The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 14, 1956, Page 14, Image 14

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    14-(Sec. II) Statesman, Salem, Ore., Thuri., June 14, '5fl
B Leaguers
Get Started :
Eerg'i, Vista, J'l V
Notch Winning TilU
Berg1! Market, J A Emery'i
and Vista Market graDoea
League baseball garnet last night
at the" aeaion opened for the
loop, Aetioa got aaferway in
the affiliated C kwp tbf Bight
before. -
Berg'i took advanlaga of Truax
OU't arrori and wildness to rack
op a 184 acort at Barrick field
No. 1. The Oil outfit mad 12
aoo-boot and Truax't hurler,
Larry Penrod, allowed il walkt
Jim Mudd of Berg'i with a
triple, double and aingla person
ally accounted lor eve run.
rear-Hit Hurling . r ' '
At Wett Salem, J'i Emery'i
icked Labisa Center,' 1-0, at
Doug UcCormt-Jo threw four-hit
ball for the winner before being
replaced in the fifth inning. Re
liever Bill Newtora allowed but
twe bits in hit Unt and before
going to work aa a barter aocked
borne run in the turd inning.
, Dean, Wertling went the route
a the' mound for tabiih and
ttrnck out IS men. labiih'a top
hitter wu Bill Lowery, with a
tingle and doubk , ' '
4 Cernert Devaed . '
VUU clobbered Four Comen,
1M, at Barrick Field J in a game
that wu called in the sixth. Bob
Kimball and Dave SeBine each
batted la four runt for toe vic
tor! and VUU hurler John Jones
aided bit cause by socking a
double. He struck out 11 lads
but walked 10 while giving up
IWe bitS. . "',-V '
j Tonight, C Leagoert take the
tpotllght again with Legion Post
131 meeting Nameless Market at
Barrick Field 1; Berg'i Keixer
Market golnp after Dit'.aon's Mar
ket at Leslie; and 2040 olaylnf
Wast Salem Lions at West Salem.
Camea will get under way at 0
. . - ' .
i ruai ....ivv iu iu
Berg'i ..407 3216 11 J
Penrod aad Burright; Painter
nd Klug. ,, t -r.-.-.
4 Corners .....010 030 4 2 4
Vista .... 509 20x 11.2
Brunk and Hofstetterf Jones
and Kimball. -Lsbiih
Center 000 000 0-0 I 1
fa, Emery'i . 100 200 x 4 S 4
' Westllng and Biggins; ktcCor
knack, Newsom ($) and East
ridge. Cliisox
Yankees, 7-5
tCeat'd freet Hga W
(ore retiring after six innincs. Re-
for Maxwell's buat-up homer, his
lltlt. Sieve Gromrk wen hit flft
la relief of Fa I Foytack.
Lefea, genial Uemer
Hector Lopet and Gut Zernlal
homered for the A't while Char
ley Thompson and Vie Power
each bad five hits in the big as-
aun. : ; .-; . ! .
The Cubt used three New York
errors to score their, first five
runt. Chicago 't only earned run
wu the clincher en a fifth inn
ing double by Pete Whisenant and
tingle by Hobie Landrith. Eddie
Hiksls homered with two on for
the Cubt at Bob Rush won hit
tixth despite a pair of home runt
by Willie Mayt.
Milwaukee ; snapped a three
game losing streak, shelling Phil
adelphia, and Robin Roberta M
u Danny O'Connell tied a modem
major league record with three
triplet.- Del Crandall and Ed
Mathews added homers in a seven-run
fourth off Robert!, who
bu hu lost eight of 13 decisions.
Del Ennit homered for the Phils.
It wu only the fourth victory in
toe last 14 games for the Braves.
The Multnomah Muzzle Loading
Rifle Club it to hold a special shoot
an Sunday, June 24. ea the Ore
gon City Range, it wat announced
here Wednesday. The range Is lo
cated oa the road to Molalla. out
of Oregon City. The shoot will bo
open to the public, and all kinds
u muzzle loading rifles will be shot
that day in the competition.
; , . (Ceatiued frent
I uch as that If he's working good hours, it under no pressure and
1 being well paid. .- .
lea plays led ef g0If ia the eff tessoa, ud proved It here
f wianiag the ranaemp arise ia the Sariae aieet'a first flight.
Which awaat that he's a 4-te-l handicap golfer. Be looks to he
ia Up-tep phytlcaJ shape bow, tad we ashed if he wen getting
ready te raa hack aeavi ef these peats, with ao blocking al
" lowed, which it a feature el Caaadiaa football
"Thaft not to bad once you get the hang of It," he grinned, "tnd
It't better new thaa It used to be. They now allow blocking for
kickoff retunu" . , .
WieK Wonllimtfif m Shrine MeH Pri Too
Another Shrine tourney prize winner wat Hans (Nick) Nlcholls,
the golfing proprietor of Nick's Inn. But he wonders if Frank Ward
mlcht not hav haii tnmthlna Ia An salth tk im rlva k.
Only the day before. Nick visited Frank's Salem Auto Parte em
porium, and managed to match him out of a set of new floor matt
lor the Nlcholls auto. Nick's prize in the tourney wat a set of floor
matt, given py ue paiem Auto farts urmi ...
Hard telling want Baddy Smith aad kit Capita) Shepplag
Center wait are te gre Ede Yaaat la tan way ef a gag during
the Saturday Bight fetttvitiet at the ball park. But it went U
a goat. Edo hat had oae of these, deaated with full eereaaeay
during a "Unlea Laker Night" seme yean back. Vaaei had a
let of fua with the critter that night, aacherlag It along the
feul liae la right field. Be thea ia tara deaated M to Clean
, (Jeep) Stetter, who wat thea play tag fee the Seaatora. Ciena
kept 11 areand the boase for weeks, waiting far It to give forth
' with seme nails. Bat about all it aceeai0Ushed was a few
aetweea-beert ateala aa the Stetter faraltare. ;
- as.n lAA tJ tKa tVlne
jmmu lllie.i T UV SW wm mw inn
a be, act a ace t
They'll Do It Every
VnA Wfeilte Frumu took . jSjgW
. rr over
Althea Gains
Net Semifinals
BRISTOL. England 11 - Althea
Gibson, her tights set oa Wimble
don honors, smashed her way into
the semifinals at the West of Eng
land Lawn Tennis Championships
Wednesday . with her fourth
straight win of the tourney.'
.The J8-yearM New xorier
eclipsed Britain's plucky young
Ann Hayaoa W, -. . v
She aeat meett Mrs. Jennifer
Hoed of Australia) and it favored
to win.5",1 ' '' v
Sensation of the day't play wu
the orttet defeat of Lew Hoad. fav
orite for the Wimbledoa title and
top Auttraliaa player, corooa
Forbes, fourth ranking South
African,' drubbed the Auttraliaa
M, S-7, (-1. It wu Hoad'l second
pre Wimbledoa lawn tennis de
feat U.S.0pcn Set
To Go Today
(Cewt'd treat page 13)
champion, topping the record of
eld Willie Anderson and Bob Jones
each of whom won four.
The amateur threat it headed
bv a oair of enthusiastic Saa Fran
ciscans, National Amateur Cham-
nioa Harvte Ward. Jr.. and Ken
VenturL the sensation ot the was
ters Tournament last spring. The
last amateur to wia the open wat
Johnny Goodman. In 93J, . . .
"Ah'm doing better finding four
leaf clovera than, ah am playing
golf," remarked Sam Snead Wed
nesday- at be finished, an nnai
warm-up round for the Mth Na
tional Open Championship. '
Snead picked up half a dozen of
the traditional symbols of good
luck as he toured Oak Hill Coun
try Club'i cast course.
' Snead hat won everything in
tight except the open during near
ly two decadet of competitive
Solf. The four leaf .clovers could
elp him along those plus hit
reportedly reformed" putter.
Romps to Win
cial) Aunwville junior Legions
defeated woodburn, S-J, in a base
ball game here Wednesday night.
Winning hurler wu Jim Uhr
hammer who gave up four hits
and struck out 11. It wat Aumt-
villa's . third win of the season.
They have yet to lost a tilt.
Next game for the high-riding
outfit it Sunday at Aumsville
against Salem.
Aumsville ..v 121 tit 000-5 I 2
Woodburn ....111 Out 000-3 4 1
Unrhammer and Marlatt; Chap
pelle and Rabbe.
1 1 1 . jn a 1 rvtiv" .aa i lasav-r'at mi Mm 11. ii
Preeedlag Pagt.)
tsrhasl uim.knjl. A14 KIm 14 .
Time ... - -
'Sot whemheJs fectinjg
Mrs. Campbell
Leads Oak Knoll .
Mrs. J. D, Campbell led first
round action yesterday in the
Oak KnoU Ladies 36 hole
handicap golf tourney, shoot
ing an 81 net over 18 holes.
She was followed by Mrs. Joha
Gerea with a net 84.
The tourney will be com
pleted next Wednesday with
tee-off time aet for 9:30 a. m.
Mrs. Campbell also won the
regular day's plsy yesterday in
Class A with a 39 net over nine
holes. Class B wss paced by
Mrs. Elmo Bennett with a net
Port Tim t p m.;
Tint race. artr. horat. vum S408.
I. O F. a Hurrican. P. Hidabje 11
II Mn rot B. uw reran
1. Fabuloua Jo. L. Knolt
I. Bvtty Domo. 'C. Dixon
4. Fancy Uh.Wn. to. Hrr
1 Littla Man M, tT McDowtU
C Btdwood Pino Jo. A Duncan
1. Lambwt'i Ttddy, R Woodi . 12
Second Race, Qrtr
UHI All Aaa flrari
I B ... . t , , 1 I fir,
IBank Roll, f. HMalfo
J. tiabob, I. Boas MO
4. Leo Bly, G. Dixon 130
5. Utiroat, 8. McDowtll 125 j
f. ti. rrn Conilo, R Woodi 125
1 Notation, f, Zulclt 130
1 Y O, t'i run.: !
1. rorrlgn Maid, D titnihiw "187
1 Bootar Oraion, G. Simonu ..117
L V Baau.K. Gltlord Ill
4. Miaa Krata, A. Sntrmin 111
I. Naatv Ann. C. Glbaon M01
L Eaaur Bau, J. Prouly .111
7. Nafl Kahm. R. Hopkins . 111
5. Car Mlo, 8. McDowtll US
t. Country Jack, G. Dixon 117
10. Caacad Moon. P. Hidlo Ill
FourUi Rac, Claim, Pura O0,
1 Y O Si Tip. ISSOOl S', run.;
I. Can't Chack. G. BInlonla 114
1. Boltowa Lad, R. Hopkina
3. Al'a tiuy, J, Boat . ..
m. sir; ay, Brackona
1. Wall Brad. X. Gilford
S. Counlarauit, E. Millar
T. Littla Cad. C. Glbmn
S. Loat Chtrrln. G. Dixon
I. Bernard i . R. lannotU . .
0. Frank Waliaa. 8. McDowell
riflh Bar. Claim, Purw SUt, IYO
k Up. ISSOOl On Mil:
1. County ShorUe, W. Philllpa .110
1 Penny Buster, J. Breckona .. US
S. My Man John. I Gilford US
4. Cee-A-Det, D. Henahaw Mil
I. Hallo Sky. J. Boaf -130
f. Halorlne. L. Knowlea IIS
7. Croas The Line, C. Gibton . 10S
I. Gergla Glnny, G. Simonu 111
Sixth Race. Claim. Purie SS00. 1
toa Up. iSl.OOOl.aix run.;
1. Pal i Picture, W. Phlllipi US
1 Pharlita, G. Simonu 114
I. Sonoma Sickle. D. Henahaw I14
4. Miomond. L. Dalea U4
I. On Speck, R. Hopklni 118
t. Midland Empire L Knowlea IIS
T. Sooopy, I. Gilford US
I. Aratal, T. Chsjanckee US
Seventh Rare. Claim. Purse. SSOO.
IVOaUp, (WOO I S, Fun.:
I. Hienneim bow. p. Hidaito ..... ISO
1. Canned Goods, D. Henshaw ...MIS
1. Snow flight. S. McDowell 120
4. Sir Dale. W. Philllpa US
. Sir Lou, L Knowlea 120
4. Rock n Pride, G. Dixon 115
7. Jean Sue, t, Gilford 115
5. Carbon Canyon. L. Dales .. 'Ill
Elehth Rare. Claim Purie SSOO. 1
Y O A Up, Hl.oon.ssooi t Mile:
II Trovatore
1. Art's Psrmet, D Henshaw .. .111
1. Sister Tran. S. McDowell 113
.1. Red Green. P. Hidalw 114
4. Ronmik Vanchuk. W. Philllpa 114
5. Lady Ussa, R Gilford . . IIS
t Maraca. G Simnnls US
7 IjOrd Abbey. J Brrckons 114
Ninth Rare Claim. Purse on. 3
YO Up, HI.MO-tOOOi I's:
1. Double Dream. C. Dixon
1, Above Freeslnf. G. Slmonii .
3 First Jo. 1. Knowlen
4 Arexxnal. W. Phillips
5. Vicky Jo. F. Gllfoid
l Fort Gunnrbao J Brecknns
. 11s
j 1
111 1
1 is
7. l ittle Sport, S. McDowell
t. Vista Pearl, F. Smothers
t. May's Last. D. Henshaw .
Meadows Selections :
1. Little Man H. G. T a Hurricane
Fabuloua Jo.
1. Pudding root. Defrost. C, rem
Com la.
. S. Hooter Oregon, Miss Krata.
Foreign Maid
4. Frank Wslles. Sit Jay, Countar
auit. I. Penny Buster. Halorlne. Hello
5. Sonoma Sickle. Pharlita. Aratal
7. Jean Sue. Sir Lou. Snow night.
I. Art's Psrmet, Lord Abbey. Sis
ter Fran.
t. Vicky Jo, A retinal. Above Fraet.
BEST BET: lean Rue-lth Rare
Vanrhnk Sth Bare.
Brooks Win
In Exhibition
ST. PAUL I Brooklyn, mak
ing its first exhibition appearance
in St. Paul, defeated the Ameri
can Assn. Saints 7-2 before 10,
273 Wednesday night.
Two former St. Paul favorites,
Duke Snider and Roy Camnanel.
la, each hit homers. Gil Hodges
also homered for the world cham.
Shpridan Raps Central
INDEPENDENCE S h e r i d a a
whipped Central Jayceea, t-2, in a
WVL softball game here Wednes
day night Winning hurler wat Ful
ler with three-hit ball. Cox got
three hits in four tries for Sheri
dan and Davis of the same team
got a home run.
Sheridan . 042 001 21 t 1
Central . . . lit ono 9-2 J I
Fuller and Fisher; Bawlins, Wil
lis (4) aad Davit.
r- w... w bright u ,
i ia
a ia
..... 114
By Jimmy Hatlo
ft Htal KihCFFjITfW t.sM'ATty'iee, WOMJ) tl'-Hfl .!.'
Beavers Lose
((ft" fram page 11)
best in the PCU gave up a two-
run homer to Portland's Tommy
Saflell in the last inning and Man-1
ager Bob Scheffing called on his!
ace reliever to keep things in or-1
Leaf Stretched '
The double victory stretched the '
.i.' u, !.. nH r.n Pnrf.
land's losing streak to seven
straight games. Attendance at the d '" 46 pen?1 P01"1 in
day doubleheader was l.M. j lhe dangerous and demanding en
Elsewhere in the PCL Wednes-: durance test of the three-day.
day, San Francisco tripped Seattle,
1-3; Hollywood edged San - Diego,
3-2; and Sacramento humbled Van-,
couver 13-1.
tint same
PvrtUad )
Lm AbiHm (T)
ab h a a
Siffll.rr t I t
MarM.if till
4 S 4 I
5 1 1 S
4 no s
rf 4 I I I
1L Ik .
BaxcJb Mil 4 1 1 0
Binhl.M 4 t 1 7 Blift.rl 111)
Bottlfr.c I 1 1 e Hanna.c 3 4 S
ni..'r Alxndr.p till Hllmn.p J 1 t 1
?jEiS5r 1 5 : ! AB,"np 0 4 ' 0
M A 1 1 D
S t 1 1
1 t S
Totals X 174 17 Totals 33 II 27 11
a-Flted out for. Alexander In 7th,
b-Flled out for Fiedler In Sth.
Portland ... . 000 001 003-4
Loa Angelas 101 OM lOx 7
X Mauch. RBI Borkowskl. aaffall
d 1 lb. . u....... SnrbH,,,
" . imi, ...urn.,.
CoaUi, Wlae. HR-Seffell. S-HIUman.
DP Hall to Baslnkl to Mickelsont
Wiaa Jo Mauch to Bilko. Left Port
land 10; Loa Angelea S. BB Alex-
ander 1. Hlllman 4. HO-AIxander S
in S. Hlllman I ln Sj. Anderson
In Hall 3 In I. Fiedler 0 In 1.
R-ER-Alexander 4-S, Hall 1-1, Fled- j
ler 0-0. Hlllman t-. Anderson 0-0.
HBP Mtckelson, Hlllman. W Hlll
man 7-1. L Alexander 4-S. U Kerr,
Carlucci, Ford. T-J.31.
Second game:
Portland ft) Angeles (7)
ibhoi Coats If 1114 1 0 1 S 1 S 1 4 3 110
Brksi.rf 1 1 1 S 3 I 7 t
VungXb 3 111
Baxeajb III)
Caldrn.c I 11 I 1 1 3
a-Mrmn 1 0 0 S
Mach.2b 3 14 3 3 17 1 3 0 0 0
Frees.3b 10 0 1
Bolgr.rf 10 10
Fodge.p 1 ( 1 1
Valdes.p S 0 0 1
Totals 74 SIS I Totals K 41111
a-Flled out for Baslnski In 7th
& Angeles .. in oSi Ti
E Basinskl. RBI Bllko, Mauch.
!B-Bsses. Bllko. HR-Bilko. DP-Bas-
inaki to Mtckelson; Mauch to Wlaa to
Bilko; Mauch to Bllko. Left Port
land I; Los Angeles 3. BB Valdes 1,
Fodga Z. SO by Valdes Y Fodge I.
R-ER Valdes 1-1. W Fodge 0-3. L
Valdes S-4. U-Carluccl, Ford. Kerr.
T 1.32. A 1.S3S.
Salem Lads
In Net Meet
Oregon Junior Chamber of Com
merce Tennis Tournament opens
here Thursday with some 20 of
the state's Inn vounff nlavort
The preliminary and quarterfinal
matches are to be completed
Saturday with the semi-finals and
championship matches scheduled
for Sunday.
Portland's Harry Doyle, the 1956
boys' state singles champion, is
among those entered. Two lads
from Salem, Bill Jacobson and
Larry Johnson are scheduled to
take part. Jacobson won the re-
cent Salem Jaycee tourney and
Johnson was ruhnemp.
The half nveLLS'SBip is les
Stable Blaze .
Hits Olympics
Equestrian Camea
Face Near Disaster
STOCKHOLM I A flash sta
ble fire, a rainstorm and severe
Injuries ""to horses and riders
brought drama and a threat of
disaster Wednesday to the eques
trian Olympic Garnet.
The fire, born in a pile of hay,
spread through a big red brick
training building in the stable
area where more than 200 Olym
pic horses worth a million dol
lars were quartered.
Dozens of horses were evacuat
ed to safety and none was report
ed injured although many had
narrow escapes.
Yaaks Disqualified
The blaze came a few hours
after completion of the second day
of the three day trial, during
which the American team was dis
qualified and three daredevil Eng
lishmen, and a tough Swede took
the leads in the competition for
the first gold medal.
In addition to the United States,
teams from 10 other countric .
were disqualified when at least
one of their riders did not com
plete the course made muddy and
treacherous by overnight rain,
Two members of the United
States three - man riding team
withdrew after falls. One, Me.
Jonathan Burton, M, Berwyn,
III., suffered serious head injur
Oae ef Best Rides
AlthoiiKh the U. S. team wasjpleted the first and second rounds
! disqualified
Walter G. Stalcy of
Mexico, Mo., had one of the best
rides of the day on Mud Dauber
and vaulted from 56th place in
the individual standings to 10th
P'nt ,corf ' 134
Th ?ri0M A improved their
team lead and Sweden s Petrus
Kastenman took (he individual
The British team score was
331.1. Other team leaders were
Germany 402 91, Canada 532.72,
Australia 578 0, Italy 641.41 and
Russia 1,032.33. Ireland was high
in tha running until a rinpr mispd
a fence at the end of a good run
and disqualified his tram.
7 II
UlllOa MJl (X tOi
' '
Rrnnps Win
;...;-u. I- it., imu 1.
, '" , "m
'ing gave Eugene a 7-6 win over
Wenatchee in a free-hitlin( North-
...... ,. u.t.n ,it.j
r.-- -
MM4i,w mrthi
Tw. n inou. hv :''
, ,, . , i
I.B91UUI l vai 1 11u1.1v aiiu lumr
nv ramp after two uere
oul- lne cmeraius imu cumr iruni
behind in the second inning with
1 u .,) .:, !!,,
more in the seventh.
8akaae Licked
combined some good stick work
nilh fre nae WnHnnsrlsiv nlvMlln: McDevitt over Woodcock
to defeat Spokane, 1-3. in a North
.. ........ ,
west League baseball game.
The Braves never were behind,
Pwinz up three runs in the first
inning on a walk, two singles and
... . . . . ...
a triple and three
third on two walks,
more in uir
a Sinele and
. u ., ,
I Their seventh run was Dan Hoi-
: den's eighth inning homer. The
Anal came as Spokane committed
1 two bobbles
Branca Trounce Yaks
YAKIMA 1 Pitcher Bob
Roberts, just acquired by Lewis
ton, made his first mound start
a three-hitter Wednesday night
nrf I ho Rrnncc trniinred loaoiiv.
anu ,,v ..,v,,vj e
icauing I annua v-a iii m .iwi m-
west League game.
He also hit a home run in the
third inning with Joe Jacobs on
base to account for two runs, j
Jacobs -got on base 'on an error, j
Roberts won 21 games and lest
14 for Wenatchee last year and ;
! his signing by Lewiston had been i
announced earlier in the day by
Manflffer Lavne
! The game was played in the
- l'm' ' n ftour n' m'n"
; .
national 1.1 AG ve
New York at-Milwaukee might)
iGomex 1 2-4 1 vs Spahn (3-4).
I Only game acheduled.
j Chicago at New York Wilson lS-l)
vs Grim i3-i
Cleveland at Boston Lemon (7-31
vs DeLork ll-4i.
Only game scheduled
Whitrherk will hp football roach
at Springfield High School next
fall. He succeeds George Zcllich.
who moves up to assistant prin-
sicks' jurat (.hewing halting
Defending U.S. Open Champion Fleck Shows Form
ROCHESTER, N. Y. Defeadiag
Daveapert. Ia chips toward the
!SGC Ladies
In Tourney
Salem Golf Course ladies com-
o( their miniature tourney jester;
day at the course.
Each round was over nine holes
and the two first round winners
in each foursome played one an
other. Losers in each foursome
then played in the second round.
In the championship flight, Mrs.
Ralph Hamilton, Mrs. Tom Hill,
Mrs R. I. McLaughlin and Mrs.
'Charles McDevitt emerged trium
phant and will clash next week;
Mrs. Hamilton will meet Mrs. Hill;
Mrs. McLaughlin will tangle with
Mrs. McDevitt.
Next week's pairings and com
! Pe results yesterday follow. First
; in" resuila
Championship fliht first round:
Mrs Ralph Hamilton over Mn. Wil
liam FUwards; Mrs Charles Gray
over Mrs. Glen Stevenson: Mrs. Ken
neth Vollman over Mrs. Chandler
Brown: Mn. Tom Hill over Mrs.
lark Kaily: Mrs. R. I. MrLauahlin
nvrr Mrs Sid Hoffman: Mrs Rey
nolds Allen over Mrs. Walter Toore:
Mrs Charles McDevitt over Mrs.
Chester Mrs. Pere Woodfix'k
ivir Mrs I. r Berry
Second f I .arht : Mrs. Woodson Ben
nett over Mr.:. Km Marble, default:
Mrs. Clavbourne Dver over Mrs. Val
Slooer: Mrs. Robert Cannon over
"ra. " wmmona; .sars. ivaiiey
' P"'" over Mrs Kenneth Potts: Mrs.
Morris Crothen over Mrs. Seth P.
i sml,n' Mr ttene ivokko over wrs.
'rank warn:-mrs james van ivpu-
. - . .. .
wi .m Himmnno over Mrs. Jviiiira
rounn rnani- ivirs jonn iirmin
iiiik mis. naimu uu,n m ? . it.
. Cowan over Mrs. Robert Herrsll:
hlm Phillips Sr : Mn. Richard Chase
lover Mn Frank Nichols; Mrs How-
srd Wlcklund over Mrs. William uv
ipr; Mrs. Homer (,nuiri over Mrs.
Dsn Wiles: Mrs. Pnul Sllke over
Mrs Cllen Stevens: Mrs. Jsmes Mc-
Alvln over Mrs Donald Toomb.
i Second round
trliaht: Hamilton
of chamDlonanio
ov,rC "llrl
aver Vollmar: McLauf hlln over Al
flliht: Stevenson over F.d -
wards: Brown over Kalley; Hoffman
? 'pTren
flight: Bennett over Uyer. peters
over Cannon: Kokko over Croth- Kfiilen over Hammond:
fault: Si
ht: Sloper over Marble. le -
Simmnns over Potts; Smith
aV(.r wrd; TM, ovtr p.ksr
flight: Cowan over Flcklln
:iver Williams: lioulel over wick-
lund: McAlvm over Silke: fifth
night Herrall over Buslck: Nichols
Plumps: Dver over wiles: ste-
vrns over loomo.
Pairings next week championship
n,hi Mr. Hamilton vs. Mrs Hill:
Mr. Mrl n.hlln vs Mrs McDevitt:
first flight: Mrs Stevenson vs. Mrs
Brown; Mrs Hnffmsn vs Mrs. Berry
Second flight: Mrs. Bennett vs.
Mrs. Peters; Mrs. Kokko vs. Mrs
Van Keulen; third flight: Mrs. Sloper
vs Mrs. Simmons; Mrs. Smith vs.
Mrs Ellis: fourth flight: Mrs Col-
hns vs Mrs Chase; Mrs Coillct vs.
u r. vl.Alu,. Itllh llihf Mr. Hr
Mrs. Nichols; Mrs. Dyer vs.
Bailey, Delany
' '. rk l ' I "... . M ' i fill I I Jr- . 4 - , . I
T 1Tn 1 a -an, : Boston .102 300 oho 00 s 14 1
n I 4 4 IfnnA Mo!,i' Mc'Lish l3)' r,ll'r ,4i-
111 11 1 llUPP'11'. Narleskl Hi. Hegan. and Nara-
avsi i. 1 vi avi n. nuvv Nlxnn SjS,, l4l ,nd rjaicy
(Cont'd frem page Hi
; 01 Oregon and two from Oregon
State College prepared Wednesday
to leave lor the annual
track meet at Berkeley. Calif.,
this weekend.
Five of them will be aiming for
eventual berths on. the U.S. Olym
pics team. The sixth, Jim Bailey
of Oregon, defending mile cham
pion, is an Australian who seeks
to compete for his country.
The University of Oregon group
includes Bill Dellinger. 19M NCAA
mile champion, who will be com
peting in the 5.000-meter run.
Martin Perligo and Don McClure
are entered in the hop
step and
jump hd Bingham will compete
in the javelin throw. ; Martin.
Oregon State's two are Sam:i,,Wnn
Wesley, entered in the 100 and 200
meter dashes,
high jumper.
and Wayne Moss,
' They will have to finish among
1 the top six to qualify
Olympic trials in Los
'later this month.
for the
You liaveiiLt
until youVe
tried Rainier
co., slattu. wash. sicw vomi iRtwurt somn(, 7asl iua.
t im . . . : " r -; : i till' I 1
U.S. Open ckamplee Jack Fleck of
third greea ef the Oak Hill Ceuatry
National Open Never Decided
On Final Hole, Scribe Learns
fifty - five years of the National
Open Golf Championship there
never has been a situation where
a player came up to the 72nd hole
needing to hole the last putt to
That's one oddity of the most
pressure - packed golf tournament
of all. There have been several
occasions when a player had a putt
to tie and .made it, but never the
one where it was win or else on
the final shot. And 163 golfers here
this week wouldn't complain if they
were the first to face that situ
ation. yi'd like to be in that position,"
said Ed Furgol, the 1954 winner
who breezed in with a 284 at Bal-
Kick Officers
National Guard slaughtered Pris
on Officers last night in a Capital
League softball game at Phillips
Field. 21-5. The Guardsmen c0.
leeiea a total 01 13 nils.
Lead;nl! .u, mon,,,,,,,, .ltafk
, . monsIou
i iyhimcu witn lour nits
ln i,ve crack. al lhe hlale. In-
s at
r lurinH
rieo's b
The Guards.', bi, inning won
lourtn when nine runs we
across on six hits, five
Winning hurler was Rob Reeves, '
who gave up four hits.
For the Officers, Bob Patton
socked a home run in the second
frame with two men on base. Don
1 , 1 , .u Vw,i ' J
Johnson of the Offkers slapped,
uii 11110 111 mire s.iiaiivcB
Tnniohl Meier anI 1-ranlr's will
! . . '. . . 7 V -
vinu.n ,, .uu m
'?u f"naL GuU"rd '" T'. Ky
. Wnnlon Hnih eame will Ka n
! ".r j " "
r limits r leiu.
' V Guard
340 95 - 21 13 3
031 01 5 4 3
Reeves and Franke: Wooten.
Douglas 5' and Lucas.
American League
! ,-, , ,
Chicago 010 .110 200- 7 10
i N'w Yorl 00.7 100 010-5 1
Keegan. Pollet 141. Consuegra
Howell ill and Lollar; Turley. R.
Coleman 1J1. Byrne ill, Morgan ill,
Larsen (91 and Berra.
Del riot 00 000 0021 S 1
Baltimore (KIO OflO 000 0 7 0
Foytack, Gromck 181 and House;
I.oes. Zuverink i7i Tnandos, and
Smith 1I1.
Kansas City . 241 O00 14113 21 0
Washington 120 000 001 4 10 0
Dltmar, Harrington 181. and
Thompson; Ban-ins, Stone 121, Grob
181, Clevenger (Si and Berberet.
U Inning, tie game, rain)
Cleveland . 102 400 000 00 11
l'CL Line Scores
000 1)00 0J1-J 7 j
n D"" 001 001 000 1 ' 0
n.'rii, ,J utitiiirfi in,, inri-ii
and Hall. Atkins and A.Mroth.
San Franciaco 0 010 00.14 10 1
Seattle 000 0.10 000 3 I 1
R W Smith, Abernathy 9 . Sur
kont ivi and Sullivan. Fracchla.
Schallock i9i and Orteig.
Vancouvtr 011 019 Soft t 3
Sacramento 000 010 llx 13 10 0
Besana. Curtis iSI. Bac7ewkl 1S1.
Searcy i7i and Neal: Bearden. R
lones 1S1. Fisher 1S1. Candini i"i and
NWL Line Scores
01 1 ion 0003 s
30.1 000 02' s 10 3
Cailon. Karek and
021 020 000 7 1
000 lOO 000 3 1
and Donahue: Herrtra,
Downs ig and Neal.
! Yakima
I F,!.2lnn'n,,)
Himm 1 1 is 1
! Wenatchee 100 nil 010 01 13 1
Anffptes liy. Griffin IS) and Dappers, Gau
(thler 7, hortlidge Isringhaus (7)
land Lundberg.
I Club course here Wednesday la a
I which hegiet Thursday. (Af wirephoto)
tusrol and then watched Gene
Littler fail on a final bid to match
his score.
Prestige Tourney
"The Open is a prestige tourna
ment. That's why there's so much
pressure attached to it. In the
others It's just money.
'There have been some great
golfers who never won the Open-iPion and. Probably the most over
there's Harry Cooper. Mac Smith ,ookfd VlatT in lne tournament is
and Leo Diegel but they never
won the Open so they never really
got credit."
Furgol left the implication that i
a second Open victory would give
him the unquestioned stamp of
greatness. Then he went out and
showed that he might make it by
shooting a practice round of 67
one of the best of the week over
the 6.902 yard, par 35-3570 Oak
Hill Course . ...
Mlddlecoff Agrees
Cary Middlecoff. the 1949 Open
winner, grudgingly agreed with
Furgol. "To nje the Open is just
another tournament, but I still feel
the pressure because it has beenups,.t in the' fjrsl rounfl of the
. . .... . P on
'.w"en i w. "., 1 , ms
k'd and dicn t know what was go-
! ?.??' '".. . 1 j j u
realize what was happening on the j
Irourse. I was leading the tuurna-!
, u. 1 , k u.l. 1 : 1
t... L...I 1 ... .1 j
started going for birdies and did.
n t even get into the playoff.'
Ben Hogan won the third of his
ur Ooen litle, that vear heatinff
four Open titles that year, beating
Lloyd Mangrum and George Fazio
in an 18 hole playoff Hogan still
is one of the most feared players
1 in this year s upen even though he
MmJ his cncM and ,ayK, h(1
in this year's Open even though he
I isn't playing well.
I r . . ..!
lne abtn National Upen eouia
pas,ly be the first in which the niraie ana ID pars in lhe 11-hole
1 championship might be decided dhjmr.tth over Purdue's south course.
' .. .r . . .
tne linal Stroke.
Wide Opei (aorse
The wide open Oak Hill Course
does not present any particular
problems to the pros who play theT h ,.rn t,dn,. ,T n.i" ,. '.J
j w eekly tournaments. Predictions Katt: Rush. Davis Lown i9i and
are that 4 par rounds - a 280,Lanar"tl
! total - or a little higher will be 'Philadelphia ' 010 "on ioo- 1.1 1
enough to win. The field includes ' Milwaukee 100 700 onx 14 1
'a connle nf (Wn nlaver. whn Roberts. Nfgray Hi, riowers 1S1,
may hit that figure if conditions
are right.
"I think the best lag putter will
win." said Masters Champion
Jackie Burke, who must be in
cluded among the favoritrs "The
greens aren't too big and they're
level, but it will take a man who
can hit the ball up close.
"There is some premium in good
driving, but the player who misses
-v..r.. .. , .....
I I - 4
I " i i.'A J
E 4. " I J
pany founded by Sears,
ments. You're
198 S. Commercial
550 N. Capitol St.
You're k peed
W Sejtjrv tUMta em, (tttIIWM (Mttltwl v6 wMfth rM ovo. We,
MMiinet; SftMif . IH. lti'nc twtt'ani m tri stale lor ron lawm
a...r- uu. lausi III fiea
trgt w neM lew trvi.i ana lr eontemta
- IS Al
1 J W MT f I
practice reaad far the Hi Open
a drive still has a chance to reach
the green. It's a fair course."
Kew of the players reported their
practice scores. Most of them said
they were just trying out the course
and experimenting with shots.
Play starts -at 7 am. (EST)
Thursday. Jack Fleck of Daven
port, Iowa, the defending cham-
. scneauieo to tee oil al a m.
Fleck, who beat Hogan in a play
off last year, has been playing ex
ceptionally well id practice. But
most golf fans are overlooking the
19S5 unknown in favor of the others
of well-known ability.
Quast Licked
In College Golf
LAFAYETTE, ,Ind. - Ber-
ridl' I Jstll? tlirnoH in that nnlw
men's National C'ollesiate Golf
Tournev Wednesday with an ex-
ra.ho,, vk.t over co.modallst
I Ann Quasi of the University of
Miss Quast stroked a 1-under-
par 35 to go 2 up on the front
nine but Miss Long, of Marshal
-en and matched
"""'ng gouers zover-par
"3 for the round.
' " "rgmian PPea a
for 'oot birdie putt on the 19th
fi 11' . .'. ,
green and Miss Qust missed an
Co-Medalist Marlene Stewart of
Rollins College played the day's
""1 f"? c
best golf in a lop-sided 9 and 7
ictory over teammate Lorraine
auu.ii si: ci . 1
, oicwmi inru one
National League
;:'w Vork
200 100 002-S 1 1
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