Baa Rarser By DON BAKGER Want to catch tome fish? Well take a trip to Newport with tome herring jigs and catch your herring for the summer salmon mooching. According to many reports the Yaquina Bay waters are alive with herring and they are being taken by numerous anglers who find the lalmM fishing poor. Instead of coming home empty handed they are bringing home enough herring for the freeier to carry through a few salmon trips. Herring jigging can even lead to fuiu Lart year Emory Lebold was jiftging for herring one day at Yaquina Bay and after a few jigs proceeded to reel in the line with a couple of her ring on. On the way up a chinooK graorjea one of the herring and short, scrappy battle followed. The chinook won in the first round. Anglers coming home from central Oregon re port the Deschutes river now producing some nice catches on flies in the river above Bend. Although bit high, the rainbows and browns ate taking flies with a bit more regularity than other baits. At the end of the day the fly fishermen have better luck than spin casters, rollers, or bait fishermen. Tie koatt are new at wars. Deiratt reservtir rleaaing aa the drift sad debris which has made Ufe miserable far aatlers far most af the aeato Urns far. The plan la U earral the debris aad haul It all t the aaper area la the flats. As taea as all at the debris Is "baamed" the watrr will be lawered sa that the piles sf drift may be burned. We trait that win be the ead tf It. Bar Fishing on Columbia Due in July Columbia river salmon and sieelhead anglers will have to mark time until late in July this season for the bar fishing to get into pro duction. Reports from that area promise high water for another month yet. That means no fishing for the big river steelheaders for a few weeks yet. Occasional salmon are . being taken hi fram the Santiam Just above Staytea. The big run f spring chinook li finally la the river and anglers are making hay while the sua (?) shines. Large wabbling spoons aa the end af IS or 2s lb. lest lines thaald do the jab. The river is still high and fast aad It takes lots of rod to bold a big salmon whea be starts down stream. Lost Lake Yields Good Brook Trout Hault l-osi Lake on the Santiam highway is turning out some nice catches of brook trout to trollers and to worm fishermen. There are still quite a few large brookies in Lost lake and early season is the time to try (or them. As soon as the water drops to a low, summer level the big ones hit for the "hole" and slay there. Marion lake is producing well aa dark Inres traded fairly deep. Fly fishing has aot yet tarard la anything to yell aver aar has spin fishing. Single egging Is producing a few bat the little black, arange spotted wobbling ping has beea doing the best job. Fast lake had weather and all1 is giving up good catches of fish lo single eggers but most anglers are bemoaning the size of the fish this year. They are running small compared to former years. How ever, wa may expect fish in our waters to be smaller as the years slip by. The large natives are nearly gone and we are living in a "put and take" era of hatchery fish. The fresh air and scenery is just as good as it ever was. Knjoy it ! Senators Cop Sabbath ins Alderman, Satalich Poet Hill Triumphs (feat, frana preeediag pag at Draia against Roy Heiaer'f Black Sox Tuesday night. The Sox play here at Waters Field Wednes day night, eight o'clock. Hallelujah! game It It ( llh Trt-Cky (1) brhi White 1 1 J 1 1 Her ra.l 10 11 Prles.1 J S 1 Holder, r I I 1,1 Martln.c 3 0 I Helbtg.m 1 1 a a pro.i i a a a Miain j i a s o ciniM.a i a a a Daiv.p a a a Aldrch.p 1 0 114 Dunn in 4 1 La reen.1 S 1 KraueeJ I 1 Ea gtan.r 1 t Ettbrok.l 4 1 Siekula.l I Webttrj 4 ( lane I 1 Walth.p I a Wilms, x 1 1 Aldr n.p 1 ( 21 I 7 a 23 Smiled lor Walsh in llh. Safem 000 JS1 a-a t Tri-Clly eoi no a j s 4 Winning pitcher: Aldeimtn (J-J); loaint Ditcher: Caruso ll-4l. Ip ab h r er to bb Walsh 4 13 4 J 1 4 J Alderman I II I M 4 I Carueo 14 4 J 5 J Daly . "i I I J a a 0 Aldridfe 1'a tills Hit bv pitchert Herrera by Alder man; led on bts; S . I-c, ; SBH Eastarbrook (21. Siekula: JtBl Kaiterbrook I4i. Srekula, Mullany, Krause, Eaaegtan, Halbig, Laursen: SAC-Krauae in. Alderman IB); SB Srekula; DP Webster to Krausa to Baiter brook. T J 10; U Looal and Fisher. ThcyH Do It Every Time By Jimmy Hirio 4pTtfi A DiV OSES A HOT STOVE. 64LEM4 WiTTS FOQ MUB8VTO COME HOME VVTTVl NEWS OP TV OyTSCC VKSUH fa SfrOVBQKCSCS'OlfelD ALOUD WHILE SUE KEEPS ON VVOf30M5&JT WVUT OOES HE EaUD? RECIPES VET : , tSOCr6R4PS PUE-V f REMOVE THE SKINS V . I FBOM TWO KXM Of L 5e4PES-EXTtaCTTV 1 iJl) I SECK-POUX PULP IKTD J, X&KYssV I V tu--COVER wrrH u. 4BSL Second game: Salen a b r h LaursnJ 3 0 0 Dunn.m 3 K ruse .2 1 Eagian.r 4 Eatrbrk.l 4 Sikula.l 4 Whiter . 4 Knepf.c 3 Satk'hp 1 Trt-Clty () b r h Hill r 4 0 0 Prieil 4 0 0 Holdn 3 4 9 Mrtin.c 1 1 Pern I I 0 1 Helbtg.m 1 a WhileJ 1 0 1 Mulny.i 10 8 Mersth.p I 0 0 Her'ra x 1 0 0 Knstnk.d 1 0 Dalv p S 0 0 Kdfatr.p 0 0 Win Column Dented Salem Junior Legion Blanks Silverton, 9-0 Salem's Junior Legion baseball team broke into the win column at-Waters Park, downing the Silverton Juniors 1-0, behind the two hit hurling of Bud thappelle. Pacing Salem at the plate was Jerry Goertien, with three hits in three tries, all singles. Salem Gary Totali 29 X 4 0 Total 2 0 3 2 x-Crounded out tor Mrrsrth In 9th. d-riled out for Dalv in 8th Salem 200 000 0002 4 0 Tri-City ooo ooo aw o i 2 Winning pitcher; Satalich 3-I; lotlni pitcher; Mrrsetli i3-li. ip at h f er so bb Satalirh 211 3 0 0 S 1 Merseth 5 15 2 2 I 3 3 Dalv 3 10 1 0 0 0 1 Kindsfalher 1 4 10 0 10 l.B-S t, T-C 2, RB Esjegian. Kai terbrook; SB Dunn. Kiaur- DP Salahch to F.anterbmok; T-l 5.U ruber and Lopat. A 1.193. Gene Littler Wins Round Robin Golf fro in New York NEW ROCHELLE, N Y. Gene Littler nf Singing Hills, Calif , stood off a mild attack of putting jitters and every challenge 15 rivals could offer Sunday and gained an easy victory in the 115.000 round robin golf tournament. His 90-hole total of 344. one of the best scores ever made in 15 yean of this tournament, was good for a plus 55 point score in the unique round rob in scoring system. Runner-up Ted Kroll had a plus 31 point total, not even a threat to Littler. Cincinnati's Margin Cut (font, from preceding page) In a half game of the sixth place Giants by sweeping both ends of a doubleheader from the cellar dwelling Philadelphia Phillies 2-1 in It innings and S-2. Chicago's third place White Sox advanced within a half game of the Indians with a J-2 triumph over Boston. Washington knocked Detroit out of a fourth place tie by downing the Tigers twice -5 and 12-9 while Kansas City de feated Baltimore 7-1. Joe Collins' three-run homer and Johnny Kucks' nine-hit pitch ing combined to prevent the In dians from sweeping the entire set against New York. Bob Lemon, in quest of his eighth vic tory, was charged with his third defeat. Kucks' record also is now 7-S. Pierce Fans Sevea Billy Pierce doled out six hits and fanned seven to record his eighth victory in 10 decisions as the White Sox capitalized on a break to score all their runs in one inning. After a routine pop fly by Nellie Fox fell safely for a double to open the fourth, suc cessive singles by Minnie Minoso, Larry Poby and Dave Philley fol lowed and the Sox had all the! .1 a. I runs mey neeooa w oeai ueorge j m(,r SjngPt(,n won ni, seventh in allsee- J a row in the first game and Joe Enos Slaughter slammed a , Taylor belted in five runs In the pinch hit double to start Kansas i nightcap as Seattle swept a double City on a three-run rally in the header from Sacramento, 3-1 and sixtn ana ine Ainieiics wem or, 10 9.j; san Direo's Padres conked snap a live-game inking sirean as well as Baltimore's four-game winning skein. Jim Lemon singled to drive in Prall Downed In Shrine Meet Beavers Lose To Stars, 6-5 (Cant, from preceding page) Bill Gabler's pinch drive scored Mazeroski. In the Portland side of the ninth the Beavers moved out to enjoy a 5-3 lead. However, the three booming blasts in the bottom half gave the game to the Stars, managed by Clay Hopper, who was at the Portland helm last year. In other PCL action Sunday. El Horn Winner In Handicap (CaaL fram preeediag page) away in the Singles Sunday, and 228 tried in the Handicap, which emphasizes how big a victory it was for young Horn in the latter. Ballew Hila IM 0. S. Ballew of Eugene had 199X200 in the Open Singles, which I h. am. ...i... ri:u .J-J r l- 1 u r a"lr' Vestal got the only extra-base hit of the game, a double in the first inning. He injured his hip in the second inning, however, and had to be taken out of the game. Roger Carda, Salem's right fielder, also got two singles for the Salem dandies, who racked up runs in the first inning, three In the second and four in the fourth. Chapelle shared mound duties with Jim' Shires and Bob Gettii ! after hurling for five innings. 'Neither Shires nor Gettis yielded a hit in their one inning each in was what Orlich carded. Gordon Chappelle struck out seven and .:n r-:- rv.l win:. .f v,"-KH"- " Miner 01 urmii, yn, '! faCed 20 men in his stint. He iwseuu.g uu O..I.IWU.. Ufaii1 . oiv, un han, nn hall 198s, There was a tie, at 90, be- twee Harold Gouchnour and Don McKay of Seattle for the out-of-Luk Silverton () .1.1. Illl. in (ho Uniulixiii ni4 ' ?! a .lOkC Hire ill u: iiauuiiMi'i omu ft? sr, 3 Capital Loop Tilts Tonight The local Capital Softball Lea gue has two games scheduled for tonight at Phillips. Field, first one starting at seven o'clock. In the opener the National Guards play the Cascade Meats, and then at eight o'clock the Prison Officers face the First Christian Church. According to Jim Dimit, direr tor of the league, the circuit standings are as follows: First Christian 1-0, Meier k Frank J-0, Cascade Meats 1-0. Keiier Electric 1-1. Kay Woolens 0-1, Prison Officers 9-1, National Guards 1-2, Wepaco 0-2. NWL Line Scores PCL Line Scores Statu .om anea-a 1 1 Unranta . , iea ana a I a I Sinaweni and OrtciC: Oven Mufti, a. Jone 3) utt Brian. Si rand lame; Soatu - tm aaa set n a Sacramento 001 Ml fUO4 a I Judaoa and Ortotf. Harriet, narwr a I, Oecnbaufh 4), Jonnaoa (I) and nch. Tint lame; Vancouver oa m-T a a Saa Franc larv aul ft U-S 10 t Durvn and Romano: . Otbom. Or Da 111. Slack lit. R. G. Smith tl), Henry III aad Sadowaai. Second gam tl inntncai: Vancouver aul wa S t S San Franclecu boa 11 1 a- I a Bamberacr. Curtu it). Beaana (i. and Neal. Kemmerer. Grba til. K. G. Smith ii) ana Sullivaa. rirat (an tit Inrunfa): Loa Anat-lei . OuJ ail 100 S-11 Id 1 San Dieo tl 13 14 a- I 14 I Thorpe. Anderatm ti. Bauer . Hlliman (Si. and Tappe, Carmichael. Peet iJi. Kernsan til. Meaa Herrera tlOl, Gettel Ul. and SL Claire Second fame; Loa Ancekta - 100 111 J 1 San D,eco 420 a-a 1 Pvrkowakl. PterviU 111. and Han nan. Rata. AUina ti and Aatrotn. Stitesraau, Salem, Ore, MotL, June 11, 56 (Sec. MONDAY BROADCASTS (laltart steaat Tto Saliai faatreWe ta 1 taKfe 1 aad nam aa ravtteel ay twea M if ewieaa. m (ha renau ar eaeAfedl vftaw ailflialta (tea tiaartia far aaa mntmtj ammi MONDAY'S HIEVISION HIGHLIGHTS KPTT M0NDAr mGHUGHTS (CHANNEL 17): ' 1I:W a.aa. - NBC Matiaea Theatre -."George Has Birthday starring Eddie Cantor. Mthough corrrpletery dorninated by Us rwa sisters, with whom he lives, George becomes very tmportaat becata) he is to inherit $5(10.000 on his approaching Bta birthday. M0 a . MaUnee Theatre "Vacation Days," starring Fraddis Stuart and June Pressier. , , KOIN TV MONDAY'S HIGrTLfGHTS (CHANNEL : ' 1:M p.ta. Armchair Theatre "Incident fat the Rain" vital Irenw Vernon and Warren Douglas. ll:SS p.m. Showtime on Six "Angel On My Shoulder wlta Pa0 Muni, Claude Rains, Ann Baxter. - 8 KOAC, 530 k.c. OAC (Neaday) ISraa The Nrwa and Weallier. nil KapeciaUy For Women. Summer Plana lor tatan non"; !: Summer Story Tint; It The Concert Hall; ll:a The Newt and Weather; IMS a- ai Noon Tarm Hour; Melody Una; l-.JO Look to the Sklca. 1:4V-Broadway Melody, in Mac Dona Id l Anthol ofv; J je Memory Book ot Muuc; . Oreon Repoiier;:lt Muaic o( rha Maatera: 4:00 Join tbt Nayv; 4:14 On the Vfcbat:4:S Nc- Com- mentary; cniiaren l i nearer; S:M Talea ot tha Valiant ;4 -The New and Weat(ir:M t-Mua1c in the Makina: 4:J4 Out of My Ufa; 4 4S Herat To Vaterana; rea Hamoriea of Hawaii: 1:iaEwninf rarm Hour; 1:0 Keyboard CUutra; I IS U. o O. Radio Forum; S 44 Tha New and Weather: S: Muaw That tndurea; S:4S F.veninj Medtu- tioit Rev. Daniel Walker, Firtt Mevn odiat Church; W:aa Suja Oft. KYAL TV. VHF K (JOINS RVAL-TT (Cbaa ael 11 (Monday): t:a Stop, Look Ik Llitan : I:la ita Fun To Reduea; t:t reathtr Your Nest; iM Mat inee: Theatre praeenta, Conrad Nafel in "Tha Woman In Brown": :li Modern Komancaa; :N Q n a t Book; I :4 Bl( Roundup: l:S The Newi; l:ta Sporta Heart llrtea: J:JS Wealher Report; l:te Dumey land with "Behind tha Scenea with Feaa Parker": t :aa Hopalong Caa Hdy; t:M-1 Search For Adventura; I ei-December Bride: Ja Robert Montfomery etarnnf Halla Stoddard in "A Storm Over Swan Lake"; :! Secret Flla, U. S. A.: l.a Bade 714: IS:- Tom or raw's Meadilnaa; 14:45 The Movies, five homers to win the nightcap in a doubleheader from Los An geles. 1-3, but lost the first tilt li-o; ana Vancouver snapped a (font, from preceding page) predicts the hospital will get a much bigger-check this time Besides the large trophies that went to all flight winners in the meet, exactly 100 valuable mer chandise awards were distribu ted to winners and those closest to them in the flights. Leonard Wins Auto The meet's biggest priie of all, a 1036 Ford auto, was won by Charles M. Leonard, 227 S. Church St., Silverton. He was not present to claim it, but will have it delivered to him. He had the winning ticket among the thousands that were sold for the barbecue which accompanied the singles and Handicap gou meet. Another Silverton man, Harry Carson, won the first flight prize with a net 60 score. Jack Lovett of Portland was tops in the sec- ond flight with a net 63, and Leon Landry of Eugene copped the third flight with a net 65. South Salem football coach Lee Gustafson was fourth flight champion with a net 63, the low est score in the entire tourney. Fifth flight went to Cecir Lanti of Salem with a net 64. 12 Yar Old Winner But the top achievement of the flights was turned in by 12- year-old Gary Schafer, who made his 09-2168 stand up for the trophy. Following are the runnersup in the flights: 1st Flight: Ken Carpenter. Seaaide: Bob Albrich. Mcdfnrd; Jack Dulong. Oawejo with 70a; John Kennedy. Sea tide and Fred Haas, Salem with 71; 1. L. McClellan. Portland 7J; Henry Moon. Bob Price. Bill Stacy. Salem, and L. F. Kelt, Seaude. 7a. 2nd Flight: Frank i Nick I Nlcholla. Salem. S6; F-arl Bourland. Salem, tl, Warrrn Doolitllc Salem. 89. 3rd FllRht: Don Hrndrie, Salerfi, 66, the tying and winning runs in the , seven-game losing streak to take I a pair from San Francisco, 7-6 and 6-5. ; Portland IS) ab It o I Saffrll cf 5 4 7 I Mrqr.l-3 4 1 0 Bwskl.rl 5 2 1 Mcklsn.l 4 1 Bxea, kl I I Ynunt.I 3 10 CIrone.c 4 18 1 Hollywood (S) ab h n a 5 1 0 J Mejiai.rf S 1 0 firmer cf 4 2 4 Stvem.l 4 111 Dulini.ll 5 1 MzrtklJ S 1 Allic.1 S 4 Llttrel S8 3 0 1 J Naton.c 4 1 Bsnak.ira 0 0 0 0 Narnjo.p 0 0 Wrrle.p 10 11 Raydn.p 1 I Shore. p 0 0 0 0 r-Honor I 0 a-Drnoll 110 0 d-Bumer 0 0 b-Mrn If 0 0 0 a e-Cabler 1 1 Fledler.p 0 0 0 0 Green. p 0 0 Valdes.p 0 0 0 0 O'Dnpl.p 0 0 Totals 37 1.1 2 13 Tolala 41 17 27 12 a-Singlrd for Shore in fith. ninth inning of the opener and slammed a two-run homer in the first inning of the nightcap as Washington ended the Tiger jinx. Detroit had beaten the Nats six straight times before Sunday's double defeat. Pirate Killer Herman Wehmeier. a Pirate killer from 'way bark, hurled his first shutout of the season and his second victory, both over Pittsburgh, tn boost the Cards into a virtual first place tie, Luis Ar royo, traded away by the Red birds earlier this spring, gained holding them to seven hits in his j c-Sate on error for lHranJo tn Ind. first route-going performance Bill I J-Announced for Raydnn In Sth ... . u n..A i 1 c-Stngled for Baumer In Sth. virdon, another ex-Card, homered Two out when winnn(! run tcored. for the Pirates. Portland ion ooo ins s The Dodgers rapped five Cin- j Hollywood ooo too iis-4 . ,c u:.. :.i..j E- Llttrcll. RBI -Marque? 1. Allie cmrwu iiuui-15 iui i.i mis, ' Mejias, Gabler. Suffell, Borkowskl ing nome runs Dy rtanay .lamson and Charley Neal. Jackson drove in four runs as Ed Roebuck, third Dodger pitcher, was credited with the victory. A four-run uprising against War rrn Spahn in the seventh, high lighted by Foster Castleman's three-bagger, enabled Johnny An tnnelli. in relief, to register his fifth Giant victory. Eddie Miksis drove in holh runs In Chirago's first game triumph over Philadelphia and Pete Whis enant hatted in three runs with a single and double in the second game. Harrv Miller. Lebanon. 67; F. T Schtrlf. Portland, : Jim Allen and F. Jackaon. Salem, SS. 4th Flight: Dr. Ken Powers. Al Mason. Salem, tit. Chuck Barclay and Howard Olson. Salem 6fis; Harold Hauk and Clyde Prall. Salem. 7s. SUi Flight: Ray Howard. Salem, m. Wheeler Enaliih. Jack Mlnty. Salem, and Ward Moore, Dallas. S7s, and Pete Benniaon. Salem. 68. ni Sth Flight warren Line. e; ueoreje norria. saicm. hi: ueorge urwrv Salem, 71; Harry Miller, Lebanon. 71 Jack Franklin, Salem. 73. Totlay'g Pitchers NATIONAL LFAGl'F Philadelphia at Milwaukee iNl S. Miller 1 2-3) vs. Conlev Brooklvn at St Lnui combe 18-41 vs. l-li. N i New Pohnlsky 1 3-3 . amkrican l Cleveland at Bnslnn c2. dav-nighli Houtleman il-li and Garcia 4-Si vs. PorterfieM il-4i and Brewer 18-11. Kansas Cltv at Washington H.twl niahtl Kretlow 13-SI and Kellner 12-21 vs Pascual 1 2 - 7 1 and Stone (J-ll or Cbakales 13-3 1 Detroit at Baltimore iNl Lary li st vs. Ferrarese il-4i Koiind Robin Golf 're DAHLBENDER victor JOHNSTON. Pa. I - Gene Dahlbender, Atlanta. Ga , won the Sunnehanna invitational amateur golf tournament Sunday with a Baxes. Duhem 2. Allie 2M Michel- son, Young, Maaeroskl, Smith. Bor kowskl. .IB Saffell HR Marquei, Duhem. Allie. SB Bernier. S Bern- ier. SF Marquee, Banes. DP Saffell. I Calderone, Youn Llttrell and Mu'-lWIn ( ' I ra 1 1 i r. kelaon Left-Portland 10, Hollywoodl1 I II VFtH W 11. BB-Werle 1. Naranjo 1, Green 1. O Donnell 1 SO-Werle 4. Valdes 1. Naranfo 2. Raydon 4. HO Werie 13 In 7 1-3; Shore 1 In 2-3; Flclrlrr 1 ye in -.. iiib-. i in i-.i. naranio s in' I: Ravdon 8 In S; Green 3 in 1-3; O'Donnell 0 In J-V R-F.R- Werle 2-3, Shore l-n, Fiedler 2-2. Valdes 1-1. Narsnio 1-1. Ravdon 1-1, Green 2-3. O'Donnell l-fl. WP Ravdon W- O'Dnnnell 3-1 L Valdes S-3. tt-Mu-tart, Ashford and Orr. T -2 31. A-2JW0 span. The higher scorers in Sunday s SINGLES Don Peters. Sublimity, W0. O. S. Ballew, Euiene and Dan Orlich, Reno. 1!). Gordon Miller. Drain. Orley MjllUan, Rosebura and Earl Simpson, Portland. IM. L. Sheppard, Oplur, 1V7; Marsnan num. nena; Harry Foraburg. Portland. John Simpson, Portland, Billy Fox. Mt. Vernon, wasn , a. a. uuiiq, i anoy. lfld. P. Schmlti, Eugene. Harvey Flstier. Portland (the meets hin professional I. George Blum. Tilla mook, Henry feiers. auomniiy, wo Dudley, St. Helens, A. Whalen. Van couver. B. C Jack Culver. Roeeburg, Ted Welty, Salem. Pete Wheelhouse. Arlington ana Stan snort, noseourg, 195. HANDICAP Larry Horn. Grants Pasa and Earl Simpson. Portland. W, Bob lUtf, ln- depeudance and O. A. Copeland, Portland, m; Li. Mcn.ay. aaaiiie, jonn Simpson, Portland, trnie ration, li comb. Harold Gouchnour. Seattle. L. Bvrd. Roseburg, 06: Don Cannon, Salem, H. Waake. Eugene. R. Bur nett, Hillsboro, Chris Neitllng, SUy ton. B. Fox. Seattle, Frank Brewer, and G. Smith, 96. Thnmaa, j jonnson. r Olson, p McKay won the shooloff with 24. ' Gr p'tr-, m 3 o o Other titles won Sunday Included: i ,1 J J uaxier Moore Jr., niiainuon, junior champ in singles; Rex Short, Rose burg, sub-junior champ in singles; Lila McMullen, Roseburg, women's champion in singles (119X2001 and handicap 94X100); L. H. Shepherd, Ophir, 65-70 year old champ (197X 200), and E. M. Condit, Tillamook, over 70 years old champ (191X200). President Gordon Hull and his legion of busy helpers termed the meet "a big success" and told that around 170.000 rounds of ammuni tion were fired during the four-day (I) Salem B R H B R H 10 0 Barnes, mils 3 0 1 Kelley. I 1 a a 3 0 0 Vestal, a fill Jantre. 1 111 Carda. r 4 1 1 McCf'rv. 14 11 3 0 0 Relmann. 13 11 3 6 a Goertun. c 1 1 1 1 OChapele. pill Saires, p 60 Gettis. p A a 0 Russell, x i e a Totals 17 I Totals 30 I x Substituted tor Vestal In mo rirat fame (I Inninf s) : Lewlston 102 133 0313 11 I Spokane 410 310 01-11 14 1 Wadiworth. J. Jacobs (51 and Don ahue. Reta (9i; Bottler. Luedlkt (6 and DeSouia, It "sal (71, Second game: Iwurton 001 021 063-1 17 1 Spokane 104 100 000- I IS I Franco and Reia; Rounds, Leahy ()) and DcSouza. First game: Eugene.... 000 640 l-a I 1 Yakima ... 000 110 51 3 1 Lot. Hodges ! and Gaulhler; Young. Waiu (7), Ward (7) and Neal. Second gamt; Eugene 830 6.10 101-1 tl Yakima CO 116 600-1 6 6 Kan and Gauthler; Downs, Herrara (() ami Neal. Silverton Salem Pitcher Chappelle Shires Gettis Olaon lp at 10 1 3 000 OOO 00 1 0 .. 134 000 61 I 6 ho r er an bb 1 0 6 7 6 0' 0 6 3 6 0 0 6 1 6 11-1 KLOR-TV MONDAY'S HIGHLIGHTS (CHANNEL li): U:M a.m. Afternoon Film FestivaV-"Sptder and tha Tb,m star ring Eric Portman, Nadia Gray and Gal Rolfe. A story of the Strang friendship and mutual respect between a French police chief and a gentleman safe cracker. 7:M p.aa.-TV Readers Dtgest-'The Gigantic Banknote Swindla." starring Victory Jory. Tha fantastic financial manipulationi al a Coat nental confidence man. ;- 7:M Voice of Firestone Robert Merrill, guest soloist, at lects "A Rovin'," a traditional sea chant; "I Love Life" by lUnnaV Zurca: "O Sole Mio" by Ednard IMCapua; "Drinking tent Inn "HamlH" by Thomas and "I Only Havt Eyes for You" by Warren, l:N p .in. Premier Theatre "Nanook of the North' Is a tanipV fully realistic film study of the struggle for survival for the EaWrno. MONDAY'S TELEVISION KPTT. IHF 17; KOIN-TV, VHF t; KLOR, VHF IS N:U M:M e.ii HOt'R 66:66 Roena IHotnt rRorna IHoina KOIN! Panorama Pae. Panorama Pac. Paaorama Tae. fPanorama Faa. 0 IPTV could B You ICeuld Pa Tan IFeathaf Neat TntlMr ICaat O KOIN! Valiant Lady Lov af Llfa ISearch Tomorr. jGuldlng Llgtit J Q KPTV! Ding Dong SctklOing Dong Sckv Today tn Waat IToday In Waal 1JE0IN Colllngweod Ba Cmifted fWorM Turni rworld Turwa M j strTVI Today In Waat IToday la Waat rTenru Kmla ITaaa, tma) ,i KOIN! Johnny Carson Uobnny Caraon fXInklaHae pUnkkrtaae t KLOR I I Pub. tntara UKPTVlNBC Mat Thaa.NBC Mat Tkaa lNBC Mat Thaa.lNBC Mat Thak KOIN Big Payoff psif Payoft Bob Croaby , (Bok Croaby i aVLUa.) mm FestlTal tnim raatlra! (Film Peatrval nllia raatlral.' UKmtData with LUa IMod. Rtouncaa iQuaao a Day tQuaaa a Dar aw KOINl Brtfhtar Day (Secret Storm Edgw at tvight fBdja at INshft BLUR) firm Fettlval Film FettlTal fflaw Faathral tFIlm FaaMtralJ KPTVIuurriadJoaB I Married Joan (Trnla Xavaa . pbaie Rmm KOINl Armchair TrMaJArmchalr Thaa.pxom Xitchaa 1XOIN KfehatV KI.OBlTha liiaalM I TV. KiiHtea . ITJiiahetk. ntllaaBOCh " . ntllsabafli WE TAKE BETTER CARE0FY0UXTV PHONE ANYTIME 4-3327 Far lervtte CaRs -6 DaMy. Hie 1 lira taadey tarrka Fraal MJ I r-yrrn aa as TEUVISION SERVICE CO. American League First game: Detroit 300 100 100-S Wa.hlnatnn 000 000 311 6 Trucks, Maas l7i. Aber Hi. Haster- mn isi and Wilson. .House Stobbs. Clevenger il. Chakales (9i and Courtney. W Chakales. 1 Aber. Second game: n.imn 000 0(13 303-0 12 Washington 400 520 01x-13 0 Foytack, Brady (41. Mass (41. Vas Urson III and House; Wiesler Clev eniier (7i. Chakales (HI and Berberet. W Wiesler L For tack. Chicaeo 000 300 00(1-3 10 0 Boston 100 OHO 01-3 S 1 Pierce and Llllar; Suace. Sisler (11 and Dalev. L Suace. Kansas City . 20 O03 011-7 1 0 Baltimore 000 200 010-3 6 0 Santiago. Ditmar i4i. and Thomp son; Johnson. Dorish ill. Loes ill. and Trlandos. W Ditmar L-John-son. Cleveland 000 ooo Ono 6 1 6 New York 003 101 Olx a 12 0 Lemon ill;. Mourn 7 and Hesan. Naragon (7. Kurks and Berra L Lemon. Aumsville '9' Hits Mill City CASCADE HIGH SCHOOL -(Special Aumsville' Junior Le sion baseball team conked Mill City'i Legian diarnondeers, 18-2, in a game here Sunday afternoon. Big hitter for the winneri was Bob Harris, with three hits in four attempts, including a home run, but the big boy was called out for not touching second base in his round tripper. Frank Mar lalt also got a triple for the vic tors. Winning hurler wai Don Smith, who yielded five hits. Nobody on the ilill City team got mora than one nit apiece. Next game for Aumsville will be Wednesday night against Wood burn here. Aumsville 20.1 023 0-10 7 J Mill City oon ooj o J s 5 Smith and Marlatt; Garrison and Myir. National League First game: Pittsburgh 100 200 107-11 12 1 St. Louis 003 000 006 3 7 6 Arroyo and Foiled Schmidt, Mc Ddntel (7), Jackson (Hi, Kinder ill and Smith L Schmidt Second game: Pittsburgh O00 000 0000 6 1 St Louis 010 20(1 00-3 6 0 Kline, Face (Si. King (7i and Sliep ard. Kravitz i7i. Wehmeier and Sarnl. L-Kline y 1 Oswego Keeps j Golfing Title VANCOUVER. Wash. - The Oswego Lake Country Club re tained its team championship Sun day in the final round of the Alderwood Memorial team golf tournament at Royal Oaks Coun try Club here. Roy Wiggins and Ad Huycke led the way for the Oswego swingers in the title round. Wiggins, two time Oregon amateur titlist, card ed a one-over-par 7J for the day's top round, giving him a MS total for the tournament. Huycke tallked a 1S2 nn rounds nf 78 and 74. Oswego's four-man team posted a 3S-hole score of 620 strokes to win the championship Oswego won last year's memorial tourney at Bend with a B3 total . I Brooklyn 01 ! Cincinnati 202 220 000-J IS 101 100 000- 8 11 111 ( raig. Templrton 121. HnsebucK 1.11 and C'ampanclla. Lawrenre Black 111. LaPalme (4i. Jpffcoat il, Fre- Major Speed Zips SEATTLK VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. - Marlene Bauer Hagge Asheville, X. C, picked up only two points Sunday but won the $12,mo (trianglei round robin golf ! man in and Bailey. w-Roehurk tournament in a hrene. She finished the 90-mile "plus and minus" competition over the 6,065-yard par 71 Cavalier Yacht and Country Club course with plus .10 points 22 more than runner-up Joyce Ziske of Waterford, Wis. Tile Table TIDE! FOB rAFl ORSGON IComniled by 11. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey. Portland. Oregnnl Major Speed came up on the rail in the run lrrn,n through the homestretch to win REC0RD BR0KEN the $5,000 added Bremerton Handi- LONDON W - Nina Otkalenko : cap at the Longacres Race Track of Russia Sunday smashed her Sunday. 1 world's half mile record with a record - breaking 72-hole total of Hula Boola finished second and 1 06 6 run in Moscow's Dynamo Vi. I Direct Current wu third. I Stadium, Moscow radic- reported. New York 000 OOfi 410 B 11 I Milwaukee 03 000 000-3 7 1 Comer. Antonelll (6t and Katt; Spahn. Murff (7. Phillips (II and Crandall. W AntoneUI. L Spahn. First game 111 Innings): Philadelphia 010 OOO Ha) 001 I 1 Chicago . 100 000 000 011 6 6 Simmons and I.opsta; Hacker. Val entliwtti ill and Chltl. W-Valentln-ettl. Second gamt: Philadelphia 600 002 000 1 6 1 Chicago 000 300 02x 5 10 1 Owens. Negrav ill, Roberts 7 and Semlnlck; Jones, Lown (Si and Lan-drith. W-Jwu Time Height High Waters June ft. II 1 13 a m. 73 3 12 p m. 5 2 07 am. OS 4 00 p m. 9 7 Time Height Low waters ft l a m. -2 1 20 o m 21 A 14 am. -I 1 1:24 p m. 2 6 mmmmr 2KPTV Mat Theatre (Mat Thtatra fMat, Tbwtar IMat. Thaar KOINl Carry Hoora (Carry Moor (Arthor Godfray krthw OodrrasJ KLOR( Lady at Hou I Lady of Hwiw I Glamour CM IGlammrr Ctrl 3EPTVI Mat The tar Mat Thaatae M.W. Rotna fW.W. noma KOINl Arthur OedfwiArthiir Oadfrty Vtrlka II Kick Utrllaa it We KLOKI Mid-day Mat Mid-day Mat Mid-day Mai Hld-day Mat-' 1 KPTV Celerama ST fTolorama It Bar Corral IBar tl Caeral . 1 KOIN Mr. Moos (Cartoon Tlma Rtd Dunnhtf mad Dunnlnfi KLOR) Mid-day Mat PurplSa IBuster Kaaton IBuatar Kata ; KrTVlltarpar'a iamk.HarpaT'a Jama. Nawi Central New CaatraJ I KOINl Bad Dunning iDoug (dwarda UXobla Hood fltoWa Hood KLOKI Mickey Mouaa IMIrkey Monae IMIckay Moma IMIckey tttmf m KPTV'ljohn SilTar ijoha Silvar Gordon MelUa fftawa Cartiraa I KOlNlNews Sporta Coneart Ball Lift with Dad rtita with Dad - KLORt India 1T HHUfdia Hoy j-alWest Marahatl IWaat, Marsha jKFTVlCatiar'l He, ICanar'a Hr. ICaaaar'a Wr. ICaaaart Tit. I KOlNlBuma ft Alien Buma as AUaa tSctoiiea Vt ISctanea IVt KLOKI Beadara PHaat IBeidara Dtt IFtrestona Hour tFlraatoew Hw PllTVlTha Madle The Madle Robt Montfm fftabt MoriVaaV J KOIN Lova Lucy ILava Lunr IDae. Brida fDae. awtda KLOKI PtemteT Thaat. IPramtar Theat. IPremlar Theat. Prmit trte).4 KPTVI Root Montg'm Bobt Montg-ra rCroaa Currant Croaa Currerrt KOINIutt ot Riley ItUa ot Bllay Studta Ona IStudio On KLOKI Premier Thcat, prmlr Thaat HJttla Marala lUrUe Margie jTKPTV'I powerland (Hidden Cmera I Totllittt Tonlrht IV KOIN Studio One IStudiaOna ITattl fata IShowUma aa KLOBl H.I.WJ. IW.I.WJ. )Wraatlln Wralllng U I aiitb B0 1 u,, J mm kiLM imkoro m koai urn kom w tow m un Ffi; mffcyciw - aimpi m.ii ftp w BOl'R 455 Court Ph. 4-5502 KPTVI Tonight fTonlght IPaulAford Paul t Ford KOINl Showtime a howUmaaa KLOR! Wrestling IWrastllnf fWrestllng ' IWrealllng MONDAY'S RADIO ta):N M:tt 6 KILM KOAI KOIN JL 7 KILM KeH'O KOAI KOIN KOW a KSX KSI.M 8 toco KOAI KOIN KOW KKX Val. F armrest Farm Newa World Nawa Music Hews-Ka Tlma VeL rarmeaat Val Farmcaat Br'krtt Nook Br'kfst Naak BXOIN Klock KOIN Kkx-k W'ld Newt Courtaty Car Xaef Tlma Xeea run Jm4 Nawa (Nook -News a KOIN KlAek J ICnurtaay Car Keea nma Hemingway Bk f st Gang B kf at Gang . Tuaea t Tlma ITunes as Tliaa I Tunes Jr Tlma Braaklast N'K Bkfsl Nook Bkfst Naak KOIN Klock Headline HtwilGots Nesrs Us tea Listen Listen Newa Kaaa Tlma iKaat) Ttma Nawa We..a iTunaa as Tlma Jiook-Newi 3abbttt Skate trisnae ab Cliff Ingle Family Altar Morn. Melody Morn. Tunaa 1 Tlma iTuiMa ak Tima ITunaa it Tlma ITunaa Bkfsl Naok B'kf'st Noak Bkf'tt Noak fJoak-news Consum. Nawa Valla Nawa Shellaj Sana. hally Sarati LUtaa Llitea Usten LrsUn ', Kaap Ttma Xeea Ttma , "Keep Tlma Keep Tlma 9! KSLM ROCO KOAI KOIN 1CW KKX argala Cat an Ng.fM ttfatam IPaMtar'a CmU fimmrn . Rnarte UM Tun IL 11400 Tuna Mt D4M TUM I m-iA-m. (I . BHiat...Ulta aVsatamas.Ulta MlttaNnM aDUIUI-l ijJSJ 9 punnn-iliia yvisjt;i-aia I. ajs. Wand WarranlHoward Mulct Helen Tratrt Mid-Mora. ITM Listen iLlslen LlaUa Luteal Breakfaal Chlb'Breskfast Club (Braakfaat Qub IB kf s4 Cluk KILM Newt Telia Teat 1 ROCO Ntwi Sporta D4W rune St "KOAI Backfenc Mat.tafrea Tlma OKOIN Mrt Burton Aunt Mary KOW Weekday Weekday KKX Kay Wart Bob Garred 1KSLM Tuna Teat Ttma Test KOCO Newt Sporta 0466 I una M. KOAI Ouinar Winnar'Dtnaer Wlnaaf 1KOIN Road of Ufa Ma Perkins KOW Nordina Dr. Peale a m.l hfMevSM lVhtanre Sta. Wlnga tat Bona iWlnca tat loaa 14S4 Twaa It l4to Tuaa H Hollrwd Call'flHrla-Nawa INora Drake lAunl Jenny Waaaday Waakaay ... My Tma IterylMy Trua irf Ouaan for Da Quaaa a Day 11466 Tana Si. 1414) Twaa MV pldar-Hita Hits-News pr. Majone Gtatdlni UgM fi-o tha Ladles Ta tha Ladias Gaortw pvtmaa raw narvar elewt tfc'ta Blka Soap1 a OForacaal Showtime Khowtlmc (Showtime , Lunch Munch Town Crtar Lunch-Newt Coma Cat tl Houaa Party Houaa Partf Lawranca W'slk fepaarr Taun IWomaa la Haa, iRnaetonrad Buaa Conrad Farm ntws 1KSLM Newt KOCO World Newt KOAI Noon Nawa 2 KOIN Noon Nawa KOW rennet Nawa KKX Ruia Conrad KILM Wlllam. Mat. Wlll'm tU MatlWIIlamatte Mat-iwiuanwai aw (I1I O Nawa - Bporta Ladles Una Clartna CaUlnf flarlM Calllnl KOAI Lunca Munch Lunch Munch Lunch Munch Lurh-Newa KOIN Arthr CodfrayiArth. Godfrey Arth Cndfrae Art. Ooafraf ROW llapplnaaa Widder Brown "Courtaty Car tCourtaty Cat KKX News-Conrad Buss Conrad Bust Conrad Butt Conrad . 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 KSLM KOCO KOAI KOIN KGW K(X KILM KOCO HOAR KOIN ROW KKX Wlll'm'tta MatlWIll'm'tte Mat Good Newt MaUnaa -Newt - Sporta Clarlne Calling Clarlna Calllnl CUrlna CaOtaf Pat's Parlor Pal i Parlor Clarlne CaUlruj Parlnr-Nawt . Arth Ooatray Arth Godfrey Good Newt Kathy God fray Spkg.ofLove IMcAoulty Mja.iMcAnulty MuailiaUnlns . , News-Conrad Buaa Conrad Rusa Conrad Buaa Conrad Wlllam. Mat Wlllam. Mat Wlllam, Mat TeBo Tett Newt Sporta Clarine Calllnl Clartna Calling CUrlna Calttaf Pats Parlor Pat's Parlor Pat's Parlor Parlor-Newt Ruth Athlon Gal Sunday Takt Thirty Take Thirty McAnulty Mut.lMcAnulty MualMcAnulty Mua.'McAnulty Mtaa, News-Conrad Rum Conrad (Ruet Conrtd Buta Conrad KSLM KOCO KOAI KOIN ROW HSX KILM KOCO KOAI KOIN ROW KKX KILM loin KOAI KOIN ROW RF.X Fulton Lawlt H-mlnfwa? 'Hera t Answar am Bas Newt - Sporta West Rhvthra IWett Bhythm IWaat RhythtB Pat a Parlor Pat s Parlor Pat't Parlor Pafa Parter . . . . .! - a.- H.M W Ate KirKnam "iewa hbvihhi i.vwv w - - - - . . , r- . c.- lu.l.nlli Uta iMrAnultw Mutt. News-Blacabn Bob Blarabrn Bob Blackbrn Bob Blacbjrt h Rtr Bob as Ray IBill Brundidge Ray Bob noo at rtar i'"" m , - - News Sports Songs Sund'n ISongt Bund pongt BundowB Traffic Jam Br Tralfic Jamor. iratna yamar. miui -mmm. Id R. MurrowlNcwt- Watthaf IHarwon. 8portaGoat Nawt McAnnlty Mul Local Newt Jeta Matoa t'ar teraon Newa-Blackh n 'Bob Blackbara Bob BlackburnlBok Blackbora Gab. Ktatter Songs-Sund n Traffic Jamb. Snorts-News Chet Huntley INewa Isongs-Sund'a 'a " t. I Sonft-Sund'Si a.moa ti And lAsnoa a Ana Reports Dinner Music PJlnner Matte Ktl.M ROCO KOIN ROW KIK RlfM ROCO ROIN ROW RKX KILM KOCO KOIN ROW RIX Rnunr I Songs -Sund'n Sign Off I Lowell rhomte ;Ar Hob Blackburn Bob Blackburn Bob Blackburn Bob- Black bura Secret Tiles Secret Files Music Music , News - Sporlt Jlliylh. A Bl IByth. ffh. iJL. Talent Scoutt Talent Scouta Blng Crosby Uohnny Dollar 1 1 Star Xtra on Go m. Taylor fo.OOO Chlldraa Bill Stern AdkintShow Tlreatona Hotrr IFTraatona Hatir hovTTunei iShnW'Tunea IWnlatlln' T'naa IWhlstlln' futt Newt . Sportt IRhvthm BIiim Rhythm Bluet Bhythm Blue Jack Carton Jack Carton Bomanea "f!!!? . , sj..'. r.m iNiefitl as Nlahtllfe .' Adkint Show Adkln Show lAdklnt Show lAdklnt Show KILM oro OIN ROW RIX ,m a. B.l.aa - - - RV stavaW T sI A aW1iaT Rhythm Blues Rhythm Bluet IRhythm Bluat frhythmBluaa Son Jeep iTraat-Show ICap. CJoakr-m Caa-CJcsthr m Telephone Hr. ITaienhone Hr. Danca Ttma IDanca Tima Adkint Shaw lAdkwa haw (JUtuny ridlae (Xdw. P. Morf "Newt I Mole (Newt IMusia Rhythm Bluat IRhythm Bluet (Rhythm Bluae IBhythm Kuan Star Final Chamber FortalChajnaaf ForaCluarAaPm Richfield Be. IDanca Tlma Danca Tlma Dane Twaa Nawt IDtncaland Dneland Datieland KtLM Dane Party Danca Party JDncParty ROCO New Sporta Pliant I nisi ki...u.,... rains af daltht IVfua. ROW Danca Ttma IDanca Tlma (Dane Ttma RIX Dancaland IParoland IDastealand Danea Party UldnlgM Mu. MMadfkl ISJaBBSff suwa gasaalta4