10-(Sgc.I) Statwman, Salem, Ore, Fit, June 15, "58 Drafting From Hat Settles County Precinct Posts By witnessing 11 maim pulled and Laura B. Fletcher. Satan, eut of a hat Thursday. County loser; 134, Dorothy L. DeJardc Clerk Hear; Mattsoa was able to Silvertoa. Helen M kinui aid release the arficial IM of Marioa Clementine M. Anderson, hoth e( County Democratic preciact com-; Silverton; 14. Dorothy C. Hadley, mitteemea and committeewomea Silvertoa, and Norma Gordon. SU- chosea at the May II primary elec- vertoa;- 18. Blanche M. Wanner. tkw. Mehama, and Hattie R. GolUet, MatUoa laid the Republicaa Bit win be released Friday after con ducting a aimilar tie-breaking pre- ceoure. The 11 amea five vomea aad til mea represented precincts that cast tie totes, la mot in stances the ties were where only eae vote was cast for each candi date. With a possible 2S4 committee , posts la be filledthat Is, a maa and a wemaa for each f the 177 county precincts the official list Included only 147 names of com mitteeemea or women. The latter figure represented 74 committee . mea and 71 committeewomea, II Taraat - There were M Democratic preH cinds left vacant, according to the list, and with but one af the twt possible seats filled. Vacant precinct offices will be filled through appointments by the Democratic Central Committee, iiattsoa explained. Precinct numbers and names af the 11 winners and losers, respec tiveJy. chosea by lot are: precinct 14, winner. Same r. Keuey. aaiem toa: 1st, Margaret 1 Clise. Gates, and Ruby L. Brishin, Gates. Precinct X, Maurice Kiery. Sa lem, and Omar F. KeUay, Salem; SS. Russell L. LandfaTe. Aurora, and Curtis Cofrmaa. Aurora; M, Magar. Salem Rt S; 182. Eugene A. Coles. Mebama, aad Frank Baal. Staytoa; add ltt. Jeff Le- ming. Idanha, and Joha Bryant, Detroit. Other Democratic commlttee- Mehama, and Bertha Bast. Stay Art leaner. Hubbard, and Ivan mea and committeewomea includ- DeArmood, Hubbard: 1H,. Ralph led ea the official list are: precint 1. Salem. Lou C. Doughtoa; Z. Salem. W. R. Alvin and Ruth E. A. Wilson, Salem Rt. i, and Freed Navy, Marine Recruiting Up Through Slate Navy and Marina recruiters are having a field day this month re cruiting "AD Oregon" companies of mea, with Salem area youths making up a large percentage of the enlistments. ' -'"( The response to a Navy "All Ore gon recruiting drive was so great that two companies the "Beav ers" and "Ducks were formed and sworn la at Portland Wednes day. While the Marine Corps re ports that it will administer the oath to the tth Oregon Beaver Platooa during the pre-game cere monies of the Sacramento-Portland baseball game next Wednesday in Multnomah Stadium. j Salem area men who Joined the Navy's "All Oregon" companies dal, James Otis Blakeley, John Anthony Keseley, and Dennis Wal ter Smith. aU of Salem; Donald Wayne Hill Woodburn: Daniel Moody Hackett, Mt Angel; Leroy Edward Welter. SUvton: Mac Charles Joines. Valsets; Henry W2.50Q estate. Earl Abderhalden. Newberg; Cur- She agreed : ' i .- -- , 1 y ' Teeter; J9, Salem. Roy Lockenour; J9, Salem, Mary E. Eyre: 31. 31. Salem. Alma E. Pohle: 32. Salem. Albert Oakes: 33, Salem. Julie M. Steinbock; 34. Salem, G. L. Clark and Ruth Clark: SS. Sa lem. Peter A Beaumont: 3s. Sa lem. Mary A. Frederick: SS. Salem, Glen Sorensen and Marguerite E. Berg: 201, Salem. Sheila Laue; 202. Salem. Mary A. Bayles; J04. Salem. Carl E. Pyeatt; 205. Sa tern. R. F. Shutler and Ethel V, Timmerman; 20K, Salem, Myrna D. Cocbell and Vera Mae Cochell Precinct 208. Salem, Ira E. Sump- ter; 45. Salem. Barbara L. Hanne- man: 46. Salem. Barbara B. Lov cik; 47. Salem. Ralph W. Wyckoff. Jr. and Faith R. Wyckofl; 48 Salem, Thomas G. Wright, Jr. and Marguerite W. Wright: 51, Salem Neale V. Chancy and Mary Lou Chaney; 55. Salem. Ernest F. Al- thoff and Eva Shrake: 51. Salem Donald August Gessner; 60, Salem, John Hughes; 61, Salem, Charles W. Skinner; 63, Salem, Lorayne Johnson. 69, Salem, Winifred Jean Sampson; 70, Kenneth W. Bayne and Mary G. Green; 7. Salem. Marjorie E. Scruggs: 76. Salem, Earl J. Reynolds and Mildred A Reynolds: 77. Salem. David 0. Mc Rae and Helen Williams Precinct 78, Salem, Thomas C. Charles Creasv Jr has been r.nnght and uioria n. r.nngni; named a detective on the Salem Salem, Frank O. Muckndge: police force replacing Allen Mr- Salem. Virgil L. Hulser: 82. Rae, Chief of Police Clyde A. War-; William H. Egan, Brooks; 84 Ar- P0RTLAND ufl - Circuit Judge ren said Thursday. I ,en i?800; Bl- r'm:. f"' William L. Dickson Thursday Creasy has been with the depart-1 i. rZJ. "a. signed an order approving a set- ment since 1941. McRae. resigned j k,mS: .ri.Z- .. .. i I inrinititt n national insurance company. Creasy's appointment will be ef fective today, Warren said. BaMiag ak hat alauet eat ef reach. Cm sty Clerk Heary Mattsoa walcbes as his leertary. Beanie Andersen, picks eat the name ef a pretlact eeaunltteemaa or wesaaa Tharsday te break voting ties that resulted la the May It primary electlea. (Statesman Pkote) Woodbura; HI, Lawrence Klein schmit snd Leona Kleinschmit, Mt. Angel: 120. Ernest E. Crowder and Christine Crowder, Mt. Angel; 124. Wayne W. Strachan. Silverton. and Amy May Beer. Salem Rt. 2: 130. Cornelius C. Bateson, Salem Rt. S; 134. Albert F. DeJardo, Sil vertoa; 131, Charles A. Cross and Louise C. Cross, Silverton; 140, Carl Rutherford, Silverton Precinct 146, Sylinda M. Schmidt Scotts Mills: 148. Ira P. Loron Silverton; 150, Elbert G. Neal. Sub- Skinner; 4. Salem. Robert D. Conk lin and Billyerte I. Conklin; S. Salem. Guy W. Jonas. Jr.. and Jeaa E. BirreO: 7. Salem, George L. Gruchalla and Bern ice C. Gru chaila; I. Salem, John A. Rade maker; 11, Salem, Edaa M. Bishop: 13. Salem. J. K. Cloyd: 14. Salem. Vernon R. Grove: IS. David C. Bloom, Salem Rt. 4. and Salem. Roy R. Hewitt and Lena phy Moot. Salem Rt. 3: 158, Winni M. Hewitt: II. Salem. Roy Adsitt (red Zehner. Jefferson; 160. John and Dorothy B. Lee; is, Salem, c. Alexander and Nettie M. Havk: Herbert W. Carter; 20. Salem, let. Albert S. Gurgurich and Prestoa W. Hale: 22. Salem. ZeWa; Keilhol Smith, Jefferson: 162, John C. Boring; 23, Salem. Robert W. H. Smith. Marion, and Laura M. Mitchell; 25. Salem, Sylvia L. Thomas. Turner; 166. Perry Baker Slate Poultry Units Merge OORVALLIS ill - Oregoa'i two State Employes9 Production 'Coffee Time' to Open Tonight "Coffee Time," a variety show i Oregon State Employees Associa produced by Oregon state em- tion will participate-in the pro- Four Named to r Vie for Title of Miss Oregon SEASIDE 4) Four candidates for the title of Miss Oregon ia ik. iki ... i,.... .um. ! Poultry Hatchery Assn. and the chw,i riitnriiim ed the soonsorine Junior Cham- PoultryJ Improvement Assn . were The 5how, which will play to- One of the features of the pro- ed. the sponsoring junior tnanv mfrj(fd UuntUj Mo tht regoo Bight and Saturday, includes hu- gram will be the introduction of ber of Commerce here reported paltry nd Hatchery Assn. morous skits, dancing, singing, the eight River Days' princesses, Thursday. The vote of the 100 poultrymen music acts, impersonations, snd Van Dusen said. Each princess They are Wanda Reuhlen, Miss attending the meeting here was I "wrpnses . j will be pwniw individually to- ceremonies Frank Hutchison. hImmi will AMI it I ft. Bl. tO- I j. 7 T.. major poultry organisations, tne':.,., lh Salem High i , .. : ; , j .:,. , erai cnairman, saia. Yamhill County: Cathy Newman, j unanimous te combine the 36- T i .. Park rnc &inia Jnr0MI vmrkA MtiHr kttlkArv mutii Miss Springfield; and UUamay and the 21-year-old improvement : Clots Mrf I 111 PI U....II VI... r.r.n Pmintv I iClO'C 1 11 VJ"" Mascall. Miss Grant County. Others are to be named later, . , .l , : J limity. and Daphna Hunt. Silver- POesman lor me jaycees saiu. ton; 152. Mildred Bateson, Salem ni. ; iM. timer u. Mincn ana jt 1 11 Hedy Parker. Salem Rt 3: 156. ' Lollltllhia JilVer Continues Drop irouD. Dick Hanson of Corvallis was GrOUP EleCtS named first president of the new I organization. Barry Brownell. Hoplllir JltHl PortUnd. win ene as vice presi-1 dent and Noel Bennion. Oregon State College, as secretary. Directors are: John Kirk. St. Paul; Ross Hart. Beaverton: How ard Hughes, Hillsboro; Robert T,i it fi k't m m.. n . A'. r k p 7 Za Z Wilson. Albany; Bud Arnold. El Columbia River dropped nearly ,. ' . ' r..k...j five inches in the 24 hours ending Thursday morning and an even and Lydia V. Tracey. Turner; 168 Isaac T. Schmidt and Adeline C Beck. Precinct 26. Salem, Siviter W. Horn and Bettie L. Horn: 27, Sa-; Free, Salem lem. C. E. Teeter and Mary Gladys , prponl 172 Frea 0 greater fall is expected hen the MID-EAST RECOGNITION readim is taken again Friday. I rvrren ATIOS tm Secre- tw. r f r.,;.. iiri r.Mu.ri rise HammsrsitinlH mon. Baker, chairmn Sahli and ,nal aes rre holding along says in a 10-year review of world hoa trustees. Among acts to be presented tonight are: David Louthan. Salem enter tainer and Willamette I'niversity student, with a piano and singing act parodying Liberace: William Rignalda, magician: a ladies SEASIDE W. E. Mills of quartet dressed in 1920 costumes Roseburg is the new president of and taking off on the 'coffee the Oregon Fire Chiefs Assn. time" theme: a "Casey at the Others elected at the organiia- Bat skit w-ith a cast of Fairview lion's annual meeting here earlier " employers; t harlene Tuc OuS week arc: Bob Ballard. Taft. "P" Vho sang wuh j "J non saiHe vice LarPnr' Wrlk m Hollywood last and Clarence 0en Seaside xie Vcrnp presidents: Ivan Pearson. Mc- who .. wop t Ty MinnMuc. uru.r. . ... . award. Ed Syrng Jnd R()brrt WidowWaivcs Right to Estate of Attorney tlement in which Mrs. Marjorie Smith waived all rights except $2,500 ton her hurdered husband's Charles Creasy New Detective to the waiver til Marvin Martin, Newberg, and Wednesday, saying she wanted Dennis Marchant McCord, Carl- most ol the money to go to her ton. young daughter, Susan. The men wilt train together as special units at the U. S. Naval Training Center, Saa Diego, and will represent their state there. Mea from this area who will be sworn into the Marine Corps 6th Oregoa Beaver Platooa are Garry B. Gogie. Salem; 'Robert L. Fos ter. Independence; James A. Naff, Monmouth, and Theodore L. Draha, Newberg. Lloyd Merri man. Beaver outfielder and Ma rine reserve captain, will admin ister the oath ef enlistment. - LICENSES HALT DODGERS CLEVELAND. Ohio III -Cleveland police have a new plan to cut down on traffic court dolgers.H TM ermng licenses of arrested motorists are confiscated and not returned until be appears in court. A receipt serves as . a license in the Interim. Smith, a 34-year-old attorney, INCOME GAINS ABERDEEN iff - Harbor Plv wood Corp. Thursday reported a ; Emilius Jensen consolidated net income for the1 Margueritte St. John. Gervais was killed- in a dynamite blast nscaK year enaing March 31 of Precinct 106, Belly t,. Butcher, when he touched the starter of his $1,249,107. alter federal taxes. Woodburn: ion. Frank F Mellmer Lindquist and Irma Linnquist. Aurora: 92, Delbert M. Feller. Hubbard and Julia Peterson, Don ald: 94, Willis Mattbieu and Rober ta Matthieu. Auroa: 96, Elizabeth M. Fobert, Hubbard; 98, Anna De Armond, Huhbard: 102, Peter Gervais; 104. car at a golf course in April, 1954. The widow was acquitted of a charge of taking part in a plot to kill him. Victor Laurence Wolf, a handyman around the Smith ! home, confessed the crime and is serving a life term in the State Prison. The agreement provides that the money will not be paid out until a guardian has been appointed for the daughter. A court had award ed eusoty of the child to Smith's sister. Mrs. Elllen Hightower of Los Gatos. Calif. But Mrs. Smith is appealing the decision. amounting to $1.22 per share of and Emma Lena Otjen. Woodburn; common stock. Last year, the 110, Lester wells and Lena INchl company reported $1,067,862 after t Woodburn; 112. Selina Becker, federal taxes, or $1.04 per share. 1 Woodburn: 114, Elpha G. Mills. Before World War I, there were no independent Arab nations, says the National Geographic Society. sTI TUX I a , 'POP'ular choice ia No Wool Shirts Equal (y&ldfaotU 000 on General Paints Quality WHITE House i?R. GAL 7nJ WHITE ONLY IN GALLON CANS general Paiitl Corp. MO tenfer SI. C Phone 4-3631 wi $nn (tm sumps - 1 vr,,- 1 x Sunday It is not by chance that more outdoor men wear Pendletons than my other wool shirt. They know the Pendleton label is a constant assurance of quality and integrity. Step in and see the new Pendletons. We are showing many new patterns in rich virgin wool fabrics, all Pendleton-woven, Shirts from 12.95 3 - 3hIPPv$ ! Salem's Own Stort Sine 1890 1 f l anaiu, mux a. is 1 nig uu niiLHi. Salem, secretary: and Hugh Ua- t.a.pcn,er b()th xvith orcan musC j Twenty-eight usherettes in for mal uoWns and wrarms whit ih flnnHinn river The Cnhimhn economic aid that too little U.N. i The Oreeon Rural Fire Protec- carnation wrist corsages will sell Slough levee south of Portland attention has been paid to Africa tion Assn.. which met at the same home made candy during inter Meadows race track, which has and the Middle East. In a report; time, elected C. N. F.llery Sr., St. .mission tonight and Saturday, developed a leak, was reported to the U.N. Economic and Social Helens, president; Leslie Pfaff, j Van Dusen said, holding. j Council he says that staff mem- j Roseburg, and H. P. Teets, I Proceeds from the two shows The river was about 10 feet bers will be sent this year to the Kaiser, vice presidents; Mrs. will be used for college student and Ida Hartmann Sublimity: 188. ! above flood level at Vancouver. Middle East for on-the-spot eco-; Norma Ffietler, fcugene, secre- loan tunas, local chanties and Opal Leming, Idanha. I Wash. nomic studies. I tary. state employe activities. H1" Alfreda F. Sahli. AumsvilleO 174. Chester A. Keirsey. West Stayton, and Im'a D. Henrikson, Turner: 176, Joseph Pieser and Myrtle M. Pieser. Stayton: 171, Mary E. Nett ling. Stayton: 180. Wilfred Ditter "W j VrOIEUCK AND CO. A , ssBBassaajsaass ' q f& Pilgrin 1 rv. .i-itodtli--- :s.---- ':'.'f-v:-.wA'."ta'ii :. . 1 ImUm You'll find it at Sears! For Father's Day, and everyday, buy him the best! J Deluxe ir-ess to add spark to his wardrobe J .v" ft i h U H II I MM, please him with Pilgrim ties ONLY 1 00 You have a broad selection; neats, bolds, fancy weaves, repps. That's not all by a long shot. They make up into a hand some knot. The man who wears them looks neat. Buy them at Sears. Country Club Clip and Link Sets from LOO Continental styling means small and neat. He'll be in style with these handsome stone-set or metal designs. Men's allets 2.00 from Especially reduced for Fath er's day. Choose from large assortment of styles and col ors. Save now at Sears. Dad'll have "millionaire look" m these hand some business or pleasure shirts. He'll take on a luxury glow that'll match these sparkling feat ures . . . lustrous pima blend cotton, large ocean pearl buttons, French fronts, ' pleated pockets. Formease1 collars that never wrinkle or curl. In while. Sizes 14 thru 17. You'll please Dadl Show off your good taste . . they're rich in any crowd! PILGRIM gingham plaids Ln Just soy "Charge It" on Stars Revolving Charge oljol You'll be diessed neat, trim at all times! Choose from a wide variety of cheerful shades. Plaids are always in good taste! They're all washfast and pre-shrunk. Sized: small to large. Never a worry on size! Flex-Fits fit every size, 10 thru 14! Pilgrim Flex-Fits 3 for 1" Pilgrim socks in smart nylon clocks and assorted rolors. Flex-f its hug his foot, but never squeeze itl J o ' & if " . lgagjPl m).. ai. :v. .wiv.)cv, .X'.'.w-w . J, ' .: . :4 cSatifyk Capitol 3-9191