. 3-(SccIII) Statesman, Salem; Ore., Suit, June 10, '5fl sift: If: , r ... . - iftiy) OPEN MONDAY AND FRIDAY, ,T5)jTl FREE STORE-SIDE PARKING V b tf T U t h C i f) U ZTl FOR OVER 1,000 CARS f JicljJJ Vv !jJ!' k " I . PUSHBUTTON RANGE - 1 Save $71.07,Ori9lilly $J7.W, WiUtTlity last AS LOW AS $6 A MO. NO DOWN PAYMENT Tornadoes top Powerful To Measure , . i -. . i i . (Eduer's Natal TUi It it Ubm !ef year when boillag. Umaderlag tsraadees tana la a aeetawaetera tkf hlaekeaed ay a law Uae at tkaadaracada. Hera la aa A-B-C aa haw Uwm eterme gel started, where aa waea they ttrika aal what yea eae 4a It yee are aa dealy cm(M la eeentry where aaa la sighted.) - ."'T ' ". ' By JMMED ' JlueatlT EdMer, Tepeka Dally ..... . . r..it , , TnpncA. Kan. leV-The fenlle south breeie fades away. Aa abnor mally humid aM oppressive caun mm th land. Out of tha aouthwest appears a few Una of thunderbeads. They rise quickly, boil like angry 'load waters and soon dominate the sky. There's a wild turmoil as the clouds, bulging dowa instead of up, nit hMit c h other. ! ItfMiM, wise to weather signs. know that means tornaoa weavow. " And they're especially alert these days since May and June usually , art the montna wnea Hrnaoocs iw most frequently. ; Kansas has more tornadoes than any other state. A total of 1.034 blew into the state from Mil through 1955. There were a record US last Vear, including the one . j .!..- itj.n bini... wntcn jeveieo. uiue uwu, nu Nationwide hi 195J there i were a record 111 twisters compared to the previous high of N ia W54. Tbey kiUed m and injured tS( last - year. Eighty-nine of tboee killed -were is Kansas. . 4- Actually, toe chances of getting h5 by one of tha funnel-shaped vtonns are less than your chances for getting hurt in car ride on Sunday afternoon. There were 1.771 killed between 191I-US4 in tornadoes throughout tha country. That compared with 8 jot auto accident deaths ia USS. . Caver Saul Area ' " ' Tornado normally cover ! . email area. Many paopla cm Uve all their Uvea is a tornado belt and never tea one. But those iacu arent very con vincing to anyone who has expert tnced nature's most violent and spectacular storm. . aithmiva tha - majority of the tornados occur in the Midwest .that , - . doesn't mean yon shouldn't know Jfus 14 , . . wo more obtainable! something about them if you live elsewhere. G-E 40" "Stteedtter" automatic - ..ilna hav atrurk la evnr - - . " tUte, in every month and at every . Thl nlnnln corkacrewB of dea- bructioa possess tremendous lifting tranath ami kv bin knowa to produce whirling masses- reaching Wt speeds ot mora than Ml miles aa hour. They pack mora wallop . . than aa atom BtWK. s.v Nobody kaaws for-oertala Just ha murk amrav ia enerated ia tt vArtjnr toraada because the twister's rotary, winds chew up measuring Instruments. The thunderclouds have an emi aous appearance. Tha color often is described as a sickly greenish - - black. Out of the base of this dark thundercloud, a funnel shaped cloud reaches toward the earth, spinning counter clockwise. The funnel varies. Sometimes K It a sort of thin, dangling rope. Often it resembles an elephant's trunk as it weaves back and forth across its path. .. . -J Tornadoes usually move from the aouthwest They average S to 40 miles per hour but have varied from five to 131 miles an hour. They usually occur between S and 1 pm. . The old sailor saving "any port la a storm" doesn't apply to tor . nadeet. Large cities are Just as liable to be na u isoiaieu region. BmiB PraiectlM 1 . There is no universal protection against tornadoes except caves or nderground excavationa. , - Many tau tales nave oeen wa about tornadoes. True freaks, now- ( .k.ll.kU that It bat necssary to manufacture stories. . D. Flora, retired Topeka metaorologist who has written a book on tornadoes, tells of a tor nado in Oklahoma which picked op a bouse in which a man and his wife were eating supper. The wind carried tha house aloft. t tit.rn mmloded in the air but the floor remained intact and set tled horizontally to the ground. Tne couple was uninjured. !. oat at Sheet iMtl last vear a man was blows out of his shoes which were left tied. There'll be more scientific mech anisms than ever before at stra tegic observauoa posia w warn j. tornadoes mis year ticuuw try ta unlock secrets of the devas tating storms. , The weather bureau's storm lor eastin center at Kansas City now limes warnings two to four hours la advance, spotting about 70 per cent ot the twisters wjthln 150 miles f the warning area. - 1 Tornado drills are conducted at regular intervals - la- T o p a k a iiespite advanced knowledge of meteorology ana o" -"'" cauipment, however, u" Tr!?J,Z-li ... i tn la advance w where a tornado will "L.-j r.mrrm U.8. Weather Bureau meteorologist her says w stiD can t preaic -. " "m liirnado funnels bat we cad determine whether one ia -capable of tnem. WANTED: MIMICAL DUBS. - DES MOINES, Iowa (It - Dr. r .. cuth. noted composer. auinor and music criUc. says peo ple who wouia ua w fmv -cical instrument but hav no talent should mage a sUb at It Just for their owa pleasure. "Like golf, tennis or baseball, music neela a itai many dubs," he says. ST 25 OF EACHI...WE CAN'T GET MOR we bought them . . . and held them . . . tor M&r DAY ... and I Ol! and you'll find them only at Meier & Frank's ? - - j although they don't "match". . . the value Is "MArCflLESS" BUY THEM BOTH for SAVE only $3.25 weekly out ot your budget, on month!) term of $13 NO DOWN PAYMENT Don't Be Sorry ... Be Early! axclusively at Meiarl Frank's hug capacity wide-opening oven removable, easy-tcxlejn Calrod oven units hi-speed surfK units, one EXTRA HI-SPEED unit automatic oven timer three big, roomy storage drawers timed appliance outlet and easy-change fuse receptacle automatic oven floodlight fluorescent cooking surface lamp 1 Sorry, no mail or phone orders on this item paaaiaBaaBaBaaBBaaBBafcaBBBBBaMaH.aBBBHaaH 1 !i . ri':'' - -aBaa, just 9 . . ' tehen they're gone ... no more! G-E 36" "Airliner" automatic PUSHBUTTON RANGE Save $85.17, Originally $2(1.95, While They Last General Electric "deluxe" automatic WASHER General Electric i(cutom" automatic DRYER Sate $91.07, originally S2..9.9. Just 23 for this sale . . . then no more! Save $72.12, originally $249.9.". Just 25 for this sale . . . then no more! As Lew as II a month Na dowa payment i exclusively at Meier & Frank's huge all-Calrod master oven Calrod bake-and-broil oven units, easy to remove and wash; automatic oven timer fast, clean hi-speed Calrod units with 5 heats modern pushbutton controls 'j' . Sorry, no mail or phone orders on this item AS LOW AS $8 A MONTH NO DOWN PAYMENT AS LOW AS $6 A MONTH NO DOWN PAYMENT BIG capacity . . . takes 9-pound dry load ' water-saver control . . . saves up to 14 gallons of water on small loads Fabri-Flex water temperature control dial on-off switch . . . stop washer any time during cycle completely automatic . . . washes, rinses, damp-dries, shuts off 5-YEAR WARRANTY ON SEALED-IN TRANSMISSION BIG capacity . . . dries 9-pound load at one time e pushbutton controls for high and low temperature settings e interior illumination . . . light goes on when door is opened pushbutton sprinkler gives you choice of fluffing or sprinkling your clothes e time dial permits selection of up to 1 40 routes drying time e magic air bath . . . G-E's OZONE lamp helps make clothes smell clean and fresh Appliance twmei that REALLY count APPLIANCE HEADQUARTERS-SECOND FLOOR