600 Employment IH Work Wonttd, LodT' WAITRESS, feed or cocktail experienced, refer., hart hrs. Ph. 4-1104 after 4. CATHOLIC sophomore fir I wiihet le do luht housework ml child cere. Uva in. Write BolM. Staleeman-Journal. MICH school iiriiinrabr"lirit deyt, vicinity ol Wilshirs Dr. Ret. Ph. 4-09M. KEIZER Child care. Ph. 2-0048 CAR! for infant children, mv home, or do practical nursing mitiide. Ph. 4-S411. EXCELLENT child care in my home, bv Mnrningsidc Sob. Pull or part time. Ph. 4-4005 CHILD care, my home by ex perienced mother. 1340 N. Win. ter. Ph. 4-0457. CHILD Csre my home It da. 23c hr. 4-rorners. ph. 2-572. ASHLNC,Ali7ngonYin mv home. 581 Market. it I 1 EO ;KAHLNGtrDing Mrs Poe. 665 N lth Ph 3-3643 SFW1NG - Dressmaking in my home. aJMypes Ph 1-939X W ANTED Ironing In my home 1PI9 N 5th S-U16 LOVING supervised child care, mv home So Ph J-3916 EXCELLENT-CMLDCARE Mv home. W Salem Ph 4-85; 415 Situations Wanted INTF.TUOR decorating Chailcs McLean, 417 E. Madiona. Ph .i-.iws. PAINTING, papering Free esti mates Don Lucero. 3-5522 CARPENTF.Rwor7any Rind reas 4240 Maclcay Rd t-5!l LAND CLEARING D-l Hr L C Mitchell Ph 3-5337 6 OWING A rakir.g. D. Mar sbaL 2-1343. V 'a. f vd shovel, crane, hoe. Org line. 25-ton mobile cranes. D4, 07 caw. carry all clear ing blade Rental eontract or unit prices. SALEM SAND It GRAVEL 14i)j N Front St Ph 2-2441 PAINTING. Dirt cheap prices 25 years In Salem. Ph. 3-7552. 'SCHARFF BROTHERS- Installation Repair Sewer Septic Tanks. Dram Field., Pimr Diti'hinf. Backfill. I'h 1 t XSJ.O 1 .A-. EMI.L carpenUr lrs. food woik. 'reasonable. Ph. 4-14J4 Lit. HI crawler dozrr. levelinf trading 3-7042 U Kurth 618 Education CAPITAL RFAI ESTATE SCHOOL Krvt Class starting June 19, 1856 a: 7 ml p ni. Course will be fin. lhrd In time for July exam inations. 20 hnurs of qualified inMru'-tinn rovenn. material r.eifs.sary for obtaining sales man s license in real estate selling fur the Stale of Ore fun Information also of inter et to the laman Fre for the course is 12S0O Taking resn trations now. For further de tails rsll Hov Tortd. Real F.s tatr. 2.11" State St Ph. 2-f.Vl " Fl'LI, STKAM AIIKAD FOR SI MMKR Join the many young people wno will he continuing lhlri$52 5o. 2 bed erturatlon in tnr most proiii-j aror lit 10 iiuMiir', ..rw rlasses Ftart the week of Junr lltn in all lubjecls. Call now or visit the MERRITT DAVIS SCHOOL OF COMMKRCE ISA S. Liberty Ph 2-1415 700 Rentals 702 Sleep. RoOmt, Board McFI.Y finn larre front rm Centlrman N Winter 11 a ria. or 1j . drinkers. 411 N i week. Summer CI. FAN. quiet, near Stale bldg.. shop Put., kit, prlvel. 2-1440 CLEAN. Cnmf. rmi. T. V . In 211 S Winter M7E MCE light housekeeping rm. 185 No. Church. GENTLEMAN wsnts room & board, close In. Ph. 2-6221. PLEAS-rm . adi. bath for gen tleman. 10S0 Norway. 2-4547 VaNTFD Man tn rnom and hoard. 266 N. Capitol. HOME awav from home. Pack lunches. Men. 1003 N 1th. TV Nicely furn . clean sleeping rm. 20 mo. 2-76:0 board avail. 705 Apoftmenrs ForRent 1 RM. heated apt. pvt ent Furn or unfurn 1.11 ( ,mri ri'HX Pullman apt Pvt. bath,, 1545 No. Capitol 2-9006. - SPARKLING i Iran, new ly -.dec, ,ur" ' ''l I'!.' c" i snoiyrr. nfii urn Cnn'.'l 4 r0 ri'RN. I rm. A kitchenette, rtl anoeanng hri irodrrn $40 Ciil. pd Near C.ip.'ol. 145 N I lih COURT Apt. ilose in. nrwly dec. T. V. antenna, gar. 2-2650. 1 PM. furn. apt., pnv. hath. 705 N Liberty. Ph, 2-6047 1 PDRM court apt unfurn . range A- rrfrig B12 N. I4lh CI FAN furn 6.1.1 Ferry 1 U 2 rm. spts. 3 RMS furn. Store room C.i!l alter 5 p m. or weekend Adults. 1609 N. 4th. Ph. .1-8602. "LOVELY 3 RM. I'NFVRN.' Nr Capitol, harhrrur. c:rrx Berdiv w A d Couple .1-M2I NICE 3 rm. furn. apt., pvt. en trance. JS4 S.l3th. CLOSF.ln. nice mod furn. apt. Ph. 3-M90. exeppt Sat 1 RM spt 2i5 N. 15th. Ph 4-.1279 CLEAN nicely fin ru 3 rms . pnv, hath, close in & State births 1246 Center 3 RM Apt . ill i I furn . close in t il). .140 Union St ilODFRN I hdrrn . Court Apt I'nfiun except F.Iec ranf rrfrig W Salem. Ph. 4-H875 Eve 2-R74.1 I.ARGE well (urn. 2 rV apt 2nd fir. $.10 mo Washing fa cilities, no pets Adults pref. Ph. 2-7117 2164 Maple GROUND fir. 3 bdrm suburban apt l.aundrv rm .1205 Moody Ave Ph. after 5 pm. 2-3961 SCEN!Cv,ewT-bdrm7linfrn. court Apt . range. refrig 5-2901 QTIFT 1 or 2 bdrm. furn cot tages, all util furn . lame l.iwn, reason 2597 I'oillalid Rd '() RENT 2 bdrm. furn. apt 445 E Myers. FI'RN. 2 rm. apt 1st floor, pvf haih A- entrance. $50 660 Un ion. 2-5218. FI'RN lge . 5 rm, apt Also tt small apt 348 N.J2th Hollywood Apts. Furn. unfuri) . 4-4713nr 4-7879 I FNWOOD Court Furn . modern 1 bdrm. apt. Come see. you will like It here. 125 S. 13th. CAPiTOL PLAZA 1 BDRM. UNTURN. 1149 Chemeketa St Ph 1-1610 NICE roomy 2nd fir. 3 im. furn Apt In 2 Apt . corner hse 18th A Chemeketa, newly dei . quiet I or 2 adults nice yard, trees, flowers. 1-1717. S80 N. 18trt. FIRST FLR. furn. 3 rm. Bendlx. 359 N. Liberty. 3-7124. CLFAN lge b rm. seml-basm't. apt., firepl. Ph. 3-5265. CORNER Apt,, 2 rms A hath, clean A: inviting, ,Iut right for lona lady. Ph. 3-4370. 1700 Rftitalg 705 Aportmtntt For Rtwt l-ROOM furn., priv. bath. Near Capitol Bldga. HI Mill. 1 RM. fura. Apt. eloao la, child welcome. Ph. 4-3Ml.A KXTRA nice 1 rm. furn. apt., completely pvt. 1 blka. E of Stat bldga. 131 Ph. 1-71,. TURN. 2 rmTM eSTuuI furn. 7:5 So. Uth. AMBASSADOR APTS Nicely Furn. Apts. 550 N. Summer 2-8301 FtjRN mod. s rm. Apt . ioj luaaison. ee. ril. mim CLEAN I rm. apt., util. Dd close to SUte Bidet. Ph. 3-5407 NEWLY dec. 4-mu.. near State BldfsaaiS. Winter. 3-41t7. CLEAN I rm. furn. prlv. bath, entrance, garage, 151 S. Uth. LARGE lst-flr. dean furn. apt., fireplace, auto, heat; near Capitol. Adults. 1-4505; 1-5272. AVAILABLE-July "Pa-rooms", ground floor, small yard. De al -able, 2 blocks from P.O. 3-6553. 133 UTILITIES Included sea gT ter 4 30 p.m. 1254 Ruge St. W Salem. FOR RENT NL1."bdIm.liiHl.n,.,dJf: buildings $rtfl per no AL ISA A K A- CO. Realtors. 322 N Church St. Ph. 4-3311 or 3-7ICO FURN court collage, all elec.. $40 plus utll . laundry (urn 2451 Trade. I'h. 4-7472 ONE 3 rm , pvt. bath. .One 2 rm. Hoth very clean & attractive 570 Union. 4 RM unfurn flat wbsmt A garage, oil heat, adults onl, no pc's 1873 Court St NEWLY DECORATED DOWNTOWN LOCATION Phone 3 3844 3 RM furn. apt., pnv bath A rnt. Suitable for rpl. 1112 Mill 3 RM. furn , pvt bath util pd far, avail 1S53 SUte COURT Apts i Court ft Cottafei nffer downtown auiet ai'ts. from142 50 to tit. Pti'lUU. CENT loc. I sm .furn. ATTlrsT unfurn. near new Stale bides. I'niv 2-J1J7. 2-S5LI. - , ,... 'Hk Lf-f- APIS Clan. mr.st A t 1 i n , 1 1 a HH d rsv Barhrlor unit now available Unlurn SO a nto Icpection invld. 5A5 .. winter 706 Duplenei 4 ROOM lower duplex apt furn 1 egents for BEK.1NS Nation Close in Preic adult also . Movari Ph 1-3111 sepins rooms Ph. -'-77 ftow COST storage H L Stifl CLfCAN nicelv turn 2 bdrm dn-l furniture. Co 1-11S1 plex. TV sntenna. Ph 4-:UQ. I SUBURBAN 1-bdrin duplex, the 800 Keal EtttatC nicest vou 11 find for 1:19 50. Ph. 2-9646 SfBl'RBAN'N. F. rin. sp7 cious. 3 rnis. & bath . gar , furn Ph. 2-50(13 FURNISMEI1 iipperDliplex 3 irr.s. - balh. pnv. ent. for workine couple Near Stale & Gen. hospital. Ph. 2-.W.7 BRAND new I bdrm unfurn . ra diant heat, hardwd. firs bin h kit. v ired for washer A; dryer, bu. line. 141 N.. Winter. 2 blocks from Auto oil heat. Rin,, Wired 4-181,1 for elec. range, rh 4 P.DHM furn duplex 1489 Court. 75 mo. Ph. 3-5834 i.OWF.Rlurn 1 hdrmextra bed T " Art Garace. base ment 175. 1284 Court. Ph 3-7124. ROOM unfurn flat 1 block P O Inq J Ferry 2 OR :i bdtm. turn nr unfurn . Call 3-KllO. See at 49 N V. .ntf: 707 Homes For Rent CLEAN unfurn. l'i bdrm. 4 gar. 145 W Salem 3-79H7 CLEAN modern 1 bdrm Neai Totem Pole. Ph 2-8423 1 BDRM. partly futn house. I ill) Lancaster Lrive. Ph. 2-4H33. FOR RENT: bdrm house"' fruit orchsrd. Keirer dist. Call 4-3263. 2 RIJRM h"usc. elrc. heat. $611. no pet- j mi. L. 4-Coinrrs i Key at 4,Vi3 Slate Ph 4-2B62 1 RDRM. house, stove & water furnished. Ph. 4-0731 1BDHM. hse . St SteteSt-4 Corners Oak firs. A- frpl , yen- '''" JbJ,',.d' u'"- rm ' 150 mo fh. 4-4.01. MODERN I BEDROOM, newly - ,;- ,. cl(te, ln. ,5XI oiurt St. !.-.,..- j ,t- 1 LARCF. modern 1 bdrm walk- mg distance. 590 So. Liberty, j f HORM house "partially furn .... . r S.or ,v HII1K rnroia'r. on; heat, basem't garage. Couple I OtllV. South . W 2-SMHI4. 1-BDRM house wgaraee. stove A- rrl'ie 1236 Allen Court Ph 4-5(l.'i9 1-BDRM cottage, stove, refrig.. firepl . garage. IV) 3-1471 NEW I bdrm. house, lots o( closet spate, stove tefng. gi raffe. ome utll. Inq. 1903 No 191 h St I9tli M I 1 - ti.rE m z harm, uniiirn or r",.,1.?, PfiS." torn .2 BDRM houses, range ii refrig. i f.irn Salvador Apt 2-.1841 ; 2U5 F Mlllrr ;1 BDRM unfurn house. Call j 2-5528 alter 5 or week ends 1 4 BDRM. house near shopping i rlr. No pets. Ph 2-3949, NK'F. 1 hdim house, stove A irfrie, furn. inquire lwu Ir.ide. FOR RENT Farm house A I acre, close In, Ph, 2-7B41I. eve ,V Sunday, NICE 2 hilrm.. house. 204 N. 23rd Ph .1-.".14'i 4 RM HOUSE 2 bdrm large util suburban, south, all elec unfurn Ph. 2-2125. 2 1U)RM house, carpels, TV ftn- lonn.i. adults. E. State St . $65 Call 2-1276 eves. 4 BDRM house. Fairmount Hill Ph 2-6631. FAIfMOUNT Dist 1 $.17 50. Ph. 3-9968 3 rooms. I SMALL 2-bdrm. house with garage Inquire 131U N. latn FOR RENT 1 bdrrrt. unfurn. hse. Ipe lomli liv. A din. rm. En closed side pored. carport, eiec. range A oil heater furn yuiet neighborhood, S. lust off Browning Ave, 1:15. 4-1004 SMALL I bdrm. h ise. Su. Sa- If-lti. $:ill I'h. 3-3928 707-a Furnished Houses FURNISHED cottage (o- rent. 1160 S. Liberty St. 2-5210. NEAT 1-bdrm. furn. house, close to hus. ' $41. 163 Gerth. WALKING-Sit. So.. 1 bdrm furn. house 2-1751. CLEAN part furn. 1 bdrm. court 151. 1762 Evergreen Ph. 1-5069 3 RM house-apt. at 4 Corners 1-0339 eves, or wk. end. 708 Farms For Rent FOR RENT: Acieage pasture 2 bdrm , niodern bouse. Ph 2-2SI. PASTURE for rent. Call 4-3869 after S a.m. 71 6 Wonted ro Rent Hies YOUNG business man At family w ish 1 or 3 bdrms house. Ph. I to I. 1-3171 or 4-46S1 aves. 700 Rentali 710 Wontttolonr Hm WANT I bdrm. turn, or unfurn. he. Will gay good rant tor food house. Ph. 4-4M0. WICAN RETfTYOUIHOUSr We have many on our waiting list for good 1 I t 4-bdmv houses. Let us pick good renters for vmi At save you TIME. MONEY At BOTHER. We specialize In rentals It property management. CENTER STREET REALTY Htl Center. 4-eMl, Eve. 1-7112 709 Wanted to tout Nelson's Rentals WF. WANT GOOD HOMES TO RENT TO OUR WAITING iWXVvr P",CED WE SERVICE OUR RENTAIJt AND ADVERTISE ALSO COLLECT FOR OWNERS Call Dorothy Deal. Eve. 4-K31 NELSON k NELSON. RLTRS. ISM S. Commercial. Ph. I-M61 714 Busintit Rentals AVAILABLE JULY 1 NEW GROUND FLOOR OFTICE SPACE Beautiful ultra-mod ern offices with off street parking near Meier A FranK. Suites approximately 400 sq. ft and 400 sq ft . can he combined to make I 000 sq. ft. Balance of building now leased to professional clienlel. Call Dick Schmidt for details. Eve. 2-7567 Nelson & Nelson REALTORS ISSfl Commercial Ph. i-366! BARBERS. Attention: Ideal loca cation for barber shop. Live business center. Statesman Journal. Box 103 Bl'SINESS space lxS2'. avail ahle June 1M. In Wallace Rd Shoppin. Onter, ISO. Ph. :t-7432 ft 1-5077, IHJWN 'own office space. tore rrr.s A warehouse 1-4114 7W Convoleicant Homei EI.DFREST Nurslnf Home Prl I ate rooms svailable. 2630 N Church. 2-M16. - ;,' '.' " , ''.. l. HOME 252 N CotUfe 1-5020 ajjia i m a 780 Moving a Srarega Larmor Transfer V Storage Compleu moving service Alio 801 Buiinest Opportun, MODERN 7 unit Salem Motel and home, sell or consider trade for small ant house close In. owner. 2-7130. WORKING share in Willamette fibre A chip board mill. High seniority, reasonable. R. J ftan lit I Box 151. Sheridan. Ore I'h TN. 3-4202. HOI SPOTS FOR IT.ASK. trailer court site on Hiihwav M7 near Coluni bia River. Close to 1500,000.000 prnlect. Spue for 15 or 30 tiAilfis. Water, tew en in. Easy terms. FOR SALE OR LEASE, very nirimnii H.s full hiini steam hrat, H C. water, bath- ptl.me. all rooms S1.V01H! dn. payment, balance $200 per mo. iml. :mrrcsL Asking 163,000 IOR LEASE, Crane A restau rant near John Day Darn site, nn main Highway. Excellent pnssibilites for lounge FOR I.FASE very good barher s:iop location, near big con struction job. No competition Salem Properites REALTORS 367 . Hull St. Ph. 4-0.1.11. 2-15.13 F'rs & Sun please call FRFO KLANG J-IJ"! or RAY MASON 2-95BI MOTEL 22 units, good return. take Salem Property m trade TAVERN Isnd A all. Hot Spot !c.HOCF.HY - cle.n stock I ,V,U,. r,nar,. 116.000 00 Terms new- SER STA -Good location, 13.- TUCKER REAL ESTATE Lehanon, Oregon - - fOR SALE 14 candy or gum counter type coin vending m.chinn Very rea, Ph. 2-1494 aftor 5 in - FOR lease Major Oil Co., Serv- ice Station, located in Canbv Oie. Financial assistance tn qualified operator. Call Bill Pest. Portland CA 3-2194 or AT 2-1001. FOR LEASE near completion new drue-ln restaurant with heavy traffic count. Some equipment furn Box 93. Statesman-Journal. MA At K . jjyx DUIineil rroptiTV GENERAL STORE TRADE, or sell. Priced at $.15,000 with guaranteed Invoice of 116.000 Brick building, land, stock A fixtures Included in t ie price mice living Qtrs i. trade tor duplex, moderate priced 2 Br home or small farm See RAY OA VIS EVE 4-5917, days 2-6680. ED LU KINHEAL, REALTOR. 433 N HIGH FOR SALE Income property 7 units Apt. Court also 3 busi ness rentals with 8 apt up in good valley tnwn. Will con sider traile. Ph. 1124. Box 3.16 Slay ton, Oregon. 803 Suburban 1 19 ACRES, gd Vise 6t gar . bus, $8,500. $500 dn, 3825 Cherr.l . 806 Homei For Sol ATTRACTIVE 1 hdrrn . duplex Apt, rlose in. nice vard. open Sun. or call Portland BE 4-4012 BY OWNER. Immediate posses sion, year old, three bedrooms, two full baths, dining room, kitchen nook, two car garage full finished basement, party loom, laundry, sewing room, tlose lo bus grade and high school. $r.,Ml. 750 Wild Wind Drue I 3 kph.M.. older home, fine lesi- dential 'area, $9,250. 2-3325 MR OWNEHl Glen woodrv will pay lop price for vour furn A apniiBiiees Ph 3-51J0 3 BDRMS 1', baths, hlrch kitchen with dishwasher A- dis posal, flrrpl. In large living rm. Lrg utility. 2 yrs. old. Owner transferred. 115.JO0 Ph ;4-7ML 1 YR. old E. Eng lewood; 1 bdrm.. 2 baths, birch kltrhan, rarpat Ing. 1 925 llv. area. Owner transferred Ph, 4-3441, BYOWNER. 1 bdrm. modem, well bulll home, 17.100. lo cated at 1495 7th. Ph. 4-2419 eve. WILL trade equity In 1 bdrm. home fur trailer house. 5240 Sunnynde Rd. 1-0933 Owner Transferred Must sell Immediately 1 yr. old 1 rm home. dble. garage, 200x160 lot, $9,250 276S Sand ringbam Drive 1 hlk R. nf Lancaster on Silverton Bd. Pit 1-4180, 800 Real EsUte SO House. For Sole RAWLINS REALTY LOANS FOR BUYING OR CONSTRUCTION I OH png DOWN. 7 PER MONTH Buys wis reaecoraieo a peo room, north suburban, full price only M 850 00. T see call Chet Rawlins. Eve. Ph 1-623. MA AND PA CROCERY. Very. food location in a busy area j arkln in rear of store. Good I lease, clean siock, mis is oei-1 ler than averase small store I For app't to see contact Dale Rap-burn. Eve Ph. 1 1045 j BEDROOMS SOUTH. Large living room, dining room. combination, rrpi., a norma, all on 1 fir F A. Oil heat. AH. gar. Only 2 vrs old. Price reduced to 110 ISO 00 Onlv ; $000 on down. Call Henry Rund j to sea. Eve. Ph 4-1720. 1 605 Chemeketa Street GRABENHORST BROS. C SAt.FM HOME-Neer,!, little attention. New roof 2' , eini go Oil furnace-- yrs V, bdrmi. Nirt tnclosed back vard 111.750 j CALL WALT SOCOLOFSKY HERE ARE SOME GOOD BL'YS: j 10 ACRES-Clost in. house Ac barn bdrm 1 12,f00 '.A ACRES Small houne & barn W.soo J BDRM. HOl'SE-Close In- s : steal 19.150 GOOD ICE CREAM BUSINESS Fine location .114.900 BARGAIN in a good Cafe. M 900 CALL MRS RICHARDSON OWNER TRANSFERRED 3 bdrm. ud to date home in Oak Hill tract Onl) U mo. old Price $12,950 CALL RALPH BRUCE GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 1B0 S. LIBERTY ST. PH. 2-2471 Evenings A- Sundavs rail Salesmen Walt Socolofsky 3-8835. Mis Richardson 4-8986. Ron Hudkins 3-1711 H. K Lavmon 11103. J. E. Law 3-JI13. Ralph Bruce 1-0911 HIMMEL & FERRIS REALTORS I.ARGE FAMILY - SAFE STREET- Close to Bush's Pasture. 4 bedrooms, excellent condition, iav. Muiri iicignuuriitmu. KJtity ECONOMICAL AND NICE-Practically new 2 3-hedrm hornet south. $9,250 and $9,750. Alto 3 bdrm. under construction, close to McKinley and South Salem. I11.2M. Call ut toda,v. ON THt HIGHWAY SOUTH-Small I bedrm. house, tint fruil rtand and curio ihop. could be used for many thmgi. Look at Uiis. see what you could use It for. I6.S00. FOR THE DISCRIMINATING BUYER This i one of the nlcel 7 bedrm. homes in the city Thermopane window -giant; top ped patio hot water heat, private back yard, beautiful ihrubs Call ui now. TO SELL YOUR HOME IS OlTR ONLY BUSINESS Eve A Sun Salesmen Murl Frantz. 2-K943. Bon Clearv H Peck 1-M1S. Rov Ferns 2-flOIO Joe Himmel 2 -SI 22 M SOirTH LIBERTY H A F PHONE 4-447R RAMSEY, REALTOR ONLY $250 DOWN I IDEAL FAMILY HOME AND 131 per month for one of j NORTHEAST. S bedrooms II the nicest 1-bedroom homes down. 3 upt. Living room 22x available (or the price-of 13.-; 14. Dining room Nook. Base 500 Insulated. Garage. 1 ment. Patio. 113.900. Terms. ACREAGE - $500 DOWN 1 HOME - CREEK LOT NO buildings on this 10-arre tract Lots of fruit and nuts South, 1 miles out. 12. WO Buv It nn contract. Ph. 4-2670 or 4-3381 CITY FOR FARM OWNER of 2-bedroom home tn Salem will sell for 19.900, with terms, or will Trade for prop erty to about 110 000. 427 Ferry List With Us Office 4-3381 Eve : Violet Bishop 2-2913; Frank Vlaslc 4-2670: Marian Ihmann 2-66M: Jim Ramsey 4-2817 Oregon Development Co. 318 N. CHl'RCH ST. "REALTORS! ATTRACTIVE VIEW HOME SOL'TH-3 bdrms, living room-w-w carpeting, fireplace, handy kitchen with nook Basement, F. A. sawdust furnace, covered patio, attached garage, lg. lot. Fruit, berries, garden spot, ideal family home. Price $14,100. Ask for I Barney I Baumgartner. eve.: 4-4788 SL'BI'RBAN NORTH l'i Acre best of soil nice modern 1 bdrm house. Ig kitchen with nook, utility rm,, attached garage fenced back vard. Good w ell Price 18 950. Ask for Mrs. Woot ten. Eve : 3-8066. $7,000 BUYS NICE 1 bdrm home, close to State Hospital Hdw firs , lg kitchen, utility rm., inclosed paneled porch, tool house, extra If. lot. good buy. Ask for Cheatham, Eve : 4-9861. SUMMER STREET. Excellent location. Close in. Beautiful. Eng lish style 3 bdrm. home. Ig. living room. 16x24 trimmed in gum wood, fireplace, Ig. French windows, w-w carpeting nf the hest. Lovely dining rm. Handy kitchen 2', plumbing, attached garage. Basement with party rm and fireplace, steam heat, gorgeous shrubs. Lot 100 x 106 Must see to appieciate. For particulars ask for Ed Srhreder. Fve : 3-7825. BEFORE YOU BUY! See the new homei In Belvedere Gardens. East on D St to North 3tth For sale exclusive- C' V. KENT & CO. REALTORS 456 N Churrh Ph4-:293 CLEAN 6 yr. old 2 bdrm subur ban home. hdwd. firs, venittan blinds, nice shrubs. $7,250 3831 Monroe Ph. 4-5544. SMALL dn payrntr-car, TV. boat, piano, or what have you? Balance at 175 mo 2 bdrm house, unfinished up stairs, full basm t. F. A. saw dust furnace, lrg lot. between McKinley It New Hi Sch. Ph. 4-3703. BYBUiLDER NEW 3 bdrm nome nam S Salem schools & prk2-7071 OEHUTCHISON REALTOR Let us solve vour nome needs To Buy Sell or Rent Call Ph 4-5741 1131 Edgewatei Ph 4-7174 mo So Comm'l BY OWNER . 3 months old. 3 j hdrrn . fireplace, paved streets. sidewalks, sewer, immea. t'oss 1775 dn Ph. 4-0322. BY BUILDER NEW specious 1 bdrm. Engle- wood Dist. Top quality. 1-7071. SMALL unfinished 2 bdrm. house to be moved. Plumbed. sheetrock. wire A plywood floor In 1500 1640 Mcl-eod I .rtiie (Jarden Lovers Nice 2 bdrm home. 6S'x!70' lot. kitchen with formica counter ton. large living1 rm , tiled bath, lots of flowers A: shrubs also trees, large garden spot already planted, upstairs un finished Fnr more details call 4-6253 Price 11.750. WILL sell equity In 11 mo. old 3 bdrm.. modern house, att. arage. elec. heat. hdwd. firs fnr 1700 or Include washer dryer, stove, refrig. with house all for 11.400. Ph. 4-7627. HfJUSKoriebywner-151 N.14th. TOR SALE, equity In good 1 rm house, lireplace, dishwasher A food garage Ph. 1-106H FOR SALE: Alsea rTver home near Tidewater In peaceful little "Swltrerland" valley Modern 1 bdrm. house, double garage, heated workshop, smokehouse. Beautiful view. lawn, flowers, shruhs 200 ft rtver frontage, gsrflen spare fruit trees. Ph owner, Sk 7-1135, Monmouth, 800 Real Estate 106 Houses For Solo THIS IS IT If you are looking for a well arranged 1 bdrm., separate din. rm home lo cated on two large lots. Fam ily fruit, flic lge. garden, flowers and lawn. 3 blki. from school. Attractive FHA terms. To see call R. E. Gillespie Eve. Ph. 4-044. hume kiih a uiuu view from liv. rm.. din rm , and master bdrm,, t lovely view out over Salem and the val ley. One of the finest views in Saiem. Nearly new 3 bdrm. home with family rm. in base ment Price llg.tnooo. For de- tails call Dean Klarr. Eve Ph 2-70SO. Ph. 4-6875 ROOM TO (. amUlar.a BREATHE On - Beautiful tnt more than 100' square with line 1 twim. aayiiffni rase jnent home. Lovelv Urge hdrmi' beamed ret It nil in liv. rm. and din. area. 2 fireplace, tiled b.ith, full basement u roughed in and ready for plaster to give an additional bdrm., family room, bath & hohbv room. To see this love ly home . . . CALL ?. Z. LAW TOUNTAIN l.VJNCH Down- town ascatlon Compact and well equipped. Ideal operation for couple. Price n.soo. CALL H. K LAYMON ADD TO YOUR SOCIAL SE CURITY 4 furnished apts in excellent rental district, bringing 1200 per mo. Beauti ful grounds, plenty of room to build more units. Terms csn be arranged. CALL RON HUDKINS full bsmt . fireplace, dble. ga- fm.Kiu NEAT 2-bedroom home on tree- shadrd Int. Basement. PA oil furnace. Euture business pos sibility. 15.500. Terms. 4 CHOICE RENTALS EACH has 2 bedrooms, bath, living room, kitchen, dining area, utility. FA oil furnace. Rental M a month. 132.000. Terms. Trade. TH. 3-r23n COLBATH'S BUYS RUSTIC MANSION SRTIXDED IN THE TREES. If you have a hit family? Short of money' Weir?1? Here's your Answer Wooded lot IfrOx.'MK), livtnp & dining rooms. 4 bed rooms. Upstain needs sonic work. A handy man's delight. Total price J79M, !50 down and 170 per month. CALL TOM FAGAN, days 4-4494. eve. 4-61.'l 39 ACRES - RARCAIN Located at the edge of Silver ton. 7 acres in strawberries. 13 acres in cult . balance wooded nlus 4 bedroom older home PRICE REDUCED TO $6,500 CALL T T. ANDER SON davs 4-4494. eve 4-2714 SOUTH SUBURBAN A REAL CUTIK WITH A NICE VIEW All niltic and homei - this 2 bedrm. 4 ir old w ith gt.-ictons open firenlace-- Dutch kitchen, tiled bath oil Ileal and Immaculate from stem to stern, A Bit unusual and very attractive Onlv J095O l 500 rlnun CALL MRS WELLS days 4-44!)4 eve, 2-.'l7.1fl 3 UNIT TRADE Here's' 3 unit apt building In rated at 1490 Chemeketa St Close to State buildings ln conie $115 per month Com. plelelv furnished Garages Wilt trade for small house. Call Ben Cnlbath, Davs 4-1494. eve 2-6314 REALTORS Court St Dia 517 4-44H4 bdrm ron .-.yi.r or inur s uurm home West Salem, with small ant on same properly Will trade -for home near S ; Salem high school, Cauhie i Agency. 223 W. lt. Alhanv.) Ph. Waha'h, 6-2?:t7 eve m Sun. Fairfax 7-2.J72 MAKE ME OFFER ON THIS LOVELY 3 RKDROOM LO CATED AT 460 E BUSH ST FIREPLACE. BATH At HALF NICE BACK YARD WILL SELL ON LOW DOWN PAYMT TO RIGHT BUYER SEE BEN COI.BATH. RE A I -TOR. Dial 4-4494 eve 2-6314 PRICE greatlv reduced 2 bdrms Extid bdi ui in Ig basui't . din. nn Ii pi . ho.-'isi tl (urn dn 1560 Jcfleiieui Ph 3-7106 for appl. limned po tssloii HOUSE A 2'j acres in Falls Citv. 12 000. l.eta Fletcher, Falls Citv BY OWNER 3 bdrm home. modern. 15 300. at 1330 1th St For sppointment Th. 2-66,11 or 4-6137. 800 Real Estate 106 House For Solo SUM'S best Buys 321 N. CHURCH ST. PH. 4-3311 TODAY'S SPECIAL Very nice home In good loca tion, lge llv rm Dining rm. and kitchen comb. Oil heat. Insul. Near school. Large lot. Like ntw. At onlv 17.750 Ex cellent terms Call N G. "Dan" Isaak. Eve. Ph. 4-S053. OUTSTANDING HOME ;fu,i0m built by MIKE BROWN. An exqimite S bdrm hnmt niui i ami lv room. Fireplace. baths. Built-in dishwash er, oven, and stove. On large Int. Superb area In beautiful trrt setting Full price $1V D.Vt Call Walt Jones. Eva. Ph. 4-78.11 5 NICE ACRES Solid I room home Good foun dation and roof. Inside i:til i'v Good well Bm n Near vhool. A little paint vull make vou a c-mlnrtahle hone Onlv W .Wft tl My. down. Cai' Mr. Crawford. Ee Ph 4-5020. ' ,0 'DRIVE-IN Attractive modern drive-In res- . laurant With best of eauio ment Excellent location. Paved parking area. Show. good Income. Priced at 16.500 j plus stock For full details call Mr. Woodcock. Eva. Ph. 1-7104. LICENSED ALSO IN WASHINGTON AND IDAHO AL ISAAK & CO., REALTORS Evenings 4-5010, 4-7131. 1-1041. 4-1511 If no answer. Dial 4-2241 NELSON & 1500 Priced for quirk sale This 14,500 business Will make good rental for the time belnf 3 bdrms Extra large kitchen On paved ciyae r ouik. eve. Z-38J0. FAIRMOPNT HILL Smaller home. Ideal rental property Has 3 bdrms , fireplace. Lots ot cupboards and closet space. Shake exterior. Plastered. Ga rage Clnsr to bus 14,710. This is a wonderful buy Call Chet Nelson, Eve. 3-1350. Minm rnnnvr msT Th,t s Mm, hnm. c.n he di.u-nunt Owner very anxious to sell because of transfer from Salem. Makes a good family home with these 1 bdrms. 3 up .and 2 down. 110.200. Call Dorothy Deal. Eve. 4-1631. ORANT SCHOOL D1ST. Just listed this 1 bdrm. older home. Has large rooms, dble. plumb ing, basemt. Has Voungstown Kitchen. Near school, churches and shopping Bus by door. 111.400. Call Echo Yeater, Ive. 3-4071. EXCEPTIONAL CADALARIA HOME This home is exceptional both in styling and in price. Hal mora tor vour monrv and for less money than you can find any where Huge daylight basement with play room, kitchenette area, laundry and 2 possible additional bdrms. with 2nd full bath Panoramic view unobstructed. Beautiful living rm. with t nlnrarin sandstone fired. Built-in oven and range, dishwasher. garbage disposal. Many family ine nome lircrnrr nil mil priu iiumh n, mii.t vNf.wv, ten,. very desirable. Call Edith Anderson, Eve. 1-7149. NELSON & NELSON, REALTORS 1500 S Commercial Ph, 1-3601 WALNUT PARK Located on North 21st Street within aalklnl distance tn State Hosp. 1 bedrooms, living room with fireplace, dining room, bath, kitchen, utility room with storage, large at tic storage, covered - ratio, large lawn with backyard pri vacy. Hot water radiant heat. ( lose to bus. schools, and stores. 114.900. Liberal terms. ENGLEWOOD Loc Med at 855 N. Uth Stmt Z bedroonm, LR. kltrhen ind dinette bath, basement with wood furnace. aif on alley. Need nome decorating. Only $.'.750 with 1500 down, balanre lesi than rent. Abrams & Skinner 411 MASONIC BUILDING REAL ESTATE - 1NSUR-ANC1 MORTGAGE LOANS OFFICE 3-9217 EVES : 2-4709 OR3-l384 $14710" EAST. 3 targe bedrooms in 3 yr. old. you'll like it. home Wall to wall carpeting and expensive drapes includ ed Large living room. Fire place. Full dining room. Large nook in natural finished kitch en Double attached garage with a lot of storage room above. CLYDE PRALL, Real tor. 154 S. High St 4-3691. Eveninrs 3-72M or Mrs. Free man 4-1184. JUST LISTED $M50 Full price for late built 1 Br. home on North 17th St. in Ltiglewood Dist. Pvd. St &. walks, Range, Ref. Ik Dish washer included in the price, this is just about the neatest place in Town. Eve. call ED 4-2803. days 3-6860. ED LU- KINBEAL, REALTOR, 433 N HIGH. t RM house. 1 33 A. land, lots nf Iruit tiers A berries, plenty of water, dhle wiring At plumbinc nice bathroom, full size hsm't . close to church A school, $13,300. 3710 Liberty Rd $JM. WII.l. buv eqmtv in nice 2 bdrm house tall 4-3W7 alter 5 or see at 2260 Claude St BARGAIN PRICE Clean, rory 1 B R home, utility rm , large fenced lot paved street. N of Salem, rlose to store, bus line. 13300. $300 down, take car in trade B M MASON. Rl.T . 341 Chemeketa. Ph. 3-1141. 3-3066. 3-3542. South Will Trade New A- lovelv 3-bdri r - - prired from $13,750 .Near scrtool A ahopping cen ter l iving A dining room. 2 fireplaces Fine kitchen A family ruurii. 3 sets plumb ing Autn nil heat Dble. pla-terert garage. Will trade for sm.-ill homes or late model cirs Ph. 4-6272. LOVF1 V 3 bdrm home, frpl bsm'l., lge. liv. A din. rm , 2 bdrm, rental. Englewood Dist. 1725 Madison. BY0 W N E R 1 nC a nd a 1 a r i aj e a v- ing immedlstely for Calif. 1 r 3 bdrm A bath. Lrg plas - tertd gar . util rm. w separate lay . F A heat birch kit., in cluding Miniight yellow dill oven puli tuition elec rente with nil. ti hint lelrm. rimues A i iirtiillis 11 4 24 II 2.'0 Mill View Ur. I'h. ;i-8."i37. ; nv nvi'Mrrn li ..v..r.lrf 1 n(,rm hoi,f,; ,r,pilr, ,. ,a. f,nrf() v,rd fn,, pu( gj noo 4-7304 - - SPECIAL i,,.. lotytlx2!4 A very nice 2 heOroipn home, located Heacn Aye Owners want close in Will trade. Prefer F.nele wood district. Price 16.500 Terms to he arranged. Eves, call Carpenter 3-6646 L. E. KLl'MPP, RLTR. 1055 Portland Rd Pli 2-7642 or -6995 CM K A PIE tiW HI. I. price for lir-di in iimisp in South one ha I u.irt or 'low n. Pvd. St MIS150 Lot 1250 down. Bal. at M5 pel .nth F.ve call RAY DAVIS A SUIT A. . oa.t Vh lit I KiNBEAi. RFsLTOR. 433 N ! 1 1 it", it ; ACCF.PT1NC, " offers of F II A ' home, lg bdrms., enclosed util So. Open house or Ph 1 4-1031. - ' 800 Real Estate 106 Houses For Solo WE.. SPECIALIZE IN TRADES OR 3-7820 LOOK At all you eel for nnle W 40S. Very nice 3 bdrm. home. Larje liv . rm , hrk nk Alt carafe. ' hlk from School and near transp. On laree Int. Couldn't miss on this one Call Mr. Sword. Evt. Ph. 2-KH. EXCELLENT In quality, location and con struction Here is another ROLUN PEDERSON home. 1 hdrms 1 lovely fireplaces Soacious Vooms. ls haths. 1 tiled. F. A. oil heat. Dble. ga rage. Insul. W-strppd. Alt the extras you'll want. In superb Imation. Offered at 117.900 ('ail superb location Offered at in.wio Call N G. "Dan" Iaak. Ee. Ph. 4-99M QUIET SUBURB A hnnev of a home Just like new 3 bdrms. Firenlace. Hdwd. f 1 1 s Plastered dble farase. F A oil heal Tiled , hath. Cnrner lot Offered at only! 110 9011 Call Walt Jones Eve Ph 4-78J2. APT. HOUSE 1 spts with food Income Space loi I cars In very good lo- j cation. Near schools, shopping, and transp All for lis mm Terms to be arranged Mr Woodcock Eve Call Ph. 1-7 101. NELSON DOWN property In location inned for j street, lot 50 x 130. 14.500. Call nurch. on a contract with features. Expanding yard for BY OWNER, modern 1 bdrm, house. Near So. Salem High. Owner transferred. Must tell 2121 rtrry. Corner of Electric. Ph. 2-BBU. 807 Apt's. Courts for So It MUST sell at once. 1 unit Apt. house close In on business lot, pvt. baths. See owner IMI N. Cottage. Ph.4-3M. BY Owner: 1 unit Apt. bout, each with bath, 1 furnished. Good rental dist 2 blocks from Capitol, 4 blocks from center of buslnet district. Ph. 3-7313. 808 Lots For Solo N. I. SUBURBAN. Urge lot with water, 1750. 190 down. 1 Acra tract, walnut trees, $1110. 1 lots. 70 ft frontage, city water, 11250 each. 11x146 Close In lot. city water, 11210. Business Int. S. 12th. Bargain price 14450. trade. 10 Improved lota. In the city, waiter, view, trees, 10350, take trade. B. M, MASON, RLT. Ml Chemeketa Ph.l-Ml, 1-1541, 3-3066 2 IaOTS. suitable for one or two dwellings. Restricted district. South 12th and Falrvlew Ph. 4-23M days. 3-3150 eves. WESTRIDGE Large lots, paved streets, no assessments, good water, exr. drainage. Ideal family area Wallace Rd. Ph.3-613i ON Crolssn creek, 'i A. lots, all yeaf creek. 1 ml. from city ctr Ph, 4-2940. BELVEDERE GARDENS Choice residential lots, commu nity water, wide paved streets, curbs, construction financing available for builders, C. V. Kent & Co. REALTORS 456N.Church Ph.4-:293 3 A. SOUTH PHONE 4-6211 PRICES slashed for quick sale Choice view lots offered at 13.150. now J2,450.Pli. 2-45611 7"xl4 LOT Nn East of town off Lancaster Dr . will trade for ear, truck, or trailer, term if necessary Ph. 4-1334 days, 2-7368 eves, and Sundays W SALEM, nice lot 60x100 1030 6th St Ph. S-721J ;iTinnio 62 A 1 ml. E of Silverton. paved road, all bottom land. 3 bdrm modern home, city water. By owner, Reasonable Terms. Rt I. Box 124, Silverton l'j" ACRES, 4Mfl A uhurn Rd . has 3 bdrm. modern nrime. pa- rages for 3 cars Hargains ill -500. $750 down, mimed puss Ph. 4-2714 WONDFRFTL S ACRKS OF ooon son., nice modern 12 - BDHM HOME Alt. fiABAiiE Approx 2'7 acies cherry tree1 jut rniTiinf into hen ine ? acres lirst l i .1 when v laiwl 'I hlt l a pl.Mtf vou ill lie, proud to o n l'i ire si J,roo ! k i- iKiti:i)iTli JOHN J. DANN, REALTOR 405 NHighPh 4-r.482F.ye 2-4644 5 A PLOT. 1 4 A plot. o buildings 5 miles Fas! "i State St. Terms. Rt 3. Box sin FIVER KRONTAGK DEU'XE' Beautiful setting or, W,llaa,et-e n,yer near wii.nnymr ' hdrmi., very modern home. 6 acres, 1 1 1 v ' pond, swimming pool, floating dork, depth fnr cruiser, -tractor. irrigation equipment term. 119 VK) (iearin & Co.. Rltrs. u, ., . . . ' ,, j Pb. Newbel g 4711 or 6101 1 203 A STOCK Ranch, near Jef- ferson. 13 A rul hal timber A pasture Complete woven i ire fence, wgood spring 175 A dn Csusbie Aceniy. J?,l W lit. Alhsnj.. Ore Ph W'ahah 6-2237 or eve, Fair fax 7-2372. 800 Real Estate 10 Farms For Ut 5 ACRES NORTH I BEDRM. nous unfinished but livable. Acre of Raspberries, tine water system, food loca ticn Northeast, Full price W, Eve. tall ROY SUdP. SON. J-M.. davs I-MM. ED LL'KINBEAU REALTOR. 4U N. HIGH BV OWNER: 70 acre near Dal- las. 10 acres plus mature R. A Cherry orchard. Good 1 room cabm V.as, lifhU k phone In. Good well. elec. pumn. Plenty of sub. irrlf. pasture. Owner wishes to leave state. Will sac rifice for 17.SM M.0M down. Rest at 17 per month. Easily worth 110 V. Call Dallas. Mayfslr 3-IMP or Salem 1-7801. GRADE A DAIRY inn A 150 A. In Cult. Barn 1.10 ft 1 wells, Irrifatlon I houses near Lebanon. M.head dairy & 30 head beef rattle, ran be punhued tor MO.OOO without storks It equipment With stock A equipment 171,000 for more information sea A. N. Duncan Realtor, 11-14 Ladd A Bush Bank Bldf. Salem. 812 Exch. Real Eitot TRIPLEX TRADE REAL Clime in, always rented. 10 Month income. Priced at SI7..VXI U)inty 000 place is only five Yrs. old. trade for hmne or business buildini. See FLOYD McNALL F.ve 3-77M. Davs :-(MW0. ED LUKINREAL. REALTOR. 4U N HIGH. SM. 1 bdrm. house At 1 lots In W, Salem to trade for 1 bdrm. A- small lot In Salem. Ph l-. TRADE II.100 tquitylnema!l 2 bdrm , for flown payment on larger home or lot. Ph. 4-1211. 816 Rtiort Preparty 1 ACRE 3 bdrm house, garage A berries, running spring A Irritation, near lake A ocean. A bargain. Ph. 4-1193. 818"Wanai, RtefKteta , iCTiurt -.. v..,iw ' ,A !,,.. ..', sold out. buyers walling. The Star Realty 3.130 g. Pic. Hwy.. Ph. 1-1011 WANTED bsfbuy In mf- room noun under lis. nog sub stantial down payment, priv ate party, Box 114 fltaleaman- Journal. 8.0 Automotive 8S2 Ui.d Con For Solo 91 HUDSON Cmdr.. radio ft heater, hydra dr., $500. Exe,. rond. Ph. 1-7130. 1151 NASH Rambler Station Wagon, radio, heater, a'drlve, excel, cond. IMi. McCALL'S USED CARS 1297 State St. Ph. 3-8108 1950 PONTIAC 1 dr. sdn. Silver Streak f. radio, better, hydra., very ciean xc. cona. in. 4-3071 alter 1 pin 1131 1 dr. Ford new battery Htr 140. 782 N. Ird. Woodburn afternoon 1 tvt. S3 Auto Ports I Rtpoiri REASONABLE merh. . i b o r, Valves ground. ION I. Uth. rn. 4-i i J. 854 Trucks, Troil. for solo FOR HIRE: Half yd shovel oump irucxs. rata, wnn opera- tori, prt. 1-1211 suverton. 1141 DODGE I, ton pickup. This truck has had no hard us. Very good condition. $393. . McCALL'S USED CARS IMTStateSL Ph. 3-8108 FOR SALE: All metal single horse trailer, like new. llnko axle. 100 rubber. Cheap. Ph. 1-4089. BUS FOR SALE It PASSENGER; GOOD. PH. 4-5280 1933 STIIDE truck, 1 speed axel, flatbed, all for $WJ. tarma. J640 Portland Rd. FOR SALE or trade for trailer house. IB32 Studebaker pick up 4T. 4 speed trans, over load spgs. . heavy duty tires. overhead rack. Ph. 4-5911; ,T 4 TON FORD W flatbed. !-.18g. S56 Wontod, Con, Trckt WE'RE PAYING TOP CASH For Clean Used Can Paid For or Not Bob k Bill's UMd Cars Union It High SU. 858 Motorcycles BRAND NEW INDIAN Motor cycles $120 Ir up. Use our no down payment "Purchase Plsn " Shrork's, 1371 Highland Ph 2-1423 1946 "61" Harley Davidson, food cond.. ph. 4-1936. No Sun. calls 47H A RLEY 74. ext ra'good' Best offer or trade. 2-6909. 860 Auto Miiccllonooui I . , . . . w PI.YCRON safety tubes, sires ' Olxll. new. Ph 3-3604. COMPLETE Plymouth molor In running cond. 3-1U17 j , j B62 HoutO Trailers j PLAY Sbuffleboard at Salem's New t enter Street Trailer Cmirt. Trailer Spares available 4155 Center St '49 33' KIT 1865 HIGHWAY AVE. 32 MODEL 22 ( resume alurnl num trailer he , hath A awn ing. Robert I.nucks. nut Wal lace Rd 30.10 Riverbend Rd. 3-9075 WANTED, late model Fnrd or Cliev Pickun In trade on new 40 Ft 2 bedrm trailer See Phillips at 2640 Portland Rd Vacation Special ie-f1 trailer with electric re- frigeiator. oil heat A shower. 1650 2640 Portland Rd BAHCAIN' 45' DRFAMHOMF. Late nidi 'lerms l.ana Lane l4o lim Ae Sllol' at Kail Malm Trailer Sales wheie all sizes are shown 13 ft thru 40 ft Aloha: Krnsklll: Cruiser: Mayflower A Roll awav. Corner of Lancaster & Silverton Rd Ph. 4-7127 "ANOTHER LOAD OF IS' SHASTA'S .H ST ARRIVED Lana Lane lMfl l.ana Ayr ntAii.Ki: TOVVINl. , IAV1IAWK TRAM ER SALES M44 portland Rfl Ph 1-104' . . . 1 TRAILER spare for rent Reas 1 25S7 Portland Rd. riR rRKS1 roller park under new nianagement restricted spaces for rent 3OI0 N Rlvei Rd Ph 2-6313 864 Heovy Equipmcni FOR HIRF. Half yd shovel, dump trucks rati, with opera tors Ph 3-1271 KlKeitnn CATFRPII.I.AH twenty-two gas oline trai tnr with doer blade In good condition. Ph I 1-0521. eve. Statesman, Salem, Ore., Mon., 850 ( Automotive IS2 UtW Can Far SiU AND STOP THAT BULGING DRIVING AWAY IN ONI Or USED CARS. 1 1 HTClH Come In 1956 Ford Crown Victoria Beautiful raven black and white Driven ealy 1 ire) milea, full power, a beauty to beftold. Save 1404 ky drlrlnf that ena away for 12.191. 1955 Olds 88 Holiday Coupe Chariot Red. Stick transmission, new whlta fhexf, ClaaH as a pin. A steal at 12.31. 1954 Olds 88 4-Door Sedan Attractive Jorull Yellow and t Hawaiian Bretua, tutf equipped. I1.1M. 1954 Plymouth Belvedere 4-Door Radio, heater, auta transmission, ntw rubber, real fharfa, Only 17.001 milea. ll.W. 1952 Olds Super 2-Door Sedan Radin. heater, hvdramatlc power steering, twe-lona paftre, yours log only 11,141. . 1951 Mercury 4-Door Sedan Radio, heater, overdrive, clean as hound"! sooth. WTfl trade at low pric of SM. REMEMBER If it comes from Loder's ... ... IT'S GOOD. Ill HIS. 461'N. High THE LOT WITH A LOT 1MT CHKV. FleetLne. Radios, healer, recent overhaul, new tires, life-guard tubas. 1230. bf owner. Ph. 4-4106. H FD VIC. wvrythln. new Ford -o-na tie cent, kit. Ph. 4-M2S. 11 CHKV I ir. Original paint. very fooa etna. gsss. rn. 1-4431. '11 CHEV. Idti, excellent cond 4IH Rosa). Ph. 1-(I4. Mil Chevrolet Cadillac NEW If USED' Union Is Commercial Ph. 1-3171 MOLL MOTORS CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH Tip Top Used Car Silverton, Ore. Ph. S-5191 1S47 BUICK food running $111 1111 N. 15th. Phi 1-0044. 1910 MERCURY, ovardrlva. new seat covers. 1 tone, white walls. Also 1950 Buirk Special 4-dr strsight transmission, vary nlra. Must sell ana this week. 1431 N, 4th, Ph. 4-4411. SELL or trade lMSOlde. Holi day "M". 1351 Wlllamet'.j t Ph. 4-0653 after 1 p.m. '41 PLYMOUTH Club Cupe. radio It heater. Sunt good. 111. M 8. Uth. 1941 CHEV. Convert. Prlca 1133 1950 FORD 1 Dr 1230 1191 FORD 4 Dr. $34v Ph. eve. 1-0S21 Dm to financial conditions be yond my control It Is neces sary I sacrifice my new 1954 Chrysler St. Regis hardtop coupe, full power, 2-tone paint, lest than 1.000 ml. Car coat 15. 111 will sell for 11.171. Call owner Da. 4-4494. JUST Ilk new. 1954 Ford coun try aodan. Power steering. Black with red Interior. Ph. 3-7530. 1150 BUICK 4-door, 1 owner, exc. cond. 2M4 Brooks, after I p.m. or Sunday. S5 VICTORIA ford-amatlc, easy terms, Phono 1-4144 after 1, 1941 FORD panel delivery, $129. or trade. 1-4396. 1151 FORD custom tin clb. cp , rtdlo, healer, 1-ton paint windshield washers, wheel rovers, excel, cond Must aell Imm'd. at $991. 110 Broadway. 4-6611. FOR I'SED EQUIPMENT AND SCRAP MATERIALS AT SALEM. BEND. AND C0QUILLE JUNE 12, 1956 Th Orefon BtiU H'lhwat ( ommlitlon hai lor ulv ont uwd car. vtral true hi, load tn. xradrrt and other uiied equipment and imp materlali located at the Highway De- Sartment Equipment Plant at nim ilu iiotH lirti lrvriitt"rt t CrwiiiilU on H tratlar ! houxe located at Bend. Seated bld for the purchase nf all or any one piece of thu used equipment and for all or nv c!an nf the temp mate ria In will he received hv the Slate Hijfhwav Cnmmlinr. in Room 1J3 State Hifhway RulltilnK Salem. Or-(on un til 2 00 p m., Tuekdaiv. Jtine II. tlM. a whlrh time the hidt will he puhltrly opened and read Proposal forms and full Infor mation mav he oblalneo in Rnoio 221 State Highway Building Salem. Oregon, and at the Sc.ilii, (.equine, and Bend rump lit PLitits '4 OLDS 16 cuib coupe, hlk . hydra., railio heater, white walls, mtr. recently o'hauled. gond rond 665 Calterlln Ave. Ph. 4-l;i4 ' '31 FORD Custom idn , heater, radio, auto trans, clock, turn signals. A hack-up lights For quirk sale i:S Pli 3-6074 15(1) N Mn Oregon'! Oldest Dealer BKS5TBUY Used Cars Commercial It ('hemeketa Ph 4-IMI BODY MAN sSPKCIAL 13 Lincoln Capri convertible rolled over. 13B5 Can be seen 1361 Broadway. Ph. 1-1271. ifcii'i June 11, "56 (Sec. I)-ll 850 Automotive mmm 852 Usaaj Can Far Salt EXPINSI ACCOUNT BY THESE SAFETY TESTED (El COL.'.-- ?K 2-7973 IS ICN0CK1NO AT YOUR DOOR , for , 2 DAYS OflLY This IMS Oldi "W Vollan Coupe la Chariot Rod iiniao with the famous Rocket En gin rsnlpled with ttto tturdy ' fairs-moth traaamiastoaa (stick shift I heater, turn it nals, oil filter, oil bath air eleanor, new white wail Urea and only 1T.0O0 mllos. ONLY 12311. THOUSANDS Upon thousands of mi 14 ot care-free driving vat in thai masterly ninorod one oa etically. OejifnoO luiuramtf cor. SAVE! SAVE! 2 DAYS ONLY If you can't com In. call J-71TI days 1-4431 or 4-1344 ova nings. m K. High Open Bvninf till t. LATE MODEL USED CAM Highest Prices Paid . ELSNER MOTORS 352 N. High "SAFE Br M MERC MONTEREY CPE. Snappy Red White, rtdlo, heater, and overdrive. Tht price will surprise you I '54 MERC. MONTEREY CPE. Radio, hoattr, tinted flaaa, two-tone blue Js fray, whit) wel', at i vary good price I S3 MERC. CUSTOM CPE. Fire engine red. whit too, white walls, fully equipped, and all set to go at a right pried 53 CHEV. BEL-AIR CPE. Ivory ir brans, power glide, and deluxe acces sories. Thu on I priced to MflllEV Lincoln-Mercury, Inc. 4M N. Com'! Ph. 1-101! "THE CAR MAKES GOOD OR WE DO" For the Premium 1951 OLDS. DLX. 9S" fHIS IS THE POPULAR HOL IDAY MODEL 4 DR. SDM. ONLV 20.000 ACTUAL ONE OWNER MILES BY A LOCAU OWNFR ALSO THIS PRE. M1UM CAR HAS AN OUT SIDE SUN VISOR FOR YOU DRIVING PLEASURE DUR ING THESE SUNNY DAYS. PLUS RADIO. AND HEATER, WITH HYDRAMATIC FOrJ CITY DRIVING EASE THIS IS A PREMIUM CAR. THERf ARI FEW LIKE THIS ONt ON THE MARKET, W( WON'T HAVI THIS ONI LONG OPEN EVES AND SUNDAY 3M5 Silverton Rd. At Lancaster Dr. PH. 4-11H Jk Ipfraiitf la. a-TW CAR BUYER ; i t-, . "'s V .ii"i i t , !.' I e, r rt.e ,, it ;'.fi.