The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 13, 1956, Page 12, Image 12

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    12-(Sec. II) Statesman, Salem, Ore., Wed., Jim. 13, "56
. Salem Coif Club Frofetalonal
And 1958 Oregon Open Champion
Wi feci rather guilty about
Shrine Tournev. la then is no
week, that no rain had ever fallen
to do with the falling moisture.
no e fleet on the turnout for the iwo-ejay meei
, are learninf how to handle their big crowds bet--.
ter every year, and they can certainly be proud
tvt the fact that tbey have Just put on the LARG
EST golf tourney in the Northwest as far as
; entry is concerned. A total of 413 players In one
Way. meet is a lot of work, but the play moved
along fast and nobody was heard to complain
bout anything ether than the lousy score be
shot . , . Considering that the Shrinera had two
other big weekend tourneys to buck. It to
wonderful entry list The Kelso-Longview meet
and the Washington State Open were both in
full swing at the same time the red-fei boys
were going at it here ...
Sunday's crowd dropped off sharply after
the awarding of the new Ford ante here, and these whe left
earlr missed a whale of ged playoff between Beh frail and
Cliff Smith. Prall has been damped In two major playoffs in
the past few weeks. In spite of the fart that he is a total of two
nder par for the three holes Involved. We knew hew he feels
' abent playoffs ana: elrdtes, as Uts allege! anther last one to Joe
I Greer, cwreitt Northwest Fro champion, last spring at Waverly
far the rtfhl to ie back to the Natieaal Pre Oumptonshlp meet
We shot three birdie la a row, but still lost . . .
: Speaking of the Frails, the whole family got into the act last
wi when Clvda scored his hole in one and Bob followed the
next day with another. Mrs. Prall plays golf also, and she cer
tainly must be due lor tnai -ace .
the later made jus at buu
When They Come, They Come in Bunche$
It terns ihst Mes-in-one come in bunches, like banana. We
made mention some three weeks ago that no one had scored an
ace at SGC for some time. So within the next three weeks we get
lots of 'em. Both Pralls. Clay Dver, Stan Anderson and Roy Malt
by accomplished the feat. It will be rough week for the priie
givers If this sort of thing has been going on all ever the wuMry
Even the Salem Active Club got stuck for $ 00 In Its Cerebral
Pslsy Fund Hole-In-One Contest when the gentleman from Seaside
stewed up and made one. The fellow will get nothing from other
priiTgiveiS si they dop t pay off on .aces made in such contests
Sut then he probably not worried, after collecting his $100 worth
--."cnlce Job for their first effort and
despite toaing 1100 ontbe Seaside connection, they'll still be
able to put soms needed money Into the Palsy Fund . . .
' Seme II Salem player Journeyed to Reyat Oak Country
;.' Club te Vancenver Monday to participate la the Pre-Am
' gweep. The beys had the pleasure of plavlng what amonnte
to the best golf eenree In the Northwest, The Royal Oaka lay
" eat la ae long that even the members dea'l knew the exact measure
meeta bat Jt mast ge ever the 740 yard mrk tor a total, Hani
Nlcholls had I big day el fence climbing the first nine, with
fen" hills eat of bound and tw la a lake that U s small it
SSdft held much or than five ball. Mek . wde , sUong
comeback on the back alne, however, and finished w without
eXg toto triple flgum. Dr. Vera Miller found the fence line
K! buTrtlll thloped la with tome aeeded h . 1, ifer the prefer
ileiaL John Weed, Kea fottt and eurself finished Just out el
tie wn2y wluTfcst-b m Bet. players helped r by
six shets..'. ... .
Junior lesons start this Friday morning at SGC, on the following
schedule; Boy and over at I SO a.m. Boys from I to 11 at 1:30
Girls at 10 30. Wei furnish all the equipment. All you have to de
Is bring out the young athlete . Tha Oregon State Junior
Tourney has bWpostponed for week; so tha kid will havt a
little time to get In shape. - . -
Randle Licks L&R,
r . m : t' 'if ' i.
V UK tost another one to Handle Off last night In City League toft
ban actio.. 1,1. atgPblUlp. TW ?.K7lf!5
scheduled to play si eigw, mo
The ftaodle win evened", th se
rin between the two classy out
fits, with each holding two wins.
Winning hurlef last night. Nor
Hllfiker, yielded but three hits,
while his brother, Gene, on the
mound for UR, also gave up
three binglet,
UR scored first in the fourth
: Inning on a horn run -by Claude
Weaver; Randle countered' with
tw run la th filth inning whet
' Bob Knight singled, reached third
on t two-base error, and scored
oa Woody Han i single; then Glen
Jones tingled, stole second and
.. scored when Norv hit a hard ball
back to the mound which bounced
off Gene't glov for a hit:
la tht fifth Inning, tht fan
werl treated to a spectacular play
whet UR'i Ralph Maddey got on
first. Ron Parsons tried to bunt
' and Randle catcher Hall caught
tht ball and doubled Maddey off
first for a double play..
.la tonight's action at Phillips
Field, Prison Officers will meet
National Guard at 7 W a Capital
League contest -
UR , 000 100 0-1 S I
Randle : ooo 020 x-i 3 o
G. Hllfiker and Weaver; N. Hll
fiker and Han. "
' Central Jay errs Zip
Central Jayceei detested Dallas,
114, In a Willamette Valley
League Softball game here Tues
day night Winning hurler Jim
Rawlings gave up five hits while
on the mound and slapped three
bingles In three attempts him
selL Oaryl Cirod got four for
. fin for the winners. Dallas bat
tery was Lehto and Kastrsvi;
'Jaycees' Bawling and Davis,
Meadoui Selection
Wadnetdajr, poit Mm n m
1, Pantan Lahekln, Klkappo Klam
ath, Mlaa Domo,
I, Kent. Hairs Lady. Mail Dimwl
I. Icarus. lUppin Jawall. Paareful
4. tkl Pol, Money Run, Goldipln
nar. . .
I. tkeaU Mat Lycos Jr., Sidney
4. C
Cnnd Judia, World Affair, Cap
tain many,
I. Harveit Point, Fit ur e'AJonc.
1 tandla Lae, Calltovnlaa, Lava
Bar t - x
S Pad Runner, laanlck Maid, Am
plifier. Beat Hetr Good Jadjre th Met.
aawln U race. ;
Tide Table
tidis roa fAn otiots
" fCnmnileel b tl. I. Coast and
Geodetic Survey. Portland. Oresnns
Time HrlKht
Tlne Helht
HID Watera
Law wat--i
. W-01 am. -U
lo :m p m, is
10:91 a.m.
. 11 l p m. I I
V U :U a.m. : t.l
U 1-0 ajn.
4 e pm.
4 ( ajn,
I .1 pja.
1:21 am.
is p m.
( 44 SJtb
I IS p m.
t I a av
t o pm.
IrOS a m.
11 as a m.
i ft a.aa.
I J 9.M.
the rain that fell on tht weekend
doubt that our mention of lait
on the Shrine clastic, had a lot
But tnanuuiiy ine rain naa mm
TL. CLpiMpt
ay Kim
one was wun viyae ana sod warn
am mm m r
Portland Hndnri, Wtdnndsr. port
Uim I pja..
rtnl r-. auartrr horn Purnt
1409. All W In Grad C. 3M yirdi
1. MIM Domo, u. uixon i
1 Ldy Homir i Ctk I. McDowcQ l
I. Robin Dl. W. PhilltDl 1M
4. Pantan Uhtklik J. Boat 10
I. Central Fllnk, r. Smoothari lit
. Allrt Tayior, L. Knowl 111
1. Klrkanno Klamath. P. Hldlo 11
I. Mln Kilty lot, r. Zufcll 1W
Second rac, maldtni. Purit l00
1-yaar-oldi, 4 1 j furlunitt
1. Whirl 1 Bm. 8. MiUuwtll 114
I. Kant. I. Gilfurd 111
I. Jrrrrata. R, Houklna 114
4. Shakt Rail, A. Dunran 117
S, Ttall'a Lady. A. Sherman
I Flylil, G. Dixon
7. Curarl, t. Bnas
I. lptu. L. Knnwlri
. Ioi'h IxK h. T, Braokont
1. Magic UamMl. W. Phillips
Third Rare. Claim iS00i. Puree
ISUO. 3-r.-old aV up. I iurlongi.
I. Irarui. J. Brerkona 111
t. Bunbef. J. Boaf ll
a. nteppinf Jewel, G. Blmunli . Ill
4. Dnran Flower, A Sherman 111
I. Pint Paaa. L. Dam, '114
S. Mlteoui. R. Hopkins 111
1. Rntur. L. Knowlea 111
S. Crossed Afiin, J. Prnutv 111
I. Peareiul Paas. I McDowell 114
10. Rock Harney, E. Miller . Ill
Fourth Race. Claim (.1800). Purse
Isos. l-yr.-oldi & up. S1, turlonfs.
1. Honey Run. P. Hidalxn 111
3. Goldsplnner, S MrDowrll 111
1. No Boots, F. Smlthert US
4. Parly Hurley. K. GKfnrd 114
1 .Hot But. W. Phillips 111
. Ski Pole. C Dlnn 111
7. Good Joe. R. Hopkins 111
Fi'th Rare. Claim iSfWO). Purse
I6U0. 3-yr.-oldt & up. 6 (urinnss.
1. Frtihanwin. G. Slmonn 117
2. Rune. G. Dixon I IS
i. Bethcrforyou. D Hrmhaw "110
4. Ntlmellor. E. Miller 130
5. Life Time. f. C'hojnarkl 1W
I. Lycos Jr.. E. Gilford 130
7. Sidney l.ifhl, S. McDowell . 119
I. Skrets Rest I.. Knowlrs 1 IS
I. Goldalone, W. Phillips 120
10. Little Umua, J. Brrckont 120
Sixth Race. Claim ill (hum Purse
lotIO 3-yr-oldl & up 51, furlonii
1. flood Judie. S Mr Do well lit
2. Bob s Hrward, C. Ciusun "115
9 Captain Riakv, I.. Dalei "115
4 Free Delivery W Phillips 1 1ft I
S Carta Snow, G Dixon IIS
I. Rill Hart, A Dunran ISO
7. No Photo. F. (iiffnrd 120
I. World Alliar. J. Bretkona 120
I. Little Baton, 1 Knowles lift
It. Grimlkk. P. Hidalfo HI
Seventh Race. Claim ixmoi
SSOO J-yr -olds. k up. l-lK.
1. Harvest Point, E Gilford
I. NetUes Pride, R Hopkins
). Vain Flower, t. McDowell
4. Doltta, f. Hldalfo
5. Pip s Pup, t. B reckons
f . Flower bona, G. Dixon
- 111
1. Fleur e'AJone, A. Sherman .
6. Prettji Choice, 1, Proutjr ...
Eighth Rare. Allow "Tiny s Cafe"
Purse ISO0. J-yr-oldi. Arup. 1-111
1. Sandte Lee. I. McDowell . . ... Ill
1. Tenino, G. Dixnn . Ill
I Oltfornian, P. Hidalgo 111
4. Slot Machine, J Prouty 111
t. El 'Corn Way, v. Phillips 111
. Love Her. E. C fiord US
1 Gold Reserve. D. Henshaw . Mil
Klnth Rare. CI 1m itnooi. purse
foe. 3-yr-old Si u. On.- mile.
I, Snanich Maid, P. Smothers . .. 114
1. Postmark, L. Knowles 110
1. Two Colors, i. Prouty . . 114
4, Red Runner, A. Sherman 11
I. Amplifier, f. Eulelt 114
t. Blf Gamble, O. Imonis US
1. The Shield. L. Dale "114
I. Apple TuriMver. S. McDowell 111
I. Quality Sam, t. Hidalgo .....UI
lalaa ...
taullpt ,
IB. root! Girl, W, PI
USC Runners
In Tough Spot
Trojans Underdogs
For NCAA Track Go
BERKELEY. Calif. Iff - South
era California's Trojans, mon-
archs of collegiate track and field
the past seven years, appear
beaded for a fall this weekend.
It' almost unique when USC
isn't rated the favorite for the
NCAA championship. They've
won it II out of M year. But for
this 35th annual meet here Fri
day and Saturday the data points
to Kansas, Villanova and UCLA,
not necessarily in that order.
The first two have solid possibil
ities for event winners and the
Uclans have a depth of talent
which can pick up place points.
None of the three favorites has
ever won the title although UCLA
finished second, losers to USC In
the final event, and Kansas was
third last year.
UCLA this season deposed USC
as champion of the Pacific Coast
Conference, the first track and
field title for the Bruins. The Tro
jans had won the title the past
IS times but this season hsve
been plagued with Injuries that
sidelined some of their top point
Young Floyd,
Moore to Box
(Cent, treat preceding page)
reports to the medics for another
examination on Thursday. It was
pointed out that Patterson would
have to do no boxing in his train
ing grind until about Sept. 1 and
it is expected that the break will
have been healed by Aug. 1.
Patterson, 21, Is the former
Olympic middleweight titleholder
but now it a full-fledged heavy
weight. His weight for the Jack
son bout was 171 pounds although
he fought twice previously this
year at U3 pounds.
Moore came In at 1744 pounds
lii his recent title defense against
Yolande Pompey In London, but
has ballooned all the way to 117
between fights in recent years.
Furgol Raps
Hogan Claim
(Centlaaed from preceding page)
say the course Is great. One says
It Isn't."
Sam Snead, who hopes to crack
his longtime Open jinx said,
"Personally, I like the course. I
can find the ball."
While contestants continued to
play and debate the rolling, tree
lined course, the U. S. Golf Assn.,
always proud of the stern text of
Its championships, took Immediate
measures te inject-teeth in the
layout. - .v
Thereejgb Waterlag Set
Officials announced that the
fairways and rough areas would
be thoroughly watered before
Thursday's 7 a. m. teeoff and
that the greens would be kept
dry and shaved to concrete hard
ness. The traps, with imported
seashore sand, will be furrowed.
A stiff wind, constantly chang
ing directions, swept the area
Tuesday as a majority of the con
testants took semi-final workouts.
"If this wind keeps up, there'll
be a lot of scores in the HO'i,"
said Jack Fleck, the almost for
gotten defending champion from
Davenport, la.
Fleck, who beat hogan In the
dramatic head-to-head playoff at
San Francisco last year, has been
playing in virtual privacy and hs
carefully guarded his scores. "I
don't know what I shot," he said,
"somewhere over 80."
NWL Line Scorrs
Eiifrne 1011 001 110 4 I
weT Marten!. r.nTrT. I
Dapper (5); Jsrlnghaus and Lund
ber. I.pwislon 000 000 000 1 0
Yakima 202 000 lOx-S 10 I
Spry and Dunahue; Drummond and
Spokane 100 710 02111 12 4
Trl-Cltv 441 101 02X-I3 I 3
Luedke. HamsmoUi ill. Weekly ill
and Desouza: Knitenuk. Merreth Ml,
Abridge 'Si, Daly (Si.and Martin.
The annual championship meet
of the Salem Jahbrrwalk'e Field
Archery Club is set for the coming
Sunday on the club's course near
the Pringle School. The shoot is
slated to get started at 10 30 a m.
ST. LOUIS General Man
ager Frank Lane of the St. 1-ouis
Cardinals conferred with officials
of the New York Giants and Phil
adelphia Phillies here Tuesday
stirring up reports that a three-1
cornered deal is In the making. ,
Big 10 Against More
Punishment for OSU
has filled In the National Colleg
iate Athletic Assn. with details ol
the "Ohio State case," but with
the viewpoint its own punishment
should not be superseded.
Big Ten Commissioner K. L.
(Tug i Wilson placed Ohio State
on probation April 26 for one year
and ruled the Buckeyes out of
the next Rose Bowl game for ev
cesslve aid to athletes and an Ir-
re"ular off-campus work policv.
A conference spokesman said
Tuesday: "We have a working
agreement with the NCAA to pro
vide information on infractions M
our code.
"A preliminary report of the
Ohio State case already has been
jusent to th NCAA headquarters
j TheyH Do It Every
&me wm-mh midom.
Saturday Biggie at
Special Gift
During 'Center Night
Edo Vannl. the peppery Wenatchee Chiefs ball club skipper who
in past years haa been the target for many a razxberry, laff, gag
and umpiring wrath during his visits to Waters Field, is to have a
big part in the whoop-de-doo being cooked up for the annual "Capital
0GC Adopts
NAIA Rules
The Oregon Collegiate Conference
Tuesday adopted the acceptance of
the NAIA eligibility rules, pertain
ing to .athletes, it was reported
here. Representatives of the league
met in Corvallia.
The adoption goes into effect
January l of next year. Thereafter,
any athlete who transfers into one
of the member schols will not he
permitted to participate In athletics
until he has attended the new
school for 18 weeks.
The current OCC eligibility rules
will be in effect until January 1.
It was also announced that Dr.
Elmo Stevenson, of Southern Ore
gon College is the new president of
the conference. "He succeeds Dr.
Roy Lieuallen, of Monmouth's Ore
gon College.
College Golf
Led by Quasi
Quast of Marysville, Wash., fired
a 73 Tuesday in the nation Wo
men's Intercollegiate Golf Tour
ney to rank as co-medalist with
Canadian women s champion Mar
lene Stewart of Rollins College.
Ruth Jessen of Seattle, with a
77. was fifth in the individual
In Wednesday's first round of
match play Miss Quast will meet
Berridge Long of Marshall Col
lege, who had an 83 today. Miss
Jessen meets Miriam Bailey of
Missouri, who qualified with an
Playing off men'i tees on the
hilly, wooded Purdue University
south course, Miss Stewart card
ed a one-under-par 35 on the first
nine but went three-over with a
38 on the hack.
Miss Quast matched par on the
front nine but went two over oo
the back.
Seven co-eds, including defend
ing champion Jackie Yates, beat
80 in winning berths in the 16-
Championship flight
Yates, who plays for Redlands
College and has been runnerup in
the Tarn o'Shanter tournament the
past two years, carded a 79.
British Riders
Win Honors
STOCKHOLM i - Three Brit
isl riders overcame a heavy def
icit Tuesday to take first place
in team standings away from Ger
many in the dressage section of
the equestrian Olympics' three
day trials
Britian's three riders totaled
313 2 penalty points to 330 4 for
the Germans.
American riders had MO O pen
alty points, and on'y 'he Span-
iards in 18th place with 510 0 and
placed lower.
at Kansas City. A more compre
hensive report will follow.
"We'll see what happena. We're
a little tender on this subject. If
tht NCAA supersedes our action,
it's poaching."
The NCAA could extend Ohio
State's punishment by banning the
Buckeyes from
, neys. However,
Its national tour-
one previous
Bie Ten violation case, the NCAA!
merely duplicated a one year's
, probation In'lide't by the confer-
ence against Michigan State in
The Ohio State case actually is
not closed. Wilson has requested
Coach Woody Hayes to identify
football players to whom he gave
"pocket money." Further penal
ties may follow If this is not done.
-rooty -mb doc
warfU. MW SE8"
O nTWWta tf-DrOTt. I
for Edo
Shopping Center Night" at the ball
park Saturday,
Buddy Smith,, owner of the
Dana's Bootery Store in the Cen
ter, is head of the group working
on the details of the Saturday pro
gram, and reported Tuesday that
a special gift would be presented
Vanni during the ceremonies.
Smith would not elaborate, but
yielded a wide smile when making
the announcement.
Gifts for Fas Tea
The fana themselves are in for
some gifts also en Saturday dur
ing the course of the Wenatchee
Salem game. The Shopping Center
is to give away a number of mer
chandise item! to the customers.
Admission to the Saturday game
is free. Tnat Is, if you drop into
any one of the Shopping Center
stores and ask for the tickets.
Last year's Capital Shopping
Center Night drewver 5.000 peo
ple Into the park,' and the mer
chants are out to top that figure
this week.
Chiefs Open Friday
The Wenatchee series opens Fri
day night and concludes with a
Sunday doubleheader at 1:30 pm.
The Western Paper Converting out
fit plans a special "day" at the
park for Sunday's twin bill.
Then on Monday night, when the
Spokane Indians come in to open
a four-game series, the famous
baseball acrobat Johnny Price will
be present to put on his amazing
show of batting, throwing and
fielding skills. Price has not ap
peared here for a number of yean,
but always managed to draw very
large crowds during his annual
visits before the lull.
Althea Keeps
Winning Ways
BRISTOL, England Ufl Althea
Gibson of New York continued
her winning streak with three
more victories in the West of Eng
land Lawn Tennis Championships
The 28-year-old Manhattan Ne
gro eclipsed P. Barril of Spain
6-1. 6-3 in her first appearance;
in the Wimbledon curtain-raiser.
in ine mint round singles snei
swung effortlessly through a 2.ciash The 'jiubbards scored
6-2 victory over Britain's Valerie ;twice in the first frame, once in
During the mixed doubles, pair
ing with Chilean Davis Cup play
er Luis Ayala against South Afri
cans Paul Vercueil and Merryl
Hammill, Miss Gibson looked a
littled tired in a 6-4, 6-4 conquest.
Both top men in the tourney.
Australia's Lew Hoad and self
exiled Czech, Jaroslav Drobny,
rar into early trouble.
Ian Warwick, a relatively un
known British player, took the
Australian Davis Cupper to 24
games before knuckling under 7-5,
Andres Gemino. the Spanish
champion, finally went down be
fore Drobny 5-7, S-6, 6-4.
Dickson's Needs Coach
A coach for the Dickson's Mar
ket team of the Salem Junior
Baseball Class C. League is need
; ed- lov(i J1M- ho has been
coaching the learn, had to with
draw because! other duties The
team has been formed and is made
up of boys from 9 to 1.1 years old
Anyone interested in taking over
as coach should contact Bill Beard
(telephone 3-042 at Wicklund
Sporting Gods Store. 372 State
Str e.te
American League
Detroit 001 ooo o0 I II 0
Baltimore 000 000 011 1 7 S
Hoeft and House. Wight, Pallca
II) and Smith.
Cleveland 10 0.1O MO 7 10
Bo.ton 310 OOO JOx- I 14 1
Wynn. B Dslev til and Hgan:
Chlraen 000 Oon SO0-- 14 1
New Vnrk 120 OOl OCX 4 10
Donovan. Tlnuell (Si and Lollar:
Ford and Berra.
Kansas Citv --
000 000 110 001 0OS 1 14 1
ooo ioi ooa sol oooi n I
Santiago, Harrington I4i, Gorman
(7), Crlmlan 111), and Thampenn;
Stewart. Stobba III, Paacual (Si.
Chakales (11), Clevanger 111), and
By Jimmy Hatlo
HEMEM8SR fgftrmumna
L TU4MA AMD A Tie cr
Beavers Bow
To Angels, 74
(CenL freta preceding page)
Banes fanned five times in five
trips, four times against Drott and
the last time against Fodge.
A double by Dick Young and
singles by Sam Calderone and
Lloyd Merrlman sent Drotts to the
showers. The Beavers got another
run off Anderson in the ninth, but
Fodge quelled the rally.
Game Iced la 7th
Bilko's double, scoring Mauch,
who had walked, actually iced the
game in the seventh. The Angels
added two more in the eighth on
a single by Bob Coats, Wise's
triple, and Mauch's single.
Portland outhit the Angels, 13 to
10. but failed to bunch them. Luis
Marquet had two doubles and two
sineles in five trips for the losers.
Elsewhere in the PCL Tuesday,
Hollywood defeated San Diego, 8-5,
to register its ninth straight win.
Lino Ponoso, aided by good relief
hurling by Fred Green, got credit
for the victory.
Vancouver's two game
streak" came to an end as the
Mounties bowed to Sacramento, 8-4.
Joe Stanka hurled the win and
struck, out nine. Angelo Dagres
homered for the Mounties in the
seventh with one aboard.'
At Seattle, Jerry Oasale's eighth
inning homer broke a tie and pav
ed the way for a 5-3 San Francisco
The box:
Portland (4)
ab h
Maiqb.lf S 4
I oi Angeles (7)
ah h
Rexe ;l
Shore, p
i 2 4
4 3 3
3 0 8
i 0 1
5 1 I
S 1 4
3 1 2
3 I 2
1 0 0
BilkiKl 4
Spekrcf S
Frrew.3 4
3 4
1 1 0
1 i 1
1 0
0 12
1 A I
o e e
o 1 1
Drott. p
0 0 0 0 0 0
Totals 40 1)24 Totals - 35 10 17 S
a Singled (or Littrell in 1th
b-Grounded out for Shore in 8th.
Portland fiflO 050 nil 4
Los Anieln 100 003 12x 7
E-Baxfs. Wir Littrell. RBI Bnr
kowski 3. Merrlman. Bilko 3. Wine
2. Speake. Maurh 2B Marque 2,
Borkowski. Young. Bilkn 2 3B -Wise.
HR Bilko. Spea-ke I.rft-Port-land
10. Los Angeles 9 BB-Darnelt
1. Shore 1. Drott 2. Andemon 1. SO
Darnell .1. Waibel I. Drott II. Fodge 1.
HO Darnell 7 in 2-3. Shore O in
1- 1. Waibel 3 In 1. Droit II in 7 1-1.
Anderson Z In 2-3. Fodge 0 in 1. R
ER Darnell 5-5 Shore 0-0. Waibel
2- 2, Drott 3-3. Anderson 0-0. Fodge
1-0 WP-Waibel. Anderson 2. W
Drott 7-1. L- Darnell 5-3 U Ford.
Kerr and Cjrhuci T-2 52 A 147
Coats If 4 1 2 O i O I I 1
&2 3? wdalem bins
a ar ' - .
Willamette Builders of Aumsville
here Tuesday night, 5-0, in a Wil -
amptte Va ev League softba
the second and twice in the
seventh. Hubbard knocked six
hits, while the Builders got three
in losing their second league
Mickey Mantle of the Yankees
was the first major leaguer to hit
20 home runs during 1956.
l'CL Line Scores
San DifRn
' I)nn(i.,i. Grfrn
. kins. Kerrigan
nn noj noo s n
010 noo sin s 11
ft and Hall; Hos
(ieilrl i"i and As
Vancouver 01)0 100 2104 6 0
Sacramento 114 Olll hlx 8 1.1 0
Ln kf. Searcy ill and Romar.o;
Stanka and Baich
San Francisco Oil 010 011 5 14 3
Seattle 201 OOO 0OO-- 3 1
Casale and Sullivan. Podbirlan and
IIIUIDani Isarners Win.0'" Pm. ine saiem girls are;
sporting a 3-0 record.
CASCADE HIGH SCHOOL 'Salem 82 10) 4-24 23 O1
(Special) Hubbard defeated ' Independence 000 0- 0 2 8'
lolilai RELIEft Jgi5
tecro-ilioc disorders are arte coused by Mdda
ttraini-en or off the ob. Il l a relief
to wear a Camp Support. The double-toce
adiuilmtei ossuras proper til end protection
leody lo wear moderately priced.
Alk your doctor; then tee our eprt liners.
40S State St.-Cerner of
We Give j)?C Green
Knight Names
Boxing Board
Calif ornia Moves
To Correct Controls
win J. Knight Tuesday named
new State Athletic Commission as
the first step in overhauling Cali
fornia's boxing wrestling control
Two members of the old com
mission, which resigned, two
weeks ago, were re-appointed.
The new commissioners are
Dean B. Cromwell, Los Angeles.
track coach; Douglas Hayden, a
Pacific Telephone and Telegraph
chief special agent from Oakland;
and Jamie H. Smith, a Loa An
geles business executive.
Pair Reaamed
Dr. Dan O. Kilroy of Sacra
mento, and S. Thomas Bucciarelli
of Arlington, Riverside County.
both appointed by Knight last
year were renamed.
Knight, - accepting resignations
of the old commission, said all
the members were men "of basic
integrity and honesty," but a new
commission was necessary "as a
first basic step in putting Cali
fornia boxing on honest, high-
grade plane."
Prate Completed
The appointment of the new
commission follows the comple
tion of a Knight-instigated boxing
probe which uncovered evidence
of fixed fights and other wrong
doings. The special investigating
committee has not yet completed
its report but the governor said
it will be "hopping hoi."
Cromwell is , a member of the
State Recreation Commission. He
is 78. He coached the U. S. Olym
pic track team in 1948.
PGC Renews
Rose Contract
LOS ANGELES. lAV-The Pacific
Coast Conference and the Pasa
dena Tournament of Roses have
agreed on a continuing contract
for an indefinite term for the
annual Rose Bowl football game,
it was announced Tuesday.
The same announcement dis
closed that the conference and the
National Broadcasting Co. have
agreed on a similar arrangement
j for ra(jj0 nj television rights for
the game.
A committee from the Big Ten
Conference, the statement con
tinued, will meet with a PCC com
mittee here June 27 to discuss de
tails of the same type of agree
ment which would continue Big
Ten participation in the postsea
son bowl game.
Financial terms of (he radio and
television deal were not divulged.
Whack Foes
. INDEPENDENCE -(Special) -The
Salem Merchants, girls soft
ball team, slaughtered the Inde
pendence girls team, 24-0, in a
Silver Falls League contest here
Tuesday night.
Independence could get but two
hits off the slants of Salem hurler
Maurine Scholllan. In the mean
time. Salem racked up 23 hits, in
cluding Maurine s home run with!
one aboard in the third inning.
Independence's only two hits of I
the game were made by B. Gun
derson and Josie Gray; both were
Next game for the high-riding
Salems, as yet unbeaten this eai-
on. is with Lebanon at 7 p. m.
Thursday at Lebanon. Friday, Sa
lem plays Hubbard at Silver-ton t
p . etn rni i i .
Schollian and Lambert; Wilson. i
, F.rickson ' 3 and Costello, Starks
Gil Turner. Philadelphia welter
weight formerly worked for his
grandfather as a plasterer.
National League
Philadelphia 000 050 noo 9 I 1
Milwaukee OOO 100 OOOl 7 1
Haddlx and Lopata; Buhl. Burdette
i5i. Jolly ill, Sleater ill, and Cran
dall. Brooklyn 101 001 WO- s 1
St Loun 100 010 0104 11 1
Koufsx, Erskine i4i. I. shine Hi,
and C'smpanella: Dickwn. Collum i7i.
Jackson 7 1 . Knnitanty ill) and Sarnl.
Pittsburgh ooo 040 00 4 S 1
Cincinnati 300 oon noo 3 a i
Friend, Face Ui. King iS), and
Follies; Nuxhall Fowler iS, Free
man i8) and Bailey.
New York loo 101 0005 11
Chicago 000 303 20x S 9 0
Worthington. McCall t S i , Wilhelm
1 7 1 . Rldrlk ill and Katt. Westrum
'ioi. Mangan III, Mlnner, I.own 7,
and Landnth.
Whin a mam is oetnto em a
UT RAKKO into thb a.
th icapim rum. TO PRC
Pirates Head
(Cast, frets precedlag page)
off reliefer Carl Erskine. It
was Erskine' first win since his
May 11 no-hitter.
.The Cubs, winning nine f their
last 12, beat the Giants with a
pair of three-run innings. Monte
Irvin, the ex-Giant, drove in four
runs, the winning sixth. Paul Mi
ner wen his second and Al Worth
ington lost hia sixth as the Cubs
cracked the Giants for the first
time in five tries.
Five unearned Philly runs m the
fifth inning, triggered by Vyillie
Jones' two-run homer, beat the
Whitey Ford, winning hia eighth
for the Yankees, didn't give the
White Sox a hit until the aeventh,
when they smacked four singles
and jdded a walk for their two
runs. Carey homered in the sec
ond with a man on to beat Dick
Ted Lfpcio, who along with
Ted Williams drove in three runs,
homered with two on as the Red
So scored five in the eighth off
loser Early Wynn. Williams, with
J-for-4, walloped his second dou
ble of the game into the left field
corner crossing up the shift and
Pete Daley homered in the big
inning. .
Hoeft Wins 7th
Billy Hoeft won his seventh and
doubled home two runs in a six
run eighth for the Detroit. Four
of the runs were unearned as the
Orioles committed three of their
five errors in the frame.
Enns Slaughter's double and a
single by Mike Baxes scored the
winning run for the A's. Harry
Simpson, who earlier homered,
smacked a three-run triple in the
final splurge.
City Racers Hipli
In Boat Contests
Salem boaters entered three
racing craft in Corvallis events
last weekend snd each entrsnt
copped a trophy. Deb Bolton took
first place in Class C: Roy Con
nelly first in Class B; and Jay
Bertleson third in Class F.
All are members of the Salem
Boat Club. Entrants from some
four cities took part.
of 239 players from 64 schools,
one of the largest in the meet's
history, has been entered in the
NCAA golf championships at Ohio
State, June 24-30.
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3.250,000 J j
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Derby Ready
24 Mounts Prepared
For Saturday Chase
The Capital Auto Racing Assoc!
atkm held Its weekly meeting last
night at Hollywood Bowl, and fol
lowing the pow-wow President Har
very Welt man announced that
around two dozen mounts will be
entered in Saturday night's Jalopy
destruction derby at the big Port
land Road saucer.
Members of the CARA will be
at the controls of the jalopies.
The local association haa pro
duced one destruction derby here
this seasor, and it attracted one
of the Ir.gest auto racing crowds
of the current campaign. Over SO
cars were entered in that one, but
only four or five were left In run
ning condition at its conclusion,
after a night filled with assorted
smashups and wrecks.
Saturday's card will get under
way with time trials at 7:45 n.m.
Trophy dash, heat races and main
events follow, and then all cars
still in running condition will com
pete in a final demolition bee.
According to destruction derbf
rules, driving tactics of any na
ture will be permitted during th
entire show, with but one restric
tion. Head-on collisions are taboo,
unless accidental.
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