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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (June 14, 1956)
12-(Sec. I) Statesman, Salem, Ore., Thiirs., June 14, '50 Johnson Says Foreign Aid Hike Unlikely By i. W. DAVIS ' WASHINGTON It-Sen. Lyndon . Johnson D-Tex said the Admin-,3 - lstration has a job cut out lor s, m convincing the Senate K ihouM . vote more foreign aid money than the House did. ' Johnson, the Senate majority jit .'The Administration is going to nave to make a case which it hasn't done yet - "If it makes a case, fortifies (he testimony its officials gave the House, the Senate will do what is best for the country." President Eisenhower asked $4.- . 900.000,000. The House ut its ! auinonzanon diu 10 j.w,imi,uw despite pleas from Eisenhower, Secretary of State Dulles and other , officials. v j Eisenhower, from Walter Reed ; . Hospital, passed along another ! plea to senators Tuesday to raise ! the amount the House consiaereo . enough. Senate leaden wha at tended a Whit House conference yesterday said the Administration would settle for K.400,000.000, or too million mora than the House figure. r -' Sen. George (D-Ga), chairman of the Senate . Foreiga Relations Committee, undertook leadership of a mova to restore S00 million of the cut, and this seemed to be the highest possible restoration the Administration could nope for. -Then Republican senators Case (NJ). AIM (Coto). Bender (Ohio), Duff (Pa), Bush (Conn), Flanders (Vt). Ives (NY), Kuchel (Calif), Payne (Maine) and Purtell (Conn) joined today in a statement backing mora foreign aid funds than the House approved. They aid: . " . "However heavy the expense may seem, it la nonetheless in finitely cheaper than the cost of waging war. , . - - f'A cut in mutual security funds does not mean that the money will be saved. . -NATO (The North Atlantic ' Treaty Organization i is still our first line of defense against an onslaught across Europe. We will have to spend several times the amount just to keep up the same level of defense. And clearly-we , dare not let down our defenesi at this, new and critical stage in world affairs." ''S"v.;--.rr .vThe Senate Foreign Relations Committee held Its first closed door session on the aid bill Wed nesday. ;. r-'-y ', - It voted for a change la the language that Hob is used in promising future foreign aid as long as the Communist threat con tinues. .. . . i,. -j The House said the UJ. policy Would be to provide this aid in rich . amounts "as the United States ia able to provide." The Senate committee voted to make f read ia stftv amwrata as the Luted States "deems It advisable H provide." State Bpard Forms'Plan to weed T Oregon is going to have a try at ragweed control, if a decision reached by the governor's commit tee en natural resources, meeting in Salem Tuesday is adopted by the Legislature. - Frank McKennon, state agricul tural department, recommended a compulsory ragweed control pro gram for , Western Oregon. The area suggested for control would extend as far south as the southern boundary of Josephine County. Ac ' carding to McKennon, a recent sur vey snowed that the infestation in Western Oregon was spotted and probably could be controlled or eventually eradicated at fairly low cost. Infestation in some other parts of the state is more serious, he said. " The committee, upon motion of James F. Short, state agricultural department director, adopted reg Weed control as a project and auth- ' erfated state game commission dir ector, P. W. Schneider to appoint a committee to draft appropriate leg islation for consideration at the 157 Legislature. Both Harold ' Ericsson, state health officer, and Short, referred to ragweed as "vicious" and said it was primarily a health problem rather than an agricultural one. Dr. Ericsson added that regweed apparently had caused a lot of hay fever and asthama in Oregon. Judge Drops Indictments of BillyDaniels NEW YORK - Two assault indictments against night club star Silly Daniels were dismissed Tues day by general session Judge Ja cob Gould Schurman. rThe 40-year-old singer had been accusea m oeing invoivea in an early morning fracas in a Harlem bar on Jan. 31 in which James R. Jackson, a boxing trainer, was hot and injured. ' The dismissals clear Daniels of aU charges. . Dankls, out on &500 bail since E leading innocent to the cnarges, i currently filling an engagement In England.' : - ' . E:!pjl!dfcdCto l:cfrG!dan::h! tesao, a doetora antiseptic, promptly relieves itehin gv stops eraicbincaBdaesMlps keel and jr-t aroi rasftBjy IsmIVImji n eneef ' jwaaaw n sw"; in - ey-:isiwr.ii4M zoom.- m sr vtiw yw w . '-rr. ' I!,"'" ' Jffy 'fS" I jTjTL " Aj$STl Jil'V' " ii inn mi iiiiiu.. '""J"" iT3tivF I : ' ;, . ' m,m.mmymj I il f f jwi. ! rffct MitxLZr i . . jtMM.: ''Miffil- lil ' ih 0fl cwL-ep m odd m mfm Jp" fashions for a lift of oast this summer . . drip - dri cottons 5.98 Dresses that love the sun . . . talce as little care as jtwr underthings. Wash them at night . . . wear them next day without ironing. Perfect companions for summer travel . . . wonderful on warm days at home. Shown are three styles in ripple sheer and drip-dri cottons . . . varied prints in rose, mint, blue, gold, aqua. Sizes 12-20, 14J,-24Js. 'Moderate Price Shop, Ind floor L ll t i highlights for your summer fashions! summer whites ea. Nothing quite so rnol . . . quite so refresh ing to the eyes as dazzling white accents on a summer day. We've a collection of summer white jewelry that will add spice to your every costume . . . and set off a golden tan to perfection. Choose neck laces and matching earrings in distinctive designs . . . White with crystal, white with rhinestone, white with color , . . but all alive with whiteness. Lipmsn's Jewelry, 1st floor 'plus tax Park Tree for Two Hours ' With Purchase of ' $1.00 or More T3 t