(Cnfly News OyBetfo CHARGE DISMISSED A burglary charge against 11-year-old Milton Frederick Quirk, Seattle, was dismissed Tuesday by District Judge Edward 0. Stadter on the motion of the district attor ney. Quirk was arrested by city police May 23 on charge of taking some candy and tobacco from a truck parked in a garage. Dental plates repaired while you wait at Painless Parker Den tist, 125 N. Liberty, Salem, (adv.) appliances Damaged Fire In a grease pan under a built-in range brought North Sa lem firemen to the home of R. L. Seamster, 2080 Myrtle Ave., about 8:11 a.m. Tuesday. The stove and one side of a new refrigerator were badly damaged by heat and there also was considerable smoke damage, firemen said. When you remodel, start with the plumbing k heating. Call Jud son's, 3-4141, for free planning aids. (adv.) CONVENTION REPORT DUE A report en the recent District 13 convention is slated at the Thursdaynoon meeting of the Sa lem Optimist Club at the Hotel Marion. Reports will come from Salem delegates Alfred Pfeifer, Clare Kruse, Charles Terry and Harry Cronn. Oregon Pulp & Paper Co., bond holders for information concern ing the retirement of 5 income bonds, call or see Zilka, Smither & Co., Inc., 203 Oregon Bldg. Ph. 3-4108. (adv.) RUNAWAY FINED $15 A 18-year-old Portland boy fined 815 Tuesday on pleading guilty in municipal court to driving a car with switched license plates and failure to display registration also was found to be a runaway, police said. He was held for relatives in Portland. Unsightly facial hair removed safely, permanently. Price's Beauty Salon. Ph. 3 5859. (Adv.) COLLISION REPORTED Minor damage was caused in a collision involving a car backing from a parking space shortly be fore a.m. Tuesday in the 200 block North High Street, police said. Drivers were listed as John F. Barth, Dallas Route 1. Box 354, and Elmer L. Byer, 2410 N. 4th St. NOTICE For a roof that never needs re placing or for Revolutionary new asphalt shingles see Mathis Bros. 2061 State. Ph. 4-6831. MODERNIZE your Bath with Duratile, METAL WALL 'TILE. 1248 So. Com. Ph. 4-5292. (adv.) June 17 WHEN HE OPENS HIS GIFT FROM IN THE CAPITOL SHOPPING CENTER FREE PARKING iWf GREEN STAMPS OPEN MON. & FRL TIL 9 -If V" if' pull be Wpy fSr'A WEDNESDAY -JUNE 13 ' Helena Rubinstein's Paris ; Beauty Course, conducted by Helena Rubinstein beau ty experts, featuring figure control, skin care, and , make-up. AUDITORIUM SECOND FLOOR 10:00 A. M. AND 2i30 P. M. ACCESSORIES STOLEN Theft of a car radio, radio clock and spare wheel and tire from Rogers Used Car Brokerage, 2215 S. Commercial St., was reported to police by Ray Rogers, proprie tor. He estimated value at $113, police said. Turkeys oven ready Fill your lockers now, 33c lb. It up. Closed Sat. p. m. & Sun. Xuykendall Egg & Poultry. 3383 Lancaster. Ph. 4-3318. (adv.) TIPPED FLARE BURNS West Salem firemen were called about 5:20 p.m. Tuesday for a tipped oil flare at the scene of city sewer laying In the 1100 block Wal lace Road. They allowed the small puddle of oil spilled to burn itself out,' they said. LEG CUT WITH KNIFE Jack Fidler, 11, of 1640 S. High St., was treated for a minor leg cut received from a pocket knife while at play at home about 9:30 a.m. Tuesday, first aidmen said. Tax Agency's Look at Books Judged Legal Circuit Judge Val D. Sloper Tuesday ruled against a lumber company's suit that condemned as a "fishing expedition" a State Tax Commission subpoena of the com pany's books for tax purposes. The phrase "fishing expecition" apparently implied that the tax commission was uncertain of what it was seeking but suspected it might find something if it could get its hands on the company records. Judge Sloper, however, ruled that the commission's sub poena was for a specific purpose and not merely a general order to reveal the firm's books. Pope and Talbot, prominent lum ber firm, brought the suit asking for a declaratory judgment to make clear the rights of the re spective parties. In its complaint the lumber firm contended both that the commis sion lacked authority under exist ing statutes and that it infringed on the company's constitutional I guarantee against unreasonable j searches and seizures. I Judge Sloper confirmed a Tax Commission notice that failure to comply with the subpoena would make Pope and Talbot liable to certain criminal penalties. ERLANDSON To Mr. and Mrs. Ralph H. Erlandson, Milwaukie, a son, Tuesday, June 12, at Salem Genera;! Hospital. EVENHUS-To Mr. and Mrs. Al len Evenhus, 4640 Thorman St., a daughter, Tuesday, June 12, at Salem General Hospital. DERRICK - To Mr. and Mrs. H. Derrick. 3237 Beacon St., a daughter, Tuesday, June 12, at Salem General Hospital. ALLEMANN - To Mr. and Mrs. Gordon E. Allemann, Salem Route 5, Box 779, a son, Tuesday, June 12, at Salem General Hospital. DICK To Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth D. Dick, Helena, Mont., a son, Tuesday, June 12, at Salem Gen eral Hospital. GRISWOLD-To Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Griswold, 1895 Fir St., a daughter. Tuesday. June 12, at Sa lem General Hospital. KLANG To Mr. and Mrs. Larry Klang, 125 N. 14th St.. a daughter. Tuesday, June 12, at Salem Memor ial Hospital. MILEY To Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam E. Miley, Independence, a daughter, Tuesday, June 12, at Salem Memorial Hospital. WOLF To Mr. and Mrs Perry K. Wolf, Turner, a son, Tuesday, June 12, at Salem Memorial Hos pital. - A m j M Births mm Veteran Leader in Salem iff . ,. . ' . ii , ; i , v r- - jT ' ' 'a. ' n fW 'rfll R. J. Baldwin (left) represents the Salem barracks f WerM War I veteran above la greeting Al H. Ohlsea, Saa Fraacisce, departmeat commander tf California, at McNary Field here Tuesday, Baldwin, Ohlsea and a large delegation ef Salem Werld War I veterans will leave today for the organisation's state convention In Baker Thurs day through Saturday. (Statesman Pheto) County to Escape 'Attack' In Civil Defense Testing There will be no rushing ambu lances, buzzing jets, or scurrying troops, but throughout the city, county and state civil defense workers will be busy combatting a make believe enemy delivering a nuclear attack on the Northwest. All-Out Attack Due The basic assumption for Oper ation Alert, is that hypothetical air and submarine attacks will be I mane siiuuiianeouMy against id areas in the United States. Theoret ical air attacks in the Pacific Northwest will be made by hostile bombers carrying atomic and hy drogen bombs, plus high explosive and incendiary bombs. Enemy submarines may launch guided missiles against areas within their range, the civil defense bulletin said. In Oregon the general patter i's Recovered From River BEND The body of Ronnie Olmstead, 17, who drowned in the Metoliua River, was recovered Tuesday several hundred yards be low the point at which he slipped from a log late Sunday. . He had been fishing with his step-father, Earl Severn of Bend, and his brother, David Olmstead. Other survivors include his mother, Mrs. Fern Severn; two other brothers, Donnie, at home, ! and Sherry, with the Navy in Flor ida, and a sister, Shirley, of Bene. His father died four years ago. Ronnie was the grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Lafe Sherwood of Salem. He was graduated this spring with highest honors from Sisters High School and won a four-year scholar ship to Linfield College. TODAY'S LUCKY Master Honey NUMBERS 440,315 595,210 301,115 If you have a Master Money Bill with .any of above serial numbers on it, you win desig nated award if vou collect it before 9 P. M. tonight at Center and Commercial. Any money not won today will be added to tomorrow's corre sponding award. Free Master Money Bill given at all loca tions. Winners Must Claim Award At Center And Commercial By 9 P. M. $150 H. DOVE 1075 Larmer $30 MELVIN JENKS 115 6th St. Free Whistlepops With Gas Purchases MASTER Fret Master Monet Bin Given At All Stations s300 J . f i y f i . .. i 1 of the test will be to provide simulated care and housing for evacuees from Portland, and to provide support for that city after the hypothetical attack. Slated as War Game Operation Alert will be conducted as a war game, with civil defense agencies of the 48 states, the fed eral civil defense agency, the armed services, and other federal groups taking part, lite over-all test will extend from July 20 to 26, but county and city participa tion will be only on the 20th. The test period for Marion County civil defense units will be from whenever the first test alert is sounded until 7 p.m. Hub of the county civil defense network will be at the courthouse in Salem. 2 llllllllllllllllipilllIBIIIIIIIII Yscissouy SHANKS A' fwlittlO'N- For Your Patronage" with ( YOU SAVE S. ft iy t--3 I f coupoNsjngr y I these items lj , J V METAL SERVING TRAY TOLF. ROSE PATTERN Sire: I7H' 2i". Has dozens of uses in living room, den or breakfast room. Rich floral design in full color on dull-finish black background. Reg. 120 Coupon Value Yes, this Big Savings Event is our way of saying "thank you" for your splendid response to our Coupon Saving Plan a plan that gives you top-quality products . . . plus coupons as an extra dividend, and at no additional cost. But hurry! These special offers at only 20 coupons each expire August 31st, 1956. Visit your neighborhood Red Scissors Premium Store without delay. See hundreds of lovely, useful premiums now on display. All of them can be yours FREE FOR COUPONS! IMPORTANT! Your coupons must include some from ot leqt,2 of the following brands! BORDEN'S EVAPORATED MILK NO MAIL ORDERS . . . PLEASE! Remember, Offer Expires August 31st, 1956. Get These Premiums At SALEM, OREGON Cherry City Elec Appl. Sales (Service, 2040 North Capital St PORTLAND, OREGON ...Red Scissors Coupon Store, 1115 S. W. Alder St Mwrt mrt Mm CMfH frwn euaWf P'-hcU. M hr tf 40 tMf. kwMVwfc W WmIiU fifti Unl W Una fnmmm lltn, r mrf porf tmri tm M Sown C , JO Mi Sift, im trwuttm J, OWtrtu. ActionDelayed On Employe's Reinstatement Action by the State Industrial Accident Commission in connec tion with the reinstatement of Clyde Hill, recently discharged for alleged insubordination, has been deferred until probably ear ly next week, the commission re ported Tuesday. Meanwhile Hill's Salem attor ney, Ralph Wyckoff said Tuesday he intended to bring suit against the commission unless it "took action' soon on the Civil Service Commission's recommend a t i o n that Kill be rehired. Hill, a resident of Noli, was discharged April 26 from his job as a safety inspector with the ac cident commission. He then ap pealed to the state civil service commission from the discharge order. The Civil Service Commission, at a hearing here May 23, rein stated Hill to the Civil Service rules hut did not direct that he be reinstated to his previous po sition. He had been employed as an inspector for the Accident Com missi in for six years. He. now holds a temporary private job. One member of the Accident Commission said he wanted to read the full transcript of testi mony at the hearing before reach ing a decision. Hill denied the insubordination charge. The Accident Commission will meet again Monday. Budget for YM Due for Study Adoption of a Salem YMCA bud get for the new year is expected at a Thursday noon meeting of the YM board. After the budget Is completed it will be presented to Salem United Fund officials for consideration. Guest speaker at a special board meeting on Friday noon will be Frank Hathaway, chairman of the board of George Williams YMCA College in Chicago. Hathaway for merly was general secretary of the Chicago YMCA. Your Neighborhood Red Scissors Premium Store Says RANCH0 SOUPS LANGEND0RF COOKIES Record 350 Pass Swim Tests in YMCA Program More than 350 youngsters, believed to be an alltime high, success fully passed tests that capped the Salem YMCA'i annual Learn to Swim campaign. All will receive certificates at ceremonies Thursday, 7:30 p.m., in the YM gym. Dale Dykman. YM physical director, pointed out that those passing the tests comprised well over half of approximately (00 boys and girls who tried for certificates. Partici pants in the campaign totaled about ISO, but some 150 chose not to take tests held on Monday. "Highly successful," was Gener al Secretary Gus Moore's term for the 195s program. "Our campaign this year expos ed more youngsters to swimming than at any other time I can re call." Moore said. He added that there was unusually fine response from youngsters in surrounding valley communities. "The program helped alt young sters regardless of whether they passed the final tests," observed Dykman. "The campaign helped all to make an adjustment to the water." A roster of 67 youngsters passed the 60-feet deep water test, which involved diving into deep water and swimming the M feet. A total Of 17 earned certificates for a deep water plunge and 30-foot swim, while 97 passed the 20-foot test. Prone floating awards went to 164 for ability to float face down on top of the water for at least five seconds. Parents of all participants are invited to attend the Thursday night award ceremonies. Nut Growers Pick Jefferson Director A. L. Page, Jefferson, was re named board chairman at a meet ing of the directors of the Salem Nut Growers, Tuesday. H. B. Hilde brandt, Dallas, was made vice president, and Glen Hansberry, Silverton, secretary. The board discussed the very short crop of nuts foreseen for this year. Estimates placed the crop at between 40 and 60 per cent of the small crop of last year. BRIDGE BID8 DUE PORTLAND I Construction of a 75-foot concrete and wood bridge across Staley Creek, 23 miles south of Oakridge In Lane County will draw bids until June 28. The contract will be handled ! by the Bureau of Public Roads. at JV I 13 SALAD BOWL ivory-colored American Ware decorated with brown -tinted lustre edge floral spray center. 9" diameter. Reg. 120 Coupon Value I PIRPI C JSC SALTED NUTS Vert Kom, Retired Farmer Succumbs luttiwi Ntwi Srvlr SJLVERTON Funeral services for Vert C. Ross. It. will be Fri day at I p.m. in the memorial chapel of the Ekman Funeral Home. Burial will be at Miller Cemetery. Ross, who was a retired farmer, was born at Mt. Angel Feb. II, 1875. He died Tuesday at Patter son nursing home, Silverton. Survivors are two sons, Rex and Earl, both of Mt. Angel, and four grandchildren. CARD OF THANKS THE KINDNESS AND SYM PATHY of neighbors and friends in our recent sorrow ol Karen Sue will always remain with us a precious memory. Our sincere thanks and gratitude for the beautiful floral offerings and all those comforting acts. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Thomp son, Sandra Kay and Sherrie Rae, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Boldt, Mr. and Mrs. Iver Thompson. 1 & 1 I 1 $ SALEM'S OWN STORE Statesman, Salem, Ore., Wed., Jun. 13, '56 (Sec. I)-5 Private Rites Set ' For Benson Baby Private funeral , services for Vicky Lynn Benson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Benson, 1133 Harris St., were Tuesday afternoon In Clougn-Barrick chapel, the Rev, John Cauble of ficiating. Burial was In Belcrest Memorial Park. The Infant died two days after her birth Friday In a Salem hospital. She leaves, besides her parents, a sister, Debra Ann Benson, and brother, Raymond Craig Benson, both of Salem: and grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Benson and Mrs. Dale Nelson, all of Salem, and Byron Davis, Mill City. , CARD OF THANKS THE KINDNESS AND SYM PATHY of neighbors and friends in our recent sorrow will always remain with us a precious mem ory. Our sincere thanks and grat itude for all those comforting acts. Mrs. Chas. Campbell ' Sharon WoodaU , Nola Haugen Gean Turner. 3 Timet Fatter When Gas crowds Heart Certllffd laboratory tatttprovtBelUiM : Ublt Mtitrallt 1 limn much! itomach acidity la ant minute a many i leading ditivc tablcti. Gat Ball-ana ! today lor the faitatt known ralicf. IV UUAM TAHITI WITH CKAKOA1 1 With , . .. the most beautifully made sportshirt in America (Aoma6Aeev M (yibtutdutO There's t crisp, clean-cut look to these meriftiloush custom-tailored sport shirts of handsome Thomu-sheea gabardine. The single needle construction and, hand details guarantee that made-to-measure t that b so typically Thomas. Hand washable, of course, and mil. able in practically any color yon wish. Sixes, small, medium, medium large, large sod extra large . . . also in longs for my till men. Twenty-three colon, mdud ing beige, luggage, leaf green, gold, powder blue, pearl grey, cream, navy, charcoal, aqua and red Custom tailored by Thomas. 95 MAIL ORDERS rtttivt prompt ni Urtjd Mitntio. IndxMi ttbr md tiu. A gift from Bishop's will rate TOPS With Dad! Father's Day, June 17th. SUxe I m IS90 I cfA:):;:iM. FASHION MODELING EVERY WEDNESDAY lunch In Comfort Air-Conditioned CHERRY ROOM Wednesday 'g Complete SPECIAL LUNCH Brookfield Sausage with Hash Brown Potatoes, Fresh Fruit Salad with QZC Sherbet Dressing ' Park Free With Purchase Com u You Art 1 SINCE 1890