Ronri or im-imt bcrcit mrret aeetrrdaace with (he travUKa a Ihm -Loral Bod Law" (OftJ I tM 41 um m kki that ts buetae eeaamlttaa ai the City a Salera, Cfrefoev, eaoplW M 14a V 2. 1M4. tta feudfM astu tea aa kmuadtr act Jorth tor- tha City at Sakrea. Onfw, tar Ik ail a (Mni w, July l 15 Juno 3. 181. AH r an hereby aotifie that aa Monday. the Sso aay a July at 14, W tha cauacil e4nben la tha City Halt Salem. Oreeon, sat audfrt aa nate may aa Otsnaaeel with tha Com moa Council which I tha terring hoard toe tha City af a em. Oretoa. and any paraoa ubct ta th arapond til levy ar tax rta nay heart la favor at ar agatt said proposed tax krry ar tax riea ar any part thereof. AITS FT) MUNDT. Oty erarder MEMBERS Or THE B TOG FT COMMITTEE: DANIEL FRY. Chairmaa EDWARD E. ROTH. Vn Chaimua LORINO CRIER. Secretary R imU Bonettrekt. Lawrence Brawn, E. C. Charltnet. Iverett Crab Iree. P. W. Ha la. Clayton W. Jane. J ark Let-head. J as McGil rhrut. Carroll Meeks. Harvey Mirhaeits. Jamaa H. Nicholson. David O'Hara. Conrad Pauleoa, Harold Phlluppe. Robert White. ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES JULY 1. 113. to JUNE 2. 157 Actual for Actual for Budget for Eat far rtaral Yr. Fiscal Yr. Current Yr Plata! Yr. 7-1-33 ta 1-1-54 (a 1-1-91 ta 1-1-5 to 6-30-94 -30-i3 -3-S4 AIRPORT PERSONNEL SERVICE Airport Manager 1 1 tns 74 1.809 11 1I7 2.59 7 S9 74 404 Maintanance Maa . Janitor Secretary . . Aamtant Manaitr MAINTENANCE ai OPERATION Fields Llfhtt A Power 762 5 553 84 Maintenance all equipment. 1.714 IS 1 J71 77 Runway Tanway Maintenance 1,71. IS 1.714J7 Building Maintenance A Operation 1,424 92 1JM.31 Field & Road Repair A Maintrnance I.3M04 1,093 So Communications .. .... 274 15545 Miscellaneous 191 37 10 49 Fire Insurance 146.00 722 4 Auio-Truck Insurance 194 M 199 99 Liability Insurance - 139 83 . 221 99 State ind Arc Insurance 161 !4 173 9 Social Security 141 43 193 31 TOTAL 15.1tt.IJ 16.429 37 City attorney-personal service Cltv Attorney 6 ..TOO Ou 4.VW 08 1-egal Secretary 3.21 1 . TO 3.213 89 A.t City Attorney 2.109 18 2.39 01 Additional Legal A sit 18 70 Stenographer MAINTENANCE i OPERATION Office Supplies A Equipment . .. Law Bonks Social .Security State Ind. Acc. Comm TOTAL ENGINEERING DEPT PERSONAL SERVICE Engineer Inspector 1st Asst. Engineer 1st Asst. Engineer . 1 Engineer Draftsman 1 Acct. tt Office Asst . 1 Draftsman, 1 2 Draftsmen . 1 Draftsman, II 1 Draftsman 111 1 Instrument Man 1 Instrument Man 1 Head Chainman Eng. Aide II 1 Seiv-Sleno 1 Clerk Tvpist MAINTENANCE A OPERATION Survey Insturments & Maintenance 46127 Office Supplies 1373 23 Telephone Expense 53 31 Auto Expense 1.527.95 P E R S - 1.127 53 Social Security 80021 Car Insurance 1.06.31 ! aneot I son no mat 473 8 8-30-31 108 Linn M 3.0008 2.000 08 1 .Or 00 911 0 230 00 1.799 08 20(1 AO 220 00 190 00 125 00 I moon 3.2108 1.392 o 100 00 1249 1.008.0 1.000 08 1.904 Actual foe Fiscal Yr. 1-1-U ta MAnrnwANCx optxatton llau ind. .Ax, Cega, octal Ur Actual far Budget for Est far FlaraJ Yr. Current Yr.FucaiYr. 7-1-as to Vl-Wto 7-1-Mta f-38-3 Mt 27141 421 7 1713 18 Ml TOTAL HaaM lauita laastaa una FIRE DEPARTMENT PERSONAL ST R VICT nr .iuai , t tmu f afH I Fire Marshal c 1113 39 111214 battalsoai ChMi (1) 14-Ut 14JaJ.M Lrriumaater Fira Captains N. I ill.. Fire Captains Na. 1 (lit. Inspector . Captains 1st Aid ill . Driver-Operators (17) Haaamea izai SJMJS ,403 I9r a 1127 0 14.331 M 4.341 4 M.411.M Ptaarl Delivery (dof pound) aw cars 1 Tncyrie . Vaifora Fund Polar Tratatnaj Meier Skips 11 IS 11 . 236.01 . 11.24 41 nrjoiit 13 2M3 E38J08J4, Hosamaa t li Hoseman (It . . Secretary', Tim MAINTENANCE OPERATION Equipment Insurance Laundry , Garbage Removal Telephone Eulomeat Repair k Replacement Supplies at Mlscellanaous Maintenance A Repair Stations - . . Gasoline A Oil Uniform Fund ... H v d ra n t Repairs Slate Indus trial Accident Commission . .. . 'Conventions A Memberships . Interest Notes A Warrants 110 , CAPITAL OUTLAY 11008 116.00 10008 160 00 (.120 00 3.4K0O 4.080 0 1.560 00 900.00 Fire Hose Hydrants Fire Apparatus . 1 Pickup Truck-Inspector RETIREMENT SYSTEM Current Emp. Service Retirement Social Security 1. M 1.48 M 1.471 ( S74 1 (S3 7 115 0 7172 71 11 8W0 141 114 1 19 St 21 81 4 51 la lt lMa 1b23 4 on at 1JM9S l.7j lonoat 8.291 81 I.19 t 1.320 le3 1.421 3 1.900M 1.8324 190IX! 1.900 0 2. Ml 28 l.OUfl 0 1.308 l.i).l 4.043 1 1.70191 43 .24 4974 900 0 804 0 M0 08 1.964 1.79 0 1.908 04 1.71 49 1,19 0 1.1004 1,400 0 31.390 98 11.890 98 M. 897 32 22 98 29 97 29 44 4a 1.4128 11.30 M 4.8U a 13.8S 24.00 ( 4.1K8 0 13.8M 8 113.400 1U.30 0 4JO0 1 0S 1J ra IS 8 MS il.JMAt 12.800 M 4.808 0 1.90 l.moa lsow 18921 So 8000 1.3008 100 0 31.80 88 )t5 10 110.00 JAIL EXPENSE Meek Laundry ' Repair Saruuuaa . ... REMODEL HEADQUARTERS . Arhul fnr Ftsral Yr, t-i-sa 4-3B-S4 8,471 7 I 92 4H 143 11 1221. sail 1124 Actual far Budfe for Vst for Fiscal Yr. Ctsrrent Yt Fiscal Yr. 7-l-S4ta- 1-1-831 t-l-Ma 4-3S-M 12511 .141 I Rt S3 is as 1.77 2 HI (J8 to Sara) a ana a IJ08 TOTAL 13 442 7 COMMUNICATIONS PERSONAL SERVICE caouia . , , 4 84 Lievlae it' 4H.7 i emmuniceuea Terhnlcua (2) 1714 S3M.I928 1J 1M S.S34 84 74 t.s-s os u IX M T.9M Miller Silent On links With Marilyn Senior Clark . Clerk n 12724 1.804 71 28.434 (8 25,11127 459 S3 01 5 H .00 00 04 ! 57 2 194 90 200 00 2110 00 17129 119 02 231 18 440 00 0 2 21 82 11.40 28 00 12.931 23 13.240 1.1.3(0 11 17.02008 L SERVICE (.926 89 (.926 71 (.8.16 00 7.320.00 8.10(1 (HI 5 434 81 5 4.14 64 B.CKOO 1.(20 00 5.434 81 5.434 M 5,(16 00 . 3.820 00 4.543 81 4.543 19 4.9100 8.040 00 4.105 (1 4.103.80 4,109.00 4.36( 00 3.960 00 1,049.14 8.049 60 1.19200 4.30100 4.490 89 4.490.72 4.494 00 4.68000 4 490 (9 4.075 53 4.490 68 4.494 00 9.160.00 3 29(4 3 .80!) 83 3.113 00 3.840 00 1 3.J75 89 3.215 91 3.179 00 3.492 00 1.705 89 2.689.41 2.109 00 1,060.00 TOTAL .. (4O0.228W 1404.890 19 HEALTH DEPARTMENT PERSONAL SERVICE r. H. Physician II part time - Sr. Sanitarian-Nuisance ...... Sr. Sanitarian Milk Irup Sr. Sanitarian Restaurant Public Health Nurse Clinic Clerk Steno III OPERATION it MAINTENANCE Printing. Postage A Office Supplies Rent Medical Supplies Medical Service Transportation Gas, Oil, Repair City Car Laboratory Office Equipment . .. Stat Industrial Accident Commission Public Emp. Retirement System Car Insurance Rodent Supplies 104.21. 1 1417.(94 18 180 44 4.029 88 3.610.44 3.(10 44 3.150 00 1.880M 701 44 9110 00 700 44 1.000 44 1.0004 KM 95 2.440 88 21)0 88 424 1.084 84 30 88 46.64 8 4.1 7 411 13 132 41 l.84 24 404 1 7144 Stenographer . Dispatches ( . ... win Shift Diff. (2) Graveyard Shift Diff. til MAINTENANCE A OPERATION Telephone system Radio Circuits , Radio Supolw Parkin Meter Supplies . Traffic Signal Supplies Bed Call Light vst em Iran litter Building Maintenance . .. Slate Industrial Accident Casnm. . . ., Public Imp. Ratir. , System Social Security 2 Radla Sets Teletype 13 per mo. . . Mainl. 'Comas. System Fir Duruicts TOTAL M.749 6S PUBLIC BUILDINGS PERSONAL SERVICE 4.841 4J44JS 12718 14583 RENO. Nf. ( PUmM 52 2 : Arthur Miller divorcrd his wife i Mrjndaj bttt still drchnrd to co S3Mn44 3i.44 , firm or deny rumors thai he may marry movi tmrri Uarih'ai Uo ror. 14 i The lanky, 41jrrar-old drama t sjmmiwss ard about Manlv- 4-8972 141.4 (1131 30 0 1.(3 13 1.64138 IT 58 (20 111.7 120 8.808 0 2S,184 1284 ne 30 2 3n 1.700 0 0 130. 208 23M 946 07 49 41 1.M0M 800.8 11.414 88 41J87.M 4S.201.40 Jaaitor 111 (11 1 JJ3 1 (.in 14 MAINTENANCE A OPERATION Supplies Fuel Repairs and Painting Light a rower 268 34 2,361 00 (9 94 U7.3 887.28 1.214.70 900 00 2,400.00 100 00 720 00 1.485 00 liOO.OO 400 08 S.900 00 100 00 100.00 1,000.00 1.000.00 TOTAL - (4,161.4 M.861.W i41.0 (7.0M.M STREET DEPARTMENT PERSONAL SERVICE 3.91289 3 91189 1.30 89 (.893.3 7,012 67 3052 02 B.8S2 38 3.381 83 1.319 61 3.2.14 83 1 Foreman I Sun I 1 Foreman (St. Clean.) 1 Helper li Sign! II 2 Helpers S. Shop I Flusher Operstors . 2 Sweeper Operators 1 Flusher Sweeper Operator 2 Truck Drivers 1 Helper Sign Man 1 Helper Pickup Truck 1 Down Town Sweeper Msn 1 Caretaker Ysrdmon City Shop Extra Help (Seasonal I 1 bor . . . - Labor Labor cutting grass City properly MAINTENANCE A OPERATION PER-S. State Ind. Acc. Comm Social Security Stat Ind. Acc. Comm . Accident Ins. A Liability ... Repair A Service of Equipment Supplies Conventions A Memberships Traffic Signs A Matrnsl Traffic Paint - Kerosene CAPITAL OUTLAY Resurface Streets Ini on Notes & Warrant 1 New Sweeper 1 new trader bulldoter 1 new street flusher Automotive Equip. Replacement Equipment Kesurtace various streets Gravel unimproved street Street Drainage Traffic Lights Off-Street Parking Machinery A Tools Other expense, easement A right-of-way TOTAL K6.966 10 CITY SHOPS PERSONAL SERVICE 1 Head Mechanic 111 4 830 83 1 Mechanic II 3.9 H 1 Asst. Mechanic I 3.723 77 1 Labor Lubeman 0 3,388 74 1 Blacksmith Mach. MAINTENANCE A OPERATION (las. Oil. Material A Mlsc 1.510 94 Shoo Lnhting 323 85 CAPITAL OUTLAY New Equip. fcShop Upkeep 2 944 11 New Buildings at Yard 1014l89 TOTAL .19.329 21 STREET PAVING CURBS A GUTTERS Assessment to property as provided bv Cltv Charter 116.7B5 39 12TH STRF.ET IMP. BOND FUND 12th St. imp. Bond Fund WIDENING BOND FUND South 12th Street Fairginunds Road . Market Street TOTAL . BRIDGE BOND FUND CAPITAL OU I AY S High St. over Shelton Ditch Lee St over Shelton Ditch S 25th St. over Mill C'eek N. 14th St. ovei Mill Creek TOTAL BRIDGE REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE 14 345 64 MINOR LIEN FUND CAPITAL OUTLAY Cutting grass, private lots 141033 Construction Sidewalks 1.572 38 3.912 82 1.912 81 3.560 66 (.991 91 (, 57 3.378 25 6.852 00 3.381 11 3.101 93 3.301 94 5 438 68 21.281 P9 18,217 72 (92 81 1.607 63 611 84 1.951 0 1.099 93 133.90 1.65343 1.616.11 .. 3 69 8 2.482 08 .. 1.688 6 . lt.923.59 3.932.67 24.997.13 13.386 58 39.819.05 12 469 98 900 no 1.470 3 2.144 88 5.402 73 23.670 86 18.650 88 963 11 1,021.11 1.038.41 2.330 04 3.882 23 910 01 10.898 45 1.974.39 421 41 1.87 1 2.478 47 1203.39 14.842 94 241.25 9,Z7.97 8.965 00 3,561 81 31,554 86 6.991.97 39.652.71 12.31860 900.00 7.171.75 51083 3 916 00 3.916.00 3.564.00 (.770 00 (.998.00 (.998.00 3. (W00 6.869 00 3.385 00 3.305 00 3,10500 3,499,00 5.500 no 14.063 00 19.244 00 700 00 1,900 00 974.00 1900 00 2.900 00 191.00 11,300 00 1,000 00 900.00 4.0OO0O 2 500 00 1.000 00 18.(26 00 11000 (,000 00 15.000 00 4.000 00 41.000.00 7,000 00 40.000 00 ( SCO 00 no 1.984.00 1.000 00 4.140 00 4.140 00 3.732.00 10.630.00 7.200.00 7,200 00 3.600 00 7,080.00 3.480 00 1,480.00 1.50 00 5.500 00 11.268 00 19,132 00 700 00 20000 1.000 00 1.000 00 I, 000.00 900.00 II. 900.00 2.000.00 900.00 4,000 00 2.900 00 1.000.00 32.000 00 110.00 11,000 00 19.000 00 3.000.00 52.700.00 1.000 00 40.000.00 12.000.00 300 00 (.940.00 1.000 00 TOTAL 18.633.21 LIBRARY PERSONAL SERVICE Head Librarian 5.014 54 Cataloger. Asst. Librarian .. 3.397.64 Children's Librarian 2.198 92 Circulation Librarian 1.43359 Asst. Circulation Librarian 1269 84 Desk Assistant (3) t 248 00 7,378 22 2 l S34-241 Page, 500 Hrs. tt 90c 445 47 Janitor 22V 00-236 00 2.988 99 Bookmender Is time 930.70 MAINTENANCE A OPERATION Heat 482 61 Light . 410 21 Building Maintenance 398 96 Postage and Telephone 267.1 Insurance A State Indus trial Acc Comm 103.31 Vacation Substitute 200 month . 249 37 Miscellaneous 92 89 P E R S 413.17 Social Security . 378 0 Building Renovation - 39708 Lighting-Adult A Children's Room ' Book Binding (95 08 Replacement Lost Books. 39181 Supplies 596 22 CAPITAL OUTLAY Books 4,19159 Periodicals 682 89 Repairs - - 1813 0 1819 0 . 2.9390 4.26 00 4.10 80 4.400 00 1.82 00 3.9160 4.17J.OO 3.8200 3.89 80 4.04 00 3.033 00 3,33110 1.5100 3.160 00 1.1 10.(9 1.29 00 H7no 7wi no no oo 9110 00 900 00 l.Sd 00 730 00 730 00 O0 00 l.nnooo l.ooooo l.snooo 916.63 1.80O0O 1.800 04 430 30 1200 00 1.M0 00 2.200 00 200 00 190.00 100 00 100 00 100.00 90(1 00 (00.00 tOOM 1.000 00 50 00 50 00 80 00 19 142 11 29.114.10 22.195 0 9014 10 1.037 00 (.000 08 3.717 17 3.720 00 3.900 00 3.14.11 1.96400 1.18000 3.397.14 3.984.00 3.180.00 1997 20 1 000 00 3.144 00 7.324.7 1,100 04 197( 00 (.100.00 460 33 450 00 430 00 2.9M1H 1592 00 . 1.790 00 1.19139 1,360 00 1,260.00 593 83 (90 00 (30 00 4.12.1 425 00 530 00 460 9 50000 79O0O 290.70 260 00 250.00 354.72 200.00 100 00 181 17 330 00 400.00 50.00 90.00 5000 470.41 276 00 129 00 466.57 500 00 749.00 391.28 419.00 400 00 506 00 900 00 895 93 00 00 900 00 398 31 400 00 400 00 637.19 800.00 800.00 5.195 24 1.200 00 1.700 00 (97.31 700 00 700 00 Repair Heating Plant Elevator service West Salem Building Insurance Social Security .. State Industrial Accident Comm. .. CAPITAL OUTLAY Improvement 4th Floor Improvement City Attorney's Office Wiring City Hall 1.134 II 2 111 74 161 SO 2.302 7 2944 ' 50 13 1 ai ljai is 1314 (341 15107 1.068 51 85 45 1.(53 1044 9034 133.17 1.147 91 18124 Oil (.130 8 1800 0 2 0(10 00 1.9M0 1.0000 200 00 545 8 1700 110 1000 1904 83 04 10.1 JO 04 1 000 ,000 00 TOTAL 22.044JS CITY RECORDER PERSONAL SERVICE City Recorder 6.101.11 Deputy A Secretary 1.72111 Accountant 1 1.(7144 Billing Clerk 1.903.41 Stenographer Stenographer I.7S4.M MAINTENANCE A OPERATION Premium on Officer's Bond MOO Postage A Printing ,.. 1.500.10 Office Supplies 1,66 77 Telephone 1 80 Miscellaneous Expense 471 82 Maintenance Bookkeeping Machine 14.20 Public Emp. Retir. System . 603 9 Social Security 20.4 State Industrial Accident Cpmm. . - 73 8 CAPITAL OUTLAY Office Equipment 473 54 TOTAL 27 .52 .42 TREASURER PERSONAL SERVICE 41,593 00 2 .92 84 Treasurer Clerk Coin Counter MAINTENANCE A OPERATION Office Supplies Transportation Premium Officer's Bond Telephone t Public Emp. Retir. System . Social Security State Industrial Accident Comm. . TOTAL DEBT SERVICE 5.410 00 4.1035 433 .It 104.00 .45 15104 131.40 13 32 (.1874 1.120 M 1.996 91 1.399.33 1.13 IT 16 00 1.43047 964 33 11.40 1111 520 ' 481 40 122.94 1(N mis 23.(11.44 I.4MM 181 93 471.44 46S94 100 00 1 53 1144 195 3 14 U (.11000 3.724 00 l.00 00 1,80.00 140.04 29 8 1.800 0 1,200 00 5004 80000 loooO 15 00 498 04 18 04 300 0O 252 00 1,410 00 1,840 04 480.00 400 0 7900 100.04 1004 19100 1100 i that yon arc a frto maa." u!p ' "No, I'tc (aid tttauf " he aa S iwrrrd. MilW (Vpartrd by plan Mo m. day sight for hit horn in New i - York. Mist Monroe is presetttly ! ' i NfW York PrfPnH' tor a trip tZ a ' London. ERtlaDd. Mttj She also hat maintained a til mM race on any marriage plan, ex I cept to admit that th and Miller f ! re 'good friend." iTim Miller't decree, granted follow- loo o; int a five-minute bearing rwli i a lS-year marriage with the for 1.40 oi mer Mary urace Salttery of New York. While establishing hi six-weeks 2 2001 rseiaence ai a guest rancs near siiMM here. Miller was tened with a t sM an snbpoena from the House L'n- 2.000 o ' American Activities Committee. Asked if he has found out yet no w . what he night be asked about at 550 the bearing Dendinr In washing' ton, he said: I doo t hav a clue MiUer has written such Broad way hits as "Death of a Sales man" and "Crucible.'' WASHINGTON li! - The House Committee on un-American Ac tivities said Monday .playwright Arthur Miller i appearance before it had been postponed until June 21 because of hit divorce residence requirements in Nevada. iSfatf-nan. Salfm, OiToe.. Jane 12. -6 (Sec HU " City Government Oasis Of Democracy, Portland Mayor Tells Girl State "Oty goreriiment It past roots gowanttnt, k b tin grrrrntmrBi closest l th prop)-it i the bast tl DeiMcracy Mayer fred P tenon of PocUand told !4t) delegates Vonday at fnng f armual . Girls State oa tht WUlamett Iniversity earn pus. Mayor Peter said ha wanted ta ewgrandatt the gtaU't AmerW can LtgMa auxUi he for aneual spoanorp of Girls Stat, a procTara designed to giv selected gtrtt a J.8O0 44 : .500! 1414 I 40.04 t.94 4 200 00 3 960 00 3 .204 00 2.120 00 2.940 00 25 00 1.800 00 1JO0 00 80.00 100.04 149.00 1900 800 104 40 223 00 1.700 00 4.00.00 40.04 400 00 79 00 170 00 1000 197.00 1200 10,398.76 10,(2144 10,311.00 11.114.0 1.700 00 TOtAL 3i,oo n CITY MANAGER PERSONAL SERVICE City Manaeer (Water 12,333 001 ... Secretary MAINTENANCE A OPERATION Social Security (Water Dept. l( Mr. ... Public Emp. Retir. System Travel Expense - Office Expense State Industrial Acc. Comm. 841.711.07 143,987.00 154.100 00 1.663(1 4.0325 387 94 49811 192 6 29.11 1 62 61 4,0324 2328 43824 252 40.11 1.66250 4,083.00 1100 191.00 500 00 2O0.00 30.00 11.6(1 00 4,500.00 114.00 130.00 500 00 200 00 58.00 TOTAL 113.163 81 111.130 71 'fl4,18S.SO 117,228.00 MUNICIPAL JUDGE PERSONAL SERVICE Municipal Judie 1.166 00 1.1600 1.766 00 1.960 00 Judge Pro-Tern 377 81 271.97 249 00 330 00 Secretary 1,695 57 1.813 15 1,000 00 1,144 00 Vacatton Secretary 50 00 100.00 MAINTENANCE A OPERATION 269.991.09 299.218 00 307.462.00 4.830 14 4.041.7 3.7H4 86 3.499.14 13.386 36 936 55 4.834 00 4.045 00 3,78 00 3.499 00 3.188.00 lC.ooonn 300 00 1,637 70 1.000 00 4.980 00 4.260 00 3.960 00 3.60OO 3.192.00 13.000 00 600 00 2.000 00 6.000 00 Office Supplies Social Security TOTAL NON-DEPARTMENTAL Auditing Expense Civil Service - Emergency . Garbage . . League Dues . .. Notice of Budget Election Supplic Mavor-Council Expense Civil Defense Maintenance of Bush House 4-H Club Mosquito Control Planning snd Zoning - Street Lighting Cemetery Interest on Notes A Warrants Prior Service P.E.R.S (46.01 790 65 100 00 100 00 71 00 16.485 40 16.641 37 11.765 00 8.303 00 2.000 00 2.000 00 2.500.00 2.975 00 170 11 5O0 00 500 00 500 00 14.613 91 7.971.03 15.047.69 28.667.67 137.50 1.12560 1.741.76 1.750 00 1.730 00 Sift '2 473 26 900 00 500 00 1.734 15 1.245 75 1.500 00 1.500 00 1.90000 1.900.00 1.90000 1.90000 3.800 00 3.800 00 3 800 00 3.800 00 1.199 42 1.200 00 1.200 00 2 940 00 2.540 00 2.940 00 2.940 00 2.943 50 3.615. B6 2 600 00 9.4O0O0 1.485 16 1.069 55 5,70000 8.174 20 72.246(10 S0.386 61 85.916 00 13,600 00 1.021.04 749 14 321.84 900 00 500 00 3.70:.O0 3.702.00 32.733 87 19.254.00 42,192.00 190,530 46 200.000 00 200.000 00 200,000 00 175.000 00 18.000 00 30.000 00 811.000.00 188.000.00 50.000 00 30.000 00 30 000 00 30.000 00 TOTAL 1106,503.1 1109.110 01 1129,255,69 1156,308 91 PARKS A RECREATION PERSONAL SERVICE i.4.13 19 . 2.424 69 3,439.17 1.500 00 3.500 00 140.0O0 0Q 8.000 00 2.500 00 3.900.00 Superintendent Labor A AdmJnistrstion Stenographer ('l time) Labor Equipment Operator lit . Gardeners Foreman Laborers (part time 11 ( mo Laborers i2i 1 mo. each Tree Trimmer .. MAINTENANCE A OPERATION Lights A Water -. Maintenance A Repairs Horticulture . Equipment Maintenance Improvements . . Interest on Notes A Warrants State Ind. Acc. Comm P. E. R S Social Security New Equipment . Car Insurance Cemetery 4.023.06 22.632.7i 4.99654 17.204.99 5.000 00 31.632 00 (.000.00 1.512 00 3.412 00 3,(9200 14.116 00 4.140 00 5.12:100 2.430 00 7.600 00 Street Widening Est, Int, Bridge Bonds Est. Int Est. 12th St. Bond Prin. Est. 11th St. Bonds Int Prin. Gen. Obligation Bonds Int. Gen. Obligation Bonds .. Bonded Street Intersections Int. Bonded St. Intersections Int. on Warrant A Notes Transfer from Sew. Treat Delinquent Taxes Cash Balance Uncollectible Taxes lflt.lsO.M 15.420 96 (494.71 17700 3.300 0 1 18781 Amount oi Tax Levy 121,507 .50 STREET IMPROVEMENT BONDS Principal - - 24.0044 Interest 4J04.0 Estimated Principal Estimated Interest 1 17.000 00 (.009.00 113.500 OS 13237.90 , 11.13 (.174.32 160.0 4417 9 4.900 0 4.330 00 8477.90 144,(11.(0 14.441 30 1,1084 (13.41 1.032 90 1.410 00 800 00 2.426 16 2.720 3.000 00 4.290 00 913.11 346 50 690 00 ' 900.00 1.11201 951 30 .1.00000 3.70000 30.3051 12.233 93 10,166 00 19.121 00 85 33 80 00 80 00 (3913 T31 29 60000 1.13000 74209 4.W 44 600 00 373 16 537 61 650 00 1.250 00 1.964 21 1.125 00 1.351 00 108 23 in :oooo 300 00 1.294 80 1.000.00 2.00000 FUND PER SON ft L RERVICJ TOTAL 4.042 71 criL'ir.r THFATMF.NT c... ...... , w, ,1 1 Chief Operator i.ww '."' 4 'Operators 11.353 79 l .141.11 VA1VTFNANCE OPERATION State Ind. Acc. Comm 2.70H 16 1890.14 PER S I "2 31 21 M Social Secuntv 1 (25 f.O 973 27 Material. Pnuer & Supplies 11.732 94 11.515.11 Maint Repair A Cleaning 9.966 03 CAPITAL OUTLAY Cnmplete sewaw. S8'-..t.9 (.00000 4,770 00 13,408 00 2.203 00 ..OO 00 2.100 00 12 000 00 12,000 00 6,000.00 4,920 00 13.600 00 t. 500 00 12 000 00 12.00000 TOTALS (3.(11.(1 RECREATION V 16,719 58 TOTAL Park & Recreation 8TI..130 25 PROCUREMENT PERSONAL SERVICE Purchasinu Agent 3.00000 Secretary MAINTENANCE A OPERATION Social Secuiily Office Supplies A Equipment 618 82 21.220 00 75417.38 2.730 00 956 00 522 09 98,37 J 00 10.087.00 71,460 00- 3,000 00 1,000 00 86.414.00 13.765 00 4.36ft 00 1.360 00 Leu Estimated Receipt WATER BONDS Principal Interest Less Estimated Receipt RESERVE ACCOUNTS Wlllson Bandstand Bal - Estimated Expenditures Civic Emergency Fund Bsl. Transfer to General Fund .... Estimated Receipts Estimated Expenditures Boxing A Wrestling Comm. Bal Estimated Expenditure Street Vacation Bal Estimated Expenditure Land. Wallace Park Bal. Estimated Expenditures Playground Equipment Bal. Estimated Expenditures Multlllth Revolving Bal. Estimated Receipts Estimated Expenditures . Estimated Receipts Estimated Expenditures TOTAL ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES ESTIMATED REVENUES Airport Revenues Building Deoartn, t Revenue City Recorder Rev Treasurer Rev 31205 00 41.150 9 68.000 00 59 615 00 127,615 00 69.00000 (8.938 75 127,931.71 11,000 00 I. 000.00 111,900 04 112618 II. 469.10 I. (1(51 10O0O 41.861.25 8,000 00 4.22184 140,111.04 24.0044 4.(450 II. 2627 1.500 00 42.411.7? 71,000 0 96,317 50 138,917 50 1.099 97 1,095 17 1.137.62 1.000 00 10,837.62 2003 7 1.003.71 1.1671 1.167.82 234 60 1.500 00 1.734 60 3.500 00 ' 22.839.40 2 820 04 2,100 00 137.500 00 34,316 29 20,067.57 (.5006 5000 47J11.75 WOO 8.000 00 I.4M.44 14.013 14.0M.I4 7.(70.1 42.7M.70 14.000 0 54.430 00 138.430 00 1.065 57 1.065.57 1.037(1 1.000 00 2.000 00 2.037.(2 1.676 81 1.676 81 1.708 41 8.706.41 61 6 (82(8 42 01 4201 1.241 00 J .000 00 .241 00 3,000 00 13.452.10 Heart Attack Hits Poet on Atlantic Trip a SOUTHAMPTON. EngUnd UP) - T. S. Eliot, Nobel Prix winning poet and playwright, was taken off th liner Queen Mary In wheelchair early Tuesday when the ship arrived from New York. Eliot, (7, wat reported to have raftered a heart attack en route from America. Medical men aboard tha Queen Mary declined any comment , on Eliot'i Illness. Passengers told re porteri Eliot had suffered a heart out of New York and spent the remainder of the voyagt la the liner't hospital. A native of St. Louis. Mo.. Eliot tome years ago became a British citizen but hat visited America frequently. In recent yean Eliot has writ ten mainly 'for the theater. Hi hit the boxofflct and critical Jack pot with "Tht Cocktail Party" in 1950 and "Th CoiuldenUal Clerk" In ISM. in IMS he wat 'awarded tht Nobel prise for literature. The tame year King George VI named him to the Order of Merit, the most exclusive of Britain! non royal honors whose membership is limited to 24 persons. Annual 4-H School Bids 25 of Salem Twenty-fivo Salt 4-H club members will lea re today for the annual 4-H. Summer School at Ore gon State College. All were picked go oa KhoUrshipt provided by area business firms and organita- tiont. Tht Salem group wQI leav at 12:30 p.m. from th courthous by but. The school ttarts today and continue through Juno a. Those in tht party Include tottr who received scholarships ia spe cial eontestt at the IKS State Fair. They art Carolyn Bishop, Marilyn Page, Gerald Pivelek and Joans Gny.' -.1 Others making tha trip Irani bert include: Charlotte TowtH, Aaa Homertvk tad Vickie Sua Hughs, student tt tha State School for tha Deaf; Darlene Cummlng, Uaryloi Mer rill and Stanley Noatak. Sttti School (or the Blind; Richard Bish op, South Salem High; Roa Sim mons, North Salem High; Marilya Carr, Susan Morrison, MadeD Won- derly, Mabil Anderson. Nanri Sears and LeRoy Hedberg , Letlie Junior High; Gay Lee Keppinger. ParrUh Junior High; Judy Anger- bauer, Judith Herbtr, Katiiy Good rich and Ronald Moorman, St Vincent's School; XMUteth Pavtlek and Timothy Meytr, St Joseph's School Mrs. Franc la Wooderly will ac company the group si chaperon. Trio Accused Of Assault on Salem Woman 1,912,312 33 1.995.056 05 1.438,228 03 1,80,8184 16 437 30 31,923 93 28,3959 331J50 41 Gen'l Fund SS-ST Tax Uvv 31.490.3 erv-il a IA I iA 2V, S .W TOTAL PROCUREMENT Chu?" the 16.753 82 16 739 00 2121407 10 W6 28 6,627 29 2.326 50 17 442.94 19.914 16 12.39 !4 Treatment Plarv Trunk Extension Vest Salem Sewers West Salem High Main Pumping Plant 81 Pressure Line Pump Sla Church r Rellevtie Pump Sta. Front & Feriv Pump Sta Front te Union Separation San & Storm Drntns Eeht Srrvire TOTAL SEWER CONSTRUCTION To he assessed to property Engineering overhead TOTAL - BUILDING DEPARTMENT PERSONAL SERVICE I Building Inspector 4 490 88 4.490 78 1 Plan Checker 3.830 28 4.490 83 1 Electric Inspector ,4.49089 4.489.53 1 Clerk Typist -.. 2.105 81 2.383.12 10.960 00 15.666 00 I.097.32 7 626 08 38 8!15 00 1 777 08 4h.4IR 00 n oon no 2.000 00 46.S -2 no 5.000 oo 1 17.000 00 i 2.000 00 47.313.75 194.464. 11 127,872.72 136.000 00 1"4.00000 lOO.OOO 00 100,000 00 10.000.00 10,00000 110.000.00 110,000 00 4.494 00 4,494 00 4.494 0 1.709 00 4.800.00 4 00 00 1.971.00 . POLICE DEPARTMENT PERSONAL SERVICE Chief ol Police 6.106 94 .108.9 Captains (31 14 683 55 14.315 98 Lieutenants I4 . Sergeants (31 -.. 18.179 23 18.187 14 Matron - 4 022 66 4 022 26 Detectives (51 22.231 73 22.229 93 Juvenile Officer 4 446 30 4.445 96 Poundmaster 3.733 61 3.733 33 Patrolmen 3rd Yd. (36) 103,:i2 05 118 426 19 Patrolmen 2nd Yr (21 . 30.0:6 13 21.18121 Patrolmen 1st Yr ill 21 124 18 24.951 82 Swing Shift men diff (111 . 1.01500 1.075 00 Graveyard Shift men , diff 1 Hi 1,800 00 1.812.'0 Diiv Captain 240,00 20 00 MAINTENANCE fc OPERATION Poatate 160.09 1S3.00 Printing 31(13 1:16 43 C.n: K Oil 10.379 94 8.809 98 A,,,r T'"uipment 8c Repairs 6.11814 3.192 39 St.. inuustrlal Acc. Comm 8.9262 7.01816 Office Equipment 661 01 149 50 Supplies cV Mlscellaneou .. 1.298 78 4.936 00 Telephone & Telegraph ..." 37: 69 205 77 Car Insurance 1.085.44 ' 1.146 57 Conventions 81 Membership 41511 39147 P E R. S t.09411 8.252.58 Social Security - 3.178 99 3.550 80 3.638 81 4.2:i0 09 4,500 00 0,321 00 8. 1100O 14.691 00 18.190 00 4 .023 40 22 .1X5 00 4.4(9 00 3 736 44 156,990 60 11.346.28 1,020 00 1.680 00 2(0 00 200 00 7IHi 00 9 ,100 .00 000 00 6.4140 150 00 4.300 00 200 00 1.11500 900 00 3.346 93 3.101 39 6 600 00 13.660 00 18.960 00 13.320 00 4.023 40 23,100 00 4.140 00 . 3.840 00 153 360 00 8 .280 00 4 020 00 1.0:0 00 1 6fl 00 .112 00 200 00 70(1 00 9.300 00 6.000 00 6.474 00 750 00 4..1O0 00 200 00 1.17300 500 00 2 500 00 4.200 00 Delinouent Taxes Uncollectible Taxe . .. Cash Balance fire Tax Fund 58-57 Tax Levy Delinquent Taxes Uncollectible Taxes Cash Balance Deficit SI. Repair 56-57 Tax Levy Delinquent Taxes Uncollectible Taxes St. Patching Receipts Cash Balance . Park Mlllaie New Park Levy Delinquent Taxes .- Cemetery. Marlon County Uncollectible Taxes . Cash Balance Ceneeal Bond Si Int. 58-97 Levy Delinquent Taxes Uncollectible Taxes Cash Balance Transfers Sewer Service Charge State Share Oper Charge State Flat Rate Chare Sludge Receipts Cash Balance Sewer Construction State Tax Street Fund State Tax St. Cash Bal Street Improvement Fund Minor Liens - Sale 12th St. Bnnds Street Widening Bond Rridge Bond Financial Reserve Bal . Civic Emergency Fund to be translerred to Gen. Fund 7,16027 15174141 14.003 0 7.13015 3.5.10 1 4,99 U 16.881 67 43,3.(0.16 17.1971 33.929.64 28.474.40 568.703.66 1116. 723 1 49,700 42 183.841 08 19 807 37 3.520 21 7.73 2 3.52021 4.609 81 1,306 90 , 20.098 81 ... 115.-1.03 ... 12.479.97 153.0B9 42 4.078 31 1.100 00 35.660 87 123.205 3 40.704 59 28.027 57 3.72332 128.286 86 1( 175 83 46.417 50 125.357 90 4.092 64 1.300 00 11.495 00 28.725 00 18,100 00 174,300 00 463.075.04 19.000 00 14,000 00 15,000.00 182,900 00 12.000 00 9.900 00 9.000 00 73.180 04 4.500 00 1.200,00 1.0M.OO 73,10.00 4.900 00 1,000 00 1.2000 1,000.00 140.917 0 9.000 00 - 4,223 89 48,881 25 120 000 00 4,800 00 1,3)0 00 Arraigamiat proceeding against three Salem men aeeuttd ol raping a 18 year-old Salem woman were continued until next Monday after their appeannct Monday i Uiitrtct Court District Judga Edward O. Stadter set bail it $2,000 lor Or villi Raymond Wright 23, ind Hirold Det Wright both ot Sa lem Route 1. Bos S7S, -and tor Uivid Lea Willis, 29, who gave in address ol . Towary's bean yard. SUta volica arretted tha three men Sunday morning an tht com plaint of tht lP-year-old woman. She told police each ol the men iiMulted her. The woman'! ttatement alleged that tha incidents took place in i ear Saturday night after leav ing an Aumivill dance ball where tha met the trio. , study of the Democratic tntera of govtTaUfjent The week-long rrtVL crsdinf Sua day. will find delegates hoidint VnulaUre and court setsiont an) ' electing their aw officers from city threoga atata tevtla, Uaeh WKh Mayor ' Among highlights today will be forrnaboa of city fwernrneoU I atructures, ekrrtioos of mayors and a oooa hjncheoa at Lautann Hall at which Mayor Robert Whit el Salem will sit with the mayors. At a l:S m. dinner, delegates elected at sheriffs hi county gor eniment will hart aa guest Mario. ' County Sheriff Denver Young. A 4 p ra. setiioa concer-d wtth civil defense will find Capt Walter, G. Andes, U S. Air rorce. sU ta coordinator of tht Ground Obaervor . Corps, u featured speaker. ' Mayor Pteroa ia hit opening day speech outlined ta delegate) the three types ol city govjsneiit . tht cornrnintot form, tht n y council lorm and tht city maaag meat type. After his talk Psjterioa auestiona from aaxtr litteoers tor ii mimitea. Wlfa to C pwe Preddent G. Herbert Smith. welcoming delegates to tht cam put, pointed tut that for mart than 100 years tht university has given training In government with tha result that many students hava tntertd government arnica. atandra Karl, governor of last - year's Girls State, ebstrved that Girls State is a pleasant way of. giving yon a- batter understand ing ot your government and teaching yoa how to bt a bettor eiUzca." "May your Glrlt Stabr ex peri-. tnct become tat of your most eheriibed memories," said Mrs. Harold L. Leach, president ot tha Oregon Department ol tht Amer ican Legion Auxiliary. "May th friends you gala and tha train ing you receive tnrich your Uves Print Own Paper Greeting! alto tame from Mrs. , Karl L Wigner, Eugn. direct or ol Glrlt State, and from Mrs. Charles ,W, Gunn, Portland, chairmaa ol Nauooal Glrlt Suu. At i way ol keeping delegiteg ' up to data oa happenings, daily mlmeogriphed publication It be ing circulated under direction of Mrs. Then H. Mark. Roseburf. Also tor tht first timt films art . being midt ot all activttiet dur- Ing tht .week. Delegate! were telecttd to at tend tha affair by various aafr. lllirict throughout tht tttte, They Ineludt a number at girls 'irons Salem sad other mid rtUey - points. ' Bookkeeper -.. Cashier Clerk II : " Clerk II (Ledger Clerk! Clerk I (2) Clerk I " Engineering Aide General Foreman Construction Foreman I Maintenance Chief 12) Maintenance Chief Service installer 3( Maintenance Man ill F-quipment Operator Truck Driver Night Operator (2) Pipe Layer 11) ,. Utility Men (4) Torch Man Service Men (1) onop f oreman 281.320 11 51.313 40 5 33 52 110 000 00 25 HI 00 15,000 00 120 000 00 ooooo 2oo ooo oo 17.218,00 27,000 00 18.760.00 409.90 00 4W.799 32,000 00 24.490.00 25.000 M 188 610 00 13.000 0 1.430 00 1.00000 i 13.448 00 1.300 00 4.526 00 3.0)10 00 900 00 13.448 00 35,000 00 5.100 00 1.000 00 4,150 00 5OU.00 149.980 13 10.1)00 1)0 8.480 44 8.000 00 47.313 75 120,000 00 1 4.800 (10 1.200 00 1.000 00 7.000 00 110.000 00 300 000 00 23.000 00 220.000 00 6 000 00 175.000 00 188 linn on 1(0 .000 00 Mete Mechanic Grounds Keeper . Meter Reader (1) Warehouseman Source Foreman Source Attendant Laboratory Technician Janitor Meter Renatr Man Labor various rates Actual for riscal Yr. T-1 -33 to 1-30-54 1.240 6 J .261 6 2.970 4 2.947.3 1.963.11 1.499.41 1.426 64 4.778.04 4.044.84 7.9044 . 1.113.41 8.891.8 10.739.71 1.721.32 3.300 31 1.128M 1.098.8 1.83 1.2 1,600 0 7.97.4 1144.71 1.022 54 1.303 0 1.41811 1.81.18 4,1110 1,397 04 5824 177 98 1 69 04 , 12J50t Actual for Budget for 1st. for Fiscal Vr. Current Yr. Fiscal Yr, 1-1-94 to 1-1-9 to 1-l-5to S-30-5 t-30-54 8 000 00 TOT. EST RFVFNl'F.S 1.139 694 46 1.877.575 6 5 2.438.228 03 2.880.818 94 Warrants outstanding (ienernl Obligation Bonds Sewage Svstrm Bonds Street Improvement Bonds Water Bonds TOTAL BONDS . - WATER DF.PARTMF.NT - ESTIMATED REVENUES Est. Bal. Oper Cash (t Inv. Water Revenue 434.198 88 449.094 40 New Taps 16.733.05 17205.3 Main Extensions 1.164 68 Rrnts 18H0 O0 670 00 Interest on Investments 2.SI0 73 2 842 37 Losses Recovered 1.15 4 07 Sale of Timber - 14.131 64 Sale of Surplus Real Estate .... 8.000 00 J. 100 00 Sale of Bonds TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUE 493 87 23 460.182 90 Less Expenditures . 457.844 13 466.630.94 General Fund Street Repair Tax State lax St. Fund St. Improvement Fund Sewage Fund Minor Liens Parks At Playgrounds Fire Tsx Fund Bond Interest Fund Water Dept. Fund 12th Street Widening ... Sewer Construction Street Widening Bonds Bridge Bonds Tola! Est. 11.003.404 50 19.12300 . 325.000 00 .. 00 ... 134.000 00 6,00000 110.696 00 . 183.190 00 203.804 44 . 1.510 15 75 . I73.00fl.00 ... 110.000 00 ... 188.000 00 ... 140.00000 Estlmstrd Receipts I 938.095 00 8 800 00 32.'.'.00O (HI 220.000 00 134.01X1 00 6.000 00 6.600 00 6.000 00 .82.313 75 1.510.949.79 179.000 00 110.000 00 188.000 00 140.000.00 Amt. Nec. to Balance Budget 1463.309 90 70 922 00 104 098 on 179.190 00 136.370 69 Taxes That Will Not Be Collected 124 400 00 4 .WOO 6.1S0 (10 9(10 00 6 ( 44 Estimate Tax Lew 19M-I957 489 799 50 75.448 00 110 418 00 1P8.6C0 00 1(9.980 13 Sinking Fund Water Dept 65 000 00 45O.0OOOO 12.000 00 50.000 00 1,470 00 2.800 00 None 1.330.300 00 . Kfili.lKlO 00 324.116 K0 I OH 1 .110(1 (III 4 02 1.506 00 89 000 00 320.000 00 14.000 00 20 000 00 3.100 00 1.900 00 581 !70 no 509.517 50 4 392 600 00 1 510.945 75 1.881,654.29 TOTALS .4,3S1,!64.6I 2.430,794.50 133,289.44 1,014J95.6J 11,881,69425 BALANCE END OF PERIOD. WATER DEPARTMENT EST. PERSONAL SERVICE Cltv Manager Manager Water Department Engineer , City Attorney Accountant . Assistant Arrnunlant ... Service Supervisor . . .. Billing Clerk . Asst. Service Supervise 36.033 08 13.532 34 EXPENDITURES 71.752 50 2.881.634 :5 1.732 9 1.732 5 1 732 50 2 333 00 8.930 00 6.930 OA 6.93 00 7.320 00 4,379 20 4.770 00 4.770 00 4 836 00 30 00 630 00 630 00 1.200 00 4,817.3 4.617 3 4,617 00 4 8000 2.421 44 1.541 44 3.472 00 2 660 00 4.307 8 4 307 88 4 30 00 4.800 00 4.023 40 141 54 4 ICS 00 4.0000 1.964 00 2,9600 1.364.00 4,080.00 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS Property Stayton Island Reserve Pumping Plant Transmission Mains .. . Distribution Plant Distribution Mains Service Lines Si Con. Meter it Meter Box Reservoirs Booster Pump Control Svatrra Machinery at Equipment Small Tools Maps or Records "Offlca Fix. at Equipment Autos At Trucks Improvements Material Yard Addition to Office Building Rights of Wy. Engineering, Partial construction new supply . OPF.RATINCJ EXPENSE SOURC Truck Expense Pumping Expense Island Repairs Ar Expense Maintenance to Power Ditch PUMPING EXPENSE Wells Expense Maint. of Pump Rldg At Equip. PURIFICATION A- TREATMENT Chemicals At Mali.. Stayton Maint -fhlnr H se A Equip. Power. Turner Chemicals and Materials, Turner TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION Cone Valve At H se Rxpenne Remov and Setting Metera Shop Expense A Watchman Reseroir Cnntiol H'se Exp. Power Hmh Level Pumping Mtitnt to Transmission lines M.unl to Distribution Mains Maint. lo hervlre Lines At Conn Mmnl A Distrih, Reservoirs Maint to Metera A Meter Boxes . Maint. to Misr Equip , etc. Maint. to Turner Reaervolr GENERAL EXPENSE kuto Expense Insurance Meter Reading Office Expense A Supplies Maint. to Office Equipment Postage Telephone A Telegraph Janitor supplies . .. Auditing Maint of Offlre Building .. Light and Heat Printing Conventions A Memberships Store Room Expense .. State Ind Acc Comm. P. E R S Social Security ... . Maint of Grounds - Miscellaneous . Non-Operating Exp, Bond Interest Bond Retirement Work fi Progress TOTAL WATER DEPT. 1.360 0 1.3 1.537 1.7224 S.174.32 S.S64.M 1 138 4 4.770 O 4.0440 1 23 4 nisa 1.083 47 14.589.N 2.147.4 1,461 0 1.128.04 .2.30 M 10.217 61 1.404 27 T.697.64 1.730 73 1,8207 98 04 7.4II1I 1.113 41 4 113 00 2.601 61 mum 771. 16.50 4.175 4 224 00 1.34 00 1.2644 1.7110 17110 2.54 01 S.42O0 4,770 0 4 045 0 1,09 00 1813 00 1.031. 90 1004.90 1.10 04 1.480 00 1,1200 22.609 00 10.272.00 2.431 40 1.897 0 4.109 00 1.420 00 1.432.00 7.357 0 1.113 0 4.1730 1,60100 Ml 04 17104 1.894 04 4.I02.M t-30-S7 1,40 0 1.404 1910 1.10 0 1.400 0 2.54 0 1.70 0 1,100 0 42000 1.1600 1,960 00 11104 1.5600 I. 90 01 200 00 1,440 00 II. 0100 14.160.0 1,404 1.040 04 4.3200 1.180 0 1,40 00 1.920.0 1.960 00 4.3204 1.700 4M0 1.1 1.1004 1.600 04 Reading Club Activity Slated Tbt annual , chil drea't Summer Reading Club at Salem Public Library will open June II and end August It, it was announced Mon day. ' ' ., : I , Children, who may Join up any timt during tht program, will be given awardt for rtading certaia number of books, Tht theme of tht . program this year Is "fishing." Sptclat fish-shaped pint will bt given children who read IS or mora books during the period. The pre grant it open to all Salem children, : T4154 2 50 04 i.m.n lot 23 58 1 50 1000 0 104.0004 10000 44.1MI7 tltMM 1.981 91 1672 00 1233 53 1.334 80 4,813.11 167.20 1.000 0 178 49 1,14 H 1.0080 4,0000 40 44 500 A 1000 1003 133II 1.0000 1000 00 134 43 1.000 00 1.500 6 1,613 68 2,167 82 5.000.0 2,000.00 1,235 00 1.000 00 ' 1,808 04 13,500 00 1. 000.000.04 I OF SI'PPLY 630 92 600 09 500 00 5004 312 8 109 19 500 AO 300 00 182 7 319 35 700 00 800 00 1.000.04 6 3 M 29 41 100 04 100 04 137 97 452 1 300 04 2004 1 (168 37 1 99 31 I 000 OO 2.0O0 0 36 00 319 16 500 00 400 00 365 37 313 87 400 00 190 00 117:61' 1.139 51 1.000 00 2.00000 TION 7168 399 61 1.VI0O 2500 1.811 5 1.394 5 I.VlOiiO 1.300 00 1 (74 4 1 64861 1 000 00 1 SnOOO TM 09 632 70 300 00 300 00 3 296 44 1.316 60 1 3O0O0 1.900.00 170 24 26 96 300 00 500 00 2 681 20 2.245 83 3.000 00 9.000 00 5 883 07 4.236 90 1.000 00 1.000 04 1.470 49 495 33 1.000 00 1.000 00 3 95011 3.569 74 4 000 00 4.000.00 1.81948 2 34736 2.900 00 1.300 0 1.61 9 1.361.11 1.004M 1,00804 1.228 05 1.00311 1.000 00 1.200 00 134 58 133 45 150 00 150 00 162 02 162 111 2O0 00 S90 00 1 134 70 2 176 91 2.000 00 ' 1.000 04 4i6 67 425 51 500 00 900 00 3.IK9 2 1262 90 1.300 00 1.300,04 60: 24 492 3 500 04 5000 In3l 2 46 24 60 04 60 0 1 inn on 9S00 l.nnooo l.ooooo 72 5 69 17 500 00 2"0 00 763 65 79 76 750 00 100 00 473 77 415 10 600 00 500 00 173 7(1 3(10 00 300 00 359 21 4M 11 330 00 90 00 2 (28 64 3 330 05 1 500 00 1 400 00 1 356 23 I .Ki 04 1 .30 00 1 .90(1 00 2 82119 3 n;(S5 3,400 00 5 000 00 .331 39 202 50 1 000 00 1 000 00 922 50 65 6 2OO0O 200 00 333 33 592 20 600 00 00 00 1961300 17.740 00, 17.922.50 43.49 7 68 0OOOO 12.000 00 11.000 00 17.000 00 58 M 43 01 2.00 00 1. 000 (It U73M.1I 46.630 54 I09J17J Medical School, Doctors Wrangle Over Policica - - PORTLAND UB - Tb ttalt medical tchool director tsaerted Monday that tht statt medical at ciety wat trying to set tht policies of the school. "The basie Issue existing bt tween tbt Oregon Statt Medical Society and tht Board el Higher Education can bt very simply stated who it going to ma the medical school?" laid a report by Dr. Charles N. Holman, ined ical director of the tchool. , The 15-page report wu ia an swer to criticism raised by tbt medical society. The medical so ciety hat tried to limit tht med ical Khool to indigent patients, and accused some tttff members of using tht school for private practice. Tht medical school reply said medical Khool students do not tea a great enough variety ol t from indigent patients alone. Collision Blamed In $3.3,730 Suit A personal injury suit asking $33,730 was filed Monday In Cir cuit Court. Filing the complaint wat Mrs. Dora Troxel, 2935 Sunnyview Ave., who allege! negligence by Theodore Parks, 4328 Htger St. The suit it based on a. two-car collision Dec. 4. 1933, at tht in tersection el Eldoa street and Glenwood ivenut near Four Cor ner. Mrt. Troxel it liking judg ment lor $1,030 doctor and hoa pitil expenset: $1,880 loss of waget; 'and $31,000 general dim- It ITES DI E AT ASTORIA The body of Mrt. Edith Lona Kelly, Warrenton, who died Satur day, hat been sent to Astoria for services and burial. Virgil T. Gol den Mortuary wu ia charge ai local rransemciiu.