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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (June 10, 1956)
800 Real EsUte 800 Real Estate 800 Real Estate 800 Real Estate 850 Automotive Statesman, Salem, Ore., Sun., June 10, "58 (Sec IVHL3 800 Real Estate 800 Real Estate tO Houses For Solo 106 How For Sot OPEN HOUSE I SUNDAYS! 2005 BYRAM I EAST ON SUN1TYSIDE I THIS IS IT tvervthlng you hv dreamed of la your 1iom I bsdrsame, , rfauhU nlumbine. unuiual feature Ihroushout . . . hs t grounds designed lor luxurioa etdoor Uvin with corei Sarbeque nous and evergreen Hedged (or privecy l.a. MR. VERN Tornverly sseoclated with Zosb's E sales tuff. Thla Is a property may call aim at -7t2 tor an Salem Properties REALTORS $87 N. High St. HERE'S YOUR HOME 4 Just elos your ys and visuslltr 4 builder had vision beyond the ed Into ton noma every moaero convenience oui sun new ins welcome warmth found only by the us ol natural wood. The spacious Uvlnf room haa corner Swediih 'I replace. Dining nam with aUdina mmm bum la aoenliur onto patio. Early American kitchen with cleverly hooded barbequ tooka InU the charmins Daneled family room that defiei description . . . you'll open your eyea her. Two of the bedroomi are 11 14 the matter bedroom ia 14 x la. haa the private bath you've always dreamed of havinf. The man who buyi thie will be placing mi lamlly m ina nome oi insar ureami. n a urana new You can move right in and It's under $20,000. For an appointment call June Mason. Evea. ana nun. PARKSIDE IN ENGLEW00D family planned. 4 bedroomi. older home. 4 fruit tree and 1 wal nut trees and lnti of flowers. Only $11,90 Ray Mason will ahow you this. Eves, 4c Sun. 2-96(1. GARDEN Cozv one-bedroom home on 'a acres (120" street frontage!. Car. den In-lnta of berries Only 45.200 with small down pay mem. Call Mr. Vlcary. Eve. Sun. 4-S9S4. Salem Properties REALTORS Ml N. High St. SUNDAY, 2-5 No. 12975 Peck Ave. Near Morningsida School. 3 BR , Double Plumbing. Price $11,730. Terms. No. J 279 Charles Ave. "Neelon .J BR. Plus family room. ILL 191 S High OPEN HOUSE, 2 TO 5 P.M. . 1190 Belaire Drive (Ga up Glen Creek Rd. to Belaire, turn right oa Belaire to first turn In roadi. Watch the City of Salem grow home. Without a doubt, one had. Thla 1 yr. old home has J oarms. on-mam imr, a ure places. Immaculate thjuout Charming living room with beau tiful wall-to-wall carpeting. Handiest kitchen and ever so col. nrfiii Til. hatha nhU ear. Davlieht basemt. with party room. bath, fireph, laundry. Lovely eon will snow. Eve. rim. NELSON & NELSON, REALTORS 1590 8. Commercial Ph. 2-304$ GOME VISII ROSELAND ADDITION SUN., JUNE 10TH, 2 TO 5 P.M. GO OUT MARKET ST. OR D ST. TO SAVAGE RD. WATCH FOR SIGNS An well nlanned and restricted area. New aubdivislons. Streets are paved. Curbs are in. City sewers. Well construct ed homes with all the extras for enjoyable living. Reasonably priced Liberal financing Shopping center to be built. Drive out Sunday and inspect this lovely area. To see la to fall in love with it. AL ISAAK & CO., REALTORS S22 N Church St m t ...... i Mrm hnmn nn lsree 1 400 tq. (t living space, double farax. fireplace, l'i bath, hdwd llnors and cabinets, laundry room, all for only $14,700 with only (3.000 down and $80 mo. Sea these at 4480 and 4490 State St. Owner Builder, 4510 (We also have one 1.200 $700 down and $70 moji CLOSE IN -TOP LOCATION 575 MISSION ST. OPEN SUNDAY 2:00 TO 5:00 Deluxe 1 bedroom home-lst floor has everything living and dining-room with wall to wall carpeting, kitchen and nook, 2nd floor has 2 large bedrooms with wall to wall carpeting and bth basement has spacious party 100m with fireplace. OH YESM Vou will be delighted with the Immaculate yard. Don Doughton will show ava. phone 4-1414 OHMART & CALM, REALTORS 471 Court St. Trees View A real Contemporary, Just s vesr old. built by DAVE HALL This 3 bedroom home haa beamed ceilings, floor to roof view windows, full base ment double carport. ISOxIM t with large tree. $18 MO. Eve- John VanOsdol 3-7343. Office 4-7977 Ted Morrison Realtor 250 N. HIGH PHONE 4-7977 1 BDRM.. older home, fine resi dential area. $JjQ. 2-2329. MR OWNERI Glen oodrv will pay top prlc fnr rour turn L appliances. Ph. $-1110. WILLIAMS Real Estate, has new joined our ha will proudly ahow yam. You earner appointmeai Phones 4-0331. 1-1133 thtf lowly hilltop homt. The normal acope. for ha haa blend SPOT Phones 4-0J.11, 2-1333 JUNE 10 P.M. Acres ." Price $14 500. Tfrmi. Ph. J-W29 from thla outstanding view point ol the beat view properties to be yard. Only 111,100. Edith Andei-. Ph. 4-3311 or J-7K0 lots with wide oaved streets, State St., Ph. 4-8844 aq. ft. 2 bdrm. house for E Phone J-411J. 1-41H OPEN HOUSE Sunday 2 S CLOSE IN SOUTH On aulet dead-end street TWO nearly new thre-bedroom rancn sivie nomes. lurn nonn off Ratcllff Drive to 3M and 88 Norwood. Prices $8,790 and $9,890. Mr. Jones will show Ph. 2-9HM JOE HUTCHISON, REALTOR 1211 Edgewster 4-5743 2710 S. Commercial 4-7P74 3 BDRMS., l'i baths, birch kitchen with dishwasher dis. posal. firrpl. In large living rm. Lrg. utility. 2 yrs. old. Owner transferred. $11,200. Ph. 4-7391. 1 YR. old E. Enflewood: 2 bdrm.. 2 baths, blrrh kitchen, carpet ing. 1.929 liv. area. Owner transferred. Ph. 4-2441, llfll 106 Homos For Solo ISflfllt'S BEST BUyS xa N. CHURCH ST. WE SPECIALIZE IN TRADES PH. 4-sni TODAY'S SPECIAL Vary aioa bom la rood loca- non. 14. u. rm. inning rm. an) kitchen comb. Oil heat. IneuL Near aehool. Lars lot Lik aarar. AI only $7,19. Ex ccllent term. Call N. G. "Das." Isatt, Iv. Ph. 4V-89J. OUTSTANDING HOME Custom built by MIKI BROWN. An exquisite a oarm. nam plus lamlly room. Ft replace. l' baths. Built-in dishwash er, ovew. and stove. On large lot. Superb area. In beautiful tree setting Full price $19. 838. Call Walt Jones. Ev. Ph. 4-1832. 5 NICE ACRES Solid $ room home. Good foun dation and roof. Inside i:ti Ity. Good well. Barn. Near school. A little paint will mak you a comfortable bom. Only $8,300, $1,900 down. Call Mr. Crawford. Eve. Ph. 4-1020. DRIVE-IN Attractiv modern drive-in res taurant. With best of equip ment. Excellent location. Paved parking area; Shows good Income. Priced at $6,900 plus stock. For full details call Mr. Woodcock. Eva. Ph. 2.7108. LICENSED ALSO IN WASHINGTON AND IDAHO AL ISAAK & CO., REALTORS Evening 4-KC0 4-78.12. 2-8048. 4-8543 If no answer. Dial 4-22U BLAUTinJL DISTRICT LOTS SEVERAL available. 75x100. City On East Ewald First paved street .going east a tier passing MorningMde school. HOMES -TRADE ONE now being constructed for smaller home. 3 bedrooms, f ueplac. rorcoa air ou neau Big garage. 1283 East Ewald , BUILD TO SUIT OR pick out your lot In this new Weber Build your new nome jusi iik you warn n. nmm ber. If it's Weber-built, it's well built. FHA or G. 1. term. RAMSEY, REALTOR 427 FERRY LIST WITH Eve. or Sun : Marion Lehmann Violet Bishop 2-298$; Prank Vlasic 4-2670; Jim Ramsey 4-38S7. E LUMBER YARD RUILDING SUPPLIES Old established business, located in an excel lent Willamette Valley city. Annual gross over $150,000 Approx. one-hall block of property including a good six room home. Price $35000. plus approx. $20,000 stock Good terms. CALL H. K. LAYMON 2.M0 80 FT-The moat bouse for your money. The owners have been transferred and must sacrifice their lovely home, full daylight basement. 2 baths. You should see this fine home! CALL MRS. RICHARDSON ALASKAN OWNER- lay wll nice ctoee-in home with basmt. and all heat, located North. Only $10,008. with terms CALL WALT SOCOLOF SKY t BDRM. HOME la Business Zon completely furnished. Lot 44 a 100. Ready to move Into. Price $4.80$. . CALL RICHARD B. CRAB-ENHORST GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS ISO S. LIBERTY ST. PH. H471 Evenlnes A- Sundavs call Salesmen J. E. Law 2-9113, Mrs. Richardson 4-8". Ron Hudkina 4-871! Wait Socolofsky 3-M35. Ralph Bruce 2-0881. H. K. Laymon 2-$l3 OWNER TRANSFERRED Your opportunity to buy this 2 bedroom home In the Hoover School Dlst paved atreet, corner lot, new FA oil furnace. Thla horn ta good for a fam ily It's nicely painted. You may assume contract of SB.7MI. payable $50 00 per month total prlc onlv 88 500. Call Louis it3 LEX OHMART Lorenz today a home in Cnrvaitu to trade, call right away . TREES Plus a wonderful horn with huge family room with fireplace Its different over 1,900 aq. evervthlns built-in oven and wood finish view extra large apocious bedroom douoi Maddy right now and take a look you ll like it. URGENT. ILLNESS IN FAMILY Owner MUST leave Salem and horn on Mission St. Living-room, nook and utility room. This at Just se.sw. ia see call Aorienne Mrcomo. IDEAL SHEEP, STOCK AND GRASS FARM-1M ACRES 108 A. cultivated, mostlv seeded to gran, all theep right fence. good remodeled 4 bedroom bom with double plumbing. FA oil furnace, ample storage space. Large barn, aheep ahed, chicken house. Candy variety family fruit at berries. All stock A eauln. Inr . about 100 head ewes tt lambar 4 head cattle, poultry. 2 tractors and here for $26,100. terms available Call Henry Torvend. $170 DOWN FOR QUALIFYING G.I. ' Will put you into a quaint suburban ranch type home, 2 bed rooms located on a quiet paved street, close to shopping area and bus service Only 1B.JW. ask lor uon uougnion. IF YOUR HOME IS FOR SALE OR TRADE CALL US Oil & CALABA, REALTORS 477 Court St. ' Phon J-4115. J-4114. 2-411T Eve.: Louis Lorenr S-$S90. Ralph Maddv 2-3488 Adrlenne Srrrnmbe 4-9082. Henry Torvend 3-3832, Don Doughton 4-1414. HTRE IS A REAL CI.F.AN ONE: 9 Yr. old 3 bedrm. home, fire place. H W floors, oil heat. 80x190 lot located Northeast Just outside city. Price .. 000.00. Call Mr. Klgglns. eve 4-54H4. LOOK "POP"-Just down the , street from school Xt close to everything for Mom. New, roomv 3 bedrm. home. Birch kit. lge. utll., fireplace, forced sir furn. Only $10,890 00 Call . Edna Morgan, eve. 4-4038. I CONSTRUCTION FINANCING. MORTGAGE LOANS C.V. KENT SCO. REALTORS 49 N. Church ACCEPTING offers of FHA horn. Ig. bdims., enclosed utll., So. Open house or Ph. 4-9008. ATTRACTIVE 2 bdrm.. duplex Apt. close in, nice yard, own Sun, or call Portland BJS 4-4012. BY OWNER: 3 bdrm. home, modern. $9,900. at 1330 8th St For appointment Ph. 2-8638 or 4-81.17 ENGLEWOOD DISTRICT Drive bv 1990 Pearl St. 4 bdrms . 3 baths, Ph. 4-2703, make offer. 104 Hotiso For SU or vnat LOOK At aO you let for only $4 40 Very nice z barm. nome. una Uv. rm.. brk. nk. Alt. gara. blk from Bene el and near traaap. On large lot Couldn't mas on this Mat. Call Mr. word. Eve. Ph. $-4044. EXCELLENT la quality, location and con struction. Here ta anotber ROLLIN PEDERBON homo. S bdrma. S lovely fireplaces. Spacious rooms. l' baths. 1 tiled. F. A. oil heat. Dble. ga rage. Inaul. W-ilrppd. All the extraa you'll want. In superb location. Offered at $11,800. Call superb location. Offered at $11,900. Tall N. G. "Dan" lsaak. Iv. Ph. 4-89U QUIET SUBURB A honey of a home. JTuat Ilka new. 2 bdrms. Fireolac. Hdwd. firs. Plastered dble. garage. F A. oil heat. Tiled bath. Corner lot. Offered at only $lJO0 Call Walt Jones. Eve. Ph. 4-732. APT. HOUSE 3 apts with good Income. Space tor 6 cars. In very good lo cation. Near schools, shopping, snd tranap. All for $18.8u0. Terms to be arranged. Call Mr. Woodcock, iv. Ph. 2-710. water, curb, paving. $1,808 each. $12,500. Terms, or trade- In your subdivision, and we'll hav Chet US OFFICE 4 3381 CLOSE TO STATE OFFICES 2 bdrms. and bath. liv. rm. with fireplace, din. rm., kitch en, nnnk. basement, auto -oil heat $9 200. CALL J. E LAW WANT A FAMILY ROOM This one has a barbecue in it. 3 bdrms., fireplace, plastered interior. 2 baths, double ga rage and all the trimmings. North Salem-Price $14.80. CALL RALPH BRUCE RAILROAD SIDING HIGH WAY FRONT GE Truck height Warehouse or sales, any sire up to 15,000 aq. ft. Reasonable lease. CALL RON HUDKIN HERE IS YOUR CHANCE TO GET THAT VIEW PROPERTY CHEAP 8 beautiful Acres looking right down on the city. Price $2,000 $500 down Bal. $25.00 per mo. CALL CTh. GRABENHORST, JR. 9 t-taVZl If you have RUDY CALABA ft. living area has Just about range diahwasher lota of hard garage with storage apace 2 piumDing wny not can naipn haa Just hated her t bedroom dining-room, kitchen with corner lot is R4 rone and priced all attachments. Real value MORE THAN JUST A ROOF OVER YOUR HEAD, Spacious living rm., 2 mammoth bed ims with huge closets, beau tiful wall-to-wall carpet, love Iv drapes, plus nice lawn with shrubs. Price $18,900.00. Call Stearns Cushlna. eve. 2-9048. ' LO"JK AT THESE! New Homes In Belvedere Gardens, an area in which vou will be proud to live, from $12,790.00 to 115.- 890110 Some with family rm. tt extra baths. Terms. Pnone 4-221)2 BY OWNER, 3 bdrma. on 1 fir., din. rm.. lrg. kit. burnt., sawdust heat, extra lrg Int. $8,000. 409 S 23th. 4-9997, no Sunday calls. BY-OWNERTlrnmeViate" poesei sion. year nld, three bedrooms, two full baths, dining room, kitchen nook, twn car garage, full finished basement party room, laundry, sewing room, close to bus. grade and high school, $17,900. 790 Wild Wind Drive. 104 Httttttt Fe SxU OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY 1 - 8 P M. JVST EAST OP LIBERTY SCHOOL NEW NEW NEW Shady oak Ira shade thai beautifully ftnlabed 2 room- bans wiia large gkauly room. Luxurious ttla oath and extra la bath, targe douhj Esrat. aoparat airing iwam. u br Mm door. You ahatukl aee tbas value la only $!, 8M. Alden Bowes & Co. Ph. 42352 Eve. 2-0422 BUY UY my oqulty ta tiaabrta Garden bom. 2 bdrma , er I adrnu. and den. r A. neat, frpl. and pati. $1,154 dn $11.. 85. 35 Manbrta Dr. Ph. 4-2452 tt YOU WANT a suburban home with aay 1 acres, beautiful shad trees, shrubbery and a family orchard drive by 113$ Chcmawa Road. Don't go In just drive by, then 'phone and we'll ahow rou through. It Isn't a new bom but tt'i la wonderful condition. Wall I wall carpeting. New fireplace. Large kitchen. Walk-la fruit and vegetable Insulated stor age room. 2 bdrms. You ran have tha corner 2 acres for $12,000 -or the full I acre for $15.00. A real buy. CLYDE PRA1X, Realtor, lit I. High St. 4-Sd91. Alter bus. bra. call 1-725 ar 4-8184. BY OWNER -room home, inside ntility, large cor ner lot, reitrictwi neigh borhood. South, bug at the door. 13,750. $230 Down. 4 5852. $150 Down. $4t a Month. I-room homo. Just South of Salem, $3 150. E. A McClauIUn, Rltr. PI K. High. I-Mll. Sun. 2-4412 OWNER trans. 12 A. J bdrm. bom So., Ig, play room 18 x 1$. reasonable. Ph. 1-211$. HOUSE & $.. acre in Falls City. 82.(0$. Lata Fletcher, Falls City South Will Trade New at lovely 2-bdrm. homes. Kieaa mm 111,13 m lit. S3, ear achool 4t ahopping cen ter Living k dining room, 2 fireplaces. Fin kitchen family room. $ aets plumb ing. Auto oil beat Dble. plastered garage. Wilt trade for small homes or la to model cars. Ph. 4-8272. LOVELY 3 bdrm. home, frpl.. bunt, lge. liv. & din. rm., 2 bdrm. rental. Englawood Diit 172S Madison. BY OWNER. In Candalarla, leav- Ing Immediately for Calif. 1 yr. i bdrm. At bath. Lrg. plas tered gar., mil. rm. weeparate lav.. F. A. heat, birch kit, in. eluding sunlight yellow dbl. oven push button elec. range with matching refrlg.. drapes A- curtains. $14,200, 2320 Mtn. View Dr. Ph. 3-85SJ. Candalarla JUST 2 years old, and onlv 115,950 Built by JAMES IINTY In a aettlng of oak treea. this horn haa 1 bed- roma, l'i baths, double gar age, dishwasher. You will lik tria location of this fine home, Ev. Marjorl Fanning 4-aoaa, uiiic e-vmi. Ted Morrison Realtor 230 N. HIGH PHONE 4-7977 BY OWNER, modern 2 bdrm. house. Near So. Salem Hifh. Owner transferred. Must sell. 212S Berrv. Corner of Electric. Ph. 2-835 Sat. 1 to 7, Sun. 1 to 5 p.m. Westridge Addition l'i miles out Wallace .Rd. Very nice new 8-bdrm. qualitv homes, 1032 Redwood & 1064 Hemlock. 2-bdrm. at 568 N. 21st. Open Sat. it Sun. If you viced a 4-bdrm., we have a ranch style all nn one floor with 24x30 shop 4 years old. 10 acre East out Center St. 811 part or all. Call Eve. 4-sat. Priced right for quick sal. MODERN $ oarm. Top condi tion. IA. Variety fruit, dose in, room for children, a pony or to build. Priced for quick salA Ph. Woodburn 1-413$ 107 Apf't. Courts for SbIb MUSf aell at once, unit Apt. houae cloae in on business lot, fvt. baths. See owner 19$ N. ottage. Ph. 4-2M1. BY Owner: $ unit Apt. house, each with bath. $ furnished. Good rental dlst. 2 blocks from Capitol, 4 blocks from center of bustne district Ph. 2-7383. 808 lr For SoU WESTRIDGE Lrg lots, paved streets, no asseaaments, good water, exc. drainage. Ideal family area. Wallace Rd. Ph 3-39. ON Croisan creek, 'i A. lots. all year creek. 3 ml. from city ctr Ph. 4-2S40. BELVEDERE GARDENS Chore residential lota, commu nity water, wide paved streets, curbs, construction financing svailabla for builders. C. V. Kent & Co. REALTORS 4M N. Church Ph. 4-293 J A. SOUTH PHONE 4-8213 PRICES alashed for quick sale Choice view lots nflered at $2.890, now $2,490, Ph. 2-4969. 79x14 LOT No East of town off Lancaster Dr., will trade for car, truck, or trailer, terms if necessary, Ph. 4-9334 days, 2-738 eves, and Sundays. BEAUTIFUL building spot. acra on hill W. Salem. Handi est location, secluded private street. Well established neigh borhood, fronts 2 streets, may be divided. $.1,300. For ap pointment ph. 4-9192. W. SALEM, nice lot 80x100. 1030 th St Ph. 2-7212 810 Farm For Sots $2 A 1 ml. E. of Sllverton. paved road, all bottom land, 2 bdrm. modern home, city water. Ry owner. Reasonable. Terms. Rt. 1, Box 124, Sllverton, 110 F.rais Ftvr Salt . - BUYS ATTUmOJt! DAIRYMAN OR STOCKMAN I SFE This ; 54 A , GOOD rolling loam laom 1st elaaa bottom I, bordera BEAUTIFUL stream, IHRIQ. poasibilltiee anllmited. Deep well, springs. World of grazing, mostly fenced sheep tight. Spacious older ham I fir place and t bathel, ample ban. Val. loc. on main hwy.. aetwewa I prarjerota. cr la) VALLEY town. Elderly ksdv arlling at SACRIFICE $23.80. Note-plac MOT gray Uy or sleep. POULTRY. TRUCK BERRY FARM II A. first grade silt loam, near woodmirn-rreewav jet. AT TRACTIVE 2 BR. haa.. lXJva.LT aeninf ta at. Lot g fin fruit and I Irrlt. aaaa. tram dee well. $11. So; torme. LOTS OP LAND WATER BUILDINGS 1M A. rolling Nwbrf foothill farm I prettied epot ia val leytl I BR. noma, aeverml bar kldga GOOD dairy or clock layout INCLS. ALL CROPS $iS.OO0. Terma. f IRRIGATED DAIRY andor STOCK PABM Near 200 acres first claaa loam. lrrlg. from DEEP Weil, email creek. Part tiled. LAD1NO Saatur. fin growing crop, paclou 4 BR. bom (pleat, const ). If, milk parlor, sev eral barn bldgs., lrg. concrete floor poultry houat, tenant boua. INCLUDES Irrifatiea qpL. all crop. $37,$OL GOOD term. buy Now-crr crops Near 80 fertile acres, well drained, rolling loam, aome perm, pasture and wooded pasture, border stream. Re modeled $ BR. home, fireplace. X bath. Ample barne. $21,808. Higginbotham Real Estate General Insurance Loans Downtown 233 N. Pint St. Woodburn, Oregon Offlc nil Eve. $)tl 1', ACRES, 4820 Auburn Rd, naa a adrm. modera noma, ga rag for 3 car, Bargains $11. $00, $154 down, lmmod. poas. Ph. 4-2714. HOW ABOUT Properly with a future. $2 acre only I miles from Salem. 1 acres cherries. 1 acre wal. aula, balance la crop and pas ture. Modera noma, barn, poultry boua aV garage. A real buy at $14,000 80. GOOD DEAL 2$ acre fine berry land. 12 acres m crop, balance seeded pasture. On highway I1, mile from town. Very nice 3 bed room modem home, barn & loafing shed with concrete floors, poultry house 4i ga race. Only $12.50000. If you are Interest In a farm see us, ws have all types it aizee. Northwest Land Co. REALTORS Ph. 3-8312 Ev. 2-1M4 174$ Center St., Salem 80 ACRES af beautiful rolling farm country about 11 miles from saiem. ideal atock rancn. Fenced and croa fenced. Large barn. Spring fad Irrigation pond . wuh pump, and pipe for S acres! Family orchard. Old S bedroom homo with inside bath. Wired for elec. rang. All Ihia and more for only 113.000. Owner wanta $4,000 rash down or will take Salem property In trade. CLYDE PRALL, Realtor. 184 8. High at., 4-351, Ives. J-7J5. WONDERFUL S ACRES OF GOOD SOIL. NICE MODERN 2-BDRM. HOME. Art GARAGE Approx 2's sere cherry trees, Just coming Into bearing. 2 acres best strawberry land. Thla Is a placa you will be proud to own. Price $13,900. CALL R. E, MEREDITH JOHN J. DANN, REALTOR 40$ N. High Ph 4-342 Ev. 2-444 $ A. PLOT. 14 A. Plot, buildings, $ miles East on State St. Terms. Rt $, Box $44. RIVER FRONTAGE DELUXE Beautiful setting on Willamette Bivcr near Wilaonvllla, 2 bdrms, very modem home, acres, lily pond, swimming pool, floating dock, depth for cruiser, tractor. Irrigation equipment $19,900. Easy terms. Gearin & Co., Rltrs. Ph. Newberg 4741 or $102 202 A. STOCK Ranch, nesr Jef ferson, 8$ A. cul. bsl. timber Ac pasture. Complete woven wlr fence, wgood spring. $78 A. j dn. Cnusbi Agency, 233 W. 1st. Albany, Ore., Ph. Wabash. $-2237 or eve. Pair fax 7-2373. BY OWNER: 70 acres near Dal le. 1 acres piua mature R. A. Cherry orchard. Good 3 room cabin. Gas, lights Ar phon In. Good well, elec. pump. Plenty of sub. lrrlg. pasture. Owner wishes to leave state. Will aac riflc for $7,900 $9,00 down. Rest at $47 per month. Easily worth $18,900. Call Dallas, Mayfalr 3-280 or Salem 2-7903 GRADE A DAIRY 180 A. 190 A. In Cult. Barn 130 tt t wells. Irrigation 2 houses near Lebanon. 3$ head dairy at 20 head beef rattle, can be purchased for $80,000 without Blocks It equipment With atock tt equipment $79,000 for mora Information see A. N. Duncan Realtor. 12-14 Ladd & Bush Bank Bldg. Salem. 812 Exert. Rtol Estate SM. 2 bdrm. house &.2 lots In W. Salem to trade for I bdrm. Ar small lot In Salem. Ph. 2-302$. TRADE $1,900 equity In small 2 bdrm., for down payment on larger home or lot. Ph 4-321. 816 Rsort' Property I ACRE 3 bdrm. house, garage A berries, running spring A irrigation, near lake 4 ocean. A bargain. Ph. 4-1193. 818 WonUd, Root Etort LISTINGS wanted now. Nearly aold out, buyers waiting. The Star Realty 933 S. Psc. Hwy., Ph. 3-2051 WANTED 2 bdrm. home In Sa lem, will trad equity in 4 duplexes la Port Townsend Wash plus cssh. Csll 4-982 Salem or writ box 17 states man Journal. WANTED beat buy in 3 bed room house under $19,000 Sub stantial down payment, prtv at party. Boa 114 Statesman Journal, 864 Hoovy Equiprwonr CATERPILLAR twenty-two gas olln tractor with doier blade, In good condition. Ph. eve. l-0$2$. 152 UstsJ Cor$ For SoU H8 MTRCVRY. awidilsa. now seat coA-er. 1 ton, whit walla. A law KM Butck Special -dr. at r eight transmission, very air. Must sell on thit week. 1M N. 4th. Ph. 4-4453. $1 HUDSON Cmdr. radio Ik boater, hdro. dr, $sos. kxc a. t-iijB. SELL or trad 5S Olda. HoU. day "-. SMS WUUmett Or. Ph. - arwr t a.m. '41 PLYMOUTH Oub Coup, radio Ac healer. Runs good. IIU. tM s. 18th. M VICTORIA Pordooialic, low aaileaf. exc. cond . coral & black. Before I X or attar 4:20 ph. 4-1141 148 CHEV. Convert. Prlc . $132 185 FORD S Dr. $230 1881 FORD 4 Dr. - $340 Ph. eve. 1-0828 TRADE 154 Rambler station wagon for 1$M Nash state. man. good caad. M S. Elm Ave. 1242 STUDEBAKER Champ. R it H. o Driv. Excel, conn., fiaa work car. Raaa. 13$ Nor way. Ph. 2-451. DUE ta financial ro.-wlltlooa be yond any control it aa seats aary 1 aacriflc my new 168 Chrysler St Regl hardtop coup, full power, 2-too point. leas than 1.808 ml. Car coat as,- 12 will saU for $3.87$. owner Da. 4-444. Call UST lik new, 18M Ford coun try sedao. pwr steering. Black with red latartor. Pa. 2-152. l$o BUICK 4-door. 1 awnor. exc. cond. MS4 brooaa, arar S p.m. ar Sunday. IMS FORD elb. cpe, $15. Ph. 4-OIS mornings. CLEAN $ 2-dr. eua. Ford . ceaaorte. tag 8. Bummer. '55 VICTORIA Ford-amatlc, eaay Phona hm arter a. II KAISER Manhattan deluxe with ovtrdrtv. 153 riorway. 1-4057. 194 FORD panel delivery, $12$. or trad, l-axi. 1953 FORD custom line clb. cpe., rdlo, neaier. a-ton paim. windshield washers, wheel covers, excel, cond Must aell imm'd. at $9S. 2180 Broadway. 4-451. E FOR USED EQUIPMENT AND SCRAP MATERIALS AT SALEM. BEND, AND C0QU1LLE JUNfi 12, 1956 The Oregon SUt Highway Commission nas tor m on used Oar, several trucks, load ers, grader and atber need equipment and acrap material located at the Highway De partment Equipment Plant at Salem: also used tin located at Coqullle: and a trailer house located at Bend. Sealed bids for the purchase at all or any one piece of tnis used equipment and for all or any class of ine scrap mate rials will be received by the State Highway Commission in Room 133. State Highway Building. Salem. Oregon, un til loo om. Tuesday. June It. 1958. at which time the bids will be publicly opened and read. Proposal forms and full Infor mation may be obtained In Room 221. Stat Highway . Building. Salem, Oregon, and at the Sealm. Coqullle, and Bend Equipment Plant. 49 OLDS. 88 club coup, blk hydra- radia. heater, white walls, mtr. recently aliauted. good cond. 888 catwrlln Ava. Ph, 4-1834. 48 CAD. Conv. excellent cond. Will take trade. Ph. $-873. 1990 PONTIAC 2 dr. ada. Silver Streak 8, radio, heater, hydra very clean It exc. cond Ph. 43072 after p.m. 193 2 dr. Ford new battery Htr. $40. 782 N. 3rd. Woodburn afternoon & eve. 4 DODGE, run good but steers hard. $30. Ph. 4-2434. 117$ N Llbcrty. 853 Auto Ports Ropairt '4$ MERCURY motor. 4-10M or see st Davis, Oil Co. on Tslr grounds Rd. REASONABLE merh. labor, Valves ground. 1098 S. 12th. Ph. 4-0773. S56 Wontod, Cor, Treks WE'RE PAYINO TOP CASH for Clean Used Cars Psld 'or or Not , Bob k Bill Vtti Cut Union k High St. 154 Tracks, Trail, tor solo piil '51 FORD DUAL DRIVE Big engine, air brakes. "50 CM C. DUAL DRIVE Short Ingeer, repainted and overhauled. '51 CHEV. CABOVKR Dual drive, a fine lumber or farm rig. '48 STUDEBAKER In fine shape, all new tires. 51 DODGE H-T0N PICKUP Cheap. Several Used H-Ton I. II. Demonstratorg Before You Buy Be sure and See the International Trucks and Pickups All Truck! Buill to Save You THE BIG MONEY! CALL 2255 SILVERTON RD. FOR SALE: All metal alngl horse trailer, like new. linkn axle. 100 rubber." Cheap. Ph. 2-499. BUS FOR SALE 28 PASSENGER; GOOD. PH. 4-52S0 '4 FORD l'i ton cab chassis. 124" wheel base. 2 sp'd rear end. 829 a 20 rubber. Pr. 4-3821. 309 Hulsey. 192 8TUDE. truck, 2 speed axel, flatbed, all for .$, terms 240 Portland Rd. 850 Automotive 152 UsdKj Cr For SdU NEW k USED Unjoa at Commercial Ph. $-31 Tg ; POST Auto Sales t t.M-v .. -i 55 BUICK R0ADMASTER SDN. : $2795 Radio, neater, dyaaflow. power t r I a g. power, 4 way electric mat Jk electric window. BUICK FINEST li BUICK SPECIAL ... Hardtop, radio, boater A Dyna. India Red ai Whit, t beauty. M CHEV. -MO" SDN.. $1S9S Radio, heater a power glide, an local awn', IS,. H MERCURY HARDTOP $1B5 Radio, beater, averdrrr. low mileage and a beauti ful Bitter Sweet finish 54 OLDS "tt" SDN. . .'$1K HydramaUe. new rubber 54 PONTUC I CYL. .. $1S Straight traas., radia, heat er: this car haa only ban driven 18.9 miles '53 BUICK R0ADMASTER SDN. .,. (1495 Radio, boater, dynaflaw, an other of BUICK S finest wilb all power equipment 52 OLDS SUPER "tt". $1395 Holiday, radia. heater, hy dra, tu-tone grams, white wall tire 53 HUDSON HORNET. $1095 Radia, boater, hydra., -new tiro. A terrific car at a low prlc SPECIALS YOUR PICK AT $495 SI PLYMOUTH. RADIO k HEATER at fUDEB AKER LAND- CRU1SU, HAOIO, HEATER $1 CHEV. DUC, RADIO. HEAT ER '$1 WILLYS LARK SDN, 0V- ututuvat. PICKUPS , '54 FORD H-T0N 4 SPD 11095 V-t mofbr, radio, heater. OPEN EVES. TILL I P.M. POST AUTO SALES 1105 So. 12th Ph; 4-6231 " MOLL MOTORS CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH Tip Top Used Cars SOvrrton, Ore. Ph. 3-5191 40 CHRYSLER Cpe. I 18 dn. $ 99 4 DODGE Cpe, $ 20 dn. $ 8 4 CHEV, Sdn $ 29 dn. 79 48 CHEV. CI. Cp. $ 48 dn. $ M 48 BUICK Convert $ $9 dn. $199 4$ BUICK Sdnet. ... $ 7dn. $188 49 HUDSON CI Cp. $10 dn. $22 '47 CHEV. CI. CP. $10 dn. $T49 49 FORD Clb. Cp. $m dn. $29 4 CHEV. Sdn. $l99dn.$.l9 91 CHEV. Cp. $18 dn. $4i (3 FORD Cpa. . $20$ da. $88 No Down Payment on Approved Credit AYNBEE MOTORS $4 Union Ph. 2-0702 Nita ph. 1-2292, 4-1987 199$ MERCURY Montrlalr hard top, loaded wsccessnrtes. Must sell due to Illness. Ph. 1-2811, 1947 BUICK good running $129 1121 N. 19th. Ph. 2-944. 154 Trucks, Trail, for solo Tractor if '51 INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER Dual drive, short logger. '50 L.F. 190 Short dusl drive for dump bodv. completely recondl tloned. '44 DODGE TRUCK With flat bed. 53 CMC VTON PICKUP Big rubber, low mileage. FOK DEMONSTRATION PHQNE 2-4123 '92 DODGE 't ton pick-up cus tom cab. heater, original paint. $8!i9 on your terms. 4U85 Au burn Rd. TWMfhial utuTtjTtraiier. ph. 2-983.T TuCHtV. flatbed" pickup. 48 motor. Ph. 3-3440. 1049 N. 18th. FOR-SALfc or trade for trailer house. 1992 Studehaker pick, up a,T. 4 speed trans, over load spas , heavy duty tires, nverheed rack. Ph. 4-8923. 'a-. TON FORD WflstM. 2-6M Witt Chevrolet Cadillac $59.00 & UP 830 Aulomoiite IS2 Usbi Car Uf 51851 UsW Cm Fa SH IHI.S8 . Come In . AND STOP THAT BULCDfO DRIVLNC AWAY l ONE 01" USED CAR, LOOK! 1956 Ford Crown Victoria Roawttlul raven back aad ruu power, a nei asas away aor $2, full power, a beauty ta be ,ea. 1955 Olds tS8 Holiday vnanat aea. bikk transmassasa, uv wniia snot, wiaaai a ata. A (teal at $24. , 1954 Olds 88 4-Door Attractiv JonuU YaUaw oqoipped. lUt. 1954 Plymouth Belvedere 4-Door Radio, heaur, aut transnissaliia. saw tubbaf. raw mtr. Only 110 miles. $L2t. 1952 Olds Super 2-Door Sedan Radio, boater, brdrasaatt Bower ataactag. a tea aaabV youra tar omy oM 1951 Mercury 4-Door naerta. aaaier, averariva. csaaa a BOUMi spat- WgBJ trad at low prlc ai 89. . REMEMBER' . If it comes from Lodei'a . . . ... ITS 461 N. High LIHIK. THE LOT WITH A LOT For tfie Premium CAR BUYER M5I OLDS. DIX "M" THIS 1$ THI POPULAR HOL IDAY MODEL 4 DR. SDN. ONLY M.O0 ACTUAL ONE OWNER MILES BY A LOCAL OWNER, ALSO THIS PRE MIUM CAR HAS AN OUT BID! SUN VISOR FOR YOUR DRIVING PLEASURE DUR ING THESE SUNNY DAYS, PLUS RADIO, AND HEATER. WITH HYDRAMATIC FOR CITY DRIVING EASE. THIS IS A PRKMIUM CAR. THERE ARE FEW LIKE THIS ONE ON THE MARKET. WE WONT HAVE THIS ONE LONG. OPEN EVES. ASD SUNDAY 3995 Silverton Rd.' At Lancaster. Drr: PH. 4-9114 '$1 FD VIC. wYrlhlne;. new rora-omatia coat, auu m 4-42. -- - - $1 CHEV 1 dr. Original paint i?d -" Ph '82 CHEV. Sdn, excellent cond. ens no, r"n. hih, $$ Che. V-l Bta. Wgn. ... I29M Radio, neater, powers; lide, turn signals, windshield washers, whit aid walla. S.70 miles. Not yesr aid. Lik nw. $4 Che. 4-Dr. Sdn. $129 Radio, healer, powerglide, turn signals, t-ton blue. $4 Ply. J-dr. ada. - $10 Radio, natr, 22,P miles. Really share. $3 Ply, Convert. . :J. $!$ Radio, heatefi Hydra, drlv. new top iSharol. $$ Olda Super 88 sdn. I4I riaot. nearer, nvara.. turn I signal, .whit aids walls, 1-1 ton. i 93 Hlllman Mint sdn. $1$ nil icaincr upnoisicrv. rays for itself on fas savin. 93 Ply. Savoy St. Wgn. $129 . naaio, neater, overdrive, whit aid wails, air foam cushions, vary law snllaaa. 4 Ply. Special Deluxe sdn. 398 Radio, heater, original palM. Very nice. 47 Ford V- Clb. Cp. $17$ Radio, heater, very good. 4 Dode I -ton nanel $18 7-Wheel all metal trailer IS '4 Fords, '48 Olda.. 42 Chev. Clb.. '42 Chev. sdn. See Thee Creat Buys Soon At DEWEY'S 3080 Market Ph. 3-4081 "SAFE BUY" '55 MERC MONTEREY CPE. Snappy Red 4i Whit, radio, heater, and overdrive. The price will surprise you I 54 MERC. MONTEREY CPE. Radio, heater, tinted glass, two-tone blue ti gray, white walla, at a very good prlc I M MERC. CUSTOM CPE. Fire ngin red, white top, white walla, fully equipped. and all aet to go at a right price i 5J CHEV. BEL-AIR CPE. ivory & bronzt. power jlid, and dlux ro sorlei Thif On li prired to BPIJ! Lincoln-Mercury, Inc. 493 N. ComT Ph. 3-3011 "THE CAR MAKES GOOD OR WE DO" 91 FORD Custom sdn , heater, radio, auto, trans., clock, turn signals, A back-up lighte. For quick aale $42$. Ph. $-8014, I.VW N. 8th. Oregon's Oldest Dealer BEST BUY Deed Cars Commercial ft Chsmskst Ph, 4-m I Sill 830 AntcmoliYe KXPEWS1 ACCOuWT (f THVSX lAITTY ' LOOK! wblta. Drtvoei only 1 $88 sle a a, lev gap) by drlvtag badl Coup Sdan bad (Hawaiian) Brans. MB ' Sedan GOOD. Ph. 2-7971 - 141 CHEV. riMtLaa. heater, recent overhaul ll. BT0 tiro. Kfe-auarw tub, tm af waar. Ph.,-, ISC Motorcycl BRAND NEW INDIAN Ma eyrie $4J0 at up. Mm ur a down payment "Pmrhaaa Plan. Shrecfc a, ISN rUba4 Ph. 1-1422, HAVE good Cuahman sssilao. many eilraa, wtU sell r trad tor car el equal valuo, Pbaaw a-ivam 184 "r Harlay trnviaea. : eemau ph. 4-12. Ma Sua. call, WANTED. Motaracooter. TuTlta . chutnar, Bk S. Box Ira. u vorton. 18$ TRI'JMPM Barar. Thla aaaa chin I wtnaor. 888 Galaaj Dr. 41 BARLEY 14, axtr lead, steal attar ar trao. -. SElZ77rad"74TlUrley3ev3. Oat fOf "BVNLTsrnMAf I Geadfa wOTW Pa. $-2291. B60 Auto MiMottaMMtti COMPLETE Plymouth running cond. -Jl7, 142 Homo Trailers AGAIN f ',, NASHUA Leads All Competition NOW AVAILABLE WITH ONE OR TWO BEDROOM You get ail thfse bdrm fesiur In tbo NASHUA it it Double CapadtT saae hi " Kitrnea. jj; Spacious Dlnall Araa with Oman, atiurnv uuaiif Table Chair. jV Lart nathraaaa wMh 1MB Showar. r New Roll-Out Window. ALL FOR THE RIDICULOUS PRICE OF $3495 KZS DEt.IVFRY ANTWKEU IN OREGON JAYHAWK ' TRAILER SALES M4 Portland Bd. Ph. 2-$04S 4 S3 KIT. 1865 HIGHWAY AVE. 24-FOOT trailer house, rant. heater, Frlgidalr. $. .41 Hayesviiie iinve. 21 FOOT trailer beuaa, toilet. aath. tlJOO. LM$ Caadlawoad. $1 MODEL 2T CrtstUn alums auna trailer ha., bath at awn la. BAharf I a.. M.i- lace Rd, 3030 Rlveibend Rd. $-7$, WANTED, late model Ford , Chev. Pickup In trad ea new 40 Ft 2 bedrm. trailer. Sao Phillips st 24 Portland Rd. VocatioB Special l-ft trailer with eleetrt to frlgarator, oil heat ft shower. $9. 24 Portland Rd. CAMPING trailer for eal. Imps four, cooking facllltlaat water tank, $390. 244 S. Wis BARGAIN I 43' DREAMHOM. Lata mdl. Terma. Lena Lena. 194 Lane Ava SHGPat Earl Malm Trailer Sal where all alt ar showa. IS ft. thru 4 ft. Aloha; Ktoakllll Cruiser; Mayflower 4s Roll" way. Corner of Lancaster at Sllverton Rd. Ph. 4-2127. ANOTHER LOAD OF IS' SHASTA'S JUST ARRIVED Laos Lane 1940 Laos Av. 22 FT. trailer house, good ndl tlon, $200. Ph. I-T33I. FOR SALE or rent IT ZlmmeT hee. trailer In good cond. S) at ?alrgTOunds Cottages, 297 Portland Rd. SAVE ovr $2,000 on lik new 29' 1993 spartan trailer noma never been pulled. No trade, terms. See to sppreclat. Ry owner. Ph. 4-8740. 42 Andaraoa baa, trail, bath. Ph. 4-3441. PLAY Shuffleboard at Saiem New Crater Street Trailer Court, Trailer Space svailabla 4199 Center Rt TRAILER TOWING JAYHAWK TRAILER SALES 4t Portland RA P TRADE equity IT Pan 4 Mod, new tire, rigged for S smsll children. Need 24' ar cash. Pa. 4-0773. fit A ILER tpae for rent Reaa. 3997 Portland. Rd. nR CREST Trailer Park under new aaana(mnt. restricted apace for rent. 281 N Rtrar Rd Ph 2-4.113 TO PLACE AD PHONE 4-3811