Z-jSec I) Statesman. Salem, Ore, Thurt, June II. 56 240 Girls State Delegates to Select Top Officials Today (See MTf oa page 1) ' lcrnor art Linda Taonpeoa, A Tha J40 delegates to tns "lSlk ttof .nn... r.irb sut it Wiiintti1Bo- Tbey snd ether top ameers University will elect their own let of top state, officers today. Governor s inauguration U tet for 1 30 pm. at ths Capitol wit Gov. Ema Smitk- aa featured speaker. Candidates for position aa for- 300 Register In Salem for DAVMeeli'rig (rVtars'ea Fas 11. See. 1) Douglas McKay, Republican nom inee lor lb U. I. Senate, will address tlx OrefM Department of Disabled American Veteran con vention at II a.m., today in the Marion Hotel The public is invited to attend the speech, Area L. Brew iter, aUte commander, said. ' The convention esesed her Wedneaday afternoon with regis tration at the Marion Hotel. An estimated got person! an expect' ed to attend as regis tritiona con tinua today. v : Tedar'i tesiioB will open at t jr. Scheduled events la addition to the McKay talk include commit tee sssignments at il:JS a.m.; a "Lifer's Luncheon" at 12:38 p.m. for life members of tin organiia- tioa: a busineai meeting at 1 p.m., and "Cat and Dog Rendeivoos," ( . . . - I - u. J . a meeting me group i nu ar- ganiiattoa. Friday the eonventioa will con- aider resolutions aubmitteg by DAV delegates throughout the atate. Reaolutkma up (or consid eration Include various measures concerned with benefits to dis abled veterans.;., " ' A MMMiwtttl MMftM faM )lM III the Fir it Presbyteriaa church Wednesday evening with State Chaplain. Mrs. Olivt Adamson, Klamath Falls, In charge. An exe cutive board meeting followed the service. . , .v.'.'" Burning Truck Stops Traffic were nominated at Wednesday coaventioaa of the "Nauoaalist" and "Federalist" parties. Campatga Talks Candidate! gave campaign uiu t a Wednesday evening rally at Waller Hill la their quest for votes at thia morning'! o'clock elections. , Other Federalist Part candi dates Include: Myraa Browa, Parkdale, labor commissioner; Deanae Dayton, Grants Pits, at torney general; Marilyn Hromaa, Albany, treasurer; end Jaa Twee die, Eugene, secretary ot state. Others carrying the National ist Party banner; Virgiaie Bat ter, ajilwaukie, labor eommia aioner, Taaia Tipley, Portland, at torney general; Joyce Lawrence, Aumsville, treasurer; and Linda Bowen, Baker, secretary of itste. Wednesday 'I featured speaker wai Mark Hatfield, Republican candidate for secretary of state and retiring member of the Wil lamette faculty stall. Bade Things Hatfield reviewed the history of equality of womea aad said slavery and temperance iaauei were basic things that brought womea equality before tha law. "You should not be so con cerned with women 'i laws that you ignore total Democracy," ad monished Hatfield. "Any law that aliens womea ia this country af fects our total Democracy.1' - Today'! schedule also includes organisation of House and Sea ate aad measagee from Jack Lar son, commander of the Oregon Departmeat of the Americaa Le gion, aad Mrs. Harold L. Leach, president of the Oregon Depart ment of tha auxiliary. Giro State delegates will con tinue their study of Democratic government through Sunday. P0Geiljng Cut Okehed Denial X-Ray Report Called Misleading NEW YORK Wl - Dental au thorities Wednesday described as uniortunale and misleading" i im. report by the National Academy! Sbedeck and Battalion Firemen Ask Outside Work Law Removed Removal of t the controversial no-wort" law for city employes was asked Wedneaday sight when a delegation ef firemea appeared before the Salem Civil Service Conunlsskm. Tke matter waa takes under consideration after firemea complained the law caused much trouble and dissen sion. Other business included the set ting of dates for police entrance end aergeant'a examinations. En trance exams are scheduled July 11 and the promotion exams sa July IS. The delegation from the Tire de partment said they spoke in be half of the entire organization in asking removal of the law which prohibits city employes from gain ful outside work. Fire Marshall Glenn Shedeck represented Chief Ellsworth Smith, who was out of ' 'luteaaaa Ntwa Smite , SANTIAM JUNCTION A loaded trailer -truck blocked traffic on ths North Ssnttsm highway near hers for . almost sa hour Wednesday Ua irKvmr a.a (nrrari la sbandoa ths vehicle because of fire,' itste police reported. - Ths truck was totally damaged. Harry C Brinson, Bend, told onic be set the truck i brakes , on a grade and left it after noting ths vehicle was "getting awfully ' hot." w A ' But ths' truck'! brake lining! burned, causing ths vehicle to Jacknlfs across the highway on the grade. , " " , Ths truck, loaded with powder ed pumice, reportedly caught firs i about p.m. after a" drive 11ns broke and struck, ths gai tank. - ' r ...--. Eugene Water Bacteria Rises EUGENE til Lane County, stats and city sfidala srs seeking ths source of aa increasingly high bacterial count ia ths city's water supply, v Sines summer of IKS, ths bac teria count ia ths supply hai been sa ths increase. But Dr. Harold Oatemd, county, health officer, a aald there is no cause for alarm among water users. He explsined that the water treatment routine reduces ths bacteria count to a - ssfs point. - The offidsls are exploring the possibility that the bacteria Is coming from one or several con laminated sloughs emptying into ths McKenxie River near ths water . intake at ths Eugene Water and Electric Board filtration plant Martial Law in dentine Ends WASHINGTON 111 - Sen. Byrd (D-Va said Wednesday Secre tary of ths Treasury Humphrey has agreed to a three billion dol lar decresse in ths temporary ceiling oa ths national debt Byrd, who heads ths Senate Fi nance Commute, said in a state ment be will propose a reduction ia ths ceiling, effective July 1, from the present 281 blllioa dol lars to 771 billions. .- Byrd, a leading congressional advocate of reducing government spending, said unexpended bal ances ib appropriated funds would climb to Ml billion In the fiscal year starting July 1 under PreaU dent Eiaenhower's budget propos iti, la view or that, be said, the debt celling offers "an Important control over federal expendi ture!." ,v. - . :i: '1 ' i X v-t' DouglasFir Orders Dip POBTLAND HI Douglas fir orderi, ihlpments and production fell off in May, the West Coast Lumbermen's Assn. said Wednes day. For ths first Ave month! of the year, the industry Is running be hind the pace set the prevtoui two yean, Secretary Harris E. Smith said. At the end of May unfilled orderi were listed it 706,201,000 bosrd feet, and stocks oa hand at 967,- 661,000. For ths first flvs months of the year, production totaled l.Kl.m, 000 board feet, compared to 4,244.077,000 for the lams period In 195J. Orderi were S,t76.820,000, compared to 4,233,499,000, and shipments were 3.980,676,000, com pared to 4,162,693,000. of Sciences that medical and dental X-rays are a hazard to hu man life. Dr. Herbert L. Taub, president of ths New York State Dental So ciety, said that with modem denial techniques and equipment, there could be as danger to re productive organs, ss suggested by the report , He said ths report has "caused needless apprehension to hun dreds of dental patients" and that many dentiata had reported patients calling to cancel appoint ments for X-ray examinations of their teeth. - Dr. Samuel S. Wald, associate professor of radiology at New York University College of Den tistry, also aaid that dental X rayi properly made with proper modem apparatus "will have as harmful effects." The Academy of Sciences re port, issued Tuesday in Washing ton after a year-long study, said raaiauoa irom any sourcs bombs, nuclear' research or X- rays waa "often harmful . to life. The report devoted to the ov erall health fee tori involved in radiation from atomic experi ments and ether sources, said any amount of radiation, however smaD, wai haxardoui from a genetic or hereditary standpoint. Hilton Outlines Finance Plan for Chiefa 'American Men Immature9 Hotel in Portland PORTLAND HI The head of the Hilton ' Hotel chain indicated Wednesday he is willing to build a. 600 to 650 room hotel here if local source! raise about $6,750, ooo toward the 12 million dollars needed. Hilton, who discussed the pro posal lor another hotel to the downtown area, outlined the finan cing formula used in other cities where he has built: Of ths needed 12 milliona, 4 '4 million! would be borrowed, presumably from life Insurance companies, and Hilton would put up 10 per cent of the remaining 74 million. Thii would leave $6,750,000 for local sources to raise. Hilton said he also would nrovide the working capital. Arge Court to Hear Kermit -Smith State Proposal PORTLAND I A proposal to settle the 632,500 estate of Kermit Smith, who waa slain in a bomb blast last year, will go before Circuit Judge William L Dickson for approval Thursday. Victor L. Wolf wu convicted of murder. Smith's widow. Mar- jorie, was acquitted of complicity. Alan Davis, Portland attorney, confirmed the agreement providei that the widow will get $2,500. and the rest of the estate will go to the Smiths' 3-year-old daughter, Susan. BUENOS AIRES III - President Pedrs Arambura Wednesday re voked the martial law clamped - on Argentina in last weekend ! bloody revolt Pending death sen tences were impended. k .41. ! J- k I a wuuuwiuv uuiu went un idt Gen. Raul Tanco and other lead en of an uprising blamed by the government on support en of Juan . v. Peron. ousted president - Firing aqusdi snot 27 military : and civilian rebels, sources close . to the government said. Front ISO - to 200. other death sentences were commuted to- life. Press reports estimated, at least 906 persons wars arrested. , A-PACT SIGNED ' w WASHINGTON HI - The United States and New Zealand have signed as agreement to coooerate in research in the peaceful us atomic energy. Portland Police Chief Again Talks With Vice Jury ' PORTLAND ID - Police Chief James Pur cell Jr. went back Wednesday for a second dav with the grand Jury, investigating vice conditions in Portland. Purcell, who was in the jury room an hour Tuesday, spent m houri Inside Wednesday mornin ana returned lor the full session in the afternoon. The grand Jury began Ita aessions last week under the direction of Atty. Gen. Robert Y. Thornton, who took over from Dint Attv William Langley upon order of uov. &imo smith. MAN FATALLY STRICKEN EUGENE if) - A Eugene real Mtate broker, Albert E. Bentley, 59, died Wednesday from a heart attack suffered in a downtown orug itore. Robert Mill! and Percy Clark aaid the law ia most difficult to enforce end has long been a cause of "trou ble and low morale" in the depart ment The delegation also included three boaemen. Other Towns Cited The firemen pointed out that sim ilar, regulations in Portland and Eugene have not been enforced for years and there are no such rules in Albany and Corvallis. A main contention of the firemen held the law to be fair to some and unfair to others ia the department The question was raised by Shed eck ss to why assignment of fire men as Instructors for outside de partments at extra pay should not be considered aa much gainful em ployment aa somebody mowing a lawn for M cent! an hour. This wu given as a chief cause ef dissatis faction. Optnlea Raised William Entreat, chairman of the commission, ventured the opinion that "no city employe should be working on the aide and taking a Job from somebody who needs it. "If firemen are happy in their profession they should be willing to abide by rules and regulations," ventured Mayor Robert White. He took note of pay ralaea for fire men and pointed out that ."only seven employes of the water de partment are making as much as starting firemen." Hosemaa Neal Nisbet said "if a firemea ia willing to work in hii off hours to build up savings, he should be free to do so." Commission member Kenneth Perry posed the question as to whether an organization like the fire department might not be bet ter off without civil service be cause of ita different working schedules Monroe Cheek, third member of ths commission, observed that "not many taxpayeri would like to aes r person whose wagei they're paying, competing with them on a Job." . Law'a Hlslery Battalion Chief Clark said he had dug into a history of the com troversiaf law and found the law wai originated in depression dayi in 1932 "when everybody wai try ing to end the depression." The commission put aside for further study the' matter of how soon an applicant for a police Job would be required to move inside the city after his appointment. Approved at last month's elec tion was a plan to allow employ ment of policemen qualified under civil service before they have com pleted a year'i residency here. Chief Clyde Warren said he thought applicants should be given a reasonable- time to move here after their six-months probation ary period. Warren pointed out that applicants couldn't be lure of their Jobs until after probation. Competitive Exams Warren also recommended com petitive lieutenant'i exams in the future rather than promotions to that level strictly on seniority. This would not apply to recent promotions, in which three serg eants were elevated to lieutenants on a City Council order. Two patrolmen currently are on the eligibilty list for positions of sergeants in the police department. Warren said some dozen men will take the exam for the other open- o t ,4 i ! HgigaVHanWlBaaiBahaa SAN FRANCISCO-Preach movie actress Marttae Carat gesiarei with her aaadi aa abe talks to reporter! here Wednesday. She aald Ameri can aaea "are the meat kaadseme, the ipertlest la Ike world," bat at very mature. "Americaa mea are very yoaag. very gay," said Miss Carol. "Bat If I were to marry aa Americaa again, be weald be mark elder." (AP Wirepbole.) Loyalty Case Firing Revoked, Probe Promised As Cain Renews Attacks WASHINGTON - Former Sea. Harry P. Caia nloaded a fresh attack Wednesday oa the1 Eis hewer admiaistrstios'i toy- alty-security program. A short time later one man was reofftred s job he had lost oa security grounds, sod senators pledged a rauick investigation of other cases. Cain, a member of the Subver sive Activities Control Board, told a Senate Judiciary subcommittee he thinks there is "serious ques tion whether we need a so-called loyalty progrira ia thia country." Continuing testimony he began Tuesday, Cain said that among the thousands of government workers listed as security risks over the years, it would be hard to count a dozen whs actually were found to be disloyal The former Republican senator from Washington State declared that the security program has been marked by 'fascist" type abuses which make even applica tion for a federal Job "a terrify ing and inhumane trap." In appearing before the same group Tuesday, Caia cited as an example of American "fascism" the case of an ex-GI who lost a Red Cross Job after the Army raised security questions about nounced Wednesday night that the Red Cross has "offered" to re hire the vetaraa. Irving L Aegast. ef Seattle. ! As to whether Angust would be permitted to go overseas with thej Red Cross, a Pentagon spokesman aim. Je Offered The Defease Departmeat a Theatre Time Table BLeiNoaa THE BOt.D AND TUB BRAVE: l ot ind M is. SLIGHTLY SC A HI-IT- I SS. CAMTOL Z3 PACES TO BAKES STREET: 1 SO and 10 10. HILDA CRANE: 1:11. 140, and I.N. NOBTB SALXM DBIVS IN SOLDIER or FORTUNE wit Clark Gabl and Suan Hayward. RAINS OF RANCHIPl'R with Lana Turner andMltchartf Burton SHOW STARTS AT DUSK I BOLLYWOOD PICNIC: VO and ! JS FURY AT CUNS1GHT PASS: 1:20. said this would await the outcome of a subsequent security dear ante. And. he added, the Defease De partmeat ia making available to A a g a a t "clearance facilities' which are available to other in dustrial workers. Iaf Seattle. August said the Red Croaa had called him from Saa Francisco and aked if he wanted the Job back. Rcaaly to Work "They hit me cold just after I had gotten out of bed." he said, "so I told them I would think it over. They said they would call me again tomorrow morning. When they do. I ll teU them I II be delighted to go back to work." He said he wanted a chance to clear his name under oath. He ascribed his troubles to a period of four to six months in IMS when he was a member of the Pro gressive Party which he. dropped out of when he decided "it was being influenced by Communists.'. Investigation of all the cases cited by Cain was promised by the ben.i'r subcommittee. AUTRY BUYS "STATION SAN FRANCISCO - Sale of radio station KSFO in San Fran cisco to Gene Autry, cowboy movie star, and Robert 0. Reyn olds, former Stanford football player, for a million dollars has been announced here. 68 Rebels Killed In North Africa ALGIERS I French sources said at least N rebels were killed Wednesday in clashes with mil iary unite as terrorists bombings, farm burnings, knifings and raids continued. Algerian nationalists were ac cused in a French headquarters report of killing 22 Arabs friendly to the French in a single village in the Bou Andas mountains. Home Improving Session Draws Near 40 Persons Approximately 40 persons at tended a promotional meeting of Operation Home Improvement Wednesday night in the Marion Hotel. The meeting, planned to stimu late interest in residential and in dustrial remodeling, drew a cross- section of businessmen interested in the project, Edward Linden Jr., of the OHI committee, said. Solicitor! are currently asking for contribution! to finance a sur vey 'of the city to determine what ii needed in the improvement and alteration of iti dwellings. A goal of $14,000 haa been set for the remainder of thia year. The local effort is coordinated with a national campaign aimed at home improvement. WOMAN HOSPITALIZED Mrs. Louella Engstrom, (37 N. 20th St., was taken to Salem Me morial Hospital about 2:25 p.m. Wednesday after becoming ill at her home, Willamette Ambulance Service reported. Woodburn Drive-In Wed. - Thurs. Fri. Sat Ia Cinemascope "BENEATH THE 12 HUE BELT' Bob Wagner Terry Moore Plai 'THE- Mia DUO! AS" Gary Merrill Wanda Hendrix OPEN 7:lS-SUrts Dusk iiil;?iiiniui! i ii cut ii i pi SILVERTON Drive-In Theatre Wed.-Thar.. Frl.'-Sat TOUIE NEVU TOO TOUNC Martin and Lewis Plui "TEN WANTED HEN" Randolph Scott Dallas Motor-Vu OatM 7;00, akew at amk, JmI IfUCna, Vara MOW la 'WICHITA' C awag4AaMCa)lM CsWf aw9C4r1 filiW Humphrey Safari, Martha Start la DESPERATE HOUR' VWliVltian lay aria far tfca klaWtaa SO 0M i.S PHONE 44713 10. ing. The Civil Service Commission accepted the resignation of Allen McRae from the detective force. McRae quit to take an insurance investigative job. Leading U.S. Air Chiefs Tapped for Visit to Russia WASHINGTON - Top tech nicians of the Air Fores will be smong the nine officers accom panying Gen. Nathan F. Twining to the Russian air show in Moscow on June 24. . Twining, the Air Force chief of staff, announced the list Wednes day. In selecting his deputy chiefs of staff for operations, develop ment and materiel to make this trip, he underlined hii Intention of making It a working visit that will test Soviet willingness to mors thsn the itaged demonstra tions "and exhibits that wiU be seen by visitor! from many lands at the ihow. . Ui fa Km m Mx -r m b c',.; I?-- . .: Tm Wag tpaei tip hi shrink aw alrrh, WIU Ml nf ksia I wisk Ii know mm k fl Sm ihos in. Soppf M Tl!! SAII SHOP 0rr,Tw.sr PsrrisntJ Rwad at North Ofy limits . , t Par Orders t G - Phono 2-4791 HELD OVER William M.IJaja-Kim Navak 'PICNIC Mitiar Prln Wmimi May C-!tarriae BaaaliMl iMaaM Divta1 Sriaai - Na villa Irand -FUIT AT 6UNS1CHT PISS' 3 J WVWaT4ino-irjrV,"a& UL f-, jafiav t$i-w tfkj. I iTa mm ia are works of art guaranteed to delight your dad , on Father's Day June 17th SaUm's Own Store M90 Sine 1890 i-jmi,i:K:i,f.y;i, OatM Oawn i:4S -thaw At Daat NOW HAYINO ttary f llali Markat Imuf lari and Ratkataaril Clark Cabls Susan Hayward "Soldier of Fortune" In Taclmlcatol Ca-MH-Myarary, Danaar lurrif wa, Daairal h4 Una I MacMurray Turnar i Richard Burton "The Rains of Ranchipur" , In Tacknicalar MATINEE TODAY STAITt AT 100 PJ. I AUr-S(H& 2 mm m wwiinuun IV 'i Mi ,23 pzn TO CTS3 STCOT 2nd TOP HIT! Jaaa SIMMONS Ovr MAorscM KM riarra AUMONT hilda crane t3 BBS SrwwT f"fl. FRIDAY mm PROM A MAJOR STUDIOl AT FRIDAY 1:45 PM STARTS T0NITE Action Hits - Tha Screen Explodes With Action '. TBCMMtCCaoa aaatA 1 .a -J BUIPVr John Arlena Rhonda 1 PAYNE DAHl FLEMING I MICKEY ROONEY TrUa.WaUIMn I KARL'S SHOE STORE ( 100 N. COMMERCIAL t tJ fj ' IiV'' $2.99 $3.99 VkhieelB OO I?" WOMEN'S -T' atv. S"84 Vffiir" I II V x -SN II comfortable pumps, J U N, ir"s. ii landals and moccasins I ''------INkv specially reduced fl . for this event. Hurry ' 0 OXFORDS STRAPS FOR LITTLE 1 FOR MISSIES (were trw) I J CHILDREN Rugged and MISSIES' h I fa long wearing. PUMPS fCS. W value) , fcj $r84 ( Were up to $4.M Cv I V Cute and comfort- Red only, XA V A able. Red or IJ 12 to 3 dV 1 U brown leather. I II Valueiton w v'N ledl'keDad'f V MEN'S DRESS SHOES I BOYS SHOES (i J $584 I $,84 -lM V Goodyear welts. () j i fl Oxfords, brogues. I Oxfords and brogues, f 0 J Sises to 11 GoojyMr wtUj. X - Q f -T Sizei3Vto fX "J 1 'Vmmm' First quality, y V Sheer, full Wlorri-ln x,h, mbed cotton. Asat colors snd I J newest season's shades. v patterns. 29f pair value. 5 pair H V I tegular 79 pair valua, fftlf.fly V. 1 Q - O Vf FREE nu 0 ( EAU00NS I SdK if sBorriNcXVi V Pwchsss 1 O V HecesssrL 1 8 MAKE SHOPPING MKARl'S A FAMILY AFFAIR!