13-(Sec. JI) Statesman, Salem, Ore.. Mon., June 11, '56 Martin, Lewis 'Boom' Ten I Yccrs Old, Keeps Rolling nrur tnMt Ae af t ttHnM kMi"w f ran: t h.Hlrweae) Caea-r (run te Hrn-t l. "; ka iheuie kr.Mr a W in HI tart(a tH, telrkrailnt Mie l' aaethrereara till niV rl rleeer trtaa. . A or.Hii tfi hiii te kntfiinn kjr t Vtwra alleae retailer), v , By JAMES 1AC0N BOLLYWOOD - Martia and Lewi. comedy team hen M desperation end fattened M crisis, eelebrata a tenth anniversary this month. ' It'i a mllettone thai hardly any. tne, most of all the boys them selves, ever expected them to reach. Almost line the beginnlni of the act, the to-called hep uyi hive been predicting the Martia and Lewii boom wai top blf to last . , But Deaa and Jerry. Inc.. la a corporatic-a with balanced (heeti healthy enough te caust envy on Wall Street In 1935, tht two frost four millloa oollari betweea them. Their, accountanta estimate thia rear't tak will he bigger, Hollywood aoclal iwim, by choke He taya: "PattI and f aeldom go to the bl Hollywood parties. They want me because I am bff comedian. I don't want to be asked to a big party like that. 1 want to associate with people in aka ma for my self." Jerry, sea of a small-time tour ing vaudeville act. bad a lonely and poor childhood. He was most ly reared by a grandfather. He recalls hia Bar Mitxvah. the most Important event tn the life of a Jewish bor-a ceremony at 11 when ho becomes a fiaa la the eyes af Ms failh. We were so poor that we couldn't even afford a cheap bottle of wine for mine. My grandfather had to put the rabbi on the cuff for six months. "Walt till my sons have their Bar Mitivahs. Such a ceremony this town hat never seen before. GasaMef la fighter Dean, of course, was no Ven der-bill back in Steubenvilk Ohio. Ever since their first movie, the blu he always managed to do okay , two bare been la tha list af the top 10 boxolflct stars, several times at the very lop, never belew third. They apparently are the only NBC-TV stars who caa clobber Ed Sullivan, the high-rated CBS-TV ktar aa Die Sunday night I p.m. : tin. ,:." 4 ..ti v...:'.. ' tf Artist ' Dean Is one of Capitol records biggest telling crooners while Jerry -and this is not generally knowa la one of the label's big test sellers ia children's records. Jerry also has signed with Verve records to conduct at piece or . chestra.- The Sands Hotetti Las Vegas Is Just one night spot that lists the mih aa lie N 1 draw. But the Bartin-Lewts flaaacfal empire is one that came perilously cbse to collapsing many times dur ing tht past it years, most criti cally within the last two. 'The basic clash in personalities Ne two people could be more dif ferentapparently it resolved. The lauds asually stemmed from a mis understanding over single appear ances af Dean and Jerry, . "'It s strictly business, no matter what else you read," say ana of their business advisori Some columnists have pictured Jeanne Martia aa the heavy, tax ing that aha constantly needles her husband to-get rid of Jerry; that aha and Jerry's wife Patti, don't get along and that she ia Jealous of Jerry. Story Denied ; All parties deny thia. Most vocif erously, Jerry, -' "Long before Dean ever met Jeanne, wt decided never to mix our aoclal lives with our stage lives. Thia it aa axiom that holds fond (of any business. ' "Naturally, Patti and Jeanne doat clash because they seldom, , If ever, see one another. Jerry also lays the trouble to business. " "I tat in aa business conferences with our lawyers and our stents. Dean waa out playing golf. I didn't mind that but when tnmgt went wrong, he criticised the decisions that I bad to make for both of us. . 'Tin emotional, so I -blew my lop. Dean's emotional too to he blew hit right back."- ? . Last summer Paramount sched uled the world premier of "Living It Up" at the Catekill Hotel where Jerry made tht Jump from busboy to comic. - - -..Deaa argued against it. He fig ured that the whole emphasis would be on Jerry again and he would be left out., "If Jerry ia my friend, ha won't go," Dean said. Jerry went alone and Deaa went to Honolulu. The two were separated (or months until the big brasa at Paramount called a truce meeting. ; The meeting was never publi cized but a good source reports that Paramount showed them s future that had nothing but legal battles ahead. The two shook bands but little else. Aa tht months went on, the old into what looks like spontaneous , irtaadlmm returpod. A. mutual comedy. pact, needing only a handshake for Both alo are experts at deflat ing dignity and thry don t care whose shirt they tear to threads. Y. Frank Freeman, head of Paramount Studios, is a dignified Southerner who makes a prime target for the boys. Once Freeman had important guests. So important that he per sonally escorted them on a tour of the studio. All went well until he met the boys. First Dean yelled at him: "How come you let this studio get so dirty, Frank? Get a broom and sweep out the joint.'' Jerry then laid a paternal hand on Freeman's shoulder: "Frank, 1 hate to do this lo an old man but you're firrd. Wash up and get your check. How many times have I told you that janitors must never leave their mops to escort visitors?" for himselft hi his early career, he was .everything from profes sional gambler to prizefighter. It was an easy-come, easy-go life. The two boys are entirely dif ferent yet, la lots of ways, a lot alike. , Both art easy to work with and overly-generous. Tsilor Sy Devore, who designs stt their clothes, says the boys bny 60 to 7t suits $230 suits a year. Devore explains (he apparent ex travagance: "They want to dress up the act first but they have a whole list of starving friends among actors and I comics who get all their suits Patter a half dotea wearlngs." Most of the team's entourage is made up of people who go back to the hungry days. Martin and Lewis win celebrate their 10th. birthday In the same spot where the team started the aw Club la Atlantic City-June 23 and 5. It was there 10 years ago that both boys weri on tht same bill at singles. .Bought Tonsils "I wasn't a very good crooner in those days," Dean recalls. "Ac tually, I didn't really start to aing until Bing Crosby bad his tonsils taken out. Then I bought them from him." As singles the boys were so sad that the manager gavt them notice at the end ol the first week. The final aight, knowing they were fin ished anyhow, they cut loose. At Dean started crooning lazily into the microphone, Jerry stumbl ed into the audience, tripping wait era, cutting off the ends of guests' ties, Insulting cash customers, meanwhile, keeping up a fast ad lib patter with Dean on stage. It was bedlam, but the custom art flipped for it. The act hit remained basically the tame through the years. The two never tell Jokes. It s Just con versation crazy conversationbut Mill eoftversatfoa. A check with producers, direc tors and other show business-wise people gives these answers to the secret of their success: Both boys travel first clast at all timet. For Instance, their latest movie which they produced them selves is "Pardners, a western comedy. It's budgeted at 2'j mil liona high figure for a comedy. "Hollywood or Bust," one they are making now, ia ticketed almost that high. Yeathful Team The team is relatively youthful among comics. Dean is 39. Jerry is 30. Both have a certain amount of earthly sex appeal. Jerry Is one of the world's great mimics. That means the satire caa go In any direction. Jerry and Dean, too. when the chips are down, work hard at their act. They have the knack of converting well-renearsed sketches a contract, gavt each the chance lo do tingle performances when-' tver be wanted to. Smarts Sailing Those who should know say" the tailing It now smoother than ever. : la personality, Jerry It the worrier tf tht team, aa no and down guy whose exhiliratloa knows ao heights and Whose depressions know bo depths. ' A perfectionist, Jerry also is one of the hardest workers in show butt nest- Hit philosophy. You can't let Bp a tninutt when you're on top, or the toboggaa takes off with yow on sW- -' Deaa ia easy-going, somewhat lazy ia manner, with a don't-give-a-hoot attitude about most things. Moat of tht time, he's happy. - "Who says you got to be unhappy to be a success?" he asks. "You can only keep m much money anyhow. Why kill yourself to keep the Internal Revenue Department on standby?" Dean would probably be happier aa a professional golfer. The sport Mail and phone orders p OPEN MONDAY AND FRIDAY ll!S TO t FJM. OTHER DATS ; ' 7:10 A M. TO 1:10 F.M. rTSTTrrT?r7rT3n - , I L ; 1 ata-amw .' ' i..., v i i -aanaai - . . ji - v. as ... i- f- . t-y. m FREE STORI-SIDI PARKING FOR OVER 1,000 CARS $39.95 9-play Cvm Dandy GYM SET 27.95 A complete ployground for your own boefcyord! Constructed of heavy 2" steel tubing frome; thoroughly safety engineered. Tropeze, rings, 6 ft. gal vanized steel slide, 2 swings, octing bars and 2-place Sky Skooter. $29.93 6-plav (.vm Dandy GYM SET 17.95 Keep the children omused in their own yard. Heavy steel tubing frame, weather-resistont red of green finish. Mony safety features. 2 swings, octing bors, and the famous 2-seat Sky-Skoot-er. 1000-lb. test chains, non-tilt seots. HISS Ol IUXI DOU CAMIAOf. Urg tooooh gff fill for U" doHj loWi complttly, blu of turquoiw ' tU SS STIOII WISH MA II. n.wMt thinf an A tj K Ihrta whaali, th.in driva for children 4 to 10 S7.M OUN AND MOlSTIt SIT, d.cftf.ttd lattW g jr AO hoUttf, ball and two fapatiat cap pistols ... ttjrsa Jl S ANn-AISCSAST Jilt, Mellon motor, til JO 1 fl matil modal with movtbla anti-ircrif ejnt mt m. f if e $1 tS S-UNIT HIIGHT TSAIH, 12 placet of track Jrt Ofl ringing ball and naw lon;ar running locomo'iva rOtSi $14 COMMTt AMIIICAN RYM ItAIN OUIflt-J c.t, lo.dmg 39.95 S4.M VINYl em OOll, ill 100 plMiic, rootad BJOW tflO hair, dratiad in cuta prty drt ttlSt st n lAir iuntino sou, an vmyi, ti..Ping nn ay, d.tad in pink tnd blua outlit WatO TOYS SECOND FLOOR res. $6.98 Ktnrdy utility chest 2.99 WooW frtmt, al roomy Hrwr. Attrtctivt floral pfitrn on whitt bstcn ground. $xt I2"12"2f"e reg. $2.98 jumbo garmrt bags $ 1.47 Sturdy plastic in full drm langth. Choica af 5 ttylei and 4 rolori. All with full - Itngrh f ipptr, Protect your clothei. $1 89 12-Pocket shoe bog, quilted plostic . .77c 98c Rubber shampoo spray with hose 44c $1 69 Jumbo size blanket bag 77c J2 69-S3.98 Imported bark pictures . . . .$1.33 $1.19 Wooden TV stool, removable legs . 83c $2.98 Imported French, Italian sunglasses SI. 49 79c Multiple skirt rack, holds 5 37c $1 Multiple blouse rock, holds 6 69c ti n i wiiiiifeun. t - J iL.ajliaMi,T I . J ' "'.! " : m ml i: i 'i 'i.Miai. i iftV" -in -V'iff"'i irtr 'ir'nlc jjf Jg:B & . turns stf)-. $2 69 Imported sewing backet, lined . . . . $1.33 $1 49 Set of 3 sweater bogs, clear plastic 77e $1 35 Men's wide-shoulder wooden honger 77e $2.98 New type cuff link box $1.69 $2 69 Plastic chaise cover in two colors . $1.79 $3.49 Tie rock, holds 30 ties $2.69 $1.75 Garter belts, white, sizes 24 to 28 87e 50c Dress shields, batiste cover, 2 prs 44e NOTIONS STREET FLOOR Mollet Algeria it the reason he would like to con- Xtltlf I nrlrt"f I fine the team't acUvitiet mostlyi kjl'lltt XJttl IVtU. ia town occasional movies and.-n p television. He likes the way BingjKv I IIKTrPQ Crttby. hit Mol, llvet. VAJIaglVBa Always a Ca Jerry's idol. U ht has one, is a Comic like Bob Hope always ou the go. . ; "I'm bora te show business." tayt Jerry. my life. I got to appear ia public and meet the peo pleand often." I ; Actnany-and (hit It not widely known Dean is evea mora of a lamlly man thaa Jerry. Hit Idea of Ilvlnf la a round of golf, thea home, play with the kids and tele vision. Hit wife, a former cover girl, bat to drag him out to Hotly wood functions. They've split ap several timet ever aoclal appear ances, but they'rt reconciled bow. There art few Hollywood pre mieres and parties that the Mar- tin mittA- ' f ' reg. 81.95 pair stamped pillow tuhiii" 1.19 PARIS French Premier Guy Mollet won overwhelming support (mm his Socialist Party congress Sunday night after de claring rebellious Algeria must become neither an Arab state nor a Trench province. Mollet said it was Impossible now to drtw definite boundaries tor aa Algerlaa settlement but tome nrnns coura ot nxea. Everyone In Algeria must be granted equality and Algeria must have Indissoluble ties with met ropolllaa France, he said. After the premier's speech the Congress voted 1,131 to 111 In fav or of hit policies, with 145 ab staining. Mollet reiterated his willingness to arrange a cease-fire In Alger ia. - pair Wonderful, eaiy to-work pattern allort ment on belt quality tubing. Make up dur ing vecalion time for yourself and for Jiflt te. SlVS-4 tS NEfDUFOINT rherr l.att. pillowi anrl foomooli 81 QA from regular atork. JloawCr let- Ot F1NI miOLItOINT WOOl In M rata rartfai re work your Afp fkwM hair loom piecae, 40 yda. wt laf. S HlltlOOM STOOl KIT meboo tny iioal with naadla- flfS point and 4 ikeini yarn. tit If 19 Vour color choke. ART NEEDLEWORK SECOND noon i. . from our rrrular Mock fine eitaiupctl linens Two rtady-to-worli culwork or cros-Mitch plterns Make your own lovely heirloom linens. Not all patterns in every size. Finest quality linens. Reg. $ 7.95 size 52"x72" $4.93 Reg. $ 9 95 size 60"x80" $5.95 Reg $12 95 size 70"x90" $6.95 Reg $15 95 size 72'-xl08" $8.95 Reg. $ 4.25 5-piece sets $1.95 " , V ' " -A' ' '.(. .-..i. ' ' ' -'r rejj. 91.98-S2.9S famoufl makt) GAUCHO SHIRTS 2 for 53 :inest combed cotton with short sleeves. Guoronteed c o m p I e te I y washable ond color lost. Solid col ors and fancy patterns. Sizes 4 to 20. rrg. S.1.98 boys' washable RAYON SLACKS 239 Well made slacks in linert-typa royon, finished to resist spotting ond wrinkles. Pleated front. Light gray, charcoal, light blue, beige, mint shrimp, luggage ton, brown, novy. Sizes 6-12. Reg. $4.98, sjzes 14-18 . . . $3.99 t.f. SIVS-S1M SWIM TtUNKS. fmOil n-A,, lti..1 axrl hrir I','-, tn.rl tolo'i. pa'temt, 4 70 le SIVMlVt SeOST SMITS famoui make, SanfonreHfrt) co"on, ihort ileevti, S olidi and pnntl; l-ll - . . . '' let S1M-SJVI JHHUCKH PAJAMAS, Sanfonred cotton, middy Hyle, tol.d. g ff end panernf; l .... itaV l.( $1 69 51 l TERRY POIO SHIRTS, l-n'l paiterm, itripei, lome gaucnoi, all waahnbir; 6 ' 2 . . - . R.ej. S1VIS3VS SROADCIOTH PAJAMAS, liwi hfand. ?nlonfn K roiton, coat JS "1 AA n-.dd, i,lfi, 6 '8 - WftftF Re. Sc NYLON STRETCH SOCKS, femoul b'and 100'. Helancalt nylon, a'g.le petteirn.. itnpet Reej. SH S JUNIOR SPORT COATS, pure wool tweedi, light and dark thariri, wr-ll gfk tailorfd; 6-12 WtJPtJP Rt SUSS WOOl FlANNfl SLACKS, Ivy league Ityle. gray, charcoal, brownj ft ff) preD 12 20 - - llif teg S7M0 PR(P SPORT COATS, famoji main in all wool, vent barki. medium J 1 BT Reg. S31.S0 WOOl FLANNEL SUITS, famout make, tome twr-edl, lingla b-eosted, aizei 13-20 ... 28.3 1.90 aoc 1.99 9c $22.50 BOYS' SHOP STREET FLOOR r BOr lb. peanut brittle t?."t lb. 39c Kitchen fresh, thin, crisp ond but tery. Treat yourself ond your fam ily at savings! Reg. $1.60 Eolted Whole Cashew Nuts 14 oz. 89c Reg $1.35 Chocolate T,ng-a-ling lb 89e Reg. $1.50 Chocolate Orange. Sticks lb. 89c Reg $1.35 Vonilla or Strawberry Walnut Divinity lb 89c Reg. 59c Bunte Starlight Kisses, cello-wrapped lb. 49e Reg 75c Pastel Bridge Mix -lb 49c Reg 59c Licorice Bridge Mix lb. 49c Reg $1.35 Chocolote Nut Fudge Balls lb 89c Reg $180 Chocolote Pecon Butterflies ...lb. $1.19 Reg 90c Lemon Sours or Fruit Royols lb 69c Reg $1.35 Frosted Snow Caps, three types lb. 79e Reg. 85c Whipped Creom Fudge, vanilla or chocolate lb. 69e Reg $1.35 Frosted Marshmollow Strawberry Jells lb. 89e CANDY STREET FLOOR This sii;inc '0.sf to arms ouhUlc our regular truck (Irlitrrt routrt ii ii is j4n.U' 't! !! Jerry and hit wla art ft la H