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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (June 12, 1956)
Cutty News Dyneffs NEW HOUSES AUTHORIZED Aa authorisatio for a new house was included among five b'lilding prmiU issued Monday by the city engineers office. The fS.OOO, one story house is proposed by E. E. Cochraa at 1015 Edina Ave. Other permits were taken by T. A. Juza, tm house (Iteration, 1195 Berry St.; H. P. Moor, $100 bouse alter ation, 1287 Third St.: Mrs. F. T. Bishop. 175 garage alteration, 1196 Chemeketa St., and Red Salty Auto Repair, house and garage recking, Btt N. Commercial St This week while they last Fuchsia Geraniums 20c earh, 6 for $1 00. Morris Florist. 133 East Ewald Ave. (adv.) Public 1 1 ceo r ls CIRCUIT COURT Hilda Riggt-vs. Paul ftiggl: Di vorce decree awarded to plaintiff; property settlement confirmed. Neil V. Greene vs. Willard D. Fryer: Judgment in amount of $8, 916 to plaintiff in civil suit based on traffic accident. Murray C. Wolf and Betty Wolf vs. Robert A. Knight and Elsie I. Knight: Civil suit dismissed with prejudice and without costs on mo tion of plaintiff. Dora Troxel vs. Theodore Parks: Civil suit based on traffic accident: plaintiff alleges negligence and seeks judgment totaling (33,730. Wilms Guthry vs. Carl Owen Guthry: Plaintiff's complaint for divorce alleges cruel and inhuman treatment and seeks confirmation of a certain property stipulation. Married March 28, 1948, at Las Vegas, Nev. Geraldin Frances White vs. Melvin Eugene White: Plaintiffs complaint for divorce charges cruel and inhuman treatment and seeka custody and 180 monthly . i-- . : t.;l,l. luppun lur iwu mimn iimuicii. Married Aug. 27, 1930. at Gaston, 1 Ore. ! State vs. Delmer Lee Frahm Defendant waived grand Jury In-: vestigation and pleaded guilty to charge of larceny; bail reduced to $100. continued to June 18 at 1:30 p. m.: charge of burglary not in a dwelling involving same incident dismissed. State vs. Jerry LeRoy Tauscher: Defendant waived grand jury in-' vestigation and pleaded guilty to unauthorized use of motor ve hicle: continued pending further Information to June IB at 1:30 p. m. State vs. Johnny Brown: Defend ant pleaded innocent after arraign ment on charge of obtaining money j by false pretenses; set for trial on June 29 at 1:30 a. m. State vs. Jack Lee Oster: De fendant's request for preliminary hearing on charge of contributing to the delinquency of a minor granted and set for June 13 at 10 a. m. State vs. George Albert Bur roughs: Sentence suspended and defendant placed on probation for two years for forgery: defendant remanded to custody of sheriff pending parole board acceptance. K. I. Jennings vs. Bethine Jen nings: Divorce decree awarded to defendant whose former name of Bethine Loose is restored. DISTRICT COURT Orville Raymond Wright and Harold Dee Wright, both qf Salem Rt 1. Box 379, and David Lee Wil lis, Towery's bean yard, hearing on charge of rape continued to 9:30 a. m. June 18; bail set at $2,000 on each. ' MARRIAGE LICENSE APPLICATIONS Wayne iMorrison Rogers, 23, stu dent, 1163 Chemeketa St. and Bev erley Venita Hofstedter, 26, teach er, 1895 Grant St. Clarence D. Alexander, 33. la borer. 510 N. 17th St.. and Ksther Staggs, 36, houseworker. John McCall Fahsholtz, 22, stu dent, Stayton, and Carol Margaret Kirsch. 17, Submility. Gordon B. Domogalla. 20, stu dent. 910 Parrish St.. and Dorothy Suianne Shepherd, 18, student, 3420 Duncan St. Cameron C Thorn, 28. student. 1358 S. 12th St.. and Helen Marie Callathan, 22, student. 1413 N. 17th St. James Monroe Delameter, Jr.. 22. student, Beaverton, and Gail Dona Watson, 21, clerk, 1185 Glen Creek Drive. Willard Jefferson Faulkner, 43, cab driver, 3213 Portland Road, and Helen Christine Bogen, 22, clerk-typist, Mt. Angel. Gary David Gortmaker, 21, ad jutant general's office, 2050 Market St., and Theo Andrea Burgess, 20. 695 Ben Vista Drive. Alvin D. Cutnmings, 25. student. Portland, and Ruth K. diese. 23. teacher, 1205 N. 17th St. Darrell David Slone. 23. oiler. Portland, and Dorna Elizabeth Martin, 21, 2520 Skopil Ave John Joseph Hnrtsch, 19. milt worker. Aumsville. and Edna Marie Gubhels, 20. Silverton. Michiel Everett Chase, 20, office worker, 1849 State St. and Fay Elaine Parks, 22, teacher, Leb anon. Glenn Granklin Albert, 43, me chanic, Salem Rt. 3 Box 567. and Beulah Lee Flanery, 53, cook, 603 Tryon Ave. Chicago Graduates Resident of Salem Miss Kathleen Beaufait, daugh ter of Mr .and Mrs. 0. C. Furs man, 337S Dallas Rd., received her Bachelor of Law degree last Fri day at University of Chicago. Miss Beaufait was one of 753 students to graduate at the univer sity's 270th convocation. FIRE DAMAGES CAR Wiring and paint were damaged, plastic controls melted and wind shield blackened m a Tire Monday afternoon under the dashboard of car driven by Ronald Hall, 1040 Broadway St., firemen said. The fire about 1: 30 p.m. near East Summer and Court streets appar ently started from a short circuit, they said. Are you contemplating re-styling your furs? Consult Bea Wittner at Lachelles, 1344 Ferry, (adv.) FILM SCHEDULED The film, "Exceptional Chil dren." will feature a meeting of tn? Salem Association for Retard ed Children at 8 pjn. Thursday at Mayflower Hall. The association also will discuss its training school at the meeting, which will be' the last before summer adjournment. Fur it on Be at Lachelle's assures your furs the quality care they need in refrigerated vaults. law Ferry. Ph. 3-6814. (adv.) GARBAGE MISPLACED Several bags of garbage were found strewn in his back yard Mon day morning, George Campbell, 1334 Lee St., told police. A similar incident happened once before, he said. Installing your own plumbing? Call on Judson's for planning help and advice. 279 N. Com'l. Ph. 3-4141. . (adv.) STAYTON MAN CHARGED John Cleo lnman, Stayton, was charged Monday with driving while his license is suspended. Police said the violation was discovered when lnman was halted after an improper stop at a stop' sign. Heavy steel awnings $12 60 up. Judson's, 279 N. Com'l. Ph. 3-4141. (adv.) W'snted: 50 overweight women. For Dsrticulsrs ph. 4-9902 days. (adv.) pi 1 it It IHfll llCflrill i June 19 oii Water Project Opponents to the proposed forma tion of a Suburban East Salem Water District will have a last chance to voice. protests June 19, when s "final hearing" in the mat ter will be held in the courthouse, County Court members said Mon day. The proposed district would -cover 1.200 acres in the Four Corneri area bounded approximately by Center Street north), Santiam Highway (south), Salem bypass snd Draper Street, on- the west and east It would Include both s domestic and emergency water system, and would cost an esti mated $400,000, to be financed through kale of bonds. At a hearing held April I, no formal protests were made against the district. ,916 Given Crash Victim A $8,916 default judgment was returned Monday by a Circuit Court jury against a Salem man when he failed to appear in a suit brought against him. The judgment was against Wil lard D. Fryer, Salem, ir a suit brought by Neil V. Greene, 1265 Peace Street. Greene charged Fryer with negligence in a two-car collision Oct. 17. 1955, on State Street near the penitentiary. The plaintiff sought $12,841 damages in the orig inal complaint. State Project jOkeh Expected The State Board of Control, scheduled to meej Wednesday, I probably will accept the remodel ling job involving the kitchen and 'dining room at the State Tubercu losis Hospital here. William Ryan, board secretary, said Monday. The board also will discuss ap pointment of a member of the advisory committee for training 'schools to succeed George Stadel man of The Dalles. His term will expire Aug. 9. Reports here indi cated that Stadelman would be asked to continue as a member. Births L PANTHER - To Mr. and Mrs. Hubert W. Panther, Salem Route 1. Box 324. a son, Monday. June 11, at Salem General Hospital. CORDER To Mr. and Mrs. Lor ren H. Corder, 545 Madison St., a daughter, Monday. June 11, at Salem General Hospital. HARVEY To Mr. and Mrs. Charles Harvey. 2320 N. Fourth St., a daughter, Monday, June 11, at Salem General Hospital. McMERRICK To Mr. and Mrs. George McMerrick, Woodburn, a son, Monday, June 11, at Salem Memorial Hospital. Palomino . - - I . ':''-' " " . - ! ,.,'-. ; ' ' (.'- - ' V' : - ' . 1 i fc ; , -- . , . . : - . i . - .v,,; . - I -i . - II "v a. I 1 I , , -. - ' - - . ;u:-.iy : ''yXi; J Sharick's Sua. said to s Me of the nest advanced dressase ktnes la the west, will be a feaiart eskl bltiM at OregM's aaasal AU-Arabiai Hne Shew at the Oregta Stale Fau-grwiads la Salesa, Jase 23-24. The Arablaa patomlM b) ewaed, traiard aad riddel by Ward W. Wells of Oswega, whe Is raalrmas ef the shew at Salem. Thraagh advances iraiaiag. Wells wUl pat the bene Ureagk lffiralt dressage ratl ines aadrr saddle aid hitched U a buggy. No visible er audible rommaads pa'i frem rider I kerse lur ing exhibltiM. Feller Rites Set in Salem On Wednesday I Funeral wvices for Charles Ed- win rener or.. lurmer uonaiu res- ident who died Friday at the age . More than 300 Salem Guardsmen of 69 in Spokane, Wash., of injuries ; t camp, including 15 offi received in a two-car collision near r and men of Company D of there June 2. will be 1:30 p m. : lh 162nd. commanded by Capt. Wednesday in Clough-Barrick cha- Lo"is Osborn. They also will make pel. Feller's wife, Mrs. Mabelle Nor- urwvt Fpllnr killwtin th snm accident on a six-lane highway near their home at Greenacres, Wash., east of Spokane. She was buried at Salem Friday, the day her widower died, but relatives at Salem, who had been assured of his recovery, did not learn of his death until Sunday Donald Lodge 166. AFIAM. will hold ritualistic services for Feller. Burial will be in Belcrest Memor ial Park. The Rev. Ben Owen will officiate. Feller was born Aug. 18, IBM. He was manager of Spokane Gun Club many years. He and the former Mabelle Norwood of Brush College were married about two years ago. He leaves a son, Charles E Feller Jr., Corvallis; stepdaughter, Mrs. Maxine North, Bangkok, Si am: stepson. Walter J. Woodfield. Corvallis: five sisters, Mrs. Clar ence Bareinger, Corvallis; Mrs. J. C. Earkman and Mrs. Ferd Paul sen, both of Milwaukie: Mrs. Ar- thur Kraus, Aurora: and Mrs. An na flrMinr Tft mit Mirh hrnthnr I Kenneth Feller, Canby;.and grand daughter, Miss Linda Feller, Cor vallis. Lumber Firm Trucks Driven By Vandals Two trucks and a hyster were taken for "joy rides" behind the , locked gates of J. W. Copeland Salem Yard over the weekend, Salem police were told Monday, j tacn was onven into a lumner i pile. Mgr. H. P. Medinger told police. W,iHnn.A rt cimilaf1 rwrur- rences has been found several times recentlv, police said, si- thntioh IfiA varH i fenrpft and he drivers innar- entlv climbing the fence - - Kevs usually are left in the vehicles in case of fire, they said. No damage was reported the confusion discovered Sunday, although it has occurred in some of the previous incidens, police said. Senate-Aires Set , , (sliest INlCllt Affair i Wednesday will be "guest night" .- .- I at the Salem senate-Aires mepung ! 8 to 10 p.m. in Senator Hotel, with rntertainment by the Capitol Chordsmen and Mystery Four. Rehearsals also will start under the leadership of Dick McClintic for a Kiwanis convention in Salem in August and SPKBSQSA compe tition for the Pacific Northwest in Vancouver. B. C, In November, according to F. F. Staat, chapter secretary. APPLIANCES . W Haraaint ICA-Vktar 355 Cantor St. Open Monday and fjMffS TpVSTOSHODfJ Feature of Horse Show ? Salem Unit to At National A Salem National Guard company wul have distinction of being largest single unit in the entire 4lst Division when annual two-week summer camp opens this weekend at Fort Lewis, Wash. Company B of the 162nd Infantry Regiment will put 131 members aonara a train saiuruay morning oouna lor camp, according to Corn- mander Fabian Nelson. This reportedly is highest membership of any .um("7 m mc thc trip on a special troop train, which in addition will carry 41st division elements from other val- 'lfv ji0'"'8, T Eitraia Her I Dectronics Inc., of 890 Lancas- Approximately 95 members of ter, Salem, has received s hio Salem Battery D, 722nd Anti-Air- ping license from ' the Atomic craft Battalion, commanded by Energy Commission tor its Rusty CaDt. William R. Porter, will leave Bucket mine near Moab. Utah. by truck convoy Saturday for their summer training site Clatwp noar Astoria. at Camp Other units entraining here at about 8 a.m. Saturday include the Dallas Tank Company of the 162nd, Silverton Headquarters Bsttery of the 1st Battalion and Woodburn Tank Company of the 186th Infan try Regiment. The train also will carry 41st components from Cot tage Grove, Eugene, Albany and Corvallis. Salem's Company B is consider ed s strong contender this yesr for the Americsn Legion trophy given annual to camp unit with top rating. The Salem company was a close second in the competi tion last year, finishing only eight points behind the winning heavy mortar unit of Oregon City. Remit Gives Edge Company B goes to camp as big gest unit numerically by the skin of its teeth. Signing of Recruit James McKinney gave the com pany a one-man edge over Com pany A of McMinnville. Advance parties will leave Salem Thursday to help set up camp for the main bodies of troops. Much of this week is being spent in packing foot lockers and as sembling equipment for the move ment north. Highlight of the camp schedule at Fort Lewis will be the annual Governor's Review in honor of governors of the states of Oregon and Washington, from where the 41st Division draws its strength. OSEA Chapter Jtiet'ollc iogP lllSlClliS LCtlI C John Sacre was installed as new president of Shop snd Field Chapter 38 of the Oregon State Employes Association at a meet-! in Clough-Barrick chapel. Pri ing Monday night at Beaver ! vate interment will be in Wil Hall. ! lamette National Cemetery, Port- Other installations included Don Townsend as vice president and Samuel Gudmunson as secretary-treasurer. Outgoing Presi dent Earl Henricks conducted the installations. i mil- maul- im iiv-Must breakfast-lunch picnic Sunday, l.liilv ?fl at MailHe Willi.imsnn ;S'a,e Park nn Wallace Road. The phanfpp le fwtmnricon nf ennn onrl ! fie!(1 employes in the State High- ""J uri"""lm- ror Evervthlnc In Your Window Cutnm Made In Our Shop SEE CI iiCD THE t LLDLK bi.ixd MAN ALUMINUM AWNINGS POTh Honda Patio Cown Fret Fitlmatri Day or NlfM Ph 37121 (Trmi 387S Center St ... TELEVISION W NM Sanaii Phono 3-3139 Friday 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. Be Largest Guard Camp AEC Licenses Salem Firm's Uranium Ore and is now sending uranium ore ! of commercial grade to the Va- I iiauiuw (ii wcxMiif pistil ai nine, CqIo., it became known Mondsy. The ore assays at $80 per ton. A bonus bringing the total nriee to more than $100 per ton will be pstd si sooa as the AEC cer tifies the claim, it wss declared. Aa AEC shipping permit also has been Issued for Oectronics' White Eagle claim Bear Lake view, Ore., and ore is expected to be sent out within a few weeks. President of Dectronics Inc., is Fred Matthieo. Youth Admits Use of Auto Jerry LeRoy Tauscher, 17, Port land, waived grand jury investiga tion Monday and pleaded guilty in Circuit Court to unauthorized use of a motor vehicle. Circuit Judge George Duncan continued the case to Monday pending the arrival of further in formation about the youth. Tauscher, a juvenile, was tried in adult court after juvenile au thorities found him to be "incor rigible." He has a long list of of fenses and has spent several years at MacLaren, the state school for boys, juvenile authorities said. Accident Victim's Rites Set Today Funeral services for James F. Shattuck, 2780 Brooks Ave., who died Saturday st the sge of 24 in a one-ear accident on High way Ave., will be 10 a.m. today i lend. June 17 When he opens hit gift from IN THE CAPITOI, SHOPPING CENTER FREE PARKING frH' GREEN STAMPS OPEN MON. sad t'RL TIL I he'll ! Kuflvou V ' its Cruise' To July 4th 'River Days' tight pretty princesses wul carry tidings of Sal ems new July 4th Willamette Rivet. Days Festival to mid-valley communities Saturday M a aniqua dry-land cruise cooducted by the Salem Boat Club. Twt "flotillas' art being organized for the venture, one la cover points to the east of Salem and the other to visit communities to the west la addition ta the state employes recently selected as princesses First Entry Received for I Oregon Fair By LILUE L. MADSEN ,Farsi Editor, The Statessaaa . First entry for the IBM Ore gon State Fair was received at the SUta Fair office Monday. H. W. Ray, owner of Haw thorne Farm at Hillsboro, entered IS bead of Aberdeea Angus tattle. Usually the first entry is not received at the fair until lata July or early August Hawthorne Farms will be host to the state-wide Oregon Aber deen Angus Breeders Associa tioa summer meeting, July IS. At that time the association mem bers will hate aa opportunity to view the cattle to be exhibited at the State Fair, as well ss to see the remainder of the large herd on Hawthorne farms. Carl ton McLeod, Brooks, is presi dent. Reports at -the State Fair of- fice Monday also showed that the j board had met with the Central . along the Willamette River be Valtey Implement Dealers Asso- fween here and Portland, ciation to discuss plans for the! , latter's annual show. Plans were : set up for a larger showing than iC!- Yrkiit li s year sgo. since the association was formed and has been largely in charge of the farm machinery exhibit at the fair, this division hss attracted much more stten tion thsn it did In previous years. A check by Monday noon showed that 180 firm contracts for commercial booth exhibit sosce st the Stste Fair had been signed. This is more than were signed by July 19 st year sgo, according to Leo Spitzbart, fair manager. At the opening of ' the 1933 State Fair a totsl of 300 available spaces hsd been sold, Spitibart Mid. In the meantime, the Fun House is hsving a bit of fun on its own this summer. It has learned to walk on stilts, Spiti bart said. 'Bui It is not hiking off the fnirfTotinds." he added in ex- n'ninin? the house's present elevated position, ft l heln? moved to the location formerly occupied hv the Brahms cattle. Here It will form pert of the circle of the enlarged Midway. Fratum Pastor Named Chaplain At Fairview Home Dr. D. J. Ferguson of Pratum has been named chaplain for Fair view Home to coordinate the acti vities of all churches In the area at the Institution. Dr. Irvin B. Hill, superintendent, announced Men day. The Scottish born minister Is a former Chautauqua lecturer, his tory professor, aide to Oregon Governors A. W. Norblad and! Charles H. Martin, author and edi tor. He also is a member of Cham ber of Commerce, Kiwanis and Oregon Historical Society and for mer grand orator of Oregon Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows. He served in World War II in rehabilitation and athletic work for U. S. Armed Forces. Salem's Own Store ! rf MM For Dad's K !! W P AVI WOVIN SILK fJTf-ff MITAUIC VWH0 11. 50 Advertise ia the festival's royal court, each entourage will include aa array of boats oa trailers, appropriate ban ners and loud speakers. The "flotillas" will greet offi cials la the various cities visited and will offer Invitations ta come to Salem's festival. G East aad West The twa units win leave from the courthouse at 7 4J a.m. Satur day. The "ea flotilla" will visit Jefferson, Aumsville. Stayton, have lunch at Silverton at 1130 am., then to Mt. Angel, Woodburn and arrive back in Salem at 3:4$ p.m. Course of travel for the west cruise will be Dayton, McMinn ville. lunch at Dallas at It: a m., oa to Monmouth and Independence and back to Salem at 3:11 p.m. River Cralse. Tea . The eight princesses who will turn their charming smiles oa mid valley citizenry i a c I u d t Ronaa Hardman, Shirley Soodermaa, Pat Halsrth. Jackie Hayes. Minnie Heuhardt. Joans Ertsgaard, Neva Seems and Donna Esbtoman. Each princess is slated to be accompa nied by a representative from her particular state department. The Salem Boat Club, beaded by Robert Hullette. also plans a river cruise oa Saturday and Sunday, June S and 24, to promote the coming festival. Invitations will be extended to officialdom of cities ;umiuhi m. insist Admits Part In Beer Theft Delmer Lee Frshm, 19, Salem Route 3, Box 622, pleaded guilty Monday to s charge of larceny. Circuit Judge George Duncan continued the case to Monday for sentencing. At the same time a charge of burglary, involving the same In cident, wss dismissed agsinst Frshm. The youth was arrested with Charles LeRoy Armstrong, 18, Oregon City, la connection with the theft of some beer from a truck; psrked in the Gideon Stoli warehouse. Armstrong plesded guilty to 4. a burglary charge June Capt. Ricken Transferred Captain William Ricken, Salem Salvation Army chief, has been transferred to Portland where he will serve with the Army's service extension department of the Ore gon and southern Idaho division. Captain and Mrs. Ricken will leave Salem next Tuesday. A fare well will be observed by two spec ial services Sunday at 11 a. m. and 7: M p. m. in the Salvation Army Hall. The Rickens will be replaced by Major and Mrs. Earl West, who will report here from Denver, Colo., where they have beea sta tioned during the past five years. They will be welcomed "Sunday, June 24. Capt. and Mrs. Ricken came to Salem in October. 1954. They have been active In Salem Rotary Club, Salem Ministerial Association, the Community Council and Chamber of Commerce. $3. SO Since 1890 Statesman, Salens Or?., Tue.,June 12, "M (Sec. I)-5 $6,600 Check Received for Polio Cases The Marion County Polio Chap ter has received a M.too check from the National Founds tioa for Infantile Paralysis to provide fi nancial aid for patients la this area, it was announced Monday by Chapter Chairman L A. Rowaa. Marioa County is listed as aae of a number ta the country where local fund collections are deemed not sufficient to cover seeds. Rowan said the county chapter has beea hard pressed financially because of expenditures for treat ment of 44 patients ia lsSS. Tea of the patients were stricken during that year. "Even though increasing sup plies of Salk vaccine are becoming more available, pohe isa't licked yet. Rowaa pointed out. "We will have more polio patients before the disease is conquered, for k will take some time to vaccinate every one is the priority age groups." Rowsn addtd that it is reassur ing to know the National Founds tioa stands behind as, ready It help out financially. 163Approved For Licenses In Real Estate Of 114 persons participating a recent state real estate salesmen': examinations, 1(3 received pa Ing grades, with tl failing. Ragnor 0. Johnson, stste real estate com missioner announced Mondsy. Examinations were held ia Bak er, Ontario, Uedford. Eugene, Sa lem and Portland, In other tests, II brokers re ceiving passing grades were Elbert W. Ross. Salem; Miriam I. Askins, Grants Pass; Flora BolsUd, E gene; Arthur Bolster, Clarence Cox, Kenneth E. Evans, Lily T. Norwood, Max Weaver and Edith Zavin, an of Portland; Francis Boyd, Toledo; Maude Brown, Half way; Douglas F. DeVoe. Gold Beach: Sally Friedman. Corvallis; Bea Hilton, Grants Pass; Robert Nelson, Grandstone; Douglas Park er, Hermlstoa; Freemaa Smith, West Linn; William SUndridga, Cenetral Point. . The next uriM af avamlnatinM will be held ia Medford July u, j Eugene July 81, Salem July SJ and Portland July K Judge Suspends rorger Sentence A Salens ataa was placed ea two years probation Monday after Circuit Judge George Duncan suspended his sentenca tor forg- "houts Ister George Albert Burroughs, 44, 3438 Abrams Ave. was released from Marion County jsii wnere he hsd beea since bis arrest oa the charge April 23. We sincerely wish to thank and express our appreciation for the kindness, understanding and sympathy extended to us la the loss of our beloved husband and father. Mrs. Charles A. Epley Leland C. Epley Forrest L. Epley H. Keith Epley Mrs. Beverly Lamb TODAY'S LUCKY faster Money NUMBERS $11S00 527,447 00 446,991 52 00 309,216 If yea have a Master Meaey Bill with aay of shove serial numbers aa it, yea vria desig nated award If yoa collect It before 8 P. M. tonight at Crater aad Commercial. Aay meaey set wea today will he added to tomorrow's eorro- spoading sward. Free Master Meaey Bill glvea at all iocs lions. Winners Must Claim Award At Cantor And Commercial By 9 P. M. NO WINNERS YESTERDAY Free Whistlepops With Gas Purchases MASTER Free Master Money Bill Glvea At All Statloas Carnation comer caaaatiM MfiMt usvtct siitctos You know. I COuW hardly wamp put Carnation Strawberry What Ice Cream at the very top of my Boppmi list it's suc a dekcioua flavor. Carnation takes specially cultivated strawberries (lis ' wore at the peak of ripeness), sweetens them just right and wtorrs them aB through satiny-' smooth Carnation Ice Cream. : Tk. a --. u. Whirl Rosy pink, rich with the fla vor of red, ripe strawberries. Nw ' wonder everyone says, "Only A Carnation could make it so good! Enjoy 8 often. It's especially good . In these two party pretty treat.: They're ta easy toils you'll maho . (ham aflaa kid tar tun. Straujberry Floats ror v mail, pwc Vt cup Csrastion ' Homogsnlisd Milk in esch of four - unco Btassss. Add 1 tabtespooa sugar and VfcctMCARN TtOrtlTftAWBERRT WHIRL ICt CREAM to each. Star until ' k croam It partisr ty malted. fll ro '' malnder of lss with carbonated water. Servo vHtft eotersd strews, desired. Fresh Fruit Plate . Vrenge fresh, whole, sugared bar riet, melon balls, sliced banana and F'Pes on lettuce-lined plato. Place generous scoop of CARNA TION STRAWBERRY WHIRL ICC 'cREAM In center of plat. Servo with toast (lice or. hot biscuit. North, SobMosUWorf every stst in our country pro ducts a share of th 300 mitho quarts of strawberries eaten ta Americe. We eat them fresh. Ml marmalade, tarn and many other way. Of course my favorite way to enjoy them is In Carnation Strawberry Whirl Ic Cream. Try W SMART SALAD TRltKt If you don't have s melon bsll cutter try using th smsllest of your round metal measuring spoons. It works 'me Once you've tested your first Csrnstion Strawberry Whirl Ic Cream you II wsnt to enjoy it again snd sgsin. Tske home half gallon container the very next time you shop. It' deliciou treat for the family. Carnation VCOMPANY Phone 4-5441 "ts ws n - ar - S M I I T J ST Ai V afJT e l'lliraktV'Jrl ? --A mm 1 v 1 Sar m a 'tfi f ICS ' ' in VhV 1ST wiW- all A Ami