House Probe Scheduled for Republic Fund WASHINGTON l - Chairman W alter 'D Pa announced Sunday that (he House Committee on I'n Amcrican Activities will investi gate the fund for the Republic at public hearings starting June 27. Walter "aid the committee is seeking "the objective (acts" on whether the fund set up with a grant from the Ford Foundation is a "friend or a foe in our na tion's death struggle against the Communist conspiracy. In New York, Fund President Robert M. Hutchins said in a statement that one of the organiz ation's main activities is sponsor ing "studies of the nature of the Communist threat to American in stitutions." Walter said Hutchins and Henry Ford II will he invited .to attend or be represented at the hearings, l.lnt tl Witaemsrs Richard Arens, committee di rector, said Hutchins and Ford will not be asked to testify but iay do so if they wish. A list of witnesses will be released later. The fund was set up with a 15-million-dollar endowment from the Ford Foundation. Hutchins said it has assumed independent status. In New York. Rowan Gaithcr Jr.. president and board chairman of the Ford Foundation, issued a statement saying: "The Founda tion has full confidence in the in eerily and patriotism of members of the board of the fund." He said the fund was established as an independent entity "out of the ronviction of the trustees of the Ford Foundation that the pre servation of constitutional liberties t vital to our traditions of free dom.'; ) Authority The Fund for the Republic, he said, "has the authority without relorence to the Ford Foundation to undertake such projects and to Like such decisions as that board in its judgement may determine in carrying out the purpose of the grant. "The Ford Foundation neither has advance knowledge of the con siderations nor does it participate in the deliberations leading to spe cific projects or management de- risinns approved hy the board of the Fund for the Republic." Walter said in a statement that the fund is financing "a number of activities which have aroused criticism and doubt on the part of members of Congress, prominent patriotic organizations and individ uals including Henry Ford II , him self who has publicly described siMiie of the actions of the fund a 'dubious in character'." Friend r Foe "Is this Foundation, with its vast reservoirs of funds and pow er, a friend or a foe in our na tion's death struggle against the Communist conspiracy?" Waller a-ked. "Are its extensive and di verse activities strengthening or weakening our security structure in the Communist cold war? Are the leaders of this force, which en joys the benefits of tax immunity, serving 8n interest inimical to our basic American traditions?" Walter said he wanted to make it clear that the committee wasn't passing judgment on the fund or its activities. "The committee, is seeking the objective facts so that they can he available to the American peo ple," he said. Hutchins said ' any judgment concerning the Fund for the Re public should be based on carrlul inaction of its three-year record of activity." Aims Carried Out He said that record "demon strates that the fund has carried out the aims for which it was ere aterl, tn advance the principles of freedom and justice as set forth in the Constitution and Declaration nf Independence." Since it was established in 1952. he said, the fund has allocated about B'j million dollars "to de velop educational programs relat ed to the individual liberties of American citizens." He added: "More than one-third of this sum has been devoted to the improve ment of race relations. "Another one-third . . . has gone tn supporting programs designed tn stimulate discussion and under s'anding of the history and tradi tions n our free society. "Other main areas of fund con cern are studies of the nature of the Communist threat to American institutions, maintenance of due process of law, and protection against invasions of freedom of speech and belief " , Reds Claim U.S. Ousted Truce Team TOKYO Communist North' Korea Sunday accused the I'nited States of "unilaterally ousting four-nation neutral armistice in spection teams from South Korea in an act destroying the armistice in Korea " The I'nited Nations command ousted all armistice inspectors (rom South Korea on the ground the Communists had used NNSC to mask an illegal arms buildup in the North. A communique issued by North Korea Foreign Office and broad cast by Pyongyang radio accused the Cnitcd States of planning a new war by withdrawing all in spectors from the South. It said the evacuation order by the Allies clearly shows the United States intends to bring new type weapons and atomic arms to South Korea. The communique maintained the Korean Armistice Agreement can not be nullified nor can the legiti mate power of the inspection teams provided by tht agreement be changed by a unilaterial deci sion. It said the armistice inspec tors have a right to return to South Korea whenever there is I violation of the armistice. Mail and. phone orders Statesman, Salem, Ore., Mon., June 11, '58 (Sec. II)-15 L'j i i i i r df mJk mM j i i w f .. i a yt "if , u ft rr i i i I ' - I H HA I -1 LIH -SIM N Jil H -I V JV I II I n i CHr:i.VH: n.r j OPEN MONDAY AND -FRIDAY, y" f fl rJ'' V- OTHER DAYS 9:30 A.M. TO S;30 P.M. , ( jTsJ JjJ VN rmT - f V , lr,. I j j' FREE STORE-SIDE PARKING . 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