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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (June 10, 1956)
Area of Eisenhower Operation Statesman, Salem, Ore.. Sun., June 10, '56 (Sec. III)-31 Mail and phone orders OPEN MONDAY AND FRIDAY , 12:1 J TO MA. OTHER DAYS :30 A.M. TO 5:30 P.M. FREE STORE-SIDE PARKING FOR OVER 1,000 CARS L M dT J J mm j rs ' - J. KEW YORK Diagram abd.mlaal entaiii lerate the laal Bar f the imall Intestine wber It Join large Intestine or caloa. TMl , part ef the amaU Intestine it railed the ileum. President Else bower's operatlM Saturday wa U reliee aa obstruction ef the Ileum. AP Wlrephole) President's Operation Gets Large Headlines in Europe By EDDY GILMORE position yields as readily to treat LONDON iff Kuropeans talked ' ment as everyone hopes it will. In many tongues Saturday on one misgivings about his health as a topic Ike s Ulnens. factor in the November election Newspapers carried the news of . are bound to be revived," the President Eisenhower's illness in Times said. big headlines. Everywhere the big( In Holland many newspapers question was 'will he stand again, were flooded with telephme calls lor election? because of false death rumors. Aides reported Prime Minister, At a Paris reception for former Eden had made "sympathetic in- President Harry S. Truman French quiries" about the President's political leaders expressed their health. Trench Premier tiuy Mol- itnhappiness about Ikes health, let sent a telegram to Eisenhower Several expressed the hope that he expressing hope of his prompt re-, would withdraw from the cam- co very. Ipaifin. Truman has said he hopes The London Daily Mirror said: Ithe President's illness is not sen "There was sad news last night Tins, about Dwight D. Eisenhower." From West Germaay West German Chancellor Konrad From Bonn, Western German Adenauer during a brief stopover j President Theodor Heuss cabled at Irelands Shannon Airport said his sincere wishes for Elsenhower's he learned "with regret" of the quick recovery, saying he'd heard President's illness. with "friendly concern" of his ill- Casts Shadow ness. The influential Indon Times said In Milan the independent news Eisenhower's sudden collapse casts paper II Giorno said: a shadow over the coming elec- "The world sincerely hopes that tion. ! the President of the United States ii not gravely ill and that he will be. back very soon." Britain's afternoon papers re flected the country's feeling of re lief after the operation. "Success Rullelia" "Ike Operation 'Success Bulletin'" headlined the Star. "Ike An Operation His Con dition 'Excellent'." bannered the Evening Standard. A spokesman for West Germany's opposition Socialists said the party was worried by reports of the President's illness. They hoped he would soon be able to resume his duties, saving there were groups in the i'mled States working against his important work of re ducing, world tension. Even behind the Iron Curtain his hospitalization was big news. Radio Prague and Radio Buda pest announced his Illness in morn ing broadcasts. In Moscow the of ficial Soviet news agency Tass, also reported the "illness of Presi dent Eisenhower." "Even if the President's indis- Doctors Sav Ike Can Go Golfing Hy Mid-August WASHINGTON - President Eisenhower got word Saturday from his doctor that he ll prob ably be able to resume coif and swimming by mid-August. The President may be able to swing a gol( club ecn before that, they said This hit of good news for Eisen hower was Included in the report given reporters in mid-afternoon at Walter Reed Army Hospital hy Maj. Gen. Leonard D. lleaton, hospital comnjandant who con "rfucted the President's operation early this morning Eisenhower is noted as an en thusiastic golfer He has turned trr swtmrning regularly as-part of., the therapy to aid his recovery from last fall's heart attack. Ike's Illness Provides Dramatic Time-Table WASHINGTON (if The drama of geons begin to arrive. Surgery President Eisenhower's new illness j possibility. began shortly after Thursday mid night in his White House bedroom. Reports from Presidential press secretaries, bulletins, from attend ing physicians and observations of newsmen have kept the nation in formed of the story. I P.M. Dr. Milton Eisenhower, the President's youngest brother, joins family at hospital. P.M. -White arrives. Says his information indicates no heart in volvement. Asked whether ailment might affect heart, he replies: "It The President retired late Thurs- i might have a little effect, but not dav nicht after returning from the much annual banquet of the W hite House 1 : 35 P.M. - Doctors report News Photographers Association, patient is "progressing satisfactor Here is a timetable of what fol- ily " Add "no indication for im lowed: ! mediate surgery." 12:45 A.M. EDT. Friday Mrs. Friday midnight Group of 13 Eisenhower telephones Maj Gen. j surgeons and specialists begin con Howard M. Snyder, the W h i t e sultation to decide whether per ilous physician. She says the ation necessary President's stomach is upset Sny der prescribes "a slight milk of magnesia " 2:15 A.M. Saturday -Hagerty dose of , announces: "An exploratory oper ' ation is necessary." Purpose: To 1:20 A.M. Mrs Eisenhower relieve the cause of intestinal calls back. The President is still j obstruction. complaining of Stomach discomfort ! 2:5 A.M. Operation begins. 2 A.M. - Snyder arrives al the vJrs t-isennower, Jonn ana Mi.ton ciMrujiirvtri iriuaui in pi csiucmiai While House, stavs uith Eisen hower through the night. t:M A.M. .lames C Hagerty. Presidential press secretary, an nounces Eisenhower has an "upset stomach and headahce this morn ing " The President's schedule for the day is postponed. But Hagerty emphasizes, as he did at each meeting with reporters- "There is nothing wrong with his heart " suite. Snyder brings them progress reports. Four surgeons comprise operating team. Estimated 20 to 22 persons doctors and nurses take part. 4:52 A.M. "The operation was successful." 5:11 A.M. Eisenhower is re turned to suite. Hagerty says that after one hour and 53 minutes on the operating table, the President 10:30 A.M. -Hagerty describes M, ..jn pXC.Tirnt condition the trouble as "not an illness hut j.:,2 AM offirial bulletin an upset" Reports the President reports "obstruction was relieved." I has no fever, but Snyder remains Sp(,nfiri jfjtj, nonmalignant di-! iui nun nn.r i'uiuM sras0 Mrfirt flctmn (ie5Cribed as the Eisenhowers will gn In Gettys- nornli,i ihroughnut. burg on Saturday for a weekend' ie.M AM Recovery "most they originally intended to s t a r t Sat isfnc-toriJy." Spirits good, Friday, morale high. Reports one surgeon 12:2J P.M. Hagerty announces i President awake several times, the President will be taken by am hulance to Walter Reed Army Hos pital "as a precautionary meas ure " Illness diagnosed as ileitis, an inflammation of the lower por tion of the small intestine. 1:27 P.M. Eisenhower carried l: P.M. Doctors look lor on stretcher to ambulance for the "rapid and complete recovery." - mile ride to hospital Mrs : They say he can carry on neces Eisenhower and son. Maj .Inhn ' sary functions in the coming week. Eisenhower, drive on ahead in a! resume "full activity" in four to on one occasion smiled and said "What a belly ache!" U:25 P.M. Hagerty, indicating rapid recovery is expected, says he anticipates no interruption in duties of the presidency reg.,8333.00 18th century mahogany 8 -PIECE DINING SUITE v 4 AS LOW AS til A MONTH NO DOWN-PAYMENT t or'-. v --do- -r, 'fur ' ' - ' ) 'ut t' . I 1 11 1 1 "I iniimaj-? rep $259.50 modern style bedroom suite AS U)W AS MONTH NO DOWN PAYMENT 179.50 Our great MicF Day sale brings this spectacular value for your din-' ing room! Eastern quality construction with iclected Honduras ma hogany in combination with eastern cabinet woods. The handsome1 eight -piece suite includes: credenza type buffet with six spacious j drawers, two compartments, lw front; double pedestal Duncan; Phyfe extension table; arm chair and five matching side chairs, up . bolstered: in striped tapestry. t foam rubber 1 club chair '" Imprtiiivtly big Mr. i Mr i. 6-drawtr deublt drttur with btvtl dg pUtt glait tilling mirror; full lilt bookctM rMtdboard btd. Mahogany vtmtri In Ctttlin tDfty finnh. reg, s325.00 modem oversize foam rubber sofa i ' 1 '- " ?"V TV hi AS LOW Al 0 DOWN $59.75 MOKTK 1 PAYMENT j Kinfl btaa, I" ' Ovanin, with 4m tii Mr ma . han T-lhipa ravartibl Mthlan. t4avy twnd In bg, brown, Mf, rM. AS LOW AS 19 MONTH NO DOWN PAYMENT 167.50 HALF PRICK On ef Valntin-Savfr'i moil popular of faring . . . cus tom quality construction ana tailoring throughout. Nylon factd t a pa i try, grctn, brown, toait, tagt, row, fold. reg. $29.95 18th century occasional tables AS LOW AS $5 MONTH NO DOWN PAYMENT 19.95 Sava SI 0.00 en each ef that talitm quality eccaiional piec.i. All with hand teelad gold laaf laathar tepal S'ap labia, commoda wiih drawer, lamp tabla, refrtahmenl table. I I "t ii i ii i i l jiehS w i ii in rep 990 r foam rubber ! roto rocker 69.50 AS LOW Al H MOTfTH NO DOWN PAYMENT H awrvelt aa If recital Upnelateree) kign back or Lewtert iryla. J" feam rubber tueKlent. Decorator fabrki. ? n reg. $99.50 perwa siyie mng chair M9.75 AS LOW AS MONTH NO DOWN PAYMENT reg. s59.50 M&F's 99th anniversary ATTRESS by SIMMONS High wing beck, tufrtdj welted arma. tevef ible lorlng unit teat nxhien. Figurad arM in beige or green ground. FURNITURE-SECOND FLOOR 15.. :.- f I fT'. WMJwieiaMaKBMMHaMaerT?...: .um, AS LOW AS S3 A MONTH NO DOWN PAYMENT f iW' rt Wttf " 1 4aik Ammii limmilrtTi. six wreki. Probably leave the hos- M P.M. - Ambulance reaches Pital in 15 das Do Heatn Walter Reed. Mrs Eisenhower seems somewhat drawn, her eyes downcast. J: P.M. - Snyder and Maj. Gen. Leonard D. Heaton, hospital commandant, aay the President has a partial obstruction of small intestine. Confirm diagnosis of ileitis. Electrocardiogram shows heart in same condition as when last examined, in mid-May. An nounce consultants have been sum- any reason why Eisenhower should not run for another term? I cer tainly do not." Hood Highway Relocation Due PORTLAND W - Bids will be opened June 22 for relocatinf a section of the Mt. Hood Highway, the Bureau of Public Roads re- moned. including Dr. Paul Dudley ported Friday. While. Boston heart specialist who I F. E. Andrews, division engl- reg. 299.50 AinWuerf $249.50 Simmonl "long-boy," extra long, an tra comfortable, extra good looking! Instantly make into a full aire bad with Simmon Daap Slaap inner apring maltreat. Ataorted fabrici. AS LOW AS 111 MONTH NO DOWN PAYMENT headed the team attending Eisen hower after coronary attack last Sept 24. S P.M. . Hagerty lays doctors advise it "would be wrong" to des cribe condition as "critical!" Sur- neer for the bureau, said the proj ect calls for reloading the pres ent highway from about seven mliea east of Rhododendron to the junction with Timberlint Road east of Government Camp. rep $79.50 twin bed set Simmoni Hollywood itt tmludet Stm mom roll tdg mattrati, button tufted top and bottom, with cotton and foam rubbf top par; matching box spring on lix tturdy la). Twin nza only. M4.88 AS LOW AS IS MONTH NO DOWN PAYMENT Marie exclusively for Meier & Frank's by Simmons! One of the greatest mattress values we've ever offered. 405 patented auto-lock coil construction; steel button tufted top and bottom. Simmons pat ented sag-proof border . . . pre-built border is attached to springs on top and bottom. Beautifully tailored in government specified S-oiiikc luo-lonc gray stripe. Full or twin size available. Keg. $59.50 matching Ih) springs. $.39.50 . . . ' . - 5 MATTRESSES-SECOND FLOOR 'Pita shipping cost to arras outside our rrgular truck delivery routes aim; li ill? t iljiiitiiticiai lUhMtii V 4i.i; VJJHiJi tun- -it J