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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (June 12, 1956)
White House Office Moves To President ' 1"" Onetime Jazzdom Great Dies at Hospital's Door KANSAS CITY I Frank ! Whitemaa orchestra gave in that Trumbauer, 55, once considered period. one of jandom'i outstanding sax-! Tnimbaoer Bved in St. Louis as ophonista, collapsed and died in- a boy. He entered professional side a hospital door Monday night, music in 1921- and his first big Trumbauer became ill en route job was with the Ray Miller orch hnmc from work and had gone estra. He had his own orchestra to St. Mary's Hospital for relief, before Joining Whiteman, and lat- Trumhauer achieved 'fame- dur- er formed another group. Ing nine years with the Paul He also played with Benny Whiteman orchestra, which he Goodman. Artie Shaw, Jimmy Joined in 1927. He was featured in Doraey, Tommy Dorsey. Jack the Carnegie Hall concerts the Teagarden, Bix Biederbecke and 1 Trumbauer played for the major recording companies and was fea tured as soloist with several sym phony orchestras. His last professional appearance w.n in Msrch 1540 in Cincinnati. During World War II Trum bauer was a tct pilot at the North American BI5 plant here. Then he jninei the Civil Aero nautic Authority as chief clerk ' for its seieral aviation branch in ! WASHINGTON OP An impro- this region. vised office was set up at Walter Heed Mondav. ") feet from President Eisenhower's T!. . .., 1. ronm tiiicrs nave Press secretary James C Hag erty sail the temporary headquar ters will be used bv White House staff members as Eisenhower in creases his' work load. The fairly large room contains to typewriter desks for secre-j VANCOUVER, B. C. ( The tarial work, one hospital telephone ( wfnt crazy jn British and three telephones connected di- Columbia Mondav. reetly to the White House. There I The Eraser, River dropped a are also two sofas and three or foot, to 2134 at Mission, B. C, 45 four chairs. !miles Mst of here. At Prince One of the President's aids mav George. 430 miles to the north, it he installed for the duration of rose four inches, the President's stay nos'ibly , Both the Columbia and Kootenay close to another two weeks, Hag-1 Rivers have receded at southeast erty said. :ern B. C. danger points but both Sherman Adams, the chief as-' showed increases elsewhere. The slstant to the President, arrived Columbia rose at Revelstoke and Monday morning with other staff the Kootenay climbed at Ward members and arm loads of sta- ner. tionery supplies. The Columbia drop was three Adams said the temporary of-'Inches in i4 hours at Trail, but it fice would be manned continuouv Jumped more than two feet at ,on airports were designated by ly to "maintain communications i Revelstoke. . . ! the Civil Aeronautics Administra- between the White House and The Kootenay dropped sut ,ion Mond , rffejvf ,92.735 Ward 8." the President's suite. inches to 22 58 feet at Creston. ln w , n id pro. y-i.i s i 1 1 : a tt I. u liHa .nilki. iumw wet A diipinir ' With and Without the Cap, Who Can Tell i Ups, Do tens In Northwest -. -f-.i . - - - . " - . i J . ' '.V I ' .f-..:-V , I i -v.? ' I i,- .V . " . - ..- . i I . .'? .:.. ft ! Demo'Solons i- Say Illness Raises Doubt WASHINGTON t - Two West era Democratic Congressmen said Monday President Eisenhower's illness "wiO create a misgiving ia the minds of the American peo ple as to his rapacity "ta carry oa this man-killing Jok." Rep. Don Maenuson ID-Wash) and Rep. Lee Metcalf (D-Mont). peaking at a woman's national Democratic club luncheon, agreed Eisenhower's decision ta stand for re-elect ioa has beea nullified by the latest development in his Health, an intestinal operation. Interviewed by Wives The two Congressmen were in terviewed by their wives. The wives led off with a question they said is foremost today: "What ef fect will the President's latest ill- 'nesa have on the election?'" The legislators commented that "pressures on the President ta run for re-election are tremendous understandably since he is the nly hope of the Republicans for retaining the Presidency "He win have to make an agon- iiing reappraisal' as a result of this latset attack on hn health, said Metcalf. A for the political issues in the WASHINGTON With his paeklsh smile. Key. Bale Bafts tsU well be year owa frttadty cab driver. Aai West, the two Congressmen said posed la froal of ths Capital, with a slightly vergrowa haircat, Wilfred A. Bergerea at New Orleans, I they are the farm crisis, power La., might have a "Rep.' la front of bis awnirker. This bit of fan came today whea S3 cabbies from and resources development r t f.: 0 Stafpsman, Salon, Ore., Tue, Juise 12, 58 (Sec II13 MOMMY ly THf MOSSUKS -ail Ikfc. Yipe! Fresh brownies or better than radar for locating you characters!" New York Closing Stocks fttooiiad fey " ' Sfcrnll Drntu. rnn. Fft Stock Market , Bounces Back NEW YORX ID The stack market Monday regained nord thaa two-thirds W the severe J'V bUUoa dollar loss suffered rriday; aa news af President Eisenhow er's Ulnesa. The excellent showing of th" market waa very much like tha improvement ia the President's condition which was described as "etceUent." . , The Associated Press avers ta af M sticks Friday drooped S3 OoS sharpest decline ia right months while Monday tha average re gained IS M. With the AP aver? age ap 8.a at $m., the bV dustrial component advaneedT, M 3a. railroads were im $1 as. and atilitiea were ahead 31 cents. Tha market want verv broad with t.ia individual issues t-aded of which 7X7 were higher and lower with I aew hi "ha for tha year and SI aew lour. V olume came ta IMO.Ma shares as compared with l.UO.aoa shares traded rriday. y . , Stocks and Bond " Ompt'ed fer The Awc1ted tm ' -j , Aamiru tot p . . i, i i . ut Li i i i . . . . i -Ul.. n 1.11 ' - nnj trciiMn w m cmu7 iwirm n "wi wim im m himwh mic, nmna irTTii cm- iKmiaug' inc nrpuoiican give- Allied sir test. (AP Wlrrpbsto) Airport Aid Granted Four Oregon Fields WASHINGTON 'I - Four Ore- Other White House work goes , where sandbags were used during ; . .1 n I - .. . Ik. to nlun Knil in I on three lloors below in lour rooms taken over by Hagerty's staff and approximately 75 re porters, cameramen, and radio and television technicians. Fire dimes Martha Raye From Home ... the weekend to plug a boil in a dike protecting 27,000 acres of farmland. However, farther upstream, at Wardner, the rise was more than a foot to 1.47. On the coast, the Squamish and Mamquam rivers each dropped nearly two feet. A huge tide swelling at the Eraser's mouth brought the year's greatest flood thrent to the Fraser valley overnight Sunday Rep. Green (D-Ore) was advised that 1877,430 will go to the Port land airport; 122,392 to the Cor- vallis municipal airport for a water tank, well and pump; $15, 493 to the Mahlon Sweet airport, Eugene, for land, rights of way and relocation of road and fence: and 111.420 to the North Bend municipal airport for a fence. The CAA said 368 airport im Safe-Driving Cabbies Say Watch Bumper Rider, Lane Jumper awavs. Alum Chmm I Alcoa HN McKay Pmlirles j Aluminum Ltd Metcalf said a primary issue In ,r"IW . Am can mmtunurrtm-poiic n Am Cvin By ARTHUR EPSON AP Newsfeatures Writer WASHINGTON UP - Thirty-three of the nation's safest taxicab dri vers arrived here Monday with a bit of advice for all drivers: Take it easy, Mack. Jumping lanes, speeding and bumper riding in city traffic not only is unsafe, but a more relaxed approach will get you there just as quickly. The 33 were winners in I nation wide contest, sponsored by the said, "I can concentrate on dri ving " "Before I started driving. Bur lew said musingly, "I figured a cab driver was the scum of tha earth. I guess most people still do." What had he done before he be gan hacking? "Drove a dump truck," ht said. All three said they like hacking fine. "It's a brain sharpener," Michael Montana will be the fact Repub- " J1"1"" - - licans have slowed down develop-1 J T I Z ment under the policies of the Am Tobmcco JZ President and of former Serre-j cvr - tary of the Interior Douglas Mc- Armco Z Kay. lArTur t Magnuson pointed to the Senate ' JvcVZl , Z race between Sen. Morse iR-Ore) ' and McKay who resigned as sec-;Brndix avu retary to make the Republican 5'!i l?fu i Bin bu race agnpsi Morse. Boeini Air Sen. Morse oersonifies the fioht 1 Bornn Bucyrus - Burro Adding . C Calif Psek Cimpb Soup Can Pae Ry Cat ) t Catarp Trac Ctlantat Celotx . 'a 1111. s't ' II4' t - . . 3', . 1 1 S'i ITS', TS" 3S", .. 71'., .... SJ, SI 'a .....187 - i tented home life. He and his wife, . l line. I n,.rv. h. Without any such worries," he f , r.,r C " .. I .7 tV-i.j for all the people of the United States," be said. "McKay person ifies the give-away policy." Plymouth people. And in a ques- provemcnt projects in the country ; tionnaire asking them what drivers r.p.oi.t ,'.., .i it,, i nnn will ci4 a share of more than thev fear the worst, thev werl ul- I rc Du'ch settlement near Pitt million dollars in federal aid for most unanimous in rndemn'n'! the a"w meelipj so many of them ever. . ' ' .1 r- i . , ,- I 1 .. . :1 1 . I. - i 1 l 0Mk. VA It, kn. I. 1. 11 . ..w ITNION RANKS TALLIED . NEW YORK un - The national bureau of economic research sayt New York has more union mem bers than any other state. The state, with its 2.051.800 union members, ranks only 15th in ner' Meadows. Crtalntd Clwa fc O Ht ... Chi M at P.... Chi NW R Chi 1 Is Rr Chrysler centae of orsanired industrial !! t.Y... said. "You learn to size up people and white collar workers, how- ciufti Pra Lora I fi SO'. SI', !', SS, 4 . 441, ,, .... SS'I, JS, SIH U'i 74', IS1, 4IT, .... JS'i S0, 19'., .... 74 .. M't Palrrhlld . . rilntkoM . form Motor SJH Gen Dynamic SS'k Gn r.le I. SS', Cn Foods ii 1 ii 1 1 Otn Motors 4.1 H Can Tli SI' Geo Pae Ply SS', Olllatl ', Glldrtn aS'i Goodrich 7J Goodvrar tt Grace W R 4't Grt No Rv , 41', CM Woat Sua !'. Grtyhound IS', Gulf Oil CeU . Phvlpa-Dodis . Phtkro Cor PhU Morris Phil Patrol Pillabury Proe 4k Gam Put Sd P 4i L . Pur Oil . Radl Cory Raymltr In Rtpua It! Raynolda M4 Reynolds Tom nichflala O . , 4'k Homoatmkai M I lnt Harvamt . Int Nlcktl Inl Paper . . J Johns-Mana . iona tMltl. a Xalsar Alum 4S.( KaniMeett IM Kara Land - S; JM4 SS', . 1'" .IM'a 4H 44 Ubby McN List Myars LOT Cla ernments will match the federal aid dollar-for-dollar. Tltree Admit Stealing of Secret Papers WKSTPORT. Conn. Actress Marthir Rsye. her 13-yrar-old fi , daughter. Melody, and two serv- wraClUa tlOll snts escaped unharmed irnm Mis? i Raye's home here esrly Mondsyj when fire tbroke out in . her first floor bedroom. Fire Chief Harold I Shippey said the blaze apparently was caused by a lighted cigarette. He estimated the damage at tl.oon. The fire was brought under con trol quickly with the removal of a smoldering mattress from Miss Rave's bedroom. The first policeman to arrive at I were bit la.te ttin in,n, the scene was Patrolman Robert i T? JTJJ:': ? 'iL' O Shea. chief figure m a W 000 1 Mnff bahy Qok Hiifrmi mn in hi i-vumi nun i in u ,. a . - - o gainst Miss R" h.v his wife,;v"r 'f?'amn HmeniH.M ; busine"m'n Monday PMdcd Barbara Ann GPV Vv 'nril 29 ,hPlr off-camPU5 "Partment right RuiUv lo conspjracy charges in a-,. w.:-.'" ... ,im,n I nt'..i ..... ... j tJ I thpft of "ftl government v u . --. j namiMu ia iiiuy live udys uiu, Robert Skinner, who escorted Mel- gnd 20-ycar-old Cheryl Horton just ody from her second floor bed-g0t home from the hospital with room. O Shea and Skinner were on i him Sunday. But she was deter Shore Rosd patrol, and returned j mined to get her diploma-with lo their assignments shortly after ; magna cum laude citation with Complicated By Homework S RATTLE W- Graduation from Seattle Pacific College was a hec tic affair for an Oregon couple Monday. Mr;- and Mrs. James Y. Horton the fiscal vfar starlinc Julv 1. lane iumDer. the hurrv but and each-year. It's hart' to tell a cab The allocations are part of e bumper rioer. drivrr lie. I cm. fienirc out thai Iw VtrRtlllflll TVimU'for-.irnnri mn.' Thev should know what thev're ! moment I see a man whether he's "I chilli-Lai l I I lis is suns -j-ui piujvvt, sin an yn vuir - " m t a- structlon and improvement, t h e talking about. Collectively, they M give me tip. Ura.d ...h nrr.m ih. . I have Dut in 134 vears. and M mil- au tn tooled some tion s history. State and local gov- 1'b mUes, without an accident. Alter stepping ai ine wnue House other police arrived. Privacy From Cameras Asked for Ike her classmates. Horton. 22. is from Molalla. Ore. Mrs. Horton is from Milwaukie. Horton plans to start graduate theological studies at Southern Methodist University next fall. to talk with Howard Pyle, a presi dential assistant who Is particular ly interested In safety, they went to the capitot to meet Vice Presi dent Nixon. . In an effort to get the lowdown on the latest in safe driving, your reporter tagged along, climbing into a cab with Mike Michael of Lowell,' Mass.; Joe Zikuski of Binghamton, NY. and Sam Bur lew of Topeka, Kan. NEWARK, N. J. An Army . Michael, a short bright eyed man sergeant and two East Orange in a checkered cap, was saying: Drivers fall into two classes, of fensive and defensive. The offen sive driver is forever trying to edge ahead of the other guy. This fellow here," he said, nodding at the Washington driver, Paul Com edy, "is a defensive driver. You can tell just by looking at him and his cab. Not a bump- on it." Comedy grinned. "I don't argue much with anybody." he said. "If a feller wants an intersec tion worse than I do," Burlew said. get fooled sometimes." Zi kuski said. Here the police escort fouled up. and we were caught in the middle of an intersection. Comedy, who previously had not had much to say. looked at all the people who were looking as if cab drivers were the scum of the earth. "Boy." he said, "we're off to a rough start for a bunch of safe drivers. Everbody remained relaxed and with fine defensive driving we arrived at the capitol okay, with out a bump in the car. (Zllka. Smllhar 4, Co. Inc.) document. Asst. U. S. Atly. Gen. William F. Tompkins said the document contained a directory of "all the U. S. Air Force bases and organ isations throughout the world." Sydeney M. Stern, 39. Seymour S. Hindman. 39. both of East Or ange, and Sgt. Harold E. Brill, 28 stationed at the Rrooklvn Armv terminal, entered cuiltv Dleas be- I let him have It. ! fnre Federal .InHpe Alfred F. -Mo- Zikuski has a theory that one The Hortons were acquainted in aJarc-lli No date for sentencing wav 10 contented driving is a con- Oregon but their romance nidn 1 1 wa, gjvfn bv ,he court M8XjmUm blossom until they came to col-1 penalty on the c harges of conspir lege. They were married last sum- ini to ,tpa and , WASHINGTON (1 - The White House requested photographers T)I-1-t'ii c ( iff Mono'ay to retrain from setting up Ut IU1 I"' TT llv long-lens cameras on the Walter ' , - -Reed hospital grounds to snap pic-1 I iirpf tfl hires of President Eisenhower , I AY CI I through the window of his room. r fT'l fa 9 "I think the American people Jril 1 llCltS would agree," said press secre- O tary James C. Hagerty. that the President is entitled to that much consideration " Snleni Obituaries OSSINING, N. Y. cialite wife of an goon was arrested Monday on a 1 the Presidents Window would prfscription banks to obtain nar-1 Bangkok.; slap-son. Waller J. on mean mat ne must eep ma t i t hcr addlction shades drawn, depriving him of . .. daylight and the view of the No. ISSao FINAL NOT1CI Notice is hereby e"tven that the ment is five years imprisonment ' ",1f" run' " tutrnf " , . ICarthy. the executor of the Estate and $10,000 fine. No espionage of d. P. MacCarthy, deceased, has Charges were involved. been filed In the Circuit Court of tne srate or ureaon lor Marlon Countv. and that Wcdnerisy. Julv 11 lftSS. at the hour of S IS o'clock a.m in the court room of this court, in the County Court House at Salem. Oregon, has been duly apoointed by such court as the time and place for the hearira of objections to such final account and the settlement thereof, at whirh time anv nerson In terested ln surh estate mav annear and file oblc-tlons thereto in wrttlnf and contest the same. Dated thi t?th dav of Jure mus EUGENE D MacCARTHV. Executor fyf the Estate of D P MscCsrthy, Deceased. t L CRAWrORD Attorney for Estate .110 Livesley Bldf Fred Paulsen. Milwaukie. Mrs. j irn. oreeon or puoiicBTion: June 17 lt, 21. July .1.10. -i,.i. r.u. a. ' .Ttl S""i la:e resident of Spokane. Wash. Ossimng Sur-1 Friday. June 8th. al a Spokane Hospital. Survived by son. Charles 4 H MEET NEAR WASHINGTON IB - Some 200 4-H Club members chosen from more than two million for achieve ments in citizenship and projects. will attend the week-long national 4-H Club camp opening here Wed nesday. A review of the 3rd in fantry regiment from Fort Myer, Va., next Sunday highlights the event. Bid Asked Affiliated fund S07 SS7 Canadian Fund 1114 SO?) Century Shares Trust . 23. OS 14 S Chemical Fund . .:. II SS ' IS S3 Delaware Fund ISM 11. SS Diver. Invest. Fund S17 10.IS Dividend Shares 171 3. OS Eaton H. Bal. Fund . U0S 1111 Gas. Ind. 13 M 1S.11 Group Tobacco 4.11 4.(4 lncorp. Investors , 53 10.30 Key Cust. Funds: B-S IS. Iff Bt.14 -4 . ...l.S0 II W .. k-i .' ia 4i 8-1 12 II 13 J8 S-4 1011 1111 Man. Bond Fund ... I OS S S3 Mass. Invest. Trust 34 14 M II Natl. 8c. Sarlea: Income Serlea Ill SS Stock .Serlea .. S 40 II Pref. Stock 8 I7S S.S4 Natl. Dlv. Series ' 4 7(1 8 14 NaU. Growth 8 US SSI Pioneer Fund 13SA 14.17 Tel -Eler. Fund . II 51 12 94 Value t.ina Inr. Fund im 8 55 Welliniton Fund 13.47 14 88 Western Securities Com Creeit Corr.w Fd'-on Cons Edison .. . Container . ... Conl Can Cont Oil Crane Co Crown Zell ... Curtiaa Wr .... Deere eV Co Dla Match ... Dou Air Salem Quotations (As of lata yesterday) BUTTIBFA Premium No 1 BUTTER Wholesale Retail .11 aoo(-(Brimn (Wholesale prices rinse from I ta l cents over ouylni pries I Woodfirld of Corvallls: tisters. Mrs. Clarence Barinaer, Corvallls. Mrs J. C. Barkman. Milwaukie. Ore., Mrs Mrs. Helen Reilly. 48, mother of r: .u:il... ..... at k grounds. Or would compel him to ! , ... ,,' . A ! Arthur Kraut. Aurora, Ore.. Mrs keep away from the Window SS he I """" - '" ': ; Ann. Rover Detroit. Mich: broth, r ' . . . ii I narcotics agents. er. Kenneth Feller, Canhv. Ore; one begins to move about more freely. , . , d j .u . n( sranddaushter. Mls Linda Feller. 'I think it ia a fair reanest " 1 . . ." , , j , . i Corvallls. Services will he held Wed- I minK it is a lair request , lvlniallon 0f federal narcotics laws1 n(,.dav. jnc nth. at i w Pm m Hagerty said, that lor a while all ,.iH ftruscrist .losenh 1 the Chanel of me c louuh-Barrirk . 4 ..... ... 1.. .Ann, ' " . V. ...... I Un,. yim w ,n u,. .u..H-.a.iKt , Napnlt. his assistant. .lames II cameras on the grounds Trouss. and Preuss' wife. Police said the case came CIH RCII MEET DI E F.IIGF.NF W Members from (ion of a purported burglary of Florence Adelaide iiardim all parts of the country will gather Napnli's drugstore Authorities I At a siivertnn hospital June in t t .... ti m .l .f u. k,...1.. ..... .(nn.t K late resident of Mtillno. Ore. Sin- nere lunimi .... in.- v.. ...i. ... ........ uuIK.a.j "'" .Vllr, bv Mrs Nettie SUn-, Count tne nrcinren i-i.nicrt'iKe, u.r inni i iu.n.i. ... nin u" mrnrf. ... to he held in Oregon. transactions with Mrs. Reilly. NOTICE nr FINAL ACCOUNT Fstste af Andrew Overland (No. 1814) In the rirrnit Court nf thr Stat. Funeral Home Hfv Ren Owen will i nf o-enn for the Cnurtv of Mar offtriale. Interment in Belcrest Me- ! n Probate ncartment ' morinl Park. Ritualistic services will n ts,. Mnticr of th. Fstte nf An. be held bv the Dun.ild lodge No. drfw ovrrlnril. Notl-e Is herehv i;nki A,.r. . ov.u..A i, otioo. i " i elven thr-t I" tlnOcrsl-ne' as Rockefeller Weds in Ouiet Contrast to 1st Marriage ninitrator nf the estate n' nHr"s Ovc-land. rinffsRfrt b-s fil.c5 Ms flnpl an-oimt In the t' Cert C' St" nf O-rrr,,., fn- --. n. and that Tucsdv. the lfrth turf, forvalli'.. and Mrs Lillian Oaks. ' dev of Julv mss. at the hour of Turner: arnndsons. Nathaniel Kamm-IS:3tl o'clock in the forenoon nf spid Icr. and Hrflnald G. Kammler. both i dav and the court room of said cou-t of Salem: and four great-frandchll-' has been annnlnted bv selrT court as dren Funeral services will be held ' the time and olace for the hear'oe Wednesday. June 13. at 10 am. at! of nht tionr thereto and tha aettle the Chapel nf the Cloush-Barrick rnent ' thereof Funeral Home, the Rev Wayne . rt'ted and first published June 1? Greene officiating Interment at ipsa Brcoks Pioneer Cemetery. ri.te of last ruihllialion Jv 10 : 19M Edith Lam Kelly , CHAIl FS OVERLAND At a Salem hospital June Late Ali.Hjni".,r.,' resident of Warrenton Ore Survived E J HANf.rntlU Attorney Larae A Medium A Small POULTBI Colored Hens Leghorn Hens . Colored Fryers Colored Roasters Old Boosters .34 usiug s. 'sr. Dow Chem Si J du r am nt aw last Air LI Fjist Kodak El Paao Gaa Enter Radio ....... Ex Cello Lockhmed Air Loew's Inc , Lons BU A UrllUra . M Ma(mn-as Varsh Tleld M St M Wood Merck A- Co ait', nrt Chem lis stent vr,ra 4 8-'. 1 Motorola '7', 40H t Nnl Ptrut . . "all Cash Ret .... S-atl rjrv Sfatl niatill ... Natl Gypsum, .'. nail I ead Natl Simply . NV C.ntral No Am A via . Nft Pa Bv NW Airline O Olin Math Otis Blcv P Pabeo Pae O PJ Pae T It T Pan Am Air Panne" J C - 1SH .. 7i, -tl'k -. is .... ias. SS'', . 80 .. sta ..111 ... Ml, ... SS SI, .. SS'i 74S; 48' 07'. , S0i S"s "s 7- I Ssaj . man . SMJ . . 87 . San . 1S' SIS Royal Dutch . IS - Safeway Rtra , I at Jom Lead 4 Bt L aV Sf By. t St Rttti Paper 1 Bchmnley Iivi . I Scott Paptf - S sears Bo 3 Srtmll OU . I Sinclair Oil s Sktiity oil 8 Socony-Mob 1 Sou CaJ EdT. , I Sou Pac ay I Sou By ..... ..llj'fr1 perry nana sst Bid Brand , Std Oil Cal 101". Bid ou ina U's sta uu m si Studa-Pack I Sunny Oil -,i ISt Bunshtn M a Swift . Co , 44i Sylvmnia CI 4' .. SOU .140", 1S . SI Texms Cm , Texma GuU Textron Tirte-Arao Transa. Trans W Air T en cn Pes -' V Union Carb Union Oil ..... Union Pac By urn Airern I'n Air Una Uni Corm Vnl Prull US Phrwomd V8 Bubbmr US Steal . w - Wartver Pie .. .. . Wash Water P WasK Air Br Waatmrn Air ... Wmatmrn Wee . Western Vnion Wmnhvnrth B unm U . . BO ATI BAG SS . ss is ia is.;. Kails Indus Vtlf Pen N4 Chmrujm .. . A.I Unch D I A . Monday Sol MS 4S S)-' Pmrimsa day . MS MS MS Kt . Weak c S4S MS IMS S3 1 . Month Aga M T SS I (S t Ktf ; rear a am ...... tarn aa s : sn a vr, ism Hiah sal n sss sl I8 Low 4 1 SSt S41 ajf. ' las Hir. Ml Ml lo. "l IMS LOW M.I '" M.I. M S ' S4S " STOCK AVIBAOBS SS IS IS M lndust Balls Utll Btka Nat Chsnam .. A4 J All A S All , Monday ... SMI 1SS I Ttl 17 . Ptmv. day IS7 I Tt I 177.1 Week mgo ..SMS I4ST MS ITS I-' Month Mi l 14S1 Tf l 188 7 ; Year Mm ,. t-ll.t ISS 4 TJI 1781 1M Hi(h . .. Tit IS9I TSI lli is Lsnr-Erfaaa- issa- sis ni.s-- ism Kih -. 1SSS Low ,1971 141 4 lull 1141 TST MIS nj mi Markets at Glance NW YOBK (API ' Stocks Htfhar; rmctrvery rontjnuts. Bona SMany: cnant narrow. Cotton Irrmiulmr: amdatna aa4 BataV. matlon. . ,, ... ... i - C1UCJAOO: , Wheat Weak: badiinj armmsur . Cora Old crop easy, sew aSaady. Omtm ainni aoea eras) Irisss .. Soyhmai Firm; am pact mji aU Horm tady (a a emnts dowm; taf susa. 4r ' ri'. C",' . , ITS', auai. -S's ss .. BM, 4S", 48', 141. I M'V Z e-s l9'k - n: - a... . 3jHSuw juurs rsvcraigca) NPW VOBK JAP) r"JiMf.'. sto-k eve -ages: . rrorKS: v rtish tw , Oasf' al.duv -4airi 47SU 44i. M Bail ... 184 M lM IN Si's is tun. ss m asa m m at storks m a na.4a itim. M'isiUnith Portland Markets Portland Produce PORTLAND UP. - Butterfaf entative, subject te ImmHiate I Zllka. Smlther It Co. Inc.) These bid and ask quotations rep resent prices at which on or mere dealers, member of the National As sociation of Security Dealers Inc., would trade with the general public at th time the quotations were lathered at S p.m. yesterdsv: Bid Aaked Calif -Oreaon Power Cascade Plywood 3H. 4i. Conaol. Freight 15'a Iron Fireman Il'a Jantzen Inc. Com 11 Meier & Frnk IS", Morrlson-Knudsen 41 , Ore -Port. Cement .T' Pac. P. fc L. Com. IV. Pop A Talbot M4 Portland Gas Si Cok J0' JO Port. Cen. Elc. 21 .23 BANKS Bank of America . tfl . .1 Bank of California . 74 .11 Chs. Manhattan 4711 .. 0 1 First National 41 M First Nat. City NY 81', ... 11 'U. S. National 73 33-e 3S' 17 14, 14 18', 43 SS", 31 33 24 Portland Livestock Wheat Prices Drop 2 Cents CHICAGO I Rapid wjB--t sloa of the wheat harvest la tha ; Southwest tent bread iraln prices ' jituldowa around 1 cents aa the board Tof trade Monday, '. J ; , Wheat closed H-M lowef, cori-; lower lo higher, oats Vi--' higher, rye, H-m., higher, , soy-, beans H I 4 higher and lard 1 cents lower to 7 cents a hundred pounds higher.' ',, L' t'c 5, . salable i.000; trade oa ahusW'hM'0 t,rain steers, heifers now ictlve with all buying interests rather aggressive ljuTyHtAT ind trend on both classes strong-; September cubes to wholesalers-Grade AA, ! mostly SO higher compared with! March 92 score. M'4: A grade. K score, i lata last week, or around iTOi up!,"RN m: B grade 90 score 57; C gride from Ust Monday; cowl oneven, I smowmhe Cheese To whnlesa ers Oregon . , , , . i "VT?.- slnsles. 4148 lb; Oregon Mb loaf, "pmor on cW fed cow ; kg" 434-50. bulls firm-SO higher; Choice ! September Egs-To wholesalerandled tMnZZ"?. fo.b. Portland. A laree. 42-444: ! wf-a. "i.1?? ."A2?.75 'P''. by A medium. JIM04; A small, 27-" ered in Portland, mi lb; first quality 57-00; second quality S2-S5. Butter-Wholesale, fob. bulk included at 13.00; good-low choice , v steers 19.00-20.50; scattered VT,.4- ai " -r" March : . ; j ' ,ia""'a is so-is so; one lot mixed December .arch SOYBEANS July , September November Januiry Opta 107'H I lO'a-SS1! 1 14-1, 111 I M4-'8 lV, 143',-', S'a SS'.. 84t, H'm . 1.11 . I SS in lis - 1 13-14 til tSV,-ST 5 80', IS4 , Ctasa .13l,. t 14',-? i-ank IS" ry, .4"s-t. l44t-4 . i - ti. -4 1 'a 1 I HVV: I 741!-', " : 1 58-4k Sl'a-'.i ' t.4uj SI'S 11 i large. 49; A large. 44; AA medium uliity . lUBdard HoUtein steers 42; A medium. 42: K small, 31. 18.oo: around load and half aver- Cartons, 2-J cents additional. , cnoice goj lb 75 ( Eggs To consumers-AA large, small lots good-low choice heifen ' M,,TB iM-as; a large, si-se: aa meaium. is. jo 19.50; standard grades 15.50- a"! j I..,L 47-52; A medium, 46-51; A; few utility 12.00-15 00; small ! tJllcrg UVCIOft V,SH- packages Commercial cows lI S0-i rt,,rAr.o iapI .tlsnAi - Boas Live poultry No. 1 duality. " -SO: one lot 14.50; utility grades atdy to a hither; mixed fob. Portland Fryers. 2'i-5 lbs. 9 20-12.O0: canners and cutters 7 00-1 f . ' 'f?, hullr a1as AA n. ,,l,lilM I osKiiri, - , - 4's DAILY CROSSWORD ACItOSl 2. Spoktn 21. Msrksd 1. Coins (Peru) exsmlnstlon with 5. One of S. To msk small Israeli law spot! gresteit 4. A Stump 32. Unrx. kings (Bib ) 5. Portion of pect 9. Basque-like a curved lint tdly cap 6. Gxclsma- 23. Half 10. More tion (mi infrequent 7. Mscaws 25. Pinch 12. Insect in iBrsi.) 27. Com Imsl itsg 8. To confuse I Jap) tiool.) 9. Offer 30. Amert- 13. Irritate 11. Rests can 14. An offense 15. Apex Indian irinst law 18. Enemy S4. Pain. tScoti Law) 19. Airtight ful 16. To takt compart- Invol. supper menu used un- 17. LiRht fnr destroy. Ury rowboat Ing imect muscle HAYDEN LAKE. Idaho - i groom's marriage Feb. 14. im Winthrop Rockefeller took his to the former Barbara iSoboliby husband. Georse w Kelly, war- 'ii? Eouitsbie Bide second wife Monday with none of j Sears, dauehter of a coal miner. I renton. ore.: two daughters. Mrs r""'", the fanfare that surrounded his! The we-rini! to Bobo climaxed ; 3j'h K.nfi MrT"" a Xtier ill-fated Cinderella marriage tola Cinderella romance between a Warrenton. Ore: a son. Ceorse H. Bobo Rockefeller. grandson of the late Croesus, JJjyjjj wrTnton,',Or "brouie'r The new bride is Jeanette Ed- John D. Rockefeller, snd the i Ham. A. Lewis, rairbauit. Minn.; ris, 37, daughter of William Ed-1 blonde charmer from a walkup ! "d nine rrandchiidren shipment ris. a Seattle financier. Her name i flat on Third Ave. v? C, AJZS?-trA&. has been linked with Rockefeller's Rockefeller and Bobo had a 1 tion of the Virn T. Golden Co. of late by columnists. It is her son Sent. 17. 1948. but bv 19.V) . fourth marriage. their marria-e was rrum.blinff. r sh""'1' A small group of friends snd, and talk of divorce was in the . J; 3?? Su'I members of her fsmilv attended air. vised bv wife, s.iiv shattuck of Sa lh. ..r,mn, l-riec fsthor'a sum. A hitlor financial wr.innlo ond. ' Inn Da.'Shter Miss Christine Shat ... . , . .... , . . . . 1 turk. Son mer home nere. Alter a noney- ei in i-.m vnen rsort naccentea a s.-iem. Mother. Mr moon, the couple will live at Rockefeller's Morrilton, Ark., model cattle farm. The bride's at tendant was her daughter by a previous marriage, Anne Bartlry, of New York. The wedding was in quiet con trast to the 44-year-old bride- noticf to raeDiToas Notice is hereby alven that th underaipnert has been appointed exe- j cutritt of the Eatate of Ottnean Mc-1 Lean, de-e'sed. bv the Circuit Court j of th S'ste of Oreeon for Marlon County sittine In Probate, and ahe ta i oi.ellfied ss such executrix: sll per sons bvne cl-iirrs aeslrtst the Es- ! t-te o fte-pent are be-eM- reo.trc1 I nrr-sr. t-" srpe. dul'- vrif'". , e 'r-uirr'S b- la" t" t'.c ,-'r. ; .pri. . f'7 Ore-on R.t-ttn". : cr'c Cr -nr M tti-t- to-41-. r. t.r -.. nf fe flrct P,.K1... Dnnv Shatl'Tk. both of , pf .! r.MI-e IS. r.,Pr) in cjn,, Orcpon and f"- t Irene Shattuck York to Arkansas in 19.13. Miss Edris previously was married to Nathan R. Barraear. Bruce Bart Icy and Donald N. McDonnell. Fstate of 51' million nnilflr settlement. ,of Salem Si:rr. M-s H .rland S.-I-, nublist---' - V- h o' June. lnM She riivoreerl Rrwlrefeller in Mo. 1 "."." . r" Brother .Pat. frpDA Mcl WHS. . .. isnatlucK of forllana. tiene Shaltui'lr vada AllJ 3. 1954. of Benton Wash. Grandparents. Rockefeller moved from New Mr, and Mrs. Thomas McDonald ot Sfliem. isrrv.ctiB wni ne ne.Q lues day, June Uth. at 10 00 a.m. In the Chapel of the Cloush-Barrick funer al Home. Private interment In Wil lamette National Cemetefyi Portland, Ore. Fverutrjv Durfpn Mr! f" OSTS'.BMAN A- U LIAMS SI Oreeon Bnlldlns Salem. Oreeon Attorneys for Kstte Flrt ni.h.. .lune S.' 11 Last pub . June 28. IM June I, U. 19, 16 20. Note of the seal 21. Armed combat between two people 24. Unite of weight 28. Coins! India) 21. Man's nlme 29. Punches hsrd (ilang) 31. Simians 32. Prisoner of War (sbbr.) 33. Perform 35. Lejsl science 37. Spnr.g flower 41. Mure of lyric poitry 44 Ascended 45. Sstan 46. A horse who runs a mile 47. Plsnt ovule 46. Caresses DOWJ4 I Sown (her.) pesti .contraction .- Vesterds) '! Aaawer 36. Flutter 36. Young horse 39 Employs 40. Varying- wciitht l Ind l 42. Cravit 43. Ancient 23; at farm. 22-22',: light hens. 50 DUIl merrial ml IS 8A.11 M- U I uiii.iv r.:. .. .: i".:. a " . . r j i i . a ' upAiiaa voiuma iiv-jus Dnvnw n;ii at larm; heavy hens, 16-19 uu" rgeiy io.w-w.iai; tew com- t is-is Tr.: sows nso-isi bulla 13 00-1500. Cattle 24.800: eatvr Sna- all classes - steady to S3 knrer: prim UTS-tnO pound strs; bulk Mi choice and prim steers 11 SO-lllJ: good to low cholc II fO-S0 50; a few ' standard trade steers ll.W-IT.Hi moat' t. tew prim nailer w . m r j- f tm "j . " !tt!LiJL it farm: old roosters, 11-12. Turkevs To nrodiirers L I v a weight fryers, 27-26; breeder Calves salable 200; trade on turkey hens, eviscerated. 30-31; vcalers fairly active, fully steady- hreerlor lorn. M-aO Strong; choice VealeTS 20.00-22.06: n luis i . individual hleh choice 2S00- Brmd'llf": utility and commercial cow. Rabbits-Average to rowers-'' DUik canner. and eulterl. Uve white, 3-4'4 lbs. 23-26: 5-6 J , J".17 . :W- " chfticl ISSO-IJ SO: utility and enmmerrlal lhs 1B21 nlrl rnlnrerl noil 4 '',',uriw' " Pnce: commer-, bulla 14no-1Sfal: good nd cltoleo , ids mn. oa coioreri peiu 4 . j d unevenly lJOo-nofl veaier oo-?06; good and choice cents less; old doe. 10-14, few l"" rma unevenly pound yrllng .. ,trs. hichcr Fresh killed frvera fn re. Hogs salable 1.200: market IS on-20-75. .' active: butchers, sows sleadv sheep l two: nuts i ms s; with Inst week's close: sorted Inl's No. 1 2 180-235 lb butchers 19.00 50; mixed No. 14 lots 11.75; mostly No. 2 3 butchers U.50:; few No. 3 r Ih butchers 17.00-75; sows .TOO-SOO lbs 12 00-16.00. Sheep salable 1,700; market active: spring lambs steady strong, soots 15-50 higher: old crop lambs, ewes about steady: soring feeder lambs steady: cou ple lots choice with some priie 96 m.71. r 85 lb serines 24 25. 2410 rcsoec- . . . lively: other choice with an end Chicago Unions tailers, 58 60; cut up, 62-65. Wholesale Dressed Meats Hecf carcasses Steers, choice, VK) 700 lbs. S3 00-35 00; good, 31 50 35.00; standard. 31 00 3200; utility 27 00-.10.00; commercial cows, canners and cutters. 21 00-24 00 Beef cuts 'choice steersi Hind quarters. 42 00 46 00; rounds 40.00-43 00: full loins, trimmed, 6100 - 67.00: forequsrlers. 26.00 29 00: chucks, 30 00-32 00; ribs, 42 00-44 0 Pork cuts lyfiins. choice. ilau'hter sheep stead" to week: eull to low (nod Isnhs 16 00-22 8 , jcod and hoi SI-PS po-ind shorn lambs and yrirlinil nil-d No. I pelt lli CliifHgo Bultfr-Eggg CHICAGO I API - Butter aleadyK wholesale setllnj prices unrhansedi;. AA K score -: A SI SS-NSS;.' B vi ss. 7537 2.v. rsim. Eu s steady te firm whoteasl M H in prices i, higher: extra lars 3S 0O-an.SC: extra medium It.IS-H.S8; narda ssm-iaw: enema -J- Ihs. 53 00-57 00: shouluers, 16 Ihs. f Drime W-lfsl lh anrinepra -4 Ofi- i - down. 00-33 00. snareribs. 42 00- chojrp 7V90 ,h ,prin(( Umb, 23 V): CHICAGO (API - hto"; 44 00; (resh hams. 10-14 lbs. 5100- P00d-choice lots 2200-2300: fewNov ,oldi MiSI. Inu, DnMl ,nri, wion few Inl Nov inawl 171 I S3 17 l.Sf Sin I IT in i i- iM tii iw low aood sorts 20 00 few lots ! Nov. mwl , Veal and calves Good-choice, good-choice shorn old cron lambs iihUHHL ; an wcikiii. M.wras w. vuiuuirr- 10 ju: KUtMi-cnoitr suurn aiis.inirT i ciai. 28 00-35 00. ewes 4 00-5 oo: cuil-utiiitv 2.oA-4 o, I Purilanil Grain Soring lamb Choice-prime. 40- is goon-cnoice ireoer lamo 50 lbs. 47 00-50 00: good. 45 no-' 16 00-.V with medium good lots PORTLAND uf Coarse grains, ; 45 no-' 16 .00-50 with medium good lots 14 50-16 50. i IS. dav shinmont. bulk, frf delivery : " 36 42 kikkI yearlincs. 30-32. Oat. No 2. 36 lh white 58 no-.iB-; Mutton ' 'Tht-v'-M ewes and Barley. No.!. 45 lb B-W 41 wethers. s.i? Coir. Nr". r'.-V thi ent Kreli Prdure . Whent hid. In arrive m.i . fi"in ''':' vit... mn4 jo hasis No I hulk, delivered cv-t: Ih V 4.75-5 on while -OO.'-. Soft Wh'te 2.1V p tp'oc -01 ' '.on" Whites. Soft White t excluding Rex ?I4 No l-A 10 or. min. 100 lbs. mostly White Club 114 - s 5i-7 nme down to 6 15: No. Hard Red Winter: - 2, 4 50 5 on.1 Ordinary 2.14 Knv New crop No. 2 ereen ' 11 per cent 2 21 alfalfa, haled, fob Portland. Monday car receipts: Wheat nnminallv .Trio-.lfinn ton. New ,75: barley 56: flour 19; com ?; oati 1; mill feed 21. 47 00. Lambs Good, 37.00-39 00 , WoolNnminal. clean basis. ' Mood. 10" (lr.: ' blnod, I 03 OS , hlood I n-lft; fine. I 17-23 r ..niry-dreased Meats, f.o h PnrJr-nH: Bee' '(, utility. ??-?4 lh1 ctii'ers. I1-2I vc?l T'ui ii;, li'jhlw eight 2?, M. rouijh heavies, 2ft-30. lings Rest light blockers, 21 2ti lean liaht sows. 18-22. Lambs Top grade springers, crop prices not established.