ilKSw. IT) SUtcsmtn, Stlem, Ore, Tue, June 12, "55 Manager For Tide Mix . . - rf Bom in Hope Of Early Recorery NEW YORK 10 floyd Pat term's manager said Monday ht was going ahead wita plan for heavyweight title light wita -Archie Moor te September de spite Pattern'! brakes, right . aand,- "l a operating ea the theory ; nH fight ia September antil 1 jet medical authority to the con trary, said maaafer Gus r Area ta. The doctors told me Floyd had youth and food health ta ha aide and those (actors may bring .about a more rapid healing. They said they'll watch as the calcium .forma .then, at some given time, wfl be able ta give me a definite answer ee when be will be ready. "They do say the average is about two or three months (or a broken bone to heal but each ease is different It all depends ta the Individual." fighter Oa Vacation ' ' Patterson, taking a short vaca tion, wlQ return to the city Thurs day when further X-rays will be taken to determine bow the break in tbt fourth metacarpal bone of -the right hand is healing. The metacarpal la the bone behind the -knuckle of the ring finger. Moore's manager, Charlie John ston, ruled cut any idea of Moore boxing Hurricane Jackson ia case Patterson want ready. "We're not interested.' said Johnston ' "He Just got licked. We're only interest e4 ia fighters that win. iMeadows Entries! Ji Portland Mweaws. TWtUy. pmi time, p m.: Tint nn. ertr. hone, nurse SM, U M la iymM C, SM rare. tPaUy IrtiM. A. Shrm ..ttt htUn Dam. O, Duran . 1U . Chubby's Muck, T. XultH 1M . 4. Lom A Dunrta ' a. unMrt i Tdciy, n. woods 123 -S. Kobia Dt. W. Phillip US ,7. Ctnml Fllnk. J. Boa 11T S. BhM Mutic. I. Cltfsrd IS , SMste WUMma, f. Uidtlf trBii4 net, rtr. non. pun $401, all mm la fraoa A. SSO vara. . 1. Bk Boil. B. Zolllna.r m I. Durann Kid, P. Hidalf lie S. Mim Ark. T. Swiyna y .. m 4. Cat Clam, a, McDowag " 5. Coldyi Bab. H. Han tia . S. Datrart, i. Boa( 1. Laa lr. O. Olxea -,. US taWtalaaat .1.1. ia. yr oida up. isstio). sk luriimin. 1. Noffll Hal, K. lilffora I. Ltfmnr, P. Hidilfo , 1. Sir Dala, W, Phiiiiu ja IV in ' I. Due Dut. At Sharman no iv ar, rpnimw 4. Early Burlay, t. Gilford , 1. LKvcr H. C. Slmonia . 5. Prttly Piny. H. Karl i Fourth raaa, etalai, pun baM, I r aids and ap, (SIM), Bra sur- 1. Rare Quaatlwi, A. Bhamaa J1 I. Turn. . Millar ,- " . a Mapolad, P. Hldalfo ' 4. !m data, W. Phillip a Duly V antra, h. narr S. doltola. D. Hriuhaw t t. Siianl Bank, S. afrDswall 11 . r I' o oar. P. 8rriplhr wl 6n Your Mark; T DixoaT.2I.IU M apii curl, c. cibaaa ,., ' ,., lot Plftli rar. claim, purs pMS, I ytar ; lda and up, (MOO), en mlla. 1. Royal Carlot, I. Clfford .HI I. Kaaron W, L. Know lea 114 I. Sea Quid, C. Gibson ... 114 4. Doubla Draam. G. Dixo .11 I royal Player. I; Millar , ti ' S. Boaa Wranf lar, P. Hidalf 114 1. Sir Pylon, B. Zouuiftr US I. Itcanrun. L. Dalaa 114 S. Bad Clay, X. Hopkins 1!4 , IS. Charter Way, p. Bomaa 111 tlxui race, claim, puraa $(ot, mdna. I paar olda. (1M-I1.0WI. I'i fur lonfa. ,.( 1. Nrrada Gal. C. Gibson lf 1. Jerry's Fancy, F. Zufelt 114 " S. Terminal V., W. Phillip ll 4. Country Jack. B. Zollinfar HI . I Huh Summit, P. Hidalf 111 I. Fast Fact, E. Glftord lll 1,U Final. O. Dixon , ns a. laity Qum. A. Sherma .U1 - V Seventh race, claim, pun MM, I ,yur sld and up, (ll.oooi, six fur. l.?o'S Pal, L. Dalaa 111 I. Gold Arch, F. Smothers -.. 120 1. No Foika, I. Miller 120 4. Main Gal. P. Hldalfo 115 I. Fondatu. G. Dixon .. ....lll . Pai s Picture. Phinipa ..1M 1. Sonoma Sickle, 0. Hrninaw 111 I. Helen a Cpay. McDowell 1M I. AH Brick. A. Sherman .12 10. Ceunt Aba, a ZolllnfarT!! Ill tl fMit race, low.r pur 7. I pear lds and. up, ' furlenft, "Ore fon Laundry at Dry Cleanera.' II. Mando, O. Simon la ..tll S. Lilly's Chief, D. Hanahaw lll I. Jett It. L. Knowlea Ill 1 First Rail, A. Sherma 112 I. Pharams. I. McDowell in . I. Mlat Bar Fly, P. Hldalfo 111 , 1 Fbnk Hock, C. Glbao .iva r.. n. Hopkins I. Will Braechaa, E. GIMord , 1 10. Jocupm, O, Dlxoa n , -Ill ...1 ' Ninth race, claim, puna fMO, pear olda and up, 1100), 1-1llth mile, -Withtng WelL" ' I. Bwaea Luck, G. Slmnnlt I1I I. Lott Heather, W. PhUlipe III I. Evil Lou, A. tnineaa . u, 4. Sam J one, t. Boag ......'..lll I. Hindu Pleat, A. Carmlchael will t I ZeMo, G. Dtaoa ...... 111 1. Bonny Grand. B. Zollinger lll - I. Wasatch Chief, L. Knowlea ..ISO ' S. Accurate Gueaa, S. McDowell 111 , JS. Ceienel H. A. C Glbaoa wlM Meadowi Sdectiomt YTueaday, psat Urn I a.m.) . I. Robin Dale, Nellie Dome, Blut Jamie. I. Duranto Kid. Bank RoD Cat Liam. S. Early Burlay, Dut Dux, Sir Dala. 4. Kara Question, On Your Mark, Long Oats, I. Doubla Draam, Itcanrun, Boaa Wrangler. - 4. Cavalry Jaok, Nevada CaL Salty Queen. V 1. All Brick. Sonoma SlcUt. Pall .Picture, S. Joelipm, Will Braechaa, Phar- sons. ' I Waaatek Chief. Colonel H. A, aam joaes. i . BEST BET Jocllpme. Ith race. .LONGSHOT POSSIBILITY S a a ' atuia, aua recv. v Tide Table , ; ' TtDBB FOB f APT, ORI4MW tr. ii-j lm n a cm umM ' Coodetle Survey, Portland. Oregon I Tim Height Tuna Height High Waters 1 1 Law Waters . ft. I ts a.m. -t l I N BJm. . l.i June ft. 11 1:11 am. lis 101 114 1 11 PJD. 1:07 am. 4:01 pjn. 1 OS a.m. 4:4 p m. 4 fat a.m. 1:31 p.m. ' i n a m. p.m. 4i a.m. I ll B.m. 1:1 a.m.-, U U it ".tt I 14 a m. -11 a 14 p.m. , t l 10:01 s m. 10 3d p.m. 10 81 am. 11. It p.m. 11 :U a.m. It II tl IJ II ' 1-or aja. 11 M p m. I N a m. IM pat. II II a i TisGufsTooHealili? - w . ' ut'rlu Wu 17 Vtoe. MtU Fier2' "1 increased hi. average eight ing streak, had some other base eoald be aaytag as he pats the test to Vlace Maruaes, raaaeraaa, . , ,ri w f yi.. k iha ta aaaat weight scrap here iatoreay aigat. gets raa art to caaueage eaampMa 'Jam' Starts Junior Action (CaL frasa precediaf page) . games are dated for Thursday. B' Opens Wedaeaday The Class B loop starts oil Wedaeaday with three games at six o clock. Berg's Market is sched uled to play the Truax Oilers, but that game may not come about since the latter team has report edly withdrawn from the loop. Four Corners Merchants play Vtsta Mar ket at Barrick Field No, 3 and J's Drive-la goes against Labial. Cen ter at West Salem. . Beard reported last night that .'the Truax Oil team has apparently ' 11 - -I . .L - I 1 pulled out tt the league because J lC-year-old players are not permit lu paiiu;iaic m uiv wuiuut Baseball program. The Truax coach voted for 14-year-olds and then told that be would not play ia the league when the move was defeated.- ta last eight's "C game First- sacker Weathers at Berg's deliver ed the big blow of the four-run inning, a two-run tingle. Big gun for Dickson's was John Wray who singled la the winning tallies in the third. ' Sconce hit a double lor the Lions Club ia the second game and Green drove ia three runs for the Four Corners club. Berg's Keizer ........ 040-4 3 3 Dickson Mkt m-4 4 1 Nelson and Wslker; W. Harvey, Potts (3) and Alderin, S. Serine (3). Four Corners 364-13 1 3 Lions Club . ..... XUC-4 3 ( AkJermaa and Hofstetter; Han- ley,' Vanderhoof (3) and lanson. American League First tame; Cleveland -.t1l Ml MO-4 4 Boston 0M Ml 0001 f 1 McLlsn. NarMskl I ill and nefaa; Portertield, Hurd III and Daley. Horn runt Cleveland, Smith, Car. faaquel, Rosen. Becond lama: Cleveland II M 800-1 1 1 Boeton 020 M M I IS 1 Garcia, re er II and Averin: Brawer and Daley. Horn runt Bos ton, Jensen. First fame! Kantat City .n M0 10SI S 1 Waihlntton Ml 1M fcv 4 1 1 Kretlow, Shantx III and GlnsBerf: Grob, Ramoe (II and Courtney, Bar beret 111. Home runt Kanaaa City, Grolh ill. Wathlnfton. Paula. Becond fame; kanaaa City 040 1M 100 I 10 I Waahtnaton ..... 001 1M 1001 7 1 Kellner and Thorn peon: Stone, Grtfsa (1), Peeeual III and Fits Ger ald. Home runa Kanaaa City, Baxes, Power. Wathlnfton, Luttrell. Detroit ..... 000 III 4 14 1 I Baltimore 300 MO 00-J U 1 Larv. Maatereon 17) and House: Perrareaa, lurerlnk (I), Browa it) and Tiiandoa. Smith (I). Homo runa Baltimore, Nieman. National League Brooklyn .100 Ml 0411 I t. Louis 001 10 101 I It 1 Newcombe. Leblne III and Walk er; Pooobky, Kinder (I) and Sarnl. noma runt Brooklyn, snider ill. St Loult, Moon, Sauar. Philadelphia .......... OW 031 sno- 10 0 Milwaukee Ola) 100 1001 I 0 8. Miller and Lopata; Conlcv, Johnaon III, Jolly ill and Cran dall. Today's Pitcher AMERICAN LBAGUI I All Nlht) Kantat City at Wash Ington Santiago (0-1) vt. Paacual il 7) or Stewart il-l). Detroit at Balti more Hoett (-!) vt. Wight 13-51 Chicago at New York Donovan (1-1) va. Ford (7-1). Cleveland at Boaton Wynn (1-1) vt. Sullivan (4-1). NATIONAL LIAGl'E Pittsburgh at Cincinnati (N) Prlend 1 10-3) vt. NuxhaU 3-li. Phil adelphia at Milwaukee ( N ) Haddix (1-1) vt. Crone (4-1). New York at Chicago Worthlngton (2-1) vt. MM aer (1-1). Brooklyn at St Loult (N) kouiu (i-) or arikine (i-) vt. otckaoa (J-l). Angler Feared Victim Of Metolius River BEND Ronald Olmstead, 17, Bend, was feared drowned in the Metolius River Sunday. He slipped from a rock while fishing and fell into the swift water near Wizard JFalla in the Camp Sher man arei. Hii step-father, Robert Severns, and Ronald's brother. David. 14. said the boy was wearing widen whoa ba feu ia. The body has not 1 - . ., ,v a-. a : laa-MA CBeefca lar UUHr Waller Wlaaor f tt t eaway rnrt bmh Maaay aaxMa. iat wirepa; Koivitz Handed Writing Award OMAHA, Neb. Ill A college baseball news story by Chris Kowiti of the Corvallis, Ore., Gazette-Times won an honorable mention in the annual writing coo test sponsored by the American Assn. of College BasetaIl Coaches Monday. It was in the "straight newt' division for newspapers of leu than 50,000 circulation. The first place award went to Jack Gilbert of the Athens, 0., Messenger. Outdoor Croup Supports Bill WASHINGTON IA1 - Repreien- tives of conservation and outdoor groupi Monday lupported before the House interior Committee a bill to require congressional ap proval for large land withdraw als by military forces and to force Compliance with state game laws on military preserves. C R. Gutermuth, vice president of the Wildlife Management Iiuti- ,tute.told ihe committee there seems to be no limit to the armed forces' insatiable appetite for land." Gutermuth laid he understood from reports that the Navy now is proposing to move in and take over a part of the Okefeno kee wildlife refuge in Georgia. If this should occur, there will be a "tremendous widespread public protest,' Gutermuth said. Others who supported the bill were Michael Nadel, assistant ex ecutive secretary of the Wilder ness Society, and Michael Hudo ba, Washington editor of Sports Afield, speaking for the Izaak Walton Leagugeg. WEEK-END DAY FOOTBALL DETROIT la After 30 yean of playing night football, the Univer- uty of Detroit is taking down its stadium lights and will play Satur day or Sunday afternoon games this fall. The move is part of a policy change in the university's athletic program. (Coat, from preceding page) woalda't be leached for the 1M prtie offered anyone who made one, aad that aD loot takea ia would ga Into the Cerebral Palsy read. Bat le, eae Dave MeDoaald at Seaside, visiting for the Shrine meet, paid his dollar for a crack at the $100 prize. Hit 7-iroa shot aa the US-yard hole drlbbed into the cap aad the Active Clabbers a themselves a 45.000-to-l bet! Salem Senator directors are deeply concerned about the way things are going in the ball yard this semester, and little wonder. Attendance figures for the campaign to date are as feeble as they've ever been here, and we've had some dandies in the late 1940s. So it goes with a club that does little other than lose. Three big efforts are lo be made this weekend te perk things ap at the gate. On Saturday alght the Capitol Shopping Center takea over Ihe baU park for Its annual "algal", one that pulled aver S.000 Inte the arena a year age aa a chilly, eloady eight. There will be nock of prlzei for the fans, 'aad Center magistrates are trying ia figure out tome appropriate gag te pall ea Ed Vannl, who wiU be present with his Weaatchee Chiefs. The Western Paper Converting outfit hai reserved Sunday for Ita aanaal "day," aad thea ea Monday alsht the famous and ei tremely capable Johnny Price comes in with his spectacular acre batica. He has beea here before, aad each time drew whopping craw da. He'i that good. Thin ft Art in Rather Rough Shape If these specials don't do some happen to Salem Senatori Inc. When the water ii gone from the well things dry up and blow away mighty fast. And to put it another way, our 25th Street patient is in critical condition. Which certainly isn't itartling news to anyone, we re sure . . . Bob Ashby, the longtime Salem resident who bow operates the "Hambarger Heavea" establlaameat la Engeae, wis telling the ether day that almost 401 ftieade from this area have visited his aew firm. Also, he aays a move la under way la his aew tewa ta bring the entire USA Olympic Games track and field team te En geae for aa appraaaace ia Aagast, after the Olympic Trials are he'd la Ul Aageles. "We figure H will cost around to.OM to briag the aqaad to Eugene for a practice meet." Bob relays, "aad some at the elvle leaders are already putting the bite oa we mercaaata far contributions." It audi Ii to, Hayward Field won't be big enough to acommodate the apectatori. We. know lots of folki who would walk from here to Eugene to see the Olympic Games squad in action, and we'd be one Dues' Ciemente To Help Club's NEW TOfUC If Dale Long and Bob Friend have beea get ting moat at the rave notices for Pittsburgh's phenomenal rise this season, but, of late, Roberto Cle ment also has beea making his presence felt la the Pirate lineup. The 21-year-old sophomore out fielder is ea a batting rampage and has lifted his average to jet,, third best in the National League. Clement e, boasting aa 11 -game hitting streak, gained 44 points during the week with 14 hits in 17 at bats a better than .SCO clip. Rip Repulski of the St. Loois Cards continues to top the Na tional League batsmen with a --S7I mark, while the Yankees' Mickey Mantle still is the American League leader with JSH. Averages include games through Sunday. Kepuiski. still Dotnereq ty a wrist injury saw limited service verting . Day is set for Sunday, tost week. He went I (ar il and durjllf the 1:31 e'clodt. double lost points. Long maintained ita Vannl A Co. A num the runnerup spot at J7 despite r of WPC mpoytn ind their a io-point dip on 7-lor-3. The Cards' Ken Boyer trails Ciemente in fourth place with J45. followed by Cincinnati's Ed Bailey, in fifth at Jtf. the American League batting fsei If ant thimffMul 17 nninta with seven hits in 25 trips. De troit's Charley Maxwell remains second with .373. He collected six hits in 17 at bats, but lost three points. Teammate Harvey Kuerni advanced from fourth to third Wim JM. Me Oeuvereo S-lori3 with J64. i "a . v action with a leg injury. Mickey Vernon of the Boston Red Sox dropped a peg from third to fourth at .351 with the Yanks' Yogi Berra rounding out the. top five with .350. Long is the National League's Solons' Boyer Leads Hurlers SAN FRANCISCO Ul - Cloyd Boyer of Sacramento, who has wen 3 games and lost 3, leads the Pacific Coast League pitchers on an earned run basis, with an av erage of 1.77 runs per game. He has started 10 games, pitched 71 innings and has struck out 31 men. On a percentage basis, Bud, Podbielan of Seattle, heads the! team's regular catcher, and al league with ( wins, 1 loss, and ' though Helser has done no pitching an average of .057. Elmer Singleton of Seattle has the most wins, thus far, with J,! against 3 defeats. Dick Drott, Los Angeles, leadi in strikeouts with ; 14. Major League Leaders AMERICAN LKAGUI G AB Mantle. N. T. II 113 Maxwell. Detroit 41 111 Kuenn, Detroit 4 1M R M HPct. 71 J94 41 .375 M .Ml 50 40 .354 54 ..ISO 47 .341 35 .324 43 ..T23 II Jll M 30 Vernon, oBilon 31 131 Nieman, Baltimore 34 113 Barra. N. V. 41 ISO Sworon. N. Y 40 131 1? 14 U 11 11 17 3 Courtney, Wash. 3S 1M Lollar, Chlrafo 40 133 Goodman, Boaton 40 1M Home runt Mantle, New York, II; Berra. New York. II: Sieven. Wash ington, 14; Bauer. New York, 13; Wertz, Cleveland, 11. Runt batted In Mantle, New York. 51; Berra. New York. 42; Lemon Washington. 41; Simpson. Kantat City, 40; Sieven, Wathlnfton, 40. NATIONAL LEAGUK G AB R HPct. Repultkl. St. L. 13 111 S3 43 J7I Long, Pltttburgh 50 111 37 17 .310 Ciemente, Plttaoh 40 in II as jhq Boyer. St. Louit 51 104 40 70 .343 Bailey, Clncinn 31 IM 11 41 .341 Moon, St. Loult 11 1S3 37 II .333 Bell. Cniclnnatl 41 114 34 59 X Snider. Brooklyn 45 147 M S3 .317 Schoend'nst, St. L. 38 151 12 41 .311 Aaron. Milwaukee 41 197 19 4 Jll Home runa Long. Pltttburgh. 17; Banks. Chicago. 14; Pott, Cincinnati, 14: Bover. St. Loult. it; sniaer, Brooklyn, 13; Robinson, Cincinnati 13. Runt batted In Boyer, St. Loult, 41: Long Pittsburgh. 4: Mutial. St Loult. 41; Banka. Lnicago, it; jao- lontki, Cincinnati, 34. busines,, gosh knows what'i to on Bat Spree Bid for Lead home raa pace-setter with 17 and Borer leads the KJU aepartmeat with 4s. Mantle is both the AL homer derby leader with XI and runs batted la leader with tx The RedlrgV Brooks Lawrence has the heat pitching record among aenior league burlers. T-t, 1 sot, aad rriead is strikeout king with 7L Tom Brewer of Bostoa has posted the leading woa-tost mark ia the American, M. JS. andaevelanfs Herb Score has Waters Gash On Wednesday iu a .. , , n , families will be out for Sunday a bUl. Then oa Monday night the fa mous Johnny Price, the fabulous baseball acrobat is to visit the Mrk lnr ftn, nf w, I r. shows prior to the Spokane-Salem opener. Swansea Cat Lose Manager Hugh Luby, all smiles Monday after his warriors had won Sunday night's double-header uruil, ai.avpiua anouicr ray " . Third-baseman Hal Swansea to the Amarillo club, which had optioned the green rookie here, and told that another member of the cur rent squad will be cut in a day or two. "I've been in contact with three other organizationa ia the last few days," Luby added, "and I'm con fident we'll be getting some player help shortly." The Generalissimo did not elaborate. Third baseman Gene Laursen was secured from Tri-City over the weekend and broke into the Solon lineup Sunday. The Senators won the Sunday games 9-3 and 3-0 on sharp pitch ing by rookie Arlie Alderman, and Ad Satalicb, and made do errors in either game. Elliott to Pitch Here The Drain club has a number of familiar faces. Former Sena- tors manager Bill Beard is the yet this season he may shed the blanket in the brief series. Other pitchers on the club arei Glenn Elliott, the former Oregon State College, Major .and Coast League lefty, and Dick Duerr, hard throwing Linfield College southpaw. Vera Marshall of Lin field's strong collegiate outfit is at first base, and former Linfield all around7 star Ad Rutschmann playi lecond. V of Oregon Coach Don Kirsch plays short and ex-Senator Ray Stratton is the third baseman. Pat Wohlers, Ted Wilson and Norv Ritchie are the outfielders. Elliott is slated to pitch against the Salrms in the local game Wednesday. Tennis Action To Start Here Director Del Ramsdell of the tennis division of the City Recre ational Department announced Monday that free lessons will be available starting this week at the following placet: Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, dinger Field Courts, 9 a.m. to II am , Richmond School Courts, 11 a.m. to 12 noon. The lessons will be avail able at the West Salem School Courts on Tuesdays and Thurs days from 8 a.m. to 9 a.m., and at Englewood School courts on Mondays and Wednesdays irom 8 a.m. to 9 a.m. On Mondays. Tuesdays, Wed nesdays and Thursdays they will be available at the Fairmount School courts from 1 p m. to 3 p.m. and at Leslie courts from 3 p.m. to 5 p m. Fridays will be reserved for tournament play, which will get under wy later on at the dinger and Leslie courts. Tourneyi in Beginners Doubles, Beginners Singles, Junior Boys Doublet and Singles, Mixed Doublet, Women's Doublet, Men't Doublet and Men't Singles are to be held later. Stayton Gets Legion Clash u The American Legion Junior Baseball game involving the Sa lem Capital Post No. 9 team will not be played here Wednesday night at scheduled. It will instead be played at Stayton, starting at eight o'clock. The Stayton-Salrm game of the second half in the local district will be played here to offset the shifting of the Wednes day game, according to Coach Bill Bevens of the C Ps. Bevens will hold a practice ses sion for his squad tonight, starting at six o'clock, at Waters Field. All hands should be present for the drill. They'll Do It Every Time ; By Jimmy Hatlo H8ESTOTfcS0E L . MOCEB-CTUf? BHD BUMBLES LS tV"" ISdSw GOES HOME TO MiS LITTLE WOKEVRM VMAJ DOES HE HEAR? YOU GUESSED XT.' MORS NISHT Jalopy Derby Next at Bowl Another of the hilarious jalopy destruction derbies is next in line for auto racing action at Salem's Hollywood Bowl. The smash bee, second of the season, is booked for Saturday night and will again be presented by the Capital Auto Rac ing Association. In their last destruction derby the CARA had over 30 assorted klunkers in the meet, and left the great majority of them ready for the junk heap. The card was load ed with crackups. Time trials for this week's show will start at 7:45 o'clock, races at approximately 130. Trophy dash, heat races and usual main events will follow. Moore, Parker Contest Eyed LONDON ( Boxing promoter Jack Solomons laid Sunday night he was no longer interested in staging big name fights in Britain but planned to promote them in the United States and Canada. He said he had been approached to promote a fight between Archie Moore, world light heavyweight champion and James J. Parker, the Canadian heavyweight, in Ot tawa, Canada, next month. "Unfair taxes are crippling the future of big name contests in Britain," said Solomons, explain ing that he lost 5.000 pounds ($14,000) on last week's Moore Yolande Pompey match In Lon don. 7 0;..o- i.tiL i'8'Tw 10 1 r Ton".. 0 O ' lO ' , V , 'lV,o ..o" '..."'; are v. BeX LOCO TMMMTES DIGESTS TRdruNB fishing; BANK-TO-BANK USC A BOAT TO TIB THIS UNC TO UMBER SAPLINSS OR UMB3 ON OPPCrSITt BANKS, ANO TEND IT FROM ONS SIC TO THE OTH ER BY H0UXN9 MAIN UrtC ABOVI tMKTE. as you aa set iiw so rr SAGS TO CLEAR ANy PASSINca BOATS. IN Wipe LAKES, UNBS at Ay BE SET BETWEEN 2 TREE trilNa ABOVE WATER. TIE PROS PERS SO BAIT UES ON BOTTOM (NEAR IT V USIN6 MINNOWS). IPROPPER LOC4 0 " BAIT RSH-x T OniY REGULATIONS, AND TBNO LINES AT LEAST TWICE DAIty PAWN ANO DUSK IS BEST. A record number of 7-10 splits 1" 136 1 were made during the Ameri can Bowling Congress tournament at Rochester, N.V., this year, the previous record was "9, set in 195& RENT A TOOL Do It Yourself It's Cheaper OPEN SUNDAYS Salem't Oldett Tool Rental HOWSER BROS. 1130 South 12th St Ttjp Your Convenience vm ma mi qm, m no- including Saturday for ALL Bank Services at FIRST NATIONAL DANIC Flrtl NgHenal Is the only statewide bank where All bank lervicet are available 10 te 5, tlx dayt a week. Thit enablat you le moke tavingi and chocking do potllt, arrange far loam, have ecceu te your tote depotlt box, and uie the meny ether helpful banking servlcet ef First National ... at yew convenience. FD C1C1T rjATioriiOL datjejl KXTRE HOtl-IME URST4lC$ IS fftOPPED UP-WB ISR41SNGT S0471CJ.K MORSE TM4H BiraraJ nv f B.ftMM PAFKO SHOWS 'EM MADISON, Wit. m - Andy Paf ko, Milwaukee Braves outfielder, got more thaa a gallon of milk from a patient browa Swiss cow in ttwe minutes te win a milking contest ea Wisconsin state Capitol Square here Friday. Pafko. who grew up on a Boyce ville. Wis., farm, got twice as much milk as coach Charlie Root and 'first baseman Joe Adcock. Pitcher Warren Spaha was not present for the contest and two substitutes filling for .him ran fourth In the contest , raisotirmaii W Hart Iht WtarabU Gilts Ha Wants 100 WOOL Wonted tropicals, flsnaels. tweedt, sharkskins, gab a aiaea, crepes, etc. Sites through 42. CDADT CUIDTC Woiheble coMont. JIVIA I jnilA I 3 Beautiful potterm. Short ileeve. . . $2.95 LB9 (. $3.95 OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY Kay Voolen Mill Store 260 S. 12th Acres 1AIIM IB ANOI Or !OtRTaVJUB tcrs ium.0 oaiooN rocrrHt r . . e- a W A.' a Gophers Keep Unbeaten Run OMAHA (A MiaiwaoU raa Is NCAA college world series record te M Monday night with aa easy 134 wia ever Mississippi, now J-1 ia the double eluTtinatioaaeriea. Artsoaa squecsed home a rua aa Glen Featia's perfect bunt down the first base line fat th top of the ninth bmine ta heat Km Hanuhire. 1-a. la the first eight game. . The wia gave Arisena a 1-1 tour av rercird anil Vw-eM4 Naaa Hampshire out at the double elinv inauoa series. Earlier Bradley eliminated Wy sming, downing the Cowboys 134. US Horsemen Trail Leaders STOCKHOLM The superb horaemanship of riders from five nations turned the opening event of the equestrian Olympic games Monday into a colorful and tense drama fn Stockholm stadium. Hortes and riders from Ger many, Britain, Switzerland, Fin land and Russia went through the intricate and usually unspectacu lar dressage moves in near per feet precision to take the lead In the Three Day trials. The twe United States' riders fared poorly. Horsemen the world over ex pected Germany and Britain to take the lead, but seeing the Rus sians up there in tuch high diss horse company must rank as one of the big shocks in sports. After the first 30 riders in the Three-Day dressage had finished their 12 minute performances Monday, Otto Rothe of Germany wat in the lead with 91.4 penalty points. falhtft Day It Jvnt 17th Largest SelectJoa of WOOL SLACKS la the Willamette Valley from Willamette Campus i.jv j Tiori .a 1" . iv- i -VvvJ7,,lO W - IP .A 1 lO1 .10' s" .' .1' fcH- .10' s tV d . 10 el e 0""o',ft 4 alra"-ar:iOrt as' .js" V,w-4 -e .rf"'!'. af"i been recoverea. of em. . ,