1 . I 2 n ! 42-Sc. IV) Statesman, for Make Ufe Easier - Read & Use Want ADDING MACBINt Buy aa you rent All snakee KOCH- ITDfUliWH, w Ph. unl " aVTSTINGHOUSI Woedr? Furniture Co. 7 I CoK-l Ph -nii rioiml Mattress re- New un mm BRICK BMCB MASOM BLOCK Brick Mato . atoo ' wmlxerjcthlre, 4-747 IrTcK and Week Wort guar anteed. Ph. 4-M.1t CABPyTK CONTACTOm CARPENTER CONTRACTOR framing, remodeling, founda tions, retaining walk, cement i or Bumica Bloc. r mates, 20 mo, U pay CRANB WORE B4M Loraia note crane Sa tm Sand On i Co Q44i BR1 CLBAK1NO SEBT1CB fur Storage; Complete Dry , Clnlng A tndry Srv. Pre pick up A Diver, 1C7 a. Com 1 P" HMi BAH Ore Ml Stamp. IXCAVATINO VINCENT C NEAL Exrsvatlng Co. Excavating - Grading pa. BLOOM COVBBWOi KOHB1S WALKER Paint C floor- nm. Dtvition Vrual Ity Instsllsuona Linoleum At phalt Rubber tl, Wfl Ule ; Free Estimate! 4-BI7B 450 MerehantliM 470 Ut UK Mlse. J A TITERS' DAY, five him a la mond rtfii. Coal tea, worth U. Baa Bay Bouehar Jawalar in Kataar. - VACUUM CLEANER Etpuiaaaaia Eureka faelataf. -.b Minirvt enr IljfS ' Ph. rtv (deaiar). SOAP BOX Darby whaala A Axles, New. W. Ph. ' Wood bum. - " .. - ; ' - FiANO. I; waahlng rnaeb. US; SxS play hauaa, M. WW ' N. Church. 1 a.hur new Calorie laa ranile; , I Maa anaaa haatar UMS BTU: Hanry Olaaa. Victor " l-aflt Neurla, Oragon.- USED TIRES TRUCK PASSENGER Lyjle's lire Mart MOB TJ. Com! Ph. 4-tMl IYPEWRITIRS nil hiwas, aaah rflara, Bupn. aura. daaKI. ahaira. nUa, eup. illaa. Roan't, 4M Crrt aa Pit Ron Gravel TOP SOIL FH. M310 fLXXICLOCS - tba MU-TJ. Match playahsat, ml I. Ph. 4-SJ1A it PLYMOUTH Ob. rpew ra eondlUoma aistor, f. aaiiea, reasonable, I horaa Wlaeoniln gaa enflne good, Hi In. erafta man alsrtria taw new, 1 I" saw handlei. It" eirckt sew, JO" circle atw. all day Sat. and Sunday, SM B. Mth. Ph. S-4STI. ' WASHERS used, large aelactlon, Inc. t Maytag at SIS. easy . terms. Matter Service Sta tions N. Commercial. fTfr. PAINTER faUa 1M ft. Manila raps, loose Becks, 4 blksv complete, t. 1 M. ird, , Weedbun, eiteraeea eve. . fsED HAND A power mowari, all sixes. Howler Bros. IIS S. lith. JUST COME IN, good Gibson - ridtiuj tractor, with equipment IMS. Bowser Bras., 4ISS S. 12th. SEVERAL van sood used walk ing tracton, with equipment (ram S4.M. , Bowser Bros, lies B. nth. I RIDING tractor no equipment. I cyl. tot, Bowstr Bros.. UU S. Utit. IT BICYCU. shallow well pump wtank A connection! Some straw A grain. l-fflM, Freezer: ui. F7t. chet type, lota el storage, low price. New freezer, very special ricee, MUM eu. ft. No money down, S A H Green Stamps. Matter Service Sta. tlona. SM N. Commercial. LToNtX Model Railroad I freights, stream liner, large mountain ate. I BernM Aula. ' wether, guaranteed good. Set at 14B it. llth. TOP Soil from arena rd II yd. delivered So. of Mission St. (ipeclal too la, Morningsldt dutrlct). ph. 4.1IB9. fuT a lata. anUaue dishes A organ, alto desk, picture frames, zue so, inn. Belaaw saw tharpaner A knife ertnder. Bench crinder. U H alec, mtr, Dvtd-Brad)ey gar den tractor, Garden Sprayer. Knan-uk Suiter. Chick brood er. Power mower. Studio couch. Platform rocker. '40 Butch. Ph. 4-IM4. GUARANTEED Rjevondlttoned tuts, wathert. drvert ranges A refrift. 1w.11 at up. V EATER APPUANCK CO, S7S Chemeketa St Top Soil Orchard Loam River Learn Dial 2-1744 prompt Delivery Kersee aana at oraeei wa. WIDE wadding band (with hearta. blue blrda A orange bloaaomi), alas Remington Portable typewriter A Mont gomery Ward Portable tewing machine. Trade, rn. s-aJtw. For BALI: Sleeping trailer w built in kitchen in rear, alto 4 h . Alyars pump. Fh. 4-ji TWIN Use foldt-rola sUolltr an, nxt new, rn. e-wji. TOP SOIL ' ' Phone t-ISTS. l-asei fcECAPB. eo0-ll A t70-ll MM. Exch. Lytlt'i Tire Matt RICH TOP SOIL DEL. IMS A YARD PE 4-2463 472 Wtiwftl, Miac, BOY'S bicycle", ' wW Murt be In good cond. Ph. 4-Jew after e or oat. wt WANTED several thousand I eordl of wood, all tpaeiaa. PA. -VU. Nlehte 4-I4M WANTED, about 190 ela ' bricks. Pa. l-ell. , Salem, Ore, Sun., June 10, Save money the Best Pnrfslool Service GRADING POriNO BULLDOZING berk tUL I4J0 nour. rn. --'- DOZING LEVELING PH 1-W51 P. PANTOVICBi BULLDOZING, eletrmf reedt, ponds. D-4, D-4 csrryslL V. Husscy. ra a-ji . BULLDOZING, grading A Land clearing Elmo W Locky owner A operator, PH. I-? BOMB PLAWNINO EXPERT homt building A re- moaciing. rnoi t-,., ,. LAWNJBjOWIB IBAAPENnrO LAWN meW rptntal. tew prices, work gutr. Ph 4-tOM PAPtBIN B A PAIWT1W EXPERT brudi or ipry point ing, HI. Of roimei. rn. Palatini and ERr?.n"M rrot W atta Ph ' PAINTING EXPERT apray, bru painttaft papot hanfinf. iur P mina Pr til Tarn a, Ph. NclfM -o4M, - PAPBBINO A PAINTINO PAINTING DECORATING Dirt Cheap Prict- J-75Sa PAINTINO: Intoriof A Uilor. BOOPINO SALEM BARTILE ROOFING Hot mod. Ufa Uma roof, color chain. Fret art. I-1S0 aval, lor camp. Inlormatlon. fa place classified ad call 4-M1I. 450 RIerchandiie 472 Wanttw, Mltc. LOGS WANTED - Top prlcaa aid a-In. to aa-ia aiameier. In t-n. m ajulUplaa ol-S-JL Wa alea buy atumpaga. Burk. land Lumbar Company. Tur ner, Ora. Ph. Turner I IIS I nines phona Turnar DOS ai J-iua, 474 Miscsllonwous TRADE Rana Rollelcord Ilka new, lor x pre- type sam ara. Phone a-aiia. ADDING machines, aaah regit. Clary 1171 fairs rounoe a-o.ua DENTAL PLATE REPAIR t-ga SERVICE IN MOST CAf.H. DR, BARRY SEMLER, Dantlat Adolph Bldg. lUtfa torn i 91a IALIM rat. -ui 474 Fuwl l?pring Special Mulch Sawdust; rertillier Block k Stab Wood West Salem Fuel 152S Edgewater Ph. S-4n OREGON FUEL CO OLD FTRTJLLY PADS MULCHING SAWDUST IfcB GREEN STAMPS M53S - XT Broadway WANTIO of wood. aU apteaea, Ph. S-nil Nights, e-taat Capitol Fuel Co. - DRY SHAVINGS SAWDUST POR MULCHING Planar Ends rhalM slab and block mixed 1420 Broadway Ph. 1-7711 HIGHWAY FUEL CO SAWDUST A WOOD ANDERSON'S tlabweod. Ph 1-7791 at 4-KU4. 500 Bus. & Finance S10 MetMy to Lean Business Loans To $7,000 ON MONTHLY PAYMENTS Loans to Purchase, Repair or Refinance All Tyoea of Equipment Including Crawler Tractors A Trailer Homes PACIFIC INDUSTRIAL LOANS In. C. Kramer. Manager 111 8. Liberty Ph. 4-2203 COLONIAL Invettmtnt Co Real Property Loam contracts rurcnaaad eai t-ouri t-uw LOANS -IM OO ta I1M0 IW Buy What You Need Contotldata your bills. finance tnrojrh WTLLAMETTE CREDIT COMPANY 111 a Church St Ph. 12417 $1500.00 Now reu can borrow 11500 trim us, oa furniture, lutot. trailer houses and equipment Wt are happy that after II yetrt we ire able to extend this additional service to you. 117 S. Coml. Salem, Orrgoa General Finance CORPORATION PHONE 3-9161 WE HAVE cish buyers for real ettate contracts and and mort gages Ohmart A Ctltbt. Realtors 477 Court St Phona l-4U PRIVATE money to loan. 1 interest. Ph. 1-0794. 12$ to tzsoe Pacific Industrial Loans III S. Uherty Pit. -tlM 600 Employment 602 Help Wonted MAN or woman baker for small new ahep. Give -age, experi ence, salary desired. Box 111, Statesman-journal. FRY cook wanted. The Spa, 32 state, APPLICATIONS are now being taken for Stttesmtn bicycle routes Sevan) routes will be open. AppUeantt mutt be ee eompaniea by their parents . or have their written permit, glen. Apply tt the Clrculatloa bepertmeal ei the BUteeuiSB-jewaai, - Ads Daily! OTO-AT1NO CUSTOM Bataal. Ford ,.ni rilta. lawns, or chard! A gardana. Ph. t-Utt A WI71 . GARDEN A lawnworh wanlad with rotoratoa. Vlnra nt Krm tr. iim IMlng Aa. Ph I-J1M AND A GAAVBX WALLING SAND AND GRAVEL 1129 McGllchritt Cruthad quarry rocka and gra a. All iiz lor roadj, drlva- avi and parking lota. READY MIXED CONCRETE Garden aand, bull-doilng, ano- l and draf linworkl-M SALEM"SAND A GRAVEL CO" Raady anix concra ta, cruanad and round graval, aand and top awl- ' front 8t 1QAI VALLEY SAND A GRAVEL CO Cruahad A faund graval Band ft con m MOO IIPTIC SERVICE HIKE'S SapOa aarrica. Tanaa elaanad D rootat cMaaa ao a draina Pnena HOWARD'S Roto-Rootar. aawjra. aapuc tanas ciaan i. Hamal'a acptta tansa (kaajMO. Hna aiM Ouarantaad work Phona S-I4M r S"A TREE SERV1CB Da Roaia Traa Sanrica Traat Shruba, Badges. Inaurad 11M N. Ubcrty St I-M1 r . TECCKINg A BAULINfl WANTED to haul ihort Io' anywhara Ph. -01i. OPHOLSTHBINO UPHOLSTERING Pro ftsalonal; guar; work, fraa tat, pickup, deliver. Ph. I-4M0 600 Employment 602 HelpWonUd COMMERCIAL Placement Agency Since It4-Speclaliite la Office Placements -Checker, sood wfll. tSlwk Recepl. Typiat. turner .. Good tec. typiit-elect. . $10 '.TvDiit M wm t da. 1100-2 50 M-Outtlda sales lanuoies, com, ll-Camm. sen. off. 1:90-11:30 Mondav off Sins M-Bkkpr., Salaa-out : Beit Wav to the Beit Jobs W Stale. 411 Ora. Bldl , 4-W51 WANTED: Mechanic with own equipment to take over shop. 2320 fairground! Rd. WANTED Hsndy man A wife to take cara of I unit court, free rent Box M Stateeman- journal. WANTED AT II IN CORVALLIS, OREGON CAPITAL EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Phona 1-0634 SM N Winter Adjoining PreebyterlaB church rraa parking in rear exclu sive llatlngt ea all types of mployment 404 Help Wanted, Maw SEE our ad In education claati flcttion 111. Merritt Davit School of Commerce. MECHANIC Experienced automotive and heivy duty man, needed at once Ph. 4-2241. BRAKE-WHEEL alinement man salary A committlon. Excel lent employee benefits f Irettont ttora, Center & Liberty. WANT teveral wood cuttart. Apply Capital rutl Co.. 3100 N Rivsr Rd EXPERIENCED MEN'S TAILOR for full time employment in Salem Dept. Store. Excellent Working conditioni, store ben efit! A ealary. Write Box 113. Sta teaman-Journal. 2 MEN over 11 to work In pea allige. Mutt be rtpable of driving truck or tractor, chauffeur license needed. Start anon. Phillips Bros Rt. I, Box MO Stlem. Ph. 4-3081. M Help WontedTToTv HELP wtnted: Housework by Hr. Ph. 1-7481 4-7887. BABY Sitter living NE for oc titlonal late p.m. & eve. Pre fer older girl or lady. Apply 1289 N. 13rd St. SEE our ad In education, claati ificttlon 111. Merritt Davit School of Commerce. COOK for sorority, must have good references, good health A not over at. write stateaman Journal, Bob 104. ELDERLY lady wishes to ahare her home with elderly lady shirt expenses. Write Box 107 Statesman-Journal. WANT woman to do housework. Cecil Boyd. 1919 Clearlaka Rd Ph. 1-8123. HOUSEKEEPER wtnted in Country home, for 2 adults, & 1 school tge child. Ph. 2-4210 Brooks. WANTED experienced waltrees apply in person Leuartee Del ecateasen, as? tourt st NURSING care for eledrly lady In my borne. Mutt live in. CaU 4-4891. 711 N. 17th. EXP. LADY for lunch counter 4 days week. Call 3-8892. BUS GIRL wanted at the Oak Barbeque Pit 1M S. High. No pnona cant pittas. WANTED: Secrattry, reception 1st, bookkeeper tor Dnctor'i office. Only steady, efficient mature need apply. Salary bated on qualification!. States. man-Journal Box 104. MATURE receptionist who hai had good tales background soma typing, ana onic reroraa, Salary St committlon. Bee Mr Tatt 1124 Canter, Monday. 10 tJB. to 4 p.nv 600 Employment 404 Help- Wented", Lady NEED Woman) 1e help raise 4 girls. Age not aver aa jrrs. Room, board A wages, xte smokinf. Pa. t-4411 alter 4 PJBL 40t Pkkaft WRrt4 STRAWBERRY sicken wanted starting aoout juna a, cwana Uter. Orey A Girod Ph. 41M ANDRESEN farm bow regis tering strawberry pickers, ft A. Mirahalle. 4tM N. Laacaa- ter. Ph. 4-2i. Strawberry sicken wanted. R. I. Gannon. Orchard Heights Rd Ph. 4-4034 or 4-4M1. STRAWBERR PICKERS start maty, June etn. is a. Irrigated NorUiwnt berries. Stanley Sneed. RL 1. Box IS Brooks, located 1 mile N. of Broom, on Hiway M. Ph. 1-3144 after p.m. (4 A. at former location KM Blooaom Dr.! HI GOOSEBERRY PICKERS Wanted itarting Monday. June 11. Young bushes. ooa pay. about 1 weak work. Cherry Hill Orchards, Rt. I. on Pra-tum-Shaw Rd. about '1 mile Southeast of Macleay about t miles of Salem. STRAWBERRY- Picken wanted: start Thursday. May 91st. N.west hemes. 1 block West of Keller SchL Ph. I-04M. WANTED: Strawberry Pickers 49 A. Northwest bemee. uood crop, clean field, trans fur nlihed. Reg. at 101 S. High SL Ph. 9-9. Eves. 9-3M. PICKERS Wanted: 10 A. North west Berrlaa A 20 A. pole beans transportation. Ph 1-3SM. W. L. Summer, Jr., Rt. 2. Box 117, Sllverton Rd. PICKERS wanted -30 A. N.W. berries Picking itartt Mon Uth. Bui Rte.: 4-Corners, State St.. 12th, Com'l & Mil lion. 4-Jo7 STRAWBERRY pickets wanted. 1 ml. out Wallace Kd. riming May 31. Ph. 4-7454. B. J. Tow ery. Rt. 1. Box 379. W. L Peterson. 2nd yr. Mar- hails, Heavy picking, trans, furn. Ph. 1-S9M after 4. REG. NOW for atrawberry pick ing. Starting about June inn Beam later. S ml. E. of Lan caster on Sunnyvlew. Albert Srhsrer, 4-4017. WANT Strewbairy picken Marl. anna Agalzoff Rte. 9. box aas. Crolian Creek Dr. 4-2047, STRAWBERRY picken wanted tart Monday, June tin, x a. Northwest's but from Salem 4-Corners and W Salem trana. R. P. Barnwell, 4930 No. River Road Ketter Ditt. Ph. 4-4304 STRAWBERRY picken wanted tarting Thrua. June t. norxn weit itrawberrlet fir Grova farm. 7099 Wheatland ltd. St lew Ph. 4-40(3. STRAWBERRY picken wsnted 1 ml E. of Keller fch. starting June 7th. A. Goldsby. 2219 Chemtwa Rd. Ph. 4-8374. Pickers OUR but marked "MILWAUKEE HIGH SCHOOL" will ttart at I am. Thursday, June 1. at the U. B. Nat l Bank la Wait Stltm. the along S. Com mercial to Million, Mlllee. Hnyt, Vltta Avenue, then to 12th nd Villa; along S. llth St. to Rural and Mission, then to llth and Mlstlon, then to 21st and State, Hit A Center, 19th A D, ltlh A Market. Market to N. Capitol, along N. Ctpltol to Silvtrton Boad long Pacific Highway to Kap phahn, along Baxter Road to Keller school, then to Parm. Another but marked "REI MANN f ARMS" will tttrt at I a.m. Thurt., June 7 tt Dallas Road and Cascade Drive, to Kingwood Drive, to Glen Creek Road, to Wallace Road, to Bridge at West end. Can ter to Capitol, to Market, to Broadway and to farm. For information call Relmann rarms, 201 S. High St. Ph. 3-9203. Eve. Ph. 3-3264. STRAWBERRY picken needed riming ttarted June lit. Clean field! A clote in. JERRY A N1TA ANDRESEN 4848 N Lancaster. Ph. 4-1873 U-P1CK Strawberrlei. ', ml. East Keizer Sen. Good pick ing. Marshall berries. A. Goldsby. Ph. 4-8374. 610 Soles Help Wonted SALESMAN Experienced firm machinery salesman. Good pay and work ing conditions for the right person. Only persons experi enced in selling fsrm equip ment need apply. International Hsrvester and Cockshutt farm implements. Polk County Firmin' Co-op Rickretli. Phone MAyftlr 3-2343. Con tact Walt Steele, Mgr. HAVE opening for experienced Retl Fstste iseti person. Con tart Ben Colbeth, 917 Court St, Ph. 4-4494. ATTENTION APPLIANCE SALESMAN have one of the best paying rommlsiion jobs open In St lem. Ph. 2-3431, ilk for Al Brown. MAN to distribute k pick up fuller Brush cttslogs 1100 weekly eomm to ttart 9-8337 fOR immediate employment 1400 mo. guaranteed com ap ply 325 E. Bush. 130 to I A.M. Only. 612 Work Wanted, Men CEMENT work: guaranteed; prompt service, tree estimates Ernest Drake. Ph. 4-4338. TALL GRASS, lawn cutting An derson, 4-043. 2M ,N Capitol. EXTRA SPECIAL ! ! ! NEED an addition' Remodeling Laoinet worx. rree estimates Big discount Expert work. Work guaranteed Ref. Go nvplice. Chit. Exllne, Ph. 2-7011. NEW building or remodeling, ett. free. 4-4340 alter 9:90 please. ROTOVATING Tilling, Howard Rotovatlng, gar den cultivating, itwn prepar ation by hr. or Job. 3-9495. WANTED by husky 19 yr. old. tetdy hour work, anything within reaaon. 4-1097. Yard and Lawn Work PHONE 2-0659 LAWN mowing by the Job. Ph. 3-5895. ROTOVATING work eve, week endt. J Hathaway Ph 2-3828 PAINTING free estlmatet rea sonable Ph. 2-9551 eves. ROTOVATING PH. 2-4763 CARPENTER WORK, day er contract. 2-1843 or 1-1449. CARPENTER work wanted. New or remodeling work. Have power tools. Ph. 4-114. Strawberry 600 Employment 412 Work Wantew, Maw LOU'S tree earvke Spray, top. ping, prune, raoung nnui hiut.j ... avM vwwo house framing at any una of carpenter wore. rn. e-ema. TILLING Howard Eotoeator. Ph. 4-xszi or g-asa. wo eauia Sat please. LAWN MOWING, POWXB" MOWER. PHONE 4-2301 614 Work Wanted, Uefy CHILD care my home, refer ence, ph. 1-tUi REPINED, capable woman wenta houseworc tor wioower 01 small familv. Town or eoun try. Box 110, Statesman-Jour nal. CATHOLIC aophomoro girt withea to do light Bouaewora and child cara. Live In. Write Box 101, Statesman-Journal. HIGH school girl will baby alt dtyi, vicinity of wusnire ut. Ref. Ph. 4-otot. SCHOOL girl wanta aummer Baby tilting, rn. s-jaae. KEIZER Child care. Ph. 1-0OW CARE for infant children, my home, or do practical nursing outside, m. 4-mii. WORK wanted, lady. Child care, your home. Ph. 4-10M. GENERAL housework by the hour. Ref. Ph. 4-0007. EXCELLENT child care la my home, by Mornlngslde Brh. full or part time. Ph. 4-onoS. WILL care for children, my home. Ph. 1-7740, CHILD cars, my home by ex- penenceo moinar. taw n, "ta in. Ph. 4-0167. CHILD Care my home II da. Be hr. 4 -corners, pn. i-asiz. WASHING A Ironing done in my home. 589 Market MIMEOGRAPHING, typing Mrs Pot. tea N. llth Ph 1- S43 SEWING Dressmaking. In my home, an types Ph S-toM. . WANTED Ironing In my home. 1911 n sta. I-ltlt LOVING tupervited child cara. my home so rn a-jaia. EXCELLENT CHILD CARE My "heme. W. Salem. Ph. 4-aVS 415 Situation Wonted LAWN MOWER SHARPENING COMPLETE REPAIR C & S EQUIP. CO. Nt Sdgewttcr, W Stlem. 4-1941 INTERIOR decortting. Charles McLean, 417 E. Mtarona. rn 3-339. PAINTING, papering. Pree esU- mates. Don Lucero. j-aaaa. CARPENTER work, any kind. rest. 4240 Macleay no. e-i. land clearing d-i hf. l. C. MltchelL Ph. l-33i. MOWING A rakli.g. D. Mar' ihall. 2-1343. " vd thoveL crane, hoa, drg line. IVton mobile cranes D4. D7 cstn, ctrry sll desr- ing blsde Rental contract or unit prices SALEM SAND fc GRAVEL I40j N front St Ph 1-H41 PAINTING. Dirt cheap prices 29 yesrt in Stlem. Ph. 3-7951 SCHARff BROTHERS Insttllstion Repair Sewer, Septic Tankt, Drtln rieldt. Power Ditching, BtckfllL Ph. 2-9941 or SMALL carpenter jobs, good work, reasonable. Ph. 4-1414. LIGHT crawler deter, leveling grading, l-vou. u Kurtn, 417 Job Informotioii JOB INTOR MATION-HIGM PAY All trades ine itianaa. bo. America. U.S.A. Companies pay overseas fire if hired. Write Section 39E National. 1020 Broad, Newark. N. J. 618 Education CAPITAL REAL ESTATE SCHOOL Next Clan starting June It. 1954 at 7:00 p m. Course will be fin ished In time for July exam inations. 20 hours of qualified Instruction covering material necessary for obtaining tales mans license In real ettate selling for the State of Ore gon. Information alto of inter est to the layman, fee for the course Is 125.00. Taking regis trations now. For further de tails call Roy Todd. Real Es ttte, 2319 State St. Ph. 3-1991. FL'LL STEAM AHEAD FOR SUMMER Join the many young people who will be continuing their education in the moat profit able field business New r Inset tttrt the week of June llth In all lubjecta. Call now or visit the: MERRITT DAVIS SCHOOL OF COMMERCE 151 S. Liberty Ph. 1-1411 DRIVING lessons, 13 each. Ph. 4-06M. 700 Rentals 702 Sleep. Rooms, ioord NICELY furn. large front rm Gentleman. 939 N Winter. 1 t dty, or 15 t week, no drinken, 411 N. Summer. cSATCquiet near State bldg. mop mtt. Kit privei, x-it. CLEAN, Comf. rfni. T. V, close in 215 8 winter 1-1723, SMALL rm. 120. Cooking A washing prlvll, 739 N. Church. NICE light housekeeping rm. Ill No. Church. GENTLEMAN wants room A board, close In. Ph. 2-8221. PLEAS, rm . ad), bath for gen tleman. 1050 Norway. 2-4947. WANTED Man to room and board. 284 N. Capitol. DOWNTOWN nice clean front rm. H A C wtter. 658Center.' HOME Tway from home. Pack lunches. Men. 1099 N. 3th. TV. Nicely furn, clean sleeping rm. 120 mo. 2-7820 board tvall. 705 Apartments For Rent 1 RM furn. ant. prir. bath A ent. Suitable for cpl. 1112 Mill. FrM. furn., pvt. bath. util. pd gar. avail. 1353 SUlt. CENT loc. 1 tm furn. A 1 lrg. unfurn. near new state bldgt A Univ. 2-2137, J-&S13. S-ROOM turn., priv. bsth. Near t tpnoi Biogt. w mm. 3 RM. furn. Apt close in, child welcome, rn. s-aoei. EXTRA nice 1 rm. furn. tot completely pvt. J bike. E. of State bldgt. 135. Ph. 2-7830. FURN. 2 rms, 1.14 A 13. UU1 turn, ra bo. utn. AMBASSADOR APTS Nicely Furn. Apt. ISO N. Summer 1-120 FURN. mod. 2 rm. Apt, 1081 Madison. 149. Ph. 4-4794. CLEAN I rm. apt, util. pd., close to State Bldgs, Ph.3-9407 NEWLY dec. 4-rms.. near State Bldgt. 329 8. Winter. 2-4197. CLEAN 2 rm. furn. priv. bath entrance, garaga, 998 S. 12th WEBER Court furn. and unfurn tot, alac. heat rania. refrig laundry facU. 1444 I. llth it Mgr. 4-48U. 700 Rentalf 70S AoartiwomN fof Kent LARGE Ist-flr. clean furs, apt. finalac. auto, neat: near Capitol. Adults. 1-4909: S-M7A AVAILABLE July 19 roome. ground Hoot, amau yarn, de sirable, g dmcks mm r.w. 33 TJTTLrnES Included ase af ter 4:30 pjs. UM nuge W. Balem. FOR RENT Heat 1-bdrm. apt Walking dia- tance 10 ahopetng lane atata buildinga. lot perf ma. AL 1SAAK A CO., Realtora, 322 N. Church St Ph. 4-3311 or 1-7120. 1 RM. heated apt. w. pvt ant furn. or unrurn. 14 11 court NICE Pullman Apt., all alec.. prlv. ant SM Judton at. rn. I-4M9. fURN. Pullman apt. Pvt bath. 1949 No. Capitol. 2-9001. RM. furn. apt., pvt. bath. util. furn., adults. 140 mo. 99 80. Com'l. Ph. 2-0944. SPARKLING clean, newly dec.. well furn. 1 bdrm: apt., me shower, heat furn. 749 So. Com'l. fURN. 1 rm. A kitchenette, dit- appearlng bed. modern. 140. UtiL pd. Near Capitol. 141 N. 14th. RMS. furn. up, heat A water, but. TV ant., ten. 1-0014 COURT Apt. close in, newly dee. T. V. antenna, gar. J-jaao. RM. furn. apt. priv. bath. 701 N. Liberty. Ph. 2-4847. FURNISHED bachelor A 1 bdrm. Apia 1VM rsirgreunos Rd. Ph 2-3134 before I p.. m. or 2-M0 after t P.M. CLEAN, nicely furn. 2 rm. pvt. bath, close in. ess s. summer. FURN. court cottage, all elec tee phis util., laundry turn. 1491 Trade. Ph. 4-7471. 1 BDRM. court apt., unrurn., range A refrig. Ill N. 14th. CLEAN furn. 1 ai 2 rm. spts. 133 Ferry. DOWNSTAIRS X rm. furn. spt. 139, pvt ent. batn. Lignti. wtter A util. rm. furn. 1120 Ferrv. Ph. 2-3101 or 3-M32. FURN. Aptt.. 39 A 149. Util- Itlei inrl Employed nay only PTl. 4-1M7. 1 RMS. furn. Store room. Call alter I p. m. or -weekends. Adultt. 1109 N. 4th. Ph. -atU2. LOVELY 3 RM. UNFURN. Nr. Capitol, barbecue, ereex Bend ix w. a. toupie. 3-saat. NICE 3 rm. furn. apt, pvt en trance. 794 S. 13th. CLEAN, quiet 1 rm. apt., down town, lady prer. t terry. CLOSE in. nlta mod furn. apt Ph. 3-8490, except sai RM 4-337 apt., 299 N. 19th. Ph. CLEAN nicely furn. 3 rmt.. prlv. bath, close In & state oiagt. 1144 Center. 1 RM. Apt., util. turn., close in. 130. 34 union si. MODERN 1 bdrm . Court Apt. Unfurn. exfeot Elec. range at refng. VI. Salem. Ph, 4-4B79. Eve. 2-8743. FURN. attrsc. 3 rm. A bath. Util. pd Close in. 330 Mission LARGE well furn.. 2 rm. spt 2nd fir. MO mo. Washing la cilities, no pets Adultt pref Ph. 2-7117. 2164 Maple GROUND fir. 3 bdrm. tuburbtn tpt. Laundry rm. 3205 Moody Ave. Ph. after 5 p m, 1-3941. SCENIC-view-1 bdrm. unfurn. court Apt, range, refrig 2-StOI. i RMS. lovely furn. spt, New ly dec, private bath. Close In 110 Bellcvue after 1 30 01 - weekends. QUIET loilb ttget, ill utf lawn, reason. Rd. Irm. furn. eot . turn., large 2997 Portland VERY nice 2 rm. turn, apt, Lady. 201 Mission. Ph. 2-7170. FOR RENT: 2 bdrm. furs. apt. 449 E. Myeri. COURT APTS Hat private A modern down town tptt. from 1.50 to M9 Ph. 3-7440. In quire 899 Court. FURN.-! rrnT aptf 1st floor, pvt. bath A entrance, 150. M4 Un ion. 2-5241. FURN. lge . 5 rm. apt Alto ttt. smtll tpt. 341 N. 17th. Hollywood Apts. Furn, unfurn., 4-4713 or 4-7879 LENWOOD Court. Furn., modern 1 bdrm. tpt. Come see. you will like It here. 829 S. 13th. CAPITOL PLAZA 1 BDRM. UNFURN. 1111 Chemeketa St Ph. 1-8830 NICE roomv 2nd fir. 3 rm. furn. Apt. in 2 Apt, corner hse. llth A' Chemeketa. newly dec , quiet 1 or 2 adults nice yard, treet, flowers. 1-4787. ZtO N. 18th. FIRST FLR- furn. 3 rm. Bendlx. 351 N. Liberty. 3-7124. CLEAN lge. 3 rm. seml-basm't. spt, firepl. rn. 3-5JB0. CORNER Apt, 2 mis. A bath, eltan A inviting. Just right lor lone lady. Ph. 2-4371. 706 Duplexes SUBURBAN N. E , clean, epa- cious, 3 rmt. A bath, gir, furn Ph. 3-908.1 UPPER Duplex 3 rms. A bith. priv ent. for working couple. Neir State A Gen hospital. Avail. June llth.Ph.J-3957. BRAND new 1 bdrm. unfurn, ra diant heat, hardwd. fin. birch kit. wired for washer A dryer bus line. 1481 N. Winter. FURN. A roomy 2 bdrm. upper duplex. Ph. 2-4779. 192.90. 2 bedrm., 2 blocks from Ctpltol Bldgt. Auto on neat. Wired for elec. range. Ph. 4-1863. 1 BDRM. range, refrig. garage, 187.50. Ph. 2-400. 1179 Saginaw 2 APTS. 1 furn. A 1 unfurn. 1710 N. Capitol. BDRM furn. duplex. 14t Court. 78 mo Ph. 3-58.14. LOWER furn. 1 bdrm, extra bed. T V Ant . Garage, base ment. 75. 1284 Court. Ph. 3-7124. ROOM unfurn. flat. 1 block P.O. Inq. 494 Ferry. 1 OR 3 bdrm. furn, or unfurn. tide by sine duplex, yard, gar. Call 3-4980.- sea at t f Winter. 707 Houtat For Rent FOR RENT 1 bdrm. unfurn. hie lge. comb. liv. A din. rm. En closed side porch, carport, elec. rante A nil heater furn Quiet neighborhood. S. Just off Browning Ave. 3t. -3i)wt. SMALL 1 bdrm. houaa. So. Sa lem, 130. Ph. 3-3028. CLEAN unfurn. I1, bdrm. A gar. 149. W. Salem 3-7987. CLEAN modern 1 bdrm. Near Totem Pole. Ph. 2-8423. 1 BDRM. partly rum. house, 1110 Lancaster Drive. Ph. 2-4922. FOR RENT: 3 bdrm. houie w fruit orchard, Kelier diit Call 4-3289. 2 BDRM. houte, elec. heat, 180, no pett. i. ml. A. 4-Corners Key at 4599 State Ph. 4-283. 1 BDRM. house, itove A 'wtter furnished, Ph. 4-0731. 1 BDRM. hse, tt State St. 4 Cornen. Oak fin. A frpl, Ven etian Mi-da, util. rm., 50 mo. Ph. 4-4791. atata st door, near schools A stores 1-3800, CLEAN bdrm. houte to, but 700' Rentalf 707 Homes For Rent EXTRA alee I bdrm. duplex apt large rooms, oil heat 1710 Dev- tdson. Ph. S-1033. t BDRM. home. 171 Kenwood Ave. Inquire 119 Will Ave. or m, i-jib MODERN 1 BEDROOM, newly ecoratea, unrurnisnea. in. i LARGE, modern 1 bdrm, walk ing distance, tee Bo. uoony. NICE clean I bdrm.. ao. city A ach. but at door. rn. -jae. 1 BDRM. house, cloee la. some furniture, too. e-siae. ENGLEWOOD Dist: Clean, mod ern. 1 Bdrm. nousa wgri. Sawduat furnace. Inqulaa 1700 N. 19th 1 BDRM. house partially furn. aiovo ei reing. rirepterv. mi heat batemt garage. Couple only. South, 145. 1-9W4. 1-BDRM. houaa wgarage. atova eV rernt. izjs Alien muii. Ph. 4.9051 1-BDRM. cottege, itova, refrig, firepl, garage. 194. 3-1471. 'NEW 1 bdrm. house, lots of closet space, trove, rvina, 1 -rsge, soma util. lnq, 109 No. imii st 142 90 1-bdrm. Kelier r A McT.lauflin. Rltr. 339 N. High. 1-M11, Sun. 3-4412 I CLOSE in 1 bdrm., unrurn. or partly rn. j-sjji or j-iw. ThAII.m aoace 110 per mo. No oets. 1. Ph. 2-HS3, 1740 ox- ford. 1 BDRM. houses, rsnge A refrig. rum. aarvaoor Apt. a-?.. sua a., jaiiivr. 1 BDRM. unfurn. house. 2-9921 after I or week ends. SMALL unfurn. alley rue oil heat gar. water free. ees Market St. 4 BDRM. houae near thopptng ctr. No peta. Ph. I-3. NICE 1 bdrm. houte. itove A refrig. furn. inquire iwv Trtde. FOR RENT: Farm house A 1 acre, close In, rn. i-ira. eve. & Sunday. NICE 2 bdrm, houte, 204 N. 23rd m. 3-sitn. SMALL 2 bdrm. houte. partly furn, 59. Ph. 1-7904 after 4:30 p.m. RM. HOUSE 2 bdrm. largo util suburban, south, all elec unfurn. Ph. 2-2129. CLOSE In tub. 2 bdrm. home. almost new, avtu. at once. rn. 3-35 71. 707-4) Furnished Houses FOR RENT: Furn. 2 bdrm. tub- urban. So., oil A elec. heat. See at 4430 Liberty Rd, then call 2-2233 between 12 A 7 p.m. WALKING diat So, 1 (urn. houaa. 2-4754. CLEAN part furn. 1 bdrm. court 199. 1742 Evergreen rn. x-wea. RM. houaa-apt. at 4 Corners 2-0339 eves, or . ena. 708 Farms For Rent FOR RENT: Acreage pttture. 2 udrm , mooern nouse. rn. 2-2911. PASTURE for rent. Ctll 4-3845 after lam. 710 Wonted to Rent Hies BUSINESS man A family would like to rent or lease option 1 bdrm. home. References. Ph. 2-0979. YOUNG butinett man A family with 1 or 1 bdrmi. house. Ph I to 1. 3-3179 or 4-4484 eves WANT I bdrm. furn. or unfurn. hie. Will pay good rent for good house. Ph. 4-4930. 714 Business Rentals NEW GROUND FLOOR OFFICE SPACE. Beautiful ultra-modern offices with ofl street parking near Meier A Frank. Suites approximately 400 sq. ft. and 400' sq. ft . cm be combined to make 1.000 sq. ft Balance of building now leased to professional cllenlei. Call Dick Schmidt for details. Eve. 2-7947. Nelson & Nelson REALTORS 1590 S. CommeixitJPhJ36t BARBERS. Attention: Ideal loca catlon for barber shop. Live business center. Statesman -Journal, Box 103. BUSINESS space 16'x32', avail able June 1st. In Wallace Rd Shopping Center, ISO. Ph 3-7432 A 3-5077. DOWN town office spice, store rms e warenousa. i-sii. 718 Convalescent. Homes ELDEREST Nursing Home. Pri vate room t available, zsjv it. Church. 1-9111. COTTAGE CONVALESCENT HOME, 233 M. Cottage J-vu.nl. 780 Merino 1 Storage LESTER DeLAPP LYON VAN LINES LOCAL OR NATION WIDE Moving & Storage PH. 2-1750 OR 3-4966 MAYFLOWER Moving and Storage FUEL OILS CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER Larmer Transfer A Storage Complete moving service. Also agenta for bikitis neuon- Widt Movers Ph 1-3131. LOW COST etorage. R L Stiff furniture co 3-tits 800 Real Estate 801 Butinett Opportun. Valuable- Business OPPORTUNITY NEW automttic 3-ln-l Hot Drink Unit handling the world famous nationally advertised Maxwell House coffee, Bikers Chocoltte. Tenderleaf Tea. You mutt be honest, reliable, have a sincere desire and am bition to own a permanent highly profitable butinesa which can be operated from your home in spire or full time. Thorough training. Lo cation! obtained and equip ment placed in operation by our experts Immediate un believable income. 10 unitt doing the nttiontl average would give you an income of 11,381 monthly. 118.3.12 yearly Only 11,290 starts you. Up to 75 of the equipment cost ctn be financed. For further Information, write giving Shone and address to Box 820. tatesman-Journal. MINIATURE Golf Initructlve. fascinating fun. International ly popular, excellent business. We build on your location. Spencer Brockwty, 112 Brotd wty, Seatlde. Oregon. tes Frill 800 Real Ettata 801 lutlneti Opportwn. BE YOUR) OWN BOSS, good res taurant located in email town, cloee to Salem, buy the equip ment for 44,000 and you are in business. Bent 171 per mo. Call Mr. Keene, Eve. 1-4074. C. V. KENT & CO. REALTORS 4M N. Church Ph. 4-229 EXTRA well built duplex (nod income. 1 yean old. Leslie school dist Ph. I-IOM. WORKING share In Willamette libra A chip board miU. High seniority, reasonable B. J. Ryan. Rt 1. Box 191, Sheridan, Ore. Ph. TN, 3-4282. SERVICE Station A garaga. going business, tell inventory equipment Ph. Mtyfalr 2-2312 FREE LOW WHOLESALE CAT ALOG. Extra Money, rull Spare Time Postcard bringt details. H. COHON A SONS, Dept. OW, loat Utica Ave. Brooklyn. N. Y. HOT SPOTS FOR LEASE, trailer court site on Highway 97 near Colum bia River. Close to 1900.000,000 ? reject. Spare for 19 or 30 rallert. Wtter, sewen In. Bety terms. FOR SALE OR LEASE, very good 14 room hotel end 4 apartmenta. Hat full basement, steam heat, H C. water, baths, phones, all rooms 111.000 dn. payment, balance 1200 per mo. IncL Interest Asking 169.000 FOR LEASE, Grtde A restau rant near John Day Dam site. pn main Highway. Excellent potiibllitet for lounge. FOR LEASE, very good barber anop location, near Dig con struction job. No competition. Salem Properiles REALTORS 347 N High St. Ph. 4-0331. 1-1933 r.ves & sun. please ctll FRED KLANG 3-3292 or RAY MASON 2-9511 MOTEL 22 units, good return, take Salem Property In trade. TAVERN land A ill. Hot Spot 116.000 (W Terms GROCERY clean ttock, new fixtures, reasonable. SER STA. Good location, . 3,- 900M TUCKER REAL ESTATE Lebanon, Oregon POR SALE 14 candy or gum counter type coin vending machines Vary rets. Ph. 2-1494 tfter 1:30. FOR lease Mai or Oil Co., Sere- ice station, locatee in Lanor, Oie. Financial assistance to qualified operator. Call B1U Best, Portland CA 2-1144 or AT 2-1004. FOR LEASE near completion new drive-in restaurant with heavy traffic count Some equipment furn. Box 93. stateimin-journal. MODERN 7 unit Salem Motel and home, tell or consider trade for small apt. house close In, owner. 2-7130. 802 Business Property FREE BOOK! FREE SERVICE! 2.000 businesses, farms, in come properties for sale. Write V. S. Report, Box 1141, Wash ington. D. C. RENT OR LEASE 100 FT or more frontage oh ttE So. Nice frontage for trailer house lot, used car lot or any other business. For more information call 4-2933. FOR SALE Income property unitt Apt. Court also t busi ness rentals with I apt. tip In good valley town. Will con sider trade. Ph. 7124, Box 234 Sttyton, Oregon. 803 Suburban 1 15 ACRES, bus. 48,500. Cherry gd. hat. A gar , 1500 dn. 3829 806 Houses Fer Solo CLEAN I yr. old 2 bdrm. aubur- ban home. hdwd. fin. vermin blinds, nice ihrubs. 17.250 3831 Monroe Ph. 4-5944. BY OWNER. 2 bdrm. modern, well built home, 17.500. In cited at 1439 7th. Ph. 4-2419 eve. A REAL BARGAIN 3-bdrm liv ing room 14x23, family room, I'a baths, f.A. oil furnace. 1890 I. ft. floor space. 2 lots 87x125 Extrt bldg. In rear used for bird house. All this onlv 919,790. Ask for Mis Wootten. Eve. ,1-.04. GOOD OLDER HOME. Extra nice kitchen, l1, plumb., .1 bdrm. 2-story home. Bush school Dist. Bsmt., sawdust furnace. Only 17950. for par ticulars tsk for Mrs. Wootten,. Eve. 3-8064. Oregon Development Company (Realtors) 318 N. Chudch St. Ph. 3-9236 WILL trade equity In 2 bdr hume for trailer house. 5240 Sunnytide Rd. 2-0913 FAMILY ROOM New 3-bdrm. house with 2-car garage. 2 fireplaces. S baths, large family room with cedar paneling, birch kitchen with nook, inside utility room, lots of cabinet ttortge and bulk atorage over garage. Located in Lincoln Park, ftved street, curbs, sidewalks, ind com munity wtter syttem. Only 114.004 for all of this. 12.800 down. 10 yean on the btl tnca. Abrams & Skinner 411 MASONIC BUILDING Insurance Real Estate Mortgage Loans Off. .1-9217 Eves. 2-47090.1-734 FOR SALE or trade 4 bdrm. home. West Salem, with small apt. on same property. Will trade for home near S. Salem high school, Causbie Agency. 22.1 W. 1st, Albany, Ph. Wibash, 1-22.17 eve. or Sun. Fairfax 7-2372. Owner Transferred Must sell immediately 3 yr. old. 5 rm home, dble garage. 200x10 lot. 19.250. 2785 Sand- ringham Drive. 1 blk. E. of Lancaster on Sllverton Rd. Ph 2-811)0 SH'S BEST BUHS SEE THIS! Attractive Mornlngslde District Home. Birch Kitcnen. urge inside utility. Hdwd, floort. Oil heat. Attached garage. It's all youn for 19800. 11250 down will handle. Call Mr. Crtwford. Eva. Ph. 4-9020. Al Isaak & Co., Rltrs. MS N. Church St Ph. 4-3.111 or 3-TM BY OWNER 3 bdrm. house, lrg. liv. rm, din. rm, birch kit., fireplace, hdwd. firs, F. A. heat, attrh gar., lot 80 X 120 located N. E. Suburban, M.OOt Ph. 4-707. WILL sell 11900 equity in Mrm. hams, for 500. or trade for U, ton. LWB truck. Ph. 4-1344. , 800 Real Estate 7 804 Houses For Solo SUN., JUNE 10TH, 2 TO 5 P.M. 210 E. SUPERIOR FAIRMOUNT KILL BEAUTY Knotty Pin, party rm. Dining room Brkftt. nook 1 bdrmi. REDUCED PRICE OF: $10,500 H. 0. "Dta" Isaak wDl enow ALSO VISIT 4200 JONES RD. Go out Liberty Rd. to Browning, ngnt I's nits, roilow ngns LOVELY TREE SETTING 2 bdrmi. Lga. liv. rm.-Din. rm. Lovely fireplace School bui at door Suburban living at lti belt AT ONLY: $11,750 Mr, Richmond will shew AL ISAAK & CO., REALTORS 121 N. Church St. BUY THIS AND MOVE IN JUNE 2-bdrm. home loctted Southeast. Cloee to transportation and school. Over 940 tq. ft of living spice. Low tixee, Jew down payment. Price 79N). BDRMS . EAST A very livable home on a nice lot 7th. 174. Nice lawn and shrubs Living room, separta dining room, hdwd floors throughout. All In excellent condition, you can move tight in. Priced right at 19500. EXCELLENT INCOME PROPERTY-I duplexea and 1. 1-bdrm. nouse. All rentea. impiexci ed. Three 2-bdrm., seven large. 7 garagei, 1 carport. years old. Annual Income investment property ctll Mr. HANDYMAN SPECIAL Unfinished 1-bdrm on 1 acre eeuth. House livable and can be mtoe into a nice puce, you earn lose for 11400. Call fred Doerfler. ROY TODD REAL ESTATE 2311 STATE T. Eve. calls: Hlclu 4-4930; Vsndervort 4-7402: Todd 1-17211 Doerfler 2-3714. " ' RAWLINS REALTY LOANS fOR BUYING OR CONSTRUCTION I OX Hi SOUTH SUBURBAN 2 bdrm, lge lot with garden and fruit trees, House 7 yrs. old and In excellent condition. His hot wtter radiant floor hetting system with automttic oil fur nace Has those extras that mean lu much in a home. Closet space, frpl . breakfast nook, nice patio Aluminum window!, etc Price 112.250 U0. To see call Dean Klarr. Eve. or Sunday. Ph. 2-7090. SMALL 2 BDRM HOME-Clean as a pin, located on bus line, close to stores 2 bdrmi , liv rm.. kitchen, bath, separate utllltv Full price 14.990.00. 1500 down and $45 00 month Call Henry Rund to tee. Eve. Ph. 4-17S0. ' 605 Chemeketa SL VOU NAME IT Wall accept any Teaeonible offer for leate or option to bur our 2-bdrm., poaslblt 1. home. Muit tell thit week end. Post, by June 19. Ctll owner 1-7493. 2"BEDr66m home, landscaped, fruit, nut treea, ' acre, ioui Corners. 111,000. Ph. 3-8854 Home with Income A beautiful, older home In a valuable close in location. With Income of 190 month plus living quarters for owner, this home ii beautiful to see and charming to live in. Close to evervthing. 114.500 snd worth it Eve Cordova Stephenson 4-6149. Office 47977. Ted Morrison Realtor 250 N. HIGH PHONE 4-7977 BEFORE YOU BUY! See the new homes In Belvedere Gardens East on D St. to North 38th. For sale exclusive- C' V. KENT & CO. REALTORS 434 NChurch Ph.4-1293 SMALL dn paymt or car, TV, boat, piano, or what hive you? Balance at 175 mo. 2 bdrm house, unfinished up stairs, full basm't. F. A. siw dust furnice. lrg lot. between MrKlnley A New Hi Sch. Ph. 4-3703. BY BUILDER NEW 3 bdrm home neat S. Salem tchoolt It pirn 2-7071 cwnerItransferred Will soil spacious 2 bdrm. home. I1, baths, for FHA appraisal. 1420 N. 24lh SELL or trtde: My equity of 15.500 In 3 bdrm. house N E. 1 btths. hdwd. floors, 'i A. bsrn. for imlller house up to 7 000 or take in good Chevro let ctr. Ctll 2-1971. JOE HUTCHISON REALTOR Let ui solvt your horns needs To Buy. sen or Rent can Ph. 4-5743 1131 Edgewater Ph. 4-7874 no So Comml BY OWNER: 9 monthi old, 3 bdrm, flrepltce, paved ttreett, tidewtlks. sewer. Immed. Poss. 775 dn. Ph. 4-0322. BY BUILDER NEW spacious 3 bdrm. Engle- wood-Dist. Top qutlity. 2-7071. SMALL unfinished 2 bdrm. house to be moved. Plumbed sheetrock, wire A plywood floor in. 1500. 9884 McLeod Lane Garden Lovers Nice 2 bdrm. homt, H'xlW lot, kitchen with formica counter tops, large living rm, tiled bath, lots of flowers A thrubt, also treet. large garden ipqt already1 planted, upttain un finished. For more dettlls csll 4-8253. Price 11,750. WILL tell equity In II mo. old 3 bdrm., modern nouse, sti. time. elec. best, hdwd. firs for 700 or Include wssher dryer, stove, refrig. with houte all for 11,400. rn. e-iwi. I AM selling my two Aptrtment family home. Urge corner lot. riouh e tarass. In wtlKing ais tenet of two canneriet In busi ness tone, ona block to pott offlc A but Una, tell reaaon able, Ph. 4-1391. 1110 Tile Bd 1 HOUSE tor tale by owner. N. llth. 191 800 Real Estate 804 Houses For Sola a or beat Near A Sitae High Lovely yard Lovely aurrwundhujt tun left ts Jones Rd , Oil heat Hdwd. flrt. I't bitht. 1 tiled ' lnsul. A W-strppd. Brand new beauty Lot apprx. S3 I lit Ph. 4-3311 or IV 29 Neat and dean, well-built are lurmsneo or partly lurnian one - bdrm. but all roomi extra Everything in Up-top thtpa. S IA.340 If you are looking far Hicki and look this over. Phana 1-tMl PERFECT SIT-UP TOR FtTB OR CHICKEN RAISING Nice tuburbtn home on 8 acres, lot! of fruit, nuti tnd garden. Owner tnxiout to sell. Price tt 122.900 00. Makt offer on down piyment. To see call Bj. E. Gillespie. Eve. Ph. 4-0941. 9 ACRES-3', in pisturt. nice older 2 bdrm. home., dble. ga rsge, work shop. btrn. chick en house, family orchtrd, plenty garden spice, year round creek. Drtve by 1931 W. Washington. Csll Dale -Rayburn tor app t to sec Eva. Ph. 1-2043. Ph. 4-6875 tt.tOO. WEST SALEM Close la. A newly remodeled J-bedroora horns or an Ideal rental In vestment. Knotty pint finish In L. R. Smsll lot. CLYDB PRAIA., Realtor, 1M 8. High St. 4-3451, Eves. 1-7290 or 4-91M. $9,900 At 20M Vaughn Ave. A 4 bdrm. home. 2 up. 2 down. Owneff moving as soon is school out 4','V interest on mortgige. OLAF THONSTAD, RLTR. HI N. Caplttl. Ph, 2-7902 112.790 LOVELY, south aide, 8 mo. old, 2 bedroom, plastered. 1 .200 sq. ft home. Double at tached garage. 15x11 LR. tnd 10x11 dining room. Large kit chen with nook. Shake exter ior The lawn is In. CLYDB PHAI.L, Realtor. 154 S. High St 4-.1651. Or evenings csll Mrs Freeman. 4-9114. THE KELLERS C. 0. McGARGAR, RLTR. LOW DOWN PAYMENTS. FHA or GI. Addition of new curbs and lawns 1 houte completed. One under con struction Out South Liberty Road to Sunnyslope. HOUSES WILL BE OPEN FROM 2 to 9 SUNDAY Ask for Frtnk TulHui, ava. ph. 4-9088 or Faya Seal, eve. Ph. 4-9344. SMALL CAFE Well loctted to cannery tnd wholesile houses. Price 13.900 with 11,000 down. Call Fsy Sell, jive. 4-934. 97 ACRES 83 in cultlvitinn. nice level farm. Good 4-bdrm. home with bsmt. One of the best barns in the country with hay ttortge for 100 tons. Al most a mile of road frontage. Ideal for ttock or trade A dairy. Also subdivision pos tlbllltlei. Prict nduced te 1.12,000; 98.000 down. Bal. eaty terms. Call Frank Tulllus, Eve. 4-9091. NICE 1-BDRM. horns in Engle- wood Well landscaped, living room A dining room, carpet ed. Drapes curtains, Bendlx A TV. antennt go Only 19,479 with terms, Ctll Lloyd Rice. eve. 3-4889 701 N, High St. Ph. 4-4441 FOR SALE, equity in good I rnC house, fireplace, dlthwtiheT 4s good gtragc. Ph. 1-8088, .Li BUILDER Ph. 2-7794. We tike trtdet DAYLIGHT BSMT, 3-bdrm, a flrepltres. 40-ft. pityroorn, wooded lot. 114.900. 250 Hill side Line. $14,200. 26SO Hill side Line. t FAMILY ROOM, dining. S bdrm, l'i bath, dble. garage, dead-end street, wooded lot, small back yard, easy to keep. Ready July 10. I1O08, 193 Tulare Ave. FAMILY ROOM, Iirge eouatef kitchen, l'i baths, dble. ga rage, IQxlM lot, mountain view. 114.000. 4434 Kurt Ave. WEST SALEM, 2 large bdrm. dining room, nook, lawn A shrubs, redecortttd, 111,000 FHA or GI terms. 937 King wood Dr. FOR SALE: AFset river home, near Tidewater in peaceful little "Switzerland" valley. Modern 3 bdrm. house, double garage, hatted workshop, imokchnuee. Beautiful view, lawn, flowers, thrubi. 200 ft rlvtr frontage garden tparo, fruit trees Ph. owner, Sk. 7-1155, Monmouth, 12 'J'isisiikfcisS riiii'Ae