Cnfly New Dsrueffo FOLK DANCERS IN SALEM The International Folk Dancers of Salem and Portland will appear as entertainers during Serra High aDout p.m. Saturday when he feU School's Fiesta Dinner today fromJjrom ,.Chair while working in his noon until 4 o'clock. They will lea-home, first aidmen said. Young lure Spanish and Latin American WM uken to Salem Memorial Hos dancei. , pita for x-rays and treatment. Wanted: 50 overweight women. For particulars, Ph. 4-9902 days. (adv.) NOTICE For a roof that never needs re placing or tor Revolutionary new aspnau sningies, see iwacnis ros. 2081 State. Ph. 4-6831. (adv.) LIONS SLATE SCOUTS "Boy Scout Day" will be the pro gram at the Hollywood Lions Club meeting noon Wednesday in the Lions Den. Need more electric outlets? Call Judson's, 3-4141, for prompt wiring service. (adv.) ILLNESS REPORTED John H. I.auterman. former Sa lem resident, is reported making satisfactory recovery in a Portland hospital where he was taken re cently after suffering a partial stroke. Veterans to Hold Baker Convention Thirty-two members of Salem Veterans of World War I are to be delegates to the second annual statewide convention o( the organi zation at Baker Thursday through Saturday. Representatives from all 34 Ore gon VWW I barracks are expected to attend, where the major topic will be plans for getting a $100-a-month bonus for all veterans of World War I and their widows. Delegates from Salem are: R. J. Baldwin, F. R. Birch, Arch E. Blue. Fred Brennanm, Cecil Brock, Oak Boggs, Carl Charlton, George Cooper, James Cutler, Ed ward DeHaan, L. B. Detweiler, Fred Doebler, George Feller, Thur man Green, Roy Hagedorn, Guy Hastings, Earl Hearing, John Jar dine, Chester Keirscy. Cloyd Law rence, William McKinney, John Moore. F.arl Xewbrv. David O'Hara. Carl Pyeatt. Emery Ra- HURT BY MOWER lioin, Thomas E. Rilea, Claude; Mrs. Elma Hoffman, 1846 N. 5th Sellard. Solon Shinkle, Edward , St., received a laceration on the Van Santcn. Joseph Waterhousc ' big toe of her left foot while mow Frank W Young. (ing her lawn with a power mower A,iirv m.mhpr. from Salem about p.m. Saturday, Salem planning to make the trip as dele gates are: Mrs. John Jardine, Mrs. William McKinney, Mrs. Solon Shinkle, Mrs. William Strow meyer, Amelia Bo(ton, Mrs. Ed ward DeHaan and Mrs. L. B. Det weiler. Firm Tops Advertising Space Record Sears, Roebuck and Co. in 1955 Invested a record $41,775,600 in newspaper advertising space, it was announced this week by J. F. Mosolf, Salem Sears manager. The total topped 1954's previous hieh of $37,673,800 by 10.9 per cent. Sears 1955 advertising expend iture was spread among 1,012 daily newspapers located in ev ery state in the nation. Newspaper lineage also set a new record for the company. During 1955 a total of 270.574,200 lines of advertising were pur chased, an increase of 8.7 per cent over the 1954 total. Mosolf stated that the news paper dollar expenditure in 1955 represented 80.1 per cent of Scars total retail media budget. In informing' the Salem store of the company's 1955 retail ad vertising expenditure, Edward Cudeman, Sears vice president in charge of merchandising, said: "The newspapers of the nation are continuing to do an effective selling job for Sears and they play a vital role in our being able to move a record quantity of goods last year." Team Surveying McNary Traf fjc Civil Aeronautic Administration officials are again surveying air traffic at McNary Field in an ef fort to determine whether the air control tower here can be re opened. CAA representatives James Mc Means and Edward DrGrandpre started the traffic count at noon Thursday. The survey will last for one week. Klisht operations are counted each day from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. CARD OF THANKS Our recent loss leaves us with grateful hearts toward neighbors and friends. Their comforting expressions of sympathy and thoughtfulncss will always be re membered. Family of L. E. Peterson of Turner. ( HiMOIIHOIDS) urn eom man mohii KUTta WITHOUT HOtMTAl OKUTKJH 4! 10 fTOMACM Mt COLON CONVfMtMT CMOr? mi sooner v u honi s-mm n. TNcxr Tht RZYVOLDS CLINIC BUM, MX Mi MM IM OWrt. ! SALEM MAN INJURED Ernest Young, 1400 Lawless St., received a possible hip fracture Fur storage at Lachelle's assures your furs the quality care they need in refrigerated vaults. 1348 Ferry. Ph. 1-6811. (adv.) Are you contemplating re-styling j your (urs? Consult Ben Wittner at Lachelle s, 1348 Ferry. (adv.) l i mil t.oi.ttn Wilfred H. Epping. son of UrAJJZZiCl and Mrs. H. C. Epping. 2570 North-1 gate Ave., was awarded a bachelor! of science degree Sunday in civil engineering at commencement cer-, emonies at the University of Seat tle. Mrs. Epping, his mother, said he also has an electrical engineer- ing degree (1952) from Oregon Mrs. Norman (Eileen) Clark now assoc. with Loveall-Miller Beauty Salon. Ph. 1-7870. (adv.) Court Apts. (Court it Cottage) offer down town quiet apts., from $47.50 to $56. Ph. 1-7440. lady.) SPECIAL MEETING Plans for a pre-national conven tion rally and picnic of District 2 Aug. 5 will be discussed at a spe-1 buchanan and Tom Darley, spon cial joint meeting of Salem Bar- sored by Capital Post 9: Wayne racks 113, Veterans of World War; Bond, Monmouth Post 65: Ralph I and unmpn'i auxiliary at I urn. Morgan. Salem Women's Post 143: June 20 in the VFW hall. r niiun i dm cfliu miifiuiiv Oregon Pulp fc Paper Co., bond , Meeker. Amity, sponsored by Day holders for information concern-1 ton Legion Post. ing the retirement of 5 income i , . bonds, call or see Zilka, Smither I JOa, Inc. 203 Oregon BldgPh. TWO CARS DAMAGED Twb cars received minor damage about 3:40 p.m. Saturday in a colli sion at Church and Marion Streets, city police reported. Police listed the drivers as Robb LeRoy Emer hiser, 5030 Will Ave., and Eugene Edward Kellogg, 4933 Liberty Rd. Unsightly facial hair removed safely, permanently. P r i c e's Beauty Salon. Ph. 3-5859. (adv.) R. Leninger polishing, buffing 4 plating. 30 yrs. experience. Guar anteed craftsmanship. Ph. office Bel. 2-5828. Res. At. 1-9044. 625 S. E. Salmon, Portland, Oregon. (adv.) first aidmen said. E. L. Al Beyer, former Service Manager for Heiders TV is no longer associated with that firm. Watch for anouncement of his future plans. (adv.) Dental plates' repaired while you wait at Painless Parker Dentist. 125 N. Liberty, Salem. (adv.) LIP PUNCTURE RECEIVED A nine-year-old Salem boy re ceived a lip puncture about 1 p.m. Saturday when he was struck by a sharpened stick, city first aidmen reported. The boy, Charles Driver 2220 E. Rural St., was playing with friends at the time of the accident, aidmen said. 5 Promoted In Reserves Five members of Salem's naval reserve division received promo tions here recently, it was announ ced Saturday by Lt. Cmdr. D. M. Fisher, commander of the unit. Promotions included V; A. Boyd, SV3: L. Hildebrand, CD3: R. P. Fldler, SV3; M. J. Kloti, SV3; and R. E. Snook. CMD3. All five men are from Salem. Fisher also reported that three Valley-area men have completed two weeks training duty. They were listed as Lt. George Sirnio, Salem, ship activation, Bremerton, Wash.: R. W. DeRoss, CD3, Salem, CB Center, Port Uucneme, Calif.: and J. Reis, CR, Gervais, recruit training. San Diego, Calif. r. -7? f Treecom FOOT DEFENDER SHOES Yes you fttl youngrr, youngtr, too . . . 1imi your fft enioy the comfort ind sup port tht imart Bf ho provide. " NATURAL-FIT SHOE STORE Salem's Orthopedic Shoe Store 10S N. High Ph. 3-3556 youth h mJ in your step... IXlA tbt Shots )J Area Youths 4 IJear Session On Boys State Twelve boy representatives of Salem area American Legion posts gathered Saturday at Salem s Capi tal Post 9 for a get-acquainted meeting prior to leaving today for the annual Beaver Boys' State convention at Corvallis. The youths and their parents heard speeches and were .briefed on what to expect at the week- long convention on the Oregon State College campus, where youngsters from across the state will convene to take part in simu- "'' 1 '"- J!r""J! J"" offices and conduct public business on a real-life basis. Prof. A. Freeman Holmer, of Willamette University's political science department, talked of gov- ' arnmnnl in nnnAr n I nnri nt iaeiiM Four boys taking part in the state meet will be chosen deleeatcs to the national convention in Wash ington. D.C., later this summer, John Gordon of Post 9 said. Salem area boys present at Sat urday's meeting who will attend i h e Corvallis convention were James Eckerman, Ted Loxley, Steve Berglund, Larry Patton and Dennis Frank, all snonsored bv Sa- 1 lem Post 136; Kent Lammeis, Dick Dave Marster, Dallas. Carl B. Wins River WnPk I itltlnt! " "m " vwaaa.a v Hampton C. Piatt of Salem has been awarded a contract for im provements at Minto Egg Collect ing Station on North Santiam River on his low bid of $7,050, Portland District, Corps of Engineers, an nounced. Government estimate for the work was $9,590, but three bids competitive to Piatt's ranged from $15,783 to $20,000. Completion date is Aug. 25. The station serves as restitution for upstream salmon spawning areas which were lost by construc tion of Detroit and Big Cliff dams. Dallas Man's Rites Monday SUtcamaa Nwi ferric DALLAS-Services for Dale Mel vin Gottfried, 63, retired logger and longtime resident of Fall City, will be 2 p.m. Monday at the Bollman Funeral Chapel in Dallas. Burial will be at Falls City Cemetery. Gottfried, who had been in a Dallas nursing home the past year, died Friday at a hospital here. He was born March 4. 1893, a' Hicks- ville, Ohio, and he had been a resident of Falls City since 1909. Surviving are a sister, Mrs. Ruth Helmkamp, Spokane, Wash.; three brothers, Wallace Gottfried, Inde pendence, and L. E. and Roger Gottfried, both of Carmel, Calif. TODAY'S LUCKY Master Money NUMBERS fl(0)(6)00 469,261 U5 00 343,819 00 395,700 If vou have a Master Money Bill with any of above serial numbers on it, you win desig nated award if you collect it before 9 P. M. tonight at Center and Commercial. Any money not won today will be added to tomorrow's corre sponding award. Free Master Money Bill given at all loca tlons. Winners Must Claim Award At Center And Commercial By 9 P. M. 135 PEDRO TABLANZA 300 Chemawa Rd. Free Whistlepops With Gas Purchases MASTER Free Master Moner Bill Chorus Line -Darlings of i --- - " T i AU2.k-i V v4 I '---'AA v This ebons Hot at "Darliirs W variety shaw to be presented by at North Salem Hifk School. The 'Uneap" Include (tram left) Johnay Johns, Jasper BaUaw, DM Parker, James Daniels and Richard Doumltt. Fliwrrd by the preeeedings la Frank HutehiasM, director f the shew. Award Night for ; Swillllllill" ClaSS Planned June 14 Award night for the YMCA Learn To Swim Campaign will be 7:30 p.m. Thursday, June 14, in the gymnasium, Dale Dykman, physical director, announced Sat- urday. Certificates will be presented to ,yun?stcrs wno takc tests Monday m the following categories: float- ing. 20-foot shallow water swim, 30- foot deep water swim or 60-foot deep water swim. Some 900 area boys and girls have been receiving the free learn to swim lessons the past week. Parents are asked to accompany the children to the award presen tations. Former Salem Woman DiVg In Medf ord Mrs. Olive Bowman Harbison, a resident of Salem from 1914 to 1948, died Saturday at a Medford, Ore., hospital. She was 70. Mrs. Harbison, wife of the late John W. Harbison Sr., who died in Salem In 1918, was a long-time member of the Salem library board" and an active member of the First Presbyterian Church. She was also a member of the Salem Woman's Club, the Daugh ters of the American "Revolution and the First Presbyterian Church Women's Association, where she served as president. Mrs. Harbison was superintend ent of the primary department of the church for many years. Survivors include a daughter, Mrs. Jane L. Juza, Salem; two sons, John W. Jr., and Sam B., both of Medford; and three grand children. Funeral services have been ten atively set for 10:30 a.m. Tuesday in Medford. Interment will be at a Salem cemetery. mm vi II help you to... i j Satisfaction Guaranteed INTRODUCTORY COURSE (ALL OR OSEA" art m o the many acts Salem area Oregaa State Employes Association members Jiae i-is Salem Youths Plan Cruise Off Canada Six days of exploring and fish , ing among the islands off Brit- ish Columbia's rocky coastline will begin Monday for 16 Salem youths taking part in a cruise ' sponsored by Salem's YMCA. The boys will leave Seattle about 8 a.m. aboard the ship Twanoh, ind will be supervised by the YM's boys secretaries, Scotty Washburn and Roy Hor- ine. They will visit Friday Har bor, San Juan Inslands, 'Sidney on the Saanich Peninsula, Dalt Spring Island and several other spots ending with a day at Vic toria. Salem boys are Ran DeWeese, Jimmy Culp, Doug Hamilton, John Rohner, Steve Kimple, Spike Brownell, Russell Younger, Bill Maverham, Dwight L. Reinwald, Robert Morrow, Allen Hender son, Dave Breglund, Jan Eyerly, Steven Eyerly, Jimmy Verstag, and Steve Gleckler. YMCA as sistants will be Robert Brownell, Donald Gleckler and Dick Simp son. Bush Safety Patrol Youths Win Awards 1 At the annual award assembly at Bush School, 21 sixth grade pupils received certificates for having served on the school safety patrol for 1955-56: Bob Keudell, Bruce McClintic, Elizabeth Blair, Steven Fry, Mary Prine, Willard Herring, Steven An derson Jr.. Sylvia Smith, Keith Salter, Sandra Keefer, John Clouse, Georgia Douglas, Nancy Loukojar vi, Pauline Bailey, Joy Ann Lyons, Sue McDonough, Jim Ramsden, Deanna Thomas, Donna Helton, Judy Wilson, Paula Woodrum. Take off weight . . . An overweight person can lose 3 to 5 pounds on 0 successive WEV-RITE meals. Losses of 2 or 3 pounds a week over several months on a modified WEY-RITE plan are quite common. A WEY-RITE meal gives you only 265 calories, three meals only 795 calories. Control your WEY-RITE provides control your weight, best weight for your Maintain health and vitality WEY-RITE is HIGH in PROTEIN C421.) and LOW in FATS (2" ), with just the right amount of care fully selected CARBOHYDRATES and the essen tial MINERALS and VITAMINS the body needs to maintain health and vitality. WRITE FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION the OSEA' atw rehearsiag for "Caffee Time.' 1 Births GIDDENS To Mr. and Mrs. Roger Giddens, 1590 Strong Rd., a son, Saturday, June 9, at Salem General Hospital. DELAPP To Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Delapp, 2215 Electric Ave., a son, Saturday, June 9, at Salem General Hospital. SNIDER To Mr. and Mrs. Edwin F. Snider, 1940 Virginia St., a son, Saturday, June 9, at Salem General Hospital. BISHOP To Mr. a n d Mrs. James F. Bishop, 2593 S. 12th, a son, Saturday, June 9, it Salem General Hospital. SHIVERS To Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Shivers Jr., 2180 N. Front St., a son, Saturday, June 9, at Salem Memorial Hospital. SANKS To Mr. and Mrs. Owen Sinks, Independence, a daughter, Saturday, June 9, at Salem Memorial Hospital. . WHITESIDES To Mr. and Mrs. Dallas Whitesides, 2285 S. 12th, a daughter, Saturday, June 9, at Salem Memorial Hospital. MOZENA To Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mozena, 1945 Hazel St. a son, Saturday, June 9, at Sa lem Memorial Hospital. Four Services Set At Labish Church i "The Unjust Steward" will be I the theme Sunday at 11 o'clock j worship of the Labish Village Community Church with sermon by the Rev. B. M. Books, pastor, j Sunday school is scheduled at i 10 a.m. with evening services i scheduled at 7:45 p.m. Bible study is scheduled for I p.m. with the evening message by George ! Williams. Take off iveight Control your weight Maintain health and Vitality weight . . . the most satisfactory way to once you have achieved the well bring and appearance. WEYilTI HEADQUARTERS 325 State St., Salem Phone 4-9902 Car Crash Takes Life of Salem Youth (Stery nhw Page 1) ' James Franklin Shattuck, H who was killed in Salem early Sat urday morning in a one-car traffic accident, had been a resident of Salem for about 19 year. Shattuck. born Dec. t, 1931. at Gering, Nebr, moved to Salem at the age of four with his parents, Mr. and Mr. R. E. Shattuck. He attended St, Vincent de Paul School and lived In Salem most of his life except for a short time in Portland and in the Army. He was a member of St, Vincent de Paul Catholic Church. He leave his widow, Mr. Sally Shattuck, daughter, Christine Shat tuck, S, and ton, Danny Shattuck, 1, all of Salem; mother, Mr. Irene Shattuck, Salem; sister, Mr. Rose mary Selmer, Portland; two broth ers, Walton Shattuck, Portland, and Eugene Shattuck, Fenton, Wash.; and grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McDonald Sr.. Salem. Arrangement are pending at Cwugh-Barrick Funeral Home. Another brother. George Shat tuck, died at the age of 19 of in juries received in a train accident which also took the lives of two other railroad men two day after Christmas, 1952, near Warden, Wash. A brakeman, he was trap ped for eight hours under an over turned engine in freezing weather and died several day later. Choral Groups Set Kingwood Bihle Concerts Choir of the Pacific Bible In stitute of Fresno, under the di rection of Dietrich Friesen will ap pear in a concert of sacred music in the Kingwood Bible Church. 1125 Elm street, Sunday at 10:30 a.m. This 38-voict choir ha visited many churches in California and has established a reputation for good music and a commendable performance. Rev. B. J. Braun, president of the Pacific Bible In stitute and the Mennonlte Breth ren Biblical Seminary, ia accom panying the choir. The a Cappella Choir or free man Junior College, Freeman, S.D., will present a concert of sacred music at 3 p.m. Walter Jost Is the director of the choir Methodists to Hear Conference Report! Highlights of the Oregon Annual Conference will be presented by three speakers at 9:30 and 11 o'clock services Sundav of to First Methodist church. . Reporting on the conference will me Ervin W. Potter, lay member of the . conference, Elmer J. Church, reserve member, and Dc. Brooks H. Moore, pastor. Dr. Moore was reappointed to the church to begin hi 10th year a pastor. MONDAY NIGHT IS FAMILY NIGHT IN THE OREGON ROOM Superb dinners in the Oregon Room starting at 95c STREET FLOOR V Statesman, Salem, Ore., Salem Nazarcnc Delegates To Attend National Confab' Several member of Salem First Church of the Naiarene will be tn Kansas City this week for their national church organization' 14th quadriennial General Assembly June 14-22. In the local party will be the Salem church' new minister, the Rev. Duane E. Muth, Just arrived in Salem to serve the congrega tion after hi sevea year a mm- Presbyterian Sermon on Building Plan Morning sermon at the First Presbyterian church will present the most important feature of the developing church building pro fram. The message will deal with the history of the church' ministry, commission and faith In the work. All members and friend of the church participating in our Sa lem and world-wide ministry are encouraged to be present The building council has been studying the suggestion of tub committee and will soon have an analysis of the various alterna tives tn construction to present to a meeting of the congregation, which will be called in the near future. The building council and (even subcommittees have been explor ing the preliminary plans pre sented by the firm of architects. These have been reviewed by the New York consultant and also by the Church School Department of the Board of Christian Educa tion in Philadelphia in a recent conference in the East attended by the pastor. Dr. Paul Poling. The recommendation of the sub committee and consultants have now been studied by the building council and art being prepared for presentation at an early meet ing of the congregation. Then are several alternative under study which will be presented for decision by the congregation. AR.TH.'-.El-lt'ir-l $Z ISNG CONQUERED 1Y NEW MSCOYEKIES! t Normal Bai n fJTqHMB9 M MM MM ) QasMt fMVavnal naa7t tlsFe 9 9 aa q 4 awsdlqpWtaf , mm is WOT! mm oiiwucnc mm aat writs Whv ar t paw wtwTaTTiJiisT'aayjS OPEN MONDAY AND FRIDAY 12:13 TO OTHER DAYS 9:30 A. M. TO 5:30 P. Sun., June 10, 56 (Sec. I)-5 later to tht Eugene Nazaren con gregation. He has moved hi wife and lt-year-old daughter. Marilya, into the church parsonage at 1504 Jefferson St. The Rev. Mr. Muth. a North Dakotan educated at Dickinsoa State Teacher College .was a teacher before preparing for tht ministry IS years ago at Northwest Naiarene College, Nampa. Idaho. He ha served congregation ia San Francisco, Chico, Calif., and Tillamook. He succeeds tht Rev. William Ciay at the Salem church. Other Salem church member going to the Kansas City conven tion, which will attract 10,009, art Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Girrard and their daughter, Charlotte. Mist Frances Mattson, Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Edward, Mr. and Mrs. William Beaver, and Robert Girth ner. Paul Knapp I tht only official lay delegate from the Oregon Pacific district which Salem is a part attending the assembly. He will be accompanied by Mr, Knapp. The Rev. Mr. Muth ha beet asked to be on of 300 minister to serve communion to a group tf visiting Naxarenea Sunday tnora ing. Junt 17. Salem Pilots ; Group Plans Open House An open house for member tf Sportsmen Pilot groups throughout Oregon will be held sometime la July when tht Salem unit acquire Its new quarters now being coo itructed at the airport, it was de cided Friday night. The Friday meeting, at the home of Let Eyerly, was attended by SS . member and their famlliet. Prize were given for costumes. The next meeting will be held at tht airport July 1 Tbt new building is being constructed by tht organisation's members with material provided by and on land owned by tbt Kreta berg Aviation. ArtXHOe Ban SBBf J tWW WWM Mf',,:'inVSJ rt I0MT TO DEFT. 555 DOfYTJr, COLOi , . M. M. FAMILY FASHION SHOW Planned tsptcially for your tnjoymtnt and showing tht latest styles in clothing for women, for childrtn and for man. See the family fashion show each Mon day evening in tht uniqut Oregon Room. BRING THE CHILDREN They will enjoy tht special "Littlt Folks Menu" planned especially for them and of course, tht tret candy favors. ENJOY THE MUSIC Featuring Ed Syring at tht Hammond or gan . . . playing light dinner music as a melodic background for your dining. FREE STORE-SIDE PARKING FOR OVER 1,000 CARS 17 0 7 - v. i ... r t V sill -.: ft Given At All Stations