Dickson's, Junior C League Ball Games The C League junior baseball reason got underway last night in Salem with Dickson's Market, 20 JO Club and Field's Master Sta tions emerging triumphant. J Dickson's, paced by the batting f end' hurling of young Warren Har yvey, downed West Salem, S-5. Har Xey yielded but two hits in his ! jthree innings in the game, and ; cracked two singles to aid his own cause. His catcher. S. Serine, also pot two bingles in the game at . W est Salem. The 20-30 Club blasted Berg's KcizT Market, 14-9, as Berg's had ifitrouhlc hanging onto the ball. The marketeers made six errors. Lea&'-j eing ine winners ai inc piaie were1 Senators Clubs to Play Here Tonight Euscpian Hits Cade ' Pitches TWstlay Win DRAIN (Special)-Chuck Esscgian banged nut four hits, including a three-run hnmer, and Lefly Jerry Cade pitched effec tively as the Salem Senators last night toppled the strong Drain Black Sox scmipro club at Drain, by a 7-3 score. Essegian's wallop came in the first inning to send the Senators on their way to victory. Eight O'clock Tonight fhe two teams move into Sal lem Wednesday night for a re turn match, starting at eight o'clock. Manager Hugh Luby has not named who will pitch that one for the Salems, but Lefty Glenn Elliott, ex-major and Coast League veteran will toe the slab for Manager Roy Helser's Black Snx. A southpaw tried it against the Salems last night. He was Dick Puerr, star hurler for Hel ser's Linfield College club. He finally yielded to Bill Kroko in the ninth, after the damage was done. Churk Has S RBI's Essegian's big night saw him ime in six of the seven Salem runs. Bob Easterbrook drove in the other with a single, and had another hit besides, Other hit ters for the Solons were Mel Kraue and Ray Webster. Drain scored in the fifth on singles by Vein Marshall. Ted Wilson and Bill Beard, and got two in the sixth when shortstop Don Kirsch. the V of Oregon j baseball coach, banged out a double with the tallies aboard. Each team had nine hits and neither side made an error. A sizeable crowd saw the game. Salem 300 020 2007 9 0 Drain 000 012 0003 9 0 Cade and Zari; Duerr, Kroko (9) and Beard. Chiefs, Braves, Yaks Victors WF.NATCHEE - Wenatchee took advantage of the breaks and hunched nine hits in the right places to defeat Eugene, 9-4, in a Northwest League baseball game Tuesday night. The Emeralds held a brief first Inning lead when Carl Hutzler doubled in a run. It didn't last, however, as Wenalchee came back for two runs scored on a combination of walks, two hits and somp wild pitching. Eugene's Bill Girdley homered in the seventh for the big blow of the evening off Glenn Isring hatis, who spaced out nine safeties. Braves Nick Spokes KENNEW1CK - Tri-City de feated Spokane 13-12 Tuesday night in the first game of a Northwest League doublchcader. The free-scoring opener ran un til nearly 11 p.m. The hometown Braves ran up a 10 1 lead after four innings and appeared to have the game in the hng when Spokane grunted for seven runs in the top of the fourth The Rraves won the game in the eighth with two runs. Frank Militancy led off with a double, and went to third on a wild pitch. Rich llcrrera was walked intention ally and Mullnney scored on Don Tries sacrifice fly. Ilerrera came home on Danny Holden's single. Yaks Triumph YAKIMA Wi Charley Drum niond shutout Lewiston with two bits Tuesday night while his mates were getting 10 including three homers as Yakima won a North west League baseball game, 50. The Bears got their clincher right away as Vince Moreci banged out a homer in the first. Singles by Bobby Wilson and Ilerm Lewis. were followed bya sacrifice fly for the second run that frame. The rest were easy as Lewis whacked out a 2-run homer in the empty round trip in the seventh. Drummond pitched his sixth win of the season against one loss. Santve to Take Crock At Sports Car Racing LOS ANGELES -Wes Santee plans to take a crack at sports car racing. The Marine Corps miler. here to run in the All-Service Track Championships Friday and Satur day, signed an entry to drive in sports car races June 23-24 at the County Fairground! In nearby Pomona. Fields, 20-30 Win Reggie Shires with three singlet in tour attempts, and Jim Bau man with two for three, one a double. Berg's was led by Dick Yunker, who got all three of his team's hits, one a two-bagger. This game was at Barrick Field. Field's emerged victorious in its game with Steinke's in the last inning, tallying one run then to down the Truckers, 4-. Winning hurler Lynn Gettis yielded six hits in going the route and Leonard Featherstone of Field's lashed a home run in the third inning with nobody on. Morris Morey and Get tis smacked triples for (he victors in the Leslie Field tilt. Meanwhile, action in the B Top Drain in 7 to 3 Clash Texas Tommy Found the Going Rough Trotsky the rasslln' bear had the bt of thlags during this part of Us match last night at the Armory with Trsas Tommy Phelps. The clever brain, wht wowed the packed audience, had Just flung Phelps inle the ropes. Handling the bear Is Les Davis, traiaer. The J 50-pound bruia- wea the single-fall fit, much to the delight of the spectators. Trotsky Spills Texas Tommy Donovan in Mat Win Over Pepper Gomez Trotsky the rasslin' bear and Doug Donovan, the mat nasty from Montana got the big wins in last night's Armory program. The jam packed audience cheered the clever bruin for its achievement over Phelps, hut was ready to hang "Dirty Doug" and referee Tony Borne NORTH WEST LEAGUE W I.Pt-t W t.Prt Yakima ?8 13 S3 Wnatrtl !. 2S SH EuRfnf 22 is .MS Spnknn n 2fl xn ; Tn-Oty 2:1 sw SALEM 13 28 .3.13 i Lwstnn 22 IS J7 I Tuesday results: At Wrnatchee 9. Fiirene : at Tri-City 13, Spokane 12; at Yakima 5. l.ewlstnn 0. PACIFIC COAST I.EACl'E W LPrt W LPrt. I. Angla 41 2.1 Ml S Dletfl 32 34 ,4RS Seattle 41 24 .(12 Hollywd 30 32 .404 Sarrmto 33 29 .5.12 S Fran 30 35 .42 PorUnd 31 32 .492 Vancvr 20 47 J9 Tuesday results: At Los Angeles 7. Portland 4; at Seattle 3. San Fran cisco 9; at San Diego 5. Hollywood S; at Sacramento 8, Vancouver 4. AMERICAN LEAGUE W I. Pet. W I, Pet. N York S3 19 SIS Detroit 25 M .490 Clvlnd 2B 23 .549 Bsltmre 25 2R .472 Chicago 24 20 .545 Washtn j Boston 28 25 .510 Kn City 21 .11 .404 Tuesday results At WashinaMnn 3. K.mvas City 9 (15 inninesi; at Ralti- I more 1, Detroit S: at New York 4 Chicago 2, at Boston 9, Cleveland 7. NATIONAL LEAGUE W LPrt. W LPct Pittsbgh 28 29 .583 Mlwke 22 20 .524 Clncnatl 28 21 .571 Chicago 19 27 .413 Rrklyn 27 21 .58.1 N. York 19 28 .404 St Louis 29 2.1 .558 Philadel 18 30 375 Tuesday results: At Cincinnati 3. Pittsburgh 4; at Milwaukee 2. Phila delphia 5: at Chicago I. New York 5; at St. Louis 4, Brooklyn I. Major League Leaders NATIONAL I.EAGl'E G AB R H Pi t Repuiski. St Louis .13 111 22 42 378 Long. Pittsburgh 50 185 37 69 :I73 Clemcnte. Pittsburgh 41 129 22 4 .157 Boer, St. Ixui 52 207 4 1 71 343 Bailey. Cincinnati 40 123 1 9 42 341 Moon, St. Louis 52 188 37 63 .339 Bell. Cincinnatti 50 188 35 62 .330 Snider. Brooklyn 48 171 38 54 .316 Schn'dst. St. Louis 40 153 22 48 .314 Aaron. Milwaukee 42 161 30 50 .311 Bruton, Milwaukee . 37 132 20 41 .311 Home Huns: Long, Pittsburgh 17; Boyer, St. Louis 15; Snider. Brook lyn 14:Banks, Chicago 14; Post. Cin cinnati 14. AMERICAN LEAGUE Mantle, N Y. Maxwell, Detroit Kuenn. Detroit Nleman. Baltimore Vernon. Boston Thompson. Kansas City 35 ion Berra. New York 43 164 32 57 118 Skowron New York 41 142 21 48 .1.18 Wertz, Cleveland 51 184 29 60 .12 Lollar. Chicago 41 13 17 44 J24 Home Runs: Mantle, New York II; Berra, New York II; Slivers, Wash ington 14; Bauer, New York U; Weitt Cleveland U. League gets underway tonight, with three games, all at ( p.m. Bergs Market is scheduled to meet Truax Oil at Barrick Field No. y. Four Corners is to meet Vista Market at Barrick Field 2; and J's Drive In goes against La bish Center at West Salem. W. Salem 003 11-5 3 3 Dickson's 303 00- I 3 Edwards and Kellicut; Harvey, Potts (4) and S. Serine. 20-30 084 02-14 11 2 ' Berg's 301 23- 9 3 6 Fisk and Laman; Nelson and Walker. Dinehart (2. Field's 001 21-3 4 Steinke's 110 10-3 6 3 Gettis and Bartruff; Loy and Whitaker. ' "" r for the goings-on in the Gomez- Donovan mainer In fact, a few sizzling citizens tried to get at Donovan when he left the ring, and a brief but live ly ruckus ensued prior to Doug's heavily-escorted jaunt to the down stairs dressing room. , The Trotsky-Phelps mix had the crowd roaring with laughter. The .ISO-pound beast had ref Borne and trainer Les Davis down as much as it had Phelps on the run, and finally pinned the Texan after he had unsuccessfully attempted to ride his way to victory on the bear's back. Donovan Gets 1st Kali Donovan won the first fall of the top mix with his bruising aforri- ic drop, but Gomez got the second fall in the punch-filled melee with a sleeper hold. He had the sleeper on the villain in No. 3 also, but Donovan managed to break out of It, put the slug to the Pasadena fireball and then turn him over in a full crab hold. - It was a good hold, but for one thing. Donovan was using the ropes for leverage, and Borne did not sec it. This turned the crowd into a frenzy and things were mighty warm (or a spell. Donovan left the ring quickly, got into his hassle en route to the dressing room and was out of the picture. But Borne was delayed for some time by the spectators and protest ing grapplers. When he finally left there were seven Legionnaires to help him push his way through the angry mob. In the prelims Herbie Freeman and Henry Golden Boy) Lenz went to a no-fall draw that was full of the he-man stuff. Both are very powerful. Alvaro Veiazco, who was hot after ref Borne for his job in the main event, got a win over Red Dog Donovan in the opener when the latter failed to break an illegal hold at the toll of "5." Fund Month For Babe Set AUSTIN UH - Gov. Allan Shiv ers Tuesday designated June as "Babe Zaharias Fund Month" in Texas G AB R H Pet Tl. . . ., , 52 is 52 7 .188 The governor said Mrs. Zahar- 41 128 2i 48- 375 ias "has undertaken a humani- 35 118 M 1 i"itarian effor, ln alleviate human io it2 2.i 5" r2 suffering by forming a benev.ilent ana education corporation, for lighting cancer. Han ie Ward. 1955 National Ama tcaur golf champion, won the Na tional Collegiate crown while play iag for North Carolina in 1949. Fabius Gallons, Career Boy Drills For Preakness NEW YOEI WV-Preaknesa winner Fablus galloped around the coarse Tuesday and Career Boy had a final serious work ut as the probable field for the R8th runing of the $100,. 000-added Belmont Stakes Sat urday was trimmed to eight with tbe scratching of Counter-. msnd. This was the main develop ment as the day approached for the final tier of the triple crown test for J-year-elds. The Florida-bred Needles, who captured the Kentucky Derby, definitely is the horse to beat, although he finished second to Fablus in tbe Freak ness. Needles is property of the D ft H Stable. Legion Plays Stayton Team Coach Bill Bevens herds his Salem Capital Post No. 9 American Legion Junior Baseball team to Stavton tonight, for an eight I o'clock district clash with the Stay jton entry. The game was originally slated for Salem, but was moved to Stay ton because of the unavailability of Waters Field tonight. The Salem Stayton game in the second half of the district race will be played here to offset the shift of tonight's fray. Salem goes into the game with a record of 1-1. Stayton has played one game, losing to Mill City's entry. 4-3. The Capital Posters lost their opening game at Wood burn, but came back last Sunday to blank the Silverton Juniors 9-0. Other district games on tonight's schedule have Silverton at Mill City and Wodburn at Aumsville. Meadows Results Track; fast. First race, 350 yards, quarter horses, purse $100. Lambert's Teddy McCue (Woods) 4 80. .1 30. .1.50; Robin Dale iPhillipsi 3 90, .190. rhuhhy's Buck l.ollingerl 7.10. Qmniella 112 90 Time 18 9 Second r.ice. 150 ynrH. q n ,t r t r r horses. pur.e $400 DrFiost 'Bn.igl 7.40. 4 80. 2,fi0; Miss Ark iS;ivnrl 14 90, :i.B0; Durangn Kill iHlri.iglol 210 Quiniclla $51.50; time 189 Third rare. 5lj furlongs. 3 up. purse $600. Earlv Burlcv iC'.lffnrdl 4 10. 2 50. 2 50; No War (Stnolhersl 2 80. 2 70; Legeamor IHidatgol 3 20; JQuiniella $5 40; time 1 -06-35. Fourth race, 5 furlongs. 3 up. purse $6O0. Rare Quetion iShrmani 7 90. 4 80, 3.10; On Your Mark (Dlxonl 8 90. 3 90; Long Oats ( Phillips I 2 90. Qumiella $28.50; time 100-15. Fifth race, 1 mtle, 3 up, purse $600. Sea Quid (Gibson) 12 40. 7 50, 5 70; Red Clay i Hopkins i 57 10. 14.40; Double Dream iDixonl .100; Quiniella $521 40; time 1 11-1,5. Sixth race. 51 a furlongs. .1 year olds, purse $600 Lefllnle Dixoni 56.70, 22.60 . 8.60; Countrv Jack (Zol linger) 1.1.50. 7 60; High Summit l Hidalgo i 4 80; Quiniclla $198 70. time 1-C8-15 Seventh rare, 6 furlong'., 3 up, purse $600. Pharbta iSimonisi 16 10, 7 70. 4 50; Pals Picture i Phillips i 10 70. 6 40; Sonoma Sickle (Henshawl 340 Quinlella $63. time I 12-35 Eighth race. 5'2 furlongs, three up. $700; Joclipme IDixonl 4.20, 2 60. 2 60; Pharsong (MrDowetli 320, 2 80; Will Breeches (Zollinger) 3.80; quiniela $9; time 1:05 3. Ninth race. 1-118 miles, three up, $800: Lott Heather I Phillips I 32, 20, 1150; Accurate Guess IMrDowelll 11.10. 8.70; Sweet Luck (Gifford) 5 40; quiniela $190 70; time 1:47 2 Tenth race, five furlongs, three up. $600; Dolphin IZolltngeri 7 80. 3 60. .110; Twitlbrook iCJllfordi 3 50 3; Omicron i Simons t .IV). quinela $'i 20. time 1 minuti Attendance .1.114: handle $'08R'll MACK rTM BOWTH) PHILADELPHIA - The American and National basc!)all leagues have contrihutrd $2,500 each to the Connie Mack Memor ial Fund. Arthur (' Katifmann, general fund committee chair man, announced Tuesday. Pirate Beavers Bow , To Angels, 7-4 Steve Bilko Smacks 25th Homer of Year LOS ANGELES Steve Bilko smashed his 25th homer and two doubles to lead Los Angeles to a 7 to 4 victory Tuesday over the Portland Beavers. Dick Drott fanned 11 batters en route to his 7th win for the Pacific Coast League leaders. Bob Darnell, Portland starter, had s one-hitter going until the sixth. Then the Angels got to him for three home runs, all with the bases empty. Casey Wise poled one and, after Gene Mauch flied out, big Bilko and Bob Speake hit successive homers. In all, Bilko drove in three runs to boost his total to 73 RBI's in 61 games. Leading Strike-Out Total . Drott, the strong-armed 20-year- old righthander, ran his PCL leading strike-out total to 95 in 80 innings. He weakened in the eighth, however, and Bob Ander son and Gene Fodge finished for the Angels. Beaver third baseman Jim (Ceatinaed ei next page) Ott Doubts Mantle Record BALTIMORE I - Mel Ott. the most consistent home run hitter the National League ever has had, said Tuesday "I doubt" if Mickey Mantle of the New York Yankees will break Babe Ruth's record of 60 for a season. "I won't believe It until I see it." said Ott. Only Jimmy Foxx, of the American League, hit more homers than Ott behind Ruth with 534. Ott, one of John McGraw's greats with the New York Giants and a member of the Hall of Fame, knocked 511 to 714 by Ruth. Both of them were hitting them for 22 years, Ruth from 1914 through 1935 and Ott from 1926 through 1947. Radle Announcer Ott, new lridio announcer for Detroit games, conceded that Mantle had "gotten off to the most sensational start probably in baseball, Rut there are so many1 things to hitting 60 ..that I doubt he will." For one thing, he said Mantle always has had trouble "with his knees" and there's question whether he will play the full sea son. More important, Ott hinted, is the "pressure." " "I don't know Mantle person ally," said Ott, "and so I don't know how he will react to all this publicity. But 1 he tries to hit home runs deliberately, we'd better wait to see what happens," Mantle Pressing Ott, whose most homers in one season was 42 in 1929, reported he thought he saw a sign of Man tle pressing in the last series with Detroit. "He started going for bad balls," said Ott. "He seemed a little impatient. So until he beats Ruth's record I won't believe it." Ott appears to have noticed something. As of Tuesday, Man tle was only two games ahead of Ruth's record, having hit 21 in 51 games to 21 by Ruth in 53. And records show that August and September are the critical months. Ruth got 26 of his 60 in those two months when he set the record in 1927. Joey Giambra Fights Tonight SYRACUSK, N.Y. OP - Joey Giambra, Buffalo's entry in the middleweight derby, fights Eng land's John L. Sullivan in a re turn 10-rounder here Wednesday night. Giambra is a 2-1 favorite over the sturdy Englishman in the bout to be televised and broadcast na tionally by NBC at 6 p. m. Giambra hopes to move toward a possible title fight with Sugar Ray Robinson. Furgol Raps Hogan Claim By WILL GRIMSLEY . ROCHESTER. N. Y OP-Out-spoken Ed Furgol took a back handed slap at Ben Hogan Tues day and then uncorked a bristling Ihrco-under-par 67 In practice for the National Open Golf Champion ships later this week. Discussing Hogan's statement that the Oak Hill Country ,Club course is one of tbe easiest ever for an Open, the lame-armed 1954 champion from St. Louis com mented: "I think it's absurd for anybody to call Oak Hill easy. It's a course that requires a lot of good shots ana headwork. The scores will be higher than anyone expects." Short Left Arm Then, as if contradicting him self. Furgol. whose left arm is 10 inches shorter than his right, pro ceeded to gn around the fi 902-yard ( nirso in 34 3.1-67 far is 35-35 'ill Hogan's remarks ahotil the course continued to draw raustir comment from the competitors. "There are 162 players in the tournament." said Cary" Middle- j coif. "One hundred and sixty-onel (Coailaited ea aext page) Cubs' Outfielder Forced Out at Second e v ; ' ' ) . . ' . , - - i , . v i ' ' ' ' '..- ( , , ' ' J . ' ' V - V - ' V . . , -. . v ' .v V , .. ,V -J . f . t . v ' ' " v ' 'Tw ..,:.' 4f" -v "r'e. CHICAGO-Walt Morya (43). Chicago Cabs' outfielder, is a skidding Giants' shortstop Al Dark rifles U first U eemplet doable Uy, grounded to Giants' pitcher Al Werthlagtoa, whe testeel U Dark la Cabs wea, t-5. (AP Wlrephete) e(JDrcjson$tate6iiian Statesman, Salem, Ore., Wed., Jun. 13, '56 (Sec. II)-11 t'i Definite Now Patterson Will Battle Moore for NEW YORK Archie Moore, world light-heavyweight boxin champion, and Floyd Patterson, will meet In the New York Yankea stadium ring late in September, their managers agreed informally Tues day, in what is intended to be world heavyweight championship bout. Arizona Cains In NCAA Meet OMAHA OP Minnesota and Arizona will meet Wednesday night in a game that could end the 1956 NCAA college baseball world series. Minnesota advanced Tuesday night to the fifth round with an D-3 win over Bradley, the fourth straight for the Big Ten champions in the double elimina tion tourney. Minnesota beat Arizona in a sec ond round game Sunday and since then the westerners have won a pair to make their record S-l. If Arizona should win Wednesday night the deciding game will be played Thursday night. Arizona advanced by eliminat ing Mississippi, 7-3. Don Lee, who shut out New York University 3-0 in the series opener, fanned 11 Rebel hitters and allowed only eight hits Tuesday- for his second series win. His season record is 15 straight vic tories. He also hammered out a 370 foot homer in the fifth. Arizona slugging, including an other two-run homer and a pair of triples, contributed heavily to the victory. Brigg".' Surgery Due CHICAGO' - Chicago Cubs' right - handed pitcher Johnny Briggs, on option to Ios Angeles, will undergo an operation Wed nesday for the removal of a loose piece of bone in his right elbow. You neyer saw a 6A like this s SAVES GAS ( much at 13) by putting tht htat where) it count. It Improves homo comfort by fast cycling. GUI W NOW! IRON FIREMAN C. J. HANSEN CO. 2725 Portland Rd. Heavy Title James I), Morris, president 01 the International Boxing Club, said he would start work imme diately asking the many boxing official organizations to recognise the bout as for the heavyweight crown which Rocky Marciano re cently gave up. No contracts were signed. In facf, most of the details of the bout still must be worked out. Agree te Battle The only thing accomplished at the three-way conference in Nor ris' Madison Square Garden of fice was the agreement that the two, generally regarded as the best of the active heavyweights, would meet. Patterson suffered a broken bone in his right hand last Fri day night while outpointing Tom my (Hurricane) Jackson. Cus d'Amato, Patterson's manager, said his fighter's availability would be determined by the doc tors. X Rays te Be Studied X-rays of the break will be studied Wednesday and Patterson (Continued ea aeit page) Jockey Hurt 111 Race Spill INGLEWOOD, Calif. UV-Jockey Gordon Glisson was knocked out in a two-horscspill during the run ning of the $20,000 Honeymoon Stakes at Hollywood Park Tues day. The rider was rushed by ambu lance to the track hospital. Pre liminary examination revealed he was well shaken up and suffered a possible broken wrist. - Got bvntf k WsKJasf MaMaMaf FVVf saw apes! esFeV It eMeOsJlj 1 il " AUTOMATIC SUeNAdf ANO SOUIS Kim eue,T4N oai miNM Phone 2-0182 fereeeet al seeead base as New York Play started wkea Cake' Meale Irrla seeeae faatag ef game here Taesday, Today's Pitchers AMERICAN LBAGUB Kansas City et WashinftoD-Ditmsjr (l-SI vt Paarua!V2-7. Detroit el Baltimore Torteek (4-4) vi toes (0-1. Chlcafo at New York-Ketfan (l-J) vt Tin-ley (1-2). Cleveland at Boa ton Hmitteman (Ml or Mont (1-1) vt Nlaon M. NATIONAL tlAGVI PltUhurih at C nclnntU (nlthtl Law ii-S) ve Kllpptleln (S-l). PhUadelohle at Milwaukee (nurilt) Roberta lt-7) vt Crane (4-1). New York it chlcifo Hears (S-l) vt Rush (S-I). Only fames scheduled. . Heavyweight boxer Floyd Patter son has a monkey for a pet. boot to a new putter or a row fishlnf outfit. Gift for every purse and every purpose. Hero ore just a few items Deluxe Spin Outfit Top quality spinning aurfit with Lawrence "400" reel end 2-pieco hollow glass rod. 24.50 NOVT FLY ROD FLY ROD t piece Hollewflass 1-piece Holloirglaat Cealoa Great Lake 16.93 7 14.95 A FEW IDEAS TACKLE IOX FLY BOX LURE ASSORTMENT SPINNING REEL A NEW ROD BOAT CUSHIONS OFFICIAt Dart Board Every play room should have eae See eur selec tion. Portable Keeps Food Cold for Days Drain Spout Genuine Thermos Rrsnd, Little Brow a Coleman models. All siies la stock. From $895 to $21M A Perfect Gift for Dodt DACRON SLEEPING BAG Make Dad "Feel like a King" with this bsg. 2 Air Mattress Pockets S pounds Dscroa filled o X bsgs tip together O Water Repellent Cover Warm Flannel Lining Re,. 29.50 Ml 95 OPEN EVERY it IS EE . .ti . ... IX L. Brooks Move To 3rd Place Giirago Cubs Win Again; Braves Fall By THE ASSOCIATED PKESS A pair of two-run, fifth-innlnf homers by Jack Shepard and. Ro berto Clemente powered Pitta burgh back into the National League lead with a 4-1' decision ' over Cincinnati Tuesday night. The defeat sent the Rfdlegs to ' second, 11 percentage points back, while Brooklyn took over third from St. Louis, smacking the card 4-4 to come within one game of the lead. , It was the eighth victory in the last 10 games for the world cham pion Dodgers. . The hottest bunch la eith er league at the moment, howev er. Is Chicago's Cuba, who grabbed sixth place front New York by beljinf the Giants S-l Braves Bealea. M ' Milwaukee was beaten S-l by Philadelphia for the Braves' 10th loss in 11 games. - In the American, league-Ieadinf New York made it 1-eut-oU over the Chicago White Sox, with Andy Carey driving home three runs. The Yankees now lead by : 4H games over runnerup Cleve land, beaten f-7 at Boston. Oe troi: reclaimed fifth pi ace from Baltimore, beating the Orioles SL Kansas City broke things up with six runs in the 15th inning to -beat Washington M. Tbe Redlegs, who had led the NL since last Thursday, scored three runs in the first off Pirate ace Bob Friend, but that waa that. Shepard homered in a pinch-' hit spot for Friend In the fifth and Elroy Face then three-hit tbe ' Redlegs until Nelson King earn to get the last two outs is the ninth. Face woa his fifth. Joe NuxhaU tost It. It wm Cincinnati'! third straight loss. Wlaalaif Baa t'aeeraed Brooklyn's winning ma wai tin. earned the 13th gift run gives the Dodger by the Cards in their, last four games in a two-ran eighth. Duke Snider hit his 14th homer and third in two Bights against the Cards eft loser Mur ry Dickson in the first with a mas on. Ken Boyer and Bobby Morg an homered for the Cards. Mor gaa'i tied it at t-al! in the fifth Ceatlaaed ea Best peief 1 , FATHER'S DAY JUNE 17th CASCADE MERC Kes hundreds of Jratiii for iti, anything from a now TROUINO HOLDERS CREELS ' , FiSHINO JACKET FiSHINO KhflFI SUN RACK HUNDREDSMORE WILSON : GOLF BALLS Always appreciated, always eeded. Ice Chest Room for a Weeks Needs Ire Pick and Opeaer Chest Brand ant Air Mattress Fall Sine, first oatllty, ret brr with fabric rover, metal valve. $Q95 16.70 V OTHER GIFT HINTS o Wilson Golf Clubs O Wilson Baseball Gear 0 Banting Gear O Binoculars Compasses Evinrnde Motors Boats A-Boating Gear Gift CertifiratM EVE TIL 9 P.M.