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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (June 14, 1956)
800 Real Estate 800 Real Estate . 800 Real Estate 800 Real Estate 800 Real Estate 800 Real Estate 800 Real Estate Statesman, Salem, Ore., Thurs, June 14, '56 (Sec. II23 801 Imiooit Opportune. IINI business pit, WE, No. 7.000 sq. ldg., 1 Mr, hiway frontage. Now leased t'i jrrs. it $2200 mo. Reliable tenant. Worth over 820.000, will secri lie at llS.too.0e cash. See owner Glen Woodry. I00S N. lurnmir, Salem. No Ph. into, pleas. . 0LUETT& KENY0N REALTORS 1M0 ratriroundi ltd. PH. 2-3551 BUSINESS POTENTIAL LARGE lot hop-and-a-skip" from Meier 4c Frank. Fin J- bedroom home Ideal for temp orary office. ALSO a teparale 1-bedroom rental. Price $23,030 terms. Eve. Ph. Thelnfa 4-6986 or Fred 4-7328 MOTEL 22 unita, rood return, talc Salem Property In trade. TAVERN land V all. Hot Spot I Id, 100 00 Terms. GROCERY rln stock, new fixture!, reasonable. SKR STA. Good location, $3,- ano 00 TUCKER REAL ESTATE Lebanon, Oreion FOR LEASE near completion new drive-in restaurant with heavy traifie count Some equipment turn Box $3, Statesman-Journal. 802 Buiine Property FOR SALE, lease, or rent; build ing with lot. Suitable for shop, store, or warehouse. MOO sq. ft. 40 ft. frontage. See at 775 N. Lancaster, cell owner 4-32 803 Suburban ORCHARD HTS. ROAD! 7 acres! 4 miles from brodgr! Paved t Water main st proper ty linel Salem's best view homeslteil Price $45,000. Will divide I STULLER. Realtor. 785 Edgeweter Ph. 2-5557 or4-57S2 KEEP a cow tV chickens rait your living on this minature farm. 2'i bdrms. 'i ml. to city limits, near can factory. Late mdl. car or pickup or $500 dn. Ph. 4-3553. 806 Houses For Sole COLBATH'S BUYS IT'S NO FAIRY TALE They Believed in the Security OF HOME OWNERSHIP AND If it Is a low priced home you want in a High priced Neighborhood, see this one lo cated on the N.W. corner of Lincoln Saglnsw Streets. Redecorated Interior, partial basement, economical heat. 31 ft. living room. 4 Bedrooms. THEY tre movinK and nxinus to m thi lovely hom and you mnv bt the first to up? thi new listing locn'rd at 1.116 pprtly -Close to Rover school. etra lot in buck facinr paved treet, family room and ipare to spare. LIVED An a tenant until now. Re verse the procedure and be come a landlord. See this 3 bedroom home, barn, hen house and l'j acrei of grass, 7M down make vou a deal balanct Jutt $50 per month. HAPPILY Yoil'll confer with us regard ing this superbly kept 2 bed room home. Outstanding charm - Wooded tsll trees, vear creek with cute hand hndee Outside Bsr-Be-One. I Garage QUIFTT A PEACEFUI l'NDEBPRICE LESS THAN JDono. EVER Want to buy a cian 2 bd-) room horn wllh nrft haaf ment with another bfdroom A party room. Hr'i nn worth j reeinK nlrt? shade tres, a Tagf. Fine address in West Salem. Priced at $8150. AFTER You snd your wife see this lovelv .1 bedroom home locat ed on Rose Street in Walnut Psrk. you'll want to move right In and can Kingslzed closets, deep basement, oil heat.VTV room, fireplace, bath & half I car garags snd sll the trimmings. REALTORS MT Court St. Dial 44494 Evening phones: Wells - 2.1736, Anderson 42714. Fagan 46193, Colhath 36.114. 3 BR. home, double bath double garage, family room, lovely lot with paved sts. it curbs. One of the best buys in town for $13,900. Glenn Hamilton, Bldr. 2460 Slate Off. 4-7644 Eves. 3-6063. 3-1506 6350 DN., 3 yr. oldTY bdrm , carpet, d.spes. full basmt., F. A. Turn., $6,430. 4-1466. BY OWNER. 1 bdrm. modern, well built home, 17.300. Lo cated st 1439 7th. Ph. 4-2416 eve. I-BDRM. house, InMtnxTlS. 933 Fslrvlew Ave. So. 14,500, 6200 down, 40 per mo. 3fi0b6wNr2bdrm"inilityrmT. Fenced yard. Large lot. Near store, bus A: cannery 4300. C W. Reeve Resltor 1660 Mis sion St Ph. 34,180 Eve. 39536 or 206A6. 52.i0 3 BEDRMnsesilverton. Dhle Gar. Large lot. City wa ter. Paved St. Close to schools Terms C. W. Reeve Realtor, 1660 Mission St. Ph. 34590. Eve 50896. NEW 3 bdrm. close to Wash School. Brick frpl. Inside Util 3360 Kathleen St. Ph. 2-3085 Will finanre. 66.730. OR make offer. 3 yr old home. 2 ige. bedrms., ex tra sleeping space in heated attic. Close to bus, store, school bus at door. 300 Stark. Ph. 4-6.145 3 BDRM. house with smsll acre age at 610 Ratcliff Dr. Make offer st Pioneer Trust Co., Sa lem. EQUITTnHoeautlfuri bdrm. mod-, house. So. of Candalaria. Full price $12,300. Call 4-4256 after 7 p.m. t BDRM. home, nice btst. Save 65O0 buying this wk. Small dn. Drive by 3363 Neef Ave. Inq. at 285 Cunningham Lane. BY BUILDER NEW spsclous 3 bdrm. Engle wood Dlst. Top quslity. 2-7071 BY BUILDER NEW 3 bdrm nome neat 8 Salem schools it perk 1-7671 ToiHlITCHlSON REALTOR Let us solve vour nome needs To Buy. Sell or Rent- Call Ph 4-3743 1131 Edgewstet Ph 4-7874 1710 So fommT HOUSE for sale by owner. Price $3,000. 339 N. 14th. FOR THE FAMILY 106 Homes For Sole 806 Houstt For Sole 1 13,800-NEAT PROPERTY IN RICHMOND DIET. Haa t bdrms. 8 nod utility. Glassed-in front porch. Ideal for flowers. Gar. m paved St. Hnane newly painted. Mas creed la back, Si.aoo. Good term. CU Dorothy Deal. Ivs. 4-432. 112.800 RUSTIC SUBURBAN HOME. You wiU thoroughly enjoy this livable atmosphere. Haa open beam calling In living rm. Indirect lighting, bricked fireplace wall. Has hobby room or work shop, heated. Pebble roof. Beautifully landscaped lot on creek. South. U.00. CaU Echo Yeattr, Eve. J-4871. I17.5O0-NEW I BDRM DANDY WITH FAMILY ROOM. On of those lovely new homes with 1 fireplaces, extra ' bath. Carpeted living rm. with beautifully paneled fireplace wall. Dbl gar. Many wonderful features. Has Inviting patio, large lot 72x136, with lawn and planter. $n.S00. Call Edith -Anderson, Ev. 1-1848. III.MO CHICKEN SETUP. Very very nice home, llrepl., ndwd firs. Oil furnace. Extra good oil for garden, deep well. I chicken houses 24x70 each, teed room, hog house, barn, $12,500. CaU Clyde Foulk, Eve. 1-382. NELSON & NELSON, REALTORS 1590 8. Commercial STEVENS -UNIT COURT B a Landlord. Salem property as down payment on this Income court owner's equity tfiOOO. Shows good return on Investment. Well, located, practically no vacancy with expansion possi bilities. Eves phons CaU Gordon Cilbertson, 4-lltO. COMFORTABLE Older S bedroom room now rented for $.1000. Owner Interested In taklni small trade as down payment. 18300 uwens j-evo. MODERN J-bedroom home' with electric heat. Make offer on down payment. Also I bedroom with oil furnace, same rea sonable purchase basis. Priced at $$,750 for 3-bedroom, $0,000 for 2 bedroom . house. Located near 4-Corners. Evs. EstlU 48366. 370 N. High St. SOMETHING DIFFERENT 1278 W000ACRE DRIVE THURSDAY AND FRIDAY 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Ralph Maddy will be there to show you this really different home In Hillendals. with view, larse oartv room, built-in stove, refrigerator and dishwasher K you are looking for 5 a bargain don't miss this unusual home. 6 477 Court St. Eve. Phone STATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS 167 S. Hlfh Street Phone 3-31S1 FHA-CI OH 20 YEAR, 5", CONVENTIONAL MORTGAGE LOANS FOR BUYING OR CONSTRUCTION 2-BDRM. modern home In very , best of condition. Radisnt hot water heat, lares, beautiful, ' landscaped lot. Close In South. ' 112.500. Terms or might con- slder trade on farm. Csll W. H Stevelev. salesman. Eves phone 4-2611. I S10.9n T, Acres with food 3. rm nome. Located in Fruit land Dlst. Haa barn, chicken house. . Good well. On paved road. Terms. Call Stanley Brown. Eves phone 2-5561. $5f DOWN This late built. Rsnrh style, 3-BR home. Kri rer Dut Hss large living rm. Inside utility rm. Double aa raie. Fruit and garden Close tn bus and school Total price S69.V1. Call Stanley Brown. Eves phone 2-5561. I 'NKW double garage, equipped' for living Septic tank, water, ; . wired for range, plumbing, i etc. z Lots. Trade-in ss down I OUR SERVICE IS TO HELP YOU BUY AND" FINANCE YOUR HOME-GOOD LISTINGS NEEDED-BUYERS AVAILABLE THE LAST ' OF THE MOHICANS 100 G. I. Loans 3 BR., single bath, living room, dining room, single garage. 1330 closing costs, 73 a mo including taxes and insurance Go out Liberty Rd. to Regal j uiiutia, nan on jcu. U4ii lu- day. Glenn Hamilton, Bldr. 2460 State SI Off. 4-7844 Eves. 3-6062. 2-1309 CLOSE IN NORTH Charming home wslklng dis- tsnce to towny and schools. Lsrge 4 bdrm. home, bssmt., oil heat, i fireplaces, wsll to wsll carpet thruout. Nice yard, patio, dble. garage. T REALTORS 160 South Liberty Street Telephone 3-2471 OWNER Transferred. Will sell spacious 1 bdrm. home. haths, extra Ige. utility for r.H.A. appraisal. 1420 N. 34th RIDGE DRIVE. A 1', acre home for only 66.000. 3 bedroom home, garage, barn and chick en house. A number of fruit snd shajde trees. An interest ing view. School bus by door. CLYDE PRALL. 154 S High 4-3651. Eves: 4-9164. AT 4 CORNERS, M.500 I bedrm. home, like new. Very neat and clean. L. Rm. D. F4m. nice .kitchen, nook fireplace alt. garage, lsrge lot. Trade for home in Portland JOHN .1. DANN, REALTOR 403 N. High Ph. 4-346S, eve. 2-7401 CLUETT & KENY0N REALTORS I960 Fairgrounds Rd. PH. 2-3551 "LET THE REST OF THE WORLD GO BY" while YOU "putter snd play" on tnis most oesiraoie 3,-acre with a. wonderful garden all ready lor you. Bright, cheer ful 1-bedroom home: hard wood floors; utility: dble. gar age. Let's hurry to see for $K J50 Terms. Eve. Ph. Fred 4-732$ or Thelma 4-6966 ATTRACTIVE snug 1 bdrm. home partially finished up stairs, extra lovely yard, gar den in, fruit, berries.-etc. Bus by door, 1 blks to McKlnley. 6 blks to So. High. Medium priced. Ph. 3-4607, 1 BDRM., older home, fine resi dential area. $9.156. 1-3323. WILL trade equity In Todim. home for trailer house. 9240 unnyilde Rd. 1-0633. good 1-scre place, north with Ph. 1-36 SPECIALS Owner will consider your home located close In. One full price. Eve. phone call Phone 4-4IS3T Phone 24115-14116-24117 13455 payment on modern home. Call W H S'.evelev. sales man. Eves phone 4-2618. WE have several one and two ER homes, can be purchased with 1150 to 5500 down Call Stanley Brown. Eves phone 2-5561. 60 ACRE, irrigated farm. All first class bottom land, mod ern home. Oil furnace. Good out buildings and large barn. 2 pumps snd sll crops go at 35.000. Crop mostly seed At csnnery crops. Consider trad ing In on larger row crop or grass seed farm. Call W. H. Steveley, salesman. Eves ph. 4-2611. STATE Finance Co. Is pleased to announce that Claude Kll gore is now associated with them as aasociste real estate broker Claude will appreci ate the opoortunltv to be of service to you In the sale or exchange of your property Mckinley district New 3 bdrm hntne. l'i baths. Lovely fireplace!' Large plas tered garage. Forced air oil hrat. Birch kitchen. Oak floors. It's extra special at 1 $111,750 Call Mr. Crawford, Eve. Ph 4-5020. Al Isaak & Co. Realtors m N. Church St. Ph. 4-3311 or 3-7820 WEST SALEM 3 bdrm , 3 story wbasement, radlanl heat, Irg. garage. $10,- 500. 1X18 Franklin St. FOR SALE or trade new 3 bdrm home In W. Salem for older home or make o.'fer on straight out sale. 2-9014. 2-0654 eves. FOR SALE: 4 bdrm. house In Klngwood Heights, finished dayljte hasm't., 2 fireplaces, good view, also 3 bdrm, house In Kingwood Heights. Un finished daylight bsm t., 2 fire places A good view. Ph 3-8181, J-1S1.1. 3-3841. I8r; GROSS INCOMK Total I price 612.300. 12.000 cash down or owner will consider oilier property in trade. Just a few minutes walk from the heart of towU Live in one apart ment and the rest will finish paying for the property. An ideal property for those nn retirement. CLYDE PRALL. 154 S. High. 4-3651. Eves: 3-7250 or 4-6164. HOMES, $100 to $300 dn $45 to $73 per mo. Why rent when you can buy your own home on these terms? Call Allen C. Jones Realtor, 131 No. High. 3-S6.T6. Fve. 4-1669 or 1-S848 SEE DEL JOHNSON AND SAVE 2 new 3 bedroom homes 4','-,. Interest $250 down, $68.00 per month G.I. 12 bedroom home, a real bar gain, $38 00 per month. G I. Open 'Til 8:00 p.m. TUES., WED , THURS, ' Drive out Liberty Rd.. turn right ine iirsi roaa pasi Drowning. Rd. $7500, GOOD 2 BF.DRM HOME nn t sere, only 6 yrs old, con crete foundation, good roof, garage. work shop, chesp taxes. Call GEO. A WALTERS. REALTOR. 960 S. Com 1. Ph. 2-6714 or 4-6365. VIEW HOME l'j yrs. old. Lo csted In Candalaria. 1 bdrms. and den or 3 bdrms. Centrsl hall, forced air oil furpace. Birch wood kitchen with elec tric range and refrigerator In matching colors. Price only $14,790. For spt. call Geo. Patrny with Allen C. Jones, Realtor. 231 No. High. Ph. 3-9836. Eve. 4-1669 or 3-9648. OWNER BUILDER ENGLISH style, on Klngwood Hts . nearly new, well con structed. 3 irg. bdrms.. ltxil liv. rm , loveh din rm , cen ter hall. 2 frpl . Ig. kit. with nook, lull finished bsmt., party rm , den. hobby rm , osth, laundry. fruit rm. Must be seen. Low dn pay ment. Price $17,830. 645 fir Gsrriena at Lowen Ave. 1-7212. Ph. 806 Houses For Solo CHEAPIE 3M. rULL prtc tor on Bedrm, house In South East Krt of Town. Pvd. St. $0x150 t. $1M down, Bal. at $4$ per month. Eve. call RAY DAVIS 4-5917. days 1-6680. ED Llf. KINBEAL, REALTOR. 433 N. HIGH. Just Off State St ONE Bdrm. cottsge furnished. Good aized riving rm. with trpl. Lot MxisO. $5,150. $1,000 Dn. , Newer Ranch -Type TWO bdrms. Fireplace, large lot witn unfinished collage in rear .N. 23rd St. $(450. Close In Threeplex THREE 3 rm. furnished apts Basement at furnace. Income $160. mo. $14,500, $1,000 dn. Art Madsen Realty 1.126 Stat 1-S.1A6 3-40$ We ire proud to announce that . . . Mr. J. A. (AD Sholseth i$ now associated with our firm MR. SHOLSETH has lived In Sa lem for the past 32 years, 20 of which he Viss (pent In the feed at seed business. WE JOIN Mr. Sholseth In Invlt Ing his manv friends to come In or caU our office to renew old acquaintanceships. MR. SHOLSETH can be reached st our West Sslem office, Phone 4-3743 or at his reald ence. Phone 3-7303, Joe Hutchison REALTOR 11.11 Edgewater CLOSE IN 4 bdrm. hs., l'i baths, llv. and din. rm., wsfl to wall car peting, full bsmt., approx, 1 600 a. ft. Exc. rond. throughout. $13,500 CaU 1628. r. L. Knapp, Broker. DeWIH & KRAUS BEDROOM HOME On So, High. Large dining room, dbl plumping, aouDls . garage fun basement. Close to south HI A- bush park. Sewing room, garden spot, shade trees. Owner needs smaller 3 brm. Only $11,500 with 2.500 dn. Will take car ss psrt dn. pay ment. Call Bill Fidler. Eva. 4-7441. VERY NICE J BEDROOM--1611 sq. ft. of living area. Large dining room, kitchen with nook, hardwood firs, fireplace. Lots of closet It storage ares. Nice lot. close to school A bus. Only 6 yrs. old. See Ron Krsus. eve. 3-5661. 2 BEDROOM. SHAKE EXTE RIOR 2 brms. down. I unfin ! Isheri up. room fo comfo-ta-i ble living In this home. Close I to schools. Utility room, .elect, gloss heat A- nil fi'rnacr. fire 1 place. A nice lot orlcrd to sell, owner transferred. Call i Cene Pedwell. j 35 ACRES Willamette soil, all In Improved pasture, on highwy Just 4. miles from Salem, for the low price of (350 per acre. Call Herb Barnes. REAL ESTATE 316 Church St. N. - Ph. 4-6871 RIVER FRONTAGE. Beautiful home. 2.100 so f. fl. space. 3 fireplaces, dbl. plumbing, dbl garage, ig pauo. radisnt nest, large lot. River view from Bedrm.. Family Rm , Living Rm , Dining rm, Kitchen. Must tee to sppreciale. Oregon, Development Company (Realtors) 318 N. Church St. Ph. 3-9236 Garden Lovers Nice 2 bdrm home. 65'xl70' lot. kitchen with formica counter lops, large living rm , tiled bath, lots of flowers & snrubs Iso trees, large garden spot already planted, upstairs un finished For more details call 4-6253. Price II50 4 BEDROOMS in beautiful, northeast, s u bu r h a n home. 116.500. BASEMENT with rec Teation room equipped with snack bar, television and re frigerator. Lsrge living room snd full dining room. 1 bed room and bath downstairs. 3 bedrooms and bath upstairs. Hdw. floors. Double gsrage. On !j acre of ground with secluded back yard. Owners leaving Salem offer st sacri fice. CLYDE PRALL. Realtor. 154 S. High St. 4-3631. Eves. 4-9184 or 3-7290. GOOD S bdrm. home in Dallas sell nr trade for Salem home. 204 Church St. Dallas I YR. old E Englewood; 3 bdrm?, 2 baths, hlreh kitchen, carpet ing 1.525 llv. area. Owner transferred Ph. 4-3441 3 BDRMS 1 '7 b a t hs b 1 re h kitchen with dishwsiiher A- dis posal fierpl in large living rm. Lra. utility. 2 jts. old. Owner trsnsferred. $13,200. Ph. 4-7351. 1 BEDRM hse sVhNear shopping Center. Dining rm. full basm't. Will trade. C. W. Reeve Resltor 1860 Mission St. Ph. 34590 Eve. 20808. BUY my equity in Manbrin Gardens home. 3 bdrms, or 2 bdrms. and den. F. A. heat, frpl. and patio, $1,150 dn.. $11. 650. 633 Manbrin Dr. Ph. 4-2453 THREE 3 bdrm houses tn W. Sslem, with flreplsces. Ph 2-1513. 3-8181. 3-3841. South Will Trade New A lovely 3-bdrm. homes, priced from $13,750 to $14,050. Nesr school A- shopping cen ter Living A dining room, 2 fireplaces Fine kitchen fc family room. 1 sets plumb ing Auto oil hrat Dble. plastered garage. Will trade for small homes or late model cars. Ph. 4-8271. BY OWNER: P, - yesr - old 3 bdrm. house, fireplace, stt. gs rage, fenced yard Englewood Dlst. $12,000. 4-7304 $630 WILL buy equltv in nice t bdrm. house. Csll 4-3307 after 9 or see at 2260 Claude St. PRICE greatly reduced. 2 bdrms. Extra bdrm. in lg. basmt., din. rm., frpl . 810,200 wtl.000 dn. 15410 Jefferson. Ph. 3-7406 for appt. Immed. possession. CLEAN f yr. old ! bdrm subur ban home. hdwd. firs, venittsn blinds, nice shrubs. (7.250 3835 Monroe Ph. 4-9944. BY OWNER, Immediate posses sion, year old, three bedrooms, two full baths, dining room, kitchen, nook, two car garage. full finished basement, party room, laundry, sewing room, rlose to bus, grsde and high school. 117.900. 790 Wild Wind Drive. 1873 DN on this brsnd new 2 bdrm. . home. East in city. Fwrced air furnace. Hardwood floods, close tn store At bus. Inly 6730 Ask for Ceo Patrnv with Allen C Jones, Realtor 331 No High. Ph. 1-3838. Ivt, 4-1666. 106 Houses For Solo Owner leaving and sacrificing a oeo room noma ins cnance .... in ....... . much for so little. Reduced Eves call Carl Hansen, 4-0461. BELOW FHA A true value In a charming 2 maculate interior wttn excellent arranfement. Homey at mosphere with patls and ba-bsctM. tll.ttt. You must see this home. Eves, call June Mason, 1-651. OUTSTANDING INCOME PROPERTY , 4 rentals plus nearly new 1 bedroom home Rentsls sre I and I bed i n plus sll furniture. old. rentals arc less than I LOSS RENTALS FOR OVER nrnnrt vnu alresm rtt hut return. All for 138,006. Shown by appointment only. Eve. caU Vern Williams, 4-7625. Salem Properties REALTORS 367 N. High St. RENT PROBLEMS? Money spent for a home Is money saved. Here's a neat clean 2 bdrm. home, wired for washer dryer, Ige. lot close in South, only 1750.(10 down 16450 00 full price. Call Edna Morgan eve. 46035. THIS IS IT. 7 year old 2 bdrm. home on lot 77x133 just out side city, In very nice shape. Price 6 500.00. Call Mr. Keene eve. 26076. , NEWLY DECORATED, Wr think MORTGAGE LOANS, CONSTRUCTION FINANCING C. V. KENT & CO. REALTORS V N. CHURCH I rms. and bath In good location wired for rinse, elec. water heater, utility rm., garage, paved st. A really fine value S2.7M Good 2 bedrm. home sll one floor, cement foundation, wired lor range and dryer, elec. water hat, single garage, food-sired About acre, edge of city. S-yr.-old. S bedrm. modern hom all one floor, shske exterior, bssemant. wired for range, etc. A' goon- vaiue. la . . -II I. ,.!....,. .,.. paved road. Machine shed, Csse tractor, cover crop disc, har row, etc. Full price . (4,750 40 seres, about I acres cultivated. rm. and bath, full basement, furnace, fireplace. On beautiful mountain stream. Good mad. Full price H.asO II acres cultivated new drilled well. rm. and bath, wired tor range, etc. Also barn, smsll granary, new machine shed, poultry house, etc. . .S14.000 Call or write for listing bulletin and free City Map and Picture Folder. MASONIC bUILDINC SILVERTON, OREGON RAVELINS REALTY LOANS FOR BUYING OR CONSTRUCTION 5 OR S's NEAT AND TRIM. A modern 2 bdrm home. Neat as a Din and Is ready to move into. Very nice surroundings, excellent neighborhood. Nesr school and bus stop. Large corner lot with beautiful oak tree. You will like this place. Price 99M, PHA terms. To see csll Dean Klarr. Eve, Ph. :-7O90. 2 BDRM HQ ME, I4. Clean. well built concrete foundation. Located at 4(3 S. 16th on bus line. Across street from Gro cery store. Yours for gSOO down and 4S mo Call Henry Rund to see. Eve phone 4-17 JO. 605 CHEMEKETA A. E. BECKETT REALTOR HOLLYWOOD DIST. rive blocks or so west rh" business dlst. Lovely 2BR home. Fire piece. Separate dining room. Full bsemeht, room for extra sleeffing qusrteri. Oil furnace. Lovely yard with trees. Only $10,600. Terms. SOUTHEAST Neat, clean and roomy 2 BR bungalow, large lot. Garden In and growing good. See this for $8,930. Terms. FOUR CORNERS AREA Out fif cltv owner offers i BR hom on half acrr of food land. Immediate possession. Will down payment. Owner will TURNER AREA Only 2 years old. 2 Bedrooms. HW floors. Natural wood fin ish throughout. Approx. 'j acre land. See this for sure if need to live in this district. Only 66.300. Terms. 191 S. High - Ph 2-6626 E. Beckett, Ph. 245S1: Helen Lewis. Ph. 17504 Eve. A JUST LISTED $50 Full price for late built 1 Br. home on North 17th St in Englewood Dist. Pvd. 94. k walks. Range, Ref. 6c Dish washer Included In the price, this is lust about the neatest place In Town. Eve call ED 4-2H05 davs 2-66R0. ED LU KINBEAL,' REALTOR, 433 N. HIGH. OWNER SAYS SELL And nriua, , electric range, drapes, wall to wall carnets fireplace, hot water radiant heat.- separate dtning room, oodles of storage space. 2 bed rooms, large living room, kit chen and Uundrv room. Only $13,000 with $2,600 down. Lo cated on N. 21st within walk ing distance to State Hospital. I ACRE 1 bedrooms, gss furnace, living room. Kitcnen and ninene. Large garage, good well, close to school, stores snd bus. J8.OO0 with Just $600 down 411 MASONIC BUILDING REAL ESTATE - INSURANCE MORTGAGE I.OANS OFFICE 3-9217 EVES : 2-4709 OR 3-7366 ISMS BEST BUY'S VIEW 'N EVERYTHING In this superb 3 bdrm home Center hall plan Large Itv-1 ing room. Sep dining room, i lovely fireplaces. Family room. 2 baths. Beautiful yard, wonderful for entertaining Home is In perfect condition. Has all the extras that you could want. Wonderful loca tion south" Prices rt $37,540. Csll Walt Jones. Eve. Ph. 4-7631. Al Isaak & Co. Realtors 312 N Church St Ph. 4-3311 or 3-7620 BY BUILDER J bdrms . fireplace huge kit . 1 4M70 4.3,9, eating area, onlv 1 blks from; . - - rho-.l A- plavgrniind 1074 LEVEL view lot with wster Shsmrock St. Turn rlaht St. ' Salem Academy His 16J Co. So of Morninside School. leee Dr. j i 110.030 Ph 4-6333 4 BDRM . large lot 3 bdrm I extra lot available. Ph. 3-6470 106 Houses For Solo equity In loveable, 1 year old, 1 01 a uieuma to gei a name v.... ...... . to M 950 lor Immediate sale. APPRAISAL bedroom Englewood hrvme. Im- Home la approximately 1 years years old. BOOKS SHOW NO f YEARS. This Is the kind of ulitAm Siiwt fthnwa vsrv ennd Phone 4-OJ31. 2-1S33 this la the best buy In town, 4 bdrms, Ige living rm with fireplace, basmt Big lot with trees At shrubs. Near school tt trsnsportation. Onlv $10,500.00. Good terms. Call Stearns Cushtng eve. 25041. THIS HAS EVERYTHING. New 3 bdrm. home, dble fireplace, family rm., elec. dishwasher, 2 sets Dlumbim. birch kit . dble. garage. Real value at 114 450.00 at 11.500 00 down will handle. Call Mr. Klgglns eve. 4Hri, PHONE 4-KW heater, new roof. elec. or oil lot. Paved street 83.26S '- , I I.. Vw.ll... hnlUI.. .11. t ACRES. 3, acres pasture, family orchard, garden apace, hire older 2 bdrm .home. Dbli garage. w o r k shop, barn, chicken house, year round j creek. This fine property lo cated near Stayton. Asking 110. soo. To see call Dale Ray burn. Eve. Call 2-2045. FOR the large family. 3 blks to Englewood school, one of the I best of condition. Older home. 3 bdrms up. 1 bdrm down F A Oil heat. Lots of home. Reduced to onlv IB9.W To see cell R. E Gillespie. -Eve. 4-0944. PHONE 4-6S7S take car in trade or sell on low carry paper. Only $8,500. Morningside District NEw 3 bdrm. home with fire- pic. in family rm., corner fireplc. in living and dining rm comb., bath snd half, 1 car ga , pvd. it , corner lot, possession In two weeks. Call FLOYD McNAl.L Eve. 3-7764, davs 2-8680. ED LUKINBEAL, REALTOR, 433 N. HIGH 10', DOWN MOVES YOU IN TODAY OR BUILD TO SUIT ED FISCHER. PH 4-5833 VIK OWNEH lllcn VmiCir will pay top price for vour furn & appliances Ph 3-3110 807 Apt'i. Cpurtt for Salt SELL OR TRADE 7 unit apt. house furnished. Close to stats capitol. 6 complete baths. Total Income $291. per mo Auto, oil furnace. A good buy at a reduced price of 133.000 or take house, lots, or first mig. in trade. $3,000 dn. will handle. Allen C, Jones. Real tor. 3-58:18 Eve 2-11818. SELL OR TRADE duplex nn beautiful lot 131x300 with small year round creek. Each unit has 2 bdrms Approx 3 yrs old. Price $15,000. Will take house to $7,506 in trade. Allen C. Jonfs. Realtor. 231 No. High Ph. 3-5636, tvt. 4-1689. BY bwNERr6unit sptrhouie. pvt. baths, 1 furnished, very good rental dist. 753 Ferry. MUST sell at once, 6 unit Apt house close in on business Int. pvt. baths. See owner 1595 N Cottage. Ph. 4-3661. 808 Lots For Solo ! LOTS for sale bv owner North Salem. Ph. 3-3003 LARGE , view lot with trees Klngwood Dlst Suitable (nr daylight basm't Reaa. Ph. 4-6671 after 8:30 p.m. "LOTS! LOTS! 1. Salem Heights - 66x130. City water. 61.100. 1. Two, Suburban North 96x- 130 61,150 esch. 1. Mornlngside 76x100. City water. Paved. 1I.6O0. I West Salem 60x160. View. City water 12.700 J 3 in cltv. South-x14 each 63.3110 for sll I. 16 Suburban, Northeast. 7,- 300 tor whole tract RAMSEY, REALTOR. 427 Ferry Dis. atVMI 4) i 1 -6Msi. ON Crolsan creek, 'a A lots all year rreek. 1 ml. from city ctr. Ph. 4-2940. 808 Lors For Solo PRICES eUahed for quick, sale. Choice, view lots offered at 11 650, now 12,450. Ph. S-4MS. 4i0 Forms For Solo , ill Aprpa i,F .ico WILLAMETIE Soil, late built 1 bdrm. home with flreplac and 2 ear garage, good wa ter system and small barn. ova. ro. northeast. Priced at 115,750. Eve. call Ed 4-1605, days 2-0660. ED LUKINBEAL, REALTOR. 419 N. High. 10 1X10 10 ACRES BEAUTIFUL PASTURE with lsrge creek, all fenced Neat 1 bedrm home with dining rm A fireplace, small bam. chick house, lots of fruit A flowers. Call GEO. A WALTERS. REALTOR. 60 S Com l. Ph. 1-6714 or 4-0365. I A. EAST. 2bedrm ne7Ftr timber 1 lovely bide, si lea. C. W. Reeve Realtor 1640 Mis sion St. Ph. 34590. Eve. 20096. M ACRES near Ro.edsle. Make offer at Pioneer Trust Co., Sa lem. BY OWNER: 76 acres nesr Dal las. 10 A. A: Royal Ann cherry orchard. Good 1 rm. cabin. as lights at ph. Good well, elec. pumn. sub. Irritated pas ture, plenty of Oak wood, young Ftr. Will sacrifice for 17.500. Need t!;0oo dn.. but consider less. Rest at 667 per mo . inr'i. taxes, interest It Ins. Easily worth I0 500, Call Dal las. MA 2-2166 to see or Salem 3-TM0 for Information. 19 Acres EXCELLENT well with IrrlgaN ing system Included, place all under plow, 1 bdrm. house needs' repair, family orchard and pvd. rd , close to school, SscrlfK sale st 17.000. Eve. csll BOY SIMPSON J-gJM days 2-660. ED LUKINBEAL. REALTOR. t N. HIGH. 6 A. 4-PPRM older heme. Close In, near bus. Could be sub divided. Ph. 4-1212. 812 Exch. Rtol Eitoto SALE or trade equity In older 4 bdrm house In Sslem. Good location, trads equity for car or truck. Ph. 4-5666 TRADE ti.SOO equity In small t bdrm.. for down payment on larger home or lot. Ph 4-3210 818 WenrtdTRtofEiroro J BDRM. HOME WANTED We ned good 2 bedroom home .. tinnw in .... n . au '." " ' - "" horhood to trade In on 3 bd rm home wi'h wall-to-wall carpet, - fireplace, beautiful yard. Must hsve at least 14500 equity. Csll N. C. "Dan" Issak. Eve. Ph. 4-99.11. Al Isaak & Co. Realtors sa N. Church St Ph. 4-3211 or 2-7620 CASH buyer for 2 bdrm. hs. approx. 16,000, In Salem. Statesman-Journal, Box 120. WALNUT ORCHARD . WANTED have a cash buyer for 2 i In 10 a; re i"e"!iul orchird North or Northeast WhM have vou? CH Mr. Crawford Eve. Ph. 4-30M. Al Jsaak & Co. Realtors 322 N. Church SI Ph. 4-3JU or 3-7620 LISTINGS wanted now. Nearly sold out, buyers wilting. The Msr Realtv 9330S.JPac. Hwy., Ph. 1-2061 WANTED"rbestbuy in 3 hed" room house under 115 000 Sub stantial down payment, priv ate party, Box 114 Statesman Journal. U5U Automotive 852 Ugesi Cart For Salt THE Best '37 Pontiae in town. $55. 1376 Msdlson. Ph., 1-4621. 1636 VICTOHIA Fordomatli". $1.9!I5. with bank terms. Ph. jJ-8.144 after 6. sT CADrCpeTDeville, contf klt, full power, low mileage, pert, rond. like new. 1011 f. Lib erty. '49 FORD, over $200-Tepsir 7ust completed. Ph. 3-51811. 1951 MERCURY Monterey. Rfei H, Merc-O-Matlr, beautiful 2 dr. gS3. See at 4240 Sunny view. 'tff1 4 dr. Plymouth sdn. Good cond. 41 Bieber. 4-3468. ; DODGE R & H. $33 Ph. 3-5783. M SUPER 88 Olds. 4 dr. Bed", low mlleape. clean, tubeless tires. tintedws. 4-5025. LUXURY K ECONOMY 1956 Borgward, cruises at 75 mph, gets 29 mpg, twin beds Ph. 2-9893 or 4-1007 after 6:30. 47 2 DR FORD V-8 good cond. Good rubber, Radio heater, 2810 Brown Rd. Ph. 4-8114 af ter 5:30. $1,000 equity In '56 Chev. Sta tion Wagon. Cheap for cash. Consider trsde or pick-up. Will payjash dlff. Ph. 4-9371. MODEL A Ford pick-up $50 Ph. 3-6616. 1947 CHRYSLER Windsor 4-dr. radio A heater, verv clean, exc. cond . $215. no trsde Ph 2-3.--.RO after 6 p.m. 2141 Stortc Ave '52 PONTIAC 4-dr. $790. good cond 1270 F Jefferson. Stay- Ion. Ph. 6064. 1M2 PLYMOUTH Club cpe "Cranbrook". Ph. 4-9465 eve fOHTALlT '4rbodge4-drirfn. radio, heater, clean, excel cond. 1185 or best cash offer. Ph. rORSALE: 1M1 sell.' bus. pass. Ph. eve. 4-4304. 853 Auto Ports t Rtpoirc 99 CHEV V-$ RUS. CPE PARTS Radiator, hood, trunk-lid. St'd. Irans., r. end Ft end. wheels, lires, curved rear window bat tery, dash, heater, gas tank, many other parts. 1960 Trsde St. after S A Roas. Mei-h. on Duty Valves ground. Outside service, no extra charge. Ask for Bui. John s Service, 1095 S. 12th. Ph. 4-S502, nltes 4-0773. SS4 Trucks, Troil. tor talc '50 FORD V-. 'i T pickup 4 speed, excel, rubber, sell right, take trade. 6620 Port land Rd Ph. 4-2411. SACRIFICE", 54 Chrv." truck I with 6x10 van exc shape new j rubber. Ph. 3-3248. 793 N Lan caster Dr. 51 FORD pick-up, 132S. Ver non Haefer. Stayton Boedeg. helmer Farm, TWO wheel camping trsiler. Attch. folding kitchen, larp. wonderful for fishing 61 hunt ing. Ph. 2-406D. evenings. 1 WHEEL trsiler-with "stock rack, 640 good cond. aUn 14 ft. extension ladder 2-2267. '.46 .FORD ft, ton csb chassis. 154 wheel base, 2 sp'd rear end. 625x20 rubber Mh. 4-3621. 30SS Hulsey TOR HIRE: Half d shovel, dump trucks cats, with opera- lors. Pfl. .1-1271 Hllverlon FOR SALE: All mrtal single horse trailer, like nu linVn axle 100', rubber tncap rh 2-4041.1 '48 J4 TON KURD W flatbfd. 2 63S8. 850 Automotive 892 Usoti Cors For Solo ess m m p)Erjfp)f E x APPEARANCE IS NOT DEPENDABLE . . s . - it pays to buy where integrity assures Your Lasting Satisfaction '55 BU1CK SPECIAL Crisp black and white at white tires, rich, black and red nylon and eordaveen Interior. Dynaflow. radio, heater. We sold new and regularly serviced, only 11,406 miles with rec ord of service available. 54 MERCURY MONTEREY $1895 Overdrive, radio, heater, with red snd blsck Interior. good care. 5f CHEVROLET BEL AIR V-l SS BU1CK CENTURS' RIVIERA SSBUICK RIVIERA COUPE S3 BU1CK SUPER SEDAN 53 FORD V- TWO DOOR '52 OLDS tt SEDAN . 'SI BUICK SUPER CONVERTIBLE M CHEVROLET BEL AIR y. M DODGE SEDAN 4,9 BUICK SUPER SEDAN 'SO PACKARD SEDAN 40 BUICK SUPER SEDAN OREGON'S OLDEST DEALER COMMERCIAL AT CHEMEKETA 1ST 1956 FORD CUST0MLINE CLUB COUPE Beautiful red and white tu-tone with matching Interior. Equipped with V-g Thunderbird enaine. dual exhaust Fordomatic, ra dio, heater, w.s. washers, side with ll warranty on pans ter how lar you drive. ONLY $2,495 ill RCA M T ;KA4r LlDeity TRADE1NS 55 CHEV BEL-AIR 4 DR. Hester, power glide, tutnne paint, one owner, only 13. MM miles ' ,..' IIMt '54 MERCURY SUN VALLEY . 2095 Hardtop, r s d I o, heater, Merc-o-MBtlc, power steer ing, power windows, snd seal, while walls, tutnne green paint, and green trim, one owner. '53 PONTIAC DLX. 4 DR. $1195 Chieftain. 8, radio, heater, hydra. 32,000 miles, one own er light blue with tutone blue trim. A very nice fam ily car. Open Eves. And . BARGAIN CENTER OF SALEM Silverton Rd. at Lancaster Dr., Ph. 4-9114 1650 STUDEBAKER Champion, $350. Bee at day or night. Ph. 2-3666. 9666 S. Summer. 1947 OLDSMOBILI 4 door sedan hydra-matic, radio ti heater. Full price $160. McCall s Used Cars. 1297 Stste. Tm7 CHEV. Fisetrne, Radios, heater, recent overhaul, new tires, life-guard tubes. $260. by owner Ph. 4-4806 WtstTttttiTCorg,' TfcCi VVEHI HAVING TOP CASH For Clean Used Cars Paid 'or or Not Bob ti Bill't Used Can Union h Higb SU. BSt Motortytiot FOR SALE or trade '4g model Chek motorcycle, will trsde for roto-tiller. Ph. 3-3241, 750 S Lancaster Dr 860 Auto Miscellaneous 14' NEON AUTO SALES sign for sale, your name on top 6r flashing arrow helow, also 2 rm. office Esaus Motor Serv ice. Dallas. TOP-cyllndrr lubricator, 2 qt., good cond. 17. 2349 Mill St. 962 House Trailers ANOTHER LOAD OF IS' SHASTAS JUST ARRIVED Lana Lane, 1940 Lana Ave. UVAcr"lrlr 67SoLlke neV 1640 Una Ave. PLAY sifiufflebw'dat!aiems New Center Street Trailer Court. Trailer Spaces available 4161 Center St. '49 33' KIT. 1865 HIGHWAY AVE, BARGAIN! 4S' DREAMHOMTC. Late mdl. Terms. Lana Line, 1U40 Lana Ave TRAILER' TOWINli JAYHAWK TRAIIFR SALES 4 Portland Rd Ph -! TRAILER space lor rent Reas 2M)7 Portland Rd FIR'YUESI ' 1 raitei Park under nrw msnaeemrnt resturteo spare l"l rent j "d Ph a-6.113 . HAa MCOVV taulDrnenr ' - ' FOR HIRE Half rl .hovel. I dump trucks rats, with npcrj- tors. Ph. 3-3271 Silverton. 830 Automotive 8S2 Uso Con Foe Solo RIVIERA . . . .$2595 onwer strerlns Red snd white One owner, low mileage Shows . SEDAN . $2195 .12895 . 12895 . $1495 ..I K3 ..$1095 . $ 195 $ 595 .. $535 $29$ $ 295 $ 75 PHONE 4-5711 YEAR DEPRECIATION mirrors, ate. Only 1400 mile at laoor lor one year, aw mat hnim It Ph. 2-4113 '51 OLDS SUPER M 2 DR. 1795 Radio heater, tlvdra. tutniuh paint, white walls. ' 1 " SO MERCURY 4 DR. I3S3 Heater, overdrive, etean. '50 FORD 1 DR. $345 Radio, heater, seat covers. '48 NASH 4 DR. $125 overdrive, $135 overdrive. Radio, heater, clean. 47 STUDE 4 DR. Radio, heater, good tires. '41 HUDSON 4 DR. 85 All Day Sunday Will Chevrolet Cadillac i NEW It V8ED Union 6i Commerclsl Ph. S-317S MOLL MOTORS CHRYSLER - PLYMOUTH pTip Top Used Cars Silverton, Ore. Ph. 3 5191 1947 BUICK food running $121 1111 N. 16th. Ph. 1-9644. 1650 MERCURY, overdrive, new seai covers, I tone, white walls. Also 1680 Bulck Special 4-dr.. straight transmission, ve, ; nice. Must sell one this week. 1431 N. 4th. Ph. 4-4483. 1633 FORD custom line clb. cpe.. radio, heater. 2-tone paim. windshield waaners, wheel rovers, exrel. rond Must sell imm'd. at 6061. 2160 Broadway. 4-6M1. Oregon'! Oldest Dealer BEST BUY Used Cars Commerclsl D Cbemeketa Ph 4-871. 32 OLDS Holiday Cpe Ph 4-674 after 1 p.m. '53 MERC. Comrert", R A H Best offer buys. Ph. 2-3558 or see at20JuedesSt. '41 PLY. 4 DR? SEDAN PH. 2-4310 163 FORD Custom 4 dr.. rsdlo, heater, signal lights, tinted glass. Will tske trsde for equi ty. Ph. J-4056. 648 Vlnysrd. BODY MAN SPECIAL 53 Lincoln Csprl convertible rolled over IWS Can he seen 1365 Broadway Ph 3-9271 CORVETTE 1)54 rs sitfi 3I0 N Itnei Licened less than s vear !. Ofto miles A red A while sport car coslint over fl ino for ', price See at I9a5 N. lDth 51 HUDSON Cmdr ndii A healer, hydra dr.. 8300. Exc. cond. Ph. 2-7130. 850 Automotive 352 UsosJ Con For Sot , (OWNERS KEEP EM l SAFETY TESTED 'M FORD CROWN VIC. Only 21.006 miles ... jj ftj)s "JJ" HOLIDAY Cpe- stick shirt .l23St 54 OLDS "91" 4 DR. Full o 54 OLDS "SI" 4 DR. SDN. Radio, beater, hydra.-Jl4l '51 OLDS "U" I DR. SDN. Cleanest la towa.710 'SO CHEV. t DR. SDN. Powergllde, good ,..g4IO REMEMBER t If it come? from LODER'S ...ITS GOOD U3 4C1 NO. HIGH PH. 2-797$ FOR IALI: lithef 'U Plymouth 4 dr,N aedn. sxc, cone, or 4i I cyl. 4 dr. good tend. Terms. rn. U CHEV club cpe . excellent cend. 466 Rosa. J-6674. CTaVING. tfChev. delis," pog ml. powergllde, radtg, heater. Like new. 4-2174. Before You Buy COME AND TRY The New French 4 DOOR SEDAN 4 wheal Independent iuspef" tioea Torsion Bar Stabilisers 6) Heater, Defrosters 90 miles Par GaL Up to 66-74 MPH 6) Cruslng speed with maM power spar lor Peaetnf All seals upholstered In smart . red leatherette , Vnlt Bod; Construction 6) Tlmkim Roller Bearing throughout Automatic Chokt Two lone horn Mnr Luggaee, Speee . sj riuooer eareijr irira COMPLETELY EQUIPPED SALES & SERVICE , 3040 Liberty Road Ph. 4-TKN ..- SERVICE k PARTS ALWAYS READILY AVAILABLE SAFE BUY ENTER ED SULILVAN'S June 11-August 4 $2000 CASI AWARD if you buy a used car from lis now . . . then win a Mercury Phae ton in the contest 8 Weekly Contests 2680 PRIZES ENTER NOW. it mir lot, 49S N. Coral AM LINCOLN-MERCURYJNC. "The Car Makes Good Or We Do" ORIGINAL owner. 1632 Mercury hardtop, test rovers, rsdlo, heater, overdrive. 11.173. Beo Fortner 3-3433 after 6 p m. CLEAN USED CARS MI Dodge i-T Pickup 4 1632 Nssh Ram. Sta Wgn 1643 IK46 Ply. Sub. Sta Wgn His 1950 Nash J-dr Sedan 144S 1S49 Plvmoulh convertible 1393 1947 Plvmoulh 4-Door STM 147 Olds 4-Dnor as is !s0 !WI Bulck hardtop 179J McC ALL'S USED 'ARS 1297 State St Ph 3-8106 38 BUICK Century HsrdtotK like new Going to India. 61 7S cash. Ph. Lebanon, Al 1 I-410J. Lite Ik. ME SELDOM Fr Sail Hilt $1395 111 111 i . NOW $425,000 Mercury Contest!