Statesman, Salem, Ore., Fit, June 15, 56 (Sec I)-ll OSC Experts Doubt Cloud Seeding Value By LILUK U MADSEN Farm Edtter, Tkc SUiesnua Oregon SUte College actentisU don t like recent reports frem the federal advisory weather control committee. The committee uyt that cloud seeding in Eastern Ore gon has increased precipitation. The part of Eastern Oregon con sidered in the committee report is I lnl(fOlnl(oj I . .,7 u 1 DX 1 I y-y y '- ri that known as Tn -County, where a seeding project has been con ducted. Dr. Lyle D. Calin. OSC agricul tural experiment station statis tician, Thursday compared the fed eral committee report with an OSC evaluation put out in 1954. The latter said that it found "no defi nite increases in rainfall due to seeding. Calvin pointed to two procedures used by the federal committee in which "invalid assumptions or in terpretations" appear to have been mace. Method Enlisted The college scientist evaluated cloud seeding efforts in the Tri- tounly area (Sherman, Gilliam and Morrow counties from 1950 to 19M for the Oregon Wheat Com mission. Russell Lincoln, Fred Decker and John Day. physics de partment meteorologists, cooper ated on the project. They reported that not enough above natural rainfall had oc curred to credit it to "anything but chance." The 11 - man federal advisory committee, however, has sent an interim report to President Eisen hower stating that increases in precipitation were produced by cloud seeding efforts in a number of areas on the west Coast. Recent news stories have singled nut the Tri-County project for sne cial mention as showing an ID per cent increase. Report Issued Since the committee's report was issued. Calvin has written to the enmmittee staff to obtain informa tion on their methods, in an at tempt to explain dilferences in the two reports. In his own compari son. he has found a number of important differences between the two evaluations. The college scientists have avked that the federal committee publish details on the methods used in calculating project results and in arriving at findings on the project So far, Calvin reports, the com mittee bas issued only general conclusions. Filipinos Ask U.S. Leases On Bases Cut MANILA The chairman of the Philippine House Foreign Af fairs Committee has called f o r cutting of the leases on l;. S bases in the island republic from 99 to 10 years. Rep. Miguel Cuenco. who is vice chairman of a legislative commit tee reviewing the Philippines" treaties with the I'niled States, also recommended that the I nited States be allowed only three bases and that Philippine jurisdiction be established over them. Friction Caused The bases have caused consider able friction between Filipino and American officials President Ka ninn Magsaysay has made known that he wants the issue settled as soon as possible Talks to revise the W agreement are expected to get under way as soon as the new I'.S. ambassador. Albert Nil fer. arrives next month. Cuenco said American bases scattered through the islands would provoke a Communist air offensive in time of war "The air attack.'- he declared, "will not be confined to the bases hut will necessarily cover cities and towns .... if the enemy should choose to use atomic or hydrogen bombs of 10 to 20 mil linn tons of explosive force the Filipino race ill be annihilated " F.nvinu of Aid Cuenco also accused the I'mted States of h.ning been "more lib eral and just with other countries than with the Philippines, her most loyal and sincere ally and Inenrl " He said that in contrast with the long-term treaty with his gov ernment, the American agreement with Japan, "a former enemy, re garding bases is of temporary character." The legislator recommended that the Americans be allowed to keep only Clark Air Base and Ft Stot senburgh. north of Manila, and the Subir Bay Naval Base north west of the capital. One observer saw a house wren feed Us young 1.217 tunes in l." hours. !' 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