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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (June 14, 1956)
Board of Control Emergency Board Educational Squabble Over State Building Costs 1T0H for Vets , By PAlf W. HARVEY JR. Aaaarbud Pms Writer The Dowers at Oman's Board ! permission of Control have been limited in the ' board now has veto power over any past lew yean to that its chief decision the Board of Control might job now is to construct new build- make in regard to new buildings. ings at state institutions. . "c : The State Emergency Board. an!P of nal le1gls'"lur nd arm ij th. i,.o,.iair. th.i mkx i its emergency board have been emergency appropriations and re- j ""lif ouf vises budgets between sessions, doesn't think the Board of Control is doing that job well. Board of Control members are Gov. Klmo Smith. Secretary of State Karl T. Newbry and State Treasurer Sig- I'nander. They run ing or award a contract without mate was made by board em- legislature probably wail provide asking the emergency board lor ; ployes, and was based on the cost ! money lor some of them. Thus the emergency , of similar buuungs that bad al-i Construction of ines buildings ready been completed. win start in 1951. or twe years Building costs have soared since from now. - And if inflation keeps the estimate was made in lS54.iup, there wont be enough money The Board of Control says it j then, and we'll continue to go doesn't have a crystal ball to tell j through the same bickering again, what building costs will be two. years after it makes its estimates. The Board of Control opened bids j No Experts on three buildings lor rairvtew me ooara ooesnt nave experts Home, and they totaled 1634, OAS. ! to make its cost estimates. There That was $l66.6W more than the have been proposals to let the board's estimate. , board hire a full time architect to The Board of Control asked the ! make estimates, make preliminary emergency board-for an extra 122,- ! plans and have general supervision the state institutions, with their coum aware ine comrac. over new ouirams. most important job being to con- T1 wxt legislature will be asked; the legislature never nas given struct the new buildings authonied lor ner S.ow by the legislature. Second Pilot Meat Check Neariim End The legislature, and more par ticularly the emergency board, has become increasingly critical be cause the Board of Control has had to ask the emergency board many timrs for supplemental funds to build buildings. Approval Necessary .Second nilot meat insDCction In- this idea anv consideration, so the uniuin. 11 nini in Marina Pnllr Asked Better Estimate Board of Control says it will have 'Yamhill and Washington Counties The emergency board grudgingly to struggle along the best it can. 1 will end Thursday. Dr. Rotla grantee ine ib.wo. out again 11, . (.....ution, no. ra nra. Sexauer. suoervisinc the field operations lor the state agrtcul- nium beginning July 1, 1957. These budgets will contain requests for money for more buildings. The 1957 compiamea .nai int Dora ! paring their buogets for the b en trol should have made a better, , ::- . ,nti t. estimate on the total cost. The argument isn't all one-sided, though. - The Board of Control points out Wl U VI VUIIIIIM puims Mil . , The result is that the legislature that its estimate was made two, IHISIIIPSS 1 aCC has provided that the Board of Con- years ago so it could be submitted trol can t locate a site for a build- to the 1955 legislature. This esti- Three Salem Students Win Scholarships at Corvallis tural department, said Tuesday. One objective of the pilot pro gram, Sexauer said, is to inform meat plant operators of probable requirements under a permanent compulsory meat inspection pro gram. He said plant operations, as a whole, have coperated in correcting sanitation and ether practices not in compliance with the pilot program requirements. First round inspections last fall in. this area resulted in comdehv . Oregoa -war veterans returning to summer school this week and next were reminded Tuesday of their possible entitlement to SUte educational aid benefits. Raymond E. Pettey, educational Veterans Affairs, said eligible vet erans should apply for their state benefits when they register in school. Pettey also warned world II veterans that Dec. SI is the last day they may start schooling un der the state program. There is no deadline for Korean veterans. Application for state aid may be made at the school, through county Veterans! Service officers, or from the State Veterans' Department. State Finance Building. Salem, or the State Office Bailding in Port land. Veterans must have been Oregon residents for one year immediately prior to their service during World War II or the Korean conflict. Korean veterans must have served in the Korean area. Wheat Germ Oil Restores Cirl's Health Statesman, Salem, Ore, Thun, June 14, "58 (Set I) 3 Education Bill For Children of War Dead Gains SEATTLE - A 23-year-old girl made almost helpless by a muscle-wast ine disease has bees restored to almost normal activity u attar treatment with whoat mm Monday . oil Dr. Ira Manville of the Uni versity of Oregon Medical School reports. The girl's case, diagnosed Confessed Arsonist Found Guilty of Taking Vehicles Richard Kidd, 22. a confessed troying more than tsoi.MO worth of Portland arsonist was found guuty by a Marion County Circuit Court jury Wednesday on two counts of unauthorised tee of motor vehicles He is suited to be sentenced The charges, as outlined for jurors by District Attorney Ken neth Brown, involved two autos Kidd took in Salem and Detroit after escaping last March from eral years ago as muscular dys-;the criminally Insane ward at the unpnjr was prrser i-i oy nr. Oregon Stat Hospital. Kidd was committed to the hos pital as insane in 1954 after he was arrested and confessed to des- Conimie China Population Said For Far West Near Record SAN FRANCISCO UP - The aTELES Vhtlat?j nation of only five animals before I slaughter and IS after slaughter. Health Board Position Filled Appointment of Ralph Robertson, Portland, as a member of the State Board of Health was announced by Gov. Elmo Smith here Wednesday. He will represent the State Board of Pharmacy on the Board of Health. Robertson succeeds L. R. Riggs, also of Portland, who has resigned I 1 i ; : . . . ... snoweu no siacst-ninE in niav dui i n i.. . . n ...:n CORVALLIS -Three Salem stu-1 ships from the Oregon Congress of came within I scratch of tSESra dents have received scholarships or I Parents and Teachers for the 1958-1 inf! the all-time high established , hln hivlf- i av'tnl arch in rpnowA State College, it was announced ! about to enter her sophomore year , Th; F - . Posal to establish a statewide per- Wednesdav bv the school. j in education. She received a simi- J'V"3' rtl wl ? m!I!en,,05!e?1 lnUon EI,?,n''r to ())fll i? n tMckv . f Mr tor tiM .ward for th. v..r hist i an Francisco reported Wedncs- The 195 legislature referred the .'". .,. .,'. V"- -,' . ... , rt ,h . h k ,1hit - lh 1fc ,l In Ikn .lolo gnnilnr, IIIVIT IIUIIK . " " pvfiiKim iv in ni ivuiiui m , - J . A I n n::i ...I 1 1 l . . r : 1 -. perimental Biology and Medicine, meeting here with the Pacific Di vision of the American Assn. for the Advancement of Science. Muscular dystrophy is an un usual but not rare, disease. The cause Is not known. By itself, it f.t.i w. .1 ;i . 1 v u l the muscles of the victims until iNear 600 JlllllOIl they become helpless and easy! prey to other diseases which may WASHINGTON - Red China's be fatal. There is no known cure population in mid-1953 was esti foi the ailment j mated at S82.MM.000. the Census Dr. Manville said he tried wheat Bureau said Wednesday, germ oil because investigators ! This was nearly one fourth of the elsewhere had used this material property la Portland to which he se: nre 'want 01 beer drinking binges." He admitted the arson but was ruled innocent by reason of insan ity by the late Judge Lowell Mun dorff. When Kidd escaped last March his freedom was short lived and he was returned several days later. Then on May 4 hospital auth orities declared Kidd sane and released him. SUte police were waiting for him and arrested him on the two felony charges of authorized as of motor vehicles. - WASHINGTON tf) Congress sent to President Eisenhower Wed , nesday lefislatioa to provide edu cation beyond high school far chuV drea of servicemen dead as a re sult of World War II or Korea . service. The House took the final legisla tive action by agreeing ta Senate amendments. The bill provides til a month allowance for full-time students with proportionate reduction for those devoting part time Japan has seven people per arable acre of land. to cure muscular dystrophy ex perimentally produced in rabbits. But the purified wheat germ ex- world population and about J'i time the current estimated U. S. total of 16t.000.000. The Census Bureau said the fig' tract by the other researchers had ures were gleaned from Chinese bo beneficial effect on the dis-1 Communist radio broadcasts and and Mrs. Walter A. Socolofsky, ' completed 1310 Market St.. is one of eight j Third Salem student to be award students ta receive a full - tuition ed a scholarship is Sue Arlene Wil scholarship from the OSC Dads son. daughter of Mrs. Elma S. Wil Club. The $195 scholarship will son. 1630 A St. She is among 18 cover his sophomore year in en- students who will receive a $120 gineering. I partial-tuition scholarship awarded Jane Moorefidd. daughter of Mr. by the State Board of Higher Edu and Mrs. B. J. Cleary. '875 S. 4th cation. Miss Wilson enters her St., is one of 13 students to receive sophomore year in elementary edu renewals of full tuition scholar- cation next fall. Federal Reserve . District totaled ; department for investigation. $17,461,921,000 in May, second only to the record $17,541,501,000 KSTKS CHANGES PLANS of last March: The month's total AMERICAN 'FALLS. Idaho - was 11 per cent ahead of May.lsen. Estes Kefauvcr (DTenn) 1955. PORTLAND - The Army Engineers will open bids July 16 for bank protection1 work at Eagle, Ketcham and Pape locations on the South Santiam River near Among the large cities Seattle and Spokane reported gains over a year ago of 11 per cent, and Portland 17 per cent. Tuesday called off a two-day tour i Crabtree in Linn County, he had scheduled to Idaho this Bids for bank protection work week in search of Democratic ' on the Molalla River near Canby convention votes for the presiden- in Clackamas County will be tial nomination. 1 opened July 5. ease in humans, he said. A par ticular brarid of wheat germ oil which supposedly retains natural vitamins and minerals in Its makeup was given to the girl. Whether there is some bene ficial substance in this particular wheat germ product that does not exist in more highly purified forms of the material remains to be determined. Investigations and tests on other afflicted persons will be continued, Dr. Manville said. press statements. Reportedly the totals resulted from a census In June 1953. Nine wood lead pencils are sold in the United States for every one of all other types of writing instrument. Two60ottfesof Pamper shampoo I i -a mm m. . W MOOTRY PHARMACY Iftt N. Capitol St. rhoew J-WM o) UNA o o V) 0 o Palizzios and Nathan Originals All Spring and Summer Colors! Plenty of Sizes-Med. & Hi Heels Values to 24.95 190 90 to Laird Scfiober and Harlequins All Spring and Summer Colors Plenty of Sizes-Med. & Hi Heels Values to 21.95 to o Values to 14.95 90 to 0(o)90 Sweethearts . . . Nathan Schober . . . Colellas A Mixed Group ... All Sizes and All Heel Heights Values to 19.95 is .-AMW.V.V. While They Last! ALL TYPES SHOES ODDS AND ENDS! o to ML R BUY NOW AND SAVE! Your Choice U PAIR a Values to 90 12.95 to BIG SELECTION OF MEN'S SHOES, TOO! Open Mon. and Fri. Hights Until 9! All Sales Final ... No Refunds ... No Exchanges - - m , a m r -