal patron, for their sign- last summer meeting of the Sue- ing of the Court Bible. ' gle Woman's Club. New officers Visitors were Mr. and Mrs. 1 installed were president, Mrs. James Manning. j John Olthoff, Mrs. Etrl Rowland, Mrs. AI Lightner Sr., member , secretary; and Mrs. Jon f'-'-i, and musician for the Court, was treasurer. Plans were made for congratulated for her recent a picnic dinner at the Ciitiord election and installation as wor-iYost home in September, ulrs. Mrs. George Rossman, presi- thy high priestess of Willamette , Lawrence Kleice assisted the dent, Oregon Federation of Worx-; White Shrine. I hostess. 'port. lli;i.aiii liiiK fftiilim c:.-jfnftii Hake Dad and Mother a King and Queen . Aiier weauinR trip iiunjj ine . f O ' ft. I f Oregon and Washington coast the lYirS. UUBOfS TBVi SfMOUrnPr couple will be at home in Reeda- , . JWUUIIICI3 urana Keaenr , i nAn.,mM u n-Mn -'Luncheon W00DBURN Mrs. David Du Boii was installed as grand regent TL , , rr4nt K of Court Victory No. 731. Catholic I I I w I 3UU J H daughters of America, by Mrs. The Sa)cm Sojourners neld I I A. W. Lovick. Salem, district CDAth?il. first meeting of the month j deputy, Monday evening a! St. on Thursday at the Salem Worn If Luke's parish hall in Woodburn. ans Club. . A dessert luncheon Z Seated also were Mrs. Kilian WnB rvd by the committee. Mrs Decdrations featured the Rose ,i Festival Parcde. Small rose-cov- Juhn Doubrava, historian; Floyd Maricle, treasurer; Lawrence Paradis. monitor: J Rosanna Aicher," sentinel; James Petshow. lecturer: Lester Wells, organist. z George Gnmps, retiring U Smith, vice-grand regent; t Peter van Well, prophetess; Lilt, SMurity f Evmm( Fell, . it I trtttr Hmt$ A WW tlx iWk 4 jm mmm 1 Tkt tara Lauaatf k bvili tec nlW. Mdinw. (ksrw. tt wrt ytm set tot na St! Leak lot ih mm "ntrcalMiniwr" dr th Wft-rnt. Cmitnt, Ntw Ytritr. ITS CORONATION YEAR! And A here's regal relaxation (or Mr. and Mrs. America: a pair of the nott supremely comfortable chain built! No king or queen ever relaxed more blissfully than you will in your BarcaLounger, because no Other chair ever had Barcalo's new unproved "Floating Comfort" fea tures. You just lit down and lean back and stretch out You get fully balanced support in any position from sitting to reclining from the toordimUtd movement of the back rest, teat and leg-rest. Yet the BarcaLounger, with its almost magical comfort features, is mot a gadget. It's beautiful chair, mad to traditional fine-furniture Standards by painstaking craftsmen, la beautiful Decorator fabrics, col orful plastics and top-grain leather. See it today. i " MUut i imrminii mi -i i tmmmmmmmimntmia -4 r 1 Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mr. Mrs. 'Mrs. grand rnoent iinH Mica Frnpfttine Nath- ''man. two-vcar trustees: and Mrs. I Tom P. Gorman, one-year trustee. till Mrs. vinmps reporiea on ine re cent state convention to which she was a delegate. The group voted In sAfiH twn rfi.lp(7atp in th nn. ional convention in Portland in .- July. Father John Lark in of St v Lukes' Catholic Church will be 4 a guest of Court Victory at the con- vention. Mra. Frank Pavelek, grand regent of Court Capital City, Salem, spoke to the group. r The new grand regent announced her standing committees as fol- lows: Mary bronec, retreats; Mrs. J Jim Petshow, Confraternity of Christian Doctrine; Mrs. Kilian Smith, Archdiocesan Council oi i Catholic Women; Mrs. Henry Whit- ny library; Mrs. Joe Sowa, Icgis- lfllivp and civic affairs: MLs Nathman, war relief and welfare; Mrs. Frank Bentley. fraternal courtesy; and Mrs. Gorman, home and familv life. ered floats were used as center pieces for the individual tables and Disneyland characterized the decorations in the club room. Mrs. Charles Shaw was chair man for the day, assisted by Mrs. Edward Clark, Mrs. Donald San ders, Mrs. J. A. Anderson, Mrs. Max Bauer, Mrs. Dennis DeJong and Mrs. Keith Layman Following the business meet ing cards were in play. Prospective members attending were Mrs. Carl Lundgren, Mrs. Sam Tosti and Mrs. Jack Lum-bley. New member welcomed into the club was Mrs. R. E. Cillispie. The greeting committee included Mrs. Roger Webb, chairman, Mrs. Charles Rich and Mrs. Paul Van dcVelde. Visitors -were Mrs. Mallory, Mrs. Doyje DeJong and Miss t-ih-en Hanna. t cs w $ ' FRIDAY - JUNE 15 ; Helena Rubenstein's Paris Beauty Course, con ducted by Helens Rubenstein beauty experts, featuring figure control, skin care, and make-up AUDITORIUM, SECOND FLOOR 2:30 AND 6:30 P. M. LI Mw MkM SIS neff tarta BtrcsLomnttr i flarJ tultltlit (tbtrt), tin lbtr immt ittottlot k Itbrui. Miuitli ktd-rU flipi M ( f $ifhl wbtn -1 (d(o) 4s U U TERMS TERMS sua Sill bzd IIUX WATCH TV Kiyiit III 9 P.M. If PARK FREE! On Our Lot. While Shopping Our Store Southsid of Store. i Ncedlecraft H r. c 764 ) f mm HAMILTON FURNITURE CO. TV I 230 CHE Mi E T A 4IW!'W".V,.ViWI SALEM. OREGON Skirt of the season! Rows and rows of shell stitches baby I shells at the waist that grow big- ger and bigger toward the hem! Jiffy-crochet it's beginner-easy! Ji Crochet Pattern 764: Misses' f Waist Sizes 20-22; 24-26; 28-30 A inho irfttAA Vf sU K i n n atla Send TWENTl-riVI C t N T S tn colm Inr thll pattern add S cnti (or each pattern (or li'-clisi mall- Ins. hfn1 to TDe Oregon Slateiman, S23 Needlerraft Dept.. P.O. Box 1SS, i Old Chelaea Station. New York 11. N Y. Print plainer rATTRRN NIIM BRR. your NANI, ADDRESS and ZONI. Wi LOOK for mart lift Ideal In our J. Laura Wheeler Needleerall Calalos iSM Crochet, knlttinf. embroidery, love. I I ly thlnia to wear Dolli. lron-on i quilts, aprona, noveltlea easy, (un ; 41 to make I Send is renla (or your copy ;."io( thia book NOW I You will want to order avtrjr mi Sleaura ia 1U J brealy i tmzr il n f I N'ortl Liberty . , -1 V A 3V print on iheer rayon color rayon lintrt thtt tht jiektt of aodd combinM eaiily with, other tummsK dritt , , , Hand wiKbl in grim, black or brown. Sun 12 20 NV'2 to 22"a. ill North Libert vou don't have to F he bank Dresses, 2nd floor . i u".".-'i" " 1 7 7 is . MWwtfM i f t f V' f J to own BESTFORM'S MONTE CARLO Wliat would you bet you'd pay for tbi ill-nylon torsolettr? It's made of iheer embroidered mirquiiette with iniertt of nyictl leno elastic . . . it's shaped with under buit wiring and just the merest hint of foam rubber padding for perfect uplift . . . it's braced with nine rows of boning to keep you ileek as a streak. Would you tay $10-$15-20-$25? The Monte Carlo is under 18. Sizes 32-36 A-cup, 32-40 B-cup, 32-40 C-cup. In white. 7.9S WE GIVE AND REDEEMrMGREEN STAMPS MM-MM wws? Vtyihr m 5"TS.3 , l " J flji4