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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (June 11, 1956)
Statesman, Salrm, Ore., Mon, June 11, 56 (Src. I3 v Of UAI ft. rULUW 5.: WIT-al MVS My ' Actareisa te He Own. To develop meisoge tor Monday, esod words co f espondtfig to fjn6ers of yo Zodc birth tign 1 fin l . 41 Fma 2 tact JJ Of 42 Carnx, I CrM JJ V.,, 4J OH 4 TtWl 34 AgerSSM 44 Jftort 5 Hna J5 Tm 45 AHhoua Sw 34 Yw 4 kM 7 Atnrtaa 3? To 4J Monn I ( Mix U KaM tdtm 3 Could 4 Mnmn 10 T 0 f vwunf 70 Mantu II Gst 41 Conrsnnstt 71 Marw 12 Do" 4; n T.ip, IJ Voy 43 A 73 To, 14 You 44 Can 74 Ko 15 Lo 4b Today 7) Impii It Dtw 4 U 76 Ion 17 foovt 47 Sow 77 Houn 11 May 41 Man, 71 Aoc4t 1 Gaos 4 Wo 79 Losing JO Luck JO Dam BO f iy.j 21 Dot 51 About II V.r, 22 A ? W.B 12 Siort 23 You SJ Should II Thoi' 24 Gn 4 About 14 Act 25 It 55 Son S5 O 26 OtlCV 56 0- S4, 27 To 57 All 17 Thought, 21 Dkivok M D vwpoai U V.i.n 2 lt.ts V Outlook t N.-vOJI 30 Vou 60 And SO l"Wttn (Good Advent Ncutnf ' Otr's&J bl-67-70 vej i$-sari MX OK n-jijs.ri M-72-Si- ok a 1. ruuiol Q6-32357i B3-38-74 I Military Roundup er Paratroop Wings Won In Germany Bad Toll. Germany Major Charles J. Brnge, son o( Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Benge. 910 Jefferson St.. Dallas, Ore., received his par achutist's wings after completing a throe-week course in Germany recently. Major Benge. command er of the 2nd Battalion's head quarters of the 4th Infantry Divi sion's l?th Regiment, entered the Army in 1940. Fort, Riley, Kan. Two Mid-Valley men recently participated in a.i annual Held training test with the 1st Infantry Division's 18th Regiment at Fort Riley. Kan. They are Lawrence H. Hansen, son of Otto B. Hansen, Route 2. Aurora. Ore . and David G. Stand ley, son of Don Standley, 40 Pine St , Lebanon. Ore. Both are Army Specialists Third Class. Hansen, a gunner, entered the Army in August, 19M. after grad uating from Canby Union High School, in 1953. Standley. also a gunner, entered the service Nov-' ember, 1953. He attended Willam ette University. Ft. Sill, Okla.-A Dallas. Ore., man won first place in the 77th Field Artillery Group's recent Civilian Vehicle Roadco at Ft. Sill. The top honor went to 24-year-old Pvt. l.oren D. Lange, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Lange, Dallas, Ore. Lange attended Los AngelA City College before entering the Army in October. He is a cannoneer in Battery C of the 55th Field Artil lery Battalion. Hil wife, Mrs. Doris Lange, lives In Lawton, Okla. Norfolk, Vo. Wilbur I.. Brock way of 398 Tryon Ave., Salem, Ore . was at the Naval Receiving Station in Norfolk to await trans fer to the I'SS. Currituck Tele man First Clafs Brockway is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur H. Brockway and husband of Mrs Roberta G. Rrockway. all of .198 Tryon Ave , Salem, Ore. San Diego. Calif. - William R. Stout, fireman apprentice, t'SN. of 4290 Monroe Ave . Salem.. Ore . is currently attending the naval electrician's mate School at the Naval Training Center, San Diego. Calif. The course covers the re pair, maintenance and operation of modern naval electricaK equip ment. Nana. Okinawa Marine ("pi. .lames K. Friese. son of Mrs. Mil dred Fnese of 13.15 N. 23rd St.. Salem. Ore . and husband of the former Miss Jean A. Luke itf 110 Chase Ave . participated witn more than 1.000 members of the! 3rd Marine Division's Artillery Regiairnt in h public parade on the Island of Okinawa as part of I Armed Forces Day observances. ' Germany Specialist Third Class Rolapd K. Anderson, son of Mr. j and Mrs. F R. Anderson. 449 S. ; Front St . Woodburn, Ore., recent ly participated in battalion field tests wilh units of the 9th Infan try Division in Germany. Anderson, a graduate of Wood burn High School, is a driver with the 47th Infantry Regiment. He entered the Army in October, 1954. STRIPPED OF M DISTi BERLIN Communist East Germany has been denuded of nu dist camps by decree of the In terior ministry. Why the crack down on nudist camps? The min istry quite frankly says It is in "the interest of undisturbed vaca tions pf the working people." The total area of the Japanese islands is about that of Montana ) 4 JAPAN TO STUDY ATOM TOKYO if Japan's atomic energy commission has decided tentatively to build a $4. "hi. Ill national isotope center within three years near Tokyo. The cenler would study ways to use radioactive rays. "1 wis one of those persons," says Mrs. Anne Fattini, San l'rancisio housewife, "who took laxatives all the time. And none of them pve me lasting relief. Then one day my husband brought home t loaf of Nutro l.ife Bread. It tasted so pood that I ate it with every meal and w itlnn a week's time I began to have more pep and energy than I dreamed possible. And I haven't had to take a single laxative since eating Nutro-Lifc Bread!" JUST ONE WEEK Will PROVE . . . NUTRO-LIFE BREAD CAN MEAN NEW LIFE FOR YOU, TOO If IISTIO jicly-Set-and Go-To i DOWNTOWN STORES OPEN vj p.M. TODAY TO JJ I Bett of Service Greitett Values I llll 10 Acres of Exciting Merchandise I f amove. T1MEX WRIST WATCHES o - - - - etooo ioj4 IwiiiJ (MtkMd Otker Wrist Wateket Prkee" Frea Ui JIM rV3 n ( CAFITOl AT CENTER n V BSD Ur4 Cltttorfil4 LEATHER WALLETS If hi walM'i worn out villi C04 lltnl "1114111111 trf.' ka'lt vV l44l,d wild of ttt ! 1 W 171 k Co thoppin' at Owl for gift that or gov W Ve ty-popptn' vous . For Dad en His Day! ' ft flaishM t 4lr. m .1 1 rti Pur Bristle SHAVING BRUSH "lvr4Ua4r"-l'itlltt etrouimntly S Other $1.00 to $5.00 4ftf Alftrlaa irlanl GIFT PIPES Compart) wfffc $3.50 fo $7.50 Volei.' From Fr4iica, EnfUno1, Italy. SwIlnrUnJ. Hnd-tubbJ tni itnd- blast finiiiiti. Includtl Tyrolftn snd whtta brlarit OlevW. far Oifttt Lie 3-Star Pipts 2.49 H4MT-trMtW Iwlll Yllo-Bo!t Pipes . 1.00 "Family Ties" for Ood ... GIFT TIES AttU. $koot 6 Ptrforail ComolofowitketrfFofo'orl l.auiifitl ittiM. Ii'i'4i. alala ) rt. M4ny itraifbl butH1 ti.v Alt b.w ttas. Crook Roliot OrtHf BARBECUE BRAZIER Pea star with Past wbste b.arH are bif far tbaa all aittesartl lif 14" f'R lit far I! at oMal Cbraai Ue bars tbbr lira wkk $JtM 88 SCRIPTO Do lilt Proito BALL PENS 2-toiio colon, ckromo cofi. tti will l.y. It, ral 1 1 a a t" wrHinal 6u4rirtMl. FOR CAMERA "POPS" AT NO EXTU ton BROWNIE HAWKEYE FLASH OUTFIT BROWNIE 8 MM MOVIE CAMERA ARGL'S Battery Operated SLIDE VIEWER ... .... KODASLIDE POCKET VIEWER FOR SLIDES .. Kaywoodie Pipes 4.00 Urt Orals w Wkita Kaywoodie Briars 5.00 T1 ri ti V Til iiar Jtt Ji74 HUNTER IMPERIAL or REYNALDO BANKER CIGARS LVLt b-. v i j irra' ?...y H.'H Y "Atl! kl, b. ' ' tt,t din"' brandt. Ia. M l.i - 98 Carlos Fernandez or Owl Coronas .SMS" . 9r k'n imcliVa ! ,. .n Hi, D.y! Mils, ciqr, 'sr Yssr Cbslesl lo, 16- 1 Twli RNboor CONTOUR AUTO MATS lino, Orooo, Ivory, Rtcf, follow oarf Hack Emboned Dosignf H.svy duly rubb.r ml prol.ct n.w floor, or cev.r worn ipoli on old sn.i. Osd will lib. Ihii of twsl Tim -nl OWL LOW PRICES ELECTRIC RAZORS 1SM Mottor MyT-Woik FOUNTAIN BRUSH I" broik wltk rokbor fcoofl 2" krlifleil 1 ft. koodlol Dad aa wath 4ba aaf (a,lr, wltb tffsftl CsaH 4s bsis, fl.U dirt away. . ftd Isr awa lni a a d wla. dswi, U.I 4198 Jtof. f JJO Imoortott Roger's Leather CIGARETTE CASES tp.otib Wbsr t nit -t", klasb ar brsws. Gsld.a atatal kaadjlso. Ftla-sa lid. $29.50 DE LUXE REMINGTON '60' $14.99 wilh Trade In $29.50 NEWEST MODEL SCHICK "25" $14.99 with Trade In $19.9$ IVORY CASE RONSON $10.99 with Trade-la 1)9 4M WW mm UATS.S v.iu Hot of 50 Cankers, Perfectos Roi-Tan Cigars ...... Gift Wrap Box of Four 5 Pack 'Vhite Owl or Van Dyke Gift Wrap Robt. Burns Cixarillos or Wm. Penn. Box of 30's Gift Wrap Box of Fifty 70 aft Kin- Edward Invincibles A Vacuum Tin of Z5 CdtO Flor de Perez Cigars RONSON Windsor LIGHTER TsrtsiM ar lack sffsct. 550 Wl.dit. Mod.l 3 5 L Ckromo or Enomol POCKET LIGHiERS Importtd liqKlff tKal looki l.r mor. .xp.ntiv. than Ihil ti pric.! Just prtu il I lil! Yssr Choks! SI. 00 Vol...! I Kit I NioKroei Sfiocid PIPE LIGHTER 3.95 CfcrMa) Wim4t ZIPPO LIGHTER 3.50 "Vu" flasf.e Cojo LIGHTERS Vitib'e fuel tupply. Gem on end novelty ef'ered ceiti. Qutclt-liqKtinq! CortPn fpt Yftvr cblc 395 Clever Magnetic MONEY CLIPS Simulated Itoikrrt 49e Cslort. SI Vslssl 1 i I'iw 4.. $1 SEAFORTH 4ter-Siave LOTION !ner or tpice icent; I'Sfr one It nice! I 100 ROGER'S POUCHES Reqi.'ir or cow-r)'nTiort poncK wlri p'r-e po',lt. Def in or Mofc o. Ywr Chict 398 Roger's AIRTIGHT POUCHES P!eii c cr seplti". In eMc'nci ce'ori. 150 & 250 l-rf. tt.f, 2-.. ;Wt Wfcptf( SPINNING ROD a t'if. il; rala and lip, Nylsa wisdi. '0 csri assd !. (tain)... .. .1 j... Ml I TT;' A Monof Bl Cssrlaa Ost I Casting Rod i Level Wind R I V U V.I-! m Q stb fsr !- IKJ list. Alsmiasm rsl risft. A W fee led. fl'hl Owt'i Ik ri price. )r 49 SPINNING REEL Trfmllas TWrn-JpI, tssl I -dLT h 49 7kormoffor forfabfo CAMPING Refrigerator iu10;'1'" '""'d pee. aU. b.. wl, r.n9Bl, ; H-nr. W.t,rt;,M Pstsatsd larcka. -d Hsodkt. 995 tfftuvia 33' 1 RPM IP SPORTS RECORD BY CDCCf COIAMBIA rll.fc Hrar Drmpsey, Tunney, Ruth, Ko knr. Corhi-U and many otlier Ol Thi Rrrord KRKK Wilh GILLETTE RAZOR . 1.00 famous NAME SHAVE SETS Old Spire Mjx Kartnr Sportsman I i-nthrrie Kinj Men -AT OWl-lOW PRICES PAIN! "ALL PURPOSE" for GENERAL UTILITY USE AT OWL - GALLON Uo l) 5 - 7f . 4' Ja.