The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 14, 1956, Page 15, Image 15

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    Valley News
Statttman Ntws S.rvict
North Polk County
Districts Consider
Union High School
StjlPimnji Nrwi trrvltt
(Story also on Page 1.)
DALLAS Proposed formation of a union high school for the
northern rural section of Polk County is being considered by 11 school
districts of the area.
A fact finding committee was appointed recently by representa
tives of the districts at a preliminary meeting. Another meeting is
tentatively scheduled for Friday night at Rickreall, according to Dan
New Pastor
- q
1 Wi
DALLAS The Rev. Sidney B. Gal
ther, formerly of Cottage Grove,
li new pastor of the First Meth
odist church, Dallas. The Rev.
Fremont Faul, pastor for tlx
years, has moved to Cottage
Grove. The aew minister has
sarvod churrhn in Astoria, font
Bay and Cottage Grove.
Death Takes
Longtime Mill
Citv Resident
Ktalrtman Nei Service
MILL C1TY-A lifelong resident
ef the immediate Mill City area,
John Blodgett Bradshaw died Tues
day in a Salem nursing home at
the age of 78. He was a retired
logger who had always lived on
the outskirts ofr Mill City in the
house where he was born.
Surviving are a daughter, Mrs.
Mabel Potter. Lyons; son, Tom
Archie E. Bradshaw. Portland;
sister, Mrs. Nora Booth, Oakland,
Calif., and five grandchildren.
The fmioral will be held at 2
p m. Saturday in Wcddle Funeral
Home, Stayton, with the Rev.
Ovde V.'oods officiating. Inter-;
ment will be at Fox Valley Ccm-
etery, Lyons.
River Victim's
Funeral Today
SISTERS Final riles for Philip
Ronald Olmstead, 17. who was
drowned Sunday while fishing in
the Metolius River, will be held
at 10 a.m. Thursday at the Chris
tian Church here. Interment is to
be ,at Bend. The youth, recent
honor "graduate of Sisters High
School and winner of a four-year
scholarship at Linfield College, was
the grandson of Mr. and Mrs.
Lafe Sherwood of Salem.
Lyons Rcbckahs
Attend Session
statesman w Sfrvirf
t vnMj svpra members
. t'.i.K RAnalrah lnn0A Ueill .
li, Jefferson to attend the dis-
trict convention which was held
in that city Monday afternoon
and evening. The district in
cludes Mill City, Lyos, Stayton,
Scio and Jefferson. Officers from
Faith were Blanche Wagner past
president of the convention and
Helen Johnston inside guardia.
The memorial service was put
on by Faith Rebckah lodge with
Zona ",ischo. (iarnett Bassett and
Hazel Neal taking part, with Jean
Roberts, Alia Rodeker, Helen
Johnstn and Blanche Wagner
furnishing the music.
Others attending were Lois
Meyer ', Norma Pennington. Alice
Huebr, Hazel Lewis, and Donna
OTTAWA Canada plans to
spend $200,000 this year on a pilot
plant to test ways of producing
uranium metal. It is expected to
be working by late 1957.
A. O. Smith
The Finest in
Gas Heating by
Day Heating Co.
First la Git Heating la
Salem Since 19S5"
Free Surveys and Estimates
225 Division Sr. Ph. 3-4122
I Van Otlen, clerk of the Perrydale
school board.
Area school directors are looking
into the union district proposal as
a solution to their high school
problem. Many believe that school I
reorganization measures will be
approved at the next legislative
session calling for some type of
consolidation of smaller districts.
Legislation Proposed .
Already recommended by the
Legislature's interim committee is
the passage of a proposed law
which would require each district
to be a part of a district with a j
high school. Under such a law, ,
many rural districts would lace
unification with districts having j
high schools or of providing their j
It was indicated that the follow
ing districts are interested in a
union high school: Rickreall, Or
chard View and Orchards, now students to Dallas;
Oak Grove and Greenwood, now
transporting to Central of Monmouth-Independence;
Eola. now
sending students partly to Salem
and partly to Central; Salt Creek,
now consolidated with Perrydale
Amity, and Perrydale, which main
tains its own high school.
State Consulted
Herman Gillam, Perrydale, and
Robert Firmer, Oak Grove, were
named at the first meeting to con
sult the State Department of Edu
cation for data on costs. Farmer
recently met with the Amity board
to present the high school matter
for its consideration.
Assessed valuation of the 11 dis
tricts in Polk County is about $3.-
232.000. Itickreall and Perrydale
earn hvP ahnht Ane-.hlrH J, .ho
total valuation. It was reported
that the valuation is sufficient for
the construction and operation of
a high school.
The 11 districts have a school
census of 135 children. Of this
number an estimated ISO would
attend high school.
Costs Estimated
Cost of a building for 200 pupils
was estimated at $400,000. A build
ing to accommodate 100 students
would cost an estimated $325,000.
Operating budget for a school of
200 students was placed at about
$90,000; for 150 students, approxi
mately $75,000 per year, and for
loo pupils, some $60,000.
The figures show that any seven
of the districts, provided Rickreall'
and Perrydale were' included
would have adequate bonding cap
acity to build a school of the size
tiasisl aI
' , 4L i
,JZ;l ' u "..rr
iiiiiuuiiig uunuru iiiucuii-uiitsa l"i
nrnses wnulH he annrnvimatnlv
7P0nmiis. Dats'chTl ffc
the past year, by comparison," was
uuiiuiii anu uinriaung ca-
i.5 mills. The high levy was
due i
to low valuation, but the rate
...... M J... ...I....:..
, r
If a decision is made to
ahead with the union high propos
al, all that is needed to make it
a reality is the approval of voters
0( the districts. No election is con
templated, however, until the facts
have been assembled and a deci
sion made on whether to call for
a vote.
TOKYO i - Prince Mikasa.
wjcm-viu, youngest oromcr oi
V m ru.rnr Uirnhitn la In,, i.. K.
. r u
"S- niaiv lu .
' attend a Bud
lst 'estlval
Buell. transporting to Sheridan; !?or'n Moweu scnooi w.u oe
Ballston and Bethel, now going to! byC; A. Lant . Salem contractor.
the -lifts -JJ
Happiest Kids
vE Canvas Shoes, by 3--
II Scientifically designed for children Jw III
II Comfortable fit Lonf-wearinf wi A III
rubtr sole Heavy reinforced yfjoJS : J$TrJrl jmr It
II toe bumper Stitclied-in, J'M"'Jdti I III
non-ilip cuhion intole. -XT'nI ' iiu I III
Children's Sixet 5 to 12 V yA III
$198 f P
III tfjjl! II
HI la Red or Blue fMWtf
III Sitet Ui ta 1 '4tlj'f0 XsvtrrtiiJ!! I
223 Commercial St. Ph. 3-4343
iJMi iMwji i'i imiiii jin i;i mi i ji j mi i mi iiu "rir .TrT i ' ' , ' ' ' ", " " w m
1 I " 'i'Ti L li
DALLAS rive rural farriers and parcel post drivers la fht Dallas
post office have received awards for safe driving and are shown
being presented pins and cards by Postmaster Carl Black. Lerey
Straley, third from left, has the
lag as a rural carrier without a a
Bible Classes, Church
Outings on Slate for
Valley Congregations
Vacation Bible schools continue to highlight activities of Mid-Willamette
Valley churches following the close of regular schools.
Ovar 100 youngsters were enrolled this week in the annual Bible
school a. Halbert Memorial Baptist
theme thu i year -is adyen unng with
ai u.inas ins uanv vncannn
Lantz to Build
North Howell
Stateimsu Mewi Service
una i ...
nnH is PYpnprtpf! tn hp rpaHv hv I
, .r - j
North Howell School Board ex
prssed pleasure at thqfow bid of
$56,000 because it averaged out to
a comparoly lew eeet tt 8.M per
square foot. The board awarded
the contract to Lantz, who was
'low among eight bidders.
James L. Payne, Salem, is
architect for the project which
will include three classrooms, with
windows in two walls; a 48 by 40
multipurpose and c o m m u n i t y ;
rv.m kltrhen nrf ftanlfv health ,.
furnace, storage and toilet rooms.
Exterior will be rough-cut cedar,
With brick trim and aluminum sash.
The school will go up just west
of the present school. The old
frame building will be torn down
as soon as the new ' building is
Next lowest bid was Hampton
Piatt, Salem, $56,750. Six other
bidders, all of Salem, offered
prices ranging up to $65,346.
At Valley Hospitals
SUteimsn Nroi Service
HUGHES - To Mr and Mrs
Peter N. Hushes, Mehama. a son.
Monday. June 11 at
nnnir. i .m . a. .u
: Jh"' T LSt I
u,,i;t. Tn Vlr
, , i
Tr t7m, nH Mr.
MAGLRS - To Mr. and Mrs.
Forrest Magcrs, Willamina, a son
Trrv I pp Mflv 7& at MrMinnv 1 e
1 1, . u ZU i r.,An.n
i-iK X- u:"
are Mr. and Mrs. Bill Rutherford i
and Mr. and Mrs. Glen Magers.
r,,i c t u. j w, ISexton. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Julian
DALLAS To Mr and Mrt.,Sr Mr , Mrs Mana, Powoll
Jimmie Allister Dallas a son Joh and Mr d Mrs John
June 9 at Bartel, Hospital. p jrf David, Tommy and Joy.
To Mr. and Mrs. Henry r . '
Schicrling, Dallas Route 2. a ..
nnnMnr lunn 7 nl nalla Hnc. JOB PLACEMENT IP
i pital. ;
To Mr. and Mrs. Franz Grusc.
vaisetz, a naugnicr June a ai
r 1 .. 1 1 .. UnBn;.t i
vmu iiuHilo,.
IU .111. auu .,113, uvmui.l U.WI,VUV 111 iiiaili luc v.w. uni
Petite. Grand Ronde. a son June ' Department's Bureau of Employ
6 at Dallas Hospital. ment Security hae announced.
Dallas Mail Carriers Honored
best record with six years at drlv-
accident. Other records are (from
Church in Hayesville where the 1
Christ ,
Kin n .srnnn ho i at ha unrrivnn
School was attended bv .imt chil
dren, 26 of whom accepted the I
Christian faith. Fifty-six workers
were on the staff of the srhnol
which was held only one week this !
Draws 75 Youngsters
The Bible School of the First
Baptist Church, held at the same
time, was attended by 75 young
sters. Falls City Christian Church Bible
school is scheduled to open Mon-
rtau arA nrt I U eni t rtk Ihmh en t,.m
cnildren (our oM ,h h
,he sixth Rrade. Mrs. John Qualey
and daughter Peggy, and Mrs
Claude Wells and daughter Judy
will teach the 1 to 3 p.m. classes.
The women's group of the church
studied Alaska at their recent
meeting and wRieh Mrs. Richard
Paul was hostess. Next meeting is
scheduled for July 5.
Four Departments
General chairman for the Hayes
ville Bible School are Mrs. Carl
Komyalc and Mrs. Elmer Paulson
LZrv i, Z .1'
Primary and junior de-
with classes divided into nursery,
partments. Closing exercises are
planned June 22 at 7:30 p.m. with
parents and friends invited to at
Congregational meeting of the
Hopewell Evangelical United Bre
thren Church will be held July 1
with the Rev. E. A. Fogg, confer
ence superintendent in charge.
The Rev. Morris Goodrich of Sa
lem will be guest speaker for
morning services June 17 and 24.
A special Fathers Day program
is scheduled for members of the
Christian Baptist Youth group of
the Salt Creek Baptist Church this
Sofiday at 6:45 p.m. at the church.
Hold Coast Outlnrs
Promotion activities are sched
uled this Sunday for the Unionvale
Evangelical United Brethren
Church. Certificates will be given
those to be promoted during the
Sunday school hour.
Eleven members of the inler-
mediate class of the Lyons Metho
dist Community Sunday School m
joyca an OUIing at UeiaKe on me
Members attending were Juanita
K"n1"'1. Anderson, Ann
., . ,
it'wiiii man i nucauA, ociuc uu
U'Mcvnn Uarinri. U'f M,Jn.nO
' . j:
arr- Ann aexton, Konme
iSpellmeyer. Glen Julian Jr.. and
Michael Cruson. Adults in the
group were Mr. and Mrs. Robert
WASHINGTON - Joh place-
ments by the public employment
service rose suosianuauy in nprii,
tnil,nf CA OOI pnmnarul with
i.,va.,,,6 v,.w oa w. ,.,..,.
left) Almos LeKors, raral rarrler, two yeans wltboat aa accident: Abe j0( checking in is completed Fri
Schlerllag, mounted root and parcel post, one year; Straley; Bryee j d,v ind must be done tne
Miller, raral carrier, four years; Orrea Ottaway, mounted route aad office, officials stated
parcel post, three years. Black la
represent a combined total of II
Lyons Youths
suutmu News Service the entire Stale., with from 25-30
LYONS Lyons was put on the, entrants 01 fch vent- Those tak-
map by two Mari-Linn school !'n Prt " Ann
students who participated in the ! Powell. Willow Phillips, Gerry Rob-
Oreffon State
held at the Grant High Bowl in
Portland Saturday.
I .L . . . - ,. . , .
nn Poi Z the ZLr and Mrs. ? Cruson!
"' nnn. r " ' a"5 HhW Nikie Cruson and Jean Prideaux.
i-uiiiici intuit vrtin
Willow Phillips won the state
championships softball throw in;
the 12-13 age group. Barbara Ny.
dcS8 made a very good showing
in me 13 yara aasn. micnaei
Cruson rated among the top five
contestants in the junior high jump.
The students were competing
against athletes from schools over
Mild, so Mild, so Full of Flavor
pinning aa award oa Ottaway. They
years of aa accident driving.
Win at Meet
.oris, naroara nvaezaer ana Mien-
ei Cruson.
Others attending were Mr. and
I Mr Unprknll Tln.irall nwtrt tnhfl
VIENNA - Foreign Minist-
er Leopold Figl has told the cab
inet the big four powers and oth
er nations are supporting Aus
tria,!, bid for a seat on the U.N.
Atomic Energy Agency. It will be
formed at a meeting in Ne wYork
in September.
5) i
ea. a.
Pool to Open
At Woodburn
Tliis Friday
lutosnun News Strvtr
WOODBURN - The eagerly-
awaited pool opening for Wood-
burn area swimmers and would
be swimmers has been officially
set for 1 p.m. Friday at Wood
burn Memorial swimming pool.
Keith Llewellyn will again he
life guard and instructor with
Dollie Cumming assisting. Mrs.
Damey Avin will resume her
duties as checker.
Beginning of tlass instruction
has been tentatively set for July
2 pending a meeting of the park
board Friday. Registration for
elas will xlart whn ih rush
Public swimming hours have
been set between 1 p.m. and
9:30 p.m. until the class schedule
has been established when any
changes will be announced. It
is hoped to make the pool avail
able seven days a week this year.
according to those in charge.
f ,
iHarqiiaill LrOliplC
. - . -
Visit in Canada
Itatotmaa News tervko
j MARQUAM - Mr. and Mrs. C.
W. Jandzik returned this week
. from a ten-day vacation and busi
ness trip to Prince George, B. C.
where they have purchased 240
acres of land near Prince George.
While there they went on a fishing
trip with Paul L'hrig who recently
went there to look after his farm
interest. They reported the weath
er fine and fishing good. They plan
to move there as toon at they dis
pose of their place here.
Kainotl--AAwoaW. .!aajaieaaaaBfcsi
Statesman, Salem, Ore., Thurs., June 14, '56 (Sec U)-lS
Hopewell Irrigation Plan
Ruled Economically Olcch
DAYTON Proposed Hopewell
trrtf atlaa project between Bopa
wed aad Daytaa hat keea re
ported at economically feasible
by the Bareaa of Reclamation.
I nder this plan tome MW
acret of farm land eaald be If
rlgated. Cast of constructing
the Irrlgatioa facilities weald be
a yearly amoaat ef about til
per acre. Officials said that this
ilO.M figure would meaa ba
tweea U and $5 per acre fool
of water.
Vernon Stephens, Daytaa Roate
t. Is rhalrmaa of the project
Funeral Held
For Victim of
Freak Mishap
Italiunaa Nows lrvleo
McMINNVILLE Funeral te
vices were held In McMinnville
Wednesday from Scotft Funeral
Home for Walter Dean Hart, 40,
victim of a freak loggjng acci
dent. Hart was struck from behind
by a large, rolling rock which
had been dislodged by a bull
dozer working on I hillside above
the area where Hart wat logging.
The accident happened Saturday
afternoon In Hasklns creek area,
IS miles west of McMinnville.
Hart wtt taken to McMinnville
hospital and then ta a Portland
hospital where ha died Sunday.
Ha it survived by hit widow,
five children and hit parents, all
of McMinnvilla. .
i ,
: I 'i-
Have a Holdolborgl
In stubbies. Jumbo quarts
and cans. At your favorit
tavern, grocory or btnwrafe
(to re. Get oomo today t
organisation eoonailttee. Tbooe
affected by the proposal aad the)
eaglaeert win have M day
to further atady Ike plaa before
M la submitted to Congress with
reejaesla for Federal ronotrue
Ilea appraprtatiaaa.
The project pravldea tar pump '
bg at water treat the WUIam.
cite river at Winds Island,
uylh at Rnaaoall 1.1. . t
system far Irrlgatlaa. The heavy
flow at surface water aft th .
Amity kills would be caught ta
the big eaaal aad carried dawa
the aataral drains to Palate
", .... m !
Creek or the WUlamejte. '
Central Howell
School Vote Set
tuunaaa Nows arvtre
rectors will be elected at the
annual election of the Central
HowtW school board Monday .;
from J to I p.m. at the school
bouse. -
One director will be cbosea ta
fill out the unexpired term of
Don Kuenxi who resigned and
one will be chosen for a full term
to succeed G rover Lichty who
declined to be a candidate for
, Voters will also ballot on i di
rector tor the county rural dis
trict school board. - .,
' TOKYO ur-Tha -Tokyo Astrono
mical Observatory will install
74-inch telescope, the biggest m
Asia, oa ML Chlkurinji ta IKS,
the education ministry report. It
will cost t4SS.Ua- and will bo
bought from the Sir Howard Grubb
and Partona Co. of Britain.
On Up at your