t HSec' III). Statesman. Sitim, Ore., Sun- June 10, '56 Mail and phone orders of 'tP ISMS'' 8' Feed Offers V' 'I .v. 'I . " .. " ' Gournct Test XT TEX ASSOCIATED PRESS nSfmV iht:i& -4 i i ' J 'I The language of food ii practi cally ai international aa the langu age of love and there are some epicurean souls who find it even Naturally, much of the Vocabu lary" m gourmets ta French, fori France is the heartland of the dis- cerninf cook and his client How well do you know your way round high-class menu? Do yon Just point and trust to luck, or can you order with savoir fairs and be reasonably sure of what you're go ing to get! Ta find your own lourmet trade, try these questions compiled by rood expert Claude Philippe of New YorVs Waldorf Astoria Hotel. L Three of the following four lerma bare something In common when used in connection with food. Which la the alien term and what do the other three signify; 1 Ai Bechamel i B) Begamaise CI Tournedoa ' D) Meuniert, PVk DeflnhiM . 1. Choose the correct definition for each of the following: (A) A flummery is U) a blanc manee Ivtm dessert made with flour, or cornstarch; IV an elabo rate centerpiece of sculptured ice decorating a buffet table: d a Blerced svoon used to remove bits of tea leaves from a freshly poured con. (B A bain marie is U a seven layer yellow cake with mocha fill ing and icing; J a delicate lemon flavored herb prized for flavoring pork' dishes; (3) a hot water bath wed. to keep Jtoods; warm and sometimes to cook them. ; Three Ckafaae '-.'t ; (Ci A caper is (1) the berry of an.alpioe punt from wnicn a snarp vinegar is made; (I) the smallest member of the mushroom family, beloved by gourmets for its tex ture; (3) the flower bud of a Medi terranean bush used In pickling and spice. - 3. These French words have a definite meaning whenever they ap pear; so that yon know what ta expect when you sea them oa a menu. Match op the words with the correct definition ' ; A. Macedoine 'B. Julienne '. C. Florentine . .. B. Lyonnaise ( . with a spinach .base t ' MtikmA arfth tantMd nniima f )' mixture of cut fruits or veg Mete confidence in the set, installation tbhW U food cut1 In 'thin lengthwise lice . strips 10 -oil or acid mixture la which AH ' food stands to gain flavor or tienderness. ; Oaa Oat af Place. . 4, Four of the five words Mentil a certain basic type of dish. Wht word k out of Place in the group and what if the commonly ' -' used - English word Jar the outer lour; iA. Rasnut ' It pianauene u. foqlasa, JD.:jnoccM,.E, Stroganofl 'twins';. '..''' 1 The alien term it lournedos," beef steak specialty,- j The other three are different Kinds of sauces, Bo live yourself 10 Points of each part of the ques-tonF-tt if you got both parts right 'I. ANA flummery is a blanc thange type dessert. - . k. B) A Bama, Marie la a hot bath used to keep foods warm and " sometimes to cook them. - '' " C A caper is the flower of a Mediterranean bush used in pick ling and spices. , 11 Points . - Give yourself 18 points for each part of the question you had right. ' er total of N points for the ques tion, , 1. A) VI acedoine mixture of cut fruits or vegetables B) Julienne food cut In thin, lengthwise strips C) Florentine with a -spinach base ., D) Lyonnaise-Cooked with ; aauteed onions ' . ' ' E) Vlarinade oil or acid mix- . tura in which food stands to gain - navor or tenderness. Take Ave points for each correct match-up or points for the whole question. .-:"!t;.' -. .4. The out - of place word is "jmoccht, a tasty Italian potato dumplinf. The commonly-used Eng lish word for each of the other is "stew. And take points If you bad the' whole question correct nothing If . you flunked either part. You're a gourmet or cookbook collector it you Kored 75 to 100. Voder 71, keep out of fancy-food cenversauoqs. Atomic Waste Likely to Pose Real Problem MnT.AHFT.Ptrf A. Pa. riNSU Ait itnmir encrev loeriillit at the University of Rochester predicts . that h 2000 JL D. the TJ. S. wUl have an annual disposal problem for some 300 tons of dangerous radioactive wastes. G. Hoyt Whipple told the American Industrial Hygiene As soc iation in Philadelphia that seme of the possibilities tor dis posal were burial In. dry ground, stagnant ocean deeps, ice caps, and caves, and even rockets to the moon. '' ' Ironically, Whipple pointed out, "Oceanographers strongly favor ' timt diiiMul while eeoloeists show ) a decided, preference ior ocean bttriaL" The nuclear researcher said the disposal problem has "world wide lonifiMnM anil demands care ful planning because global pro duction pi ftsstonaoie proaucu will have reached 1000 tons a year by the turn of the century. Whipple said at present almost 11 Atomle wastes are stored In underground tanks, but they are expensive to install and are sub ject to leaxa, earuquuea am efther: accidents. OPEN MONDAY AND FRIDAY ' 1UST09P.M. OTHER DAYS 9:30 A.M. TO 5:30 P.M. FREE STORE SDE PARKING Foa oyer 1,003 cars I : . never before ... direct factory purchase . . . full carload . . . RAYTHEON HI-FI What salel What a buy! What a TV theon . 1 suprama in electronics: for over a quarter cantury . "; brought to you in our great M&F Day sale at last than half price! Guaranteed by tha manufacturer and by Meier & Frank's one year on the picture tube, 90 days on all other tubes and parts. Buy your television with com- at Meier k Frank's-the store of Integrity. soil sold In our delivery area are Installed, connected to your antenna, and operating instructions are given, vision technician, at no extra charge. IT FAYS TO BUY AT MEIER & FRANK'S. We off ar expert" Installefion and service on tele vision sets In many localities throughout Oregon and Washington.- r .1 4 - V "Aristocrat 21" model, 270 iq. in. viewable area Regularly priced at $299.95 Vith UHF tuner for channel 27, $149.95 setl Ray and serv- delivered. serviced, by a tele RAYTHEON SYMPHONIC SOUND . . . 3 hi-fi speakers surround you with glorious living sound . . . full range from 40 to 14,000 cps. 10" bass speaker acoustically matched to two 4" high frequency speakers bring tones to life vyith thrilling concert hall besuty and rescmance . . . like a fine high fidelity phonographl maybe never again! w G$2 sz? 1 imug) At lotr as 97 a month i0 DOWJV PAYMENT iLZ t 175 sets T I! i - Ptw shipping cost to areas outside our regular truck delivery mrtet TELEVISION HEADQUARTERS-SECOND FLOOR W .: 0 1 jfl 1 1 -1 t a, ' "K- ,vi i H '. i ?! if a -i 1