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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (June 11, 1956)
nty M CHI ICR MEN CALLED CA DAMAGED The mea o( the aew Westminster A car driven by Satan man Vnrted Presbyteria Church will received extensive front end dam meet tor brrakfast in th, Coral age hen it collided with a tree in Room of the Marion Hotel at 7 a.m. the 1306 block of South Hi;h Street Tuesday U hear the Rev. J. Dwight anout 2 33 a. m. Sunday, ciiy Russell speak oa 'The Loyal Order j police reported. Police listed the of St Andrew." Representative! of Girls State r ' ". will bepieiU at the Wednesday Jn,D0C'ier apparently received no noon of the Salem Rotary "J". P01 "' Club at the Hotel Marion. j ,u l0i D LOst FILM PLANNED I Mildred Mane Purdy, 1190 th A film dealing with the oil indus-'St.. Slayton, told Saltm police Sat try is scheduled feature at the urday that she lost a billfold con Tuesday noon luncheon of the Sa- laming between M7 and liOO in lorn Kiwanu Club at the Hotel downtown Salem. Police said the Seiutor. The film will be presented by Olc Roberts of Shell Oil Co. Rev. Nelson Resigns Post At Silverton SutMmaa Newt Srrvlr. SILVERTON - The Rev. Arnold W. Nelson, pastor of Immanuel Lutheran Church at Silverton since January, I9S1, submitted his resig nation Sunday, following morning worship. The congregation will art upon it at a special meeting Monday, June 18, 1 p.m. at the ARM CCT TREATED church. I Richard Docshlag, 15 S. Capi The Rev. Nelson has received a ' tol St , received a laceration on call from Our Savior's Church in lone arm when he thrust it through Milwaukie, Wis., and Sunday window about 5:15 p. m , Salem pressed a desire to accept this.-1 first aidmen reported. He will be senior pastor in'a con- 1 gregation of 4.400 with two junior pastors in addition to a parish worker. In" submitting his resig nation, he asked for release -from present dutibs on September 1. The Nelsons came to Silverton from Europe where the Rev. Nel son was director for the British Zone in Germany over the Luth eran World Federation service to iiiirtmin Ncwi srrvirt refugees. Prior to his two years WOODBl'RN David Garrett in Germany, he was pastor at St. ! Fields. 72. died Saturday night at John's Lutheran Church in North- a Woodburn nursing home follow field. Minn. ing a short illness. The Rev. and Mrs Nelson have' He was born at Erie. Kan. on three children, David, who is at- Oct. 18. I8R1, and came to Wood tending St. Olaf's College at North- burn to live about seven years field; Meriam who is 8, and Mark ego. His home was at 534 N. Ta who is 4. j cific Highway. He had been in the The family leaves Monday for real estate here and prior fo that Minnesota where the Rev. Nelson had been a pressman printer, will attend the National conven-; Fields was a member of Wood tion of the Evangelical Lutheran ' burn Lodge 106, AF k AM. Church, and later spend a brief vacation wilh his mother at Vir ginia. Minn. They plan to lie back in SiKcrUiii July 12. Trio Charged With Assault Three Salem are) men were ar rested on charges' of rape early Sunday morning following a rum plaint by a lS-ycar-old girl, state police reported. The men were booked at Marion County jail after their arrest on District Court warrants issued by Judge E. O. Startler Jr Bail uas set at $:.non each. The sherilf's olfiie lislrd, the men ps Orviile Raymond Wright, aii-l Harold Dee Wright. 21. both of Route 1. Rov :!79. Salem, and David Willis. 20. Tow cry's Beany ard. Route 1, Salem. Police reports said the incident allegedly occurred after the girl accepted a rule with the three men follow ing a dance at Aums ville. The trio brought her to Salem and released her. police said. He Was in No Joking iMool SASSARI, Sardinia (INSl An elderly anarchist drew a revolver from his pocket during a speech in Sassari and asked the heckl ing crowd: "Do you want war or peace?'' "War." the crowd shouted hack jokingly. "Here ou are then." said the speaker Police picked him up for wounding a youn man. when plans call for PAY OFF 8IIIS NEWER CAR ' HOME REPAIRS r ' APPLIANCES FURNITURE " MEDICAL BILLS rlmose the plan th;it suits you U s!. Mprutur only, car or furniture. VACATION Caffal" p i3 to s2000 TAXES 'Cal' Stavenau, Manager 37.j N. Liberty St. Phone: 4-3396, Salem if ours: Mon -Fri. 9-5.30 Sot. 8.30-12 Open ei-enirij;j by appointment driver as Donald Dean Liir.bocker, 3460 Neef Ave. Officers Mid he ap- billfold was apparently lost be between the ioo block of State Street and the 100 block of No. Commercial Street. Replace downspouts and gutters Check our low installed price son s, Th. 3-4141. Jud-. WINDOWS BROKEN Three Salem boys were cited to the city juvenile officer Sunday after they were observed throw ing rocks through the windows of a vacant house at 1R00 Berry Street, police said. Officers said the boys were found hiding behind bushes after a neighbor reported ' the vandalism about J p. m. Two I of the boys were listed as seven i years old; age of the third was : not given. Short Illness Takes Life of David Fields Survivors include the widow. Ilattie Fields. Woodburn; two son . Ralph Fields, 0 I y in p i a , Wash , and Frank Shields, San Fernando. Calif ; daughter. Mrs. Alice Swensen, Port Orford. Ore.; brother. Robert Fields, Fort Worth, Texas, -and a sister ,-Mr,-Rernice Quinn, Colorado Springs, Colo . and two grandchildren. Funeral services will be at 10 a. m. Tuesday at the Ringo-Corn-well Chapel with Rev. Ormal B Trick will officiate Interment will be at Belle I'assi Cemetery. Wood burn Masonic Lodge 108 will hold ritualistic services. WOMAN Ht RT IN FALL Mrs. Flora Stone was taken fo Salem General Hospital about 1 p m. Sunday after she received a possible broken wrist and a head laceration in a fall at a Salem nursing home, Willamette Ambu lance Scrv ice reported. TODAY'S LUCKY Master Money NUMBERS 471,222 00 369,259 00 531,277 If you have a Master Money Kill with any uf above serial numbers on it. you win desig nated award if you collect it before 9 P. M. tonight at Center and Commerrial. Any money not won today will be added to tomorrow corre sponding award. Tree Master Money Bill given at all I oca lions. Winner Mult Gain Award At Center And Commercial By 9 P. M. $15.00 RUTH BRANCH 1175 Court $60.00 OSCAR BYNUM 198 E. Browning Ave. Free Whistlepops With Gas Purchases MASTER ii-i'jMmi-M.Ti:in tree Master Moner Bill Given At All Stations YM Summer Program to Start Tuesday Salem YMC.Vs summer program will set underway Tuesday and Wednesday, according to Dale Dyk man of the Y stiff. Tuesday'! activitiei will feature a mothers and youngsters' swim, hvdro-therapy sessions, father-son swimming, family night water pro gram and swimming for junior high school, high school and busi ness girls. Eight sections of the "tots , swimming program plus classifies-! tion for boys' summer swimming classes will begin Wednesday. Boys of grade school age have been asked to report to the "Y" on Wednesday or Thursday from 10 30 a m. to noon or 3 p.m. to 4pm.: for classification and placement into classes. Girls classification will be held on Friday from 10:10 am. to noon and 3 p.m. to 4 p m. Former Salem Woman's Rites Set Tuesday Funeral services fur Mrs. Olive Rowman Harbison, a former Sa in resident, will he he'd at the Chanel Mortuar" in Medfn-d. Ore . at 10:30 am. Tuesday, the Hew D. K. West officiating Mrs Harh'snn. who lived in Sa in, from 1914 to 1918. died in Medford Saturday. Graveside services at Salem's Rclcjcst Memorial Park will be held at 10 30 a.m. Wednesday with the Rev. R. J Holland, form er pastor of the First Presbyter ian-Church of Salem and..nuw. nastor of the Ashland Presbyter ian Church, officiating Mrs. Harbison was born Nov l:t. IfS.i. at Sharon. Pa. She tur ned John W Harbison Sr. Oct 17. 1907. She had been a resident of Medford since the death of her husband here in 1948. Lone active in First Presbyter ian Church of Salem. Mrs Harbi son wns also a past president of the Women's Association of the First Presbyterian Church of Medford. She was a past Regent of the Chemeketa and Crater Lake chapters of the Daughters of the American Revolution. Births BI. ADORN - To Mr. and Mrs Richard Bladorn, 1052 Shamrock St., a daughter, Sunday, June 10, at Salem General Hospital. PRESTON - To Mr. and M rs. Keith A. Preston. 4940 Delight St., a daughter. Sunday. June 10, at Salem General Hospital. AI.TERMATT To Mr and Mrs. Donald Altermatt. 3418 Roberts Ave , a daughter. Sunday, June 10, at Salem Memorial Hospital. . OPEN MONDAY AND FRIDAY 12:15 TO 9 P.M. OTHER DAYS 9:30 A.M. TO 5:30 P.M. Monday Night is Family Night in the Oregon Room family fashion shoiv informal modeling "t the latest slvles for all the f.imily Br'j" the children they will enjoy the special menu and free favors Enjoy the music of Kd Syrinc at the Hammond Organ FREE STORE-SIDE PARKING FOR OVER 1,000 CARS Traveler f ' - x k ; v l i - jt ' - & w m ni t - -1 J I U ill Jeanne Damai. principal speaker at a I ailed Jewish Appeal dia aer in Saleai Wedaesday. Middle East r Visit Topic Of Address An eye-witness account of the tense Israeli-Arab situation, with an emphasis on Israeli needs, w ill he given by Jeanne Daman at a i p.m. lund raising dinner nedncs- day of the Vnited Jewish Appeal in the Marion Hotel's Green Room. Miss Daman, who is de'cribed as a Bck'ian underground heroine of . .. ... ,, , . World War II, recently returned from a seven-week tour of Israel and the Middle East. She delivered w ortn Africa children for re- settlement in the new slate Hee-tour included visits to Israeii cities, farm settlements, and im migration camps, as well a,s Old Jerusalem. Amman and Jericho in Jordan, and Damascus in Syna. The I'nitcd Jewish Appeal is American Jewry's largest volun tary agency for support of im migration, settlement, welfare and rehabilitation of persons of the Jewish faith. , 1 ttPfkf i IM I t Come r Somewhat Slow WILLIAMSBURG. Va W The J. Nimmo Huhbards don't neces sarily plan it that way, but every 25 years since the turn of the century, one if cm has won a detiee ut the College of William and Mary. Grandpa James Nimmo Hub bard was graduated at W'&M in 1906. Papa James Nimmo Hub - bard Jr. t o o k his degree in 1931. Yesterdav, the latest of The' line, James Nimmo Hubbard III, stepped up to receive his diploma at the college's 1956 graduation exercises. I More than half of America's 14, million people over 65 years old have some form of public or pri- vate retirement income available. I WESTERN Cliapel Tower Of Hope for Handicapped FORT WORTH. Tex. (INS) Fort Worth' Crusaders Chapel is prov ing itself a tower of com- j fort and hope for the handi-: capped, many of whom did not attend other churchrervices be cause of their afflictions. The chapel is a dream eome true for a handsome young for mer basketball player who now is paralyied from the neck down. He is Ronald Ballard, 23. of Fort Worth. Ballird is a former L'niversitv of Houstor student and has been paralyzed since he i was in an automobile accident several years ago. ' i Difficult U AUead ' Ballard says after he was in jured he became shy and self-: conscious when he attended ' church in his wheel chair. He believed many other handicapped persons felt the same way and j thus did not attend church. ' Then, too, he reasoned, most churches have at least one flight of steps to climb up and down making it all the more difficult for the handicapped to attend services. The Crusaders Chapel is locat ed on a ground floor room of the recreation building of Fort Worth's Sylvania Park. The cnsPrl is non-denominational and is sponsored ny r-orl worths Sagimore Baptist Church and the Tarrant Ranlist Assorialinn diij ... Ballard says a main aim of the new organization is to reach per- sons who don't go to church be- cause of their afflictions. Enrourages Participation Another aim, he explains, is to have the handicapped partic ipate in the work of the chapel. The motto of the chapel is "Conducted by the handicapped for the handicapped." One of Ballard's chores is ob taining transportation and mak ing other arrangements for han diedpped persons who wish to attend the services. At a typical service the minis- ter preached his sermon while he , was uninjured Saturday night when stood with the aid of crutches. the interior of his car caught fire The song leader performed his , on Highway 99E south of Wood duties from a wheel chair. A burn, state police said. The man blind man, his seeing eye. dog was asleep when the blaze broke cuddled at his feet, listened in- out in the front seat, officers re ter.tly. Two physically-fit ushers ported- Damage was confined to the carried a disabled man to a seat upholstery. Cause of the fire was before services began. ! probably a lighted cigarette, they And a little girl, her small said- body shaking and twitching and hungrily drank in the mon and ringing. ' ; SENTENCE BY THE BOOK LYNCHBURG, Va. (-Judge 0. R. Cundiff sentenced two juveniles in court for .turning in false -fire alarms. Each was ordered to write a 1.000-word essay on the dangers of their practice, based on library research. They were also fined 2S each on each of four charges and their right to apply for automobile driver permits was suspended until they are 18 years old. Special Oregon Room Plate Dinner 95c Barbecued Lean Short Ribs of Beef Pan Roasted New Potatoes, ('.lazed Young Carrots Head Lettuce Salad, French Pressing Coffee Tea Milk Dinner Complete Dinner Includes Soup, Salad, Vegetable, Potato, Rolls, Butter, Beverage, Cake A La Mode Soup - Spring Vegetable Salad Tossed Green, Sour Cream Dressing Vtitrnoe "lMrial complete rJlireeS patf dinner BROILED FILLET M1CNON STEAK, Sauted Fresh Mushrooms Sl.fiO J2.00 ROAST LEG OF VEAL. Savory Dressing, Spiced Crabnpple 1.15 1.85 FRESH IIALIBl'T Baked en Cheese Sauce .95 1.J5 CHOICE CUT PRIME ROAST BEEF Gourmet Choice 1.35 1.75 OREGON CHINOOK SALMON STEAK, Deliciously Broiled 1.20 1.60 CHILLED WHOLE TOMATO STI I'I'F.n with CHICKEN SALAD 1.10 1.50 Whipped or Pan Roas!ed New Potatoes Buttered Whole Kernel Corn or Lyonnaise Green Beans Little (oiks dinner . . 60c Hot Roast Veal Sandwich, Whipped Potato. Vegetable, or Assorted Vegetable Plate nn spinach) or Broiled Hamburger Plate (all the trimmings) Milk or Chocolate Milk Ala Carte Hamburgers --- 4."c French fries 10c Milk - -10c ifiiw.l. I I - r- I'll "y I i JWk5v6i i Penney's cotton twill boser "0 " JfTSv I I Wtl- I 1 im trunks for boys. They're 1 1 f filY II ' ' i'iJXlr" 1 I made with shirred elastic waist. I f liA II JfcSfi SVLIISl built-in acetatecotton sun- Siies S vv i ii kji . l .......... m.nii y s Girls State Delegates Self-Governing Group (Stary ! HI .) i 10 Thursday aad ltwugu AI1 of tne 240 delegates par-!" Cirta Suta governor at ticipating in the 15th annual 1 1 P,- TbUf- M3;on Girls State starting a week's run 'Uw hruhou " today at Willamette University Mayor Robert hite at will live a self-governini cti-jSalem at a Tuesday Boo. iunch xens during lha period of the tor delegates. (wnL Delegates will conduct court The affair, which concludes tnU at 1:13 p m. Fndsy. At next Sundav. is sponsored year- P m governor s recep- Iv by the American Legion Auv iliarv and director is Mrs. Karl L Wagner, Eugene Highlights of today s schedule ill be speeches by Mrs Wag- . ner. Mavor Fred Peterson of Portland and President G. Her k"1 Sml,B, ' Willamette. Mrs. CUu1 Ro!"d- director of the government program, aiso win talk. Week Highlights Week's features are party con ventions of the "Nationalists'' and "Federalists" at 8 30 a.m. Wednesday in Waller Hall, or ganization of House and Senate Death Claims Mrs. Harding SUIrmaR N'rwt Servlrt SILVERTON - Mrs. Florence Adelaide Harding. Mulino. Ore., mt-u hi a zn ei lun mispiiai ouii- A I . el....... i. r . . day. She was (2. Sirs. Harding had been ill for several years. Born Aug. 12, 1R74, in Wilsonville, Neb., she moved to Monroe, Ore , about 60 years ago. She later lived at Brooks and Mojalla before mov ing to Mulino. She was a member of the Re- bekah lodge Survivors include two sisters, 1 Mrs. Nettie Stanturf, Corvallis, and Mrs. Lillian Oaks. Turner; two grandsons and four great-grand- chl,dren- . . Funeral services will be held Wednesday at 10 a.m. in the chapel of the dough Karrick t unerai Home, Salem, the Rev. Wayne Greene officiating. Interment will be at Brooks Pioneer Cemetery. CAR INTERIOR Bl'RNED An twrt tw Clot I IiL'(if nl ft 1-t 1 AM "' ll I TITrir.TvmrirTtirto I Now ' Salem Area, I ajSUcAal rXJjj Pool Open . everything you nemd fffSl? ' " r to get in the lrpdfcM-- 9 'i 1 Women's Cotton CT x j : Print Swim Suifs ... ' Elastic Shirred Back . . . I HKKS91 I A lock-stitched elastic shir- C! f 1 I I v- Vf; rcd elastic bacl( ,0 nug ,n' j Ul I v"!'"' "'f" . figure imoothly. It has i ruf- 1" J " 7 iSatNn fled bra top which Is Pellon- 41 U ' ' ' ibsWrilj I lined and has boned sides for v ' L rigidity. The prints are brand ' J , new. V" SECOND FLOOt I - T i-'..' Swim SuiU A ,A jf i ( JrT Girls... ( V Above ... pEjp-J. -fl f f 1 J Woven (;inliani 'Mg ' I "O V'- che,-k. . . . A; 1 s 4 OK m&TJT ttoil v- L shirred and ruffled Si,M - V snirren ann ruined i x (.)()d ()()kjng prin , 0 JTl JV-Vv bra top, boned sides. 32 to 36 with a solid color bra top ty- J 1 . Ted with shirred front, and shir- 1 SECOND H.OOR V V red cUUc ha(.k fr,r f00il fit. f i , 1 ) ,,u,,Un,iinf! v,lue ' ,nese Pr'' 11 ! ffSi 1 1 ilZlj kyij ",(,ht . S '' iVf V Mens Cotlon (Jiiijrhain Xllf Zl Clufk(Ml Swim Trunks . . . ""AStrtti Styled with a side zipper. Oft rTlxll ' f i- hemmed top, shirred elastic W , fft?7fTt hark, built-in acetate cotton sup- f j Yt i Al IV? porter. All popular colors. tUt si, ' VSSl "Si V t 'A Boy's Siies 10 lo lft 2.49 ' J r5fV r ,,:kt... ;l II k M I Coiioii I will i on is scheduled, Committee handling arrange- ments for Girls State includes Mrs. Wagner, Mrs. Donald Ac- roruana; rs. v nesier aau- vain, roruana. mrs. innua Reynolds. Prairie City, and Mrs. Carroll Robinson, Salem. Film History A new project this .year is a film history of delegates as they engage in their training in gov ernment procedure. The film then will be available to inter ested groups for educational pur poses. Salem girls participating in the event include Marilyn Zeller, Patli Claggett, Sally Joseph. Ma vis De Grotte, Susan Todd, Mar cia. Humphrey and Carol Stolk, all sponsored by Capitol Post No. 9 Auxiliary; Donna Ham man, sponsored by Kingwood Auxiliary; and Jacqueline La Due and Geraldine Willard, spon sored by Tost 136 Auxiliary. Valley Delegates Other valley area delegates In ude: Delbert Reeves Post Aux fude iliary at Silverton Wilms Han sen, Mary Gottchalk, Pamela Small and Gail Larsen. Post 58 Auxiliary of Staylon Louise Bash and Katherine Kirsch. Post 89 Auxiliary of Mt. Angel Donna Volz, Jeanette Wolf and Arlene Schmitz. Post 65 Auxiliary of Monmouth Lois Bennett. Post 20 of Dallas Mary McClcary and v.... MeWhirter Post fiS of Div ton Mary Paris. Post 75 of sheridan-Darlene Rydell. Zona Boyer. Elizabeth Blair. Donna Mendenhall and Carol Hoenny. p05t 33 of independence-Mona f ratzke. SHOP - p .. liLff- A Hutu n . rj,u 12M-Jam 1 ""lit A J . yJEfPfc I ! Servlc WWAHmenH " I !iffy 11 10 Am of Exciting MwchandiM V ' . -----11,..-iiBs ' i Stitpsmin. Silrm, Ore, Moil, June 11. 58 (S. I)-5 War Project GmccI,Two Bond Cashed OKLAHOMA CITY tH-Ia mtlatudeoU ef tastrumenUl mask 14 tw S war boads were presented Tafl Junior High School by music students. They wart promptly framed and hung a the band reom all as a wga of the school's war effort The ether day they were discovered by the principal, W. B. Graham, the was looking ever the wall deceratwqa. He opened the, frames and found a letter from 145 contributors ex plaining they were presented by A SURER WAY TO SAVE... ...Is the systematic wcy with IXe Insurance end" enjoy the added advantage of protection far yew? family from the sMment yog start. ferl A. Gaadi - Supervisor - Salens Dittrkl Telephone - Salenr J4J14 1 MONDAY IS YOUR DAY III j date ef maturity should be cashed with the nancy going Use music 0uaaUint. The wishes ef the beiag carried out OWL Drag STOKES 97c mm . ' j - .." " .Set-. :t