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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (June 12, 1956)
S-Sec. I) Statesman, Salem, Ore Tue, June 12. 58 Mail and phone orders rrssss-sxr-mex I - TnTi j QjJ Valley News Statesman News Service ... 11 - i T.V'i I I I OPEN MONDAY AND FttDAY I , irjls' , Sunday School Group Keep to Hubbard Man " ' autnaua hnri sntr TFOODBfNl-rM Westever of Huooara win p r t I i ever lit Ham Marto county School Ajo- ciauoe again tn te romiag year. This was 0; J itl'tbe associa tion's quarter conference Sunday at Woedbun Libit Baptist Cbureh. The confrraw e. will meet ami ta October lo Vdbura MelhadiJt Church. 4. V AIs mUtbi by the group were t K. Anderson. Woodburo, wee president, and Mrs. Harold Ander son, HubbajC secretary-treasurer. Tull! Gospel Church of Hubbard won the award for best represent boa of Sundf Scbod tui-ttm at the jneetaig A!(oeher 63 teacher . Hvra BHuijr cnurcncs awnoro, in association represents aitai Zj Protestant denominations. . - I II III.-'' - Rebckalis of Jefferson 'Host At Convention TT ; 7f fUUtaui Xtw rrtrr 'JEFFERSON Mt. Jefferson' Bebekah lodge Vas host to the 4flth annual Bebekah convention of district No. 7, Monday, June lli; la Uw high school auditor ium. Lodges represented in the district other . than Jefferson were Scio, Stayton, and Turner and two it Mill City., -Convention officers Included Eileen Hampton, chairman; Mar jory Mitchell vk chairman; Margie Gentry, secretary-treasurer; Blanche Wagner, -past chairman; thel N. Gibes, presi- " dent Jtebekah assembly; R. S. oHairavn, Lillian Smith,. LSC.; jfareella Ware, ' RSVC; Maria Keene, LSVC; Myrnt Stewart, conductor;' Maggie Draby, chap lain; Helen Johnson, inner guard; . Carmen Bernhardt, outer guard; Carie Bilyeu, color bearer; Ma ria Cole, musician; Blanche Mor rissette, Jen Dimlck, courtesy ' ffkcm - ;. 'a,.!. LUliu Albertaoo of Mt Jeffer son, lodge welcomed members. Faith Lodge No. 1M of MiU City responded, A tribute to the past , chairman,, Blanch Wagner, fol lower'" Leone Lodge of Sdo -demon- etrated praf-wo.vaMe. ad-i mittaace to lodge. 1 SaoUam of Mill City demonstrated proper oauoung; contest and obligation, by vice rands, and memorial by Faith Lodge of Mill City. , , . 'The Ankeny Grange Horn Eco nomics club served dinner. Ethel N. Gibbs showed colored slides . i the 100r home. .'At the evening "-session,.' the president and other Assembly i and Grand officers were intro duced. A decree was conferred by . Mt Jefferson Lodge, which also paid tribute to the Assembly president, Mrs. Ethel N. Gibbs. Mrs. Gibbs, president of Rebekah Assembly of Oregon, spoke. Endeavor Group Holds Retreat OveriWeefcEnd Htwt Smlc : LIBERTY The Junior High School Christian Endeavor - of " th Liberty Christian Church of Christ held retreat it Wl-Ne-Ma .. ver the weekend. The group left Saturday morn " ing and returned Sunday ave- Ding. They held devotions and attended church services. Twenty-three- young' people and four advisers . attended. Adults were Mr. and Mr Koiih O'Neil and Mr. and Mrs. Fred - Robertson. .1 r . , Daily Vacation Bible, Schl starts Monday fop tha nrKuU children, first and second gradi k ers, and the : tBir and fourth . Mn William ;Trapaeil ' are la , charge.; , ! , , , - .1 .--f- n- . . The TJ.I. Geological Survey 'pun- ,. iisnei soout i,oo new maps flo In hurry... pain; slops fasll . Dr. Iiteilt ZWahj 'MMIinlii MM MtV tlM fcfW Dm mm 4. wfat CM bom to. SURGICAL . SUPPORTS ; Of All lts, Tm Abdomlaal Supperta. ' Elastic Hosiery Kipert rittera mvaie FitUag loom. ' ,r;-: Ash Yew Dcte Ccpitel Drug Steri 4S State Street -v Ceraeref Uberty &tC Green tamp j. tjaraa ma-. a a t . 1 h. r --i wimtkM I r I I .. i : . T 1 FOR OVER 1,000 CARS AA- L Vy t , 1 ..... , ' " " , ; ' IM ? WWW I' M ' 1 I VI I'lVif ',f K . I vt. . 1 I I I I II I I f "" MTi ' I I I H ' i 1 1.5 ' $ X. ' AM 1. I ' seaw-- i ' A i T- rw m w pbmv w d "w ST aa 1 a '.1BSB1 1-- i " T - -a- , r ,.. . . at. . . v. j . . ;m - . . . w ... 1 a sale! rog. (D.D8 ORLON PRISCILLA CURTAINS Special close-out purchase brings you this money-saving price! Wonderful no-iron, non-shrink-able, sun resistant Orlon()-the mlricle fabric that dries in min utes, is sun resistant, gives you unmatched curtain b e I u t y snd easy care. Reverse twist marquisette weave in soft ivory "color, harmonizes with any room. Made with extra full ruffles. ' Sizes 50''x84. Dress up your windows now at savingsl t: i i Ilu)JlliSlLLki..l...i.iL.. j., iii II 111 I i 'r RtFP ii in ihi i a r i ft , m ' 'it - (tf h ------I a n a i a ii v . i t - w n : Bin ii ; . . i , , ; YA I J II I 1 - 8- i -t lJr, 2 ' i "i i reg. 16.98 size reg. '22.98 size reg. '34.98 size pair 72"x84", $899 pair 96"x84", H4.99 pair I40"x84", 22.99 pair Ifiiforecl Orfoii(D panels Side hemmed size 42"x81" panels to match your Orion priscillas. Save $1.99 I pair nowl $1 .99 each. CURTAINS-SECOND FLOOR sale! lowest NYLON TRICOT FITTED SHEETS AND Top qualify fitted nylon tricot sheets and jillow cases . . . light-weight, won't run, made of finest Du Pont nylon. Wash them at home without ironing they'll be dry in an hour. And they'll not only wear longer but save you expensive laundry bills. White, pink, blue, maize-green. reg. $6.95 fitted twin bottom, each . reg. $8.95 fitted double bottom, each reg. $2.50 matching pillow cases, each LINENS-SECOND FLOOR lieiit size Ughtwcujht POLY AIRE - FOAM MATTRESS PADS New lightweight "Poly-Aire" foam by Goodyear that's re sistant to acids, solvents, cleaning fluids. Can be boiled, for sterilizing. No odor, tear resistant, retains shape. Complete ly washable and comfortable. Full size mattress pad BEDDING-SECOND FLOOR riu.i shipping cost to nrrnr outside our regular truck dclkery routes. price ever! CASES 2.99 '3.99 1.25 -M.V kW TWIN SIZE l,SBasBesiiiw sispna" "- . I