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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (June 12, 1956)
; t liSec. II) Statesman, Salcnt'OreyTutW June & : Pair in Fine Shape LONDON Frn rUtct Utuli r beta ael U tkk Ikes wteoers. Mr. Mr BeMtini, tyw-eM Hestry Dews, u4 Mtat FUre Aaai Beaetr, U-reor-eM Adry WliatMsa, eMkaafe (Wtnlililiw I Ikelr liUe wis at Ua4a eaalett (Af Wire) Wheat Sweet Cherry Crop Estimates Indicate Decline WASHINGTON (II - The Agri culture Department Monday fore cast this year's ovenimi-re- stride wheat crop at 122.671,000 1 previous two years. Is hclng grown bushels, under rigid government marketing Thie Is the first esumate for the qg, desiened to produce not inn crop ana compares wun .-:more than about 900.000.000 bush ls.oo produce! last year and 1.- els. 1,547,0M for the 19-year (IMS 14 average, v. The winter Wheat crop was fore cast at t70.37s.000 bushels com pared vita Ml.432.000 Indicated ' month go. Production last year was 70i.371.0OO bushels and the ten-year average 171,835.000. The forecast to the spring wheat crocthe first ef the season was 152.177 .000 bushels compared with S32.7I7.000 produced last year and JetveiryGift Got Grace Opens MONTE CARLO - Grace nev er saw the necklace and Monaco's national council is beginning to wish It hadn't either. , But aa Irate Paris Jeweler insists the Monacan government owes him 173,000 more for the string of dia monds and rubies and he wants the money aow. ,'.. , " ' It seems that when the engage " meat of Prince Rainier III and Grace Kelly was announced, the .- delighted council dispatched a rep - resrntative to Paris to pick out a necklace suitable for a royal wed--ding gift The agent chose one priced at 37 - million franca ($107,000). He paid - down IM0O0 and UM the jeweler , to wrap It up. When the counciimen saw the necklace, they complained it was ,l ... l i ,i - warin u prc.-a wejr - boufht another one-valued at V 000-and gave that to Grace. week, the first Jeweler demanded : th rest of his money. Negotiations are now in progress. The Monacan want to be sure they get their $34,000 back, and mean . . while the disputed necklace lies in , the safe of Council Head Paul Noghea. Princess Rejects Bid of Marriage DAMASCUS, Syria if) - The Da- tnascus daily paper Al Nasr said Monday Princess Aisha. 27, daugh ter of Morocco's Sultan Sidl Mo hammed Ben Youssef, has "de clined to give her hand in mar rlage" to 21-year-old King Faisal of a 9 Iraq. Ths usually well-informed paper, Muuuua: iwtun uuuuuuuig tirvici Ul aaul lha marriae. e.rnn..l i va Brawsw tare iiipi , riuyvoRi was made during Faisal's recent ataui visit to Morocco. Crown Prince Abdul Hah of Iraq made the proposition on Faisal s behalf to the Moroccan sultan, who consulted his daughter before giv ing a negative answer, the paper added. Al Nasr said Aisha "apolo gised because of the age differ ence." . Capital's Attractions To Bid More Visitors WASHINGTON if) Take a look at the White House, the Capi tol or the Supreme Court arty day ami you'll see droves of visitors. ' But the greater national ranital t committee thinks there should be still more. The committee Is sponsoring summer Jubilee" of reduced ho-J tel rates, shows, Potomac River cruises and water sports to hirt . tdditional tourist!. m ( ,'v- w ' v .' ':' '. - t' - ' i 171.112,000 for the 10-year avenge. Vaeer Mitt fcrstas The wheat crop, like those of the Reserve sod surplus stocks equivalent to aa average size crop have been accumulated under price support programs. wheat was the only major crop covered by the report. Peach production was forecast at 11.043.000 bushels compared with S1.SZ7.000 last year and K,89,0O0 for the 10-year average. - The production of pears was (ore- cast at 29,327,000 bushels compared with SO.716.000 last year and 30,230, 000 for the 10-year average. Sweet cherry production Was in dicated at 00,000 tons compared with 11S.000 last year and M,000 for the 10-year average. Production of apricots was (ore- cast at 1(7,000 tons compared with 211,000 last yesr and 213,000 for the 10-year average. , ,. Oraafe Crap Production of oranges and tan gerines (or the 19U-56 crop was put st 135,015.000 boxes compared with 135,115,000 a month ago. 135.445.000 last season and 116,340,000 for the 10-year average. - M Production w grapefruit for the same crop was indicated at 40,- 000,000 boxes compared with 46,- 000,000 indicated a month ago, 42,- 170,000 last season and 49.282,000 for the 10-year average. Production of lemons was put at 13,400,000 boxes compared with 13,- 001.000 for the 10-year average. Milk production in May was put at 12,974,000,000 pounds compared with 11,512,000.000 in April, 12,(44, 000,000 in May last year and 12,- 34s,ooo,ooo for he 10-year May av erage. Produrlls f Egg Vrtu A i : ... km piuuuiiivii ill may was rc- ..,, - , Lm, t ,: ...7': mmZ uZZ .., ' .S i erase. The acre yield of winter wheat was forecast at an average of II T bushels compared with 20.9 bushels last year and 18.1 for the 10-year average. The condition of the spring wheat crop on May 1 was reported st 08 per cent of normal compared with 86 per cent a year aso and 83 tier cent for the 10-year May 1 aver age. The condition of durum wheat was put at 88 per cent compared with 75 per cent a year ago and 82 per cent for the 10-year average. The condition of spring wheat other than durum was reported at 88 per cent compared with 86 per cent a year ago and S3 per cent for the 10-year average. Condition of the hay crop on May 1 was reported at 78 per cent of normal compared with 78 per cent a year ago and 85 per cent for . VMP 1U"r Bverage . The condition of pastures was re ported at 72 per cent compared with 7S per cent a year ago and ti per cent lor the 10-year average. 7-Mile Swim Cains Freedom or Chinese TAIPEI, Formosa Of) -A young Chinese inmate of a Communist forced labor camp swam seven miles to a Nationalist island in Amoy Bay, the defense ministry said Monday. . The ministry said three other prisoners who fled the Red main land Sunday were missing snd be lieved drowned. . The man who reached safety was Liang Shui-Chang, 21, a col lege graduate imprisoned on his native island of Kulangsu, west Amoy. The ministry said he swam to the Nationalist-held island Tstan, about two and a half miles below Amoy. Advertising Stole i lawnal tM N. Charea V- PHONE 4-6811 LOCAL RATES (ma. I WMkeaa m. per fin I Urn , SS JS prt una S Umi SS per baa turn St SS 01 JS wkMlM WMitacl Sum. I Claselfled M till M ma sous neper la guv Klwn IM MMU M IB ItlH sen lined eirculatiama "Wm H M i erderee tftree ar ix bmi an Sunday am included tlor example Friday Saturday Sunday! tne lower Sunday rtee pely aarau only Tha talaamaa (ublishea Sua day Claaatttad ada will atari a IM morning Oregea Statesman, eeo cluda m the evening Capital Journal but adt will M ac cepted lor Sunday ateemaa eaiy. TM daadilM foe classified adt 1 DO p m. In day before pub- ucattoa except tor surraay mi daadliM H S JS an Friday Emergency ada and small Una ada received afiar I am. weekday and until IS nooa Satudray lor Sunday ma)f ba alard in Um Taa Lata la Claa ulf' coluasa. Ad to Mandar papara aauat M ia bjf I aa Saturday Tna atutaamaawaurnai Natra aapara raaarva lha right la ra iarl auaatUHMBM advartuunf; II lurlMt raaarvaa IM rifht la olaca alt adwtinng nnucr tha oropar rlaaaltlcalioa Tha Stataaman-aurnal Nawa papara aaauma aa financial ra oonalbillty for arrora which nay appaar la advartumnanta publlahad ia tta aalumna and la caaaa wMra thla pa par la at fault will ra print that part al an adfartlaamanl la wbkh tha typofra plural auauka accura A "Blind" Ad aa ad eonUiB it a Stataaman-Jaurnai Kaa- napara box aumbar ror an ad draw la far IM pro taction al IM advartlaar and wiuat Ultra- fora ba anawarad by lattar. TM Stataaman Journal Nawa pa pen ara no! al liberty la dlvulf 'n formatton aa ta lha Identity at advartlaar tulng a "Blind' ir - THM MIWSPA'UI STRIVES la protect nt raaoera afainai fraud darapUan, ar iniurtaa. Readen ara cautioned ta make NO PAYMENTS to fat a pa aittaa advartiaad la tha nt la waatad columna. All help wanted ada MUST SPECIFY THL NATURE OF THE WOMK. Sale help wanted ada muat atata It lha pay li In tha form al aalary, eommlaatona. guarantee, ar tnrluda firm nama. Bona Ada offera af am- Btoyirient with pay belong la ia "Help Wanted" columna. .aa is ether columna which re quire Inrertment ta atocta. aamplaa, aqulpmenl ar cath bond shcuM M thoroughly In veetifaed bafora paying out any mercy Advert ieera re quiring a cath Investment for amplea or merchandlw. aalea aida. etr . aiuet aa aoaclly la their ada liimtiy report any excepttoa to tlm rule te the rlaaaified ad aertialng manager ADS IN THIS COLUMN RECEIVED Too Late to Classify at ACRES near Roaadale. Make offer at Pioneer Trust Co., Sa lem. I BDRM. houaa with email acre age at SI Ratclltt Dr. Make offer at Pioneer Trust Co., 8a- IN KEIZER Nice 4 rm. turn, apt. with gar. Ph. 4-30SJ A X-1SSZ. SERVICE itation attendant ever. 4 to I, sun. te s. call 4-M7I area. EQUITY in beautiful 1 bdrm. mod. nouae. so. of candalarla. Full price 11,00. Call 4-42M alter 1 p.m. GOOD wood dr. heater, S3. Gui tar wcaee, iio. iau Miaaion. FOR SALE or trad tor what have you, Singer leather or upholstering aewlnf machine, ISO. Ph. 1-M13. SEWING MACHINE Farnnaseaeed Singer coniole. Bal. IB. Take aver contract lor 1 per wk. Ph. 4-710S (Dir.). THIS ONE IS NICE. 2 bdrma., living room, dining room, kitchen, utility, separate ga rage, secluded ipot with plen ty of treea. Full price 7.4J0 00, Tor appointment to aee call Dale Rayburn, Eva. Phone a-av4. RAWLINS REALTY SOS Chemeketa Street Salem, Oregon Office Phon 4-7S HIGH Ton Cleanera Bldg . hai ateam piping, oil tank. BOO aq. ft., S3S, If Edgewaler. Alao bulldrr-draughtiman, etc., of fice stockroom, bullttna, 113. 157 Edgewater. Stuller Realtor, 763 Edgewater. Ph. 1-5357. WANTED: Relief Clerk, Apply Marlon Hotel after 3 p.m. WILL care for children, my home.Ph. H02S2. I RM. unfurn. lit fir. baaement. T. V. Ant. S43. 4S2 Univenity. FURN. S rm. upitalrs Apt., cloaa in. S4S. 4S3 University. KENMORE wither with pump c Umer, S3. Ph. J-1V77. NEED J bdrm. houae. no una!) children. Excellent care. Ph. 1-11177. 11 GAUGE Wlnrheeter Magnum, full choke, matted rib, Ilka new. $90. Ph. alT7 I UNFURN. Hnuiee: I vlth 3 bdrms.. 133. I with 1 bdrmi., HO Roherti diet. Mn Harvey, Rt. 3, Box 917 A. SEE DEL JOHNSON AND SAVE S new 3 bedroom home! 4i,& Interest 1250 down. SUM per month G.I 1 2 bedroom home, a real Bargain. I58 0O per month, G. I. OPEN TIL 1:00 P. M. TUE . WED., THUR. Drive out Liberty Rd., turn right the firit road paat Browning Rd. FOR RENT House. 123S N. 18th 440.00 Ph. 1-472S afternoons. 1S53 FORD Cuitom 4 dr.. radio. the heater, signal lights, tinted : (last. Will take trade for equi ty. Ph. 3-403. S48 Vlnvard. Over 115,' rs See Jniirnal of I of CUuiEed Index IIS alerting ft octree 111 Laat ana ream 114 TraaeperUUea " 115 Personal IIS aumpa aad Cawa m ACRicvLTt'aa aat Liveatark lor Saw ... 4 Uveaaorfe Wanaad . 14 Poultry aad RaMita aft Far Baarwa Aauaca ad Pete at Sea Faada II Seeda and Ptaata 1S Fruit aad Farm Praetor 111 FertUuer 114 Farm Equipment US Aucimb Sane 49 MEJtCHANDISB 451 Machinery and Toele 4al Wanted Mirmnery TaatJ 454 Sewing Machinea 4M Houee Cooda for Saw 45 Wanted Houee GooeJa 411 Rada and Televaeoa 45S buiMin Materiata' 43 Da II Youreerl 4M Muawai Inatrumenta U SporU Equiaanenl 4(4 Birvrlee 4M trade Miareiianeoua 4CS For Rent Miarellaneeua II For Sale. Miarellaneeua 471 Wanted. Miarellaneeua 4"4 Miarellaneeua 47S luel 90t BUSINESS AND IINA-NCI 51 Moan ta laa SIS Loana Wanted SIS Inveatmeata ta) EMPLOYMENT MS Hrln Wanted 804 Help Wanted, Man 104 Help Wanted Lady frt Plrkera Wanted II Salaa Help IIS Work Wanted. Maa 14 Work Waatrd. Lady IS Situation Wanted IT Job Information (IS Education tit Da ar Contract 70S RENTALS Jut Sleeping Room Board 703 Wanted Rnoma Board 70S A part men ta for Rent 7U Duplexea 701 House for Rent 707-A Furnlahed 70S Fanr.a for Rent 70S Wanted te Rent. II Wanted ta Rent Houare 71S Wanted ta Rent Apt 714 Buaineea Rentele II Resort Rentala 715 Convalescent Homea Eoving andStorago SDS REAL ESTATE Ml Buaineta Opportunities SOS Buainess Property 01 Suburban Houaa for Rale 01 Apia. Ceurta for Sal 0 Lota tor Sale 1 Farmi for Sal 11 Exchange Real cure 111 Resort Property IIS Wanted Real Estate KS Insurance B5 AUTOMOTIVE 151 New Cars tfl Uaed Care for Sale S3 Auto Parta and Repair 54 Trw ka. Trailers for Sal 19 Wanted Can. Truck S5S Motort yclea mi Ame Miscellaneous till Houee Trallera M Heavy Equipment (SS Aircraft Too Late to Classify WORM, home, nice diet. Save 1300 buying thla wk.rSmall dn. Drive by 33S Neef Ave. Inq. at MS Cunningham Lane. DRIVING leuoni, 13 SO each. Ph. 4-OS3S. TOP-cyllnder lubricator. 1 qt.. good cona. II. zzu miii si. Jl FORD plck-up. SS3S. V. non Harfer. stayton. Boedeg heimer Farm. 14' NEON AUTO SALES airn for aale, your n.ime on top it flaahtng arrow below, also i rm. office. Eaaua. Motor Serv ice, Dallai. LEAVING. SJ Chev. deluxi, 3S,. two mi., powerguae. raaie, heater. Like new.4-S374. "NELSON'S RENTALS I Bdrm. houae, newly redee. IM 1 Bdrm. turn, apt., S 150 1 Bdrm. unfurn. has., newly redec S5e WANTED, 3 bdrm. unfurn. hie. Englewood 1100 WANTED. 3 bdrm. rum. or i turn. . hie. to SI 13. WiU leaae for at least S montha. Nelson It Nelson, Rltrs, 1300 S. Commercial Ph. 1-3MI or evei. 4-M33 SERVICE Station & properly for sale, cxc. location, new mod ern up-to-date bldg. Sr equip ment. 4 pump nation doing good gallonare. Privately owned. Eaaua Motor Service, Dallas. W. SALEM clean 1 bdrm.. ranre. refrtg., all alec. 1081 7th. 3-73H FLOWER atamped roping aaddle. rim prize, spray roaeo, Ph. Lebanon Alpine S-S334. Le roy Laraon. SIMMONS daveno. ' excellent condition. Ph. 4-1904. 300 Personal 310 Meeting Notice BAHAI world faith information writs Stateiman-J rn 1, Box 114 312 Lost and Found LOST Wyler Incaflex watch with gold expanalon band, loll In vicinity Labor Temple, call Laueann Hall. Willamette Un It iik for Judy Grubbi. FOUND Female cocker in Prln gte Dlat. Owner may have for pd. ad. Ph. 4-2953. LOST Block cocker At Peking ese mln. pup, whit atreak un der neck. $3 reward. S53 N. Com 'I. LOST EvaniT7 Jewel rhlne itone bracelet watch, down town dlit. Reward, Ph. 4-0171. FOUND: Air mattresa. Owner may have by identifying ft paying lor ad. Call 3-4244. LOST: Blue parakeet band No. SA33703-54. Reward. Ph. 1-7703, 4040 State St 314 Tromportotiow WANTED A ride to Texai or vicinity. Ph. S-I3S3. 11500 TRIP for 1 to Went indlei. will sell for $800. Ph. 4-:32. 316 Personal ALCOHOLICS Anonymoua group No 1 2081 N Com 1 3-433 411 Fruit 1 Form Produce 11 2 Fruit l Form Produce CHERRIES Wanted ROYAL ANNES. REPUBLICANS AND RIES FOR BRINING CASH ON Kelley Parquhar & Co. 1460 TILE ROAD SALEM. ORE. PHONE 2-4133 300 PmbtuI 31 Perse! TOO MANY BILLS? Deal let rear bills ret yea trouble, ix you're behiad ka riymenta. are raw fteip yea. a rcurity ar eosttnera need rd One plare la pay all ail la Pae aaiv wlat veal caa af- fardt iBondrd and U.snnd for ymir protertlna II CREDIT CONSULT A.VTS SVw S-SS44 tor mformattea ALCOHOLICS Aaoarrxai S CoauBercUl. a-lies 400 Agriculture 402 Livetrok fee Sale FOR SALE 1 young Jersey. milking: a lea 1 reg Aberdei Angus rows. Phi 4-7TIS. I ROOD 4-yr.-eld Jersey rows. FOB RENT pasture for etork. J. D. Hartwell. Ph. S-ISSl MUST 11 cheap, beautiful rel aaddlebred geldins. Ph. 1-113 ar 1-JSS4. FAMILY cow, freetea any time. Ph. 1-713 after . FOR SALE ar trade, genua pontes tor cniraren. aiao gooa aaddle horaea Boh Frank. 30S N wur ft, SUvertee, Pb S-SI3 Salem Meat Ca torlrer beet Cuatoaa killing, rutting' A wrap ping, trailer waned tree PROFESSIONAL laeraee hoar Lea Hanaoa, 4-4714 ar 4-SUSl 403 Livestock Wonted CATTLE, hone, at your farm E. C. McCandiian. Rt I. J-il CATTLE buyer. A. F' Sommer. hob Harmony ur. rn a-awoi. CA ITLR 'buyers 42S7 State E I. k H. snewen. 1-1345. i-ajiw. LIVESTOCK buyer Claude ta- warda. Rt J. Box SPSE. 4-U13 404 Poultry nd Robbits TURKEYS, oven ready, fin your lockers now, 33c lb. A uo. Closed Sat am. A Sunday. Kuvkendall EggM A Poultry, 335ncaiterDrLPh. 4-311S. BABYHICKS ISc etraigM run, choice ef Permentere. New Rampa . Whit Rocka and Leg home Special New Hamp and White Rock pulleta. le. Par menter red rooater, Sc. VALtrr FARM STORE '-. Ph 4-4S14 Salem FRYER FOR SALE Ph. 2-2281 "custom'dressing Of poultry. W buy rabblti. Wing a 3SS3 State, pn. 4-3B1 FOR SALE another batch of Capom are ready, limited tup pl. Weigh to lba. 35c lb. live. Ph. 3-MS3. 408 Pets SELL 8 parakeet!, rag sccea- aorles, 19. Ph. 3-subs. FREE KITTENS 4-JS40, 3-MM or 4-1SM PURE BRED Springer Spaniel pupa. 3490 Sunn) view Ave. Ph. 4-1030. VOUNG parakeete. eagea f!a I iris Mickey a sirs a torn PUP: Springer. 13. Cocker, '0 341S Wllliami Ave, HUNTERS here ii your dogl Labrador retriever, will be I mo. old In Oct. AKC Reg. $30. 1133 E St. Salem, Ph. 1-SC3. FOR SALE Puppiea. aU kinda. Coma aee alternoona at Maa Livtnnton or call S-7SM. Will buy puppies any kind. BIRD Paradise tor Mrda, cage. luppUei UN uvuigstoa -iu. 410 Seeds ond Plants CLEARANCE aale on evergreen ahrubs, 33'- off. J i ii ihrubi. $2 29. A. Blgej. Rt. 1, Box SS. Canby. Ores. BEDDING planta. large aiaort- ment. reaaonaoie pncti. tvei green Greenhotiaea Rt. 3, Box US, Silvertnn, I m S. W. of Silverton, Caacade Hlwy. Ph. 3-441 FUCHSIAS, ger. 15c ea.. tub. ncgoniaa aii. nyurenRraa. ea . glad bulbi. 3 dr $1. Mer rills Creenhouae. Brooks! MULCH Peal with muihroom fertilizer Fine for mulch. Ph. 2-0331. 411 Lewn-Gorden Equipt. DAVID Bradley garden tractor wattachmenti, good at new. Sell for i price. A. J. Ullman, S4S Voaburg, off Bonnie Way. HUFFY elec. lawn mowers While they lait zs. rn. 2-S373, 19M Wallace Rd. 412 Fruit & Form Produce U-PICK atriwberrtea. In Brooka. Ph. Salern2-J208. U-PICK Marihall atrawberrtei. 10c lb. Bring container!. Wil bur Olion. 975 Orchard Hta Rd. Ph, 1-5942. l7.PICK itrawberrlei. "North- weiti", 45S0 Ridge Dr. Ph. 3-SSlS. U-PICK (Marihall) itrawber rlei, 10c lb. .1745 Watiun Ave . off Fliher Rd. PASTEURIZED "wivole milk 7Sc aL Homocenl7ed. 79c, i gal on 40c. Cleary Dairy, 3-3033. 414 Form Equipment FOR SALE N Ford tractor. with rear mount mower. Rt. 4 Box 42, 1-3353. 42S Auction Soles OF FURNITURE AT SCOTTY'S TONITE 484 CENTER STREET SALEM LAMBERTS. RINGS. BI.K WATERHOUSE CHER PURPOSE. DELIVERY AUCTfON II Make Life Easier - Read & Use Want-Ads Daily! ADDING MACaTTMtS Buy aa yau rent Roan-Tjpawrilar, Pb. 3773. All 45 snakea Court applia races WESTINCHOUSI Weadra Furalture Ca. 474 Be Ceerl Ph 4-1111 teMIHNO CAPITOl Bedding Mattrea re- Mvaiera new aunreaaes BRICR A BLOCKJMASOM BLOCK It Brick Uaaoa. alee ansa wmlxer lor hire. 4-TM7 BRICK and block Work guar anteed. Ph. 4-443S. CARPENTER CONTRACTOR CARPENTER CONTRACTOR Framing, remodeling, found- ona, reuining walla, camem ar pumice Mock. Free eili maUi. 3d mo. to nay. I-4JW. CRAMS WORE S3-toa Lorain aiala crane Sa lea Sand A Gravel Ca S-tMl EXCAVATING VLN'CENT C. NEAL Excavating Ca. Excavating Grading Ph. 2-I6SS FLOOR COVI KINGS NORRIS WALKER Paint Co Floor-covering. Divmon tjuit Ity inttallationa Linoleum, At- fhalt A Rubber Tile Wall Ula re Eititnates 4-l77 TO PLACE AD PHONE 4-6811 450 Merchandise 4S1 Machinery 1 Tools ISO AMP. Lincoln welder, AC. Ph. 1-943. NEW A used welders ft middle lathee. Eve., 3-83M. MEHRY garden tiller, good cond IS3. Ph. 3-4069 evenings. JOHN Deece auto, wire tie hay bailer with Wiaconun H.D. air cooled motor all in good ahape. Ready to go to work. 1025 Elm St., ph. 4-8844. 34 INCH Craftsman wood lathe. motor A tool! complete S55 Ph. 1-9847 evenings FOR SALE or trade, AC model WF tractor for Farmall A. or Cub, good cond. Ph. S-S373. 434 Sewing Mochines SAVE 179. Singer featherweight portable rewing macnine UKe new with att ft table. Ph. 3-7117. SEWING MACHINE Beautiful Necchi Zig Zas port able, lett on our nands wim a tUI.M hal. Take over con tract for S3 per mo. Ph. 4-7102 (dealer). 455 House Goods for Sale NEW aectlonali from 118 00 Glen Woodry 105 N Summer. TEA WAGON, lampa and tables. elec. heater, enrome ain. aet, lg. pressure cooker. Ph. 1-3311. COLDSPOT refrlg., all recondi tioned, 39.9J. Uaed Mdae. Mart. 170 8. Liberty, open Fri. nlghti till 8. No down payment (O A C I Ph. 4-S371. BEAUTIFUL large gold fiih 4000 w. electric heater. O.E. 4 burner electric range, l-lt. Croiley refrigerator. Call 3-343t or aee at 3.181 Duncan Ave. $128.00 NEW Biltwell daveno aet. Glen WoodrylSOS N. Summer WICKER lawn chair, just like new. special 12 9j. Uaed Mdse. Mart. 270 S. Liberty. Open Fri. nighti till 9. No down pay mentJOA.C.l Jh.4-S.171. REFRIGERATOR, excellent con dition. Will aril very reason able. 2213 Mill. t ONLY new modern bedroitm ets, 3800. Glen Woodry 1405 N. Summer. "ATTENTION Parenti " We are closing out our line of wagons A tricycles, also a few cnemis try seta and Juvenile Furnl ture. All must go. Everything at wholesale pricei. Come In while there is itlll a selection Used Mdse. Mart. 270 S. Lib erty. Open Fri. nights till 9 No down payment lO.A.C I Ph. 4-4371. 1 . ONLY - 1 Freezer, reg. I52S 95, reduced to sell NOW 139905. Will accept terms. SAH Green Stamps Batdorf i Home A Auto, 1410 Stale 81. Ph. 3-9M2. NEW-hardwood hl-chain, 9 88. Glen Woodry, 1S05 N. Summer BIG BOY barbecue, excellent condition, complete with hood, 1993. Used Mdse. Mart. 270 S Liberty. Open Fri. nights till . No down payment (O.A.C.i Ph 4-4171. NEW recliner c hairs for Father's Day. 59 50. Glen Woodry. 1605 N. Summer. OUTDOOR barbeque. uied two times. 11595 Used Mdse Mart. 170 S. Liberty. Open Fri. nights till 9. No down payment (O.A C.l Ph. 4-4.171. KLECTROLUX Auto -cord winder, pop out bag. etr. Just 35. 1 only 990 So. Commercial. (Dealer! DELUXE crlh "i mattresiT 2S .00 Glen Woodry. 1605 N. Summer. REPOSSESSED! like new freezers. 1 17-ft chest. 3273 .1 20-fl chests. 3iKl ea. 2-1802 NEW 3-pc. chrome sets, regular $8413. special 139 95 Used Mdse Mart. 270 S Liberty. Onen Fri. nights till 9. No down payment lO.A.C.t Ph. 4-6371. ELECTRIC range, 4 burners, good oven. Plenty of itorife space. Special .1995. Used Mdse. 270 S. Liberty. Open Fri. nights till 9. No down payment (O A.C.I Ph. 4-4371. COMPLETE twin bed. 19 50 Glen Woodry. 1405 N. Summer IRONRITF! ironer. ' Model 80 Ph. 4-5' repossessed "41 or see at Sa em ,ronrite Co ,1137 S. i Co'ifl NFW Simmons twin bed. studio couches. 368 0(1 Glen Woodry. 16113 N. Summer JAMES deluxe portable dish washer with sterilizer, 895. 2493 Wooddale Ave. Ph. 3-3283. INLAID Lino.. 1.3i per iq. yd. R L. Elfitrom Co.. 284 S. Llb- arty. NOW 9x12 llnoeums. 4.SS. Glen Woodry 1405 N. Summer. NORGE lroner, deluxe spin dry eaiy washer, English bicycle ph. 4-8094. APT. lire ranges 38 00 to 55. Glen Woodry. 1405 N. Summer INLAID' Lino 1 9 per"iqyd R L Elfstrom Co KM S Lib erty REAL nice baby buggv, 19 50, Glen Woodry, 1605 N. Summer. NEW white enam. toilet seats 13.93. Juttion'i, 27 N. Com l. HOUSE FULL of furniture, con dltinn good. Good buy, with terms to right party. Ph. avei. 1-0924. Save time - Save money For the Best Professional Services ii an GRADING A DOIMNO BULLDOZING ft back till. SSJ0 per hour. Ph. 1-033. OOZING It LEVELING Pk S-OS5S D PANTX'VICB BULLDOZING, clear-ng road i. poods D-4, D-4 carryall. V. Biaaaey. Ph. 1-3144. BULLDOZING, grading At Land clearing Elma W. Locker owner operator. Ph. S-S741. BOMB PLANNINO EXPERT home building ft re modeling. Phone 4-7577 LAWN MOWER SHARPENING LAWN mower sharpening, low prices, work guar. Ph. 4-S091 PAPSRIN3 ft PAINTING EXPERT brush ar spray paint ing. Hr or contract Ph. 4-3H00 Painting and Free ratMnate paper-hangtag Ph S-SSI3 PAINTING Bruah or apray. Exterior or In terior. Free estimate. 2-SduS. EXPERT spray, brush painting, papi-r hanging, your paint or mine Tree ert Terms Ph Ncleon 3-S493, 3-S34S PAPERING A PAINTING PAINTING k DECORATING Dirt Cheap Price 3-7552 PAINTING: Interior At exterior. Free Est. 4-00S4. 4-181 ROOFING SALEM BARTILE ROOFING Most mod life time roof, color choice. Free eit. 1-7500 evea. for romp. Information. 450 Merchandise 455 House Goods for Sale Unfinished Chests, New S Driwers S ' S Drawers S3 S3 No Phone Orders Pleaae HOGG BROS. 241 State St. GAS Range, exr. cond, water heater. Ph. 4-39Z3. UNFINISHED furniture. Stiff Furniture. 175 N. H. L. High NEW S pc. wrought Iron dinettes 55 00, large deluxe 7 pc. aets, 99.50. Glen Woodry 1405 N. Summer. FULL sir- Universal lroner, exc. cond. 173 cash ft carry. 1410 McCoy St. Ph. 3-3223. INLAID Lino., (1 SS per aq. yd. R. U Elfitrom Co. 240 S. Lib erty SMALL oil circulator w. tank. 24.50. termi. Glen Woodry 140J N. Summer. VACUUM CLEANER Nearlv fie Eiectrolux cleaner. Only $2450. II 25 per wk. Pn 4-7102 idralen. 1NNF.RSPRING M l 1 1 - o - relt mattiesi A box springs. Like new. Jenny Lind bed, all for 345. Ph. 2-0927. NEW Sxll tweed rugs, 28.88. Glen Woodry 1401 N, Summer, MAKE AN OFFER We have many Items that muat go, auch as: Bedi. Mattresses, Stoves, ReMgeraton. Radios. Springs, Tablea. Chain, Almost any thing you can think of. We will accept any offer that Is halfway reasonable. Thla is your chance to name the price. Uied Mdse. Mart. 210 S. Liberty. Open Fri. night 'til 9. No down payment (o.a. c.l Ph. 4-4371. 1 PC. dining aets. 35 00. Glen Woodry. 1605 N. Summer. NEW Simmoni roiTawayi, 1188. Glen Woodry, 1405 N. Summer BARKERSfurn! buys, lells. tradea. 3794 Sil'ton Rd. 4-0444 IF YOU naed a single Item or a complete household of new or used furniture or appliances. Buy now on our easy terms Woodry 'a Thrifty Uaed Furniture 513 So. Com'l St Ph. 4-3319 I blockSo ofPaper Mill MODERN USED Appliances. Frigidaire. Zenith, Coldspot Westinghouse are cheaper at Salem l L o w e t Overhead Store. Glen Woodry, 1605 N. Summer. MAKE AN OFFER! Have 3 days to sell Klrig sire bdrm. set. Duncan Phyfe Din. Set. See at 840 So. 13th. Ph. 4-3728. El ECTRoTuX vacuum wat tach. 49 50 Others from 1400 Glen Woodry. 1603 N. Summer 30-in7 FRIGIDAIRE elec. range, almost new. Blackstone Autn washer, cacel. cond. 3737 Portland Rd USED davenport A chair, excel, cond. Reasonable.Ph. 3-9895. BE THRIFTY Buy "used furni ture tc appliance i, THE THRIFTY WAY on Eaiy Terms at WOODRYS THRIFTY USED TURN. 513 S Corn ! Ph 4-3311 AUTO. Frigidaire washer, good cond M0 :I44 W . Chemawa Rd. Ph. 4-4658 SEE the new Biltwell Daven port Sets before you buy at Salem's L o w e 1 1 Overhead Store. Glen Woodry. 1805 N. Summer. ELECTRIC Ranges, uaed, good cond., 20 to choose from, $20 It up. S aV H. Green Stamps. Master Service Stations. 385 N. Commercial. NEW step end tables. 4 88. Glen Woodry. 1605 N. Summer. CI.OSEOI'f-3 new play vm sets wslidr. 29 80 Slides. 12 m Glen Woodry 1405 N. Summer. 456 Wanted House Goods WE NEED FURNITURE Valley Furn. Co.. 1-7473 Need at One Lata model E . Appliance. Pay cash premium for HI Grade Electric Ranges, Refrigerator!. Automatic Withers Drlen It Late Model used Furniture Ph Glen Woodry 3-3110 right Now for Pleaslna Results' i FURNITURE Winted. Courteous , service Ph 3-609 , 77 rOM CASH "Hit. FtlRNI TUFE APPLIANCES rT( irSPD MKRCHANDISF MAR1 ::0 S LIBERTY PH 4-6371 457 Radio and TV NEW T V. Floor models Reduced to clear Inventory. SS.H Green Stampa. Batdorf'a . Home It Auto. 1420 Stat St. Ph, 3-9582 FREE roll away table, with this ad Si purchase of brand new 195 portable TV. 17" acreen, all channel tuning 1129 93 Eaay payments. Weisfields. 303 N. Liberty USED 21" table T. V. With an tenna. 11.10. Ph. eves. 2-0928 45 8 Building Moteriols PAINT, oil base 1 89 gal Glen ! Woodry. 1605 N. Summer. 500,000 KrJEn Maw ei h -m I WmA I rt Jfa unnn - arowth lumber. Sx to 1x11 In I to 14-foot lengths Delivered I price Salem. 130 per thou ' minimum. Ted Mull 1-1194. R aOTO-VATINO CUSTOM Roto rating Ford AuinnwnL rtelds lawns, or chard ft gardens. Ph. S-8338 ft 3-477. GARDEN ft lawnwork wanted with rolovator. Vlwent Kram er SIS Lansing Ave. Ph I-31SS SAND ft GRAVEL WALLING SAND AND GRAVEL IMS McGllchnal Crushed quarry rocka and grav el. AU elate for roada. drive wave and parkin Iota READY MIXED CONCRETE Garden Band, bull-dniing. ahov el and dragline workS-SMS SALEMSAND "& GRAVEL CO Ready mix concrete, cruahed and round gravel, aand and top aoil. 1405 N.Front St 8-S4SI VALLEY SAND ft GRAVEL CO Cruahed ft round gravel Sand ft con mix S-4QW SEPTIC SERVICE MIKE'S Septn? etrvwe lanai cleaned D rooter cleans eewen drains Phone S-S4SS HOWARD'S Roto-Rooter, aeweri. eptic tsnki cleaned. 3-6327 H-mela aeptic tanka cleaned, Hne service Guaranteed work Phone 3-7404 or 8-0774. TREE SERVICE De Roil Tree Service Treea Shrub?. Hedgei. Insured 1733 N. Liberty St 3-eSM eve. TRUCKING A T BAULING WANTED ta haul "ahort loi" . anywhere Ph. I-S07S. CPHOLSTSRING UPHOLSTERING Professional; guar work, tree et pickup, deliver Ph 1-41W 450 Merchandise 458 Buildino) Moteriols Overhead 11 ret garage with hardware. $39 .SS In stalled S4SSS. Galvanized ava trough 13'a par ft EPPING LUMBER CO. PH. 4-6123 2740 SILVERTON RD. ROOF1nGA i Siding Inatalled Highest Quality Material ap- filled by Licenaed Workman. 0 year Warranty. FREE FSTIMATES. MONTGOMERY WARD Call 3-3191 Salem, Ore. METAL FENCE Ornamental ft Chain Link Res ldential ft Industrial Mate rial or Complete Installation Estimates A Planning Service. Phone 2-4511. 15 felt Si craft paper 11 35 3 tab 213 lb. roofing. Cheap Cedar Shingles S3, 15, 84 New iron roofing per aq. 10 Nam per keg. 18 93 Outside white paint, gal 4250 12-2 wire, roll at 4iC Garage doors, all ilrei. cheap Barb wire in rods $.1.05. 17 45 Ceiling tile 18"x32" 10c aq. ft. 4x8 plaster bd. tl 40. I 40. 1.83 no. 1 Asbestos tiding 113. 50sq New Water heaters, aril out. Caa aoil pip 75r ft. V galv. pipe 12c, 'i-ltc, l',-29c. l'i-3c. 0 500 gal. ateel sep. tanka 431.30 O 300 gal steel sep. tanks 119 50 0 InsuL loose Si roll blanket, cheap. 0 New bath tub complete S 59 93 O Tnileta with seats 2S 50 O Wash bas. with trim 419 5(1 O Iron, steel, stainless ateel sinks. Oak flrg. randem length Cheap O New window eashei, choice lino 0 Windows St frames, large stock 0 Mahg plywood 4x8, 13c iq. ft. O 1.00(1 doors, hardwood Si glass STRICTLY CASH U-HAUL CLOSED SUNDAYS AND MONDAYS C C, 4-5051 LONG A; SONS 1 MI. N. KEIZER PH i you oughta look seel Loaded with attractive paneling. knotty pine, clear & knotty cedar. VG hemlock and alder. (They're beautiful) See: Birrh, mahog., oak, walnut and oth era. all factory finished, for real "woodsy'' look! Plywood n' Plywood---any thick nesa 4x8 sheets or cut to your sire. FREE! Fig. 59 50 Siding 59 50. O. S. While Paint 2 50 gal. i Screen Doors (Spring lint 1171 4 95 & up No. 1 Mahog Drs. 5 25 up New load Blrcti uoon attractively priced. Cedar Boards Si Batten, Invert ed Boards Si Batten Gosh Juat come In brouie around we'll appreciate your visit. Houae Plani, free eitlmiting and delivery (Prompt. Tool. Remodeling - NOTHING DOWN MON1HS IU rI (No Red Tapei Sc or 15,000 sale will receive our utmost service wllh a imlle. STOP! SEE!! "Your Building Supply Friends" at Portlandw Road Lumber Yard 3543 Portland Road Ph. 4-4433 OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY mi ill 1 'Al'istiy aese-nhtedl All .lengths ind sres priced from 31 .05 lo 112 !5 Used mini cabinets and drawers 15 Si up 4' Florescent lites, 3 tube comp !0 Used It" conduit : 5c ft. Metal pull chain lites 15c ea. Used doors and windows, comp. with frames. 14.50 Si up Repect hardboard 41.75 iht. 4" drainage pip ..- 30c ft. Used lumber, No. 1 nd btr. 443 per M Special, 2x4 ahorta lc lineal ft. . S. RITTER & CO. 6740 Portland Rd Ph. 4-8311 4 Ml No, of Salem. Ml No. of Totem Pole on 99E Open All Day Sattirday 459 Do It Yourself U-Fix-It-Garaee Repair your awn car. Pkosi 4-USL tout N, Coml MATERIALS mm i s 450 Slrrcluindise 45t luildim Meteriel 0 4x i-ltL Birch Pie Sac ft 0 Full 1" X r" K. D Cedar Ranch Siding S1M44M O 4x1 Hardboard 41 Miht 4xS Sheetrock SI Mint 4xg 34-in. Service Pl . .J3ihl 4xS 11-ln. Service Ply SSMshL 4xS lS-ln. Service Ply . , , S3 4Siht "A" Grade Birch doors S7.T4 aa 0 "A" Grade Beech door SS S3 ea. O "A" Grade Mahog. doors 34 55 ea. 0 Iron Roofing . 110 54 aq Garag Door Hard ware 13 50 set 0 No charge for cutting Ply wood. 0 Free Deliver. Credit gladly OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY C & K LUMBER YD. Lancaster and Center Ph. Salem 1-1500 460 Musical Instruments FOR SALE: Crurienelli Italian accordion, like new. 4275. Ph 2-2195. 462 Sports Equipment CAMEBA l'x3U. Buach press-1 man. completely equipped. Ph. 3-J604. COMPLETE golf art. Spaulding Top-flite. 4 woods, Irons, nylon bag It bag boy cart. See at S40 S. 13th or call 4-3724. CASH paid tor used guns mod ern and antique Caarade Mere. 123 Broadway. 464 Bicycles TRICYCLES S.SS. 10 00. 14.00. Glen Woodry. 1403 N. Summer 3 SPEED 24'' boy ibikr like new, wrack, light, etc. 450 1040 N. 14th. Ph. 3-4504. 468 For Rent, Misc. rOR RENT or luae. iga ware house apace cement floor brick bldg.. downtown. In quire H L. Stiff Pure.. 3-4183 470 For Solo, Misc. vacuum cleaner Repossessed Eureka Cannister. Kt 80. I ike over contract for 1J5 per wk. Ph. 4-7102 (dealer). SOAP BOX Derby wheels It Ax lea, New. 10. Ph. 3491 Woodburn. USED TIRES TRUCK PASSENGER Lytle's lire Mart 2303 V. ComT Ph 14-4033 rYPFWRITERS a "aTn rnaT chine, cash registers dupli cators, desks chairs tilea tup nhei Rnrn't 45(1 Court 1-771 Pit Run Gravel TOP SOIL PH. 24310 WASHERS used, large selection", Inc. 1 Maytag at 113, easy terms. Master Service Sta tions. 345 N. Commercial. 30 FT- PAINTER falls 180 ft Manila rope, goose necks, 4 blki., complete, S25. 782 N. 3rd, Woodburn, afternoon It eve. CUT glaaa, antique dishes, tt organ, also desk picture frame. 2820 So. 12th. 470 For Sole, Misc. NEW garbage cans, lg , 4 89. Glen Woodry 1405 N. Summer. COMBINATION adding machine and cash register. 100 00 Glen Woodry, 1405 N. Summer. Ladders, buckets, hooks, frimed wire fruit dryers. 3-5172. TRAILER house rpfrigerator, 55 00 Glen Woodry, 1805 N Summer. Belsaw saw sharpener It knife grinder. Bench grinder, " H. elec. mtr. David-Bradley gar den tractor. Garden Sprayer. Knap-sak duster. Chick brood er. Power mower. Studio couch. Platform rocker. '40 Buick. Ph 4.2334. Top Soil Orchard Loam River Loam 2-1749 Prompt Delivery Keirer Sand & Gravel Co TOP SOIL Phone 2-1573. 2-4301 RECAPS 800-14 It 870-15 $8 93 ExchLytle'iJTirMirt. rich'top soil DEL. $125 A YARD PH.J-240? 26" BICYCLE, shallow well pump wtank tt connections Some itraw It gratn. 2-6:w8 FREEZER: Used. 22 ft. chest type, lots of storage, low price. New freereri very spcclil prices. 20 to 32 ru. ft No money down. S It H Green Stampl. Master Service Sta tions. 35 N. Commercial 3 NEARLY newf" S RVn7l 470x15 tubeless white side wall tires, less thin 1.000 mi. 1100. Ph. 3-4229. GOOD 14 ft. large trike, miac. ltemi. boat Si trailer, canning firs It Ph. 4-3188. BEV'S rummage, everyday 473 NotUgePh.4-7300. BUILDING. Sire laStlS' good construction, plywood ceiling, heavy shingle siding good floor, to be moved 8150. In quire 409 G. St. Independence. Oregon. 472 Wanted, Misc. WANTED eeveral thousand cordi of wood, all species Ph. 3-7721 Nights. 4-5631 474 Miscellaneous ADDING mschlne. ash regis Clary 1879 Fairgrounda 1-9373 DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 1-Hft SERVICE IN MOST CASES OR HARRY SEMLER. Dentist Adolph Rlrlg. Sta'e It Com'l Sta SALEM PH 3-3311 476 Fuel OREGON FUEL CO. OLD FIR LILLY PADS MULCHING SAWDUST S & H GREEN STAMPS 3-5533 , 3087 Broadway WANTED aeveral thou t and cordi of wood, all ipeciea. Pn. 1-7721 Nights 4-5431 Capitol Fuel Co. DRY SHAVINGS SAWDUST FOR MULCHING Planer Ends Choice slab and block mixed 1420 Broadway Ph. 3-7721 HIGHWAY FUEL CO SA W DUSTS: WOOD 3-44H ANDERSONS slahwood Ph S-774, 01 4-2HS4 Snrinff Special Mulch Sswdnst, Fertiliier Block It Matt Wood West Salem Fuel , 152S Edgtwater Ph. 1-4031 IBM 1WS 500 Fininc. 310 Menary to Loem For Cash HOLLYWOOD FINANCE CO. IMS Fairground Rd, (Hollywood District) HOME OWNED HOME OPERATED No Investigation' Fee. Free Puking Lot. Call 1-7032 COLONIAL Investment Co Real Kroperijr uoana contract Purchased. 447 Court 4-113. LOANS 30 00 te 1130 ft Buy What You Need Consolidate your bill. Finance fnrvjgh WILLAMETTE CREDIT COMPANY g 8 Church St Pn S S43T WE HAVE rash buyer tor red. estate contract and Xnd anarv gages uhmart 4. Cslaba. Realtors 477 Court St Phone 1-411 PRIVATE money te Ph. 2-4794. loan. Interest 125 to 12500 Pacific Industrial Loans IIS B. Liberty Ph. 4-xM 600 Employment 602 Help Wonted WANTED AT I' IN CORVALLIS, OREGON EXPERIENCED pantry help. either man or woman. Apple In person. Marlon Hotel. CAPITAL EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Phone 1-0834. 354 N Winter Adjoining Presbyterian church. I ree parking In rear Exclu sive listings en all type at employment. MAN or woman baker for small new shop. Give age. experi ence, aalary desired. Box lit, Statetman-Journal FRY rook wanted. State. The Spa, 381 COMMERCIAL Placement Agency Since 1S4I - Specialists In Office Placements 494 State J 411 Ore. Bldg.) 4-3.131 APPLICATIONS ara now being taken for Statesman bicycle route. Several route will ba open. Applicant! muat be ac companied by their parent or have their written permis sion Apply it the Circulation Department of tha Stateaman Joumal. 604 Help Wonted, Men CAT operator for yarding Ai road building If experienced will pay 13 00 an hr. Call Roseburg, Osborne S5364 after MAN wanted for counter work In cafeteria it vie restaurant Carving It cooking exp. help ful. Apply morn, at Oak Bar beque Pit. 195 S. High. Na ph. calls. OPEIIATOR-for-fait-growing I B.M. Installation, wiring exp. necessary. Must have luper visory potential, salary 4400 475. ADply Statesman-Journal Box 105 WANT several wood cutters Apply Capital Fuel Co.. 3904 N. River Rd. 606 Help Wonted, Lady WOMAN to assist seml-lnvilid nd do house work. Hn. 9 to 5 Sun. olf. Call 3-5849 after 6 p m. GIRL or-wrtman for child care A light housework. da week Ph. 3-3.120. WANTED: experienced beauty operator, good guarantee. 90 It 40' i commission. Box 117 Statesman Journal EXP waitresses St carhops at Mickey's Drive-In. 405 Wallace Rd. COUNTERifountaln girl. exp. preferred, nite work. 450 N. II i gh BABY Sitter living NE for oc casional late p m. It eve. Pre fer older girl or lady. Apply 1 285 N, 23rd St. NEED woman to help raise 4 girla. Age not over 35 yri. Room, boird It wagea, no emoking. Ph. 2-4614 after 4 p.m. 608 Pickers Wonted ANDRESEN Farm now regis tering stnwberrv plckeri. 34 A Marshalls 4990 N. Lancas ter. Ph. 4-2943. STRAWBERRY Pickers wanted: start Thuraday. May 31st. N.West berries. 1 block West of Keizer SchL Ph. 2-0457. WANTED: Strawberry Plckeri. 45 A. Northwest berrlea. Good crop, clean field, trana. fur nished. Reg. at 201 S. High SL Ph. 3-9203 Eves. 3-3284. STRAWBERRY PICKERS Start Friday. June 8th. 19 A. irrigated Northweat berries. Stanley Sneed. Rt. 1. Box 73 Brooks, located 1 mile N. of Brooks, on Htway 9S. Ph. 2-3148 after 4 p.m. (4 A. at former location 2520 Bloosom Dr.) S lexers warned, rchard Heights R. E. Gannon, Rd. Ph. 4-4034 or 4-4041. STRAWBERRY pickers wanted; Starting about June S. Beans Jater. Prey t Glrod Ph. 4-1954 PICKERS wanted: 20 A. North west Berries Si 20 A. pnl beans. Iransportatlon. Ph. 2-3293. W. L. Summers Jr.. Rt. 2. Box 517, Silverton Rd PICKERSwsnted30 A N 1 w". berries Picking starts Mon 11th. Rut Rte ; 4-Cnrnen, State St, 12th, Com'l Si Mis sion. 4-7087. WANT Strawberry picked Mirl anne Agaltnff Rte. 3. Box 158. Croiian Creek Dr. 4-2047.