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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (June 12, 1956)
Over 300 (Count 'Em) Kids Turned Out for Junior Ball Jamboree Cards Blow Chance to Nab Lead; Brooks Jump to 4th The UJI Salem Junior BwtiD nhh get eadrr way Meaaay nlt at Witers Field, aad am IN beys represeatiig IT sooasored teasne were araarat far the eere monies tad special doubleaeader. The beys, ages II la It, gathered far tka above ictare, which takea from atop tha graadstaad by photographer Joey Tomp kins. Tha Jamboree marked tha ltlh eaaiveraarr of the Joaler baseball pragma This, that, etc.: Phil and Curt Jantze, two good all mentor Ralph Coleman isn't a ays, aren't the only Salem grads State League outfit , a Cardinal farm. Also with Ardmore is Elwyn iSoony) Walker remembered as 1 the hard-throwing kid pitcher from the Four Corners area. He lest his first game, however, giving seven runs and an many hits in four innings . . . Curt Jantze join the Ardmores this week, after turning 'pro last week. Brother Phil at last look was hitting it a .301 clip 28 hits in 93 at bat) and bad 6 doubles, 1 triple and 17 RBI i . . . And Mike Coon, the ex-Willamette flingef now with Amarillo has leveled off his record at 4-4, in I games and 53 innings . . . Lee Gustafson, South Salem High's grid and track mentor who stays in top shnpe during the spring and sum mer months by playing golf and pitching soflball. isn't alimtt to hear the end of his latest achieve ment, that of shooting a 76 in the weekend Shrine link meet. Gus sports a fat 13 handicap, and 13-handi-rappcrs aren't supposed to be going around shooting 76's. He imist've been reading Saxon athletic director Harold Hauk's book, for the H-man is another with a handicap load who isn't unfamiliar with the 70 s . . . Clyde Prall, the golf-playing father of young sharpshooter Bob learned a iesson the other day: Don't kid the kid. Senior Prall had notched a hole-in-one on Thursday, the third of his career, ind was needling the youngster rfbout it. Bob had never bagged one. That is, until Friday the very next day. To make it worse for pappa, it was just about dark when Bob teed off on the No. 8 hole at SGC. The ball looked as if it went somewhere very near the pin, but no one was certain. "Betcha a buck it didn't go in," offered the father. "You're on," accepted Bob. When they got ta the green pop paid off . '. . Active Clubbers Lose 45,000-to-l Bet Aid speaking of such thlags as making I hole la one. the loeal Active Club members who sponsored the SGC contest In conjunc tion with the weekend Shrine toaraey are. wondering how ailiicky they em be. It's aboot a 45.000-to-l shot that yoa won't make aa "are" oa a golf course. So the Active Clubbers figured they (Cont. page 10. col. 3) Cascades, First Christians Take Capital Softball Wins The Cascade Meats downed the National Guards fi-1 and the First Christian Church walloped Trisnn Officers 17-9 in Capital League softball games at Phil lip Field last night. The Church win was No. 3 in a row for that club. Cascade's victory gave the Meatmen a 2-0 record. In the first game Cal Bonney pitched 3 -hit ball for the win ners. Walks and errors, plus telling hits by Harold and Ray Fusny and Jack Tilton in the third inning produced three runs. Lee Gustafson's single fi?ured in the lone run of . the seventh. First Christian tallied 13 times In the first inning of its game, Gomez, Donovan, Bear Top Mat Bee v , " "it t- v" ' til . J . .-' p. -- i- 'In in' t,,h,. m niMimr a i. rf ii.ionr am .ii,i01 The spectacular Pepper Gomes, who goes agiiast "Dirty Doug" Deoevii la tonight's mat feature at the Armory, shows how agile he eaa be. But Pepper d oesa't recommend this for folks over 90 years old. It's hard to say just who'll have the tougher opponent in tonight's double feature on the Armory mat Dynamic Pepper Gomez, the crew-cut from Californian who flattened Bull Montana in his first 1956 Salem appearance last week, takes on top tough guy "Dirty Doug" Donovan in the main wjent tonight. And the spectacular young aerifllist will have his hands full. There's no doubt about it. Then there is Texas Tommy Thclps, a courageous citizen who appears in the special attraction with "Trotsky," the 350 -pound rasslin' bear which it laid to be i ' r - , , l . ! reasons why Oregon Stale base St. Louis Cardinals rooter these with the Ardmore, Okla., Sooner a JOHNNY PRICE He'll be here Monday with pitcher El don Farlow ! whacking a grand slam homer. Joe Lockett duplicated the grand-slammer for Prison Offi cers in the fourth inning, but there was no wiping out that opening 13-run blast. In tonight's games the Keizer , Electrics play Meier 4 Frank at , seven o'clock, and the Randle 1 Oilers and L & R's go at it in ' another of their private City League frays at eight o'clock. Cascades 203 000 16 5 2 Nat. Guard 000 000 11 3 2 Bonney nd DeLoretto; Walk er and Franke. P-Officers 500 400 9 9 3 IstChrist'n (13) 02 2x 17 13 0 Wooten and Lucas; Farlow land Smith. the best of its species to come along in years. So it's hard telling who will have the biggest Job to do, Gomez or Phelps. The bruin Is handled by Ben Sherman, himself an old vil lain in the mat game, and it would be just like Ben to have taught the boar all the rneonie tricks in the book. Gomel had a rouser with Mon tana last week, coming back to win ,t with a terrific back body drop after shaking off the effects of one of the Bull's crushing pile drivers. The riotous Doug's latest claim to local fame was his TKO of Larry Chene in their special la Salem, which aad are ta be Jamboree Opens Junior Senators Book Tilts With Drain '9' Waters Clash Set Wednesday By AL LIGHTNER Statesman Sports Editor Idled in Northwest League ac tion with another bye, the Salem Senators have a pair of exhibition games slated with the Drain Black Sox tonight and Wednesday night. Manager Hugh Luby takes his Solons to Drain lor tonight's fray With Coach Roy Helper's powerful semipro outfit, and the fo; will play the return match at Waters Field Wednesday, at S p.m. Salem returns to NWL play on Friday, meeting Edo Vanni's We natchee Chiefs here in a four-game series. Thea it's Spokane here, starting Monday night. Features Cemlaf Some special features are in store for the weekend. The annual Capitol Shopping Center Night, one that drew i,13f people into the park last year, is set for Saturday night. Tickets for this one are free, 'by just asking any Shopping Center merchant for them. Valu able prizes will be given sway all during the Saturday game. The annual Western Paper Con (Cont. page II, eol. S) Work is Halted On Racing Plant PORTLAND 11 Construction work halted at the new dog-rac ing track east of Portland Mon- day. and the manager said finan - cal problems would keep the) track from opening on schedule, July a. Manager Murray Kemp added "1 havp pverv confidence the i track will be completed." i Eugene Explodes "Originally the new plant was' Eugene. exploded fdr seven runs planned for an $800,000 expendi- i" 'he eighth inning for the 7-5 ture. We now find that costs will j win over Edo Vanni's warriors, be about $1,250,000. This means ' Bill Eastburn had two hits in the we'll need considerable more fi-ibig inning, but the telling wallop nancing." Kemp said. kas a two-run triple by Bob Steg- He indicated he would leave Portland this week in search of more financing. REPORTERS HONORED High school ind junior high sports reporters in the Salem area who contributed to Radio Station KSLM during the school year just completed are to be honored at a banquet tonight, starting at 6:30 o'clock at Nohlgren's Restaurant. Sportscaster Steve Brody will be in charge. astic battle two weeks ago. Last week the Donovan brothers won 1 tag team go here, against Herbie Freeman and Alvaro Velazco. Brother Red Donovan goes against Velazco in tonight's open er, at 8:30 o'clock. Then the powerful Freeman, another top favorite here, takes on Henry ! 1 Golden Boy) Lenz, a conceited! muscle man. These will be one- fallerst The PM Bcar ial wi ... ... . er 2-of-3. Regular prices will pre vail for tickets and Armory doors open at 7; 30. was feeaded by lees Coleman, Tha aaly team net preseat was tha Trail Oil aatfit af tha "B" circuit, lu raarh withdrew tha stand fraai tha league because It-year-etes were aat permitted ta play la It The regular teagne games for the teams start tealght aa three local fronts played aa week days throughout Beavers Tangle With LA Outfit Coast League teams swing lata new series Taesday, aad the Port land Beavers will be la Lot Aa geles to alay the leagae leading Lot Aigeles Aagels. The teams were silted to pliy a Monday game, but It was postponed at the request of the Beavers, and a Wednesday double-header wUI be played Instead. Ia other games lUrtlag Taes day, Ssa Fraacisea Is at Seattle, Vancouver at Sacrameata aad Hol lywood al Saa Diego. Los Aigeles holds a half-game lead over Seattle. Sacramento is sevea games off the pace la third place aid Portland la fourth spot Is I'a games behind the Angels. Yaks, Eugene Rack Up Wins The Northwest League leading Yakima Bears broke a 3-game losing streak Monday night by downing the Lewiston Broncs 6-2 at Yakima, and the Eugene Em eralds rolled into second place in 1 the standings with a 7-5 triumph !" mnines. Lion ersnoan at Wenatchee, their fourth in ana,h ,h Corners unit, row Wesley Blewett the Lions. F.ugene is now three games back These four teams were the of Yakima, while Lewiston is halUuckv ones in the drawings held a game behind the Emeralds. Nick Mlkacich's three-run homer ,l. votim. ,.,.. oraiiu Hi(j b Herm Lewis, Roy Nixon nd M wjson ne(ted tw0 morc Yak runs in the eighth. Joe Riney hit a homer for Lewiston, but no one was aboard. emeier, new tugene snortstop Don Lundber homered for the ' Chiefs npnl Linns at West Salem and Huss Penfold got the win for Field's Master Service of Keiier Eugene even though he yielded to!0" against the Steinke Truck- Bob Griffin in the eighth. Don Boenker won for Yakima over Jim Benton, despite giving up 10 hits. Benton issued seven. Chuck Ly beck was the victim of the big Eugene blast in the eighth for Wenatchee. Euiene .... 000 000 0707 19 1 Wnutchee 101 201 O0O--5 10 1 Penfold. Griffin iSi and Gauthler: Lybeck, Humphreys IR. Farrar 181. Mirhil 191 and Lundbrrjj. lewiston (HO 000 10O-! 10 0 Ykima 130 0110 02x 6 7 1 Benton and Re?a: Boenker and Neal. Senator Swat (I'p to date ) ah h 2b 3b hr rtii pot Easterhr'k. lb Wllllanu, lb Dunn, cf Webitrr. i Krause, 2b Kin. p Eutfian. rf Koepf. c Szekula. If Laursen, 3b Zarl. c Warren, of 114 .IS 38 .333 n 11 71R M 29 109 .11 142 40 122 34 30 S 91 IS SR 2: 114 32 70 14 43 i 46 0 4 .299 I 011 2s: 1 IS 27D 1 S 2S7 2 II 23 1 7 .290; 1 19 23 : 0 10 , 200 i 1 9 .209 ! 1 9 130 , Pitching: S S) s 13 10 7 S 2. IP 3ti, 34 71' "j 34', 2.1 S hh er ! 23 i Genrie Alderman Carir Salalich Kim Walsh Krauie 201 43 20 ; l! IS S 20 21 2 4 1 Rainier SICKS' SUTTU BREWING 4 MALTING Reward Maple aa4 Al Ligktaer. the seasea. Ball Season Four Corners, Dicksons Win By AL LIGHTNEI Stitesmia Sports Editor Junior Baseball League pliy (or the 1956 season got under way last night it Waters Field via a gigantic jamboree in which 17 teams participated. Over 300 of the teen-aged ballplayers who will play in the Class C and B Leagues during the season were present. - Over 200 adults paid to get in to see the kids, which means that the league treasury now boasts around $50. This money is to be ud for the purchase of cham pionship trophies, etc. In the two abbreviated games played as the main feature of the iamboree. the Dickson's Market team, coached by Lloyd Jones, defeated the Berg's Keizer Mar ket lads, mentored by Henry Lamb, by a 6-4 score. This game went three innings before being halted by the one-hour time lim it. Lions Club Loser The second game, involving the Four Corners Merchants and tha Downtown Lions Club, went to fw Corners by a 13-4 margin to determine opponents in the two games. President Bill Beard of the circuits and Vern Gilmore, chief of the Schools and City Recrea tional Dewrtment greeted the kids off i"i.llv prior to the first came. Al Llehtner, one of the league founders in 1944, intro duced Beard. Regular league play starts to night at six o'clock with three e rites in the Class C loon. In them the Berg's Keizer Markets plav the Foun Corners 20-30 Club at Barrick Field No. 1, Dickson's Markets plav West S ier ''ne- Anoiner inree l tioni. page ii, coi. i) ,Vmtarrwaaw,vweiMWTaieMeetaaoJ V aaeeaaitMaaaMHdJMMieaaaaM TRAVEL BUY! EMPM BMDER POWMDCHtCAGO -6 V COACHES plus tax WTH DOMES Reclinlna SeaH Empire Builder leave Portland daily at 3 P.M. 'ERT WAUGH, TroiWing Pawn, DO I x. w . v Mhincton St., I'ortland You haven't tasted life until youVe tried Rainier Beer CO, SEATTLE, WaSB. U.S.A. e SICKS' SPOKANE BREWERY. SPOKANE, WASH. U.S.A. Statesman, Salem, Ore., Tut?., Jane 12, '56 (Sec. ID-9 Hogan Sees Sad Finish By WILL ROCHESTER. N. Y. Stoical Bca Hogan confounded listeners Monday by calling Oak Hill "one of the easiest Opel courses I've ever played" and in the next breath adding: "I'm playing pretty rotten, loless I improve, my chances doa't look very good. Early arrivals for the Mth an nual National Open Golf Cham pionship, beginning Thursday, im mediately accused the Texas mast er of launching a campaign af 'confusion warfare." "That's Ben." dourly said one of his longtime rivals. "He's talk ing about how easy the course is so they'll toughen it. He knows he has a better chance on a tough er course." He'll Be Favorite "Don't let him kid you about his golf," added another contend- er, on Thursday. Ben will oe 2 ... . to 1 the best golfer in the Held, Hogan, looking a mite thinner I and more tired than when he was beaten by Jack Fleck at San Fran cisco last year in his bid for an unprecedenetd fifth Open cham pionship, predicted the tourna ment would be won by one of the lowest scores ever. "Do you think your record score of 27a set in 1M will be broken." Hogan was asked. 'Well, I don t know. Ben re plied. "I won't say that. I believe we'll have a very low score." Wider Fairways Hogan said he believed the fair ways were 10 to 15 yards wider than in recent open tournaments, offering a bigger hitting area, and that the rough was far less tena cious. 'The course plays very easy easy, that is, for everybody ex cept me," he said. "I'm playing pretty rotten. Asked what part of his game was giving him trouble, Hogan said, "all of it." The four-time champion, here since last Thursday probing every area of the (.902-yard, par 70 lay out, has hid two roundsvof 71 and one of 74. .No one has humiliated ' the course in practice. Ken Venturi, the San Francisco amateur who was the sensation of this year's Masters, had a 7 in practice with Hogan. Harvie Ward, who played here in the 1949 national amateur, has had a pair of 71 's. Gals' Golf Tourney To Start Wednesday Mrs. George Scales, head of the "9-Holer" group of the Salem Women's Golf Association has an nounced that a medal play tourney is to start Wednesday at the Salem Club, with the qualifying round set for that day. Only members with handicaps are eligible for play. Qualifying is to be dpne in three somes, and all interested should notify Mrs. Ed Roth or the course clubhouse before teeing off Wed nesday. Mora Sconory Thrifty Moats PLri. 1 VtJ ?:K 5, Ore. FHO Nr.: CAPITOL 3-7273 f f f h i m 11 J in Open GRfMSLEY NoaTIWf ST LIAOl'l W h Pet. W L Pet. Yakima 17 1) .171 WtnrtM 11 19 .ITS Ltwaton X IS JM ftpokino 11 IS XI Eufrn a 14. Sit Saltm II M .333 Tri-Clty UIS .I7S m,i j i . a S. I at MiinoiT muill Jll llajnu A. ; Luton t. At wenatrhet a. Bustnt i ' ioni- sm pi.ywi PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE W L Pet WL Pet lot Anf 4013 .saSS. Dlrf 33 33 .4M srattit i is ja nuywa h ss .47) Socram 31 2 .SIS I. Fraa 31 .43 Portland 3131 JOOViwvtr 30 41 .303 I No lamra arliedufol Mondavi. Tunday Portana at Loo Aniolaa, an Pranrlaro at Seattle. Hollywood at San Ditfo, Vanoauvtr at Sacra mento. AMERICAN LEAGl'I W L Pet. W t Pet N. Vrk SI IS .J1Blmr ntt .411 Cltvlntf ISIS .900 Detroit 14 ,40 Chleaso 14 111 AW Wihitn 13 31 ,411 Botton 13 18 . 900 K. City 10 31 38S Monday rem Hi: At Boston I -I. Cleveland VI. At Waihlnxton 4-3. Kamuu City . At Baltimore S. De troit 4. (Only garnet scheduled). NATIONAL LEAGUE W L Tel. W L Prt. Clnrlnn MM .9M Mllwk till .SOT Plttnbxh- 17 M .574 N. Y'rk ln .41.1 St. Loula IS 11 .SSS Chieaio II 17 .400 Braklvn Mil .993 Philad 17 30 361 Monday renilti: At W. Loula S, Brooklyn I. At Milwaukee 1, Phila delphia I, (Only garnet scheduled). AUTO RACERS CALLED Members of Capital Auto Rac ing Association who expect to drive in Saturday night's jalopy destruc tion derby at Hollywood Bowl should attend tonight's meeting of the Association, at eight o'clock; at the Bowl, President Red Weil man urges. pip - r M0STW ii i ' iiui s l ! i n a .eaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBW BBT . WW law . I m aT aWB m m m m f at 1 K IK m V K J ! m B m Mtm j ! UVI'S G-TOP$ fit better, look better becauae they're made better! Hollywood waist band, deep pleata, four roomy pocketa, full knee tapering to trim cuff, famous LEVI'S Tab on back pocket t e i i IP latf nvt II tdiviait in tut I I f ovi It mi naavtt to . tt tuv Get a pair today... 4 ' J Boots, Duke Snider Top Factors; Cleveland Splits Pair at Boston By ED WILKS Tha St Louis Cardinals, still blew a chance ta take the .National League lead Monday night, iaaiag . ta the Dodgers H and tumbling ta third place beluad idle Ciadmatl and Pittsburgh. t Brooklyn popped into fourth place with the victory as shiamiai Milwaukee lost to Philadelphia s-g. The Braves, -wba were bt iirat. ' place a week ate MesMtoy, rava ..: - Met nine of their last U games and now are fifth, a game behind the Dodgers. - , i They were the only two gamea scheduled ia the NU . , Date Bits Two Bonn ' I j Duke Snider powered two tonv ers and drove In threw runs, and Randy ' Jackson Hoed a two-run double in the aiath that ice tor the Dodgers and Don Newcombe, who won his ninth. But it was a four-rua eighth with three markers unearned that put the Brooks ia kusineaj. The Cards now have shelled out U unearned runs to Brooklyn in their last threo meotlngi," End have lost 'em all Brewer Has t-Bttlef ' In the American League, second place Cleveland failed ta dent the m-tame lead held by kDe New York, losing to Boston and Tom Brewer's three-hitter -H after swatting three homort among only four hits to via the after noon half of day-night double header 4-1. Baltimore replaced Detroit fat fifth by a single percentage point In a M decision over the Tigerj." Wshingtoa aplit Ai twi night pair with Kansaa CRy. win ning 4-1 and losing t-S. - Mooa. Saver Ranter Too 1 -f Wally Moon and Hank Saner homered for the Cards, who out hit Brooklyn U-l. Sauer's smash broke a l-sll tie la the seventh, but Snider'i RBI single tied R ia the eighth and shortstop Don Blas ingame and second basemaa Grady Hitton thea booted double play balls to 1 big Brook lyn inning. Ellis kinder, relieving loser Tom Poholsky, was ripped for a double by Peewee Reese and thea pur posely passed Snider who had a perfect S-for-S at bat before Jackson smacked out the climbing double. Neweoanae Knocked Oat The Cards got rid of Newk In the ninth, loading the bases with one out. Reliefer Clem Liblne gave up a base-cleaning pinch double to Bobby Morgan, but thea got Blasingime oa aa infield out and fanned Hattoa to end it. Stu Miller, tho ex-Card who it 1-1 lifetime against the Braves, was the Phillies' winner while his mates put the wood to Gene Con- Ueyjrhe Phils packed Jt awaj with three in the fifth on four singles and Gran Hamner's dou ble, i POPULAR PEGS IN TOWN in ttn frrWt ceonl y ' ) i a " o i an Btnetfi kaiatt (an fiaantr at your favorite shop I Ml" Wrtior kandmf unearned rum ta Braaklrm. Homers Help 1 af " I ' r i .,' 1 , I Dwka Balder, akovca ataggtaf. , f Broaklya Dodgers etUfkMer , blasted two koaat rwaa Uat night to aid Brooks la M vie ' 4 tory over the 8L Lewis "ardi 1 nals la tae slnllag national - '.Leagae peaaaat raea.1- . .. .... ...:;jnTr--"7 New Hurler Secured , Py San Francisco iAN FRANCISCO - Jerry rDonovan, president of the Saa . Francisco Seals, announced Moo day the Pacific Coast League club has signed Bill Abernathie. right hand pitcher, formerly owned by the Cleveland Indians. . Abernathie Joint the Seals' at once and will play in the upcoming aeries at Seattle and Portland. - The Seals will option Jack Thomas, right-hander, to make room lor Aberaathie oa the raster. R has not been decided where i Thomas will be sent. waned . f onreritod Donirn 'lighter lluet 'heot " frost Cray Green Morterli04j, SonfoHies! TwIH Vhlte Turquoise Ton Sky Blue Grey Block WW PS"