f) Statesman's HOME . 1 anorama Vicsia . . ; f.taic . ..Fashions . . . Fetftrrrs -6-(Sec. I) Statesman, Salem, Ore, Tue., June 12, '56 Around Town y JLIVNB CNbUSI TBAVEL TALK . .V Kn. pounds, lii ouocm ... Hit cnnd Charles a. McElbiany i leaving 1 parenta are Mrs. Charles 8. He today by plint for the East fclhwny and Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Coast to spend a month or more Duffy ... . . sht will nukt her headquar- . Wafceantag . . . IheLr sbth child, ten hi Wilmington, Deliwart ft a little bay. Mfersoa labert. art toe homo of her son-Maw and Dr. " Mw J"id! daughter. U and Mrs. Bract .J , 8,,!' Rankia .. . tht air lore, officer H" j.V i : i .7 .- v ...i. The lad has Ihret heathers. Mat- r.n,T. ii - eelaa. Thoaus and Jtha, and two, to CorvaUis and Salem last winter , . ' ... sisters. Kathertao and Krtsttaa t in i lecture and teaehint tour. x-i ninny ana in naaaia .j.,- I , . , tripe to New York, Connecticut VJ I T", Aw"wf, . WiihinirtfliL II r Roston and M"" ratt aWWaatfaiae. The Salem committe, composed drteVto W-;!f Chairma. W. E. Kinuey. MrY tlw EwtT.V L 'Jirr. TSi "lfw'4 Gwr Mrs. C. B. Bentson, rX. UN.wY.rkn.rV & . " "MW Mr, Boin. Osbura and Norma. dsy wiU be Mia. Barkar. A OI,rT.W . . . come, news f JSf J ?!. 1? derates, who will he aceonipanJ 0f the birth of a daughter, Carol "'TT' u rnT. u wiiiav mi. tains aas as. iaa an Largo Group to Enter Annual Sectionals Entry lists of more than 100 duplicate bridge players expected for the eighth annual Willamette Valley sectionals to be held at the Efts Club here June 8-M will have about a doxea life masters from California, Washington and Oregon, including one member sf the American team that helped win the International competitioa with Europe in lt This was the word brought back to the Salem committee by valley players and officials who attended the recent record-breaking Bridge Week at Los Angeles. The Interna tionally acclaimed player. Don Oakie of San Francisco, was one of three. Western experts on the team representing tht United States two years ago. He already has paid one visit Sail on Alaskan Cruise by Miss Sharon Pederwn of Ann. to Mr. and Mrs. Samuel B. Portland. . The two will spend Huston on June 4 . . . the little Jon" m " tournaments several day In New York City girl has two brothers, John snd nv of he scoring, fare going on to tochester to Robert ... snd her grandparents Si session are planned, start attend the national convent as are Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Huston of ing Friday afternoon and lasting ef Ma Phi Epsiloa, national Bin- Silent ami tor. tnd Mrs. Fobert thrcuth Sunday evening. Three sic hsa.rsry , . , sessions will be MeCracken of Eugene . . . championships, Inciting Masters' held at the Eastmaa School of Legislative aad Salrar . . . and Open Pairs, and Team-of Four, Mask. Miss Anderson, who friends of Senator and Mrs. wj b decided, while single events wiU be a sealer at Willamette Philip Lowry of Medford will be wil h-id for other seniors snd Vniversity la the fall. wiU be nteresled to Mr tnat juniors. Trophies will be awarded n r J the official delegate frets tht P"u ,rlj2 to winners, while master and frsc- KOOeilS iGteCI na rai caanier ai nuuncu u " i 7u. i ;i- uonai points win 10 go otners n? - y - ' " ... 0 Mm . ements and Wedding Dates Are Announced Engagement and wedding announcements continue ta hold the so cial apotligbt during the traditional bridal month of June. From Port land comes word of tht engagement of Miss Phyllis Carolyn Averill. daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Harold L. Averill, to Robert Preston Dougb toa, aoa of Mr. and Mrs. Prestoa F. Ooughtoa of Salem. The due plan aa early fall wedding. The bride-elect attended Willam ette University and is a graduate of tht University of Washingtoa. She is a member of Pi Beta Phi. Mr. Doughton attended Stanford University and the University of Oregon. He fat now attending the University of Oregon Medical School and his fraternity is Sigma Phi Epsilon. Plaa Jaaa Wearing Wedding bells will ring on Satur day. June 3 for Miss Mins Raaen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Raaen. and Arnold Mittelslaedt. aoa of Mr. snd Mrs. Theodore Mit telslaedt of Douglas. Wash. Needlecraft Miss Johnson Is Bride of Mr. Cooley SILVERTO.N - Miss Janice Johnson, daughter of Mr. snd Mrs. Vernon Johnson of Port land, and R. Keith Cooley, son! of Mr. and Mrs. Rholm Cooley of Silverton, were mimed st a 4 o'clock weddinc Saturday aft ernoon at Immanuel Lutheran' Church, Silverton. The Rev. Th a .Vlork mntwmv will take A. W. Nelson read the ceremony. place at the Grace Lutheran. Miss Georgie Ernst of Silvcr- Church with a reception following I " FJ'.Z nMm la the church parlors. Mis Lawks ta Wed The Rev. and Mrs. V. L. Loucks are announcing the engagement and forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Janet, to Thurman Kra te., aoa of Mr. and Mrs. 0. H. Krater. The wedding will be an event of Friday. August 24. Miss Loucks and her fiance are graduates of Salem Academy. Draaa Bayer Katafra' The engagement ol Miss M Off to Alaska aboard tS S. S. Prince George at Vancouver, B. C, last Thursday were tht Charles B. Pomeroys and har mother, Mrs. Harry R. Worth. Captain Ernest B. Caldwell greets the Salem travelers just prior to departing on the ten day cruise. Left to right are Captain j Boyer, dauehter of Mrs. Margaret Caldwell Dr. Pomerov. Mrs. Worth, Mrs. Pomeroy and their Daughter, Diane. (Canadian Na- Boyer of Turner, to John B. Ross tional Steamships' Phcto). land lighted the candles. Mrs. tlser Aarhus played the wedding marches and Mrs. Dusne Rold was soloist. Pink and white peo nies and white tapers decorated the church. The bride wore a white lace ballerina gown and a shoulder length veil. She carried a nose gsy of white csrnations centered with an orchid. Her only attendant was her sistrr, Mrs: Verns Johnson, Port land, gowned in blue-and carry ing a nosrgay of pink carnations He's a doll! He's a Jama Bag"! Teaches children t h e neatneis habit. See the slit in back thM's and Mist Pedertea will reprt are also two boys in the family Pre-aaptifl parties . . . Mia seat the, Uaivenlty t Oreg.a SSVtSTp' Jan P" win MU ,h coapier. . . . - Leavtag ... Wednesday for Palo Alto will be M . mo Mrs. Wallace Carson gnd MJ?s Gloria Stolk t . . oa Sunday they w II making good scores. A buffet suds ( ClKAr per wifl be aerved following the V-n OIIVCl attend t'ie corrmenccirtnt .t ij;9 Id DtcCarcar ra' Mrs. Ed- Stanford University, th cn'ioi i Tt- o. B.sn'er Jr. it e uia brWe-elect of WilUsai Drips, will Saturday evening play be the guet of honor tt a 1 lemmiitees aasea ;., a'clock - buffet Ir-ncheon and Other committees announced rifet ahorer oa Wdnesday Chairman Kinuey include: hospi w -en Mrs. John Cri ffth. Mn. Hi'j', Mr. ard Mrs. Walter M.i Wedding CUr-. Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Ford. Vr and Mrs. Edward E. Bonne. son, Wcllace Carron Jr, to ne the trr.- uln be S-M at rne Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wiedmer. Mr. among the graduates. , . . M.-s. Griffith kease ta Fairaiennt HIU awl Mrl. Val Sloper. Mr. and Mrs. William Decney and her daujh- and thtv of the b delert a Cjr CBarnhobn; trophies. Mrs. tart, Patricia and Kathleen, left friends have been bidden to tht A , ff A c tonaay J or raio smim oa. ry ... ... C1J Dartnershios. Mrs. A. W. Bineear. i nrisiMB - aT IllfUavV tend tbt . iaa I I U.aa atMakant iney wui auo av a, 'ui., g," , Mrs. R. L. Park and Mrs. Wallace iford eommenc Junxheon today wiu be Mus oio- nent aa- her aon. Michael, will bioik, wnea asrs, now noguo -- """:::"! sl reeeivV bin degwe on Sun- entertains at her Candal.ria ! Bentson. Mrs. Gilbert Groff Mrs. ai receive ma oegree on nun- He(ght hQm Covm wlu p r Burrii Mrs Uoyd JoneS) !". ... 1 . 'plsced for sixteen gtrstt and Mrs. L. P. Gottfried and Mrs. Ketaraing , . . mia weeaeaa l-.j,,. will iB Bi.v f0lowin Jack Foster: decorations. Mrs. Over seventy friends ei!!ed at the home of Mr. ard Mrs. Henry R"aen on Marti-on Street Sunday afternoon to fete the couple on their silver wedding anniversary. The couple's daughter. Miss Mina Raaen. assisted by Mr. and Mrs. Julius Slattum, arranged the sur prise affair between 2 and S o'clock. Mrs. Conrad Henjum of Silver ton, a cousin of Mrs. Raaen, Mrs. Wendell Schwartz and Mrs. Henry Hanson presided at the coffee urns. The Raaens were married in Piano, Organ Recital !joan porbeS JEFFERSON Mrs. Wayne Carr i ... . presented her students of piano kAnrr'tdfA Trt and organ in a spring recital Fri-IVIUIMCU lJ day night in the Talbot Common-1 . . n i,ypchure, , , m Mr. Power Presented in recital were Man-, x lyn Kcssecker. Cherie Chapman,; WjM Ioan Marje Forbw daui;h. 'Brian Chapman, Bonnie Boose. ,er 0, ,4i,. arK Mrs Jesse Forbes David Chfmbers. Sharon Zr-hner.l wiIliam K Power Mn of Mr Nancy Knight. Ruth Finlay. Leslie; Vrg c E Power of 0xnard cuwaius. wiu iuii.iuc. ioi j , f alifnmin mBPril June 5 feld. I'SN, son of Mr and Mrs. William Rossfeld of St. Louis. Mo., has been announced. No date has been set for the wedding. Miss Boyer is a graduate of Cas cade Union, High School and is an X-Ray technician at the Vancou ver Clinic, Vancouver, Wash. Mr. Rossfeld is currently stationed in Richard Johnson of Silverton where vnunesters hide their nieht was best man and ushers were clothes during the day! man .iiJiiiisuii. rut nana; ueorge Stadelman, The Dalles; Jerry Maule, Tacoma. and Charles Carlsbaum of Coos Bay. The men were all Theta Chi fraenity brothers of, the bridegroom. At the reception Mrs. Alfred Johnson, aunt of the hride. cut the cake. Touring were Mrs. Perl Riggs. Boe?e, Priscilla Carr, Patsy Hoefer. S h,e ' y 1 ; in the First Congregational Church. The Rev. Julian Keiser officiated San Diego at the Naval Air Sta- i B' nd M"- Ed'n Lovctt, and tion Miramar and will leave for overseas duty in July. Modern Etiquette By ROBERTA LEE from Y- the luncheon . . . Miw Stolk and Harold Muhs. Mrs. Richard Cham- Forman. North Dekota and resid- ftey attendee the Daiversity tf yy.llaee Carson Jr. will be mar- r liferaia ensaaseaccMent ta riMl on june 24 . . . June I vert Mr. tad Mrs, E. T. a -r:il nwer . . . feted nwelt ... their daagker, m in Daretliv Saranar Sheplie-d, rl A . ' d . D f . . n ''r."!; Kerfono? pSd " ."nd Mrs COOtlOtteS Plan mmwn . aWB. ibhishb , aaua WBeal ft I A l I Tm Utmv(t 'iia ataaw Kaappa art arriv'ng ia Salem Mrs. Frank C. Crawford enter Suaday for a week's visit at tbt tained at the former's heme . . . home of kb) parents, the Card- A grtap tf Mist ghepherd s er Kaappa. ... Tht letter's ttb Baered - Heart classmates tad er tea tad daughter-la law, Mr. friends were biddea ta tht party ad Mrs. Jsbms taapa, aa ant Biaceuaaetaa iatwer , . ., Past President Honor Guest Tht outcoini board members 01 tnt Mitm womaaa tiuo en bcrs, Mrs. Doudas Chambers; , ed in Plrnt- wood, Montana before rules and ethics, Jack Shcpard of rrmlng tn ?i?m five yesrs ago. Corvallis, Mrs. MarjrC. Vanvleet, M iiirvrsmsi wi a vinauu, tjsssu ivaia. . LhRamNofWmSai:m'nd fOT Gland CfQwl wi"- XJl "f"11 tuther Club 140, Cootiettes met Fri Elks club winners included Mrs. L,.. . .w.' vAm. A r. Rn. W. Binegar and Mrs. Carroll I r.r.. nt, ia m.mw. nM..n Ul B L. l. "- " r- - Morton Josephine Parks. Shirley tt (he Mt ring ceremony at J oenrenus, nuiuia iiks, ljuhi Chambers, Joan Turnidge. Marilyn Chambers, Peggy Carr, Carol Riggs and Joyce Haw ley. Reception for Newlyweds A. small sea, Jtkaay, arrived la tbt capital last week tram Pitts burgh, Pa. tt stead tbt tassmer at tht htsat tf his madaMther, Mrs. W. W. Metre . . . they wUl return East la tht fan, where Mr. Kaapp wiU eater hit JaaUr rear t Carnegie Tech. . . 1 Tlslltrt . Mi rMn- tertained in honor of Mrs. Harry eet Virginia Melton, former S- sappenfield. Junior put presi lem resident, arrived In the tap- dent, at a luncheon on June 7 at ital Monday from Jacksonville. Marshall's. III. to spend a week or more be- present were Mesdames John fort going na to her summer S. Tyler Jr., A. E. Ullman, H. K. bomt - at Whidby Island, Mazloom, D. H. Upjohn, W. W. Wash. . , , . . . McKinney, Oark C. MeCall. W. A guest at the bomt of F. Leary, H. V. Collins Kerby Mr. and Mrs.. Claude Steusloff Johnacn. H . R. GranU J. C. Perry, tht. past fortnight has been her pr' J- Aarlretii. XE. Pal" lister, Mrs. R. W.- Goodman oL B. C. Boyd Robert GedHes, Berkeley, Calif. ... she is re- ,r"'J -....in. ln' JJ. LTtL vl tot 195M7 as the result 17 "r Si V" nf the newly adopted by-laws. : ersity of California, has 'ar- Thfy ,M, d 'Mr chwlei Mink 1 rived bomt t spend the sum- nd Vice-president: Mn. Rob Ztnu,l . '-J.v v , ert Geddes. third vice president; Visiting . . . at the Urn MrL cltrk c. MeC,iL p.rUamen- Mrs, Charles 'E. Stricklla the u- un.rrf n Hun. past week has been her sister. ' trustee: and Mrs. Oscar I. Mrs. Wesley B. Yates tf Port- p.uijon and Mrs. Sol Schlesinger land. . Mr, and Mrs. B. F. members of the house committee. ;dinsokerhavt hsd as their John s ,,r lhr Pew lease guests, he? brethersaf club prwident. and Mrs. Clifton Sjster.ln law, M-. tad Mrs. T. W. Mud(j p4rtieipste In the pro Baatiaa tf Cheyenne, Wytmlaj 0Ver KSLM "Building Ore . . they have bren here the past ton Toeether" on June 15. at wees aa several seen e trint 6;15 p.m. abaat OrtfM were eajtyed by tat travelers. ... NCRSElI NEWS ... It s Mrs. Stuart McElhinnv . .'. the lad arrived Saturday night tt the Salem General Hospital and tipped tbt: scales at " seven Ford. Mrs. W. A. Barsch and Ray Ward, and Mr. and Mn. R. D. Hutchinson of Corvallis. Club Calendar Report of the Pious - Louse, Mrs. Roy Simpson, was the high light of the evening. The club's only project -is service to the State Tuberculosis Hospital, which has Included 53 home- SOUTH SALEM Miss Suzane McDonald, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Kay M. McDonald, and Wil liam K. Karstrn, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Karsten, were united in marriage on Sunday, June 3 at a 2:30 ceremony at St. Michael's Episcopsl Cathedral at! Boise, Idaho. J . JEFFERSON Euclid chapter. ine eoupie was nonoreo ai a OES h,M it, mw.tinB for the summer, Tuesday, June 12. Visitors invited were Evangeline o'clock in the presence of the im mediate family. Mrs. Don Forbes, sister-in-law of the bride, and Edward Forbes, the bride's brother, attended the couple. Following the ceremony a recep tion was held at the home of the bribe's parents. The bride is a graduate of the Oregon College of Kducation and has been teaching in the Bethel district in Eugene. The groom graduated from the California Polytecnic Institute, and is at pres ent serving in the U. S. Navy. Mrs. Roger Campbell of Bakers field, Calif., presided at the punch bowl. Assisting were Miss Judy Hrnst, Miss Janice ronton land Miss Mary Jo Hargreaves of Portland. ! For her daughter's wedding Mrs. Johnson wore a pale green Q Is it proper to state on the f8 while M"- Coolfv wor invitation the length of time the blue print silk costume suit, guests. are exoected to tav at a ' Af " .wddln tr,P th 1 wedding reception? A. The hours are never stipulnt- Use scraps for Humpty Dumpty 'Jama Bag! Easy to Make. Pattern 631 has transfer; directions. Vnd TWiNTV-riVt CINTI la roini fnr thlt puttrrn add i c.nu for rarh pattern tor It'-cUis mail. In. Snd to Th Ornn Sttrimn, U3 Nfrdlrcraft Dept.. p O. Box MS, Old ChPlra Station. Npw York II, N Y. Print plainlv PATTERN NUM. BCR, your NAMK, ADDRESS tnt ZONE chspter from Eugene, Evergreen of Woodburn and Venus of Don- reception at the home of his pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. William Kar sten, on W. Browning Ave Thursday evening. U . If J t .Duuk .... Ik. " - . 1 HI I. niiicu LiDiaiiva mi mrt , . - . , . , , . . .. marla eakea. 24 rloxcn cookies. ...i. Uh Uatrtratw ITtnel BAFVH : mlSl. Jll IIIC IlOSpiltllllT vUllllllll and a basket of toilet articles. A the ices, Mrs. Walt Karsten ' 'rJ Mr and Mrs Max total of 1294.20 in articles and poured and Mrs. Ed Talbot had ScliuU, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rr-i-service was recorded. I charge of the punch bowl. . ley. Mrs. Frances Kelly, Virginia Final plans were laid for par- The couple will make their Mason snd Mrs. Cliff Plagman ticipation in the Grand Crawl! home in Pendleton where he is, The next meeting of Euclid to be held in Portland, June 16. 'manager of the Woolworth store. 1 chapter will be September 11. ed on reception invitations. Guests are expected to leave as soon as possible following the departure of the bride and bridegroom. Q. When attending a larse din ner, is it necessary to wait until all the other guests have been served before one begins to eat? A. No; one should not be requir ed to wait until one's food has cooled, if there are a great num ber of guests to be served. Q. Is it proper for a girl to taka a gift to her future mother-in-law when she is going to spend a few days with her, and It is their first meeting? A. This is not expected, nor ia it usually done. couple will be at home at 419 High Street, Silverton. In the I fall they will go to Eugene, where Mr. Cooley will be a junior in the University of Oregon. 1 s v '"' I WIDNISnAT of Honor PraUKttva Sua. eiaUoa. fflelal ollictn InapwUan. I pa. THURSDAY . Spiritual Sunflowar Club at Tint SpiriluaUit Churek, ISM KfadtMit St., II a.m. to 1 p.m . no-hoit dinntr at nooa. 3 Tim Itam. ai Raaar PraleetlTC W James StusrL foV Mr ".'nS ' Association will meet Wednesday Mr.'. wEZ Si -'tSf If offlcW officer. tespecUon at p. m. All members are asuea to attend and Mrs. Clara B. Gcrtson, state organizer, will be in charge. i. ' ' s- a. . : 3? U i. ft -TUESDAY -JUNE 12 FASHION" MODELING . OREGON. IOOM, STREET FLOOR U:IW:J0 f. M. l Helena Robtnitein't Paris Beauty Coursa conduct Jed by Helena Rubomttin beauty txptrts, featur ing figure control, ikln cart and maVt-up. . AUDITORIUM, SECOND FLOOR i ia.aa a sa .j i. an ' Misses and Women's better suits reg. 49.95 to 99.95 at an all time low Others reduced to 49.95 This is tht lowest orice ever, of this or any season, for our better suits. You'll find famous lame wools like Forstmann, Miron, exquisite imported tweeds. You'll find silk suits and silk mixtures, many des gner samples and one-oft-kind luits New cropped jackets, box jackets, tweed jackets. Sizes 10 to 20, 12' to 20' j. Blacks, pastels, navies, beige, browns and wedgwood blue. Sorry, ae mall, at phone orders. t Charge Accounts Welcome The Towne baWJtaW Ji, w", -mi. n Tl' if. lift Hi. (nffiim.m Tint i'nf i. -fin - ' j.oi.iUif.,..i(iiinfffai.vmU.ii. wmmmmwri . woe w- , n I H aU M yfyx I i p e Vogue's Tweedie A j v 5 j Summer Shoe Clearance I'tmri- I J I : y Every pair of Tweedie Summer Shoes 5 fv ft' ' r ft on ' reciuc,ion Pricej- f- Wxtlt L StAt ' June 1956 brings July clearance ! AFT I ' K.' II prices on Tweedies - in June fci k V- j , S ii'- This sale covers so man K h m if .v- J:-;f ' - v beao,i,u;,Twiejhor L- tCllf;s, I r ; l A V X you w.l want several U , 'M " r X ' ' l v t Very very wide r!ll fa m J l' wn 1 -J Yy w ; ' $10,000.00 ul). j J j Tweedie Summer f N t I I Shoe SALE V I ' Ul ; ' I " i i M Every Summer Shoe Included ill r MM ?12-95Shoes Sale $9.83 I . " j J $14.95 Shoes Sale $10.83 " $16.95 Shoes Sale $12.83 P kf r N $17.95 Shoes Sale $13.83 kJi 4& iiy.ybbnoes bale $14.83 n 1 I ' i H 1 1 ) I 1 1 1 Jlie Vocfiie of latent 0 WAS vote, t and ae 000 foi top Presid The na rol eongre ment I bower and e The in the Relatii start i Sent Georgi minist of the tial s should by th i r ' 480 N. Capitol New Mora hours: Mon In tht Capitol Shopping Center I Fri. 9:30 tt 9, ether days.' 9:30-5:30 -. ,iw;vw eji, rjn. j; 7i MmmmmmmmmmmmmMitm sif. - - ri