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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (June 11, 1956)
Retailers in Jersey Offer Baby Parking By FRANCES LEWINE RUTHERFORD, N.J. 1 A baby checking service for parents who want to get the family shop ping done in peace has been op erating here for almost a year under the appropriate title of "Lollipop House.", Despite its name, though, the kids, ranging in age approximate ly from 2 to 7 can't get any food. They just get a comfortable place to play under the supervi sion of a registered nurse and two assistants. The whole idea was worked out by retail merchants and the Chamber of Commerce in this Bergen County community of some 17.411 people. It is believed to be the first baby checking station in the coun try and hundreds of other com munities have queried Rutherford on how it's working. Big House A three-story house at 67 Kip1 Avenue, a block from the shop ping district, is the headquarters of Lollipop House. Here mothers may leave the youngsters and be sure they're well cared for while they shop. There is no charge at all the entire operation is un derwritten by business and pro fessional men's subscription. In door and outdoor games and toys are provided. To get the children back, the parents must present the signa ture of the merchant or profes sional man where they have been doing business. Many Services , Lollipop House is open from 10 a m. to 4 p.m. and the Chamber of Commerce says the whole op eration, including telephone serv ice and rental of the house, costs $125 a week. In the first five months after it opened in July 1955, a total of 815 parents had taken advantage of the plan, the Chamber of Com merce reported. At holiday times, they say, it gets rather crowded and some times there's a full house. The reason no food is served, the chamber explains, is that, it would require special arrange ments under the local health codes. Mothers- have to take into ac count the appetite problem before they leave the kiddies. The merchants seem to find the enterprise profitable. Parents are happy. The comments of the chil dren usually aren't solicited. Statesman, Salem, Ore., Mon June 11, '58 (SeaIO-23 Russ Church Leaders Go Sightseeing By TOM WHITNEY WASHINGTON lv Eight Soviet religious leaders who are here as guests of the National Council of Churches went out for a bit of quiet sightseeing Saturday morning in the nation s capital. They expected to pay a call on Soviet Ambassador Georgi Zarubin and to lunch with him and mem hers of his embassy staff at the Soviet Embassy. The Russian clerics also sched uled a news conference in late af ternoon, before supper at a Con gregational church concludes their dav. The eight Soviet rehgious leaders are staying in the capital at the College of Preachers. The delegation is headed by Met ropolitan Nikolai, second ranking prelate of the Russian urtnoaox Church of the Soviet Union. It includes representatives of four churches of the U.S.S.R. - The Russian Orthodox Church, The Ar menian Church, the Baptists and Lutherans. The group arrived in New York June 2 and has visited in four stales since. After two days in New York the-touring clerics proceeded to Greenwich and New Haven. Conn , and went from there to Corning. NY, .and Toledo. Ohio, After a day in rural Ohio, the dele gation flew to Philadelphia and spent yesterday there. The Soviet clergymen expect to be in the I'nited States till June 13, when they will return by plane to Russia. Their visit returns a trip to the Soviet Union by American religious leaders last March While here the Soviet religious leaders have participated in dis cussions with American religious leaders aimed at establishing con tact between Christian churches in America and the Soviet Union. j f(iirl in Red Velvet Swing' 1 Has Stroke LOS ANGELES .1 The condi tion of Evelyn Nesbit, central figure in one of America's most publicized murder trials, was re ported satisfactory Sunday fol lowing a cerebral stroke. Miss Nesbit, 71, was stricken Saturday. Attendants at Park view Hospital said her progress was "quite satisfactory." In 1906, her tetimony was cred ited with saving her millionaire husband, Harry K. Thaw, from t long imprisonment or death for i the fatal shooting of architect ! Stanford White. Committed to j an asylum, he died nine years ago at the age of 76 Thaw asserted at his trial that White had "ruined" hit wife be ; fore their marriage. Miss Nesbit, a sculptor and ) ri instructor, has been living alone here in recent years. She ! sold her life story to 20th On-tury-Fox last year for the movie, "The Girl in the Red Velvet - Swing." No mail and phone orders 3uEf MOTH il " OPEN MONDAY AND FRIDAY . 12:1S TO P. M. OTHER DAYS 9:30 A. M. TO 5:30 P. M. FREE STORE-SIDE PARKING FOR OVER 1,000 CARS .V lum1 luxui mm , we bought them . . . and held them ... for mm DDAS.o.AMDD WILT our biggest reductions ever on Frigidaire just 12 to sell! 6Cl off Luxurious 1955 2-door, 11 cubic foot model with the exclusive "roll-to-you" shelves. Combination Refrigerator-Freezer Was $459.95 At Lew At $13 a Month NO DOWN PAYMENT no mail or phone orders, please no sales to dealers AND ... on top of these terrific price cuts WE HONESTLY BE LIEVE YOU'LL GET THE BIGGEST TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE IN TOWN at Meier & Frank's DON'T BE SORRY! ... BE EARLY! K&atfki mitt) dtnjtlih avow il .n, , ..... I W W-'- T"?W If . i mrnl -ir it- iti rrtmm- ;iltess H i : 1 . Tested Approved Guaranteed Reconditioned REFRIGERATORS RANGES o WASHERS J off For Meier & Frank Days Only! just 14 to sclll mm Very finest of riLthe. 1955 Frigidaire Ranges . . with one or two of the most easily cleaned ovens ever designed. DOUBLE OVEN WAS $469.95 m tow f IS nraU NO DOWN PAYMENT SINGLE OVEN WAS $429.95 u low 111 atnth NO DOWN PAYMENT no mail or phone orders, please no sales to dealers - Look at these savings . . . reg. $49 reg. $69 reg. $89 32.70 MO 59 reg. $59 reg. $79 reg. $99 39 52 APPLIANCE HEADQUARTERS - SECOND FLOOR citlMMliii;iiniiiifl)!(i;(i - a i3 ffej 't m t& ' f y 1 ... t. i i . J.' 4 t ,11 .1.1' i : " ; it. - ::o Nl 1 1". 'I !'